25 reasons to stick to a man with hooded eyes (Written by a GIRL)



Aug 12, 2018
So a lot of faggots recently have been spamming posts that hooded eyes are not ideal, rather bug eyes with upper eyelid exposure is what girls drool over.


This GIRL( since you fags say that girls you know like bug eyes) talks about 25 reasons why men with hooded eyes are the best.

Guys like Chris Hemsworth, Decaprio, Richard Gere, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, Pierce Brosnan and many more are mentioned. All of them are popular with women.

Not sure where faggots are getting the idea that hooded eyes aren’t ideal. Sorry bro but if you have bug eyes then it doesn’t mean it’s over for you. But stop the bullshit that bug eyes are more attractive.

Some pics from the article written by this GIRL

338BE400 AB74 469D 800B BAC2AC25CA92

3B3F25E2 B6AC 4EA6 B572 B75DE7D79E7D

512137AF 6B1A 4E96 9E1C 3CDD8D06B96B

20631136 3D84 4F7B 9345 12895E505D31

00151713 C897 4B60 B04D 2A36C6F47E26

01F35BE2 7D30 4183 929F 8E9EC2D1852F

B1EE9AEB C5B2 4A34 AE5F 851568379A9A

17977CC3 4FE1 48BC A1A2 9F2EE56EC60E

89C35E64 3C50 4811 BC0E 58B6D1FFF8FD

C28513CC DA6E 4854 8A4D 6A0D64C6B307

Hooded eyes on men are considered IDEAL not just by guys on Looksmax/Incel forums but also by the normie population and women in general.

That doesn’t mean that guys who don’t have hooded eyes can’t be attractive. Of course they can be. But hooded eyes are desirable just like being tall, having a square chin, head full of hair and clear skin.

So stop coping. Give me one such article where a GIRL worships bug eyed men and ill accept that hooded eyes aren’t ideal. Until then, BTFO
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suifuel. I have exophthalmos and massive upper eyelid exposure
Mewing gave me hooded eyes, pops your eyes right back into your skull.
Facial harmony is a lot more important.
Facial harmony is a lot more important.
Yeah hooded eyes alone won’t make you a slayer. I have them but I’m not a slayer. There are other features too that matter. The point is that some people over here are trying to say that hooded eyes are horrible, unaesthetic etc and are trying to push the idea that bug eyes are better and girls like them more when that isn’t the case.
No dox plox, the change is subtle anyway.
I don't want do dox you, what you said is life fuel. If you are actually messing around and not being serious im gonna rope im not kidding
So a lot of faggots recently have been spamming posts that hooded eyes are not ideal, rather bug eyes with upper eyelid exposure is what girls drool over.


This GIRL( since you fags say that girls you know like bug eyes) talks about 25 reasons why men with hooded eyes are the best.

Guys like Chris Hemsworth, Decaprio, Richard Gere, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, Pierce Brosnan and many more are mentioned. All of them are popular with women.

Not sure where faggots are getting the idea that hooded eyes aren’t ideal. Sorry bro but if you have bug eyes then it doesn’t mean it’s over for you. But stop the bullshit that bug eyes are more attractive.

Some pics from the article written by this GIRL

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Hooded eyes on men are considered IDEAL not just by guys on Looksmax/Incel forums but also by the normie population and women in general.

That doesn’t mean that guys who don’t have hooded eyes can’t be attractive. Of course they can be. But hooded eyes are desirable just like being tall, having a square chin, head full of hair and clear skin.

So stop coping. Give me one such article where a GIRL worships bug eyed men and ill accept that hooded eyes aren’t ideal. Until then, BTFO

It almost looks like a blackpill thread TBH
I don't want do dox you, what you said is life fuel. If you are actually messing around and not being serious im gonna rope im not kidding
He’s kidding man.
Yeah hooded eyes alone won’t make you a slayer. I have them but I’m not a slayer. There are other features too that matter. The point is that some people over here are trying to say that hooded eyes are horrible, unaesthetic etc and are trying to push the idea that bug eyes are better and girls like them more when that isn’t the case.
Hooded eyes only look good if the rest of your face looks good, they serve as a compliment to your face.
It almost looks like a blackpill thread TBH
Women are blackpilled boyo. You see how she correlates a physical feature to other stuff like having passion, being caring blah blah. This is exactly how most women think. For them looks = personality
I don't want do dox you, what you said is life fuel. If you are actually messing around and not being serious im gonna rope im not kidding
It's real but subtle. It's a natural consequence of fixing your overall tongue and neck posture with sharper angles as a result, eyes included.
Women are blackpilled boyo.

Not necessarily. I agree that Lookism affects way more than people realize, but very few women are openly blackpilled. Most people don't examine themselves for things like this.
look at how much disparity there is though between all these guys with hooded eyes. their eye areas are not equal.
look at how much disparity there is though between all these guys with hooded eyes. their eye areas are not equal.
Nobody said they’re equal. Hooded eyes are what they have in common
my point s that hooeded eyes alone, is not a panacea
Everyone is coping the same way. This isn’t about whether hooded eyes alone can get you laid. But if hooded eyes are better than bug eyes with upper eyelid exposure.
You know when sometimes a man looks so attractive but you can’t understand why?

yeah its totally the hooded eyes and not his ideal bone structure :feelskek:
Hooded eyes are so aesthetic. I cry myself to sleep every night because I don’t have them :feelsrope:
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Hooded eyes are love. Hooded eyes are life.
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It's real but subtle. It's a natural consequence of fixing your overall tongue and neck posture with sharper angles as a result, eyes included.

So low IQ
Women are blackpilled boyo. You see how she correlates a physical feature to other stuff like having passion, being caring blah blah. This is exactly how most women think. For them looks = personality

This is the most brutal part pf that article. Aasigning a whole myriad of poaitive personality traits just based on a facial feature.
  • +1
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This is the most brutal part pf that article. Aasigning a whole myriad of poaitive personality traits just based on a facial feature.
Are you the framecel zyros or some zyros wannabe?
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This is a ultimate blackpill
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