Dangerous Elements in Barbarian Races to the Prussian Übermenschen



May 3, 2020

Most Barbarian Nations are composed of people who are perpetual liars, and by very great magnitudes among their populations. Even at the behest of survival, or the ability to make a living.

The Barbarian is always probing for the easy path to everything, and if you present the Barbarian options, he will choose the more agreeable option when possible, to satisfy your demands, even while it may be a lie or not the full story.

The Jew is distinct above all liars, in the essence that the Jew lies as a constant mode and strategy of life with everyone and for everything.

In Modern Greece, while the Ancient Greeks were not Barbarians, in Modern Greece, it is considered a “weakness” to be a trusting person, and you will inevitably be taken advantage of.

Modern Italians are also Barbarians because while they live in a very corrupt country, they have a Love-Hate relationship with this corruption. Loving it at times when it serves them well, and then Despising it when it does not work in their favor. But the Italians like many other Southern Europeans, relegate themselves to an “Oh well, what you gonna do about it!?” attitude.

It’s a great Tragedy, as the Modern Greek and Italian people are for the most part, unable to engender the great Hellenic and Roman Spirit of their times past. If they still had it, we would have a marvelous combination of balancing out Europe with the Greek/Roman side, versus the Nordic Side and cultures.

All Slavic Nations are also Lying Barbarians, because to begin with they are all suspicious about their own people, and they are even MORE suspicious the moment they come across someone who either demonstrates Honesty / Decency, even among their own people.

I believe that as far as the African an Oriental Nations, things pretty much speak for themselves in those Nations with no need for my comment.

You would vomit in utter disgust if you knew how many times per day people in India lie, and over what types of things they lie about regularly. Indians lie sometimes just for the heck of it, so if you ask them the same question a few minutes later, they give you a different response. Lying is a VERY big part of the culture in India.

Armenians are also a peculiar and special race of disgusting Liars and con artists, and this is another Race which needs to be removed violently from Germany. They present an immediate threat to the same degree as Celtic Blood, but are very different from the Celts. The Armenians will use the facade of being “Christians” and the myth of the “Genocide” which was actually a reprisal against them for the savagery they committed against the Turks. The Turks and many other Ethnicities of the Ottoman Empire were the actual victims of the so-called “Armenian Genocide”, and the Turks we have today in Germany are “leftovers” compared to the better Racial Stocks which were killed off from the Proto-Bolshevism that the Armenians were used by the Russians to carry out against Turks and other Muslims. They use Christianity as a guise for their victimhood, while they leech off the German Welfare system and commit Insurance Fraud, and operate Bolshevist Spy-rings throughout Germany. A topic I will be addressing at greater length in the future. While we should not have the Turks in Germany or any Muslims, the Armenians are actually a super great threat even more so and operate more discreetly, and have other vested interests of secret agendas they are involved in, compared to the Turks. All Armenians today are Communists, and are secretly working through complex networks inside and outside of Europe and in the USA as collaborators for the Bolshevist Agenda. Armenians remain as a 5th Column, in countries like Germany, Russia, Switzerland, France, Belarus, USA, UK and many other countries. All of the countries named, should pursue ruthless policies against the Armenians in addition to Germany, and shut down all of their Institutions and Organizations, subject them to investigations for their global activities, confiscating all wealth.

Hell, even the Russians and Georgians cannot stand these filthy bastards after the nonsense they pulled recently in trying to commit genocide against the Azeris! Have no sympathy for them, they are self-projectors of what they did to the Turks and other Ethnicities of Anatolia. Armenians also function many times in careers such as Law, Medicine and the Hospital Industry. They become pioneers in Law and as Lawyers, because they seek to use Laws to their advantages and giving them leverage in foreign nations. It is also no coincidence that the Chairman of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, is also an Armenian! Look up who he is, I will not spoil the secret.

The German-Armenian Lawyers Association Foundation in Germany should be ruthlessly dismantled, having all their assets seized, their equipment confiscated and investigated. Have no Mercy with these scoundrels! DESTROY THEM ALL!

