Change my Fucking View [GOD-TIER REDDIT POST]


Deleted member 9467

Sep 2, 2020
CMV: There are intelligence differences between races due to genetics, with Jews and East Asians having the highest IQ, and Africans the lowest. I beg of you, change my view.

This is a view that I am neither proud nor happy to hold, but it seems to me to be the truth after some research. It is an ugly, and potentially unhelpful and harmful belief, but that may not stop it from being true. This post is so long because I want to be thorough in expressing my ideas. I am truly hoping that my view can be changed.

To clarify my view: I believe in the concept of races. This CMV is not about the existence of races. For one, races are a very clearly visible thing that we can distinguish from an early age (there is evidence that 1 year olds form racial preferences). I can look and see, 'this guy is white, this guy is indian, this girl is native american, this girl is east asian'. I believe that while races can intermix, there are still pretty clear delineations between groups. Some populations or countries might, for example, be 80% caucasian and 20% east asian, and there may be spectrums between races in some areas, but I don't think that negates the concept of races. I think it's very possible that Africans, having had more time to evolve in Africa than the other races since they left, could be considered to be more than one race, but I don't know enough about it. I've heard that different African populations have more genetic dissimilarity than caucasians do compared to Asians, for example. I will be using the term 'race' to refer to the broad groups (i.e. caucasians) as well as smaller, less distinct people (i.e. semitic peoples, or jews, or slavs) because I don't understand enough to differentiate.

My belief relies heavily on IQ scores and testing. While IQ is only a tool we can use to measure intelligence, which isn't even that well defined in the first place, I fully believe that it is a useful and valid measure of what we generally think of as intelligence. It is highly and positively correlated with almost all the things we think of as good in people and society: reduced criminality, increased wages, increased lifespan, reduced mental illness, increased level of education. I don't think anyone will CMV by arguing that IQ is an illegitimate measure of intelligence. When I speak of the intelligence of a race, I fully understand that the measured IQ of a group is a single number given to a distribution of scores, and that not only individuals, but families, clans, and ethnic groups will have IQs significantly higher or lower than the group they belong to. It is my sincere hope that this post doesn't offend anybody.

My biases: I am white, and have a negative view of African-American culture. I've taken bias tests which show a negative prejudice towards black people. I know how this is going to sound, but if I see a black person dressed not in a lower class or 'urban' way, and they speak and act in a 'white' way, I honestly believe I have no prejudice towards them. I think that if I have racial prejudice towards black people at all, I am much, much more classist towards black culture. On the other hand, I hold a lukewarm opinion of Japanese culture, and a mostly negative one towards chinese, though I believe they are, as a race, more intelligent than caucasians. I also may hold a disproportionately high view of the IQ test, because I've been tested as a child and scored higher than average.

My sources: My information is mostly from wikipedia, as well as other online sources throughout the years. I don't have the time to reread all the wikipedia articles and cite all my claims, but I will post a few links that I think are important. Now, I think it is a very important point to bring up the politics of race and intelligence within academia. I believe, as a pretty far left liberal who's life goal is to go into academia, that there has been and continues to be a bias among researchers to minimize any racial IQ differences. There are many reasons for this, from the greater proportion of lefties in social sciences, to the potential blowback a researcher or institution could get if it published research that showed significant differences. The effect of political correctness of the accuracy of studies must not be underestimated. I will be using research from Richard Lynn in this CMV, and while I believe that he may be racist, and that it is true that his some of his methodologies may be suspect, I trust his work. (This view is open to be changed- that there is no political correctness influencing studies to show less of a difference in IQ). I do think it is somewhat likely that Lynn has exaggerated the difference in IQ, but I don't think it would be a very significant exaggeration.

These are the main articles I've read to gain an understanding:

I haven't read all these recently in preparation for this CMV, I've skimmed some but I'm mostly going on memory. I've read them all at points in the past.

Now, the ugly bits. My understanding is that Jews and east asians have the highest IQs. Using data from IQ and Global Inequality (2002), Hong Kong and Singapore have an national IQ of 108. According to this page , Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 107-115. Most of northern Europe sits a little above or below 100. Turkey sits at 90, Guetamala at 79, Qatar at 78, Ethiopia at 69, and Equitorial Guinea at 59. I understand the Flynn effect, but it doesn't seem that this can come anywhere close to accounting for differences. It is completely possible for authors to massage and omit data to fit whatever narrative they want, so I'd appreciate if somebody with a lot of experience with these studies could weigh in on which ones to trust.

