Bluepill Slang



mog or be mogged
Jun 18, 2023
  1. Femoid: Derogatory term used to refer to women, often seen as objectifying or dehumanizing.
  2. IT: Stands for "Incel Tears," used to mock or criticize individuals who are critical of or express negative opinions about the incel community.
  3. SMV: An acronym for "Sexual Market Value," which refers to an individual's perceived attractiveness and desirability in the dating market.
  4. LDAR: Stands for "Lie Down and Rot," expressing a defeatist attitude or resignation to a perceived lack of dating or relationship success.
  5. Wristcel: A term used to describe someone who believes that their wrist size or shape negatively affects their perceived attractiveness.
  6. Halo Effect: The belief that individuals who are perceived as physically attractive are also assumed to possess positive qualities or characteristics in other areas of life.
  7. Beta Bux: Refers to a man who is seen as having limited physical attractiveness but compensates for it by providing financial resources or stability in a relationship.
  8. Redpill: Originally derived from the movie "The Matrix," it refers to the act of becoming aware of the supposed harsh realities of dating and relationships as believed by the blackpill community.
  9. Tinder Experiment: Refers to conducting social experiments or studies on dating apps like Tinder to highlight the perceived biases or inequalities in online dating.
  10. Ascend: Refers to the idea of achieving a higher social status or improving one's dating prospects, often through looksmaxxing or other self-improvement efforts.
  11. Agepill: The belief that age significantly impacts one's attractiveness and dating prospects, particularly for men.
  12. Halo Theory: The belief that an individual's attractiveness is significantly influenced by facial symmetry and the presence of certain facial features.
  13. Betabuxxer: A person, typically a man, who seeks a relationship primarily for financial stability rather than genuine attraction or connection.
  14. Neurotypical: A term used to describe individuals who are considered "normal" or without mental health issues, often used to contrast with those who are neurodivergent.
  15. 2D Waifu: Refers to a fictional character or anime character that someone claims to have a romantic or sexual attraction to, often in the absence of real-life relationships.
  16. Hypergamy Theory: The belief that women have a natural inclination to seek out partners of higher social status or resources.
  17. Blackpill Rage: Refers to the intense frustration, anger, or bitterness expressed by some individuals who identify with the blackpill philosophy.
  18. Lookism: The belief in societal bias or discrimination based on physical appearance, often seen as a contributing factor to dating and relationship difficulties.
  19. Cope: Refers to the act of trying to find comfort or rationalizations for perceived negative experiences or lack of success in dating.
  20. Love-shy: Refers to individuals who experience extreme anxiety or fear when it comes to initiating or pursuing romantic relationships.
  21. Tinderella: A term used to describe an individual, typically a woman, who is seen as using dating apps like Tinder to receive validation or attention without genuine intentions for a serious relationship.
  22. Hyperandrogeny: The belief that high levels of androgens, such as testosterone, in women can make them more physically attractive and desirable to potential partners.
  23. Femcel: A term used to describe a woman who identifies as an incel, meaning she struggles to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.
  24. Briffault's Law: A concept suggesting that women are primarily motivated by their immediate needs and benefits in relationships, and that they have little loyalty or commitment to men once those needs are no longer fulfilled.
  25. BBW: An acronym for "Big Beautiful Woman," often used to describe women who are larger in size but are still considered attractive.
  26. TFL: Stands for "True Forced Loneliness," used by individuals who believe they are destined to remain perpetually single and without romantic or sexual relationships.
  27. Negging: Refers to the act of giving backhanded compliments or making subtle insults as a strategy to undermine someone's self-confidence and gain power in a potential romantic or sexual encounter.
  28. Hypergamous Whore: Derogatory term used to describe women who are believed to prioritize dating or pursuing relationships with men of higher social status or resources.
  29. Blackpill Aesthetics: Refers to a particular style or appearance associated with the blackpill philosophy, often characterized by an emphasis on a specific fashion sense and grooming.
  30. Cuck: A derogatory term used to insult or belittle men who are perceived as weak, submissive, or lacking control in their relationships, often associated with the belief in female infidelity.
  31. Mindsetmaxxing: Refers to the act of improving one's mindset, confidence, or self-perception in an effort to enhance one's dating prospects.
  32. Face Theory: The belief that facial features, particularly bone structure and symmetry, play a crucial role in determining an individual's attractiveness.
