Alex Podnebesny

Ultravisionary Bism

Ultravisionary Bism

Apr 24, 2022

Alex Podnebesny

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Alex Podnebesny
Name:Podnebesny, Alex

By including this public figure on this wiki, we are not necessarily implying they are incel (involuntarily celibate) or are in any way associated with incels. Furthermore, with regards to any actual incels listed on this wiki, inceldom is a life circumstance, not an insult or a movement/community.

Alex Podnebesny (also known as Alexei Nikolaevich Podnebesny, Алексей Николаевич Поднебесный, and Alex Undersky) is a political activist for involuntary celibates, free love advocate, lawyer, anti-psychiatry activist, and former criminal investigator with published, academic works on neurodivergent crime.[1] He used to self-identify as an incel person but has since ascended with a female communist friend.
Alex founded and ran the bulletin board, the political party Anti-Feminist Left Front and the Movement Against Involuntary Celibacy (ALF), and the forum[2] All three are defunct, and the ALF homepage was taken down at the request of Russia's federal government.[3]
He goes by the name “Undersky” on YouTube and has advocated for incel people on Russian television multiple times. Podnesbesny has had a string of short-term relationships, has divorced once, and is currently married. His last divorce and subsequent alleged celibacy sparked most of his prior incel activism.

Personal life[edit]​

College Education[edit]​

Alex initially went to college at an architecture and engineering school and was allegedly successful grade-wise.[note 1] However, during January 1998, Alex was expelled for insulting a teacher. According to Alex, he left the university when he suffered a particularly rough break-up with his then girlfriend, resulting in severe depression.[4]
Alex then attended law school[note 2] and graduated in 2003. He then entered postgraduate studies at the same institution and completed that in 2007.[note 3]
Alex received many educational awards during his law school stay and authored about 2 dozen published academic articles.[5]

Academic work[edit]​

Among Alex's academic articles include


After a 10-year period where he claimed to be completely sexless and disengaged from society, Alex met a woman and was married to her for 6 years. Podnesbesny stated in a video that his wife kicked him out of the house. Clearly, the wife could not handle such an intelligent man and an accomplished student of law.


He used to be a criminal investigator but was fired in 2005 for being opposed to torture and the fabrication of crimes.[6] His activism led to the firing and punishment of multiple Russian prosecutors, as well as the resignation of his local prosecutor.[7]
Afterward he worked as a teacher for the Distance Learning Center of the UNN until January 2009.

Assassination attempt, surveillance, and torture[edit]​

In 2011, Alex defended himself and his wife, Evgenia, against two drunk hooligans. It is rumored that the drunk hooligans were part of a plot to harm Alex or his former wife.[8] The attempted attack occurred after a successful campaign of his to block a multi-million dollar construction.
After avoiding assassination, Alex was approached the next morning by the officers of the Center for Combating Extremism of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Nizhny Novgorod Region (CPE), who intended to detain Alex. Alex was arrested without good reason, and put on trial. While there isn't any solid proof that the government tried to assassinate him, they probably did, given that they detained him immediately afterward for no stated reason, and they were unhappy with him for his civic activism prior to the event.
He went home for a bit and had another run in with the police during a home search. He ended up detained again and was tortured by the Center for Combating Extremism, as in he was severely physically beaten repeatedly by the local government center, when Alex was not posing any physical threat to them. Alex went on hunger strikes twice in protest of the fabrication of crimes and deprivation of medical care.
citizens campaign in support of Alex
After he was released from detainment, the CPE campaigned against him receiving medical care from his local hospital.[9] This despite the local ambulance recording a heart attack and neurocirculatory dystonia. Alexey was told that if he sought medical treatment again he would be sent to the psychiatric hospital, to the outrage of everyone who heard.[10]
The local prosecutor and the court wanted Alex to serve 8 years in prison. Countless letters were sent to Russian officials, including the Russian president, by fans of Alex's activism, begging mercy on Alex. In the end their activism paid off. However, some still tried to slander him, by highlighting alleged remarks of Alex defending ephebophilia.[11]

2020 trial[edit]​

Alex has run into a lot of legal trouble for publicly stating his opinions about women; he has previously been put on trial in Russia after a corrupt local arm of the Russian Center for Combatting Extremism decided that Alex saying the phrases "they [women] don't give me [sexual relationships]. Women want the rich and successful, but I'm not like that", and similar statements, constitute a violation of Russia's controversial laws that prohibit extremist speech.
This collaboration between two unlikely bedfellows (Russia's 'right wing' government and feminists), would probably be seen by Alex as proof of his concept of 'feminofascism'.[12][13]
This trial occurred after several complaints by feminist groups, and a history of the CCP surveilling, abusing, and physically torturing Alex, likely owing to his criticism of the Russian government. He faced 15 days in detainment (not jail) for a first-time offence.[14][15][16]

God arc[edit]​

Alex and Grigory the non-binary girl
Alex acting as a God with his newfound fame
Not long after Alex went through the court system again, a bunch of journalists and television crews talked to him, prompting him to be a lot more narcissistic. An example of a media opportunity Alex had was a public debate on Stalinism[17] with a non-binary, anarcho-capitalist, female journalist in a strange black suit named Grigory Impertsev.[18]

