ULTIMATE Steroid Guide.

Deleted member 147

Deleted member 147

[-={Imperitor of Intel《♡》Slayer Crew/Roidcel}=-]
Aug 14, 2018
People think that all PEDs "steroids" and that all "steroids" are the same. What they dont realise is that there are many different types of steroids used for different purposes.

Many of the drugs used along side steroids like HGH or DNP are missunderstood. But today, we will be having a look at the most common steroids and their uses.

I'm going to give you the basic info you need to know minus a lot of the scientific jargon. You must do further research before starting a cycle.

Lets all just appreciate that I'm writing this improv style as I go along and from my head randomly on a Saturday afternoon. If something doesnt seem right, do shout that out.

On our next Thread, we will be covering drugs often related to steroids but arent actually steroids. We will be covering fat burners like Clenbuterol, DNP, T3. We will cover HGH and Insulin use. We will cover the use of SARMS and a few key Prohormones ect ect. If you guys want this, give me a shout.

Lets get this thread Stickied!!!


- The most classic steroid. Every AAS cycle must consist of testosterone, this is because although every steroid are "tweaked/enhanced" versions of testosterone, they are not similar enough to replace Testosterone in terms of upkeeping bodily funtions such as libidoo or fertility. However every other steroid with few exceptions will still manage to shut down your own testosterone, so you must take atleast 100mg/week of Exogenous test to replace this.
- The anabolic:androgenic ratio of testosterone is 100:100, you can add some quality mass on testosterone. Average doses is 500mg/week. Water retention will be noticed due to aromatisation, but this will subside off cycle.
- Testosterone aromatises, this means some of it will be converted to Estrogen by the body in an attempt to reach hormonal homeostasis. You must take an aromatising inhibator to lower the estrogen and reduce side effects.
- Testosterone must be injected, there is no oral tablet version. If you're too pussy to stick a tiny painless needle in yourself, AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) are not for you.
- My personal favourite place to Inject is the Quad muscle. Use a 23-25G needle and inject upto 3 mls. Needle should to be at least 1" long. Check @jefferson 's thread for more info on Injecting.
- Testosterone can come in a few different esters. The ester does not change the drug at all, but rather the half life, or the time the drug remains active in your circulatory sustem. The Suspension ester has a half life of 1hr, and is thus used as a pre-workout. The Propionate ester has a half life of 3 days, these cycles last 8-12 weeks. The Ethanate/Cypionate esters have a half life of 11 days, and these cycles last 12-16 weeks.
- As different esters have differnet half lives, they need to be injected at differnet frequencies to keep blood levels stable. Propionate should be injected EOD. Ethanate/Cypionate should be injected 2 times weekly.
- Testosterone is reported to increase confidence, lower inhibation and increase assertiveness.


- Dianabol is probably the 2nd most known steroid after testosterone. Its known for being able to add the most mass compared to any other steroid. Albeit, a lot of this mass will be water weight which will be gone when use discontinues. Anadrol is said to be a better alternative.
- Dbol for short, comes in a C-17AA structure. Which means it can be ingested orally via tablets. General dosage is between 30-50mg/day for 3-5 weeks.
- Most Orals have short half lives, hence they the dose should be taken daily, or even divided into 2 portions taken in the AM and PM.
- This steroid is best used within the first 4 months of a steroid cycle for best results.
- Users report feeling mentally very confident and focused on Dbol. Many say they feel like a king on Dbol.


- Very similar to Dbol, however Anadrol is a Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivitive. This means it has different side effects such as hairloss (Only if you're already susceptible to hairloss) or prostate enlargment (Quite uncommon at reccomended dosages). However, almost all DHTs do not aromatise. This results in a much more dry and vascular look. (Anadrol still manages to cause some bloat however).
- Also known as Oxymetholone.
- General dosage is 50-100mg/day for 4-6 weeks. Strength will go up signifigantly, and lots of mass will be gained, and much less of it will be water compared to Dbol.
- Anadrol can be hepatoxic, meaning it can be taxing on the liver. It should be fine if taken along the guidelines given above, but if you want to be extra safe take 1200-1800mg NAC everyday. NAC is a liver supplement which can be purchased legally on Amazon.
- Great oral for a bulking cycle, as with most orals, best used within the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle as a kickstart


- Winstrol is another oral DHT steroid. Hence, it does not aromatise. Its best used during the last 4-6 weeks of a cycle, to harden and polish off you're new gains.
- Also known as Stanozol.
- It wont add the most mass, but has the potential to add quality, dry mass while esters are clearing in the last few weeks if diet is on check.
- Winstrol is a C-17AA hence there is some hepatoxicity, but to a lesser extent than Anadrol. Winstrol can also dry out the joints temporarily, but if Taurine is taken at 3000mg/day, or if taken with Deca/NPP this is not a problem.
- General dosage is 75-100mg/day for 4-6 weeks.


