Flirt with everyone and watch how the amount of opportunities rise (rizzing up 40+ years old women)

Guys try to flirt with everyone, solid advice, it's not like smth could go wrong for exmple be seen as a weirdo, even worse if u live in a small city(if u are ltn or bellow)!Never forget, it's all abt confidence!
flirting dont mean u go and ask her 'kiss or slap' u retard u just chill spend time and it works
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tried this now im in prison
flirting dont mean u go and ask her 'kiss or slap' u retard u just chill spend time and it works
Flirting doesn't mean just chill and spend time, u dumb or what? That's just hanging out :lul:
hanging out is what leads to cheeks clapping lil bro
Are u retard or?We were talking abt what flirting is, not about "one thing lead to another"!It seems u know more and u often fuck, that's why u are on the org! :lul:
Are u retard or?We were talking abt what flirting is, not about "one thing lead to another"!It seems u know more and u often fuck, that's why u are on the org! :lul:
last time i cehck dis was looksmaxxing not incel forum
last time i cehck dis was looksmaxxing not incel forum
Do u think a guy who fucks a lot and is very social will be on the org?There are cases when even gl dudes aren't NT and this limits their life, but u have to be stupid to think NT is the way to go, it can help to a certain degree!Many men who are very NT developed this habbit from being rejected very less or not at all over the years!
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Then why most social guys are usually HTN, ofc there tons of mtn or even ltm who can't stop talking and are charismathic asf, but I never saw those guys do very well with girls!Unless u are MTN and have a decent height, u won't do shit, maybe just rare slays!Beint NT helps, but u can't only rely on it!
Idk what to tell you
Ops advice works well for him since he’s HTN, bordering Chadlite

If you’re here to looksmax, you’re not magically going to become NT once you become gl.
Balding Indian janitor theory
Do u think a guy who fucks a lot and is very social will be on the org?There are cases when even gl dudes aren't NT and this limits their life, but u have to be stupid to think NT is the way to go, it can help to a certain degree!Many men who are very NT developed this habbit from being rejected very less or not at all over the years!
ight bro i get it but most people in 2023 stay inside and live like this so it doesnt matter. im kinda anti social after covid so i agree with ur point
  • +1
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Idk what to tell you
Ops advice works well for him since he’s HTN, bordering Chadlite

If you’re here to looksmax, you’re not magically going to become NT once you become gl.
Balding Indian janitor theory
U won't become gl once u are gl, it's a whole ass journey, but u will build confidence fast and quite easy because u will see that rejection happens very rare or not at all!Imagine being a truecel all of ur life and one day with a miracle u wake up as a chad!Untill u adapt u will feel weird, but very happy, the same is a poor man with tons of money, he doesn't know what to do with the money, but he will either lose them or adapt, the same with looks u either adapt to the new lifestyle or find more insecurites and rot!
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What is "flirting" to you?
how tall are you? Feel like i'm too short to do this (5'7-5'8)
This only applies to people that are MTN and higher (real MTN, not MTN by hindu standards)

Once you reach that level of appeal, girls generally wont act rude to you and are mostly receptive to talking to you. Now it is time to exercise your social muscles.

I advice you to flirt with ANYONE, even girls that you aren't attracted to. You'll be surprised how many girls or older women will go out of their way to do special stuff for you if you charm them. Also this is excellent training for when you're actually attracted to someone. The same principles apply, and teasing and being playful works with almost any girl.

At my internship I made an extra effort to talk to girls. I was nice and even made older women feel good. What did that give me? A lot of dating opportunities, I have a handful of girls at that workplace that are keen to meet up with me.

But the most surprising thing was a mom that set me up with her daughter. I was always a bit flirty with her, and one day she showed me pics of her daughter. I told her: 'damn so she inherited your good looks too' with a smirk. Next day I already got a social media request and her daughter DM'ing me.

Interestingly, girls don't really change the hints they give off when they get older. She was always very giggly and touchy around me even tho she is nearly 50 lol, but that is a topic for another thread.

Anyways my fellow inkwells, the difference between you and that oofie-doofie that seems to slay much more than his looks alone would allow him is that hes social and talks to many girls. Its a numbers game. Getting to the level of girls approaching you on the regular is unrealistic for the vast majority of people. Get that sentence in your head. But you can sorta make up for the difference.

@PointOfNoReturn @Iasacrko @AspiringMogger @Grel Hellscream @mrriceguy @Orc @Beastimmung @cytoplasm
the fuck is this larp lol in ur dreams buddy
  • Hmm...
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warning: doesn't work if manlet
Sound advice. Being social/NT is what majority here are missing but it’s impossible to convince them they need to run numbers game and try to be more talkative.

As he said, be MTN or above. Its trial and error if you’re socially awkward
rotting indoors will get you nowhere
Bro, if a dude receives a shitty treatment by foids just by ordering/buying stuff at a drugstore, supermarket, why would they try approaching random girls?
Idk what to tell you
Ops advice works well for him since he’s HTN, bordering Chadlite

If you’re here to looksmax, you’re not magically going to become NT once you become gl.
Balding Indian janitor theory
This is extremely true.

You may become a Chad but will still feel like an incel, only piloting the body of Chad.

Once you get enough experiences to make up for your shitty teen years and lack of female validation will you first spiral into being cocky, and then into maturing and acting nt like a normal Chad. Just don't get blue pilled like muh "be a good person" opry and "never give up" chico
  • +1
Reactions: PointOfNoReturn
This only applies to people that are MTN and higher (real MTN, not MTN by hindu standards)

Once you reach that level of appeal, girls generally wont act rude to you and are mostly receptive to talking to you. Now it is time to exercise your social muscles.

I advice you to flirt with ANYONE, even girls that you aren't attracted to. You'll be surprised how many girls or older women will go out of their way to do special stuff for you if you charm them. Also this is excellent training for when you're actually attracted to someone. The same principles apply, and teasing and being playful works with almost any girl.

At my internship I made an extra effort to talk to girls. I was nice and even made older women feel good. What did that give me? A lot of dating opportunities, I have a handful of girls at that workplace that are keen to meet up with me.

But the most surprising thing was a mom that set me up with her daughter. I was always a bit flirty with her, and one day she showed me pics of her daughter. I told her: 'damn so she inherited your good looks too' with a smirk. Next day I already got a social media request and her daughter DM'ing me.

Interestingly, girls don't really change the hints they give off when they get older. She was always very giggly and touchy around me even tho she is nearly 50 lol, but that is a topic for another thread.

Anyways my fellow inkwells, the difference between you and that oofie-doofie that seems to slay much more than his looks alone would allow him is that hes social and talks to many girls. Its a numbers game. Getting to the level of girls approaching you on the regular is unrealistic for the vast majority of people. Get that sentence in your head. But you can sorta make up for the difference.

@PointOfNoReturn @Iasacrko @AspiringMogger @Grel Hellscream @mrriceguy @Orc @Beastimmung @cytoplasm

I already do this for fun

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