Not only do East Asians have the highest intelligence, they also have the highest size and strength potential (Pacific Islanders were Chinese)


Deleted member 25663

Jan 17, 2023
Most of this is copy pasted, but I've decided to put this information together into a coherent text.

It's well known that East Asians have the highest intelligence on average, only beaten by Jews which are a much smaller and very miniscule population. East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. The fact is, IQ is one of the most important aspects for a human, and it's only becoming increasingly more important. It's how the Jews dominate the west. It's why the two most dominant races in the world today (Europeans and East Asians) have the highest IQs on average by far. We evolved from monkeys which were tens of times stronger than us, but look where we are now and where the other primates are. East Asians have the biggest brains, and average brain size is pretty much directly correlated with average IQ for a human race. Although Southeast Asians and South Asians can be very low IQ in their home countries, high IQ immigrants easily outearn other races along with the East Asians. When given the same conditions and living in the same country, wealth almost directly correlates with IQ for a race, as you can see below. Brutal IQpill.

F26D68FA AD1C 4BBD 9236 7D4310940F36





However, besides intelligence, East Asians ALSO have the highest size and strength potential as long as they are given the correct conditions, nutrition, and environment. This is similar to the Nordics (But on a much bigger scale), who were never that tall before but became tall once their countries greatly improved these past few centuries due to modernization and industrialization. East Asians are getting taller and stronger at a faster rate than any other race due to quickly improving nutrition, economy, and living conditions. China and South Korea are growing in height faster than any other country, while certain western countries like the United States and the Netherlands are staying stagnant or getting shorter.



East Asians are also increasing in strength the most, seeing as how China has won the last 6 Olympic weightlifting championships when no other country has done so. The Chinese are a naturally tall and strong race if they didn't have so many malnourished peasants and subpar nutrition, and if they don't hard focus their culture on education (which is good for the civilization as a whole and is propagated by intelligent and competent leaders, because engineers and scientists bring trillions times more economic and military power to the country than athletes). That's why since they're increasing in economic power and GDP so rapidly and improving their nutrition so much, they're the fastest growing race in height bar none. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and physically strongest race in the world bar none, since they adapted to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. The Chinese are a naturally strong race seeing as how they're much stronger than countries they're poorer than, as you can see in the chart below. Although China is low-mid income, the males have a stronger grip strength than almost all the males from countries with mid income and mid-high income, and as their income improves, they're going to become even stronger.



Strength by race

Pacific Islanders (Specifically Polynesians) given optimal conditions and good nutrition are the biggest, strongest, and most physically gifted race on average. They do extremely well at any sport that’s popular in their countries. They would completely dominate strength and athleticism based sports like American football if there were more of them. They have a huge warrior culture and they’re a natural warrior race born and bred for combat. Fighting and killing each other is all they did throughout most of their history stuck on small islands. Tribes had to constantly battle for resources, and only the strongest survived. They serve in the US military at disproportionately large numbers because battle is their natural calling. They would also absolutely dominate combat sports if there were more of them as well as more interest and opportunity for them. They have a huge fighting culture almost everywhere they live and sparring and fighting is pretty much all they do, similar to some parts of Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Couple that with their physical superiority and they would curbstomp every other race in fighting. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and strongest race in the world bar none because they had to adapt to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. This is why they're much bigger, stronger, taller, and more intelligent than the Melanesians and Oceanic peoples around them, who are much shorter, near subhuman, have zero East Asian blood, have IQs averaging 60-70, and have never amounted to anything in either academics or athletics.


In this first study, they only took samples from 47 Pacific Islanders, 44 Chinese, and 24 Papua New Guinea people, so it's inaccurate due to very small sample size. Still, even this small study shows Polynesians are 79% East Asian and 21% Melanesian. Every single other study you can find shows Polynesians have even less Melanesian blood and even more East Asian blood. It says 66% of the Y-Chromosome comes from Melanesians but like I said, this study is inaccurate and will be disproved by studies I will link later on. If it were an accurate sample (it's not), it would be because Chinese men don't want to go for ugly Melanesian women, just like white men don't go for ugly black women. It's also because East Asian women are proven to be the most attractive women by almost all studies, and East Asian men would rather go for them than 60-70 IQ darkskin Melanesians. Melanesian men would also be much more enticed by East Asian women than they would be by Melanesian women. White men are proven as more desired than black men in literally all attraction and dating studies you can find for example, but there's still a lot more black man white woman than white man black woman because black women tend to be a lot more unattractive and less desired than white women. Another bigger reason though, if the study were accurate, is that Melanesian men were the ones who travelled to Polynesia and mated with the women. They didn't take female seafarers. Anyways, the study is also disproven here, which took samples from a much larger population of 551 individuals. It shows that the there is very low or negligible Melanesian Y-chromosomal haplotype contribution to Polynesian DNA, yet there is a high proportion of Melanesian alleles seen at nuclear and mtDNA loci.


This third study which I will link below is the most accurate by far and completely disproves all other studies. The researchers analyzed more than 800 genetic markers (highly informative microsatellites) in nearly 1,000 individuals from 41 Pacific populations, as opposed to prior small-scale mitochondrial DNA or Y chromosome studies which had produced conflicting results. This study is MUCH more accurate and takes account of a MUCH wider variety of individuals. It shows that Polynesians and Micronesians had "almost no genetic relationship" to Melanesians, and they concluded that the genetic data showed that the Polynesians and Micronesians were most closely related to Taiwan Aborigines and East Asians who originated in Taiwan and coastal China (Southern China, which is why they tend to be tan skinned like Southern Chinese but not nearly as dark as Melanesians). Pacific Islanders are pretty much completely descended from East Asians and unrelated to Melanesians, which is why they're so much different than the Melanesians and other Oceanic peoples around them.



The thing is, Austronesians and Taiwan Aborigines all descend from coastal Southern China as well. So Pacific Islanders are both descended straight from the Southern Chinese and descended from the descendants of the Southern Chinese.