-This is my favourite oral steroid on paper by far. I'm scheduled to try it next month. Its a slighter super version of Anadrol. Also called Methyldrostanolone.
- Strength and lean, dry mass gains are insane. Its said to make the user very aggressive as well.
- Very strong DHT, not reccomended for anoyone prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). The Hepatoxicity is also greater than anadrol. NAC use is highly reccomended.
- General use is 20mg for 4-6 weeks. Much better to keep it at 4 weeks. Results will come hard and fast, but you have to eat eat eat to see this.
- Again, DHT so does not aromatise.


- Propably the weakest conventional steroid there is besides proviron or primobolan, Hence its the favourite steroid for females.
- Also known as Oxandrolone.
- Not much mass will be added for males unless you're on the higher end of the dosage range. But mass added will be very keepable and very high quality.
- Anavar also has the ability to burn fat, but even so, you're diet is always the #1 factor in determining your experience with AAS. With diet you could bulk on Anavar or cut on Dianabol, although this is not ideal.
- Side effects like liver toxicity or MPB are quite low, so this shouldnt be a problem. Anavar is a DHT.
- General dosage is between 100-150mg/day for 8 weeks. Better with longer estered cycles.
- Anavar can be quite expensive and often fake, but if you have the funds and a reliable source, running it by the protocol listen above will produce great results.


- A good middle ground between something mild like Anavar/Winstrol and something strong like Anadrol/Superdrol.
- General dosage is 80-120mg/day for 6 weeks. 4 weeks is meh, and 8 weeks is too blah.
- Poential to add some real quality gains without much water retention. Gains are relatively keepable and vascular if diet is on check.
- Is a DHT, but the side effects are not as pronounced compared to Winstrol, Anadrol or Superdrol. Fuck Halotestin.
- I personally took Turinabol is my first cycle at 60mgs for 8 weeks, (Should have done 80 for 6 weeks tbh). I did get some crazy shin splits, so taking some Taurine with Tbol is a great idea.
- Does not aromatise and some report an increase in apetite and feeling of wellness.


- Probably the most DHT out of all the DHT steroids. Strength gains are like SECOND TO NONE. Wont add that much mass, but will make you strong as fuck. Great for MMA fighters and people with "Mechanically efficient" frames like @averageblokecel the MegaCoper.
- Should definately NEVER be used by anyone prone to DHT side effects like Hairloss or Prostate enlargment. Its probably the most Hepatoxic steroid out there along with Methyl-Trienolone.
- None the less, general dosage is 10mg/day for 4 weeks. Do not take this in a stack with Trenbolone, you will not be able to control your anger, and your dick might die. Srs.
- If you're gonna take it, see if you can find an injectable version to help reduce liver toxicity.
- Side effects may include death. Jks jks.

Nandrolone Phenyl-Prop/Deca Durabolin:

- Im writing these two together because they are essentially the same drugs but with different esters.
- General dosage for both is 400-600mg/week, duration of cycle depends which compound you use. I highly reccomend NPP over Decca 9/10 times.
- NPP and DECA are 19-NOR derived steroids. They increase prolactin not estrogen, and hence cabergoline must be used a long side these 19-NOR steroids to fight off Prolactin Induced Gynocomastia. I didnt know this on my first cycle which had 350mg/week of NPP and almost got Gyno.
- Both these drugs can add some REALLY great size, water retention will be present but this can be controlled using your caber, Aromatising Inhibator and most importantly; diet. Try to keep your sodium low.
- Aromatises at 1/5th the rate of testosterone, but can cause some users to feel down and decrease Libido, known as Deca dick. (Solved with Caber).
- NPP is the shorter ester version of
Nandrolone with a half life of 2.5-3 days. Should be injected EOD at least, or ED for best results. Worst case Scenario, E3D injections. Cycles last 8-12 weeks.
- Deca is the longer ester version, with a half life of 15-16 days. Cycles can last 16-20 weeks, results will take 6-8 weeks to notice. In my opinion, Deca doesnt have much of a place in your arsenal unless you're planning on atleast a 16 week bulking cycle with Test.
- Both these drugs can increase Appetite signifigantly and help "lubricate" you joints, which can eliminate pain in the joints caused by some DHT oral steroids like Winstrol or Turinabol.