  33. Ethnik: A term used to describe an individual from a particular ethnic background, often used to discuss perceived racial or ethnic differences in dating and attractiveness.
  34. Provider Meme: Refers to the idea that women prioritize finding a partner who can provide financial stability and resources, often at the expense of physical attractiveness.
  35. Looks Theory: A branch of the blackpill philosophy that emphasizes the importance of physical appearance in dating and relationships, often focusing on specific facial features or body proportions.
  36. Looksmatch Chart: A visual representation or rating system used within blackpill communities to compare an individual's perceived attractiveness with potential partners or other members.
  37. Heightmogging: The act of being taller than someone else, often seen as an advantage in terms of attractiveness and social dominance.
  38. Female Hypergamy Hierarchy: The belief that women tend to pursue men who are higher in social status or resources, often leading to a hierarchical structure in dating and relationships.
  39. Hope Cope: Refers to the act of holding onto hope or optimism despite perceived difficulties or lack of success in dating or relationships.
  40. PSL: Stands for "Pillow-Smelling Lachowski," a tongue-in-cheek term referring to the practice of smelling a pillow or other object as a way to experience a perceived connection or attraction to a person, often using Chico Lachowski as a humorous example.
  41. Roids: Short for "steroids," referring to the use of anabolic steroids or performance-enhancing drugs to enhance physical appearance or athletic performance.
  42. Autistcel: A term used to describe individuals who identify as both incel and autistic, expressing the intersection of struggles related to social and romantic experiences.
  43. Gymcel: A term used to describe individuals who focus primarily on physical fitness and exercise in an attempt to improve their dating prospects, often with little success.
  44. Facial Aesthetics: Refers to the attractiveness or beauty of an individual's facial features, often discussed in relation to bone structure, symmetry, and other visual aspects.
  45. KHHV: Stands for "Kissless, Hugless, Handholdless, Virgin," used to describe individuals who have not experienced physical intimacy or sexual encounters in their lives.


  1. Catfish: Refers to the act of creating a false online identity or profile, often using someone else's pictures or information, to deceive others.
  2. LARPing: Stands for "Live Action Role-Playing," used to describe someone who pretends or acts as if they are something they're not, often in the context of online discussions.
  3. MGTOW: Stands for "Men Going Their Own Way," a philosophy that promotes men disengaging from traditional relationships with women, often due to perceived risks or disadvantages.
  4. Looksmoneystatusmaxxing: The belief that maximizing one's physical appearance, wealth, and social status are essential for success in dating and relationships.
  5. Foidspeak: A term used to describe the alleged language or communication style of women, often seen as manipulative or dishonest.
  6. SMV Hierarchy: Refers to the perceived ranking or hierarchy of individuals based on their Sexual Market Value, often discussed in terms of attractiveness and desirability.
  7. Fakecel: A derogatory term used to describe someone who claims to be an incel but is believed to be faking or exaggerating their lack of dating or relationship experience.
  8. Orbits: Refers to individuals, often men, who maintain platonic friendships with attractive women in the hopes of eventually developing a romantic or sexual relationship.
  9. Cuckoldry: The practice or fantasy of being sexually aroused by one's partner engaging in sexual activity with someone else.
  10. Mentalcel: A term used to describe someone who identifies as incel due to mental health issues or struggles that hinder their ability to form romantic or sexual relationships.
  11. Currycel: A term used to describe an incel of South Asian or Indian descent, often referring to the challenges they may face in the dating realm.
  12. Femcel Tears: A play on the term "Incel Tears," used to mock or criticize individuals who express negative opinions about the femcel community or dismiss their struggles.
  13. Sexual Dimorphism: The biological differences between males and females in terms of physical characteristics, often discussed in relation to perceived attractiveness and mate selection.
  14. Subhuman: A derogatory term used to dehumanize or insult individuals who are seen as unattractive or undeserving of romantic or sexual relationships.
  15. Hypergamous Briffault: A combination of the concepts of hypergamy and Briffault's Law, emphasizing the perceived tendency of women to prioritize relationships with men of higher social status and discard partners who no longer provide resources.
  16. Looksism Lobby: A term used to describe the belief that there is a societal bias toward more physically attractive individuals, often in terms of employment, social opportunities, and romantic encounters.
  17. Giga/Stacy: Terms used to describe individuals who are considered exceptionally attractive or highly desirable, surpassing the typical "Chad" or "Stacy" archetype.
