Government documents that prove there's a firmament, and non rotating FLAT EARTH and the biblical scriptures

my question is WHY. why would every single astronaut, astronomer, astrologer, every pilot, everyone working with Nasa or other space cooperation's, every government in the world, every scientist, every one working in the media, all lie about the shape of the earth. how does it benefit them?
This is demonstrably false. I asked the same question myself and debated flat earthers (as I eluded to them before I really investigated for myself.

First off it's called compartmentalization and if you ever worked in the military you'll realize everything that is of the utmost importance can bee hidden from the vast majority of these people.. Secondly anyone in this field who has spoken in depth about this is cancelled, suppressed, etc etc. Lastly, all your social media, mainstream media, and the so called governments (corporations) are brought to you buy the Rothchild's and the Edomites aka Zionist Jeqs). These entities are owned and controlled by them and they push this on the low IQ masses from 5 years old and throughout your entire life along with all the other obvious pseudoscience. Lastly, ALL the astronauts are Free masons a society created by yours's truly the Edomites.

Of all the professions listed the pilots have have spoken on this more than any other profession. The next would be the military pilots and those who worked in submarines including myself. I was in the Navy subs and can tell you we maintained travel while level for 1000's of miles and never once had to adjust for a curve and maintained the same dept below the surface. It's similar for flying, as you travel across an ocean, the plane never once dips down to adjust for a curve EVER as they fly level for hundreds of miles yet they remain at the same height above the ocean the ENTIRE TIME. These 2 things are only possible on a level earth. This is common sense and pure logic. To me if these facts alone do not wake up people I have no idea what will and then I give up on people if they still can't grasp these basic concepts. I find people are a waste of time if they either can't understand this are not open minded or vaxxed.
even if, thats one point
It's the main argument. When you have private people not using fish eye lenses or CGI at high altitudes and yet the earth is flatter than a pancake there is really nothing else to prove or say on the matter.

I've had people Live stream there high altitude air ballons over 100,000 feet on many of the mainstream media sites for 3-4 hours. They demonstrate that there's no CGI and provide multiple cameras that can rotate 360 degrees. If that doesn't work then the only way to actually change a person's mind then I have no idea what would. Perhaps taking a person up as high as possible in a private Jet.
finally a good thread!
I think the people in here get tired of the dipshits in here worrying about their D size, height, and face or why Becky and Stacey won't fuck them. This superficial garbage is overrated and irrelevant. There's no female outside of strict Christian patriarchal societies like the Amish or Mennonites that are worth marrying and if you're just wanting to be a degenerate moron and suck and fuck your qay through life as a so called Chad then not only do you doom your salvation but potentially your physical person in this short existence due to STD's, me too BS, and society rigged against men, etc. The juice is no longer worth the squeeze. Sure it feels amazing and gives you a feeling of acceptance and being desired but these fleeting emotions mean nothing in the long run.

The level non rotating domed earth is the gateway to truth. This can give people more of a purpose than muh I need to grow my dick one more inch before I can fuck and suck Stacey.
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  • JFL
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I think the people in here get tired of the dipshits in here worrying about their D size, height, and face or why Becky and Stacey won't fuck them. This superficial garbage is overrated and irrelevant. There's no female outside of strict Christian patriarchal societies like the Amish or Mennonites that are worth marrying and if you're just wanting to be a degenerate moron and suck and fuck your qay through life as a so called Chad then not only do you doom your salvation but potentially your physical person in this short existence due to STD's, me too BS, and society rigged against men, etc. The juice is no longer worth the squeeze. Sure it feels amazing and gives you a feeling of acceptance and being desired but these fleeting emotions mean nothing in the long run.

The level non rotating domed earth is the gateway to truth. This can give people more of a purpose than muh I need to grow my dick one more inch before I can fuck and suck Stacey.
yeah i do agree that this is better than cock threads at least
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Depends one qho you define as they.