Arabs in general are mostly liars, changing their lies from day to day, depending on how they feel, and sometimes out of jealousy and other unresolved issues that persist in the Arab world. The last bastion of Arabs which sought true Honor and would have stood as the Pillar of worthiness in the Arab world were the Iraqis when Saddam Hussein was in power, and that is exactly why the Americans destroyed them. Now what’s left there are nothing but scraps of people, for the most part.

Persians / Iranians are very crafty liars, of whom many Armenians are ethnically related to, and Saddam Hussein would have been a great ally to prevent the spread of the Persian Menace and other relative problems that exist today in the Middle East. Combined with our Racial Policies, we would have been able to help Iraq keep a buffer against the Iranian world and get rid of the Persian Parasite.

The English have a special way of lying, because they resort to having a Monopoly on all Intelligence, Facts, and Data at their disposal, and prefer to omit facts or twist information around to get their way, and to always come out clean for their Propaganda Purposes. The English tell lies by the means of cloaking them with Pragmatism, and when caught, they resort to using Sarcasm as a defense mechanism.

In Latin America, there is an obsession with being a “Yes” person to appear polite but to also never close any door to opportunity, or being a crab that can use all the other crabs (their fellow citizens) to get outside of the bucket that they all are stuck in. This is actually a “literal” statement that exists throughout Latin America. It is a common theme in Latin America for a person who says Yes to everything and everyone, just to please them and tell them what they want to hear, and to give an image of approval and smooth operations.

Most Latin Americans will agree to something before even knowing what they agreeing too, just to seem open-minded or please the other party, depending on the circumstance, and then they maybe will bail out once it comes time or when they realize they did not mean it that seriously. No-one can really trust them on a personal level.

Many Barbarian Nations do not respect being on-time for appointments, with the exception being the Oriental Nations, as they are heavily driven by Success and Commerce.

In General, the Barbarian does not take life seriously. Life is a game to the Barbarian, and all that matters is leveraging themselves above the others who help them to get there, to make it in life, but not anything to do with improving overall conditions and in the character of their people.

Barbarians are only comfortable with the familiar, and are deathly terrified of things which are unfamiliar to them, and their populations can be roused to fanaticism of persecuting anyone who demonstrates something that is not within the rigid conformity of their cultural ways, and arrested development of a people, when it applies.

Barbarians at all times, are innately aware of the weaknesses in their own people. It’s not so much that they would admit these weaknesses openly, but it is demonstrated in their character and responses when confronted by the resolute German. The Barbarian will break down in laughter or almost be in disbelief when they witness the steadfast German in his/her complete thoroughness.

At the same time, Barbarians are more than willing to exploit the German, because he/she sees everything we do as a “weakness” the fact that the German is so concerned about even minute details and care, and that we value certain attributes in our civilization more than others, and in ways that they themselves don’t have, and are not willing to work as hard as we do to obtain it and keep it.

Many times, the Barbarian has to have his/her sentence of which she speaks finished for them, by the German, as the German is much more efficient and better at getting to the point while the Barbarian has only managed to cross the first stepping stone.

Many Germans have become too accustomed to Democracy and the Modern World to ever dream of the revival of our Great Past, and this is a major tragedy we face.

The World of Germany is one of wonders and splendor, much of which today has largely been forgotten or only lives on in our DNA memory, and this world of ours that we seek to protect the last remaining vestiges of, for a complete revival, is full of Envious and Hungry Barbarians who are aching and desperate to find any opportunity to undermine Germany. This is also especially true in matters of selecting Alliances and Warfare.

Both Italy and Japan, two countries which have immensely respectable and rich cultures and histories, both proved themselves to be a disaster in the Axis.

Every time in German history when we have needed our Allies the most, they never show up or are hesitant, have always proven detrimental to our cause, or there will be some other type of quality that is characteristic of their people which make us unable to execute. Hesitancy is dangerous to the survival of our Reich.

Even some of our other Germanic brothers have these poor qualities as well, sadly.

For example, Nations whom are descendants of Vikings also prove themselves to be disappointing when it comes to manners of Professional Warfare. Time and Time again, they show themselves to be hesitant, soft and acquiescent, and this also hinders our abilities.