  18. Ethnicel: A term used to describe an incel who believes their lack of success in dating is primarily due to their ethnic background or racial identity.
  19. Aesthetics Theory: The belief that physical attractiveness is largely determined by specific facial features, body proportions, and overall visual appeal.
  20. PUA: Stands for "Pick-Up Artist," referring to individuals who study and employ various techniques or strategies to attract and seduce potential romantic or sexual partners.
  21. Rapey Eyes: A derogatory term used to describe someone whose gaze or expression is perceived as intimidating, predatory, or unsettling.
  22. Plasticsurgerymaxxing: The act of pursuing cosmetic surgeries or procedures to enhance one's physical appearance and improve perceived attractiveness.
  23. IT Looks: A phrase used to describe the physical appearance of individuals who participate in online discussions but are perceived as unattractive.
  24. Framecel: A term used to describe someone who believes their lack of dating success is primarily due to their physical stature, body frame, or overall build.
  25. Sperg: Derived from the term "Asperger's syndrome," it is used as an insult to mock or belittle someone's social skills or behavior.
  26. JBW: Stands for "Just Be White," a controversial belief that being of Caucasian or white ethnicity provides an inherent advantage in terms of attractiveness and dating prospects.
  27. Life Fuel: Refers to content or experiences that provide emotional satisfaction or validation to incels, often through relatable or reaffirming perspectives on dating struggles.
  28. Fembots: A term used to describe female individuals who participate in online discussions, particularly within the blackpill or incel community.
  29. Cursed With Knowledge: A phrase used to express frustration or discontent with the blackpill philosophy, often indicating a sense of disillusionment or hopelessness.
  30. Recessed Jaw: A term used to describe a jawline that is perceived as weak or lacking prominence, often seen as a negative trait in terms of facial attractiveness.
  31. Mindgeek: Refers to the belief that pornography and adult entertainment companies hold significant influence over societal perceptions of beauty and attractiveness.
  32. Bluepilled: Describes individuals who hold beliefs or viewpoints that align with mainstream or conventional societal norms regarding dating, relationships, and attractiveness.
  33. Genetic Juggernaut: A term used to describe individuals who possess exceptional genetic traits or characteristics that make them highly attractive.
  34. Frame Theory: The belief that an individual's body proportions, posture, and overall physical presence significantly contribute to their perceived attractiveness.
  35. LMS Theory: An expanded version of the "Looks, Money, Status" concept, encompassing the belief that these three factors play a crucial role in an individual's overall desirability and success in dating.
  36. Inceldom Rating: A subjective assessment or ranking of an individual's perceived inceldom or lack of success in romantic or sexual relationships.
  37. N-count: Refers to the number of sexual partners an individual has had, often discussed in the context of perceived promiscuity or sexual experience.
  38. Genetic Detriment: A term used to describe physical traits or characteristics that are seen as unattractive or detrimental to one's perceived mating prospects.
  39. Hopeless Romantic: Describes individuals who maintain idealistic or romanticized notions of love and relationships despite perceived difficulties or lack of success.
  40. NEETcel: A combination of the terms "NEET" (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) and "incel," referring to individuals who are unemployed or not pursuing education while also struggling with romantic or sexual experiences.
  41. Fertility Theory: The belief that an individual's perceived fertility or reproductive potential influences their attractiveness and desirability as a partner.
  42. Ascension Theory: The belief that individuals who were previously incels can undergo personal transformation, looksmaxxing, or other changes that result in improved dating prospects and no longer being considered incel.
  43. Racial Hierarchy: The belief in a societal ranking or hierarchy based on racial or ethnic categories, often discussed in terms of perceived attractiveness and desirability.
  44. LL: Stands for "Looks Level," used to categorize individuals based on their perceived level of physical attractiveness.
  45. JBW Theory: An abbreviation of "Just Be White Theory," suggesting that being white provides inherent advantages in terms of attractiveness and dating prospects.
  46. Loomer: A term used to describe an individual who possesses a long, narrow face or facial structure.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Artemis and Nick.Harte
  1. Femoid: Derogatory term used to refer to women, often seen as objectifying or dehumanizing.
  2. IT: Stands for "Incel Tears," used to mock or criticize individuals who are critical of or express negative opinions about the incel community.
  3. SMV: An acronym for "Sexual Market Value," which refers to an individual's perceived attractiveness and desirability in the dating market.