The idea that different races would have different intelligence seems to me to be a fact. They may be small, but different evolutionary pressures in incredibly different environments must have led to differences. Humans might have left east africa up to 300000 years ago, and Africa up to 125000 years ago.

There are clear physical differences that can be used to determine the race of a person from their bones. A study from 1995 found east asians have an average brain volume of 1364 cm3, caucasians 1346 cm3, and africans 1267 cm^3.

A look at American crime rates, SAT scores, incarceration rates, income, and lifespan all show a consistent theme: east asians at the top, then caucasians, then africans. Of course some of this is influenced by culture and the history of racism in our country, but I don't think it explains all, or even most of it.

Look at Jews throughout history. They were massacred in progroms. Denied land ownership and jobs. Systematically discriminated against everywhere. Asians recieved much the same treatment in America for years and years. They came as the bottom of society, breaking their backs building railroads, a step up from slaves. Barred from most of society, denied employment. Yet, these two groups are more successful in America and Europe than caucasians today. Compare this to Africans. If racism really is the sole cause of African-Americans as a population's hardships, why aren't jews and east asians struggling today with them?

I think it goes even further back. People tout the Mali and Ethiopian and Numidian empires as proof that Africans were just as technologically and societally advanced as the Europe, the near east, and the far east, but I don't agree. These civilizations were nowhere near as advanced as their counterparts, mostly empires built on pure warfare rather than administrative and technological capabilities, and they are an exception rather than the rule in Africa. Look at how Africa struggles even to this day. A racial intelligence difference explains all this in a very simple way.

If I sound like a neo nazi, it is only because I am laying out my true beliefs in an open a way as possible, because I hate holding this belief. Please, change my view.

Edit: there was some trouble posting this the first time from a throwaway, and in the meantime I found some racist post a whole bunch of image links about race. Some were obviously bullshit, like that gorillas are smarter than africans. I'm going to post the rest to either provide more evidence or so they can be debunked.

Wealthy blacks commit more hommicide than poor whites

Blacks are 25x as likely to commit violent assault on whites compared to whites on blacks

Genetic distance of different ethnicities
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dn read a pixel + greycel kys
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rd every word
dn react
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CMV: There are intelligence differences between races due to genetics, with Jews and East Asians having the highest IQ, and Africans the lowest. I beg of you, change my view.

This is a view that I am neither proud nor happy to hold, but it seems to me to be the truth after some research. It is an ugly, and potentially unhelpful and harmful belief, but that may not stop it from being true. This post is so long because I want to be thorough in expressing my ideas. I am truly hoping that my view can be changed.

To clarify my view: I believe in the concept of races. This CMV is not about the existence of races. For one, races are a very clearly visible thing that we can distinguish from an early age (there is evidence that 1 year olds form racial preferences). I can look and see, 'this guy is white, this guy is indian, this girl is native american, this girl is east asian'. I believe that while races can intermix, there are still pretty clear delineations between groups. Some populations or countries might, for example, be 80% caucasian and 20% east asian, and there may be spectrums between races in some areas, but I don't think that negates the concept of races. I think it's very possible that Africans, having had more time to evolve in Africa than the other races since they left, could be considered to be more than one race, but I don't know enough about it. I've heard that different African populations have more genetic dissimilarity than caucasians do compared to Asians, for example. I will be using the term 'race' to refer to the broad groups (i.e. caucasians) as well as smaller, less distinct people (i.e. semitic peoples, or jews, or slavs) because I don't understand enough to differentiate.

My belief relies heavily on IQ scores and testing. While IQ is only a tool we can use to measure intelligence, which isn't even that well defined in the first place, I fully believe that it is a useful and valid measure of what we generally think of as intelligence. It is highly and positively correlated with almost all the things we think of as good in people and society: reduced criminality, increased wages, increased lifespan, reduced mental illness, increased level of education. I don't think anyone will CMV by arguing that IQ is an illegitimate measure of intelligence. When I speak of the intelligence of a race, I fully understand that the measured IQ of a group is a single number given to a distribution of scores, and that not only individuals, but families, clans, and ethnic groups will have IQs significantly higher or lower than the group they belong to. It is my sincere hope that this post doesn't offend anybody.