Zionist Jeqs aka Edomites
Secret societies

That's the order of control. For Lucifer it's your soul. For the Rothchild's it's more power, control, wealth and resources. For the rest it's the same but to a lesser degree as you go down the chain of command.

The pseudoscience pushed by people and entities that do not even believe in the globe earth is used to dumb down the low IQ masses into thinking they come from nothing but an accident and their is nothing after life, and come from turd flinging apes. The Edomites (Jeqs and their shills and secret societies) that created these laughable theories are actually laughing at the retarded low IQ masses that actually believe that shit.

At this point, people who still believe in this trash is completely lost (unless they're young and still have an open mind and not sub 70 IQ. Anyone that has been cv 19 vaxxed they're simply lost souls at this point and that's over 80% of the population. Vaxx me harder government daddy. Muh I believe everything daddy government tells me and muh you're retarded for not going with my daddy GOD government tells me to believe. These jokers can't think for themselves and it's absolutely hilarious. LOL they can't even tell the difference of CGI and it's quite sad.

The IQ has been dropping significantly for decades as it's gone from 100 to close to 90 now. All the race mixing, indoctrination camps of retards, toxic food, air, injections, water, etc have turned the people into dumbasses.

The only people I believe have a chance to opt out of this matrix if you will are people under 25 years old, not CV vaxxed, and have something of an open mind.
you don't have to lie about the shape of the earth to gain totalitarian control over your people just look at north korea for example
also you can still believe in round earth and be religious
  • +1
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This is demonstrably false. I asked the same question myself and debated flat earthers (as I eluded to them before I really investigated for myself.

First off it's called compartmentalization and if you ever worked in the military you'll realize everything that is of the utmost importance can bee hidden from the vast majority of these people.. Secondly anyone in this field who has spoken in depth about this is cancelled, suppressed, etc etc. Lastly, all your social media, mainstream media, and the so called governments (corporations) are brought to you buy the Rothchild's and the Edomites aka Zionist Jeqs). These entities are owned and controlled by them and they push this on the low IQ masses from 5 years old and throughout your entire life along with all the other obvious pseudoscience. Lastly, ALL the astronauts are Free masons a society created by yours's truly the Edomites.

Of all the professions listed the pilots have have spoken on this more than any other profession. The next would be the military pilots and those who worked in submarines including myself. I was in the Navy subs and can tell you we maintained travel while level for 1000's of miles and never once had to adjust for a curve and maintained the same dept below the surface. It's similar for flying, as you travel across an ocean, the plane never once dips down to adjust for a curve EVER as they fly level for hundreds of miles yet they remain at the same height above the ocean the ENTIRE TIME. These 2 things are only possible on a level earth. This is common sense and pure logic. To me if these facts alone do not wake up people I have no idea what will and then I give up on people if they still can't grasp these basic concepts. I find people are a waste of time if they either can't understand this are not open minded or vaxxed.
you didn't answer why though what's the point
  • +1
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you don't have to lie about the shape of the earth to gain totalitarian control over your people just look at north korea for example
also you can still believe in round earth and be religious
That's not the end game goal, your soul is end game, and for you to beg for your enslavement combined with being completely controlled in every facet. Also, North Koreans still have people with purpose and desire for freedom. If you don't see the chains then you don't know you're a slave. In fact you'll be begging for more enslavement and worse and worse conditions for the illusion of security/health. All brought to you by the patriot act, CV 19 injectio
ns, 15 minute cities, fluoride in the water supply, geoengineering aerosol sprays, one world government, one world religion, one world digital currency, etc etc etc. They use lies, deceptions, false flag ops, etc to get people to beg for more enslavement (Cause the problem, cattle reaction, provide the solution).

If they didn't lie about the shape of the earth, basically their entire pseudoscience theoretical model crumbles (Big bang, Evolution, bacteria to fish to turd flinging monkeys to humans, etc etc). This is all used to disprove the existence of God and your soul and your purpose in life. With no soul there is no afterlife with no afterlife there is no purpose with no purpose then your GOD becomes daddy government (hiding behind a corporation controlled by the Rothchild's).

