Bodymaxing Guide For The Average Skinnyfag


Deleted member 1100

Feb 23, 2019
@WannaBeA6 asked me to do a bodymax guide on my rate thread, so here it's:


Diet is the most important thing, especially if you're naturally skinny. You won't grow shit if you don't eat a lot, EVERY DAY!

Part 1:

The first thing you have to do is find out how much calories you need a day:

The easy way:

The hard way:
You'll need to eat the same thing for an entire week and weight yourself every day, then you'll check if you lost weight or if you gained weight during this period. If you didn't gain any weight during this period, you found your necessary caloric intake for your day-to-day life.

If I remember correctly 1kg of weight = 3.500 calories, divided by 7= 500 calories a day, so if during this week you lost 1kg, it means you're on a 500 caloric deficit, and you should eat more.

Part 2:

After you've found how many calories you need a day (assuming you aren't already doing any activity) you'll just estimate how many calories you'll lose by doing that activity, bodybuilding is probably around 500 calories an hour max.

So if your normal intake should be 2.500 calories, on the days that you workout you'll need to increase by 500 more calories = 3.000 calories.

But remember that that is only to MAINTAIN your current weight, along with that you'll need to increase your caloric intake to gain mass too, usually somewhere between 300-500 calories more.

That means:

Resting days = "2.500"kcal + 300-500kcal
Workout days = "2.500"kcal + 500kcal + 300-500kcal

Part 3:

After that, you have two options:

1- Have a shit ton of work writing down the macronutrients of the things that you want to eat to eat the amount necessary (or at least close to it)
2- use to get your diet done, the problem is that you'll need to buy the shit that the site offers you, there are many options but sometimes cooking these things is annoying af, so you choose what it fits you better

If you'll pick the first option keep in mind that:

1g of protein = 4kcal
1g of carbo = 4kcal
1g of fat = 9kcal
1g/ml (dunno) of alcohol = 9kcal (in case you want to go out and drink)

For example, many people use chicken as their main source of protein:

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100g of chicken:

31,5g of protein and 3,2g of fat,

so that means:

TOTAL=151 (163 with saturated fat and the other fractions, whatever)

You'll have to do this to all foods until you complete the amount of calories that you need a day.

Part 4:

How much of each?

I usually go for 20% fat + 1.8g protein per kg + rest is carbs

So, if I need 2.000kcal to maintain mass on a rest day, and 3.000kcal on a working out day at 70kgs, that means:

3.000x0.2= 600kcals will have to come from fat
70x1.8g=126g x 4= 504kcals will have to come from protein
600+504= 1104 - 3000= 1896kcals will have to come from carbs

There are many different diets, low carb, low fat... whatever, you choose, I prefer this way.

Part 5:

What to eat?

You choose, I built my body eating mostly eggs and chicken as the main protein sources, bananas and sweet potatos as the main carb sources. After I became 90% vegetarian I maintained everything I had previously gained, so it's just a matter of checking the fucking nutritional table of the foods you eat!


Part 1:

Honestly, I got the best results from ABCABC, everything else was pure cope, full-body, ABCD... all shit. If you don't want to workout 6 times a week, you can also do ABCAB, CABCA, BCABC... you never close the training groups, you just continue from where you finished on the previous week.

One option is working out antagonist muscles together

A - Chest, back
B - Triceps, Biceps
C - Leg, shoulder

The one I used was this:

A- Chest, Triceps, Forearm
B- Back, Biceps, Shoulder
C- Leg, Calves, Rotator Cuff

(Abs at home on another time)

Part 2:

Honestly, try to get your reps for each muscle group between 60-70, you can go a little lower or higher, but try to get on that range.

So for chest, for example, let's say you want to do 72 reps:

3 exercises - Bench Press/ Inclined Bench Press / Crossover or Fly (you're an idiot if you waste your time doing this) Weighted Dips

And you want to do 8 reps each series, so you'll have a total of 9 series (9x8=72 reps)

you can do:


Whatever, just keep some balance.

Part 3:

Exercises that I recommend?