My biases: I am white, and have a negative view of African-American culture. I've taken bias tests which show a negative prejudice towards black people. I know how this is going to sound, but if I see a black person dressed not in a lower class or 'urban' way, and they speak and act in a 'white' way, I honestly believe I have no prejudice towards them. I think that if I have racial prejudice towards black people at all, I am much, much more classist towards black culture. On the other hand, I hold a lukewarm opinion of Japanese culture, and a mostly negative one towards chinese, though I believe they are, as a race, more intelligent than caucasians. I also may hold a disproportionately high view of the IQ test, because I've been tested as a child and scored higher than average.

My sources: My information is mostly from wikipedia, as well as other online sources throughout the years. I don't have the time to reread all the wikipedia articles and cite all my claims, but I will post a few links that I think are important. Now, I think it is a very important point to bring up the politics of race and intelligence within academia. I believe, as a pretty far left liberal who's life goal is to go into academia, that there has been and continues to be a bias among researchers to minimize any racial IQ differences. There are many reasons for this, from the greater proportion of lefties in social sciences, to the potential blowback a researcher or institution could get if it published research that showed significant differences. The effect of political correctness of the accuracy of studies must not be underestimated. I will be using research from Richard Lynn in this CMV, and while I believe that he may be racist, and that it is true that his some of his methodologies may be suspect, I trust his work. (This view is open to be changed- that there is no political correctness influencing studies to show less of a difference in IQ). I do think it is somewhat likely that Lynn has exaggerated the difference in IQ, but I don't think it would be a very significant exaggeration.

These are the main articles I've read to gain an understanding:

I haven't read all these recently in preparation for this CMV, I've skimmed some but I'm mostly going on memory. I've read them all at points in the past.

Now, the ugly bits. My understanding is that Jews and east asians have the highest IQs. Using data from IQ and Global Inequality (2002), Hong Kong and Singapore have an national IQ of 108. According to this page , Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 107-115. Most of northern Europe sits a little above or below 100. Turkey sits at 90, Guetamala at 79, Qatar at 78, Ethiopia at 69, and Equitorial Guinea at 59. I understand the Flynn effect, but it doesn't seem that this can come anywhere close to accounting for differences. It is completely possible for authors to massage and omit data to fit whatever narrative they want, so I'd appreciate if somebody with a lot of experience with these studies could weigh in on which ones to trust.

The idea that different races would have different intelligence seems to me to be a fact. They may be small, but different evolutionary pressures in incredibly different environments must have led to differences. Humans might have left east africa up to 300000 years ago, and Africa up to 125000 years ago.

There are clear physical differences that can be used to determine the race of a person from their bones. A study from 1995 found east asians have an average brain volume of 1364 cm3, caucasians 1346 cm3, and africans 1267 cm^3.

A look at American crime rates, SAT scores, incarceration rates, income, and lifespan all show a consistent theme: east asians at the top, then caucasians, then africans. Of course some of this is influenced by culture and the history of racism in our country, but I don't think it explains all, or even most of it.

Look at Jews throughout history. They were massacred in progroms. Denied land ownership and jobs. Systematically discriminated against everywhere. Asians recieved much the same treatment in America for years and years. They came as the bottom of society, breaking their backs building railroads, a step up from slaves. Barred from most of society, denied employment. Yet, these two groups are more successful in America and Europe than caucasians today. Compare this to Africans. If racism really is the sole cause of African-Americans as a population's hardships, why aren't jews and east asians struggling today with them?

I think it goes even further back. People tout the Mali and Ethiopian and Numidian empires as proof that Africans were just as technologically and societally advanced as the Europe, the near east, and the far east, but I don't agree. These civilizations were nowhere near as advanced as their counterparts, mostly empires built on pure warfare rather than administrative and technological capabilities, and they are an exception rather than the rule in Africa. Look at how Africa struggles even to this day. A racial intelligence difference explains all this in a very simple way.

If I sound like a neo nazi, it is only because I am laying out my true beliefs in an open a way as possible, because I hate holding this belief. Please, change my view.

Edit: there was some trouble posting this the first time from a throwaway, and in the meantime I found some racist post a whole bunch of image links about race. Some were obviously bullshit, like that gorillas are smarter than africans. I'm going to post the rest to either provide more evidence or so they can be debunked.