- The king of steroids. The necter of the gods. This shit produces mad results. Not for your 1st, 2nd maybe even 3rd cycle. Im taking it on my 2nd but im cooler than you guys.
- A 19-NOR steroid with an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 500:500. Thats right, 5x more anabolic and androgenic than Testosterone. This steroid is good in a bulking, recomp or cutting cycle, (Best in a cutting tho), just adjust your diet accordingly.
- Can actually cause direct fatloss, its not on the level of a good dose of Clen or DNP, but it might let you get a lil bit of a sneaky Mars bar here and there you fat cunt.
- Nutrient partitioning means that even if you ate something with much lower values macronutrients & micronutrients, more of the nutrients that are there will be shuttled into your body for use and not be shitted out of your body into the toilet.
- Nutrient Partitioning can cause slight constipation, if this happens eat some more fibre-ry fruit.
- Its a 19-NOR so make sure to take some Caber, otherwise you gonna be squirting out milk from your tits.
- Insomnia can be experienced, and incombination with the shorter aggresion trigger Trenboline gives you, it might be better to spend some time meditating daily.
- General dosage is 300-600mg/week for 8-16 weeks. 8-10 weeks if on the Acetate ester, must be pinned ED/EOD. And 12-16 weeks if on the Ethanate ester, must be pinned 2 times/week. Its not advised to go past 12 weeks either way, but if you can handle the side effects ??‍♂️
- Trenbolone shuts your natty test production hard, so make sure you have an extensive PCT in place and use HCG in the last 4 weeks of your cycle. Remember to take Caber.
- Can be liver toxic, so do take some NAC just to be safe if you're on a longer cycle. Tbh, I take NAC with any cycle liver toxic or not.
- Take your fucking cabergoline or you wont get to use your dick.
- Can reduce your appetite, sooo you might have to force your food down your throat.


- A DHT derived cutting steroid used by athletes as a contest preperatio compound to harden the look of their gains, and to appear more Vascular.
- It does this by aiding the removal of water that remains between the skin and the muscle fibres. Masterone is a key component in a pro-bodybuilders arsenal, which helps the get lean to the point one can observe individual striations of the muscle fibre.
- Also known as Drostanolone
- General dose is 700-900mg/week for 8-10 weeks. The most common Ethanate ester should be injected 2x weekly.
- Not really worth the investment if over 12-14% bodyfat as results will be hard to see
- Has aromatase inhibition properties similar to Arimidex/Aromasin. Not as strong as Adex/Asin, and one of these two should always be used, but its a nice little cherry on top.
- If using just Masteron and low dose test (Under 300mg/week) with some other non-aromatising drugs, I'd say you'd be fine without an aromatising Inhibator.
- Only real use is during a cutting cycle. A very popular cutting stack is Masteron, Testosterone and Trenbolone.


- A great injectable steroid that will give you extremely keepable lean muscle gains in the long run.
- It takes 6-7 weeks for results to be observed, and isnt for someone who wants to pack on mass fast. But its an extremely versitile steroid which can be used in almost any cycle.
- An amazing addition for anyone who really enjoys cardio, as Equipoise is said to help increase VO2 max, however, this needs more research.
- General dosage is 800-1200mg/week for 16-20 weeks. 16 weeks is the minimum you should really be using this drug, as results will just start to peak around week 10.
- This steroid can signifigantly increase your appetite, users also report feelings of wellness on this steroid.
- This steroid can also be more expejsive than other steroids. Do to the mild nature of the results from Equipose, I reccomend using another drug if you dont have the funds available to run this completely as outlined.


- Writing all this from the top of my head. Dont know much about this drug.
- Arnold's favourite drug
- Very expensive and is often faked.
- Great addition to a cutting cycle.
- Idk what else to say... Just Primobolan okay?

These are all the most common steroids and their basic outline.

Aromatising Inhibators

Aromasin - The ideal AI to take. 12.5mg/EOD-E3D is best. Can be taken during PCT. Also slightly slightly increases IGF-1 levels.
Arimidex - The most common AI to take. A good margin cheaper than Aromasin. 0.5mg/EOD-E3D. Cannot be taken during PCT.
Letrozol - The most powerful AI, for use when minor Gyno is already present. Way to powerful if you dont already have Gyno. 2.5mg/EOD is the general dosage. Can have severly negative effects on Chelestrol or however you spell it. Can be taken During PCT.
Cabergoline - This should be taken with any 19-NOR steroid to keep prolactin in check. Will stoo you from lactating and having a dead dick. General dosage is 0.5mg/E3D. Can be taken during PCT. Feel free to take as much as you want, its okay for men to crash Prolactin as we have no need for it.