The Viking Clans have always been a people who are much more idealistic about going to war, and making preparations of war. But the Prussian viewpoint of needing to go to war is just more or less a matter of fact, of something that needs to be done, like eating or sleeping, as the perpetual need for protecting the Reich from external threats becomes greater, the more that our glory and significance become bigger in the world.

Vikings are more interested in localized warfare such as through raiding and over small scuffles over matters which are less significant to us. These types of things have no interest to us and are considered barbaric ways that Germans have striven for many centuries to develop and rise above these uncivilized conditions to create a type of Order in which we do not have to worry about small grievances between neighbors, but to create a better system of cooperation for all Germans.

We want to build a highly sophisticated and centralized State. The Vikings despise something as this and have no interest in it.

The Viking descendants of today also want to achieve Equality with their Women, as it has always been in their past, while the Prussian worldview despises Equality between the genders, but seeks to establish Balance.

We Prussians do not regard Women as “Sovereign Beings”, and will not issue them Sovereign Rights.

The Scandinavian Nations are rife with Feminism and Hesitancy in their populations. A complete upheaval of these Nations would be required to prevent their on-going National Suicides, and it would definitely ruffle some feathers, but we do have the solutions for them.

Therefore they will not fight with the same tenacity, determination or unity required by that of Greater Germany.

Bavarians still hate us immensely, and while I cannot vouch for it from previous time periods, I believe the Prussian has more respect and care for the Bavarian than they do for us. Whenever I am in the presence of a Bavarian, I get nothing but the evil eye and complete disgust from them. They would probably the last people in Germany itself to give up Democracy or who would would ever come again under our Umbrella with a New Reich going forward. What frustrates me is that they cannot even be bothered to dispose of the Democratic Flag of Germany and instead to look towards and hoist the Imperial Flag once again.

The Roman Soldiers were the most adaptable and dependable type of soldier, even more so than the Germans from those times, but also in the fact that we execute things according to a plan. But the Modern Italians have very little of that same essence from the Ancient Romans.

Germany works like a machine, and we cannot be allied with people who will be all too happy to inflict damage on that machine, and this machine must be able to ride free and smoothly.

The German Reich must be crafted in the similar fashion to the Roman system, but with Teutonic Spirit, Institutions and Resolve.

By the end of the day, when all is said and done, all Prussians, and a select handful of Germans who have the strongest thirst for life, for refinement and high standards are attracted to our mission and everything which we stand and fight for.

The Individuals who take the greatest interest in the PSA are a group of very unusual types who thirst for a level of Freedom and Magnificence that most other races cannot even begin to dream about forming as a reality.

Going Forward, it must be recognized what type of stark reality we face, and why we will have difficulty with relations with other Nations outside of the basis of Mutual Trade, if even on the Personal level.

Germans more than ever need to become fervently educated on these matters and very specific elements that exist within these races. Surely there are some Individuals among some races which may not possess these characteristics, but those are exceptions and not the rule. In many cases, due to the inferiority of these cultures, it becomes the only known way of life or functioning in their Nations, and this is why they are Barbarians.

As a result, it should be clearer than ever that we must not gamble with the fate for Germany, and that we need a Germany that is FULLY German.

Germany needs to be a major power. Not just an economic bloc, or the center of the EU.

The EU is an artificial creation, and a diversion of the original Germanic vision of a United Europe.

The Reich makes no demands of a borderless continent, and every country should have rights to their own currency and developmental policies.

But Germany needs to become a very Powerful State, we cannot be a second-rate Nation, it is not in our destiny to be so, and the longer that Germans continue in this state of feeling guilty to be proud of ourselves, we will only continue to seek into more mediocrity and robotic routine-ness (as is the case in Modern Germany) but also it will mean our very extinction.

Germany with Prussia at its core needs to become the most loathsome, ready and absurdly impossible Nation for the rest of the world to cope or come to terms with, but must know better than to challenge our will and our might.

We own this right, and even as thick as the clouds are right now and the doom that exists on the horizon, these facts remain at bay, and the world enemy wants it to not be so, which is why they are trying to disrupt every attempt of ours to make a return, and to finally destroy the rest of Europe.

Loyalty and Honor come at a price, and we are not so willing to give this Loyalty and Honor at a cheap price.