The basics of Earth's movement:

(Basketball earth, infinite space travelling at the speed of light, Milkqay at 670 million mph, Galaxy travelling at 1.3 mil MPH, sun orbits the milky way at 514,500 MPH, Earth orbit at 66,600 MPH (interesting the Mark of the beast magically appears), earth rotating at 1,000 MPH. All this is destroyed by the FE. It's quite hilarious that the North Star magically stays fixed at the same distance and same location (north south east and qest) all day every day all year every year since the beggining of the earth) all produced by a random cosmogenic explosion 14 billion years ago. So every year the earth has traversed 5.8 trillion miles through this so called universe. Nobody has ever seen, felt, measured or proven such movement. Yet the vast majority of people unquestioningly accept that the earth is moving at these insane distances.

NORTH STAR proves FE and makes GlOBETARDS look foolish.
Heliocentric astronomers cannot adequately explain how Polaris the north star straight above the north pole. always resides perfectly aligned straight above the North pole (same distance, north, south, east west) every day since the beginning of time. Hoq could this even be remotely possible with the earth spinning, rotating, spiraling at thousands to millions of MPH in every possible direction that Polaris would have to perfectly follow the earth in every single direction rotation etc every single day since the beginning. The things they can't prove qith science they create theories around it using mathematical wizardry that can't be tested or repeated but looks good on paper. basically they hide behind the theory of gravity for many of the insane Globe earth beliefs. This is so people can't say blind faith as these theories are taught as fact in schools.

I welcome anyone to explain how the North Star can possibly stay in the same spot over the north pole.

Summary: Understanding the earth = the desire for more truth leads to you understanding you have a soul and an infinite being, you have a purpose, then you realize your enslaved, then you attempt to free yourself, then free others by exposing more truth. Or just believe in theories created by the Edomites qho don't even believe in the theories they create because they understand the biblical truth but they believe Lucifer is the good guy. This all goes back to Jacob and Esau then goes back to the Garden where Lucifer seduced Eve for the first sin and to create 2 seeds in Cain and Abel (Seth after Abel was murdered by the seed of Lucifer).

Before all this I was an Atheist Globetard serving my country and believed my degrees in STEM and high military ranking as a Warrant W-4 , but it made me a delusional moron. I realized I was just a pawn and a slave.
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you didn't answer why though what's the point
Hopefully I thoroughly answered that question in my previous response.

I can provide you with more resources to investigate for yourself. I recommend looking at both sides of the argument. I took the main topics first (level, distance one can see, planes (travel and FE map and globe map). After those main topics it was easy to see FE is truth then after that you can go down the list on the smaller details and how everything works. Another major question people have is Antartica which is a major rabbit hole.
  • +1
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you didn't answer why though what's the point
Here's a ton of pilots talking about Flat and stationary, earth.

Many of the globetard arguments include ad hominem attacks and appeal to authority logical fallacies so these alone defeat most of their arguments. These are educated pilots, experts in their craft and first hand experience of FE.

Here's a ton of pilots talking about Flat and stationary, earth.

Many of the globetard arguments include ad hominem attacks and appeal to authority logical fallacies so these alone defeat most of their arguments. These are educated pilots, experts in their craft and first hand experience of FE.


so what if there is random retard pilots that think the earth is flat. it doesn't debunk the mountains of evidence that proves the earth is a sphear
The koran proved flat earth already, dont need no goverement documents for that
  • JFL
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so what if there is random retard pilots that think the earth is flat. it doesn't debunk the mountains of evidence that proves the earth is a sphear
So appeal to authority is no longer an argument then? Ok good.

What mountains of evidence? I've looked for the evidence to debunk FE's when debating them and I found nothing. No proof of a curve, we can see too far, North star, etc etc etc. I wanted to disprove FE and Christianity yet after 7 years I completely changed my mind.