Wealthy blacks commit more hommicide than poor whites

Blacks are 25x as likely to commit violent assault on whites compared to whites on blacks

Genetic distance of different ethnicities
C0BF9278 29DF 41DF B1AA 346C948C34EE
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00DE16BF 809B 43B1 8B68 BEEEFA56EA5F
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Reactions: Fosoba, Deleted member 1751, Deleted member 2012 and 2 others
CMV: There are intelligence differences between races due to genetics, with Jews and East Asians having the highest IQ, and Africans the lowest. I beg of you, change my view.

This is a view that I am neither proud nor happy to hold, but it seems to me to be the truth after some research. It is an ugly, and potentially unhelpful and harmful belief, but that may not stop it from being true. This post is so long because I want to be thorough in expressing my ideas. I am truly hoping that my view can be changed.

To clarify my view: I believe in the concept of races. This CMV is not about the existence of races. For one, races are a very clearly visible thing that we can distinguish from an early age (there is evidence that 1 year olds form racial preferences). I can look and see, 'this guy is white, this guy is indian, this girl is native american, this girl is east asian'. I believe that while races can intermix, there are still pretty clear delineations between groups. Some populations or countries might, for example, be 80% caucasian and 20% east asian, and there may be spectrums between races in some areas, but I don't think that negates the concept of races. I think it's very possible that Africans, having had more time to evolve in Africa than the other races since they left, could be considered to be more than one race, but I don't know enough about it. I've heard that different African populations have more genetic dissimilarity than caucasians do compared to Asians, for example. I will be using the term 'race' to refer to the broad groups (i.e. caucasians) as well as smaller, less distinct people (i.e. semitic peoples, or jews, or slavs) because I don't understand enough to differentiate.

My belief relies heavily on IQ scores and testing. While IQ is only a tool we can use to measure intelligence, which isn't even that well defined in the first place, I fully believe that it is a useful and valid measure of what we generally think of as intelligence. It is highly and positively correlated with almost all the things we think of as good in people and society: reduced criminality, increased wages, increased lifespan, reduced mental illness, increased level of education. I don't think anyone will CMV by arguing that IQ is an illegitimate measure of intelligence. When I speak of the intelligence of a race, I fully understand that the measured IQ of a group is a single number given to a distribution of scores, and that not only individuals, but families, clans, and ethnic groups will have IQs significantly higher or lower than the group they belong to. It is my sincere hope that this post doesn't offend anybody.

My biases: I am white, and have a negative view of African-American culture. I've taken bias tests which show a negative prejudice towards black people. I know how this is going to sound, but if I see a black person dressed not in a lower class or 'urban' way, and they speak and act in a 'white' way, I honestly believe I have no prejudice towards them. I think that if I have racial prejudice towards black people at all, I am much, much more classist towards black culture. On the other hand, I hold a lukewarm opinion of Japanese culture, and a mostly negative one towards chinese, though I believe they are, as a race, more intelligent than caucasians. I also may hold a disproportionately high view of the IQ test, because I've been tested as a child and scored higher than average.

My sources: My information is mostly from wikipedia, as well as other online sources throughout the years. I don't have the time to reread all the wikipedia articles and cite all my claims, but I will post a few links that I think are important. Now, I think it is a very important point to bring up the politics of race and intelligence within academia. I believe, as a pretty far left liberal who's life goal is to go into academia, that there has been and continues to be a bias among researchers to minimize any racial IQ differences. There are many reasons for this, from the greater proportion of lefties in social sciences, to the potential blowback a researcher or institution could get if it published research that showed significant differences. The effect of political correctness of the accuracy of studies must not be underestimated. I will be using research from Richard Lynn in this CMV, and while I believe that he may be racist, and that it is true that his some of his methodologies may be suspect, I trust his work. (This view is open to be changed- that there is no political correctness influencing studies to show less of a difference in IQ). I do think it is somewhat likely that Lynn has exaggerated the difference in IQ, but I don't think it would be a very significant exaggeration.

These are the main articles I've read to gain an understanding:

I haven't read all these recently in preparation for this CMV, I've skimmed some but I'm mostly going on memory. I've read them all at points in the past.