Alex's videos started becoming more personal in nature, often consisting hours of whining about personal misfortunes, such as his breakup with his last girlfriend, "Levicheva".[19]
His audience began mass downvoting YouTube videos of his that were too self-obsessed. After the 6th or 7th TV journalist visit to his house, Alex began to have something of a God complex, stating:
“”To say that I, a great man, dont deserve every topic to be compared to me is hypocrisy and a lie!
—Alex Podnebesny

Malnourished arc[edit]​

In 2020 Alex had extensive jaw surgery which severely limited his food intake, requiring him to inject food into his mouth. He lost an extreme amount of weight, which has still not gained back. He still managed to be grandiose during this portion of this life, stating:
“”My desperate [eating] struggle is comparable to the hunting of mammoths in the Stone Age
While malnourished, Alex came up with a number of new theories. One being that having sex with vegans gives one super-powers. He also went a step further, saying 2 vegans having regular sex can and probably will lead to them obtaining levitation and pyromancy.
He's returned a bit to the God arc in late 2021, mainly by obnoxiously posting random selfies on a political account.

Marriage and post-incel life (now)[edit]​

Alex training to become a paramedic
During 2021-2022, Alex got married to another woman. This time, an off-on girlfriend of his. He also started going to school to become a paramedic. His wife got fired from her teaching job for opposing the war in Ukraine. Recently, Alex was fined tens of thousands of rubles for criticizing the Russian "special operation". He had insinuated that Russia's war effort is keeping Russian citizens from having hot water access.[20]

How he survives[edit]​

Despite being able to purchase a room in an old Soviet house for around 500,000 Rubles (about $5k American dollars), he sometimes has to beg friends for food and money.


He wrote an autobiographical book about his experience with the lawlessness of Russian prosecution called, “In Circle Two”.


He seems to be an Orthodox Christian. He denies anti-Semitism despite often employing some anti-Semitic sounding language and arguments, claiming he is “almost a Jew” himself.



His current hobbies include protesting about local political issues, advocating Stalinism, and engaging in polemics against “feminofascism” and “vaginocapitalism”. He supported Bernie Sanders for US president because he thought that Sanders if elected would convince Russia to adopt more environmental regulation, adopt a Nordic style welfare system he says was never adopted in Russia, and also decrease wealth inequality. He thinks that Trump or other Democrats would start a war with Russia.[21] He may be a Nazbol, or something adjacent to this ideology (the Soviets employed psychiatry brutally), as he has accused Jews of running a “psychiatric mafia” that persecutes incels. Feminists tried to drive him out of communist gatherings due to his comments on women.
Before becoming interested in incel politics, he was involved in IRL activism against animal experiments and against cruel treatment of stray animals. He was also engaged in Cuban political activism, local prosecutorial abuse reform, housing protection, and environmental reform for many, many years.[22][23] He continues his environmental activism, advocating for increased parks, among other things. He claims the ultimate objective of the Left must be to “[...] provide sex for all men and to abolish work.” He also called on the UN to declare “free and affordable sex” a universal human right.


He thinks labels such as schizophrenia, autism etc. are often abstract labels society reifies and puts on those who don't conform to its expectations, instead of existing as objective illnesses. He has, perhaps more controversially, accused psychiatry of being a “masonic” plot run by “Jewish elites”, pointing to the supposed over-representation of Jews in this profession in his local town as evidence of this assertion.


Alex explicitly dislikes the, "blackpill" philosophy, calling it, "an anti-scientific concept", and further says he, "oppose it everywhere".[24]
He has an outlook on life and the sexual marketplace that is similar to some aspects of the blackpill, such as fatalism and genetic determinism. He is also a social conservative on LGBTQ issues. However, on many other areas, he differs.
His stance on partner count is all over the place, as his political party at times favors monogamy and ridicules cucks, but also strives for free love (unhindered access to multiple women). He has also criticized “puritanism” and “conservatism”. He opposes sexual sublimation, being a follower of the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich, who famously asserted sexual repression was the root of most social ills, and was also the main driver of extremist right-wing ideologies like Fascism. Alex indeed believes that incel is being created by the ruling class to create violence and a feminist fascist state.[25] He has, however, endorsed imposing Islamic style modesty laws, in order to prevent scantily clad women sexually teasing men, or conversely, obliging these women to “immediately provide sex with all men who wish it.”


Borrowing from the redpill, he seems to put less of an exclusive focus on looks as the primary motivator of female attraction than blackpillers, with Alex often accusing Russian women of preferring “thugs and gopniks” (punks) on his VK page. He wrote that women, “naturally choose the least moral men, and the most intelligent, talented, modest, good guys remain rejected and either are content with random short relationships or have no access to sex at all.”