As a German, you must understand that the mood in our country at this time and which has existed since 1945, is much more than the Loss of a War. It is a common connection and tragedy that exists in our blood, and which connects all of us in a very unique way. The Bitterness that every German carries inside of him is from the unresolved injustices that were committed against our people, even in those who have been confused at the real story of what happened.

How determined you are makes all the difference of where we will stand with what is soon to be inflicted on Europe. The German Nation must live.

The longer this world denies the German Nation and Reich its proper position and existence in this world, the wrath of Bismarck and Hitler remain eternally over this world which must then burn up into flames.

There will never be any resolution to anything in this world, unless it involves Germany First, and Germany as the Cornerstone of stability and light.

Never should a German ever underestimate just how base the majority of Humans are, but even upon discovery of it, to understand just how even more base and hollow the large majority of them are.

Germany is certainly not innocent of problems with liars, we have many and some of them at the very top positions of power. The majority of the German stock today is hell-bent on our National Destruction and flooding our borders with Non-Germans, and only by organization of our Pure elements to wage a ruthless battle could we stand a chance of survival.

As Germans, we have much unfinished business before us, and our Ancestors are calling and begging us from the other realms for us to finish the job.
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  • JFL
Reactions: KraftDurchLeid, Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 15099 and 1 other person
We are an Organization and Fraternal Order based out of Massachusetts, USA with a focus on educational, motivational and active engagement / work to unite those who either have Prussian Heritage or Appreciation and the desire to discuss issues relating the implications of losing Prussia as not only a Geographical location that has been unfairly wiped off the map in Europe, but our Heritage and Culture.

There are Three Divisions which compose our Society:

I. Historical / Research Organization & Outreach Missions

II. Fraternal Order

III. Social Club

We seek to raise awareness as well as the consciousness in our People for restoring our Old Glory and Spiritual Sustenance that once existed among our great people. To one day bring us towards a new reunification and Building of a New Homeland “Neues Preußisches Land” for our people, and the goal to liberate and rebuild all of our lost territories of the Former German Reich.

Though we want to be clear about the facts of our day in this age…

Prussia indeed no longer exists as an entity or even a location on the map.

After 1918, Prussia received the first mortal wound which forever crippled our Empire and People. The Spirit of Prussia however, lived on all the way onward until about 1947. Shortly after World War II, whatever significance that Prussia had in existence was nearly pulverized to ashes along with the majority of our Ethnic People.

There are remnants of us who do remain are scattered throughout the world who still maintain our Love and Nostalgia for everything that Prussia once was. Inheriting this blood, we are deemed the rightful inhabitants and cultural pioneers of the Prussian Legacy.

We do not seek a return of the Monarchy or of a revival of Christianity, which have both ceased to become viable in this new era we now live in. But we must one day have an Absolute Supreme Sovereign of State, who rules at the desire and will of our people after a period of reunification, who elect our State Sovereign to power and glory. We need a new form of spirituality.

As Prussians, we recognize both the Left and Ring wings to belong to the same Establishment, so we adhere to neither political viewpoints, irrespective of times when any interest or rhetoric may overlap. As Prussians, we are not opportunistic for conveniences only based on the superficial level of any shared values, because it will only devalue our position and our ambitions.

Furthermore, our reach is generally to people of Prussian Ethnicity or Legacy.

Primarily, we seek our self-reliance to be exclusively among our own people and namely Germanic people for the fact that our historical past has demonstrated that we are better off with trust and allegiance to our own people, rather than external dependencies.

That being said, there will one day be a position for those who are not Prussian, but work to genuinely further the aims of our cause in this world, and we would welcome any support, particularly of the European People mostly. A Restored and Vital Prussia means a once again Powerful and Flourishing Europe, not only for Germanic states but all Europeans, and the sooner they begin to recognize this and fight in our defense, the sooner things shall also be improved for their conditions and Future well-being and Sovereignty of their Nation-States.

Despite all these facts, we remain dedicated to the Prussian Re-awakening for a day of Reunification with our own People and other Germanic people for a completely new era of mankind. Even if our future is small and few in numbers. So long as at least one of us alive, the struggle and dream for our people’s future continues on.