How is this for a High Effort, High IQ thread?
I been inactive for a while, but I came back with a bang :)

@11gaijin @Nibba @Tricky @ZyzzReincarnate @battlefieldincel @ZUZZCEL @averageblokecel @jefferson @extreme-overthinker @Tony @Madness
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Reactions: TILETY, Deleted member 8771, Polar and 18 others
They took down @jefferson's, so why would they sticky yours?
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Reactions: Kmscurry
Are you the 4/10 curry?
More than a guide, this is an encyclopedia naming a lot of steroids

@jefferson did do a guide on how your 1st cycle should be

Still miss me with this shit at 17 yo lol
@ZUZZCEL thoughts?
  • Woah
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What's your opinion on blasting test/tren year round and coming off once or twice?
What's your opinion on blasting test/tren year round and coming off once or twice?

Uhhh I mean its been done. Zyzz cycles 2 grams of Tren a week for months and months. Its possible, but, you have a really high chance of ending up on TRT like that.

Make sure to use the fuck out of HCG and HMG when you plan on coming off with an extensive PCT. And even that may not work.

But as I said, if you wanna risk TRT, go for it.
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Reactions: Deleted member 283
It's an ironic meme. Found it onr rokaybuddyretard. Nothing to elaborate on lol it's not supposed to be meaningful

Oh coolios, what ya think of the thread
They took down @jefferson's, so why would they sticky yours?

No his is still there actually lol
Oh coolios, what ya think of the thread
I like it bro. I still need to look into how each of these is gonna affect me personally tho. So what about having kids? I wanna have kids but it's basically impossible after injecting right?
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Reactions: Deleted member 147
I like it bro. I still need to look into how each of these is gonna affect me personally tho. So what about having kids? I wanna have kids but it's basically impossible after injecting right?

Who told you that ???

Arnold and other pro bodybuilders took 8-12x the dosages I listed here and all have kids. Arnold himself has 3. You can have kids even on TRT lol.

Sperm production and natty test levels 2 different things.
  • +1
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Who told you that ???

Arnold and other pro bodybuilders took 8-12x the dosages I listed here and all have kids. Arnold himself has 3. You can have kids even on TRT lol.

Sperm production and natty test levels 2 different things.
So if I take trt as an old faggot I can still have kids? I found it in a study on trt from nation institute of health
So if I take trt as an old faggot I can still have kids? I found it in a study on trt from nation institute of health

Yh you can still have kids lol. Even if you stopped producing sperm hypothetically, ur doctor or you yourself could reverse that in 86% of cases with HMG.
Yh you can still have kids lol. Even if you stopped producing sperm hypothetically, ur doctor or you yourself could reverse that in 86% of cases with HMG.
Oh shit thanks boyo. I think I'll start injectioning once I get to 210. I'll cut, then get on a cycle
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 147
Oh shit thanks boyo. I think I'll start injectioning once I get to 210. I'll cut, then get on a cycle

Ur 190 now will prolly start a cycle next year around juneish?
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Tudca is far superior to nac, If your running 20mgs of superdrol stacked with tren you better have some tudca or your appetite will be completely gone within a week or two unless you have an abnormally strong liver. Are you bulking or cutting for your next cycle?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 147
Tudca is far superior to nac, If your running 20mgs of superdrol stacked with tren you better have some tudca or your appetite will be completely gone within a week or two unless you have an abnormally strong liver. Are you bulking or cutting for your next cycle?

Bulking tbh

Nvr had tuca tbh. Legal of illegal compliment
People think that all PEDs "steroids" and that all "steroids" are the same. What they dont realise is that there are many different types of steroids used for different purposes.

Many of the drugs used along side steroids like HGH or DNP are missunderstood. But today, we will be having a look at the most common steroids and their uses.

I'm going to give you the basic info you need to know minus a lot of the scientific jargon. You must do further research before starting a cycle.

Lets all just appreciate that I'm writing this improv style as I go along and from my head randomly on a Saturday afternoon. If something doesnt seem right, do shout that out.

On our next Thread, we will be covering drugs often related to steroids but arent actually steroids. We will be covering fat burners like Clenbuterol, DNP, T3. We will cover HGH and Insulin use. We will cover the use of SARMS and a few key Prohormones ect ect. If you guys want this, give me a shout.

Lets get this thread Stickied!!!


