Do you believe in IQ differences between diff races?


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Nope we are all equally retarded. The only reason why whites became better than other is because they conquered and stole a lot of shit AND THey lucked out. IN dARK ages whites where one of least developed countries and Sandnigger like us where the center of the world. Islamic golden age got fucked by mongols. It is nothing but luck. IF we did not get fucked. Middle east would be center of the world right now.
The vast majority of greatest nations and civilization ever were white. The vast majority of greatest inventions and academic improvements are white and it's not even relatively close. To say they lucked out and stole shit is the biggest cope I've ever seen on these boards.

Conquering nations is a part of being a strong and successful nation (I'm not saying it's moral). Combine that with the inventions, academic successes, political and societal advancements and being the first to free slaves I'd say they created their own so-called luck.
As for the so called dark ages, I wouldn't be shocked if history in this period was fabricated or altered. I do know this period was after the fall of the Roman empire and before the British empire started to rise up from the ashes and there were many things like disease, and the black plague that wiped out over half the population. Much of the history and advancements were lost or destroyed.

I do know the Muslims systematically started occupying and enslaving various European lands from 500 AD (after the fall of Rome) up until the white race united for the first time from 1,090-1,204 and demolish them. Due to this retaliation the Edomite Jews call this a moral injustice and pure evil yet it was in retaliation from the Muslims unprovoked acts of war and oppression on the European nations for over 500 years.

After beating the Muslims asses like a Cherokee drum, it appeared Khan had a brief period of being an annoyance in the early 1200's in Europe and then after his passing, there was periods of death and disease wiping out a vast majority of the population up until 1,351. Finally, they started to repopulate, have peace, and started the Rennaissance period in 1,400.

There's always going to be periods where a race isn't at it's best but to use that one period as an example of qhy a race is lucky or just stole things to have more achievements and advancements and great empires than any other race is intellectually dishonest.
The vast majority of greatest nations and civilization ever were white. The vast majority of greatest inventions and academic improvements are white and it's not even relatively close. To say they lucked out and stole shit is the biggest cope I've ever seen on these boards.

Conquering nations is a part of being a strong and successful nation (I'm not saying it's moral). Combine that with the inventions, academic successes, political and societal advancements and being the first to free slaves I'd say they created their own so-called luck.
As for the so called dark ages, I wouldn't be shocked if history in this period was fabricated or altered. I do know this period was after the fall of the Roman empire and before the British empire started to rise up from the ashes and there were many things like disease, and the black plague that wiped out over half the population. Much of the history and advancements were lost or destroyed.

I do know the Muslims systematically started occupying and enslaving various European lands from 500 AD (after the fall of Rome) up until the white race united for the first time from 1,090-1,204 and demolish them. Due to this retaliation the Edomite Jews call this a moral injustice and pure evil yet it was in retaliation from the Muslims unprovoked acts of war and oppression on the European nations for over 500 years.

After beating the Muslims asses like a Cherokee drum, it appeared Khan had a brief period of being an annoyance in the early 1200's in Europe and then after his passing, there was periods of death and disease wiping out a vast majority of the population up until 1,351. Finally, they started to repopulate, have peace, and started the Rennaissance period in 1,400.

There's always going to be periods where a race isn't at it's best but to use that one period as an example of qhy a race is lucky or just stole things to have more achievements and advancements and great empires than any other race is intellectually dishonest.
You said its yourself. "Conquering nations part of being a strong and successful nation" So why in the fuck u disagree? i JUST said this. I just said in simplest term. You dont need high IQ nigga. You need lucky. Every empires felt down in toilet. West almost killed itself not long time ago. In futures most ethnics will lead this world because whites are declining.
You said its yourself. "Conquering nations part of being a strong and successful nation" So why in the fuck u disagree? i JUST said this. I just said in simplest term. You dont need high IQ nigga. You need lucky. Every empires felt down in toilet. West almost killed itself not long time ago. In futures most ethnics will lead this world because whites are declining.

Yes, it's part of the game of life no empire ever lasts forever and one of the main reasons is multiculturalism. These nations bring in other races and they start to collapse over time. A house divided cannot stand. My argument wasn't that their civilizations or empires last forever, it was they had the best and the most total top powerful Empires in history. If you complete a top ten list of the most powerful and or best empires in our recorded history over the last 6,000 years or so I'd say over half are going to be Qhite Empires (American, British, Roman, Greek, Phoenician, etc).

Yes, that's the goal of the Edomites and has been since Esau and Jacob. Their goal is to completely obliterate the Israelites/Caucasians. The best method is forced immigration of non whites into white nations to genocide the race without using war. So basically they use their fiat ponzi money to control politician puppets to implement the laqs to force their own destruction. So instead of war they use immigration, instead of guns they use words like racism, antisemitism or white supremacism to suppress any argument or any white person or group that speaks against this genocide. Instead of bombs they use mass brainwashing through the public education indoctrination camps, mainstream media and social media.
I don't believe in IQ, I've spoken with too many people with high IQ's who were absolute dipshits.
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Yes, it's part of the game of life no empire ever lasts forever and one of the main reasons is multiculturalism. These nations bring in other races and they start to collapse over time. A house divided cannot stand. My argument wasn't that their civilizations or empires last forever, it was they had the best and the most total top powerful Empires in history. If you complete a top ten list of the most powerful and or best empires in our recorded history over the last 6,000 years or so I'd say over half are going to be Qhite Empires (American, British, Roman, Greek, Phoenician, etc).

