Arnold is evidence doing steroids in puberty is ideal

Honestly these people blasting have really horrible lab work with greatly reduced lifespan regardless of medical intervention later in life through surgery etc.

Idk why anabolic steroids have become less frowned upon in mainstream media due to users being more transparent and making "detailed guides for safe use in terms of harm reduction".

Anabolic compounds have literally become more accepted than eating raw animal foods jfl
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im 14 rn is it really worth it to blast steroids? doesnt it ruin your fertility? i want to have kids in the future .
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
im 14 rn is it really worth it to blast steroids? doesnt it ruin your fertility? i want to have kids in the future .
as long as your testicles have reached adult size, if you take HCG while on - a couple hundred IUs every other day or every 3 days, you don't have much to worry about
  • +1
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as long as your testicles have reached adult size, if you take HCG while on - a couple hundred IUs every other day or every 3 days, you don't have much to worry about
how do i know if they have reached adult size? should i measure them?
  • JFL
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But what about it closing growth plates
He had a normal development prior to roids
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Inject steroids or test replacement therapy will turn you into ogree

Puberty has to be natural
Do roids after puberty
19/20 plus

Kumail nanjani got bones even after doing roids at 30/40 age
arnold is an outlier. Most roidcels end up looking like shit after 5-10 years. They age you badly.
Honestly these people blasting have really horrible lab work with greatly reduced lifespan regardless of medical intervention later in life through surgery etc.

Idk why anabolic steroids have become less frowned upon in mainstream media due to users being more transparent and making "detailed guides for safe use in terms of harm reduction".

Anabolic compounds have literally become more accepted than eating raw animal foods jfl
they've become therapy for xenoestrogen poisoning. it's a survival issue at this point. they're trying to make people androgenous chemically lobotomized shitlib trannies, which makes them easy to control and easily killable.
  • JFL
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Yes that’s what I’m gonna do too
roiding is the way
  • +1
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roiding is the way to escape inceldom, so do it
just take estrogen
I looked at some other guys who admitted to doing or probably did do steroids in puberty. They really tend to develop these ogre-like (but not in a bad way) hypermasculine almost archiac features. Arnold and Loox are two such examples, it reminds me of ancient Yamnaya skulls:

Robert molyneaux skull02 051

The heavy-set protruding chin, wide cheekbones (but not so much upper midface which doesn't seem to change that much), prominent brow ridge. It's not even necessarily the best looking by the standards of this site aesthetically but it's robust and intimidating af and attractive in a different sort of way. I think very few people would have NOT benefited from these kind of facial changes. There's such a limited sample size to draw from though because people don't admit it, but look at college athletes. Most of them are roiding and it changed their faces and bodies and probably is responsible for a lot of that college linebacker jock look.

TL;DR blast roids in puberty (with HCG and an AI of course after your testicles have reached adult size)
  • +1
Reactions: future_
i dont want to live up to 80
It is clear that Arnold had an unnaturally strong puberty due to his usage of exogenous hormones in puberty. Back in those days steroids were easily available and Arnold used them in his teens.

You can see that without steroids and given his parents' looks, his pubertal trajectory was changed by taking roids. He looked like a faggot twink and a boneless potato and developed massive bones and chiseled features. I have never seen a puberty like this.

His parents:
View attachment 2584386

Arnold in his teens:
View attachment 2584389

Arnold when he was a teenage bodybuilder:
View attachment 2584393

Arnold as a young adult:
View attachment 2584391
View attachment 2584398

It's as if the amount of bone in his face fucking doubled. Holy fuck. I have never seen someone with that good of a puberty before, and it's obvious why. This is a perfect example of why if you're a teenager you NEED to stop listening to the "steroids bad!! wait to take them!!! it will change your whole body (yes, that's why you WANT to take them)!" dogma from idiots and start injecting steroids to get an unnaturally strong puberty. When you start them AFTER puberty you will get NONE of these bone/penis/masculinizing effects, only muscle growth and undesirable androgenic side effects.

It's the same with loox on this site. People act like his "transformation" was due to the gym and steroids. No, it was from DOING STEROIDS WHEN HIS BODY WAS STILL GROWING AND MAXIMALLY RECEPTIVE TO THEM. It changed his face and body from a faggot nerd twink to a bone mogger.

If all of us blasted test, AIs, and HGH in puberty, almost everyone besides those with the most subhuman genetics would be slaying. It might not have made you extremely handsome but you'd get more facial bone and you'd be far more dimorphic.