- The most classic steroid. Every AAS cycle must consist of testosterone, this is because although every steroid are "tweaked/enhanced" versions of testosterone, they are not similar enough to replace Testosterone in terms of upkeeping bodily funtions such as libidoo or fertility. However every other steroid with few exceptions will still manage to shut down your own testosterone, so you must take atleast 100mg/week of Exogenous test to replace this.
- The anabolic:androgenic ratio of testosterone is 100:100, you can add some quality mass on testosterone. Average doses is 500mg/week. Water retention will be noticed due to aromatisation, but this will subside off cycle.
- Testosterone aromatises, this means some of it will be converted to Estrogen by the body in an attempt to reach hormonal homeostasis. You must take an aromatising inhibator to lower the estrogen and reduce side effects.
- Testosterone must be injected, there is no oral tablet version. If you're too pussy to stick a tiny painless needle in yourself, AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) are not for you.
- My personal favourite place to Inject is the Quad muscle. Use a 23-25G needle and inject upto 3 mls. Needle should to be at least 1" long. Check @jefferson 's thread for more info on Injecting.
- Testosterone can come in a few different esters. The ester does not change the drug at all, but rather the half life, or the time the drug remains active in your circulatory sustem. The Suspension ester has a half life of 1hr, and is thus used as a pre-workout. The Propionate ester has a half life of 3 days, these cycles last 8-12 weeks. The Ethanate/Cypionate esters have a half life of 11 days, and these cycles last 12-16 weeks.
- As different esters have differnet half lives, they need to be injected at differnet frequencies to keep blood levels stable. Propionate should be injected EOD. Ethanate/Cypionate should be injected 2 times weekly.
- Testosterone is reported to increase confidence, lower inhibation and increase assertiveness.


- Dianabol is probably the 2nd most known steroid after testosterone. Its known for being able to add the most mass compared to any other steroid. Albeit, a lot of this mass will be water weight which will be gone when use discontinues. Anadrol is said to be a better alternative.
- Dbol for short, comes in a C-17AA structure. Which means it can be ingested orally via tablets. General dosage is between 30-50mg/day for 3-5 weeks.
- Most Orals have short half lives, hence they the dose should be taken daily, or even divided into 2 portions taken in the AM and PM.
- This steroid is best used within the first 4 months of a steroid cycle for best results.
- Users report feeling mentally very confident and focused on Dbol. Many say they feel like a king on Dbol.


- Very similar to Dbol, however Anadrol is a Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivitive. This means it has different side effects such as hairloss (Only if you're already susceptible to hairloss) or prostate enlargment (Quite uncommon at reccomended dosages). However, almost all DHTs do not aromatise. This results in a much more dry and vascular look. (Anadrol still manages to cause some bloat however).
- Also known as Oxymetholone.
- General dosage is 50-100mg/day for 4-6 weeks. Strength will go up signifigantly, and lots of mass will be gained, and much less of it will be water compared to Dbol.
- Anadrol can be hepatoxic, meaning it can be taxing on the liver. It should be fine if taken along the guidelines given above, but if you want to be extra safe take 1200-1800mg NAC everyday. NAC is a liver supplement which can be purchased legally on Amazon.
- Great oral for a bulking cycle, as with most orals, best used within the first 4-6 weeks of the cycle as a kickstart


- Winstrol is another oral DHT steroid. Hence, it does not aromatise. Its best used during the last 4-6 weeks of a cycle, to harden and polish off you're new gains.
- Also known as Stanozol.
- It wont add the most mass, but has the potential to add quality, dry mass while esters are clearing in the last few weeks if diet is on check.
- Winstrol is a C-17AA hence there is some hepatoxicity, but to a lesser extent than Anadrol. Winstrol can also dry out the joints temporarily, but if Taurine is taken at 3000mg/day, or if taken with Deca/NPP this is not a problem.
- General dosage is 75-100mg/day for 4-6 weeks.


-This is my favourite oral steroid on paper by far. I'm scheduled to try it next month. Its a slighter super version of Anadrol. Also called Methyldrostanolone.
- Strength and lean, dry mass gains are insane. Its said to make the user very aggressive as well.
- Very strong DHT, not reccomended for anoyone prone to Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). The Hepatoxicity is also greater than anadrol. NAC use is highly reccomended.
- General use is 20mg for 4-6 weeks. Much better to keep it at 4 weeks. Results will come hard and fast, but you have to eat eat eat to see this.
- Again, DHT so does not aromatise.


- Propably the weakest conventional steroid there is besides proviron or primobolan, Hence its the favourite steroid for females.
- Also known as Oxandrolone.
- Not much mass will be added for males unless you're on the higher end of the dosage range. But mass added will be very keepable and very high quality.
- Anavar also has the ability to burn fat, but even so, you're diet is always the #1 factor in determining your experience with AAS. With diet you could bulk on Anavar or cut on Dianabol, although this is not ideal.
- Side effects like liver toxicity or MPB are quite low, so this shouldnt be a problem. Anavar is a DHT.
- General dosage is between 100-150mg/day for 8 weeks. Better with longer estered cycles.
- Anavar can be quite expensive and often fake, but if you have the funds and a reliable source, running it by the protocol listen above will produce great results.