“Incomplete Sexual Revolution”[edit]​

Unlike any pills, Alex views the sexual revolution of the 1960s favorably, but believes it only lasted 10 years and was strangled by the capitalists and traditionalists, who instituted an “age of egoism”. He believes the sexual revolution is not complete because women gained 100% access to sex, but men have lost that freedom which he claims existed in hippie cultures.[26] He thinks that sexual freedom is good, presumably because he thinks true sexual freedom does not take the form of a “market” or involves much if any exchange. He believes the traditionalists and the state, killed 'free love' for men through the following methods:[27]
  • pre-marital abstinence education (e.g. Pastor Richard Ross, True Love Waits)
  • promoting pederasty and lesbianism
  • destruction of trade unions, lowering of wages,
  • discouraging government welfare and transitioning from a “social state” to “no one owes anything to anyone - everyone for himself.”
  • The CIA incorporating feminism and turning it into “Nazi-feminism”
  • Repression of heterosexuality
  • Promotion of masturbation


Podnebesny takes pride in a theory he claims to have come up with called 'Vaginocapitalism'. According to this theory, women constitute an exploiter class that exchanges temporary access to their sexual assets in exchange for the fruit of men's labour. He claims that inhibited 'access to the vagina' is now the main driver of unnecessary accumulation and exploitation in modern industrialized societies.[28]
The intrinsic female sexual assets of the women also provide them, in Podnebesny's view, much greater social mobility than men, a phenomenon he calls 'vaginal lift'. He cites cases of women marrying or engaging in sexual intercourse with ultra-wealthy men, such as Vladimir Putin's alleged mistress Svetlana Krivonogikh,[29] and making vast fortunes from this kind of sexual exchange as an example of this.
While in Podnebesny's view, women constitute a privileged and heavily coddled caste in modern society, men are portrayed as an exploited class who have to engage in heavy study, tireless back-breaking labour, and be willing to share the fruits of their economic and social success in order to be granted the promise of sex by women. Podnebesny emphasizes that this is only a facile and easily revoked promise in many cases.
The core aspect of Podnebesny's analysis of the sexual marketplace as being comprised of an exchange system with women as sellers and men as buyers was anticipated by an earlier Marxist book entitled Women As Sex Vendors. However, Podnebesny further advances this line of argumentation by portraying women as asset-holding capitalists rather than essentially passive victims of the capitalist system of exchange and production, like the aforementioned book's female author— which is in line with the typical orthodox Marxist treatment of social phenomena that involves the exchange of sex for resources.
"The vagina is the private property of women [...] its owner (is) a capitalist, in this case - vaginocapitalist. Access to the vagina is the key to exploitation in the modern world".

Women as public utility[edit]​

To break the hold of the 'vaginocapitalists', and grant sexual access to the disadvantaged male 'sexual proletariat', Podnesbesny points to alleged periods of widespread sexual license such as the period immediately after the October revolution in Russia and the 60s 'Summer of Love' in Western countries as examples of what he calls 'vaginocommunism'. Alex argues that 'vaginocommunism' can be implemented with a highly promiscuous mating system where women are readily sexually available.
Alex claims it is an open question how to implement his ideas. He even considers certain types of 'enforced monogamy' (such as the kind that existed in the Soviet Union to a degree post-Stalin) favorable to the current unstable system of serial monogamy with no-fault divorce, in which the woman typically financially benefits from initiating a divorce and is thus is both permitted and incentivized to initiate divorce.
His women-as-public-utility policy, if promoted by a society, could also end up like sexual slavery such as in 'The Story of O'. (Incel Wiki does not condone rape or sexual slavery.) Or it could take a more voluntary and positive situation like a hippie orgy.


He is a critic of psychiatry:
“”[Psychiatrists] label everyone the girls reject as autists, schizophrenics, and losers in order to justify their temporary access to [sex?]. The truth is that girls are animals that have not evolved in the field of sexual selection to the level of humans (men)
—from a Youtube comment of Alex[30]
“”Liberals and feminists have left the right to freedom of speech only for themselves, and for all who has a different opinion: punitive psychiatry. All women send men, “to a psychiatrist”, if a man begins to tell the truth about the relationship between men and women about sex. After prison, the biggest threat to men in Russia is punitive psychiatry.
“”The main reason for the appearance of mental disorders is the lack of sex in a man.
And considers feminism to be social darwinism, which he dislikes.
“”What is the difference between the philosophy of feminism and the philosophy of left Christian incels?
Feminism is based on SOCIAL-DARWINISM, the Nazi ideology of the superiority of some people over others. Social Darwinism has incorporated Nietzschianism and other misanthropic ideologies. Females, and indeed many women in general, consider themselves higher, more perfect than men, and men - lower than themselves, lower beings.
He has constructed a marxist materialist type critique of the sexual marketplace, stating:
“”The vagina is the private property of women […] its owner (is) a capitalist, in this case - vaginocapitalist. Access to the vagina is the key to exploitation in the modern world.
“”The great Stalin was mistaken in the fact that the October Revolution completely eliminated the exploiters and exploitation. He (Stalin), who had sex with two girls of 15 years, and thanks to this received colossal cosmic energy, carried out the greatest accomplishments in the history of mankind, could not even imagine that once, somewhere, women WILL REFUSE SEX to men, and under socialism, which he began to build in our country

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