Injecting BMP-7 this year



May 19, 2019
Seeing as there is no chance of growing naturally, I will inject BMP-7 into the knee joint so I can grow
Need sources tho..


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  • JFL
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Jesus, good luck.

also enjoying spending like $5000 monthly for this shite, also good luck finding a source that is actually legit.
  • JFL
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Jesus, good luck.

also enjoying spending like $5000 monthly for this shite, also good luck finding a source that is actually legit.
How much generic HGH is enough for significant growth. I’m talking like IGF-1 levels above 800ng/mL
How much generic HGH is enough for significant growth. I’m talking like IGF-1 levels above 800ng/mL
firstly, a childs IGF-1 is through the fucking roof, my baseline was 486ng/dl at 17 years old, even before I took peptides it was high. after my peptide protocol, my IGF-1 was beyond 800ng/dl, insanely high. I'm taking 7.5iu's daily of puretropin from ironlionlabs, I'm getting intense side effects that all GH users experience.

I'd assume my IGF-1 is in the 850-900ng/dl range. I don't think it can go any higher without the usage of IGF-1 DES or LR3 as your liver can only convert at a certain rate and most of the GH will be metabolized before it can convert to IGF1.

my source costs approx $928AUD for 53 days at 7.5ius, I'm going to taper down to 5ius daily, this will make the growth hormone last around 80 days.
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firstly, a childs IGF-1 is through the fucking roof, my baseline was 486ng/dl at 17 years old, even before I took peptides it was high. after my peptide protocol, my IGF-1 was beyond 800ng/dl, insanely high. I'm taking 7.5iu's daily of puretropin from ironlionlabs, I'm getting intense side effects that all GH users experience.

I'd assume my IGF-1 is in the 850-900ng/dl range. I don't think it can go any higher without the usage of IGF-1 DES or LR3 as your liver can only convert at a certain rate and most of the GH will be metabolized before it can convert to IGF1.

my source costs approx $928AUD for 53 days at 7.5ius, I'm going to taper down to 5ius daily, this will make the growth hormone last around 80 days.
does anything work at 20?
and does that even work or is that just a cope? any sides?
I don't know anything about it tbh

all I know is that it's insanely expensive, hard to source and mostly cope.
I don't know anything about it tbh

all I know is that it's insanely expensive, hard to source and mostly cope.
Can an oldcel get benefits from using hgh?
always wondered if that actually helps growth ie lengthening the bone and not just healing it
Is bmp7 legit or cope for a 18 years old male?
firstly, a childs IGF-1 is through the fucking roof, my baseline was 486ng/dl at 17 years old, even before I took peptides it was high. after my peptide protocol, my IGF-1 was beyond 800ng/dl, insanely high. I'm taking 7.5iu's daily of puretropin from ironlionlabs, I'm getting intense side effects that all GH users experience.

I'd assume my IGF-1 is in the 850-900ng/dl range. I don't think it can go any higher without the usage of IGF-1 DES or LR3 as your liver can only convert at a certain rate and most of the GH will be metabolized before it can convert to IGF1.

my source costs approx $928AUD for 53 days at 7.5ius, I'm going to taper down to 5ius daily, this will make the growth hormone last around 80 days.
Bro how old are you and did you grow with your protocol?
The chances of you acquiring legit bmp-7 and injecting it without losing a limb, all while being able to spend 5000$/month on it are pretty negligible tbh.
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The chances of you acquiring legit bmp-7 and injecting it without losing a limb, all while being able to spend 5000$/month on it are pretty negligible tbh.
Why lose a limb?
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10-08-2017, 12:26 PM
A few posters here shill for it. I highly doubt they've used it themselves.

Does it work?

For the purposes he describes (growth of long bones such as clavicles, femur & tibiae), almost certainly not

It's true that BMP-7 is on par with BMP-2 as the most effective means of inducing chondrogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells, which would result in longitudinal bone growth

In a recent study, we demonstrated that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from the synovial membranes of bovine shoulder joints could differentiate into chondrocytes when cultured in alginate. The purpose of the present study was to establish the conditions under which synovial MSCs derived from aging human donors can be induced to undergo chondrogenic differentiation using the same alginate system.