- A good middle ground between something mild like Anavar/Winstrol and something strong like Anadrol/Superdrol.
- General dosage is 80-120mg/day for 6 weeks. 4 weeks is meh, and 8 weeks is too blah.
- Poential to add some real quality gains without much water retention. Gains are relatively keepable and vascular if diet is on check.
- Is a DHT, but the side effects are not as pronounced compared to Winstrol, Anadrol or Superdrol. Fuck Halotestin.
- I personally took Turinabol is my first cycle at 60mgs for 8 weeks, (Should have done 80 for 6 weeks tbh). I did get some crazy shin splits, so taking some Taurine with Tbol is a great idea.
- Does not aromatise and some report an increase in apetite and feeling of wellness.


- Probably the most DHT out of all the DHT steroids. Strength gains are like SECOND TO NONE. Wont add that much mass, but will make you strong as fuck. Great for MMA fighters and people with "Mechanically efficient" frames like @averageblokecel the MegaCoper.
- Should definately NEVER be used by anyone prone to DHT side effects like Hairloss or Prostate enlargment. Its probably the most Hepatoxic steroid out there along with Methyl-Trienolone.
- None the less, general dosage is 10mg/day for 4 weeks. Do not take this in a stack with Trenbolone, you will not be able to control your anger, and your dick might die. Srs.
- If you're gonna take it, see if you can find an injectable version to help reduce liver toxicity.
- Side effects may include death. Jks jks.

Nandrolone Phenyl-Prop/Deca Durabolin:

- Im writing these two together because they are essentially the same drugs but with different esters.
- General dosage for both is 400-600mg/week, duration of cycle depends which compound you use. I highly reccomend NPP over Decca 9/10 times.
- NPP and DECA are 19-NOR derived steroids. They increase prolactin not estrogen, and hence cabergoline must be used a long side these 19-NOR steroids to fight off Prolactin Induced Gynocomastia. I didnt know this on my first cycle which had 350mg/week of NPP and almost got Gyno.
- Both these drugs can add some REALLY great size, water retention will be present but this can be controlled using your caber, Aromatising Inhibator and most importantly; diet. Try to keep your sodium low.
- Aromatises at 1/5th the rate of testosterone, but can cause some users to feel down and decrease Libido, known as Deca dick. (Solved with Caber).
- NPP is the shorter ester version of
Nandrolone with a half life of 2.5-3 days. Should be injected EOD at least, or ED for best results. Worst case Scenario, E3D injections. Cycles last 8-12 weeks.
- Deca is the longer ester version, with a half life of 15-16 days. Cycles can last 16-20 weeks, results will take 6-8 weeks to notice. In my opinion, Deca doesnt have much of a place in your arsenal unless you're planning on atleast a 16 week bulking cycle with Test.
- Both these drugs can increase Appetite signifigantly and help "lubricate" you joints, which can eliminate pain in the joints caused by some DHT oral steroids like Winstrol or Turinabol.


- The king of steroids. The necter of the gods. This shit produces mad results. Not for your 1st, 2nd maybe even 3rd cycle. Im taking it on my 2nd but im cooler than you guys.
- A 19-NOR steroid with an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 500:500. Thats right, 5x more anabolic and androgenic than Testosterone. This steroid is good in a bulking, recomp or cutting cycle, (Best in a cutting tho), just adjust your diet accordingly.
- Can actually cause direct fatloss, its not on the level of a good dose of Clen or DNP, but it might let you get a lil bit of a sneaky Mars bar here and there you fat cunt.
- Nutrient partitioning means that even if you ate something with much lower values macronutrients & micronutrients, more of the nutrients that are there will be shuttled into your body for use and not be shitted out of your body into the toilet.
- Nutrient Partitioning can cause slight constipation, if this happens eat some more fibre-ry fruit.
- Its a 19-NOR so make sure to take some Caber, otherwise you gonna be squirting out milk from your tits.
- Insomnia can be experienced, and incombination with the shorter aggresion trigger Trenboline gives you, it might be better to spend some time meditating daily.
- General dosage is 300-600mg/week for 8-16 weeks. 8-10 weeks if on the Acetate ester, must be pinned ED/EOD. And 12-16 weeks if on the Ethanate ester, must be pinned 2 times/week. Its not advised to go past 12 weeks either way, but if you can handle the side effects ??‍♂️
- Trenbolone shuts your natty test production hard, so make sure you have an extensive PCT in place and use HCG in the last 4 weeks of your cycle. Remember to take Caber.
- Can be liver toxic, so do take some NAC just to be safe if you're on a longer cycle. Tbh, I take NAC with any cycle liver toxic or not.
- Take your fucking cabergoline or you wont get to use your dick.
- Can reduce your appetite, sooo you might have to force your food down your throat.