  4. LDAR: Stands for "Lie Down and Rot," expressing a defeatist attitude or resignation to a perceived lack of dating or relationship success.
  5. Wristcel: A term used to describe someone who believes that their wrist size or shape negatively affects their perceived attractiveness.
  6. Halo Effect: The belief that individuals who are perceived as physically attractive are also assumed to possess positive qualities or characteristics in other areas of life.
  7. Beta Bux: Refers to a man who is seen as having limited physical attractiveness but compensates for it by providing financial resources or stability in a relationship.
  8. Redpill: Originally derived from the movie "The Matrix," it refers to the act of becoming aware of the supposed harsh realities of dating and relationships as believed by the blackpill community.
  9. Tinder Experiment: Refers to conducting social experiments or studies on dating apps like Tinder to highlight the perceived biases or inequalities in online dating.
  10. Ascend: Refers to the idea of achieving a higher social status or improving one's dating prospects, often through looksmaxxing or other self-improvement efforts.
  11. Agepill: The belief that age significantly impacts one's attractiveness and dating prospects, particularly for men.
  12. Halo Theory: The belief that an individual's attractiveness is significantly influenced by facial symmetry and the presence of certain facial features.
  13. Betabuxxer: A person, typically a man, who seeks a relationship primarily for financial stability rather than genuine attraction or connection.
  14. Neurotypical: A term used to describe individuals who are considered "normal" or without mental health issues, often used to contrast with those who are neurodivergent.
  15. 2D Waifu: Refers to a fictional character or anime character that someone claims to have a romantic or sexual attraction to, often in the absence of real-life relationships.
  16. Hypergamy Theory: The belief that women have a natural inclination to seek out partners of higher social status or resources.
  17. Blackpill Rage: Refers to the intense frustration, anger, or bitterness expressed by some individuals who identify with the blackpill philosophy.
  18. Lookism: The belief in societal bias or discrimination based on physical appearance, often seen as a contributing factor to dating and relationship difficulties.
  19. Cope: Refers to the act of trying to find comfort or rationalizations for perceived negative experiences or lack of success in dating.
  20. Love-shy: Refers to individuals who experience extreme anxiety or fear when it comes to initiating or pursuing romantic relationships.
  21. Tinderella: A term used to describe an individual, typically a woman, who is seen as using dating apps like Tinder to receive validation or attention without genuine intentions for a serious relationship.
  22. Hyperandrogeny: The belief that high levels of androgens, such as testosterone, in women can make them more physically attractive and desirable to potential partners.
  23. Femcel: A term used to describe a woman who identifies as an incel, meaning she struggles to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one.
  24. Briffault's Law: A concept suggesting that women are primarily motivated by their immediate needs and benefits in relationships, and that they have little loyalty or commitment to men once those needs are no longer fulfilled.
  25. BBW: An acronym for "Big Beautiful Woman," often used to describe women who are larger in size but are still considered attractive.
  26. TFL: Stands for "True Forced Loneliness," used by individuals who believe they are destined to remain perpetually single and without romantic or sexual relationships.
  27. Negging: Refers to the act of giving backhanded compliments or making subtle insults as a strategy to undermine someone's self-confidence and gain power in a potential romantic or sexual encounter.
  28. Hypergamous Whore: Derogatory term used to describe women who are believed to prioritize dating or pursuing relationships with men of higher social status or resources.
  29. Blackpill Aesthetics: Refers to a particular style or appearance associated with the blackpill philosophy, often characterized by an emphasis on a specific fashion sense and grooming.
  30. Cuck: A derogatory term used to insult or belittle men who are perceived as weak, submissive, or lacking control in their relationships, often associated with the belief in female infidelity.
  31. Mindsetmaxxing: Refers to the act of improving one's mindset, confidence, or self-perception in an effort to enhance one's dating prospects.
  32. Face Theory: The belief that facial features, particularly bone structure and symmetry, play a crucial role in determining an individual's attractiveness.
  33. Ethnik: A term used to describe an individual from a particular ethnic background, often used to discuss perceived racial or ethnic differences in dating and attractiveness.
  34. Provider Meme: Refers to the idea that women prioritize finding a partner who can provide financial stability and resources, often at the expense of physical attractiveness.
  35. Looks Theory: A branch of the blackpill philosophy that emphasizes the importance of physical appearance in dating and relationships, often focusing on specific facial features or body proportions.
