Rad140 research thread


Deleted member 439

what would jordan do?
Oct 20, 2018
Did some research about rad140, and took some notes. Incase it helps anyone ill just post it here (I am by no means an expert in any way)

Research drug (not supposed to be used for human consumption)
Illegal in olympic sports, and drug tested competition

Anabolic: building of muscle , stronger that testosterone (30-40% stronger)
20mg of rad140 / day is 30% stronger than 150mg test/ week

Androgenic: more manly dimorphic features .
very low on androgenic scale

Estrogenic: water retention, gyno
Very low, quality gains not water retention

Users report feeling:
Positive happy, euphoric
Depressed from almost happy

Extremely strong pumps, bigger swoller muscle
Strength gains: Ridiculous (strongest sarm)
Same feeling as testosterone YOU ARE NOT NATTY
As close as you can get to testosterone

Cardiovascular concerns:
Blood pressure: things which make you hold water increase blood pressure, since rad140 does not increase water there is not a big difference. Either way you should still check your blood levels (if you are a pussy)
Lowers HDL good cholesterol
Increases LDL bad cholesterol
Hair thinning, stops when you stop taking it
Liver: minimal damage compared to steroids

Dosing for a man:
Minimum 1mg (almost) -> 30mg
Dose dependant : 20mg gives double the results as 10mg
Diminishing returns after 30mg

Half life is 15-20hours so take it once a day

Start with lower dose, if you start with high dose you will not stop
If you saw your body with 15kg more muscle, you would not be content with dropping down again. In effect Addictive (addictive towards results not the drug itself)
Cycle for 6-8weeks It does suppress testosterone, but t levels will become normal once you stop.


no benefit in megadosing

Conclusion of study states (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4018048/ )
Taken in sum, RAD140 has all the hallmarks of a SARM. It is potency selective, since it stimulates muscle weight increases at a lower dose than that required to stimulate prostate weight increases. Moreover, it is also efficacy selective, because it is fully anabolic on muscle but demonstrates less than complete efficacy on the prostate and seminal vesicles and, in fact, can partially antagonize the stimulation of the seminal vesicles induced by testosterone. RAD140 has excellent pharmacokinetics and is a potent anabolic in nonhuman primates as well. We believe the overall preclinical profile of RAD140 is very good, and the compound has completed preclinical toxicology in both rats and monkeys.
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Put it in my body NOW!
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20mg of rad140 per day is more than just 30% stronger than 150 test/wk lol. It would greatly outperform even 300mg of test/wk.
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Also the only way it should cause hair loss is if you don't take it with a test base and end up fucking up your hormones. Even if you run it with no test and get some shedding it should be temporary because it would be due to hormonal fluctuations not the actual androgens wreaking your hair follicles.
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Also the only way it should cause hair loss is if you don't take it with a test base and end up fucking up your hormones. Even if you run it with no test and get some shedding it should be temporary because it would be due to hormonal fluctuations not the actual androgens wreaking your hair follicles.
bro you have any knowledge if It can improve speed and endurance?
for track and field
I'm not going to live past 25 so I dont care tbh
Gains mean nothing without hair
Also the only way it should cause hair loss is if you don't take it with a test base and end up fucking up your hormones. Even if you run it with no test and get some shedding it should be temporary because it would be due to hormonal fluctuations not the actual androgens wreaking your hair follicles.
Whats your opinion on LGD 4033
bro you have any knowledge if It can improve speed and endurance?
for track and field
yes it would for sure
Whats your opinion on LGD 4033
Same deal, my friend is gonna start a 14 weeks cycle soon with a 120mg test base, 10mg lgd4033 and then 50mgs of anavar the last 6 or 8 weeks. He wanted a cycle where he wouldn't risk hairloss or acne. Although he may get some acne or temporary hair shedding during pct and he knows that risk.
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yes it would for sure

Same deal, my friend is gonna start a 14 weeks cycle soon with a 120mg test base, 10mg lgd4033 and then 50mgs of anavar the last 6 or 8 weeks. He wanted a cycle where he wouldn't risk hairloss or acne. Although he may get some acne or temporary hair shedding during pct and he knows that risk.
What about 5mg 8 weeks cycle, is it even worth it?
bro you have any knowledge if It can improve speed and endurance?
for track and field
If you want to do that Cardarine would be the way to go. Its mostly used for endurance and cardio. Its sold on the same websites that sell sarms.
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If you want to do that Cardarine would be the way to go. Its mostly used for endurance and cardio. Its sold on the same websites that sell sarms.
yeah heard great things about cardarine on letsrun and other running forums.
Right now I dont have enough cash though to even afford rad so it'll have to wait.
yeah heard great things about cardarine on letsrun and other running forums.
Right now I dont have enough cash though to even afford rad so it'll have to wait.
If anything buy from narrowlabs. They seem to be the cheapest sarm source that's third party tested. Use "DC25" for 25% off.
Same deal, my friend is gonna start a 14 weeks cycle soon with a 120mg test base, 10mg lgd4033 and then 50mgs of anavar the last 6 or 8 weeks. He wanted a cycle where he wouldn't risk hairloss or acne. Although he may get some acne or temporary hair shedding during pct and he knows that risk.
Will I benefit from using arimidex while on an 8 week cycle of lgd 4033? If anything I also want to run it with Mk 677 for clavicle and wrist gains.
If anything buy from narrowlabs. They seem to be the cheapest sarm source that's third party tested. Use "DC25" for 25% off.