"The broad consensus on Austronesian origins is the "two-layer model" where an original Paleolithic indigenous population in Island Southeast Asia were assimilated to varying degrees by incoming migrations of Neolithic Austronesian-speaking peoples from Taiwan and Fujian, in southern China from around 4,000 BP.[79][89]"

"The broad consensus on the Urheimat (homeland) of Austronesian languages as well as the Neolithic early Austronesian peoples is accepted to be Taiwan, as well as the Penghu Islands.[111][112][113] They are believed to have descended from ancestral populations in coastal mainland southern China, which are generally referred to as the "pre‑Austronesians".[note 4] Through these pre-Austronesians, Austronesians may also share a common ancestry with neighboring groups in Neolithic southern China.[114]"

"There are at least 30,000 people in Samoa who are of mixed Samoan and Chinese descent,[6] although they are classified as ethnic Samoans in official census.[7] Around the world, about 25% of all Samoans claim Chinese ancestry."







This proves that besides being the most intelligent race, East Asians / Mongoloids are also the biggest and strongest race when given the right conditions. There's a reason native Mongoloid races are so much more intelligent than native Negroid or Caucasoid races, especially the former. Of course, clever and competent East Asian leaders promote an education based culture that produces education focused intellectuals because they actually benefit the country and the leaders the most as a whole. When Asians have an environment that allows them to develop intelligence, they develop it to the fullest extent. When Asians have an environment that requires them to develop size and strength, they develop it to the fullest extent. East Asians / Mongoloids are the most adaptable master race, which is why they stayed in first or second place as a world power all throughout North African dominance, Middle Eastern dominance, Mediterranean dominance, and Western European dominance while all those races got fucked into the ground as another race became dominant. That is why with modern globalization and modernization as well as exponentially strengthening technology, they will become the dominant race and stay on top for all time.

DISCLAIMER: East Asians are improving at the fastest rate in physicality, which can be important in many aspects such as height. However, a country/race having mostly education focused intellectuals is a good thing because they benefit society and the top echelon a lot more. Intelligence dominates physicality pretty much every single time for a human, and this fact is only becoming increasingly true as technology becomes stronger and more advanced and everything becomes automated. Eastern European Slavs and sub-Saharan Africans are the two most prominent races in the UFC, but they got cucked and fucked and raped and enslaved for thousands of years by more intelligent races and are the two most prominent slave races in all of history. Humans are some of the weakest animals pound for pound and the best of us would get eviscerated by a malnourished wolf, but we dominate every other bigger and stronger animal so hard we have to protect them from extinction. All Presidents since 1953 are very high IQ and have gotten a Bachelor's degree. Even though they would get merked in a fist fight by some random hooligan on the street (Especially since they're so old by the time they acquire their presidency), they're the most powerful individuals in the country bar none, and have influence and power over 300 million people. Even though a Roman emperor would get eviscerated by a competent gladiator, he can order the deaths of thousands of that gladiator because he has true power. Xi Jinping is well known as the most powerful man in the world for a reason. Chinese students most often want to become engineers, scientists, and astronauts while western students most often want to become entertainers, influencers, and athletes (And it's getting even worse), and the former brings trillions times more economic and military power to the country and advances the country much more as a whole. Physicality is becoming less and less important as intelligence becomes more and more important as technology becomes more advanced and strengthens exponentially, especially with the advent of artificial technology. The deadliest sniper of all time with 429 confirmed kills was a tiny 5’3 manlet named Simo Hayha. Physicality can’t do jack shit against guns, let alone drone strikes and atomic bombs that don’t even require manpower or soldiers.

I was born in the city of Zhongshan in the Guangdong province of Southern China, the most coastal city of the most coastal province in China. My family moved to Hawaii later on. Who has this exact same similarity? Sun Yat-sen, who is called "The Father of the Nation" in the Republic of China and the "Forerunner of the Revolution" in the People's Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai revolution. Born in the exact same place, moved to and raised in the exact same place. He was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and pretty much created it. He was the first non emperor leader of China even though he was only leader for a year. This state truly produces Asian ubermensch in terms of both physicality and intelligence. The Southern Chinese are natural rebels who start from nothing yet achieve everything. The Southern Chinese were always more rebellious against the Mongols than the Northern Chinese. The grandfather of the peasant man Zhu Yuanzhang who overthrew the Mongol Empire served in the Southern Song army and navy against the Mongols, and his stories inspired his grandson to overthrow the empire. The grandson did just that, even though he lived in extreme poverty all his childhood and started from absolutely nothing with his whole family dying from starvation. The Southern Chinese are an extremely adaptable master race. Their wealth and economic prosperity compared to the Northern Chinese is increasing and increasing, and they have higher IQs despite being more intermixed with lower IQ races like Southeast Asians. A drawback is that they're shorter, but that's due to diet and nutrition and their height is increasing at the fastest rate of any race. All Chinese are, because they simply have the superior genetic potential to be taller.

Europeans are the only race set to become a minority in their own countries. They're getting their countries swarmed, bred out, and intermixed by ethnics. Their countries are falling, their population is falling, the west is falling. The Jews are propagating this, spreading degeneracy throughout the west, bringing down white people, promoting mass immigration, hard pushing certain groups like niggers into the media and culture and giving them halos, forcing acceptance of degeneracy like transgenderism and furry, promoting degenerate culture like extreme feminism, and gradually collapsing western society as a whole. Their plan is to globally lower human sentience and testosterone to make men weak and passive, encourage extreme race mixing and immigration to lower IQ and destroy any sense of familial and cultural identity, all to be able to easily rule over the eventual mixed mutt abominations of the west. There's a reason western children are increasingly wanting to be influencers, entertainers, and athletes rather than engineers, scientists, and astronauts like Chinese children strive to become. Ashkenazi Jews have a higher average IQ than other whites, have a higher average income, have a higher acceptance rates for Ivy League schools, have contributed more to science, technology and literature per capita, and have won more Nobel Peace Prizes per capita. They always favor each other in all institutions they're placed in, including universities, schools, banks, media careers, and political positions. They're the only race that can and will compete with East Asians in the future. They already control every single western white country to a certain extent, and the world is about to become Jews vs Chinese (Who aren't affected or controlled by the Jews whatsoever, the CCP is completely Jew-immune).