  36. Looksmatch Chart: A visual representation or rating system used within blackpill communities to compare an individual's perceived attractiveness with potential partners or other members.
  37. Heightmogging: The act of being taller than someone else, often seen as an advantage in terms of attractiveness and social dominance.
  38. Female Hypergamy Hierarchy: The belief that women tend to pursue men who are higher in social status or resources, often leading to a hierarchical structure in dating and relationships.
  39. Hope Cope: Refers to the act of holding onto hope or optimism despite perceived difficulties or lack of success in dating or relationships.
  40. PSL: Stands for "Pillow-Smelling Lachowski," a tongue-in-cheek term referring to the practice of smelling a pillow or other object as a way to experience a perceived connection or attraction to a person, often using Chico Lachowski as a humorous example.
  41. Roids: Short for "steroids," referring to the use of anabolic steroids or performance-enhancing drugs to enhance physical appearance or athletic performance.
  42. Autistcel: A term used to describe individuals who identify as both incel and autistic, expressing the intersection of struggles related to social and romantic experiences.
  43. Gymcel: A term used to describe individuals who focus primarily on physical fitness and exercise in an attempt to improve their dating prospects, often with little success.
  44. Facial Aesthetics: Refers to the attractiveness or beauty of an individual's facial features, often discussed in relation to bone structure, symmetry, and other visual aspects.
  45. KHHV: Stands for "Kissless, Hugless, Handholdless, Virgin," used to describe individuals who have not experienced physical intimacy or sexual encounters in their lives.


  1. Catfish: Refers to the act of creating a false online identity or profile, often using someone else's pictures or information, to deceive others.
  2. LARPing: Stands for "Live Action Role-Playing," used to describe someone who pretends or acts as if they are something they're not, often in the context of online discussions.
  3. MGTOW: Stands for "Men Going Their Own Way," a philosophy that promotes men disengaging from traditional relationships with women, often due to perceived risks or disadvantages.
  4. Looksmoneystatusmaxxing: The belief that maximizing one's physical appearance, wealth, and social status are essential for success in dating and relationships.
  5. Foidspeak: A term used to describe the alleged language or communication style of women, often seen as manipulative or dishonest.
  6. SMV Hierarchy: Refers to the perceived ranking or hierarchy of individuals based on their Sexual Market Value, often discussed in terms of attractiveness and desirability.
  7. Fakecel: A derogatory term used to describe someone who claims to be an incel but is believed to be faking or exaggerating their lack of dating or relationship experience.
  8. Orbits: Refers to individuals, often men, who maintain platonic friendships with attractive women in the hopes of eventually developing a romantic or sexual relationship.
  9. Cuckoldry: The practice or fantasy of being sexually aroused by one's partner engaging in sexual activity with someone else.
  10. Mentalcel: A term used to describe someone who identifies as incel due to mental health issues or struggles that hinder their ability to form romantic or sexual relationships.
  11. Currycel: A term used to describe an incel of South Asian or Indian descent, often referring to the challenges they may face in the dating realm.
  12. Femcel Tears: A play on the term "Incel Tears," used to mock or criticize individuals who express negative opinions about the femcel community or dismiss their struggles.
  13. Sexual Dimorphism: The biological differences between males and females in terms of physical characteristics, often discussed in relation to perceived attractiveness and mate selection.
  14. Subhuman: A derogatory term used to dehumanize or insult individuals who are seen as unattractive or undeserving of romantic or sexual relationships.
  15. Hypergamous Briffault: A combination of the concepts of hypergamy and Briffault's Law, emphasizing the perceived tendency of women to prioritize relationships with men of higher social status and discard partners who no longer provide resources.
  16. Looksism Lobby: A term used to describe the belief that there is a societal bias toward more physically attractive individuals, often in terms of employment, social opportunities, and romantic encounters.
  17. Giga/Stacy: Terms used to describe individuals who are considered exceptionally attractive or highly desirable, surpassing the typical "Chad" or "Stacy" archetype.
  18. Ethnicel: A term used to describe an incel who believes their lack of success in dating is primarily due to their ethnic background or racial identity.
  19. Aesthetics Theory: The belief that physical attractiveness is largely determined by specific facial features, body proportions, and overall visual appeal.