Now, the ugly bits. My understanding is that Jews and east asians have the highest IQs. Using data from IQ and Global Inequality (2002), Hong Kong and Singapore have an national IQ of 108. According to this page , Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 107-115. Most of northern Europe sits a little above or below 100. Turkey sits at 90, Guetamala at 79, Qatar at 78, Ethiopia at 69, and Equitorial Guinea at 59. I understand the Flynn effect, but it doesn't seem that this can come anywhere close to accounting for differences. It is completely possible for authors to massage and omit data to fit whatever narrative they want, so I'd appreciate if somebody with a lot of experience with these studies could weigh in on which ones to trust.

The idea that different races would have different intelligence seems to me to be a fact. They may be small, but different evolutionary pressures in incredibly different environments must have led to differences. Humans might have left east africa up to 300000 years ago, and Africa up to 125000 years ago.

There are clear physical differences that can be used to determine the race of a person from their bones. A study from 1995 found east asians have an average brain volume of 1364 cm3, caucasians 1346 cm3, and africans 1267 cm^3.

A look at American crime rates, SAT scores, incarceration rates, income, and lifespan all show a consistent theme: east asians at the top, then caucasians, then africans. Of course some of this is influenced by culture and the history of racism in our country, but I don't think it explains all, or even most of it.

Look at Jews throughout history. They were massacred in progroms. Denied land ownership and jobs. Systematically discriminated against everywhere. Asians recieved much the same treatment in America for years and years. They came as the bottom of society, breaking their backs building railroads, a step up from slaves. Barred from most of society, denied employment. Yet, these two groups are more successful in America and Europe than caucasians today. Compare this to Africans. If racism really is the sole cause of African-Americans as a population's hardships, why aren't jews and east asians struggling today with them?

I think it goes even further back. People tout the Mali and Ethiopian and Numidian empires as proof that Africans were just as technologically and societally advanced as the Europe, the near east, and the far east, but I don't agree. These civilizations were nowhere near as advanced as their counterparts, mostly empires built on pure warfare rather than administrative and technological capabilities, and they are an exception rather than the rule in Africa. Look at how Africa struggles even to this day. A racial intelligence difference explains all this in a very simple way.

If I sound like a neo nazi, it is only because I am laying out my true beliefs in an open a way as possible, because I hate holding this belief. Please, change my view.

Edit: there was some trouble posting this the first time from a throwaway, and in the meantime I found some racist post a whole bunch of image links about race. Some were obviously bullshit, like that gorillas are smarter than africans. I'm going to post the rest to either provide more evidence or so they can be debunked.

Wealthy blacks commit more hommicide than poor whites

Blacks are 25x as likely to commit violent assault on whites compared to whites on blacks

Genetic distance of different ethnicities
but in the end everyone worships the white man and woman, intelligence is something but looks is more important. Asian women love white men and asian men love white women as well. IQ only helps if ur goodlooking white man otherwise if ur. 5 ‘ 7’’ curry whos a doctor or whatever it wont matter.
but in the end everyone worships the white man and woman, intelligence is something but looks is more important. Asian women love white men and asian men love white women as well. IQ only helps if ur goodlooking white man otherwise if ur. 5 ‘ 7’’ curry whos a doctor or whatever it wont matter.

Except I didn't even mention looks in my post. This isn't the looksmaxxing section
Op you got original post to see redditors screeching
Except I didn't even mention looks in my post. This isn't the looksmaxxing section
i understand that but if ur really blackpilled u would Know that intelligence is fking cope. Look at jeremy meeks lmao he was a fuckin convict and his mugshot got him married with a billionaire woman just jfl.
  • +1
Reactions: Leviathin
It depends on how the tests were administered. If they were mandatory, people from an area with a bad education culture would score lower due to them not taking it seriously, regardless of race.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 756 and Deleted member 1973
yes, that's why harvard crated a race quota, because there were too many jews and asians
Just go anywhere that is multicural and / or interact with people of those ethnicities and it becomes painfully obvious
i understand that but if ur really blackpilled u would Know that intelligence is fking cope. Look at jeremy meeks lmao he was a fuckin convict and his mugshot got him married with a billionaire woman just jfl.

