The Ultimate Guide for Heightmaxxing (Closed Plate Oldcel Method Included)

Has anyone seen a change in height based on this? I'm only willing to try this if people report positive results.
It has been linked previously, one guy at 17 yo injected peptides and got 2 inches.
Jack hanma from grappler Baki. Never read it tbh fuark should ngl

@Nibba @ZyzzReincarnate this could be you buddy boyo lad bud ngl fr srs
SHieet thanks.
I think it's Baki the Grappler. Ultimate lifefuel por guys like me that want to reach 2'5m
Same tbh...
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My growth plates are definitely open, I've grown within the last few months using a consistent measuring method at the same times (and I recently started axially loading heavy weights on my spine). I guess I'll give this a shot at some point.
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How do you know you won't just get your forehead to grow longer after injecting all of this? That would be absolute suifuel.
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How do you know you won't just get your forehead to grow longer after injecting all of this? That would be absolute suifuel.
It wont grow unless you are predisposed to acromegaly

HangTheCucks Wrote:Was discussed here as well
but since no one browses the looksmaxing section it was probably ignored.

First of all, this is about bones without growth plates. So flat and irregular bones only. (FACE)

Started researching peptides after I decided to do a cycle. Before I start, I'm gonna explain a few things.

First of all, acromegaly is not caused by high levels of GH but a constant release of GH, which is called a "GH bleed". Normally, GH is released in pulses 5 times a day. Somatostain is what causes this as it stops releases of GH.

Second of all, men release GH in the pulse fashion described above while women release GH in a bleed. What keeps women from getting acromegaly is estrogen. Since men are bigger than women all over it can be assumed that this is due to a combination of low estrogen, and the pulsative release of GH.

When you are using GH you are basically triggering a GH bleed. Best way to imitate GH pulses is by using a peptide blend of a GHRH (growh hormone releasing hormone) and GHRP (growth hormone releasing peptide). Info on how they work is below, simple stuff, very short:

Using ModGRF 1-29 with a GHRP should have the desired effect.

As far as GHRPs go, I've found the following info:

Hexarelin is a pi3k activator (pi3k regulates bone growth) and was part of the stack one redditor used to grow taller

Ipamorelin was seen to increase bone growth in rats

As far as effectiveness goes:

ghrp 6 is the weakest

ghrp 2 causes a very sharp spike at release but also has the most sides (cortisol and hunger mostly, cortisol decreased bone growth in rats )

ipamorelin is not as powerful as ghrp2 but has none of the sides

hexarelin is the strongest of the 4 but also has the same sides as ghrp 2


First of all, "GH bleed" is scientifically unsubstantiated speculation that has become "common knowledge" due to repeated regurgitation by unschooled pseudointellectuals on sites full of wannabe scientists, like reddit

That isn't how the human body works. The pituitary gland is not a kitchen faucet

Even Dat began to recant on the idea toward the end of the forum's lifespan. All the available studies demonstrate that long term GHRP/GHRH still result in pulsatile release - when the pituitary gland has synthesized sufficient growth hormone (past a certain threshold), you will have a pulse. All CJC-1295 does is make it so that instead of 4-5 pulses in a day you have 11-13, possibly more

GH secretion was increased after CJC-1295 administration with preserved pulsatility. The frequency and magnitude of GH secretory pulses were unaltered. However, basal (trough) GH levels were markedly increased (7.5-fold; P < 0.0001) and contributed to an overall increase in GH secretion (mean GH levels, 46%; P < 0.01) and IGF-I levels (45%; P < 0.001). No significant differences were observed between the responses to the two drug doses. The IGF-I increases did not correlate with any parameters of GH secretion.
CJC-1295 increased trough and mean GH secretion and IGF-I production with preserved GH pulsatility.

Second, acromegaly is not caused by growth hormone, it is caused by chronic significantly elevated systemic levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), generally coupled with similarly elevated levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins, chief among these being 3, which has the highest affinity for IGF-1


The mean IGF-I and IGFBP-3 SDS levels were significantly higher in active acromegalic patients, both untreated and treated but not cured, than in the control subjects (p < 0.05). The sensitivities of serum IGF-I and IGFBP-3 measurements for the diagnosis of acromegaly were 97.4 and 81.8%, respectively. [...]