We welcome people of all kinds to communicate with us, either those who have Prussian Heritage or who are interested in our History and Culture.
We are an Organization and Fraternal Order based out of Massachusetts, USA with a focus on educational, motivational and organization of work to unite those who either have Prussian Heritage or Appreciation and the desire to discuss issues relating the implications of losing Prussia as not only a Geographical location that has been unfairly wiped off the map in Europe, but our Heritage and Culture.

We are the Premier Society of pursuing a Pan-German Unification here in America and Europe, but with the goal in America of uniting German-Americans to reassert our Identity and to pursue the goal of secession from the United States.

We have outreach efforts also focused in the Midwest [particularly in Wisconsin], Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida, along with the entire Germanic Regions of Europe, including former territories of Prussia which have been lost.

We seek to help unite and create offline networks of those who would either want to be a part of our organization and efforts or to learn more about how we can work our way to the efforts of restoring Prussian Culture and Values to the Germanic and Baltic peoples.

We are determined to create establishment and relocation for our own Homeland in the United States along with the Liberation & Restoration of all former Prussian and Germanic Territories in Europe are part of our greatest mission in what we are striving for.

In particular, we are very concerned about the treason that has been committed against Germany as a Nation since the end of World War 2.

Today, Germany is still an occupied country by the USA and the people have been subjected to policies that infringe upon German National Sovereignty and the ability for the German people to maintain their culture and heritage for future generations.

Since WW2, Prussians and the German people overall have not had justice and there were many Millions of Ethnic Prussians who were thrust out of their houses and lands under gunfire and have been displaced since and many who have been pushed into poverty.

We seek to raise awareness and promote a true sense of Justice for Prussians.

As Prussians, we recognize that our identity and bond as a people is specific and unique, and that our connection, our cooperation and unity as a people is found exclusively through our blood, rather than from the signing of the pen.

We are not Left Wing or Right Wing, we are PRUSSIANS, and as PRUSSIANS we shall die!
Nobody is going to read this
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: oldcelloser, Deleted member 17829, Deleted member 16275 and 8 others
That guy is insane
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, RealLooksmaxxer, Deleted member 15827 and 6 others
Prussian=Barbarian brute bull
Prussians are slavs pretending to be germans.
  • JFL
Reactions: chaddyboi66
Schizo ramblings
  • +1
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer, oldcelloser, Deleted member 16275 and 4 others
Prussians are slavs pretending to be germans.
There's REALLY not much difference. Compare Ukrainians to Icelanders for example. On top of that, Yamnaya poured out of the Pontic Caspian steppe the modern-day borderlands of Russia/Ukraine. Like Wtf Germanics think that they're that much of a distinct form of European people?


  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099, chaddyboi66 and MiroslavBulldosex
All Slavic Nations are also Lying Barbarians, because to begin with they are all suspicious about their own people, and they are even MORE suspicious the moment they come across someone who either demonstrates Honesty / Decency, even among their own people.
This describes low class Irish people too
What's your take on the Irish, are they subhuman barbarians also?
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 16571
Nobody cares... this is a looksmaxxing forum
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser and Deleted member 15099
so true
  • JFL
Reactions: RealLooksmaxxer
degenerate schizoid storm fag ramblings
Feels good to be anglo saxon.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
Mogged by America unironically. No amount of Muh germanic or Muh aryan can come close to the American war machine and this skipped over America for that reason
Mogged by America unironically. No amount of Muh germanic or Muh aryan can come close to the American war machine and this skipped over America for that reason
The guy who wrote this is unironically an Amerimutt larping as "Prussian" with "Germanic heritage"...
  • JFL
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer and Deleted member 17791
The guy who wrote this is unironically an Amerimutt larping as "Prussian" with "Germanic heritage"...

Are americans liars or too stupid to do that?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 13787
aint reading that sfcel cope
This title seems to carry a heavy load of stereotypes and potential for harmful generalizations. Such language perpetuates dangerous ideas of racial superiority and inferiority, reminiscent of historical ideologies like Nazism. It's crucial to approach discussions of different cultures and societies with respect, understanding, and a commitment to dismantling harmful stereotypes rather than reinforcing them.

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