Shut the fuck up honestly, just because meeks got rich from his looks doesn't mean shit

There's one fucking Jeremy meeks in the world who managed to do this. You just got an outlier who managed to get rich from his looks to try and prove intelligence doesn't matter

Most rich people in this world are successful because of intelligence. Don't be fucking stupid muh black pill gotta be so attractive to become rich fucking idiot
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'8manlet, Deleted member 10602, LastHopeForNorman and 5 others
Shut the fuck up honestly, just because meeks got rich from his looks doesn't mean shit

There's one fucking Jeremy meeks in the world who managed to do this. You just got an outlier who managed to get rich from his looks to try and prove intelligence doesn't matter

Most rich people in this world are successful because of intelligence. Don't be fucking stupid muh black pill gotta be so attractive to become rich fucking idiot
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6403
  • Hmm...
  • +1
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What are you trying to say? I didnt say shit about iq did I? I said Intelligence read properly. Never once did I mention you need a high iq to be rich.

Intelligence DOES NOT EQUAL IQ.

Iq is designed to be an accurate metric of intelligence as possible. It's not synonymous to intelligence but it generally correlates to intelligence

There's a tremendous amount of luck involved in becoming very socioeconomic successful. That's actually the hardest blackpill to swallow.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10602, AutismMaxing, The Moggee and 4 others
CMV: There are intelligence differences between races due to genetics, with Jews and East Asians having the highest IQ, and Africans the lowest. I beg of you, change my view.

This is a view that I am neither proud nor happy to hold, but it seems to me to be the truth after some research. It is an ugly, and potentially unhelpful and harmful belief, but that may not stop it from being true. This post is so long because I want to be thorough in expressing my ideas. I am truly hoping that my view can be changed.

To clarify my view: I believe in the concept of races. This CMV is not about the existence of races. For one, races are a very clearly visible thing that we can distinguish from an early age (there is evidence that 1 year olds form racial preferences). I can look and see, 'this guy is white, this guy is indian, this girl is native american, this girl is east asian'. I believe that while races can intermix, there are still pretty clear delineations between groups. Some populations or countries might, for example, be 80% caucasian and 20% east asian, and there may be spectrums between races in some areas, but I don't think that negates the concept of races. I think it's very possible that Africans, having had more time to evolve in Africa than the other races since they left, could be considered to be more than one race, but I don't know enough about it. I've heard that different African populations have more genetic dissimilarity than caucasians do compared to Asians, for example. I will be using the term 'race' to refer to the broad groups (i.e. caucasians) as well as smaller, less distinct people (i.e. semitic peoples, or jews, or slavs) because I don't understand enough to differentiate.

My belief relies heavily on IQ scores and testing. While IQ is only a tool we can use to measure intelligence, which isn't even that well defined in the first place, I fully believe that it is a useful and valid measure of what we generally think of as intelligence. It is highly and positively correlated with almost all the things we think of as good in people and society: reduced criminality, increased wages, increased lifespan, reduced mental illness, increased level of education. I don't think anyone will CMV by arguing that IQ is an illegitimate measure of intelligence. When I speak of the intelligence of a race, I fully understand that the measured IQ of a group is a single number given to a distribution of scores, and that not only individuals, but families, clans, and ethnic groups will have IQs significantly higher or lower than the group they belong to. It is my sincere hope that this post doesn't offend anybody.

My biases: I am white, and have a negative view of African-American culture. I've taken bias tests which show a negative prejudice towards black people. I know how this is going to sound, but if I see a black person dressed not in a lower class or 'urban' way, and they speak and act in a 'white' way, I honestly believe I have no prejudice towards them. I think that if I have racial prejudice towards black people at all, I am much, much more classist towards black culture. On the other hand, I hold a lukewarm opinion of Japanese culture, and a mostly negative one towards chinese, though I believe they are, as a race, more intelligent than caucasians. I also may hold a disproportionately high view of the IQ test, because I've been tested as a child and scored higher than average.

My sources: My information is mostly from wikipedia, as well as other online sources throughout the years. I don't have the time to reread all the wikipedia articles and cite all my claims, but I will post a few links that I think are important. Now, I think it is a very important point to bring up the politics of race and intelligence within academia. I believe, as a pretty far left liberal who's life goal is to go into academia, that there has been and continues to be a bias among researchers to minimize any racial IQ differences. There are many reasons for this, from the greater proportion of lefties in social sciences, to the potential blowback a researcher or institution could get if it published research that showed significant differences. The effect of political correctness of the accuracy of studies must not be underestimated. I will be using research from Richard Lynn in this CMV, and while I believe that he may be racist, and that it is true that his some of his methodologies may be suspect, I trust his work. (This view is open to be changed- that there is no political correctness influencing studies to show less of a difference in IQ). I do think it is somewhat likely that Lynn has exaggerated the difference in IQ, but I don't think it would be a very significant exaggeration.