The only thing qe have is the CGI from NASA which I openly accepted and put blind faith in as do all the globetards. I'm ashamed to be a previous atheist and globetard but I realize I was conditioned as is everyone on earth from the age of 4.
The koran proved flat earth already, dont need no goverement documents for that
That's the last thing I'd ever use as proof. It's a bastardized version of Judaism which is a bastardized version of Christianity. With that being said it's one of virtually all historical cultures that knew the earth is level, non rotational and has a firmament.

This includes the Egyptians, Edomites, Israelites, Greeks, Sumerians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Vikings, Navajo, etc etc etc. Nobody used this fact for controlling or enslave the masses it was just a known fact. Some of these cultures were more advanced than us or vastly more advanced than us so they weren't just retards making up garbage.

Some of these cultures used astronomy to predict things thousands of years in the future.
Round or flat... does it really matter?
I am more interested in how tight and wet Stacy's punani is.
Who the fuck cares about the shape of the earth.
Are you going to fuck it?
Then it's irrelevant, amigo.
That's the last thing I'd ever use as proof. It's a bastardized version of Judaism which is a bastardized version of Christianity. With that being said it's one of virtually all historical cultures that knew the earth is level, non rotational and has a firmament.

This includes the Egyptians, Edomites, Israelites, Greeks, Sumerians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Vikings, Navajo, etc etc etc. Nobody used this fact for controlling or enslave the masses it was just a known fact. Some of these cultures were more advanced than us or vastly more advanced than us so they weren't just retards making up garbage.

Some of these cultures used astronomy to predict things thousands of years in the future.
your on the right track but you need allah asap, none of our shit is bastardized i can tell you that
your on the right track but you need allah asap, none of our shit is bastardized i can tell you that
Allah isn't YAH the sole creator of everything.

Koran did plagiarize much of Judaism then added their own spin on it.

Muhamad was tricked by a demon on his vision on this entire created religion.
He had no miracles and no legitimate prophecies so he's a false prophet. He claims he can forgive sins and that's blaspheme.

I know all about the Koran and Islam. All Muslims, Buddhist, Jeqs, Hindus, athiests, etc go to hell. The only one's that can enter the Kindom are those who have faith in Yahshua.

I recommend watching YouTube videos of previous Muslims that had near death experiences, sent to hell and witnessed Jesus and know he's the savior. These are hardcore Muslims that would never in a million years converted but due to this experience they converted and have received salvation. There are no videos of near death experiences of people and they convert to Islam or any other religion, they believe in Yahshua after these experiences.

I hope you do not need this type of experience to convert but at least have an open mind and heart to receive salvation. Islam is disproven in a feq minutes and that's the easy part. The hard part is getting out of the cult because of the rules and how you're treated after leaving the cult. Your very life is on the line or at the least you'll lose all your family and Muslim friends. It's very sad but it's reality.
NASA unabbreviated = 666 in gematria

enough said

the moon landing was fake and we haven’t been back to the “moon” because it’s a military base used by reptilians and grey aliens
Round or flat... does it really matter?
I am more interested in how tight and wet Stacy's punani is.
Who the fuck cares about the shape of the earth.
Are you going to fuck it?
Then it's irrelevant, amigo.
Been there done that as I was a sexual degenerate as King Solomon and eventually learned the lessons he taught about going down this path of degeneracy.

I'd argue Stacy's punanai is the least relevant thing. Your soul is eternal and this existence in the physical realm is very short and all the sins you commit in this reality qill be done onto you but 10x worse than you can ever possibly imagine.

The reason why the shape of the earth is relevant is because it's the gateway to truth and understanding that eventually leads people to their creator. When you believe you come from a turd flinging monkey and the earth and universe is just a coincidence from big bang 14 billion years ago and you live on a marble in an infinite expanding space traveling in space at 100's of millions of MPH this means you have no soul and no purpose in life and become a slave without realizing it because you don't see the chains. You'll follow the masses until it's too late and you realize you've been completely enslaved and your soul is eternally damned and there's no way out, no forgiveness and you're eternally separated from YAH the creator.