  20. PUA: Stands for "Pick-Up Artist," referring to individuals who study and employ various techniques or strategies to attract and seduce potential romantic or sexual partners.
  21. Rapey Eyes: A derogatory term used to describe someone whose gaze or expression is perceived as intimidating, predatory, or unsettling.
  22. Plasticsurgerymaxxing: The act of pursuing cosmetic surgeries or procedures to enhance one's physical appearance and improve perceived attractiveness.
  23. IT Looks: A phrase used to describe the physical appearance of individuals who participate in online discussions but are perceived as unattractive.
  24. Framecel: A term used to describe someone who believes their lack of dating success is primarily due to their physical stature, body frame, or overall build.
  25. Sperg: Derived from the term "Asperger's syndrome," it is used as an insult to mock or belittle someone's social skills or behavior.
  26. JBW: Stands for "Just Be White," a controversial belief that being of Caucasian or white ethnicity provides an inherent advantage in terms of attractiveness and dating prospects.
  27. Life Fuel: Refers to content or experiences that provide emotional satisfaction or validation to incels, often through relatable or reaffirming perspectives on dating struggles.
  28. Fembots: A term used to describe female individuals who participate in online discussions, particularly within the blackpill or incel community.
  29. Cursed With Knowledge: A phrase used to express frustration or discontent with the blackpill philosophy, often indicating a sense of disillusionment or hopelessness.
  30. Recessed Jaw: A term used to describe a jawline that is perceived as weak or lacking prominence, often seen as a negative trait in terms of facial attractiveness.
  31. Mindgeek: Refers to the belief that pornography and adult entertainment companies hold significant influence over societal perceptions of beauty and attractiveness.
  32. Bluepilled: Describes individuals who hold beliefs or viewpoints that align with mainstream or conventional societal norms regarding dating, relationships, and attractiveness.
  33. Genetic Juggernaut: A term used to describe individuals who possess exceptional genetic traits or characteristics that make them highly attractive.
  34. Frame Theory: The belief that an individual's body proportions, posture, and overall physical presence significantly contribute to their perceived attractiveness.
  35. LMS Theory: An expanded version of the "Looks, Money, Status" concept, encompassing the belief that these three factors play a crucial role in an individual's overall desirability and success in dating.
  36. Inceldom Rating: A subjective assessment or ranking of an individual's perceived inceldom or lack of success in romantic or sexual relationships.
  37. N-count: Refers to the number of sexual partners an individual has had, often discussed in the context of perceived promiscuity or sexual experience.
  38. Genetic Detriment: A term used to describe physical traits or characteristics that are seen as unattractive or detrimental to one's perceived mating prospects.
  39. Hopeless Romantic: Describes individuals who maintain idealistic or romanticized notions of love and relationships despite perceived difficulties or lack of success.
  40. NEETcel: A combination of the terms "NEET" (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) and "incel," referring to individuals who are unemployed or not pursuing education while also struggling with romantic or sexual experiences.
  41. Fertility Theory: The belief that an individual's perceived fertility or reproductive potential influences their attractiveness and desirability as a partner.
  42. Ascension Theory: The belief that individuals who were previously incels can undergo personal transformation, looksmaxxing, or other changes that result in improved dating prospects and no longer being considered incel.
  43. Racial Hierarchy: The belief in a societal ranking or hierarchy based on racial or ethnic categories, often discussed in terms of perceived attractiveness and desirability.
  44. LL: Stands for "Looks Level," used to categorize individuals based on their perceived level of physical attractiveness.
  45. JBW Theory: An abbreviation of "Just Be White Theory," suggesting that being white provides inherent advantages in terms of attractiveness and dating prospects.
  46. Loomer: A term used to describe an individual who possesses a long, narrow face or facial structure.
Bro wrote a PhD here...


Needs to be pinned on the main page.

Also, you should include the following, which were hard for me to figure out: SF-cel, ER, etc. needs expansion
Bro wrote a PhD here...


Needs to be pinned on the main page.

Also, you should include the following, which were hard for me to figure out: SF-cel, ER, etc. needs expansion
thanks man i worked hard writing that ctrl + c + ctrl + v
  • JFL
Reactions: Artemis
The ground is gaped
The loam will call
The casket creaks
The rain will fall
The tears are packed
Behind the eyes
The body gives
into the grave
  • +1
Reactions: cancercell
JFL at PSL lol you got trolled
  • JFL
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