Christian Bible Illegal under HR 6090 & NOAHIDE Laws to prevent Antisemitism & to commit genocide on non Edomites or converts to Judaism(Satanism)

King Solomon

King Solomon

Aug 8, 2021


Essentially the bible itself is banned. Also any facts that are proven but make the Edomites look bad is illegal.

The 7 Noahide laws signed by every president since 91 including your boy Turmpy Zio shill.

These were made up out of thin air from Edomite Satanic Rabbis passed down by oral traditions of man and eventually written in books around 500 AD. These come from the Talmud not the bible. These are purely satanic.

1714871832109 Actual 7 commandments of the Edomites/Canaanites

The Cour of law or Noahide law calls for the death of anyone practicing idolatry, blaspheme, etc.
According to Shambolism: Every gentile commits idolatry no matter what his form of worship unless he converts to Judaism (satanism), Anyone who worships Jesus Christ is an Idolater and blasphemer and you're condemned to death by Guia tine.

Sexual immorality according to Talmudic law: Essentially the Edomites can rape, be pedophiles, and do all kinds of sexual immorality. If you're a non Edomite and anything you do sexually is immoral because you're nothing more than an animal undeserving of the blessing of YAH.

Stealing from Edomites is punished by death. Talmudic Edomites are pushed to steal from the Goy and rewarded to do so.

So basically the satanic death cult has ensured the US has past laws to usher in the anti-Christ and commence the genocide of those who do not convert to satanism and worship Lucifer and praise their Massiah the anti-Christ.

Most of you're worried about your looks, height, penis size and if bucky qill fuck you or not. This trash is irrelevant, the genocide started qith the CV 19 DNA manipulation death shots and it ends with these laws. Your boy Trumpy Bear isn't going to save you as he's a convert to the tribe.

Time is nearly up, get out of society of grid and become self sufficient, become a born again Christian and help your fellow man for freedom and to receive salvation.

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