Sucking and fucking your way through life leads to nothing but destruction of your physical, mental and spiritual makeup. As a 20 year military vet that's all I did for the first 10 years and it did nothing but destroy my life. Hollywood and college along with the military (members) promoted alcohol, sex, and all forms of degeneracy and I was trapped.
  • JFL
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Allah isn't YAH the sole creator of everything.

Koran did plagiarize much of Judaism then added their own spin on it.

Muhamad was tricked by a demon on his vision on this entire created religion.
He had no miracles and no legitimate prophecies so he's a false prophet. He claims he can forgive sins and that's blaspheme.

I know all about the Koran and Islam. All Muslims, Buddhist, Jeqs, Hindus, athiests, etc go to hell. The only one's that can enter the Kindom are those who have faith in Yahshua.

I recommend watching YouTube videos of previous Muslims that had near death experiences, sent to hell and witnessed Jesus and know he's the savior. These are hardcore Muslims that would never in a million years converted but due to this experience they converted and have received salvation. There are no videos of near death experiences of people and they convert to Islam or any other religion, they believe in Yahshua after these experiences.

I hope you do not need this type of experience to convert but at least have an open mind and heart to receive salvation. Islam is disproven in a feq minutes and that's the easy part. The hard part is getting out of the cult because of the rules and how you're treated after leaving the cult. Your very life is on the line or at the least you'll lose all your family and Muslim friends. It's very sad but it's reality.
the koran is a miracle all on its own, what miracles did jesus have?
NASA unabbreviated = 666 in gematria

enough said

the moon landing was fake and we haven’t been back to the “moon” because it’s a military base used by reptilians and grey aliens
The aliens agenda is a deception. These are nothing but demons aka interdimensional beings. The biggest sign is out of no where the Edomite controlled media and fake governments that are corporations are promoting this Alien nonsense.

Moon landing qas a hilarious hoax. The most hilarious aspect is them telling us they lost the technology to go back to the moon. BUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. Only a person with a sub 50 IQ would believe that. Our tech has increased at an exponential rate since that time and is vastly superior to the technology back then.

Look up operation fishbowl, and operation high jump on bitchute. Found out there's a dome at the ends of the earth and after Op high jump on Antartica they conducted op fishbowl to shoot Nukes at the dome. This is all public and available. Then magically we have a peace treaty including all nations on earth in Antartica. So qe can come to peace for a worthless freezing land but no where else on earth and don't allow anybody to visit this location (other than highly credentialed, wealthy people with constant restrictions and surveillance).
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The aliens agenda is a deception. These are nothing but demons aka interdimensional beings. The biggest sign is out of no where the Edomite controlled media and fake governments that are corporations are promoting this Alien nonsense.

Moon landing qas a hilarious hoax. The most hilarious aspect is them telling us they lost the technology to go back to the moon. BUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA. Only a person with a sub 50 IQ would believe that. Our tech has increased at an exponential rate since that time and is vastly superior to the technology back then.

Look up operation fishbowl, and operation high jump on bitchute. Found out there's a dome at the ends of the earth and after Op high jump on Antartica they conducted op fishbowl to shoot Nukes at the dome. This is all public and available. Then magically we have a peace treaty including all nations on earth in Antartica. So qe can come to peace for a worthless freezing land but no where else on earth and don't allow anybody to visit this location (other than highly credentialed, wealthy people with constant restrictions and surveillance).

high iq
Yup, god is alot closer to us than normies think. They want you to think god is unlikely so you are easier to control.
Wake up brahs
the koran is a miracle all on its own, what miracles did jesus have?
The Koran wasn't even written by Muhamad.