These are the main articles I've read to gain an understanding:

I haven't read all these recently in preparation for this CMV, I've skimmed some but I'm mostly going on memory. I've read them all at points in the past.

Now, the ugly bits. My understanding is that Jews and east asians have the highest IQs. Using data from IQ and Global Inequality (2002), Hong Kong and Singapore have an national IQ of 108. According to this page , Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 107-115. Most of northern Europe sits a little above or below 100. Turkey sits at 90, Guetamala at 79, Qatar at 78, Ethiopia at 69, and Equitorial Guinea at 59. I understand the Flynn effect, but it doesn't seem that this can come anywhere close to accounting for differences. It is completely possible for authors to massage and omit data to fit whatever narrative they want, so I'd appreciate if somebody with a lot of experience with these studies could weigh in on which ones to trust.

The idea that different races would have different intelligence seems to me to be a fact. They may be small, but different evolutionary pressures in incredibly different environments must have led to differences. Humans might have left east africa up to 300000 years ago, and Africa up to 125000 years ago.

There are clear physical differences that can be used to determine the race of a person from their bones. A study from 1995 found east asians have an average brain volume of 1364 cm3, caucasians 1346 cm3, and africans 1267 cm^3.

A look at American crime rates, SAT scores, incarceration rates, income, and lifespan all show a consistent theme: east asians at the top, then caucasians, then africans. Of course some of this is influenced by culture and the history of racism in our country, but I don't think it explains all, or even most of it.

Look at Jews throughout history. They were massacred in progroms. Denied land ownership and jobs. Systematically discriminated against everywhere. Asians recieved much the same treatment in America for years and years. They came as the bottom of society, breaking their backs building railroads, a step up from slaves. Barred from most of society, denied employment. Yet, these two groups are more successful in America and Europe than caucasians today. Compare this to Africans. If racism really is the sole cause of African-Americans as a population's hardships, why aren't jews and east asians struggling today with them?

I think it goes even further back. People tout the Mali and Ethiopian and Numidian empires as proof that Africans were just as technologically and societally advanced as the Europe, the near east, and the far east, but I don't agree. These civilizations were nowhere near as advanced as their counterparts, mostly empires built on pure warfare rather than administrative and technological capabilities, and they are an exception rather than the rule in Africa. Look at how Africa struggles even to this day. A racial intelligence difference explains all this in a very simple way.

If I sound like a neo nazi, it is only because I am laying out my true beliefs in an open a way as possible, because I hate holding this belief. Please, change my view.

Edit: there was some trouble posting this the first time from a throwaway, and in the meantime I found some racist post a whole bunch of image links about race. Some were obviously bullshit, like that gorillas are smarter than africans. I'm going to post the rest to either provide more evidence or so they can be debunked.

Wealthy blacks commit more hommicide than poor whites

Blacks are 25x as likely to commit violent assault on whites compared to whites on blacks

Genetic distance of different ethnicities
Greycel IQ cope JFL
Bro you are so in the dark about Jews. They are highest iq of any race which is why they've been able to control the world so well. They were never really heavily discriminated against in the US like Asians and other immigrants were and caused much of the world's evil. The rest I agree with though.
I think this is the only time ive ever said this

I agree there is HEAPS of luck to become successful, but generally speaking intelligent people are more likely to become successful than people who aren't. However you want to define intelligence is upto you

I was just trying to point out to that idiot up there that just become meeks got famous off his looks doesn't mean Intelligence doesn't matter. He's one guy out of 7 billion people that managed to do this, he's a HUGE outlier

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What are you trying to say? I didnt say shit about iq did I? I said Intelligence read properly. Never once did I mention you need a high iq to be rich.

