Can I reach 6 foot? Mom 5’7 dad 5’9. I just turned 17 but I hit puberty late around 15 and growth plates still open

You might have a hyperfixation on your height, ive been lifting & have grown 4 inches since then
what is hyperfixation? i stopped liftin cuz my doctor told me it was stunting my growth and i been killing myself over sicne cuz i worked out for a year for no reason. and it stunteed my growth
the us. mk isnt rlly that harmful tho all it does it tell ur pituary gland to produce more gh. i bought a glucose monitor js incase tho so i dont get diabetes, but i gotta fix my diet that shi gone give me diabetes. im more worried about the AI
What state lol no weird stuff I’m just curious I’m from mass
Is it safe ? I would consider it but will it cause me acne and is it okay at 17
its pretty safe. i recommend you get a blood glucose monitor and take berbine tho. if ur worried about skin mk-677 actualyl improves skin quality
what is hyperfixation? i stopped liftin cuz my doctor told me it was stunting my growth and i been killing myself over sicne cuz i worked out for a year for no reason. and it stunteed my growth
I don’t think weightlifting stunts growth but it depends on what you do I have been lifting since before puberty and I still grew
What are the best foods to bulk up with and stay healthy without acne and grow taller
Also when does growing stop for me if you were to guess considering I hit puberty late and I’m 17
What are the best foods to bulk up with and stay healthy without acne and grow taller
meal prep some ground beef + potatos
Also when does growing stop for me if you were to guess considering I hit puberty late and I’m 17
different for everyone bro i hit puberty around 13 and my endo said i have about a little over a year left which would put me around 17
meal prep some ground beef + potatos

different for everyone bro i hit puberty around 13 and my endo said i have about a little over a year left which would put me around 17
I’m doctor said I’d grow to 5’7-5’8 but I think that’s bullshit tbh cause when I was a kid he said 6 foot
I’m doctor said I’d grow to 5’7-5’8 but I think that’s bullshit tbh cause when I was a kid he said 6 foot
you might of been a higher percentile when you were younger vs your current one
being overly focused on something

jfl my endo said that it was good i was weightlifting
yeah your definelty right. i swear i got a mental disorder or something bru i check my height like 10x a day and and i always look at peoples height for some reason.

my doctor specialized in growth in kids tho so idk? her reasoning seemed kind of bs tho something about muscle tightness preventing growth
you might of been a higher percentile when you were younger vs your current one
Ya tbh I think I delayed my puberty because when I was little I didn’t like to eat and when I was young teen like 13-14 I used to just play video games all day and not eat and I was super active with sports so I was mad anorexic
What are the best foods to bulk up with and stay healthy without acne and grow taller
canned tuna is the goat bro. i eat it raw with some rice but if you dont like you can add sauces. it literally takes less then a second to make it and has high protein. i recommond greek yogurt aswell but it can give u acne depending on how u respond o diary
canned tuna is the goat bro. i eat it raw with some rice but if you dont like you can add sauces. it literally takes less then a second to make it and has high protein. i recommond greek yogurt aswell but it can give u acne depending on how u respond o diary
Ik but I heard canned tuna isn’t healthy cause of the mercury and aluminum
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Good genetics ?
i mean people usually stretch and warmup before they lift so if this were true i think it would counteract it
yea bro. my doctor specalized in growth for children so it would be stupid for us to call her wrong, but like at a same time wtf
jewish propaganda bro dont believe it

theres nothing on google that has anything relating to it
still bro i dont wanna take the risk. what a bummer though wasted 1 year of my life lifting. shouldve just ropemaxxed when i had the chance jfl
Should I avoid ? I need it tbh
bro defiently do not take accutane. it will stunt ur growth. i recommonend tret, but before that i recommend taking supplements to clean ur skin from the inside out
idk man, personally it hasnt stunted mine - also helps you eat more
yea man. i think it stunted my sisters too, cuz she lifted at a young age and shes only 5'4-5'5 when projected height was like 5'7

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