North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Mediterraneans were all dominant powers throughout history, but all of them have fallen greatly. The Western and Northern Europeans might have dominated these past few centuries, but make no mistake, they will soon follow in the other races' paths. Only East Asians (Specifically China) have stayed consistently powerful and dominant throughout all these times, equaling or surpassing these other dominant races. Now with mass globalization and advancing technology, once they’re on top again they will remain on top til the end of time. East Asians make much more money than other races in their own countries, and the pay gap is only increasing and increasing as they’re making more and more money in comparison to the other races. East Asians have the highest salaries, highest IQs, longest and healthiest lives, largest improvement rates in every aspect. East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. East Asians were always a dominant power, the only race that stayed consistent throughout all of history. Now that technology and globalization has reached all these new heights, when China rises up to the top, it will be the dominant country forever, and East Asians will be the dominant race for all time. Their only contender is the Jews, and the world will be East Asians vs the Jews and their mixed mutt subjects.
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If i was born again and couldnt be white i would want to be east asian
  • JFL
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Most of this is copy pasted, but I've decided to put this information together into a coherent text.

It's well known that East Asians have the highest intelligence on average, only beaten by Jews which are a much smaller and very miniscule population. East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. The fact is, IQ is one of the most important aspects for a human, and it's only becoming increasingly more important. It's how the Jews dominate the west. It's why the two most dominant races in the world today (Europeans and East Asians) have the highest IQs on average by far. We evolved from monkeys which were tens of times stronger than us, but look where we are now and where the other primates are. East Asians have the biggest brains, and average brain size is pretty much directly correlated with average IQ for a human race. Although Southeast Asians and South Asians can be very low IQ in their home countries, high IQ immigrants easily outearn other races along with the East Asians. When given the same conditions and living in the same country, wealth almost directly correlates with IQ for a race, as you can see below. Brutal IQpill.

View attachment 2082987





However, besides intelligence, East Asians ALSO have the highest size and strength potential as long as they are given the correct conditions, nutrition, and environment. This is similar to the Nordics (But on a much bigger scale), who were never that tall before but became tall once their countries greatly improved these past few centuries due to modernization and industrialization. East Asians are getting taller and stronger at a faster rate than any other race due to quickly improving nutrition, economy, and living conditions. China and South Korea are growing in height faster than any other country, while certain western countries like the United States and the Netherlands are staying stagnant or getting shorter.



East Asians are also increasing in strength the most, seeing as how China has won the last 6 Olympic weightlifting championships when no other country has done so. The Chinese are a naturally tall and strong race if they didn't have so many malnourished peasants and subpar nutrition, and if they don't hard focus their culture on education (which is good for the civilization as a whole and is propagated by intelligent and competent leaders, because engineers and scientists bring trillions times more economic and military power to the country than athletes). That's why since they're increasing in economic power and GDP so rapidly and improving their nutrition so much, they're the fastest growing race in height bar none. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and physically strongest race in the world bar none, since they adapted to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. The Chinese are a naturally strong race seeing as how they're much stronger than countries they're poorer than, as you can see in the chart below. Although China is low-mid income, the males have a stronger grip strength than almost all the males from countries with mid income and mid-high income, and as their income improves, they're going to become even stronger.



View attachment 2082868

Pacific Islanders (Specifically Polynesians) given optimal conditions and good nutrition are the biggest, strongest, and most physically gifted race on average. They do extremely well at any sport that’s popular in their countries. They would completely dominate strength and athleticism based sports like American football if there were more of them. They have a huge warrior culture and they’re a natural warrior race born and bred for combat. Fighting and killing each other is all they did throughout most of their history stuck on small islands. Tribes had to constantly battle for resources, and only the strongest survived. They serve in the US military at disproportionately large numbers because battle is their natural calling. They would also absolutely dominate combat sports if there were more of them as well as more interest and opportunity for them. They have a huge fighting culture almost everywhere they live and sparring and fighting is pretty much all they do, similar to some parts of Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Couple that with their physical superiority and they would curbstomp every other race in fighting. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and strongest race in the world bar none because they had to adapt to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. This is why they're much bigger, stronger, taller, and more intelligent than the Melanesians and Oceanic peoples around them, who are much shorter, near subhuman, have zero East Asian blood, have IQs averaging 60-70, and have never amounted to anything in either academics or athletics.


In this first study, they only took samples from 47 Pacific Islanders, 44 Chinese, and 24 Papua New Guinea people, so it's inaccurate due to very small sample size. Still, even this small study shows Polynesians are 79% East Asian and 21% Melanesian. Every single other study you can find shows Polynesians have even less Melanesian blood and even more East Asian blood. It says 66% of the Y-Chromosome comes from Melanesians but like I said, this study is inaccurate and will be disproved by studies I will link later on. If it were an accurate sample (it's not), it would be because Chinese men don't want to go for ugly Melanesian women, just like white men don't go for ugly black women. It's also because East Asian women are proven to be the most attractive women by almost all studies, and East Asian men would rather go for them than 60-70 IQ darkskin Melanesians. Melanesian men would also be much more enticed by East Asian women than they would be by Melanesian women. White men are proven as more desired than black men in literally all attraction and dating studies you can find for example, but there's still a lot more black man white woman than white man black woman because black women tend to be a lot more unattractive and less desired than white women. Another bigger reason though, if the study were accurate, is that Melanesian men were the ones who travelled to Polynesia and mated with the women. They didn't take female seafarers. Anyways, the study is also disproven here, which took samples from a much larger population of 551 individuals. It shows that the there is very low or negligible Melanesian Y-chromosomal haplotype contribution to Polynesian DNA, yet there is a high proportion of Melanesian alleles seen at nuclear and mtDNA loci.

View attachment 2082875

This third study which I will link below is the most accurate by far and completely disproves all other studies. The researchers analyzed more than 800 genetic markers (highly informative microsatellites) in nearly 1,000 individuals from 41 Pacific populations, as opposed to prior small-scale mitochondrial DNA or Y chromosome studies which had produced conflicting results. This study is MUCH more accurate and takes account of a MUCH wider variety of individuals. It shows that Polynesians and Micronesians had "almost no genetic relationship" to Melanesians, and they concluded that the genetic data showed that the Polynesians and Micronesians were most closely related to Taiwan Aborigines and East Asians who originated in Taiwan and coastal China (Southern China, which is why they tend to be tan skinned like Southern Chinese but not nearly as dark as Melanesians). Pacific Islanders are pretty much completely descended from East Asians and unrelated to Melanesians, which is why they're so much different than the Melanesians and other Oceanic peoples around them.