Note that the elevation required for acromegaly to occur is not something that can generally be achieved through peptides due to the magnitude and chronicity of the elevation. Acromegaly patients have systemic IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels that are hundreds of times higher than the average person's 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

You are not going to develop acromegaly because you ran some cookie-cutter GHRP/GHRH cycle at modest doses for 6 months unless you have a genetic proclivity for it. This is because GHRP/GHRH affect IGF-1 levels, but not IGFBP-3 levels. Incidentally, MK677, which is a gherlin mimetic, does increase IGFBP-3 levels, albeit modestly and at "high dosages", which in this case means 25 mg/d, which is the highest dose used in the clinical studies:

Quote:To assess the effects of prolonged administration of a novel analog of GH-releasing peptide (MK-677), nine healthy young men participated in a randomized, double blind, three-period cross-over comparison of orally administered placebo and 5- and 25-mg doses of MK-677. Each period involved bedtime administration of the drug for 7 consecutive days. At the end of each period, plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF-binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) were measured at 0745 h, and 24-h profiles of plasma GH and cortisol were obtained at 15-min intervals together with the 24-h urinary excretion of free cortisol. Profiles of plasma free cortisol were calculated at hourly intervals. The amounts of GH secreted were similar in all three conditions, but GH pulse frequency was increased with both dosages of the drug, primarily because of an increase in the number of low amplitude pulses. Plasma IGF-I levels were increased in a dose-dependent manner, whereas IGFBP-3 levels were increased only with the highest dosage. There was a positive relationship between GH pulse frequency and IGF-I increase. Except for an advance in the nocturnal nadir and in the morning elevation, MK-677 had no effect on cortisol profiles. In particular, 24-h mean levels of plasma total and free cortisol and urinary excretion of free cortisol were similar under all conditions. The present data suggest that the use of MK-677 for the treatment of relative somatotropic deficiency, particularly in older adults compromised by such deficiency, deserves further investigation.

Both males and females exhibit pulsatile growth hormone release patterns. Females have smaller peaks and shallower troughs, while males have sharper peaks and deeper troughs. This is where this nonsensical idea of "GH bleed" comes from

Think of them like sine curves. The male's graph is short wavelength, higher frequency, the female's is the opposite

If you want to increase systemic IGF-1, it's likely that the best thing to do would be to use a long term GHRH with periodic GHRPs to create artificial peaks throughout the day, i.e. CJC-1295 with Hexarelin

I am presently doing something akin to that

Insulin and IGF-1 have a synergistic relationship as to tissue growth and bone mineral deposition, so you could work it in somewhere, but again, without significant pi3k pathway agonism (hint: Hexarelin alone won't do it) and increased systemic levels of IGFBP3 all you're doing is risking hyperinsulinemia

At the end of the day, your goal of "growing your face" the way you want to is probably a pipe dream. In fact, I'd say you should probably pray that if you do something like this, your face doesn't grow, because if noticeable changes occur in your facial bone structure you're most likely in deeper shit than you intended on getting into

Modestly increasing height through Hyaline cartilage hypertrophy and chrondrocytal proliferation towards the epiphyseal line is simple enough that it's feasible to brute force it with methods like this. Sculpting a male model face or whatever you're hoping for is wishing on a star


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Many members here are young and want to increase their height. And I have been asked by many about peptides.
I will attempt to write a comprehensive thread on what are my findings are so far.

This guide is completely experimental so I am not responsible for any thing that happens. I am going to attempt it myself nonetheless.
I also don't guarantee any results. DrTony wrote about the impossibility of augmenting height in men with no disorders. However, this thread is for any off chance of it happening. As increasing height with hyaline cartilage hypertrophy and

The guide will not get into technicalities and cite every study supporting our decisions, because there is not enough time. And the thread is already delayed as it is. I will try to make this thread as brief as possible.
Method 3 is for oldcels. Height augmentation would be from cartilage hypertrophy.

Method 1 (Correction to @Wincel stack):

The thread had a huge audience. However, there was some fundamental errors in wincel's method.

1. Niacin was incorrectly used for GH boost.
In this article it is show that niacin must be take at 500mg every hour for 3 hours to have any effect on GH.
That much however, isn't feasible for the average person. So it will be removed.

2. The use of melatonin.
Melatonin was used as an AI. While it does block estrogen, it is not enough to be used as an AI for growth.
Melatonin is a good addition for sleep eitherways, so feel free to use it. Aromasin or arimidex will be used instead.

3. The absence of huperzine A.
Huperzine A is a somatostatin (HGH release inhibitor) inhibitor. That means it will allow us to get more HGH release from ibutamoren/mk677 due to the removal of HGH inhibitor somatostatin.

4. The addition of other supplements as temporary GH boosters.
L-dopa comes with many risks. And it is unknown if the spike by GABA is enough. So natural GH secretagogues will be dropped here.

The stack will then look like the following:
  1. Take mk677 25mg before bed (feel free to use melatonin or not)
  2. Aromasin 25mg every day. It can be reduced to 12.5mg every other day as well in case of harsh side effect.
  3. Huperzine A, Ideally 300mcg morning and 400mcg night every day. Minimum is 200mcg every night.
Method 2(@Madness systemic peptide stack):

This is a good method. Just needs an AI with it. Aromasin, arimidex, or letrozole will suffice.

Method 3 (My method)(Includes closed plates):
Here we will attempt to make the most hardcore stack.

A. Elevation of systemic levels(baseline) of HGH and IGF-1:

  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day.
  2. CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (from madness)
B. Creating artificial peaks throughout the day:
  1. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on.
  2. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.
Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes.