Keep with the basics


Bench Press / Inclined Bench Press/ Dips / Push-ups (calisthenics have a great variety that can burn your chest even better than benches or whatever) / Vertical Bench Press (but only the ones that the machine goes on diagonal, like this:

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I only did cables tbh


Inverted curls (either cables or with a bar)


Chin-up (my favorite) / Single chin-up on clabe / Pull-up / Elevated Cable Rows / Rope Straight-Arm Pulldown / Leverage Shrug / Any shit for lower back is fine


Curls / Scott


Frontal / Lateral / Reverse (My shoulders are shit, so you should probably listen to somebody else)


Squat / Stiff/ Single Leg Press / Leg Extensions (especially with 30 seconds of Isometry after each series, your legs will BURN!)


The basic (high reps though, forget the 60-70 rule, calves are different, you can massacre them, 6x50 if you want low weight, or 6x15 high weight)

Rotator Cuff

Intern and External rotation on cables 3-4 series for each exercise

Part 4:

If you want to grow, stop being a pussy and work hard, "You don't need your muscles to be sore to grow" is just a fucking cope, most of the time said by phaggots on roids who will grow muscle even if they don't work out. My best leg results, for example, I had when I was working out so hard that after the training it took 2 days for the muscles on the leg to start to hurt, and it kept like that for 3 or 4 days.

Second, IT'S NOT ABOUT WEIGHT, how much weight you put on the machine/bar/dumbbell is just a big fucking cope, there are only three things you should focus on:

1- POSTURE, do the exercise with the right posture, and that means YOUR ENTIRE BODY, it's not just the posture of your fucking arm when doing curls, check your fucking neck, your spine, your pelvis, your knees, do it right!

2- RANGE OF MOTION, go all the way possible WITHOUT knocking out the joint (as some retards do on the leg press with a shit ton of weight, one day you'll break both your knees doing that, phaggot!)

3- CONTRACTION, it's all about contraction, you'll work out your muscles much more with 10kgs contracting them strongly instead of with 20kgs but doing as if you're on a walk-in Disney
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6400, Arkantos, prgfromnl and 8 others
Useless post. Everyone knows this already even normies
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: KrissKross and Deleted member 3526
aight nigga
About exercises i heard that fbw is the only one good choice for begginer, especially 5x5, and that split for naturals make no sence.
Very interesting boyo, what would you change if it's for a skinnyfat guy?
It just seems too complex and high effort, omg
Also, how to be lean but having muscle at the same time? This is my biggest worry, your body is great but as I said it could use more leaning to be perfect
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2426
nice thread boyo
Very interesting boyo, what would you change if it's for a skinnyfat guy?
It just seems too complex and high effort, omg
Also, how to be lean but having muscle at the same time? This is my biggest worry, your body is great but as I said it could use more leaning to be perfect

Nothing tbh, it's the same thing, unless you were fat, then I'd recommend losing some weight first.

Also, how to be lean but having muscle at the same time?

Did you mean lean and big? You can't, unless you use roids. Pretty unlikely to be big with a lean body with veins popping out everywhere, naturally it's either one of the three options:

Big and high bf
Medium with definition (Where I was)
Small and shredded
expected something better

That's literally all you need, everything else is cope
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2426 and fukmylyf
Nothing tbh, it's the same thing, unless you were fat, then I'd recommend losing some weight first.

Also, how to be lean but having muscle at the same time?

Did you mean lean and big? You can't, unless you use roids. Pretty unlikely to be big with a lean body with veins popping out everywhere, naturally it's either one of the three options:

Big and high bf
Medium with definition (Where I was)
Small and shredded

That's literally all you need, everything else is cope
Not big, just shredded which I think is more important, but you need some muscle too, I'm thinking something like Brad Pitt's body is his prime
I'm thinking something like I'm just afraid of bloating my face even more

And what about roids? I'm seriously considering them
Good info. I need to rippedmaxx I will ascend at 12 bf
Why in off-topic?
Didn't read but bookmarked so I can read it at a later date.
Weight is important. If you’re not getting stronger you’re not gaining muscle
Why in off-topic?

Dunno, there was the Guide tag so... :what:

Weight is important. If you’re not getting stronger you’re not gaining muscle

Not necessarily, there are other variables that you can use to make the exercise harder, increasing weight is the easiest one though
Bookmarking since you’re one of the most vlackpilled ppl here


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