My testosterone has been measured to be in the bottom 2.5% of males srs JFL @ My subhumanity.



Lowest T levels on this site (345 ng/dl)
Aug 14, 2018
12 nmol (345 ng/dl)... It literally puts me at the same level of the buzzfeed phaggots lol. It feels like being an 85 year old man but Norwegian doctors are just so fucking cucked that they say it's normal. There's not a place in the world that has a lower iq than Norwegian hospitals. I envy the US where doctors easily prescribe shit, here you basically have to be at deaths door for them to give you anything yet americucks praise our healthcare system. These phaggots even killed one of my friends's friend by morphine overdose lol.

Tfw when hospitals are literally murdering patients here under the radar. I don't know why the universe decided that I had to exist but here I am. Just a fucking cluster of atoms complaining about what state they're in. Phuck diz gay universe.


The only thing I can hope for now is that my testosterone levels aren't the average for an 18 year old guy here. If you can even consider me a "guy" at this point. If my levels are "average" then our country is truly fucked up beyond belief. May Allah strike this country down for our sins.
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Time for self medicated trt boyo. Or get some roids and use them to fuck your natural test even more then go for bloodwork again and get prescribed trt.
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Time for self medicated trt boyo. Or get some roids and use them to fuck your natural test even more then go for bloodwork again and get prescribed trt.
Kek I would but my low T is making me too high inhib for that shit. It's a vicious circle.
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True true. It's retarded but most doctors won't hook u on test unless ur below 270 ng/dL. Normal range my ass
Try to optimize your t levels naturally and if u don't see any results within around 6 months then consider the above option ^^
Also discontinue using all plastic bottles and commercial shampoos/soaps. stop using that shit completely
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What test did you take? I want to test my trt too!!
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What test did you take? I want to test my trt too!!
Make sure to measure total testosterone as opposed to free/bound testosterone only
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What test did you take? I want to test my trt too!!
Just call up your doctors office and say that you want your hormones tested. It's pretty normal. Just make sure to do it before 8 AM most general practitioners have no knowledge within endocrinology and will take your tests at like 1 PM and shit. I got mine tested at like 9:30-10 so I'm most likely like 14-16nmol but that's still low as fuck for someone in my age group.
Omfg lmao :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
I'm sorry bro...

Take funugreek supps too
My nibba if my levels reach any lower at this point then I'm gonna start writing buzzfeed articles. Do you think I can send in my T levels as a résumé?
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Time to zincmax and testmax in general. 20mg of zinc a day, all clean foods, start lifting and lose bodyfat, 8 hours of sleep a night, no videogames and no forums.
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Time to zincmax and testmax in general. 20mg of zinc a day, all clean foods, start lifting and lose bodyfat, 8 hours of sleep a night, no videogames and no forums.
I'd rope without the last two.
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Play competitive sports instead of videogames. do everything i put above and your test is guaranteed to go up

If not, inject.

My weak testosterone deficient body would be crushed by high T competitive alpha males.
-But that might just be my low T brain coping again.
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Time to F E A S T on T supplements :feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
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I think all doctors in all countries call that normal.. something like 200-1000 is normal jfl the minimum and maximum are a factor of 5 apart.. like 2 guys, one with 5x as much test as another can both be considered normal
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My nibba if my levels reach any lower at this point then I'm gonna start writing buzzfeed articles. Do you think I can send in my T levels as a résumé
Kek probably could do that ngl. Be the alpha soi of that group of soibois
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12 nmol (345 ng/dl)... It literally puts me at the same level of the buzzfeed phaggots lol. It feels like being an 85 year old man but Norwegian doctors are just so fucking cucked that they say it's normal. There's not a place in the world that has a lower iq than Norwegian hospitals. I envy the US where doctors easily prescribe shit, here you basically have to be at deaths door for them to give you anything yet americucks praise our healthcare system. These phaggots even killed one of my friends's friend by morphine overdose lol.

Tfw when hospitals are literally murdering patients here under the radar. I don't know why the universe decided that I had to exist but here I am. Just a fucking cluster of atoms complaining about what state they're in. Phuck diz gay universe.


The only thing I can hope for now is that my testosterone levels aren't the average for an 18 year old guy here. If you can even consider me a "guy" at this point. If my levels are "average" then our country is truly fucked up beyond belief. May Allah strike this country down for our sins.