If you are under 16 you need to start blasting 5iu+ HGH, aromasin, 300mg+ test permablast, throw in some DHT based injectable like masteron, primo, or DHB while you're at it. It will grow your facial bones, your frame, your height, your cock, everything, you will be more of a man than you would ever have been naturally EVEN IF your hormonal profile was superb to begin with.
I am doing it at 19 way too late? Or i can get some benefits? From 250mg test and deca
I looked at some other guys who admitted to doing or probably did do steroids in puberty. They really tend to develop these ogre-like (but not in a bad way) hypermasculine almost archiac features. Arnold and Loox are two such examples, it reminds me of ancient Yamnaya skulls:

View attachment 2604317

The heavy-set protruding chin, wide cheekbones (but not so much upper midface which doesn't seem to change that much), prominent brow ridge. It's not even necessarily the best looking by the standards of this site aesthetically but it's robust and intimidating af and attractive in a different sort of way. I think very few people would have NOT benefited from these kind of facial changes. There's such a limited sample size to draw from though because people don't admit it, but look at college athletes. Most of them are roiding and it changed their faces and bodies and probably is responsible for a lot of that college linebacker jock look.

TL;DR blast roids in puberty (with HCG and an AI of course after your testicles have reached adult size)
Blasting test at 19 will give me this results?
Bump but testmaxxing can't be done while heightmaxxing due to growth plate closing
It is clear that Arnold had an unnaturally strong puberty due to his usage of exogenous hormones in puberty. Back in those days steroids were easily available and Arnold used them in his teens.

You can see that without steroids and given his parents' looks, his pubertal trajectory was changed by taking roids. He looked like a faggot twink and a boneless potato and developed massive bones and chiseled features. I have never seen a puberty like this.

His parents:
View attachment 2584386

Arnold in his teens:
View attachment 2584389

Arnold when he was a teenage bodybuilder:
View attachment 2584393

Arnold as a young adult:
View attachment 2584391
View attachment 2584398

It's as if the amount of bone in his face fucking doubled. Holy fuck. I have never seen someone with that good of a puberty before, and it's obvious why. This is a perfect example of why if you're a teenager you NEED to stop listening to the "steroids bad!! wait to take them!!! it will change your whole body (yes, that's why you WANT to take them)!" dogma from idiots and start injecting steroids to get an unnaturally strong puberty. When you start them AFTER puberty you will get NONE of these bone/penis/masculinizing effects, only muscle growth and undesirable androgenic side effects.

It's the same with loox on this site. People act like his "transformation" was due to the gym and steroids. No, it was from DOING STEROIDS WHEN HIS BODY WAS STILL GROWING AND MAXIMALLY RECEPTIVE TO THEM. It changed his face and body from a faggot nerd twink to a bone mogger.

If all of us blasted test, AIs, and HGH in puberty, almost everyone besides those with the most subhuman genetics would be slaying. It might not have made you extremely handsome but you'd get more facial bone and you'd be far more dimorphic.

If you are under 16 you need to start blasting 5iu+ HGH, aromasin, 300mg+ test permablast, throw in some DHT based injectable like masteron, primo, or DHB while you're at it. It will grow your facial bones, your frame, your height, your cock, everything, you will be more of a man than you would ever have been naturally EVEN IF your hormonal profile was superb to begin with.
He had a good base as a kid
Nearly nobody is paying for pharma grade, and like I tell the idiots that called Qingdao "Chinese rat piss", you can't trust pharma grade HGH unless you're actually physically picking it up yourself from a pharmacy because people can and will sell you faked pharma grade HGH. Unless it's YOUR PRESCRIPTION, you are inherently trusting a third party to give you a legit product, the thing the Chinese HGH doubters say is stupid to do. Remember, it's very inexpensive to fake packaging to make something look like a legit product. People can almost perfectly fake Louis bags and Rolex watches so well even experts can barely tell the difference, what makes these tards think people can't or won't fake a cardboard box with some styrofoam and a vial in it that says "Eli Lilly" or "Merck" on it? Especially when that cardboard box sells for several hundred dollars? When I found out American sunscreens were shit and lower SPF than European and Asian ones because of the FDA, I found out a lot of the sellers on ebay were selling FAKE SUNSCREEN. If people are willing to fake a 10 dollar bottle of sunscreen why wouldn't they fake a cardboard box of growth hormone which goes for HUNDREDS?