View attachment 2082891


The thing is, Austronesians and Taiwan Aborigines all descend from coastal Southern China as well. So Pacific Islanders are both descended straight from the Southern Chinese and descended from the descendants of the Southern Chinese.

"The broad consensus on Austronesian origins is the "two-layer model" where an original Paleolithic indigenous population in Island Southeast Asia were assimilated to varying degrees by incoming migrations of Neolithic Austronesian-speaking peoples from Taiwan and Fujian, in southern China from around 4,000 BP.[79][89]"

"The broad consensus on the Urheimat (homeland) of Austronesian languages as well as the Neolithic early Austronesian peoples is accepted to be Taiwan, as well as the Penghu Islands.[111][112][113] They are believed to have descended from ancestral populations in coastal mainland southern China, which are generally referred to as the "pre‑Austronesians".[note 4] Through these pre-Austronesians, Austronesians may also share a common ancestry with neighboring groups in Neolithic southern China.[114]"

"There are at least 30,000 people in Samoa who are of mixed Samoan and Chinese descent,[6] although they are classified as ethnic Samoans in official census.[7] Around the world, about 25% of all Samoans claim Chinese ancestry."

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This proves that besides being the most intelligent race, East Asians / Mongoloids are also the biggest and strongest race when given the right conditions. There's a reason native Mongoloid races are so much more intelligent than native Negroid or Caucasoid races, especially the former. Of course, clever and competent East Asian leaders promote an education based culture that produces education focused intellectuals because they actually benefit the country and the leaders the most as a whole. When Asians have an environment that allows them to develop intelligence, they develop it to the fullest extent. When Asians have an environment that requires them to develop size and strength, they develop it to the fullest extent. East Asians / Mongoloids are the most adaptable master race, which is why they stayed in first or second place as a world power all throughout North African dominance, Middle Eastern dominance, Mediterranean dominance, and Western European dominance while all those races got fucked into the ground as another race became dominant. That is why with modern globalization and modernization as well as exponentially strengthening technology, they will become the dominant race and stay on top for all time.

DISCLAIMER: East Asians are improving at the fastest rate in physicality, which can be important in many aspects such as height. However, a country/race having mostly education focused intellectuals is a good thing because they benefit society and the top echelon a lot more. Intelligence dominates physicality pretty much every single time for a human, and this fact is only becoming increasingly true as technology becomes stronger and more advanced and everything becomes automated. Eastern European Slavs and sub-Saharan Africans are the two most prominent races in the UFC, but they got cucked and fucked and raped and enslaved for thousands of years by more intelligent races and are the two most prominent slave races in all of history. Humans are some of the weakest animals pound for pound and the best of us would get eviscerated by a malnourished wolf, but we dominate every other bigger and stronger animal so hard we have to protect them from extinction. All Presidents since 1953 are very high IQ and have gotten a Bachelor's degree. Even though they would get merked in a fist fight by some random hooligan on the street (Especially since they're so old by the time they acquire their presidency), they're the most powerful individuals in the country bar none, and have influence and power over 300 million people. Even though a Roman emperor would get eviscerated by a competent gladiator, he can order the deaths of thousands of that gladiator because he has true power. Xi Jinping is well known as the most powerful man in the world for a reason. Chinese students most often want to become engineers, scientists, and astronauts while western students most often want to become entertainers, influencers, and athletes (And it's getting even worse), and the former brings trillions times more economic and military power to the country and advances the country much more as a whole. Physicality is becoming less and less important as intelligence becomes more and more important as technology becomes more advanced and strengthens exponentially, especially with the advent of artificial technology. The deadliest sniper of all time with 429 confirmed kills was a tiny 5’3 manlet named Simo Hayha. Physicality can’t do jack shit against guns, let alone drone strikes and atomic bombs that don’t even require manpower or soldiers.

I was born in the city of Zhongshan in the Guangdong province of Southern China, the most coastal city of the most coastal province in China. My family moved to Hawaii later on. Who has this exact same similarity? Sun Yat-sen, who is called "The Father of the Nation" in the Republic of China and the "Forerunner of the Revolution" in the People's Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai revolution. Born in the exact same place, moved to and raised in the exact same place. He was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and pretty much created it. He was the first non emperor leader of China even though he was only leader for a year. This state truly produces Asian ubermensch in terms of both physicality and intelligence. The Southern Chinese are natural rebels who start from nothing yet achieve everything. The Southern Chinese were always more rebellious against the Mongols than the Northern Chinese. The grandfather of the peasant man Zhu Yuanzhang who overthrew the Mongol Empire served in the Southern Song army and navy against the Mongols, and his stories inspired his grandson to overthrow the empire. The grandson did just that, even though he lived in extreme poverty all his childhood and started from absolutely nothing with his whole family dying from starvation. The Southern Chinese are an extremely adaptable master race. Their wealth and economic prosperity compared to the Northern Chinese is increasing and increasing, and they have higher IQs despite being more intermixed with lower IQ races like Southeast Asians. A drawback is that they're shorter, but that's due to diet and nutrition and their height is increasing at the fastest rate of any race. All Chinese are, because they simply have the superior genetic potential to be taller.

Europeans are the only race set to become a minority in their own countries. They're getting their countries swarmed, bred out, and intermixed by ethnics. Their countries are falling, their population is falling, the west is falling. The Jews are propagating this, spreading degeneracy throughout the west, bringing down white people, promoting mass immigration, hard pushing certain groups like niggers into the media and culture and giving them halos, forcing acceptance of degeneracy like transgenderism and furry, promoting degenerate culture like extreme feminism, and gradually collapsing western society as a whole. Their plan is to globally lower human sentience and testosterone to make men weak and passive, encourage extreme race mixing and immigration to lower IQ and destroy any sense of familial and cultural identity, all to be able to easily rule over the eventual mixed mutt abominations of the west. There's a reason western children are increasingly wanting to be influencers, entertainers, and athletes rather than engineers, scientists, and astronauts like Chinese children strive to become. Ashkenazi Jews have a higher average IQ than other whites, have a higher average income, have a higher acceptance rates for Ivy League schools, have contributed more to science, technology and literature per capita, and have won more Nobel Peace Prizes per capita. They always favor each other in all institutions they're placed in, including universities, schools, banks, media careers, and political positions. They're the only race that can and will compete with East Asians in the future. They already control every single western white country to a certain extent, and the world is about to become Jews vs Chinese (Who aren't affected or controlled by the Jews whatsoever, the CCP is completely Jew-immune).