C. IGF-1:
IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side every day for frame growth.

D. DNA methylation
Loss of DNA methylation will close your growth plates. This is what sets the limit to how you grow. So we need to increase it.

SAM-e and MSM will be used to promote DNA methylation.

SAM-e 1500mg every day.
MSM 1000mg every day.

E. Increasing growth plate proliferation

Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
Chondroitin 1200mg every day.

Methods D and E work synergistically and increase the chances of growth.

F. Flurbiprofen

Basically k2 mk4 on roids.

Dosage: Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night)
Make sure to consume good amounts of water with it.

G. Aromatase Inhibition
From my research I have noticed that.
  1. If you are going on a light HGH stack then arimidex or aromasin is best.
  2. If you are going on a stack with insane amounts of HGH then letrozole is the best.
I observed that from clinical trials and papers.
Madness and Wincels stack would need arimidex or aromasin.
My stack will need letrozole.
Any AI can be used, but for maximum results refer to the above.

Aromasin: choose from 12.5mg one day on one day off till 25mg everyday. (your choice)
Arimidex 1mg per day.
Letrozole: choose from 0.5 mg one day on one day off till 2.5mg daily. (I am taking 2.5mg daily)
Start from lowest dosages and increase till what you see fit.

H. Androgens
To promote masculine growth and dimorphism use:
DHT gel on penis or 11-KDHT drops on forearms.

I. Building blocks (optional)
Vitamin D 10kIU per day
Vitamin k2 mk4 45mg per day
Magnesium 400mg per day
Zinc 50mg per day
Calcium 2g per day
Boron 9mg per day

J. Insulin(experimental)(optional):
When insulin is combined with IGF-1, the results for muscle growth and bone mineral deposition is synergistic.
This addition however, risks hyperinsulemia if not done properly. I was stuck here in my research but decided to not allow this part to delay the making of this guide any further. If you would like to continue from this point then:

1. Check if the components above raise the systemic levels of TGFB3 enough. If it is not then you will have to look for other methods.
mk677 and GHRP-2 do raise this well.

2. Check if the components above have enough pi3k pathway agonism. If not then either settle for metformin or find a chemical that does this. IGF-1 and exercise do activate pi3k-Akt.

I would recommend you leave this part unless you are experimenting hard.

Method 4(classical):
7.5-10 IU HGH 2x a day
2.5mg letrozole daily
D and E from method 3


To sum my own stack up in one place

View attachment 35692

Requested tags:
@Bluepill @kobecel @dogtown @Wool @Coping @The Dude Abides @Facial AESTHETICS @Blitz @fobos @dodt @Madness @mido the slayer @Legitcel @CupOfCoffee @KrissKross @LightingFraud @Paretocel @Zeus @Saturn @psycophsez @xom @Ogreload @JellyBelly @OCDMaxxing @SirHiss

[/QUOTEWhat's your height bro?
What's your height bro and does this work?
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Must be easy to mog niggers since you are whiter than them
I don’t love in my home country im in leafistan.

Also my country isn’t native to blacks they come from subsaharan Africa, beg for money, work mediocre jobs, then pay a traveler to get into Europe.
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5 foot 9 according to google.
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I don’t love in my home country im in leafistan.

Also my country isn’t native to blacks they come from subsaharan Africa, beg for money, work mediocre jobs, then pay a traveler to get into Europe.
Well then you can mog the brownies there
5 foot 9 according to google.
Nice height dude
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  1. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
  2. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on.
  3. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes.
  4. SAM-e 1500mg every day.
  5. MSM 1000mg every day.
  6. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  7. Chondroitin 1200mg every day.

@Extra Chromosome, you said the idea behind this stack is to get taller in the spine for adults. Like 1 inch maximum?
I red articles, that only Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM and SAM-e can do this (1inch), i think by conservate of the night hight. So where is the profit from CJC and Hexarelin?

Awesome work btw!
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@Extra Chromosome, you said the idea behind this stack is to get taller in the spine for adults. Like 1 inch maximum?
I red articles, that only Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM and SAM-e can do this (1inch), i think by conservate of the night hight. So where is the profit from CJC and Hexarelin?

Awesome work btw!
to help build cartilage in combination with the supplements
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MK677 would do the job too? I'll do the stack and report.
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MK677 would do the job too? I'll do the stack and report.
I dont think so. you can do 18-20IU of hgh instead which is more powerful in combination with the supplements.
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I dont think so. you can do 18-20IU of hgh instead which is more powerful in combination with the supplements.

Will using MK-677 and CJC-1295 grow the femur bones or spine? Not talking about growing cartilage but actual bone growth.
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How tall are you?
He probably lives in burger land so 5'9.5 or 5'10 I have no clue why he's so obsessed with height. I was expecting him to be 5'4 or something.
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read one word before scrolling down I did not
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