Intelligence DOES NOT EQUAL IQ.
Nigga kys lmao u fucking greycel ur ugly af fukin shoot ur self in the penis
Nigga kys lmao u fuckimg greycel ur ugly af fukin shoot ur self in the penis

No wonder you said Intelligence is cope you don't seem to be intelligent yourself, have a good day hopefully you realise your not meeks and you can't become successful like him 🙂
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Iq is designed to be an accurate metric of intelligence as possible. It's not synonymous to intelligence but it generally correlates to intelligence

There's a tremendous amount of luck involved in becoming very socioeconomic successful. That's actually the hardest blackpill to swallow.
Not really. It is of my opinion most people can be financially well-off and make middle class income if they put in the work. Being a multimillionare is a different story.
Research shows that socioeconomic and family status matters more than genetics to determine iq.Blacks generally have poor economic conditions, absent parents.
The blacks' iq has also been increasing in the last few decades, which collaborates with this idea.
The iq of a European centuries ago was 60, which would be deficient today.
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Most use Meeks as an example that iq doesn't matter, but they forget about Marlon teixeira, he was going to work for mc donalds when he received a model proposal
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Most use Meeks as an example that iq doesn't matter, but they forget about Marlon teixeira, he was going to work for mc donalds when he received a model proposal
Meeks was gonna get a stacy to beta bux him either way tbh
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If There Were No ethnics in Europe, we would also have 108 IQ
Taking stands on a post like this is a huge looksmin tbh
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>muh I hate black culture, m-muh g-ghetto mmuh i hate it
>Japanese are good
it's an incel
and by default I don't listen to incel opinions regardless of whether they're right or wrong
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It is well written, but completely falls apart on the fact that education quality has a significant impact on IQ, and because races are obviously far from evenly spread out over all countries, for example on average black people live in countries with worse education at a much higher rate than any other race. And even within the USA black people live in poorer, underfunded areas with shitty schools on average. So although there might be an IQ difference between races that doesn't mean this difference is genetic
It is well written, but completely falls apart on the fact that education quality has a significant impact on IQ, and because races are obviously far from evenly spread out over all countries, for example on average black people live in countries with worse education at a much higher rate than any other race. And even within the USA black people live in poorer, underfunded areas with shitty schools on average. So although there might be an IQ difference between races that doesn't mean this difference is genetic

although studies did control for education - like the black adoptee in a white family vs white adoptee in black family
although studies did control for education - like the black adoptee in a white family vs white adoptee in black family
Check out "Environmental influences on group differences in IQ" in the wikipedia article on race and intelligence. It seems to provide very solid evidence of the contrary. Also, can you link me the article that you just referred to?
Also, this

During the 20th century raw scores on IQ tests were rising; this score increase is known as the "Flynn effect," named after James R. Flynn. In the United States, the increase was continuous and approximately linear from the earliest years of testing to about 1998 when the gains stopped and some tests even showed decreasing test scores. For example, the average scores of black people on some IQ tests in 1995 were the same as the scores of white people in 1945.[59] As one pair of academics phrased it, "the typical African American today probably has a slightly higher IQ than the grandparents of today's average white American."[60]

Flynn has argued that, given that these changes took place between one generation and the next, it is highly unlikely that genetic factors could have accounted for the increasing scores, which must then have been caused by environmental factors. The importance of the Flynn effect in the debate over the causes of the black/white IQ gap lies in demonstrating that environmental factors may cause changes in test scores on the scale of 1 standard deviation. This had previously been doubted.

A separate phenomenon from the Flynn effect has been the discovery that the IQ gap was gradually closing over the last decades of the 20th century, as black test-takers increased their average scores relative to white test-takers. For instance, Vincent reported in 1991 that the black–white IQ gap was decreasing among children, but that it was remaining constant among adults.[61] Similarly, a 2006 study by Dickens and Flynn estimated that the difference between mean scores of black people and white people closed by about 5 or 6 IQ points between 1972 and 2002,[35] a reduction of about one-third. In the same period, the educational achievement disparity also diminished.[62] Reviews by Flynn and Dickens,[35] Mackintosh,[63] and Nisbett et al. accept the gradual closing of the gap as a fact.[64]

Your man Flynn himself even accepts this as a fact
>muh I hate black culture, m-muh g-ghetto mmuh i hate it
>Japanese are good
it's an incel
and by default I don't listen to incel opinions regardless of whether they're right or wrong
Agree. Fuck all this " muh white superior and Black inferior cope" i hate it.
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even pure white countries in EE don't have that IQ
Italy has an average IQ of 102 and there are less ethnics than in Germany or Netherlands although they still have 100

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