Will I benefit from using arimidex while on an 8 week cycle of lgd 4033? If anything I also want to run it with Mk 677 for clavicle and wrist gains.

buying it from this website https://maxmusclelabs.com/buy-rad140-uk/ 36pounds for 100ml (10mg/ml) , cheaper compared to narrow labs at 44$ for 30ml (50mg/ml)

Its very cheap actually for 40pounds it will last me 100days @ 10mg/day
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If anything buy from narrowlabs. They seem to be the cheapest sarm source that's third party tested. Use "DC25" for 25% off.

Will I benefit from using arimidex while on an 8 week cycle of lgd 4033? If anything I also want to run it with Mk 677 for clavicle and wrist gains.
PCT = hair loss
Isn't rad140 the one that has the vision side effects?
Will I benefit from using arimidex while on an 8 week cycle of lgd 4033? If anything I also want to run it with Mk 677 for clavicle and wrist gains.
That would cuck your gains tbh, estrogen sensitizes androgen receptors and boosts insulin sensitivity, you need enough of it to make good gains.
yeah hormonal fluctuations during pct cause alot of people to shed. It's temporary though and there should be no visible change to your hairline. Your hair might look a bit thinner for a while at worst. Not everyone sheds during pct though.
Isn't rad140 the one that has the vision side effects?
pretty sure that's S4
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That would cuck your gains tbh, estrogen sensitizes androgen receptors and boosts insulin sensitivity, you need enough of it to make good gains.

yeah hormonal fluctuations during pct cause alot of people to shed. It's temporary though and there should be no visible change to your hairline. Your hair might look a bit thinner for a while at worst. Not everyone sheds during pct though.

pretty sure that's S4
Do you need high level of e2? Or your natural level of it will suffice?
Do you need high level of e2? Or your natural level of it will suffice?
If you are injecting a bunch of test than a bit higher than normal e2 is best. Basically as high as you can get it without getting sides. Unless you're young and don't wanna fuse your growth plates.
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Did some research about rad140, and took some notes. Incase it helps anyone ill just post it here (I am by no means an expert in any way)

Research drug (not supposed to be used for human consumption)
Illegal in olympic sports, and drug tested competition

Anabolic: building of muscle , stronger that testosterone (30-40% stronger)
20mg of rad140 / day is 30% stronger than 150mg test/ week

Androgenic: more manly dimorphic features .
very low on androgenic scale

Estrogenic: water retention, gyno
Very low, quality gains not water retention

Users report feeling:
Positive happy, euphoric
Depressed from almost happy

Extremely strong pumps, bigger swoller muscle
Strength gains: Ridiculous (strongest sarm)
Same feeling as testosterone YOU ARE NOT NATTY
As close as you can get to testosterone
View attachment 57459
Cardiovascular concerns:
Blood pressure: things which make you hold water increase blood pressure, since rad140 does not increase water there is not a big difference. Either way you should still check your blood levels (if you are a pussy)
Lowers HDL good cholesterol
Increases LDL bad cholesterol
Hair thinning, stops when you stop taking it
Liver: minimal damage compared to steroids

Dosing for a man:
Minimum 1mg (almost) -> 30mg
Dose dependant : 20mg gives double the results as 10mg
Diminishing returns after 30mg

Half life is 15-20hours so take it once a day

Start with lower dose, if you start with high dose you will not stop
If you saw your body with 15kg more muscle, you would not be content with dropping down again. In effect Addictive (addictive towards results not the drug itself)
Cycle for 6-8weeks It does suppress testosterone, but t levels will become normal once you stop.

View attachment 57458
no benefit in megadosing

Conclusion of study states (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4018048/ )
Taken in sum, RAD140 has all the hallmarks of a SARM. It is potency selective, since it stimulates muscle weight increases at a lower dose than that required to stimulate prostate weight increases. Moreover, it is also efficacy selective, because it is fully anabolic on muscle but demonstrates less than complete efficacy on the prostate and seminal vesicles and, in fact, can partially antagonize the stimulation of the seminal vesicles induced by testosterone. RAD140 has excellent pharmacokinetics and is a potent anabolic in nonhuman primates as well. We believe the overall preclinical profile of RAD140 is very good, and the compound has completed preclinical toxicology in both rats and monkeys.
Can this change bones in in teens (15)
Can this change bones in in teens (15)

Its selective to muscle and bones so its possible. anecdotally @Guest said my jaw became bigger after i took it for 8weeks. Also since it supresses estrogen it might act similar to an AI and delay growth plate closing.

lot of this information is a bit false to check this out its better
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@Adolf Fitler

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