BMP-2 induced the chondrogenic differentiation of human synovial MSCs in a dose-dependent manner. The response elicited by BMP-7 was comparable. Both of these agents were more potent than TGF-beta1. A higher level of BMP-2-induced chondrogenic differentiation was achieved in the absence than in the presence of serum. In the presence of dexamethasone, the BMP-2-induced expression of mRNAs for aggrecan and type-II collagen was suppressed; the weaker TGF-beta1-induced expression of these chondrogenic markers was not obviously affected.
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Quote:The objective of this study was to examine in vitro the influence of recombinant human osteogenic protein-1 [rhOP-1, or bone morphogenetic protein-7 (BMP-7)] on cartilage formation by human and goat perichondrium tissue containing progenitor cells with chondrogenic potential. Fragments of outer ear perichondrium tissue were embedded in clotting autologous blood to which rhOP-1 had been added or not added (controls), and the resulting explant was cultured for 3 weeks without further addition of rhOP-1. Cartilage formation was monitored biochemically by measuring [35S]-sulphate incorporation into proteoglycans and histologically by monitoring the presence of metachromatic matrix with cells in nests. The presence of rhOP-1 in the explant at the beginning of culture stimulated [35S]-sulphate incorporation into proteoglycans in a dose-dependent manner after 3 weeks of culture. Maximal stimulation was reached at 40 microg/mL (human explants: +148%; goat explants: +116%). Histology revealed that explants treated with 20-200 microg/mL of rhOP-1, but not untreated control explants, contained areas of metachromatic-staining matrix with chondrocytes in cell nests. It was concluded that rhOP-1 stimulates differentiation of cartilage from perichondrium tissue. The direct actions of rhOP-1 on perichondrium cells in the stimulation of chondrocytic differentiation and production of cartilage matrix in vitro provides a cellular mechanism for the induction of cartilage formation by rhOP-1 in vivo. Thus rhOP-1 may promote early steps in the cascade of events leading to cartilage formation and could prove to be an interesting factor in the regeneration of cartilage in articular cartilage defects.
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However, this doesn't matter because:

1) if your epiphyseal cartilage has ossified ("growth plates are closed"), there are not sufficient mesenchymal stem cells left to differentiate into chondrocytes, so even if the compound worked 100% as advertised, your bones would not be visibly lengthened

2) as corollary to 1) we can derive that even if the compound worked as advertised, you would first have to devise a way to transdifferentiate your ossified epiphyseal cartilage BACK into cartilage, and then BACK into mesenchymal stem cells, effectively reversing the process of biological aging/maturation; I hardly need to point out that if there existed technology that made this possible, none of us would be posting on this forum right now because everyone would be able to fix every physical flaw they had with a simple series of injections

3) again, even if the compound worked as advertised, the route of administration for the compound is intra-articular injection, which is NOTHING like the brain-dead easy subcutaneous rHGH/peptide and intramuscular androgenic anabolic steroid injections that the posters here may or may not have done before. Fuck up a subcutaneous injection and you end up in your doctor's office with an abcess. Fuck up an intra-articular injection and you lose a limb. Additionally, intra-articular injections are much more painful than even poorly performed AAS injections, and most posters here are too afraid of pain to even go through with those. In short: nobody here is going to do this.

4) the compound does NOT work as advertised. Even if by some miracle one of you actually worked up the courage to go through with an intra-articular injection AND actually did it right, all that will happen is you'll induce local inflammation due to the injection process, resulting in the few mesenchymal stem cells remaining within the slivers of cartilage at the end of the epiphyses converting directly into osteoblasts rather than chondrocytes. Again, you would have to somehow ensure that the MSCs convert into chondrocytes and NOT osteoblasts, which is something beyond the power of a simple injection of BMP-7

Not to mention all 4 points above are made under the assumption that what you are injecting is actually BMP-7, which is not at all a likely proposition given the dubious reputation of the seller of the compound (russianstarpeptides). Given that he was too stupid to properly manage to shill his product by posing as multiple different people (he was exposed by multiple sources, Google if interested), I'd say it's much more likely that you're injecting chinese bathtub water bought wholesale off Alibaba than actual BMP-7

In short, no, it won't work.
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Faurk threads like this always interested me. Very informative.
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