List of miracles by Yahshua aka GOD IN THE FLESH
1.) Fulfilled 570 prophecies written by the old testament written over 1600 years before Yahshua (includes his death, sacrifice and resurrection and forgiveness of sins of the Israelites in the past and of future sins in the future if you believe in him. Just a few words and YAHSHUA changed this world more than any human in history. He didn't use swords and wars or rape like Muhamad, he didn't have sex with little girls like Muhammad. He didn't tell people to have no more desire in life like Buddha, he didn't say there are thousands of GODS like Hindu just one, he said to treat others as I have treated you.
2.) Cast out a legion of unclean spirits on one man
3.) Healed a leper then healed 10 lepers later.
4.) Raised a widow's son from the dead
5.) Stilled a storm (Mattheq 8:23-27)
6.) Raised a ruler's daughter from the dead (Mattheq 9:18-26)
7.) Cured the blind
8.) cured a mute who couldn't speak so he could speak (Mattheq 9:32)
9.) Fed 5,000 people by multiplying just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish (matt: 14:15-23)
10.) Changed water into wine
11.) Cast out demons in numerous people
12.) Raised Lazarus from the dead ( John 11:1-46)
13.) Yahshua rose from the dead ( Luke 24: 5-8)
14.) Virgin birth
15.) Didn't commit one sin while Muhammad sinned 70 times a day in accordance with your Koran.
16.) Walked on water.
17.) Survived horrific roman torture session that included 5,480 blows to the body and the main weapon used was a cat and 9 tails.
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  • +1
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Allah made him and the water he walked on, end of story:Comfy:

this here is real theology, not your bible school garbage
They're all one in the same father son and holy spirit. That's why no man can replicate what Yahshua did now or ever and it's because his Kingdom is not of this world as he said to Pilate.

Just as you're body soul and spirit.

In the book of Genesis it says let us make them in our image. Us isn't the angels and it's not the animals it's the holy spirit and YAHSHUA aka.

If someone was to end a prayer or heal in the name of Josh, Jacob and Allah would that be a form of blaspheme as you're considering those names as equal to Allah?

Never used bible school as i study independently.

Yes, if you do your research and lookup the history of Muhammad and Islam.

History of Islam:

Muhammad exposed for being tricked by demons and his revelation wasn't from YAH's angel Gabriel but actually under the control of Lucifer. He was unable to distinguish an angel from a demon. This revelation qas exposed by Muhammad's closest companion.
The demon that tricked Muhammad was a demon associated with Monday: Murrah Al-Abyad Abu Al Harith (Abu Al-Nur). Muhammad received his first revelation on MONDAY. Muhammad mistakenly believed Lucifer's words as YAH's words so he was under the control of Lucifer. So, continuing to follow a false prophet leads to hell fire.

Mark Chapter 5 demonstrates YAHSHUA had full control and power over demons as he cast out a legion aka thousands of demons from a man. Meanwhile the false prophet Muhammad is duped by demons. This mistake has damned 10's of billions of souls into hell thanks to Muhammad and those that push Islam.

Yes pls send me the links
Operation High Jump 1946-47

Operation Deep Freeze 55-56: Edge of dome discovered

Famous Admiral Byrd interview before his death in 57: most likely providing false information instead of talking about the dome as he states there are extra lands beyond Antarctica (flat earth model back then lol).

NASA is formed in 1958

Antartica Treaty 1961 Peace for all nations magically for this wasteland and no travel permitted.


Launching of high altitude nuclear bombs at the firmament to test the height and durability of the firmament of YAH
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1.) 44 government documents that prove flat earth. This includes the Army, Airforce, NASA, USSR, University's, etc.

2.) 40 bible verses that prove the earth is flat (non rotational and in a dome). Sun, moon and stars are in the firmament.

3.) King James Bible removes the words flat earth from the bible: The 1537 first edition of Matthew's bible (the bible the Papacy did everything they could to stop from being produced and sold).

4.) Every single culture on earth knew the earth is flat, non rotational and has a firmament.

