Exercise is the MOST OVERRATED aspect of anti-ageing

exercise decreases metabolism

exercise promotes muscle growth and repair (stem cell differentiation) this is water , and this is bad . exhausts stem cells ages them

Again pseudo science.Cope
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman
Lol your ugly looking autistic screaming 40 year old boy face is impressing no one.

GO and create a thread and ask people to rate you. My pheno mogs yours as well. The theoretical cope of me being ethnic is too funny to see. The reality is girls see sexy when they see me and when they see you? A boy that looks like they've lost their mother in a supermarket and that they want to help, but won't, because they're afraid he might sexually assault them. The creepy 12 year old with perverse fettishes.
idrk what ur saying but yeah im sexual predator to girls
  • JFL
Reactions: northern mogger and cyprian_tomaszewski
just dont sit on the couch all day . u dont need a gym membership , u dont need any weights , u dont need to play a sport , u dont need to go on jogs or sprint . just walk and thats enough . exercise is generally not anti ageing . of course if u never get off the chair in ur room then u will have worse functioning , but exercise is pro-function not anti-ageing . some strength training is good .

saying you don’t need to jog is cope. Humans were literally made to be able to jog extremely long distances. Jogging definitely helps you look younger if you don’t overdo it
  • JFL
Reactions: thereallegend
saying you don’t need to jog is cope. Humans were literally made to be able to jog extremely long distances. Jogging definitely helps you look younger if you don’t overdo it
jogging to hunt is a form of sacrifice

damage ur body to get food

jogging makes u look older
  • +1
Reactions: thereallegend and ph4ntom
but if dont exercise you cant looksmaxx working out equals looksmaxxing
  • +1
Reactions: eduardkoopman and ilovenicotine
jogging to hunt is a form of sacrifice

damage ur body to get food

jogging makes u look older

Short jogs with walking definitely helps. Walking doesn’t increase your bpm enough
but if dont exercise you cant looksmaxx working out equals looksmaxxing

Losing as much bf% as possible is literally the best lookmaxing thing you can do nothing compares
Losing as much bf% as possible is literally the best lookmaxing thing you can do nothing compares
yes but if you dont have muscle being low bodyfat doesnt mattter because you will be small weak and generally doesnt look good if your lean and have muscle on top of that its the most optimal thing
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik
important <- grounding , gym is unnatural

go in woods and touch the ground , have fun and relazx
Internet is unnatural what are you doing here? Despite the fact that gym can make you stronger. Also even hunting isn't natural, why are you prormoting raw meat?
I'm aware, i unfortunately need a gym membership to widen my shoulders get an aesthetic body and what not then I'll continue ts
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 51465
yes but if you dont have muscle being low bodyfat doesnt mattter because you will be small weak and generally doesnt look good if your lean and have muscle on top of that its the most optimal thing

I’m just considering facial aesthetics
but if dont exercise you cant looksmaxx working out equals looksmaxxing
looksminning if u look older

just healthmax and u will have decent muscles
It seems like you are not aware that human even are not supposed to gunt, cause before inventing these unnatural spears, arrows, they ate only fruits and livedin trees jfl. So tell me why are you using all these man made things?
It seems like you are not aware that human even are not supposed to gunt, cause before inventing these unnatural spears, arrows, they ate only fruits and livedin trees jfl. So tell me why are you using all these man made things?
humans became human by hunting nigga

"we" started hunting as apes
humans became human by hunting nigga

"we" started hunting as apes
Humans started hunting when they invented these unnatural things like spears and arrows, because it's impossible to run after deers, or catch birds. So tell how hunting is supposed to be natural if humans uses unnatural things?
Humans started hunting when they invented these unnatural things like spears and arrows, because it's impossible to run after deers, or catch birds. So tell how hunting is supposed to be natural if humans uses unnatural things?
hunting is natural human strategy for food

if u say anything human make is unnatural then so be it , doesnt change that humans evolve for hunting
  • JFL
Reactions: The Heartless
hunting is natural human strategy for food