- A DHT derived cutting steroid used by athletes as a contest preperatio compound to harden the look of their gains, and to appear more Vascular.
- It does this by aiding the removal of water that remains between the skin and the muscle fibres. Masterone is a key component in a pro-bodybuilders arsenal, which helps the get lean to the point one can observe individual striations of the muscle fibre.
- Also known as Drostanolone
- General dose is 700-900mg/week for 8-10 weeks. The most common Ethanate ester should be injected 2x weekly.
- Not really worth the investment if over 12-14% bodyfat as results will be hard to see
- Has aromatase inhibition properties similar to Arimidex/Aromasin. Not as strong as Adex/Asin, and one of these two should always be used, but its a nice little cherry on top.
- If using just Masteron and low dose test (Under 300mg/week) with some other non-aromatising drugs, I'd say you'd be fine without an aromatising Inhibator.
- Only real use is during a cutting cycle. A very popular cutting stack is Masteron, Testosterone and Trenbolone.


- A great injectable steroid that will give you extremely keepable lean muscle gains in the long run.
- It takes 6-7 weeks for results to be observed, and isnt for someone who wants to pack on mass fast. But its an extremely versitile steroid which can be used in almost any cycle.
- An amazing addition for anyone who really enjoys cardio, as Equipoise is said to help increase VO2 max, however, this needs more research.
- General dosage is 800-1200mg/week for 16-20 weeks. 16 weeks is the minimum you should really be using this drug, as results will just start to peak around week 10.
- This steroid can signifigantly increase your appetite, users also report feelings of wellness on this steroid.
- This steroid can also be more expejsive than other steroids. Do to the mild nature of the results from Equipose, I reccomend using another drug if you dont have the funds available to run this completely as outlined.


- Writing all this from the top of my head. Dont know much about this drug.
- Arnold's favourite drug
- Very expensive and is often faked.
- Great addition to a cutting cycle.
- Idk what else to say... Just Primobolan okay?

These are all the most common steroids and their basic outline.

Aromatising Inhibators

Aromasin - The ideal AI to take. 12.5mg/EOD-E3D is best. Can be taken during PCT. Also slightly slightly increases IGF-1 levels.
Arimidex - The most common AI to take. A good margin cheaper than Aromasin. 0.5mg/EOD-E3D. Cannot be taken during PCT.
Letrozol - The most powerful AI, for use when minor Gyno is already present. Way to powerful if you dont already have Gyno. 2.5mg/EOD is the general dosage. Can have severly negative effects on Chelestrol or however you spell it. Can be taken During PCT.
Cabergoline - This should be taken with any 19-NOR steroid to keep prolactin in check. Will stoo you from lactating and having a dead dick. General dosage is 0.5mg/E3D. Can be taken during PCT. Feel free to take as much as you want, its okay for men to crash Prolactin as we have no need for it.

How is this for a High Effort, High IQ thread?
I been inactive for a while, but I came back with a bang :)

@11gaijin @Nibba @Tricky @ZyzzReincarnate @battlefieldincel @ZUZZCEL @averageblokecel @jefferson @extreme-overthinker @Tony @Madness
Mirin effort bro.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 147
U tagged me just to tease me cuz I can't use peds but overall insanely good thread and deffo needs a sticky.

I need money for hgh to run 300 uis for a month and see how she goes
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 147
If I do I plan to get at least a inch out of it.

Idk how to know if my source is legit because its way to cheap (riptropin 3 boxes for 150 bucks)
The only place you will be getting inches is on your gut with a dosage that high, plus, pharma grade hgh is the only one worth buying and i doubt any 13 yr old can afford it. I grew around 4 inches from 13-18, you might too, when did you hit puberty?
The only place you will be getting inches is on your gut with a dosage that high, plus, pharma grade hgh is the only one worth buying and i doubt any 13 yr old can afford it. I grew around 4 inches from 13-18, you might too, when did you hit puberty?
Idk I still don't have armpit hair but I started growing a lot last year (2 inches)
Idk I still don't have armpit hair but I started growing a lot last year (2 inches)
Okay kid, you don't even have ARMPIT HAIR! You are wwwaaaayyyyyy too young to fuck with hormones and you're already growing naturally, for the love of god or whatever the fuck you believe in, don't fuck with your hormones, you might even end up stunting your natural potential.
  • +1
Reactions: Future Arablite
Okay kid, you don't even have ARMPIT HAIR! You are wwwaaaayyyyyy too young to fuck with hormones and you're already growing naturally, for the love of god or whatever the fuck you believe in, don't fuck with your hormones, you might even end up stunting your natural potential.
okay if I'm not 6 foot by 15 I am though
what does this mean

Lol, I just woke from a nap when I wrote that. I mean legal or illegal compound?
If I do I plan to get at least a inch out of it.