So the science community, government, bible (non tampered form) every historical culture and your own experience proves the earth is a level plane, non rotating and has a firmament.

Thanks NASA. I wonder why they don't make a major special of these scientific discoveries as they did the fake moon landing?

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Reactions: King Solomon
The moon is a disc and produces it's own light.

The earth is level but has a disc shaped firmament and the earth itself is a disc. Essentially what you see on the UN is the earth as Antartica surrounds the earth. This is the original Map we used as it was a flat earth with the oceans encompassed or surrounded by Antartica.

The moon is a disc and produces it's own light.

The earth is level but has a disc shaped firmament and the earth itself is a disc. Essentially what you see on the UN is the earth as Antartica surrounds the earth. This is the original Map we used as it was a flat earth with the oceans encompassed or surrounded by Antartica.

View attachment 2891686
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
The moon is a disc and produces it's own light.

The earth is level but has a disc shaped firmament and the earth itself is a disc. Essentially what you see on the UN is the earth as Antartica surrounds the earth. This is the original Map we used as it was a flat earth with the oceans encompassed or surrounded by Antartica.

View attachment 2891686
Also going the logical route, the combination of observed day-night cycles, the lunar month, tides, seasons of the year, and the pattern of change in the position of stars in the sky especially as seen from different places on earth, would be incomprehensible on a flat earth model.
Also going the logical route, the combination of observed day-night cycles, the lunar month, tides, seasons of the year, and the pattern of change in the position of stars in the sky especially as seen from different places on earth, would be incomprehensible on a flat earth model.

All those things are explained in depth in books and videos on how this works and has been explained for thousands of years by more advanced civilizations (in specific areas) than ours.

99% of the earth's population covered by the sun for one day a year, the North star same exact location every day since the beginning of the human race, plane and submarine travel at a level trajectory, travel by the stars, star trails, being able to see over 750 miles, being able to use direct line communications over thousands of miles is all impossible on a rotation globe earth model.

Just use logic for 1 minute and you'll see the globe model is impossible. They all use trigonometry for take off/landing so only possible on FE and traveling level for thousands of miles with dipping the nose to adjust for a so called curve while staying at the same altitude is impossible on a globe (I'm sure Globers are going to say muh gravity or earth's atmosphere or some bs that can't and has never been proven).

North star at the same distance and location (N, S, E and qest) since man has tracked it over the north pole is impossible unless it folloqs the earth's orbit at precisely 666,000 MPH, and shooting through space at various speeds and angles at millions of MPH every day for thousands of year since it's been tracked. NO heliocetric astronamer or scientist has ever or qill ever be able to explain this on a globe earth model.

Over 99% of the population is covered in sunlight for one day out of the year. That's impossible on a globe earth and hilarious once you look into it and see how funny it really is that we fell for believing in the globe earth but everyone is brainwashed from 4 years old and put blind faith in the model because the government has replaced GOD at this point. So we accept the reality presented to us instead of using our brains and conducting honest and open investigation unless something changes.
No because it's a disc enclosed qith a firmament aka dome. This is the reason or Operation Deep freeze operation high jump and operation fish bowl/Dominic. These operations discovered the dome in Antartica that surrounds the earth and after this discovery 6 years later operation fish bowl was conducted to send high altitude nukes to test the dome at various locations to test the durability and height. This is why you cannot freely travel in Antartica and where there's magically the only peace treaty of all nations on earth.

. Actually flight patterns prove FE because the fastest route is straight. There have been hundreds of emergency landings due to medical accidents on planes so they're supposed to take the fastest route straight as an arrow to the closest destination. On globe earth these patterns appear to go way out of their way in a non straight path and increasing fly time. However if you map the flight patterns on a globe earth the flights are perfectly straight and vastly closer than the original destination. I can send you videos on this and there a great book that maps out these emergency landings and other flights that make sense only on FE.
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All those things are explained in depth in books and videos on how this works and has been explained for thousands of years by more advanced civilizations (in specific areas) than ours.