North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Mediterraneans were all dominant powers throughout history, but all of them have fallen greatly. The Western and Northern Europeans might have dominated these past few centuries, but make no mistake, they will soon follow in the other races' paths. Only East Asians (Specifically China) have stayed consistently powerful and dominant throughout all these times, equaling or surpassing these other dominant races. Now with mass globalization and advancing technology, once they’re on top again they will remain on top til the end of time. East Asians make much more money than other races in their own countries, and the pay gap is only increasing and increasing as they’re making more and more money in comparison to the other races. East Asians have the highest salaries, highest IQs, longest and healthiest lives, largest improvement rates in every aspect. East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. East Asians were always a dominant power, the only race that stayed consistent throughout all of history. Now that technology and globalization has reached all these new heights, when China rises up to the top, it will be the dominant country forever, and East Asians will be the dominant race for all time. Their only contender is the Jews, and the world will be East Asians vs the Jews and their mixed mutt subjects.
Who wins? Jews and their minions or East Asians?
  • JFL
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Reactions: mayo mogger, Spiritualcell and Hero of the Imperium
You should post in looksmaxxing section.

Offtopic posts get less attention unless they are constantly bumped.

Good thread.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25663
Who wins? Jews and their minions or East Asians?

I’m going with East Asians because the Jews’ minions are going to be extremely low sentience and weak. Jews aren’t unstoppable, if they were the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened. East Asians aren’t close to unstoppable either but their falling behind to the west was purely due to lucky mass modernization and industrialization these past few centuries. They were mostly stuck with themselves for most of history. Now that they have access to the same technology and modernization they’re likely going to dominate, just look at invention patents per country. Anything can happen though, never underestimate the Jews
  • Woah
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kill yourself disgusting chink
  • JFL
  • So Sad
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@thecel arguably has the highest IQ on the forum
Edomite (so-called White) man cuckolding Moabite or Ammonite (so-called Oriental) man in public.


You’re genetically inferior by default when your girlfriend is kissing another nation of men in front of you while holding your hand and you’re trying to walk away with her. Cope harder, ricecel.
  • JFL
Reactions: BrahminBoss, zan, Spiritualcell and 2 others
I’m going with East Asians because the Jews’ minions are going to be extremely low sentience and weak. Jews aren’t unstoppable, if they were the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened. East Asians aren’t close to unstoppable either but their falling behind to the west was purely due to lucky mass modernization and industrialization these past few centuries. They were mostly stuck with themselves for most of history. Now that they have access to the same technology and modernization they’re likely going to dominate, just look at invention patents per country. Anything can happen though, never underestimate the Jews
What if the Jews manage to control the entire world outside of east and Southeast Asia, who wins then?
kill yourself disgusting chink

You're a complete genetic dead end subhuman that was never meant to reproduce. The fact that a disgusting abomination like you even exists is a testament to the hell we live in. 5'5 300 pounds, fat worthless piece of shit with 10k posts in a year. You will rot here permanently until you inevitably go insane and end your worthless miserable life
the jew iq myth was already debunked. once you get rid of interference and manipulation, their verbal iq is about 1 to 2 points above everyone else's, hardly worth mentioning.

east asian iq is likely similarly being overestimated. if you think any nation where 80% of its populace still has to go to toilet via holes on the ground has a "high averge iq", i have a bridge to sell you.

whites unironically have the highest iq , probably by about 5-10 points to everyone else. this is evident in the quality and quantity of our output vs the output of others.
  • +1
Reactions: ChadFucksYourOneitis, DrKlinefelterPhdMd and the BULL
Edomite (so-called White) man cuckolding Moabite or Ammonite (so-called Oriental) man in public.


You’re genetically inferior by default when your girlfriend is kissing another nation of men in front of you while holding your hand and you’re trying to walk away with her. Cope harder, ricecel.


"The number of marriages between Russian women and East Asian men beats all records.
East Asian men over the past decade have become the most eligible suitors for 'Russian wives.'
If throughout the entire post-Soviet period until 2012, Turkish men held the leadership among foreign suitors for our compatriots by a wide margin, then since 2012 the situation has changed dramatically.
So, the number of marriages where the wife is Russian and the groom is Chinese, concluded in 2019, for the first time exceeded 5 thousand, where the groom is from South Korea - 3.5 thousand. In the last 5 years, the annual growth in the number of such marriages has exceeded 15%. And all indications are that the trend will only intensify.
Recall that the number of Russian wives living in Turkey in 2016 exceeded 100 thousand. At the same time, the number of children from such mixed marriages was slightly more than 240 thousand.
In East Asia, the number of Russian wives is approaching the 50,000 mark, and there are already more than 110,000 mixed descendants. It is noted at the same time that a large number of Russian women have children from Asian men, not being legally married to the latter.
The main feature of Russian women with an East Asian groom is their young age. The average age of a Russian wife is 22 years, the average age of having a child in a joint marriage is 23.7 years. By comparison, Turkish men are especially popular with women who already have children from previous marriages.
Russian women note that in East Asian men they are attracted to family orientation, reliability and loyalty; at the same time, in Turkish men it repels - a large number of prohibitions for a wife; and in domestic - laziness and a high percentage of divorces. Marriages with East Asian men break up after 3 years only in 17% of cases, while marriages with Russian men break up more than 70%."






Unignored just for this, back to the ignore list schizo nigger
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 25938 and Deleted member 24507
the jew iq myth was already debunked. once you get rid of interference and manipulation, their verbal iq is about 1 to 2 points above everyone else's, hardly worth mentioning.

east asian iq is likely similarly being overestimated. if you think any nation where 80% of its populace still has to go to toilet via holes on the ground has a "high averge iq", i have a bridge to sell you.

whites unironically have the highest iq , probably by about 5-10 points to everyone else. this is evident in the quality and quantity of our output vs the output of others.

Any evidence or just delusional lying and LARPing? You spread this same retarded white supremacy bullshit on my other post. East Asians mostly have great living conditions except for China which is drastically improving. East Asians have the best living conditions in the west and make the most money by far, and the pay gap between them and the other races is only increasing as you can see in the chart. Jewish wages also match their IQ. Whites are also getting swarmed and bred out by low IQ ethnics btw.