if u say anything human make is unnatural then so be it , doesnt change that humans evolve for hunting
Nah naturally humans are not supposed to hunt. Their food was fruits, leftovers of animals and tree barks. Just answer my question how Human is supposed to hunt? As he can't run fast or not as strong as animals? how he supposed to catch without man made things? No animal in nature create this kind of things, as we compare human with animal he's naturally supposed to eat mainly fruits, the only thing that he can acquire physically. After he started to hunt he developed his brains and after eating cooked meat his brains became to develop even more. Everything is unnatural by your Logic, sitting in internet which people invented after they stoped eating raw, using all their tools that they invented. Exercises are natural thing as much as hunting, causing working physical works which human do during whole humanity is also exercise, plus training to become warrior. So Cope
Nah naturally humans are not supposed to hunt. Their food was fruits, leftovers of animals and tree barks. Just answer my question how Human is supposed to hunt? As he can't run fast or not as strong as animals? how he supposed to catch without man made things? No animal in nature create this kind of things, as we compare human with animal he's naturally supposed to eat mainly fruits, the only thing that he can acquire physically. After he started to hunt he developed his brains and after eating cooked meat his brains became to develop even more. Everything is unnatural by your Logic, sitting in internet which people invented after they stoped eating raw, using all their tools that they invented. Exercises are natural thing as much as hunting, causing working physical works which human do during whole humanity is also exercise, plus training to become warrior. So Cope
Nigga are you retarded? humans were primates the reason we evolved so differently from them is because humans started scavanging big cats (aka eating meat), this caused humans to start hunting and evolve for it, both fruits and meat is natural for humans but meat is literally what separated us from monkeys retard
  • +1
Reactions: Youㅤ
Nigga are you retarded? humans were primates the reason we evolved so differently from them is because humans started scavanging big cats (aka eating meat), this caused humans to start hunting and evolve for it, both fruits and meat is natural for humans but meat is literally what separated us from monkeys retard
Autistic cope jfl, man isn't suppoed to make these man made things, if by pure Nature he isn't even supposed to eat meat as he can't run after them jfl. These retards deny man made things, but don't want to deny spears, arrows which are also man made things which are unnatural. JFL at this bird brained IQcel
Autistic cope jfl, man isn't suppoed to make these man made things, if by pure Nature he isn't even supposed to eat meat as he can't run after them jfl. These retards deny man made things, but don't want to deny spears, arrows which are also man made things which are unnatural. JFL at this bird brained IQcel
"Pure nature" IS evolution, and by eating meat humans EVOLVED into humans and separated by primates, jfl at your close minded monkey mind, looks like someones ancestors didnt eat meat to evolve
Keep saying "autistic cope" at all new ideas that your sheepish mind can't grasp, you don't even need to make tools to eat meat retard I explained humans **scavenged** big cats and ate meat that way as opposed to hunting pre tools
"Pure nature" IS evolution, and by eating meat humans EVOLVED into humans and separated by primates, jfl at your close minded monkey mind, looks like someones ancestors didnt eat meat to evolve
Keep saying "autistic cope" at all new ideas that your sheepish mind can't grasp, you don't even need to make tools to eat meat retard I explained humans **scavenged** big cats and ate meat that way as opposed to hunting pre tools
You Down syndrome retard, your parents clearly didn't eat enough meat and didn't feed you proprly JFL. No again you are not right, people ate whatever they could acquire including fruits, leftovers of animal's food. In some cases tree barks when it extremelly nothing to eat. Then they began eating meat and their brains become bigger and jaws smaller and narrower. Your parents clearly dropped you from high distance to the ground lmao, that's why you are so Down syndrome retard JFL. Cope
  • JFL
Reactions: ph4ntom
Humans started hunting when they invented these unnatural things like spears and arrows, because it's impossible to run after deers, or catch birds. So tell how hunting is supposed to be natural if humans uses unnatural things?

it is completely possible to out stamina a deer due the natural human ability to sweat
it is completely possible to out stamina a deer due the natural human ability to sweat
Cope sometimes it's even hard to run after to lions and tigers who are far more faster than humans. While human will wait it to relax, deer will completely run away. So Cope
  • JFL
Reactions: ilovenicotine
Cope sometimes it's even hard to run after to lions and tigers who are far more faster than humans. While human will wait it to relax, deer will completely run away. So Cope
you’re actually trolling JFL
high sugar
wouldn't that increase aging though
just dont sit on the couch all day . u dont need a gym membership , u dont need any weights , u dont need to play a sport , u dont need to go on jogs or sprint . just walk and thats enough . exercise is generally not anti ageing . of course if u never get off the chair in ur room then u will have worse functioning , but exercise is pro-function not anti-ageing . some strength training is good .

based btw :Comfy: :Comfy:
  • +1
Reactions: Youㅤ
wouldn't that increase aging though
how ? glycation ? yes , but theres problems with something else like high meat . high meat -> high protein , ages u . if meat is cooked then high advanced glycation end products .

fruit contains many useful nutrients and lacks many toxins associated with sugar from processed sources

u could eat starch to avoid fructose but starch , for me at least , is hard to digest . also has more toxins than fruits and must be cooked which destroys and alters nutrients and creates more toxins .
  • +1
Reactions: rand anon
just dont sit on the couch all day . u dont need a gym membership , u dont need any weights , u dont need to play a sport , u dont need to go on jogs or sprint . just walk and thats enough . exercise is generally not anti ageing . of course if u never get off the chair in ur room then u will have worse functioning , but exercise is pro-function not anti-ageing . some strength training is good .