Give it a watch, see if it helps

You can also mention that you've been feeling weaker, you've noticed decreased energy levels, and you've had trouble focusing and become more irritable. Those are all symptoms of low T, and could give them enough reason to put you on TRT
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True true. It's retarded but most doctors won't hook u on test unless ur below 270 ng/dL. Normal range my ass
Try to optimize your t levels naturally and if u don't see any results within around 6 months then consider the above option ^^
Also discontinue using all plastic bottles and commercial shampoos/soaps. stop using that shit completely

Don't get sunlight, get supplements instead or eat a proper diet/and supplement moar.
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Don't get sunlight, get supplements instead or eat a proper diet/and supplement moar.
Sunlight is a better source. With supplements there is a possibility of overdose
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It's ok bro you'll make a nice life partner. :bluepill:
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12 nmol (345 ng/dl)... It literally puts me at the same level of the buzzfeed phaggots lol. It feels like being an 85 year old man but Norwegian doctors are just so fucking cucked that they say it's normal. There's not a place in the world that has a lower iq than Norwegian hospitals. I envy the US where doctors easily prescribe shit, here you basically have to be at deaths door for them to give you anything yet americucks praise our healthcare system. These phaggots even killed one of my friends's friend by morphine overdose lol.

Tfw when hospitals are literally murdering patients here under the radar. I don't know why the universe decided that I had to exist but here I am. Just a fucking cluster of atoms complaining about what state they're in. Phuck diz gay universe.


The only thing I can hope for now is that my testosterone levels aren't the average for an 18 year old guy here. If you can even consider me a "guy" at this point. If my levels are "average" then our country is truly fucked up beyond belief. May Allah strike this country down for our sins.
that video made me fucking laugh. they were literally getting their soyboy level checked and obviously, eugene gets laid the most even though he's a bitch and has the most . JFL :feelsgah:
Omfg lmao :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
I'm sorry bro...

Take funugreek supps too
how much mg should you take a day? 400mg?
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12 nmol (345 ng/dl)... It literally puts me at the same level of the buzzfeed phaggots lol. It feels like being an 85 year old man but Norwegian doctors are just so fucking cucked that they say it's normal. There's not a place in the world that has a lower iq than Norwegian hospitals. I envy the US where doctors easily prescribe shit, here you basically have to be at deaths door for them to give you anything yet americucks praise our healthcare system. These phaggots even killed one of my friends's friend by morphine overdose lol.

Tfw when hospitals are literally murdering patients here under the radar. I don't know why the universe decided that I had to exist but here I am. Just a fucking cluster of atoms complaining about what state they're in. Phuck diz gay universe.


The only thing I can hope for now is that my testosterone levels aren't the average for an 18 year old guy here. If you can even consider me a "guy" at this point. If my levels are "average" then our country is truly fucked up beyond belief. May Allah strike this country down for our sins.
Thats very low. Far too low to treat natty. Find a roid dealer and buy some test after learning how to run low doses of test by yourself properly (trt). No man should ever have to deal with this.
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Getting my results back soon too. Pray for me.
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I got 850 ng/dl, still incel asf tho. Gymcelling+Vit D supplements made me get it I think.
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I'm 5'6 and have never been to a gym in my life and still repping close to 700 test lol
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I'm 5'6 and have never been to a gym in my life and still repping close to 700 test lol
It's easier for your balls to provide a small body with testosterone. It's the least your balls offer you. Subhuman
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There's no hope for me when I live in a country that pours gallons of estrogen boosters in the water. Fuck living in Scandistan. Hopefully the mussies will change things when they take over.
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There's no hope for me when I live in a country that pours gallons of estrogen boosters in the water. Fuck living in Scandistan. Hopefully the mussies will change things when they take over.
Battle the system by taking DHT
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He doesnt need dht he needs t
what we do fucking need is the jews to stop messing around with our T, masculinity and society, just imagine a man with his same age in the 1850's with that same level of T, now it's considered normal but back then you'll be the biggest gays of the gays most would've ever know
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what we do fucking need is the jews to stop messing around with our T, masculinity and society, just imagine a man with his same age in the 1850's with that same level of T, now it's considered normal but back then you'll be the biggest gays of the gays most would've ever know
This. Look at soyboys who believe everything the media tells them and then look at the right. Most people on the right are at least somewhat masculine (which is why the right favors capitalistic beliefs: survival of the fittest)
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I'm surprised that I even managed to become black pilled with how low my fucking T is.
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I'm surprised that I even managed to become black pilled with how low my fucking T is.
It's probably why you're blackpilled and not redpilled (Doom and Gloom vs looksmaxing and improving)
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It's probably why you're blackpilled and not redpilled (Doom and Gloom vs looksmaxing and improving)
Idk a big part of the redpill is just pure coping with their "everyone can make it if they try hard enough" attitude. They can't accept that some people are just fucked.
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Idk a big part of the redpill is just pure coping with their "everyone can make it if they try hard enough" attitude. They can't accept that some people are just fucked.
When you make your flaws a part of your personality, you have a problem.

Also pretty much everyone can make the best with what they're given, including plastic surgery
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When you make your flaws a part of your personality, you have a problem.

Also pretty much everyone can make the best with what they're given, including plastic surgery

Your hormonal profile controls your personality.

"Also pretty much everyone can make the best with what they're given, including plastic surgery "

Most plastic surgery yields terrible results except for easy shit like rhinoplastys. They're a cope for not having bones.
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Idk a big part of the redpill is just pure coping with their "everyone can make it if they try hard enough" attitude. They can't accept that some people are just fucked.

