"Heightism is just racism in disguise."



Drink Milk and Lift
Mar 18, 2021
Brought to you by the eternally insecure curries at the ironically(and risibly!)-named /r/SouthAsianMasculinity, This essay purports to introduce a proposal to shame women for refusing to date diminutive men on account of most Brown bachelors being shorter than your average White man :lul: In the midst of his ill-fated attempt at writing this essay, he forgets that 1.) Nothing makes a man more unattractive than trying to use logic on female emotions; 2.) The whole anti-racism industry only survives *because* of women (and their simps), i.e they are the gatekeepers of the whole enterprise. The fact that they don't include heightism as a sign of racism is not a flaw, but by design.

Emphasis my own:

People today love preaching about equality, especially when it comes to posting black squares on Instagram. If these same people were born two hundred years ago as a white landowner in Southern America, statistics tell us that they would brutally beat their slaves or even go as far as to burn them alive. This begs the critical question, why are non-gamers today so scared of uttering the word?

Some comprehend the barbaric history behind the word and remove it from their vocabulary out of their utmost respect towards those who have suffered inhumanely for the profits of their sadistic masters. The rest, who neither understand the history nor meaning, are conformist sheeps afraid of societal rejection. To quote Nietzsche, "Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs, it is the rule." Replace the word insanity with racism, classism, or any other -ism, and what usually ends up happening is mass genocide. :unsure::what:

Anti-semites alone couldn't have caused the holocaust in World War II.
Communists alone couldn't have sustained the Gulag Archipelago. All of them needed blind obedience from the rest of the conformist sheep of their nation. As such, conformism is what lets great acts of evil permeate unquestioned culturally. Therefore, the conformist sheep, in reality, is far worse than the racist, sexist, or the hundreds of other -ist out there.

Connecting the dots thus far, racism today is an issue insofar as it is direct. The virtue-signaling anti-racist is mostly a sheep conforming to the current tides in time, for the end of racism necessitates the end of all race-based discrimination. Yet, so many today fail to grasp that racial preference in dating is unequivocally racist. If you owned a business, you can't deny a customer their service based on race. Nor is preferential treatment based on race legally justifiable, as one is expected to be racially impartial in all instances. Although, when it comes to dating, it becomes socially acceptable for one to be unironically racist under the guise of preferences. :redpill:

Imagine if all East Asian men were excluded permanently from everyone's dating preferences. After a dozen generations, the gene pool of East Asians would be so diluted that there would be no one left that resembles anything like the East Asians of today. It's a slow genocide, mediated by cultural propaganda, whether conscious or unconscious, that makes no significant difference in the ultimate result. How is this form of eugenic race warfare so easily accepted by arbiters of anti-racism?

Truth being, this is only the surface level. Since European imperialism, there has been excessive idealization of lighter skin, now still burdening the souls of formerly colonized men and women. Physical characteristics such as height, and unsarcastically penis size, have been largely fetishized through mass cultural programming. Taking a close look at the average height of each country, we discover that European white men are generally the tallest population. That means when women imitate each other in emphasizing how they want a tall man, preferably six feet and up, they are most probabilistically talking about a European white man.

To exemplify this, consider standardized examinations like the SAT or the ACT. Race is a strong predictor for the test score. For the test to be the sole determinant of an applicant's acceptance to an institution, for example, as the SHSAT is to the elite high schools in NYC, these schools would be filled with a disproportionate number of Asian students, as is the case right now. The point is clear: the favorable trait, height in the context of dating, unfairly gives advantages to a specific race, whites. However, unlike test scores, it is extremely hazardous to change one's height. :forcedsmile:

In any case, advertisers spend billions of dollars each year psychologically manipulating women to consume products, not out of immediate necessity but for the sheer desire exploited through personal insecurity. If six companies can trick a woman into spending thousands of dollars on a Gucci purse, it is only rational to believe they can alter women's sexual preferences. :lul::forcedsmile::ROFLMAO: Following this train of thought, what if some characteristics men pedestalize, believing it will impress women, is nothing but artificially produced propaganda?

For instance, a common explanation given as to why women generally prefer taller men is for the sole purpose of producing stronger offspring, as more height allows for more weight, thereby more muscle mass. If that was truly the case, then why aren't women fucking gorillas? Jokes aside, the collective consciousness of the masses in the West is stuck at the stage of Social Darwinism, survival of the fittest, or what Europeans have used to justify their colonialism. As humans are now on the top of the animal hierarchy, conquering even the biggest of orca whales with advanced technology, it is safe to say our bodies do not need to adapt where weaponry does the job just fine. In fact, future wars will most likely be fought with robots. Conclusively, supposing the theory of evolution is indeed true, humans can self-direct the process artificially. After all, we have domesticated foxes by selectively breeding them, and humans are not immune from the memetic hazards portrayed in mainstream media disseminated en masse. It is only natural to ask how did it all begin?