  • Hmm...
Reactions: Smuuu
What if the Jews manage to control the entire world outside of east and Southeast Asia, who wins then?

Nigga how tf would I know? Depends on a lot of factors, but China is the only big threat. I'd say Jews would likely win in that case depending on how far in the future it is

"The number of marriages between Russian women and East Asian men beats all records.
East Asian men over the past decade have become the most eligible suitors for 'Russian wives.'
If throughout the entire post-Soviet period until 2012, Turkish men held the leadership among foreign suitors for our compatriots by a wide margin, then since 2012 the situation has changed dramatically.
So, the number of marriages where the wife is Russian and the groom is Chinese, concluded in 2019, for the first time exceeded 5 thousand, where the groom is from South Korea - 3.5 thousand. In the last 5 years, the annual growth in the number of such marriages has exceeded 15%. And all indications are that the trend will only intensify.
Recall that the number of Russian wives living in Turkey in 2016 exceeded 100 thousand. At the same time, the number of children from such mixed marriages was slightly more than 240 thousand.
In East Asia, the number of Russian wives is approaching the 50,000 mark, and there are already more than 110,000 mixed descendants. It is noted at the same time that a large number of Russian women have children from Asian men, not being legally married to the latter.
The main feature of Russian women with an East Asian groom is their young age. The average age of a Russian wife is 22 years, the average age of having a child in a joint marriage is 23.7 years. By comparison, Turkish men are especially popular with women who already have children from previous marriages.
Russian women note that in East Asian men they are attracted to family orientation, reliability and loyalty; at the same time, in Turkish men it repels - a large number of prohibitions for a wife; and in domestic - laziness and a high percentage of divorces. Marriages with East Asian men break up after 3 years only in 17% of cases, while marriages with Russian men break up more than 70%."

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Unignored just for this, back to the ignore list schizo nigger

“A significant gender gap in intermarriage is apparent among Asian newlyweds as well, though the gap runs in the opposite direction: 👉Just over one-third (36%) of Asian newlywed women have a spouse of a different race or ethnicity👈, while 21% of Asian newlywed men do. A substantial gender gap in intermarriage was also present in 1980, when 39% of newly married Asian women and 26% of their male counterparts were married to someone of a different race or ethnicity.”

“The figure above (left) reveals that among these youth, 👉60% of Asian males have never dated👈, compared to roughly 40% of White, Black, and Hispanic males. Girls are typically more likely than boys to date, but the sex gap in romantic involvement is especially pronounced among Asians.”

Nobody wants you ugly donkey faced Moabite and Ammonite (so-called Oriental) men, ugly chink.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 26859
To clear anything up about SMV, refer to the bottom half of this post

south asjan iq is because third world country and pollution, the ones in west are 110 iqaversge
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 25663
Any evidence or just delusional lying and LARPing? You spread this same retarded white supremacy bullshit on my other post. East Asians mostly have great living conditions except for China which is drastically improving. East Asians have the best living conditions in the west and make the most money by far, and the pay gap between them and the other races is only increasing as you can see in the chart. Jewish wages also match their IQ. Whites are also getting swarmed and bred out by low IQ ethnics btw.


their "best" living condition is comparable to a 1 star motel room in rural georgia. and it's completely concentrated in a few major cities with the rest of the larger cities and towns having even lower living standards. the best asian countries are those founded by white educated men like singapore and taiwan. strong white influence on japan as well.
  • +1
Reactions: DrKlinefelterPhdMd
east asian checking in nigga
  • JFL
Reactions: Hero of the Imperium and Deleted member 25938
their "best" living condition is comparable to a 1 star motel room in rural georgia. and it's completely concentrated in a few major cities with the rest of the larger cities and towns having even lower living standards. the best asian countries are those founded by white educated men like singapore and taiwan. strong white influence on japan as well.

So you completely ignored my asking for evidence because the first part of your comment was complete cap and a blatant lie, got it. Let me quote something though

"Only six countries have risen from 3rd world to developed nation status since 1950, and every single one of them are East Asian countries. Only high IQ East Asian countries with homogenous East Asian populations possess the unbeatable IQ and work ethic required to succeed in growing from 3rd world to developed nation status. Many African and South American nations are actually poorer today than in previous decades despite receiving much more help from developed countries. It's simply a matter of racial and genetic superiority. China is posed to be the next superpower of the world, just like it was during the vast majority of history. Always consistently the most powerful nation for most of history despite keeping to itself, from long before the advent of the Roman Republic to long after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Now with mass globalization occurring and increasing global influence instead of keeping to itself, China and East Asia as a whole is going to become the indisputable world superpower no matter how long it will take, and when it takes that position, it will remain in that position forevermore. China is projected to have the largest economy by 2030 despite previously getting cucked into poverty worse than Africa."

Western and Northern Europeans got lucky with mass industrialization and modernization. They were way behind the Middle East and East Asia for 99% of history and got enslaved by Middle Easterners regularly. Nordics especially were stuck in Scandinavian mud huts for thousands of years. Look at how dominant the Middle East was for all of history and look where they're at now. The global stage is changing extremely quickly.


The west is already extremely economically dependent on China, and America has an extreme economic dependence on China and a huge trade deficit. The economic dependence will only increase from there as America grows more and more economically dependent on China and China's economy gets stronger and stronger. Everything is "made in China" for a reason. Asians are about to dominate modern day inventions and advancements even more as well.


china is rising because they have room to rise as they are way behind. and their rate of ascension is overblown. they have faced many economic and political backlashes recently. and the euros rose quickly precisely because of their iq. their rate of learning, absorption, and retention was such that they went from mudhuts to skycrapers in the span of centuries, while the rest are still struggling with basic architecture. and africa is still in the era of adobe
china is rising because they have room to rise as they are way behind. and their rate of ascension is overblown. they have faced many economic and political backlashes recently. and the euros rose quickly precisely because of their iq. their rate of learning, absorption, and retention was such that they went from mudhuts to skycrapers in the span of centuries, while the rest are still struggling with basic architecture. and africa is still in the era of adobe