Idk how to know if my source is legit because its way to cheap (riptropin 3 boxes for 150 bucks)

1) You wont grow in height on 300IUs of HGH.
2) You wont grow in height on 1 month of HGH
3) That HGH is fake.
okay if I'm not 6 foot by 15 I am though
Lmfao:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, guess what kid? You might take gh and still not experience any growth.
okay if I'm not 6 foot by 15 I am though

Fucking with hormones will stunt your growth. Take like 12.5mg Aromasin E4-5D to prolong ur growth. Even then, idk if its a good idea to take that.
okay if I'm not 6 foot by 15 I am though

I was 5'10 at 15 now Im 6'1 at 17
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife
Do you have any info on DHB or IGF-1 LR3?
Fucking with hormones will stunt your growth. Take like 12.5mg Aromasin E4-5D to prolong ur growth. Even then, idk if its a good idea to take that.

I was 5'10 at 15 now Im 6'1 at 17
Ik but my dad is short even though the rest of my family are giants and my mom is adopted so you never know with her.

My 6'2 27 year old cousin was 5'11 entering high school and his dad is 6'4 ish so that just shows my families growth patterns though I'm not to far into puberty so I might have a chance
Ik but my dad is short even though the rest of my family are giants and my mom is adopted so you never know with her.

My 6'2 27 year old cousin was 5'11 entering high school and his dad is 6'4 ish so that just shows my families growth patterns though I'm not to far into puberty so I might have a chance

If you're over 6' dont worry about anything lol.

After 6' frame is more important.

I'm 6'1 with great frame, and people always tell me "Omg Habib you're so tall". When I'm literally beside someone whos 6'3 and nobody is saying anything about him lol.
If you're over 6' dont worry about anything lol.

After 6' frame is more important.

I'm 6'1 with great frame, and people always tell me "Omg Habib you're so tall". When I'm literally beside someone whos 6'3 and nobody is saying anything about him lol.
6'3 guy would mog you with frame height and frame both matter but you need both
6'3 guy would mog you with frame height and frame both matter but you need both

Nah he had an ugly face and bad frame. But just because he grew in height, doesnt mean he grew in shoulder width.
Yes he is

Lol, that guy rated me a 4/10 because I look curry lol...

I mog 95% of currys and racepill isnt THAT burtal anyways...
The highest Effort post ever.
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
It's an ironic meme. Found it onr rokaybuddyretard. Nothing to elaborate on lol it's not supposed to be meaningful
you ruined the significance of the epic maymay with that explanation
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 147
Great threads both of ye guys @Intel.Imperitive @jefferson props! Most likely going on roids next summer when I hit 20. That would be a full year training done also. Just a question I herd a lot about keeping ur gains coming off the cycle, did you lose any gains, I suppose it depends on how quickly ur natty test comes back?

Going to the doc this week to get my test level checked, it seemed a lot higher when I was in puberty a good few years back, but now it’s dead. I wouldn’t be surprised it’s in the 300 range.
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome and Deleted member 147
Great threads both of ye guys @Intel.Imperitive @jefferson props! Most likely going on roids next summer when I hit 20. That would be a full year training done also. Just a question I herd a lot about keeping ur gains coming off the cycle, did you lose any gains, I suppose it depends on how quickly ur natty test comes back?

Going to the doc this week to get my test level checked, it seemed a lot higher when I was in puberty a good few years back, but now it’s dead. I wouldn’t be surprised it’s in the 300 range.

Well, you lose a lot of WEIGHT when you come off cycle. Most of it is water, and yes some of it is muscle.

How much water/muscle you used depends on 1) What steroids you were using, 2) You're PCT regiment, 3) What dosage and for how long were you using them, 4) Diet and training when you get off cycle, 5) How advanced you're physique is ex begginer vs pro, 6) Your natural propensity to restart your natty test production.

I lost a lot of my gains first time round due to bad PCT, Diet and training. 2nd Cycle will be much better.
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
you ruined the significance of the epic maymay with that explanation
idiots can's understand art, that doesn't mean we should explain art to them
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 283
idiots can's understand art, that doesn't mean we should explain art to them

U mad cause we bullied u so hard u had to leave the snapchat groupchat lol ???
  • +1
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