European imperialists were country rapists and liked to put their dick inside unknown civilizations. After Europe successfully destroyed all these civilization's uterus lining through hardcore penetration, it ejaculated into the vaginas of unknown cultures, finally reaching a one-sided orgasm. Then, like a shitty absent rapist father, Europe just nonchalantly vented back to their place, as the former colonies were just flabbergasted, crying in joy while surrounded by their rapist's cum. Little did these newly-freed-former-colonies knew, there would soon be a rape baby born in 9 months.

As such, the subsequent generations of hurray-im-now-free colonies developed a rape fetish induced from the rape trauma, and they still didn't get therapy since. There is no better way to explain why women of color, once raped and now fetishized, proudly proclaim to date only white men. :bluepill:

Regardless of how fucked up the postcolonial identity :forcedsmile: is, it remains that women succumb to peer pressure and have a great fear of social ostracization. If the political left today can manipulate women to be against racism, ableism, homophobia, sexism, so on and so forth, while Nazi's convinced :unsure: women to hate the Jews and gas them in concentration camps, then there is the guarantee that with mass effort, you can make heightism a sociopolitical taboo as well.

Unfortunately, everyone today has a smaller attention span than a goldfish. That means if there are no clowns in TikTok attempting seductive facial expressions while zooming in and out of their face, or "parents" risking their child's life for temporary fame, then the average person keeps on scrolling. Most people won't even have the attention span to read this essay. Thus, if you have made it this far, you should be proud of being part of a small elite minority. :feelsuhh:

Consequently, some readers are perhaps impelled to take action. The first step would be to build a solid backbone of the aphorism heightism is racism, as was this essay's intent. :p The next step is to disseminate this information widely in simplified form. Whether it is aesthetic Instagram activism or reaction to such activism in all mediums, the goal is for heightism as an issue to surface in the collective consciousness, regardless of whether it is treated seriously or not. That being said, the final step is for social ostracization based upon height discrimination, or really, any other forms of indirect race-based discrimination as explained previously. That being said, anytime someone says I only date people who are 6 feet and taller, the immediate reactions of people surrounding them should be to denounce them in the same manner as reacting to homophobia today.

Remember, most people today are not suddenly anti-racist. They are conformist sheeps afraid of social rejection. :blackpill:

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That's a mouthful just to say he's an unfuckable manlet.

  • +1
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: human304, Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 16369 and 5 others
6'5 pure blood scythian rajasthani villager
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15827 and Callooh_Calais
Brought to you by the eternally insecure curries at the ironically(and risibly!)-named /r/SouthAsianMasculinity, This essay purports to introduce a proposal to shame women for refusing to date diminutive men on account of most Brown bachelors being shorter than your average White man :lul: In the midst of his ill-fated attempt at writing this essay, he forgets that 1.) Nothing makes a man more unattractive than trying to use logic on female emotions; 2.) The whole anti-racism industry only survives *because* of women (and their simps), i.e they are the gatekeepers of the whole enterprise. The fact that they don't include heightism as a sign of racism is not a flaw, but by design.

Emphasis my own:

That's a mouthful just to say he's an unfuckable manlet.

Good bones tho
>R Asian Masculinity
>R South Asian Masculinity
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827 and RealLooksmaxxer
  • JFL
Reactions: Callooh_Calais
There is no "racism" against 6'3-6'5 chadpreets tho is there 😂.

Here is the thing, yes currytax does exist, but if you have good bones, and good colouring, you will still slay, IN SPITE, of being curry. The reason why your average curry doesn't know this, is because your average curry doesn't have good bones or colouring 😂
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17763, Chinacurry, Truecel14 and 1 other person
There is no "racism" against 6'3-6'5 chadpreets tho is there 😂.

Here is the thing, yes currytax does exist, but if you have good bones, and good colouring, you will still slay, IN SPITE, of being curry. The reason why your average curry doesn't know this, is because your average curry doesn't have good bones or colouring 😂
yep very true, well u will slay whites, latinas, curries.

idk about blacks, and I think noodles and MENA whores will still hate u
Ok but light brown > pale white
There is no "racism" against 6'3-6'5 chadpreets tho is there 😂.

Here is the thing, yes currytax does exist, but if you have good bones, and good colouring, you will still slay, IN SPITE, of being curry. The reason why your average curry doesn't know this, is because your average curry doesn't have good bones or colouring 😂
Chads have no ethnicity

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