Love how you completely ignore all my statistics showing how America’s economic dependence on China is rising, and how all East Asian countries are making more and more inventions and becoming more technologically advanced compared to the west, and how the pay gap between whites and Asians in white countries is only increasing rapidly in the Asians’ favor. Then you spew random bullshit and blatant lies while providing absolutely zero evidence of your own. Provide evidence if you want to argue your point.
Change 'east asian' to China and you are spot on.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 25663
Let me be clear: China, as the mother civilisation of all of east asia, is the ideal. All other east asian races are undesirable evolutionary mutations off the original, pure, perfect, Chinese gene-seed. In the long term, China will return to its rightful place at the top of east asia and indeed human civilisation, because Chinese people are superior.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25663
Let me be clear: China, as the mother civilisation of all of east asia, is the ideal. All other east asian races are undesirable evolutionary mutations off the original, pure, perfect, Chinese gene-seed. In the long term, China will return to its rightful place at the top of east asia and indeed human civilisation, because Chinese people are superior.

Idk about that dawg. Vietnamese and Japanese girls are pretty hot
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25663
Japanese literally do not qualify as human beings.

China should just give them a rape of Tokyo or something for payback then let them coexist JFL. Besides the lowering birth rates Japan is a wonderful place, and they’re also descended from us anyways
China should just give them a rape of Tokyo or something for payback then let them coexist JFL. Besides the lowering birth rates Japan is a wonderful place, and they’re also descended from us anyways
Are you Chinese?

How do you think your ancestors would feel, knowing their descendant was talking about 'coexisting' with jap dogs?

No, a simple massacre won't be enough. The massacre would have to be on such a scale that the japanese threat is permanently eliminated. For example, massacring their entire male population and half the female population, then assigning the remaining females to a Chinese male. The Japanese race will be bred out of existence in a single generation and Japan can become a Chinese protectorate.

Anything short of this is unacceptable.
Are you Chinese?

How do you think your ancestors would feel, knowing their descendant was talking about 'coexisting' with jap dogs?

No, a simple massacre won't be enough. The massacre would have to be on such a scale that the japanese threat is permanently eliminated. For example, massacring their entire male population and half the female population, then assigning the remaining females to a Chinese male. The Japanese race will be bred out of existence in a single generation and Japan can become a Chinese protectorate.

Anything short of this is unacceptable.

JFL nigga are you retarded? The Japs are anime cucks now and they can’t do anything. We need to be better than these inferior barbaric races, we can’t punish innocent people for the mistakes of their long gone ancestors. The Chinese will enlighten and guide these other inferior races under our boots with a strict yet fair rule.
JFL nigga are you retarded? The Japs are anime cucks now and they can’t do anything. We need to be better than these inferior barbaric races, we can’t punish innocent people for the mistakes of their long gone ancestors. The Chinese will enlighten and guide these other inferior races under our boots with a strict yet fair rule.
Long gone? You realize nanjing happened less than a lifetime ago? There are still people alive right now that went through that shit.

Current anime cuck generation are not a threat but they built a shrine to worship their degen war criminals. They are not innocent. They are also not human. China will not adhere to the Geneva Convention in prosecuting the upcoming war against jap degeneracy, because japs do not qualify as human beings.
Long gone? You realize nanjing happened less than a lifetime ago? There are still people alive right now that went through that shit.

Current anime cuck generation are not a threat but they built a shrine to worship their degen war criminals. They are not innocent. They are also not human. China will not adhere to the Geneva Convention in prosecuting the upcoming war against jap degeneracy, because japs do not qualify as human beings.

They should be severely punished don’t get me wrong, but they shouldn’t be completely exterminated. Subjugation should be enough. It’ll be a while before China gains its completely inevitable dominance over the rest of the world anyways, and by then nobody from that time period would be living. These Japanese are completely different from their ancestors and many deeply regret their ancestors’ actions. Those who worship their Nanking war criminals will be excruciatingly tortured to death, but others may live. Even the Japanese didn’t aim to completely exterminate us. We’re better than these inferior barbaric races.
They should be severely punished don’t get me wrong, but they shouldn’t be completely exterminated. Subjugation should be enough. It’ll be a while before China gains its completely inevitable dominance over the rest of the world anyways, and by then nobody from that time period would be living. These Japanese are completely different from their ancestors and many deeply regret their ancestors’ actions. Those who worship their Nanking war criminals will be excruciatingly tortured to death, but others may live. Even the Japanese didn’t aim to completely exterminate us. We’re better than these inferior barbaric races.
I don't think it will take that long, before 2030 China will have by far the largest economy, by 2040 China will be the tech overlord of the world + have an economy larger than the entire west. I imagine by then we can instigate war as the balance of power is laughably tilted towards China's favour. I imagine a pearl harbour bombing run on yasukuni shrine, followed by a formal declaration of war and nukes+hypersonics+ICBM spam on the japanese peninsula. Only when they have been bombed into oblivion should the PLA enter Japan, where little resistance will be encountered and the massacres can begin.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 25663 and Deleted member 16960

"The number of marriages between Russian women and East Asian men beats all records.
East Asian men over the past decade have become the most eligible suitors for 'Russian wives.'
If throughout the entire post-Soviet period until 2012, Turkish men held the leadership among foreign suitors for our compatriots by a wide margin, then since 2012 the situation has changed dramatically.
So, the number of marriages where the wife is Russian and the groom is Chinese, concluded in 2019, for the first time exceeded 5 thousand, where the groom is from South Korea - 3.5 thousand. In the last 5 years, the annual growth in the number of such marriages has exceeded 15%. And all indications are that the trend will only intensify.
Recall that the number of Russian wives living in Turkey in 2016 exceeded 100 thousand. At the same time, the number of children from such mixed marriages was slightly more than 240 thousand.
In East Asia, the number of Russian wives is approaching the 50,000 mark, and there are already more than 110,000 mixed descendants. It is noted at the same time that a large number of Russian women have children from Asian men, not being legally married to the latter.
The main feature of Russian women with an East Asian groom is their young age. The average age of a Russian wife is 22 years, the average age of having a child in a joint marriage is 23.7 years. By comparison, Turkish men are especially popular with women who already have children from previous marriages.
Russian women note that in East Asian men they are attracted to family orientation, reliability and loyalty; at the same time, in Turkish men it repels - a large number of prohibitions for a wife; and in domestic - laziness and a high percentage of divorces. Marriages with East Asian men break up after 3 years only in 17% of cases, while marriages with Russian men break up more than 70%."