So unless you're walking into that pharmacy yourself, handing them the prescription, and paying for it or getting insurance to pay... you can't EVER be sure that the shit you are even getting is pharma grade!

Unless you have parents with deep pockets who are willing to find you one of the rare doctors who will give kids HGH (and probably risk losing his license) which would be out of pocket and cost them tens of thousands a year, it's just not practical. Most kids' parents would just smash HGH vials up if they knew their son was taking it because they're dumb boomers and their kids taking drugs frightens them and they are bluepilled and deny height matters.

It's why Chinese HGH is the only real practical thing to take for the vast majority of cases. Selling people asinine copes about pharma grade based on anecdotes from 82IQ retards on bodybuilding forums isn't pragmatic or living in reality.
Poor cope, kys
Roids and exercise put stress on your body, stress ages you and your face - wrinkles, balding etc. not to mention roids make jaw disappear because the muscles in ur face become bigger lol

I don’t really know what ur getting at tbh, his face looks the same
Every growth process is stressful to the body, if your goal is longevity, you want androgens, igf-1 and caloric intake very low, aka be a twink manlet
Poor cope, kys
Explain how that's cope, moron? You are trusting a reseller to sell you a legitimate product. There are fakes of everything out there. Watches, purses, clothes, sunglasses, drugs, food. Most of these counterfeiters are so good at what they do (making fakes) you could never tell. Unless you're going into the pharmacy yourself to buy it, or buying it off your manlet IRL friend or gay uncle with AIDS who has a prescription, you are trusting an online vendor just as much as you are trusting "Chinese rat piss". Just like you only know your Rolex watch is legit if you actually bought it from the company or an authorized seller affiliated with the company. In fact the incentive to fake HGH is even larger because the profit margins are insane given you just need to fake a vial and packaging instead of a watch mechanism which is very complex and intricate.

This retarded bodybuilder (I call him retarded because he shills pharma) even made a video showing how you need to do a bunch of different things to spot the fake pharma HGH:

And that's just Serostim. There's fake genotropin, humatrope, etc. I guarantee you there are fakes out there that are so good you couldn't even tell the difference. Bodybuilding/steroid forums are full of people complaining about fake pharma HGH.

It makes more sense economically to buy chink and pay to get it tested yourself than to pay for "pharma" HGH many times the price.
  • +1
Reactions: future_
It is clear that Arnold had an unnaturally strong puberty due to his usage of exogenous hormones in puberty. Back in those days steroids were easily available and Arnold used them in his teens.

You can see that without steroids and given his parents' looks, his pubertal trajectory was changed by taking roids. He looked like a faggot twink and a boneless potato and developed massive bones and chiseled features. I have never seen a puberty like this.

His parents:
View attachment 2584386

Arnold in his teens:
View attachment 2584389

Arnold when he was a teenage bodybuilder:
View attachment 2584393

Arnold as a young adult:
View attachment 2584391
View attachment 2584398

It's as if the amount of bone in his face fucking doubled. Holy fuck. I have never seen someone with that good of a puberty before, and it's obvious why. This is a perfect example of why if you're a teenager you NEED to stop listening to the "steroids bad!! wait to take them!!! it will change your whole body (yes, that's why you WANT to take them)!" dogma from idiots and start injecting steroids to get an unnaturally strong puberty. When you start them AFTER puberty you will get NONE of these bone/penis/masculinizing effects, only muscle growth and undesirable androgenic side effects.

It's the same with loox on this site. People act like his "transformation" was due to the gym and steroids. No, it was from DOING STEROIDS WHEN HIS BODY WAS STILL GROWING AND MAXIMALLY RECEPTIVE TO THEM. It changed his face and body from a faggot nerd twink to a bone mogger.

If all of us blasted test, AIs, and HGH in puberty, almost everyone besides those with the most subhuman genetics would be slaying. It might not have made you extremely handsome but you'd get more facial bone and you'd be far more dimorphic.

If you are under 16 you need to start blasting 5iu+ HGH, aromasin, 300mg+ test permablast, throw in some DHT based injectable like masteron, primo, or DHB while you're at it. It will grow your facial bones, your frame, your height, your cock, everything, you will be more of a man than you would ever have been naturally EVEN IF your hormonal profile was superb to begin with.
Just cause he turned out alright doesn't mean it will go that way for the majority of folks.
  • +1
Reactions: ccwarrior
I looked at some other guys who admitted to doing or probably did do steroids in puberty. They really tend to develop these ogre-like (but not in a bad way) hypermasculine almost archiac features. Arnold and Loox are two such examples, it reminds me of ancient Yamnaya skulls:

View attachment 2604317

The heavy-set protruding chin, wide cheekbones (but not so much upper midface which doesn't seem to change that much), prominent brow ridge. It's not even necessarily the best looking by the standards of this site aesthetically but it's robust and intimidating af and attractive in a different sort of way. I think very few people would have NOT benefited from these kind of facial changes. There's such a limited sample size to draw from though because people don't admit it, but look at college athletes. Most of them are roiding and it changed their faces and bodies and probably is responsible for a lot of that college linebacker jock look.

