After i beaten up a guy his friend (girl) invited me to her house

I was 16 when it happened. I went to this club and drank a little bit. This half drunk moroccan guy was coming towards me and he pushed me away with his shoulder.
I asked him what was the problem, he said that i was the one that was pushing him and that i should move out when he is walking.
I just had enough of that bullcrap and i punched his face, the guy fell and was shocked, his friend, who was a girl who attended at my high school, started to scream at me and calling me an animal.
Shortly after the bouncers kicked me out.
I went back at school 2 days later and this girl always gave me bad looks or say some bullshit like "you are just a violent asshole" or "can't wait till the moroccan guy and his friends will beat your ass"
One day she was starting again but i couldn't take it no more and i said "why don't you shut your fucking mouth up you bitch? Mind your business"
I don't know what the fuck happened by there but something changed, the next day she apologized and started to act weird, like she was my best friend or something. I was very inexperienced at that time, so i didn't know what to do. She added me on FB and started sending me some of her pics, she was like "you have beautiful eyes i can't stop stare at them" or "you have this bad boy look but i know deep down you want someone"
One day she publishes a pic of her eyes and as a description she writes "I perform for ya, like a pornstar" and tagged me and got upset when i didn't like or comment.
Then, one day, she invites me to her house for "dinner" and says "i will cook you something good, do you like puttanesca? ;)" (Puttana in italian means slut or whore, It was a wordplay)
So i went there, had dinner with her and didn't do fucking anything. She was teasing me but i just had one sexual experience 2 years prior and that was it, so i didn't know how to act and eventually she got tired of me never doing anything and ghosted me after i failed at picking up her IOIs.

Tldr: i beat up a guy at a disco, his friend sees me, she first hates me and insults me but when i fire back she acts like she is attracted and invites me to her home for dinner.
brutal story.Never trust what people say frl

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