I mean, I wouldn't call it or suggest it as insignificant nonetheless, if it improves the quality of life and cognitive function during your lifetime, even if it doesn't necessarily 'increase' it.
As a personal trainer over the past 5 years I've noticed that the people that are in the worst shape are elderly people that did little to no exercise during the majority of their life.
Eventually as people age the body begins to regress and decay in its most basic functions unless regular exercise is done to combat the effects of natural aging.
True, if anyone here has parents about middle age or above, if they don't do so yet, get them to exercise. I bought my mom a swimming subscription at a local indoor pool as that's the only exercise she somewhat enjoys, but any is better than none. Saunas are a good (additional) option too.
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
Quick question. Is reversing the aging even possible? I've been eating shit for quite a while + sedentary lifestyle. I'm 20 years old rn and wanting to change all that, especially diet.
You Down syndrome retard, your parents clearly didn't eat enough meat and didn't feed you proprly JFL. No again you are not right, people ate whatever they could acquire including fruits, leftovers of animal's food. In some cases tree barks when it extremelly nothing to eat. Then they began eating meat and their brains become bigger and jaws smaller and narrower. Your parents clearly dropped you from high distance to the ground lmao, that's why you are so Down syndrome retard JFL. Cope
This has to be a bot I'm talking to jfl
Quick question. Is reversing the aging even possible? I've been eating shit for quite a while + sedentary lifestyle. I'm 20 years old rn and wanting to change all that, especially diet.
yes reverseing ageing is possible , ageing is composed of many types of damage . just fix the damage .
just dont sit on the couch all day . u dont need a gym membership , u dont need any weights , u dont need to play a sport , u dont need to go on jogs or sprint . just walk and thats enough . exercise is generally not anti ageing . of course if u never get off the chair in ur room then u will have worse functioning , but exercise is pro-function not anti-ageing . some strength training is good .

Yo unrelated saw ur thread on sunscreen from 2023 whats ur consensus on that, using sunscreen is ideal but u said its bad, did u end up with an alternative or maybe a product thats good
  • +1
Reactions: Youㅤ
Yo unrelated saw ur thread on sunscreen from 2023 whats ur consensus on that, using sunscreen is ideal but u said its bad, did u end up with an alternative or maybe a product thats good
ideal is sun avoidance , not toxic sun protection . my solution : UV blocking transparent face shield . i wear this when not in public outside . good diet and eating plant skins that grow in sun -> sun resistance . red light before sun -> sun resistance . grounding -> sun resistance

i take cinnamon glycine NAC , maybe ameliorates ageing from sun .
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
just dont sit on the couch all day . u dont need a gym membership , u dont need any weights , u dont need to play a sport , u dont need to go on jogs or sprint . just walk and thats enough . exercise is generally not anti ageing . of course if u never get off the chair in ur room then u will have worse functioning , but exercise is pro-function not anti-ageing . some strength training is good .

if youre not in puberty protein isnt that important,and if youre older you should eat heatly proteins example cheese etc not meat
just suffer 140 years as a twink theory
just dont sit on the couch all day . u dont need a gym membership , u dont need any weights , u dont need to play a sport , u dont need to go on jogs or sprint . just walk and thats enough . exercise is generally not anti ageing . of course if u never get off the chair in ur room then u will have worse functioning , but exercise is pro-function not anti-ageing . some strength training is good .

exercise causes oxidative stress
We should do the bare minimum for Gymcelling and leave it at that.
  • +1
Reactions: Youㅤ
Exercise will actually age you lol. Just walk in nature that is anti-aging
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik and Youㅤ
just dont sit on the couch all day . u dont need a gym membership , u dont need any weights , u dont need to play a sport , u dont need to go on jogs or sprint . just walk and thats enough . exercise is generally not anti ageing . of course if u never get off the chair in ur room then u will have worse functioning , but exercise is pro-function not anti-ageing . some strength training is good .


1. (More) Muscle mass, fitness, strength, low fat. Is a proven looksmaxx, makes you objectively more attractive. And gym plus cardio help with that.

2. Excercise may not prolongue your life, nor shorten it. But whom gives a fuck about becoming a 85 yo grandpa or just 82yo grandpandpa even.
Excercise does improve quality and Mobility and fitness at yo old age. Which imo matters more than if one adds or losses a few years at grandpa age.

3. There is no proof that Excercise itself ages a person faster.
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik
Again pseudo science.Cope

Kind of ironic how an obese guy with a triple layered chin is lecturing people about the importance of exercise. I just can't take scientists like him seriously JFL.

Moderate cardio like walking, slow jogging, and strength training is obviously healthy because it keeps you lean. However, overdoing it (which applies to almost everything in life) like exercising hard everyday/HIIT, will age you faster because of chronic stress.
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik, Youㅤ and The Heartless
yes but if you dont have muscle being low bodyfat doesnt mattter because you will be small weak and generally doesnt look good if your lean and have muscle on top of that its the most optimal thing
but if dont exercise you cant looksmaxx working out equals looksmaxxing
Working out is a looksmax.

Which 2 versions of me get more attention, and seen as higher smv?
1. The "just walk is enough" skinny fat no muscle mass version of me?
Or the,
2. Natty with decent effort gymcelmaxxing version of me?

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