When you have high T-levels you believe that you can make it. It's also possible if deluded but higher T levels are like what Nibba said:
Doom and Gloom vs looksmaxing and improving

You can't improve your life on low T levels because the drive for it is really weak. On higher T levels you refuse to LDAR like most on and strive to be better.
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When you have high T-levels you believe that you can make it. It's also possible if deluded but higher T levels are like what Nibba said:

You can't improve your life on low T levels because the drive for it is really weak. On higher T levels you refuse to LDAR like most on and strive to be better.
The problem is that with low T you don't even have enough energy or willpower to fix it. Just enjoy your lives whilst you still can, not everyone was given that opportunity. You're the ones that made it.
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The problem is that with low T you don't even have enough energy or willpower to fix it. Just enjoy your lives whilst you still can, not everyone was given that opportunity. You're the ones that made it.

Use all your energy to order steroids and use just a little to boost T-levels to 600ng/dl.
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OK, there's so much to unpack. The goal of this is to dismiss the advice of "Just inject test for easy personality/mental gains brah."

1. The levels of Testosterone required to induce the symptoms of low/high test vary wildly person by person. How one guy reacts to Test is different than another. The people here have no way of knowing how receptive someone is to the hormone, so any dosages are pure speculation.

2. Some free circling testosterone is converted to estrogen, which diminishes with age in proportion to Test. This estrogen is extremely important to healthy hormone levels

According to Dr. Joel Finkelstein's resarch done with the Massachusetts General Hospital "some of the symptoms routinely attributed to testosterone deficiency are actually partially or almost exclusively caused by the decline in estrogens that is an inseparable result of lower testosterone levels.”

what's the point

Stop role-playing as doctors by pretending that dosage of test is some sort of cure-all for high-inhib/low motivation men.

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OK, there's so much to unpack. The goal of this is to dismiss the advice of "Just inject test for easy personality/mental gains brah."

1. The levels of Testosterone required to induce the symptoms of low/high test vary wildly person by person. How one guy reacts to Test is different than another. The people here have no way of knowing how receptive someone is to the hormone, so any dosages are pure speculation.

2. Some free circling testosterone is converted to estrogen, which diminishes with age in proportion to Test. This estrogen is extremely important to healthy hormone levels

According to Dr. Joel Finkelstein's resarch done with the Massachusetts General Hospital "some of the symptoms routinely attributed to testosterone deficiency are actually partially or almost exclusively caused by the decline in estrogens that is an inseparable result of lower testosterone levels.”

what's the point

Stop role-playing as doctors by pretending that dosage of test is some sort of cure-all for high-inhib/low motivation men.


I've actually read up on that.

At this point I'm experiencing so many other non hormonal health issues that I actually pray for death each night by telling the universe that I'm ready to move on from this horrible existence and into the (hopefully) eternal nothingness of the afterlife.

But it never works, I keep on waking up the next day over and over and over again. I do not comprehend why the universe has deemed my existence necessary.
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I've actually read up on that.

At this point I'm experiencing so many other non hormonal health issues that I actually pray for death each night by telling the universe that I'm ready to move on from this horrible existence and into the (hopefully) eternal nothingness of the afterlife.

But it never works, I keep on waking up the next day over and over and over again. I do not comprehend why the universe has deemed my existence necessary.

It sounds like you're experiencing a mental illness. This isn't a simple problem that a forum member can fix, it's a major issue. Caring about yourself is really fucking hard right now, and that's not gonna change unless you do something about it. If you can find figure out a way to get yourself to that Therapist's appointment, that's good enough, even if that's all you accomplish the entire week.
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It sounds like you're experiencing a mental illness. This isn't a simple problem that a forum member can fix, it's a major issue. Caring about yourself is really fucking hard right now, and that's not gonna change unless you do something about it. If you can find figure out a way to get yourself to that Therapist's appointment, that's good enough, even if that's all you accomplish the entire week.
I wish it was but sadly I'm all too conscious. The only thing I do that's a bit off mentally is that I have OCD tendencies. And I don't mean OCD tendencies in the way that normies fucking say it. Is trans Chad a condition? I feel like I'm trapped in an incels body. I'm thinking about getting some psilocybin mushrooms. The best thing I can do at this point is to take drugs that can give me an out of body experience. I need an escape that won't cause me physical damage.
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I wish it was but sadly I'm all too conscious. The only thing I do that's a bit off mentally is that I have OCD tendencies. And I don't mean OCD tendencies in the way that normies fucking say it. Is trans Chad a condition? I feel like I'm trapped in an incels body. I'm thinking about getting some psilocybin mushrooms. The best thing I can do at this point is to take drugs that can give me an out of body experience. I need an escape that won't cause me physical damage.

I'm sorry, but I'm totally lost. You'd rather take mushrooms to improve your mental well being than speak to a professional who helps people for a living. What if the mushrooms tell you to chop your dick off, like, this is so insane to me.
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