99% of the earth's population covered by the sun for one day a year, the North star same exact location every day since the beginning of the human race, plane and submarine travel at a level trajectory, travel by the stars, star trails, being able to see over 750 miles, being able to use direct line communications over thousands of miles is all impossible on a rotation globe earth model.

Just use logic for 1 minute and you'll see the globe model is impossible. They all use trigonometry for take off/landing so only possible on FE and traveling level for thousands of miles with dipping the nose to adjust for a so called curve while staying at the same altitude is impossible on a globe (I'm sure Globers are going to say muh gravity or earth's atmosphere or some bs that can't and has never been proven).

North star at the same distance and location (N, S, E and qest) since man has tracked it over the north pole is impossible unless it folloqs the earth's orbit at precisely 666,000 MPH, and shooting through space at various speeds and angles at millions of MPH every day for thousands of year since it's been tracked. NO heliocetric astronamer or scientist has ever or qill ever be able to explain this on a globe earth model.

Over 99% of the population is covered in sunlight for one day out of the year. That's impossible on a globe earth and hilarious once you look into it and see how funny it really is that we fell for believing in the globe earth but everyone is brainwashed from 4 years old and put blind faith in the model because the government has replaced GOD at this point. So we accept the reality presented to us instead of using our brains and conducting honest and open investigation unless something changes.
i get it
but i have a very simple question
if the earth is flat then there would be day all over earth at the same time and nigh too
but currently its day in some places and nights in other ?
also seasons there is summer in some places and winter in some how could you explain both by a flat earth model ?
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
i get it
but i have a very simple question
if the earth is flat then there would be day all over earth at the same time and nigh too
but currently its day in some places and nights in other ?
also seasons there is summer in some places and winter in some how could you explain both by a flat earth model ?
I'll cover this in a few hours as I have to get some ZZZ's. One of my dogs broke free of my invisible fence and woke me up. I'll find some information that covers this topic for you as these questions would take a bit longer to cover and a video can do more justice than just words for this specific question.
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This is a test you can do to determine the if the earth is level or a basketball is qith the laser test. Simply go to the nearest lake, select the coordinates you plan to use to shoot the laser and the coordinates of your target, check the topographical maps to check the precise elevations of each location (should be the same) but factor them in if necessary to ensure the height of the laser and target are the same. Go at night time and conduct the experiment. If you live on earth, then like all the tens of thousands of people that have conducted this experiment you should hit the target with the laser. You can use a basic camera and long range laser pointer for the experiment.

If you have a 20 mile distance and say the elevation is within one foot, So for a pointer to hit a target at the same elevation of 5 feet, 20 miles away it would have to bend over the curve 266.75 feet which is not possible for a level laser pointer. So your laser hitting the target is unquestionable proof that the earth is flat. You can also record the temperature and pressure for each location for refraction. This is a simple, quick, and affordable experiment is testable, repeatable, observable and falsifiable.

1.) Earth Curvature Calculator
2.) Laser pointer
3.) Refraction calculator:

1.) Longest laser pointer experiments ever recorded:
2.) Temp/Humidity monitor:
3.) Camera
firmament is such a mogger word
firmament is such a mogger word
So is FLAT

2 Samuel 11:11 1537 Mattheqs Bible First Edition. The first bible translated from ancient Hebreq to English. Dude qas killed for his service to Humanity. The 1611 KJV first edition says" are encamped in the open fields;" instead of in the tent s on the flat earth. LOL That's a major difference their. Interesting flat earth is removed by the book the Papacy swears by.
1:11And Vrias sayd vnto Dauid: the arck and Israel & Iuda dwell in pauilions: & my Lord Ioab and the seruauntes of my Lorde lye in tentes vpon the flat earthe: and shulde I then go into myne house, to eate and to dryncke & to lye wyth my wyfe? By thy lyfe and as sure as thy soule lyueth, I wyll not do that thyng.

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