TL;DR blast roids in puberty (with HCG and an AI of course after your testicles have reached adult size)
But which steroids is the key?

It is clear that Arnold had an unnaturally strong puberty due to his usage of exogenous hormones in puberty. Back in those days steroids were easily available and Arnold used them in his teens.

You can see that without steroids and given his parents' looks, his pubertal trajectory was changed by taking roids. He looked like a faggot twink and a boneless potato and developed massive bones and chiseled features. I have never seen a puberty like this.

His parents:
View attachment 2584386

Arnold in his teens:
View attachment 2584389

Arnold when he was a teenage bodybuilder:
View attachment 2584393

Arnold as a young adult:
View attachment 2584391
View attachment 2584398

It's as if the amount of bone in his face fucking doubled. Holy fuck. I have never seen someone with that good of a puberty before, and it's obvious why. This is a perfect example of why if you're a teenager you NEED to stop listening to the "steroids bad!! wait to take them!!! it will change your whole body (yes, that's why you WANT to take them)!" dogma from idiots and start injecting steroids to get an unnaturally strong puberty. When you start them AFTER puberty you will get NONE of these bone/penis/masculinizing effects, only muscle growth and undesirable androgenic side effects.

It's the same with loox on this site. People act like his "transformation" was due to the gym and steroids. No, it was from DOING STEROIDS WHEN HIS BODY WAS STILL GROWING AND MAXIMALLY RECEPTIVE TO THEM. It changed his face and body from a faggot nerd twink to a bone mogger.

If all of us blasted test, AIs, and HGH in puberty, almost everyone besides those with the most subhuman genetics would be slaying. It might not have made you extremely handsome but you'd get more facial bone and you'd be far more dimorphic.

If you are under 16 you need to start blasting 5iu+ HGH, aromasin, 300mg+ test permablast, throw in some DHT based injectable like masteron, primo, or DHB while you're at it. It will grow your facial bones, your frame, your height, your cock, everything, you will be more of a man than you would ever have been naturally EVEN IF your hormonal profile was superb to begin with.
Fukin jooooz mannn why are those shit nosed fucker doing this they are stunting us

*Don't use steroids it's harmful muhhh:: meanwhile Arnold and many nigger got mogger bones and shit got pussie
*Don't do drugs and smoking: rameriz drugmaxxed to oblivion without eating food and developed mogger bones and tall

Brooo you need to eat 200grams of protein and 4000cal brooooo

STFU cumza worshipers I will rape you to death aughhhhhh

I will abuse all of this shit but the problem is money
  • +1
Reactions: mike21
Explain how that's cope, moron? You are trusting a reseller to sell you a legitimate product. There are fakes of everything out there. Watches, purses, clothes, sunglasses, drugs, food. Most of these counterfeiters are so good at what they do (making fakes) you could never tell. Unless you're going into the pharmacy yourself to buy it, or buying it off your manlet IRL friend or gay uncle with AIDS who has a prescription, you are trusting an online vendor just as much as you are trusting "Chinese rat piss". Just like you only know your Rolex watch is legit if you actually bought it from the company or an authorized seller affiliated with the company. In fact the incentive to fake HGH is even larger because the profit margins are insane given you just need to fake a vial and packaging instead of a watch mechanism which is very complex and intricate.

This retarded bodybuilder (I call him retarded because he shills pharma) even made a video showing how you need to do a bunch of different things to spot the fake pharma HGH:

And that's just Serostim. There's fake genotropin, humatrope, etc. I guarantee you there are fakes out there that are so good you couldn't even tell the difference. Bodybuilding/steroid forums are full of people complaining about fake pharma HGH.

It makes more sense economically to buy chink and pay to get it tested yourself than to pay for "pharma" HGH many times the price.

Dnrd you fucking triggered old manlet, keep spiking your cortisol for free you abused nigger

BRB going to inject pfizer hgh
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