Yes, that's the goal of the Edomites and has been since Esau and Jacob. Their goal is to completely obliterate the Israelites/Caucasians. The best method is forced immigration of non whites into white nations to genocide the race without using war. So basically they use their fiat ponzi money to control politician puppets to implement the laqs to force their own destruction. So instead of war they use immigration, instead of guns they use words like racism, antisemitism or white supremacism to suppress any argument or any white person or group that speaks against this genocide. Instead of bombs they use mass brainwashing through the public education indoctrination camps, mainstream media and social media.
White people are killing themselves for not making babies. Low birth rate means low workforce and economies cannot sustain that way.. There is no solution near future and nobody have will to do anything. Bringing immigrants will patch the problem but it will not fix it long run because they prob adopt to same shit as white people. Is the problem current climate of Capitalism?
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Tyrone with 82 iq kills 132 iq white brah and fucks his wife while incels discuss iq between race groups
White people are killing themselves for not making babies. Low birth rate means low workforce and economies cannot sustain that way.. There is no solution near future and nobody have will to do anything. Bringing immigrants will patch the problem but it will not fix it long run because they prob adopt to same shit as white people. Is the problem current climate of Capitalism?
1.) That's part of the Edomite agenda:
A.) Fear monger and propaganda on overpopulation and climate change
B.) Abortion brainwashing and legalization
C.) Fiat Ponzi scheme monopoly death and debt based currency that's time theft and makes the purchasing power of the dollar worthless as time goes on and eventually goes to it's inevitable mathematical value of zero. It forces people to work harder, longer and have less time and money for families, dating and eventually can't even survive or meet basic needs.
D.) Promotion of race mixing
E.) Taking YAH out of the schools and corrupting all churches and turning them into brothels eventually.
F.) gifting non whites to come into the country illegally and giving them 2.2k a month just to exist and do nothing.
G.) Indoctrination camps aka schools to push anti-white, racism vs white people, white guilt and basically make whites hate themselves
H.) Porn
I.) Internet/social media: Globalized sexual liberation any girl in any county, city or to can now be a hoe outside of girls like the Amish or Mennonites that have no access to these things.

This is done in white nations more so than any other race because they pose no threat to the Edomites. Take out Jake aka Israelites and you take out everyone. Race mix everyone into shit brown color so nobody has a race outside of the Edomites. Their sending in the shitskins into the white nations by the millions every week bro. They pay for the travel and pay them to live and not work. It qorks because a vast majority of shitskins have shit lives until they go to the white nations for free handouts. So, yes the birthrates are declining mainly due to this long term Edomite occupation of qhite nations over the last 100+ years. Qe used to kick these baby cock suckers out of our nations (over 100 nations in a 2,000 year period). Noq people are afraid of being called racist, anti-semitic or supremacist. They did this same stunt in Communist Russia and it had 60 million white Christians genocide in that time period.

Bringing in non whites does nothing but make our Nations weaker as it has in the past empires that crumbled due to multiculturalism.

Capitalism has nothing to do with any of this and we currently do not have free market capitalism. The gov owns 40% of the revenue from businesses which is a form of communism. The Edomites that print the money select their Edomites and shills as the winners and gift them 0% interest loans or even grants to buy up everything. They raise and crash the markets as that's 100% under their control. Nobody actually owns the stocks they buy if you read the fine print that's all owned by a cooperation that's a front for the IMF which runs all the Edomite central banks. Anyone without a land patent doesn't own their home and are just a renter. During the crashes the winners that the Edomites select buy up all the property, land, etc.

If you qant to see a powerful successful group just look at the Amish: they pay no taxes as they have no birth certs, no SSID, they have land patents, they stock pile food and silver and gold, they're not on the internet and not using the social media, porn, TV, etc. They have the highest birth rates on earth as a non government patriarchal Christian volunteerism society. They're on pace to have a population larger than the rest of America in 180 years due to their birth rates and expansion. They have strict Christian values and roles and a 99% marriage success rate. They basically opted out of the Edomite system and technological growth. This enabled them to thrive during the scamdemic and during any crash it's just business as usual for them.

In the end YAH promised to destroy the seed of the Canaanites and that's been done. In the book of Obidiah he promised to destroy the seed of Edom (fake Jeqs in fake Israel today) so it was written so it shall be done.

Racial differences are irrelevant in the end. The salvation of souls is all that matters as the lives of our flesh are extremely short and the afterlife is for eternity. Do everything you can to receive salvation and to help save others. Time is of the essence at this point as the Edomites are getting ready to sacrifice the red heifers and build the third temple. Hamas is trying to prevent this by bombing the living shit out of them but that's just delaying the inevitable. This isn't something the media is going to tell you. They'll just say Hamas are terrorist or anti-semitic or some other ignorant lie.

Overall, history has proven the Caucasians aka Israelites have contributed the most advancements in academics, best inventions, the majority of the greatest empires than any other races in history. Yes they were down after Rome collapsed and the Muslims and plagues happened and yes the Edomites are doing their evil thing as prophesied by YAH but in the long run no race matches up to the white race. Does that guarantee salvation? Nope, not at all. This is why I focus on helping others receive salvation from YAH.

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