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Unignored just for this, back to the ignore list schizo nigger
Yeah just disregard him. He's an insufferable, race-worshipping cunt and has 0 logic in his train of thought.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 25663
You're a complete genetic dead end subhuman that was never meant to reproduce. The fact that a disgusting abomination like you even exists is a testament to the hell we live in. 5'5 300 pounds, fat worthless piece of shit with 10k posts in a year. You will rot here permanently until you inevitably go insane and end your worthless

Read the first 3 paragraphs, where do ya live (country)? I thought you were only 1/2 Chinese, not much to see of those 50%. Who put all that propaganda in your skull?
Read the first 3 paragraphs, where do ya live (country)? I thought you were only 1/2 Chinese, not much to see of those 50%. Who put all that propaganda in your skull?

Don't know where in hell you got that I was 1/2 Chinese, I'm full Chinese from what I know until I take an ancestry test. None of this is propaganda because literally nobody has disproved it with any valid sources or evidence. All of this is true and I have provided valid sources and clear evidence, and even western leaders and politicians all agree with the statement that the west is declining and China is rising.
Don't know where in hell you got that I was 1/2 Chinese, I'm full Chinese from what I know until I take an ancestry test. None of this is propaganda because literally nobody has disproved it with any valid sources or evidence. All of this is true and I have provided valid sources and clear evidence, and even western leaders and politicians all agree with the statement that the west is declining and China is rising.
Oh ok then must’ve been mistaken, you still haven’t answered where you’re living. The US has been „declining“ since god knows when, the 19th century 🤣
Don't know where in hell you got that I was 1/2 Chinese, I'm full Chinese from what I know until I take an ancestry test. None of this is propaganda because literally nobody has disproved it with any valid sources or evidence. All of this is true and I have provided valid sources and clear evidence, and even western leaders and politicians all agree with the statement that the west is declining and China is rising.
Btw what ya think of you’re government lol
Small dick chinks
  • JFL
Reactions: DrKlinefelterPhdMd
Small dick chinks

Big enough to make your mom's pussy bleed in utter ecstasy after we gangfuck her and implant our genetically superior seed into her disgusting womb, replacing the dead end genetics of your worthless subhuman father like she always wanted
Big enough to make your mom's pussy bleed in utter ecstasy after we gangfuck her and implant our genetically superior seed into her disgusting womb, replacing the dead end genetics of your worthless subhuman father like she always wanted
You won't make anyone bleed with your 4 incher
Stop the cope
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: DrKlinefelterPhdMd and Deleted member 24507
Gonna leave this here. My theory that the Asians in Hawaii gigamog everyone else was correct. Look at all that testosterone. "Rates for African-Americans included rates from San Francisco Bay area and Los Angeles County, whereas rates in whites, Japanese-Americans, and Chinese-Americans also included rates from Hawaii (10)." This is why Asians bully and beat on whites and blacks around here JFL


Another study showing that Asians and Pacific Islanders have higher testosterone than all other races

Last edited:
Most of this is copy pasted, but I've decided to put this information together into a coherent text.

It's well known that East Asians have the highest intelligence on average, only beaten by Jews which are a much smaller and very miniscule population. East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. The fact is, IQ is one of the most important aspects for a human, and it's only becoming increasingly more important. It's how the Jews dominate the west. It's why the two most dominant races in the world today (Europeans and East Asians) have the highest IQs on average by far. We evolved from monkeys which were tens of times stronger than us, but look where we are now and where the other primates are. East Asians have the biggest brains, and average brain size is pretty much directly correlated with average IQ for a human race. Although Southeast Asians and South Asians can be very low IQ in their home countries, high IQ immigrants easily outearn other races along with the East Asians. When given the same conditions and living in the same country, wealth almost directly correlates with IQ for a race, as you can see below. Brutal IQpill.

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However, besides intelligence, East Asians ALSO have the highest size and strength potential as long as they are given the correct conditions, nutrition, and environment. This is similar to the Nordics (But on a much bigger scale), who were never that tall before but became tall once their countries greatly improved these past few centuries due to modernization and industrialization. East Asians are getting taller and stronger at a faster rate than any other race due to quickly improving nutrition, economy, and living conditions. China and South Korea are growing in height faster than any other country, while certain western countries like the United States and the Netherlands are staying stagnant or getting shorter.



East Asians are also increasing in strength the most, seeing as how China has won the last 6 Olympic weightlifting championships when no other country has done so. The Chinese are a naturally tall and strong race if they didn't have so many malnourished peasants and subpar nutrition, and if they don't hard focus their culture on education (which is good for the civilization as a whole and is propagated by intelligent and competent leaders, because engineers and scientists bring trillions times more economic and military power to the country than athletes). That's why since they're increasing in economic power and GDP so rapidly and improving their nutrition so much, they're the fastest growing race in height bar none. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and physically strongest race in the world bar none, since they adapted to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. The Chinese are a naturally strong race seeing as how they're much stronger than countries they're poorer than, as you can see in the chart below. Although China is low-mid income, the males have a stronger grip strength than almost all the males from countries with mid income and mid-high income, and as their income improves, they're going to become even stronger.



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Pacific Islanders (Specifically Polynesians) given optimal conditions and good nutrition are the biggest, strongest, and most physically gifted race on average. They do extremely well at any sport that’s popular in their countries. They would completely dominate strength and athleticism based sports like American football if there were more of them. They have a huge warrior culture and they’re a natural warrior race born and bred for combat. Fighting and killing each other is all they did throughout most of their history stuck on small islands. Tribes had to constantly battle for resources, and only the strongest survived. They serve in the US military at disproportionately large numbers because battle is their natural calling. They would also absolutely dominate combat sports if there were more of them as well as more interest and opportunity for them. They have a huge fighting culture almost everywhere they live and sparring and fighting is pretty much all they do, similar to some parts of Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Couple that with their physical superiority and they would curbstomp every other race in fighting. Pacific Islanders are descended from Chinese and they're the biggest and strongest race in the world bar none because they had to adapt to an environment where they couldn't develop their intelligence as much and had to rely on physicality and unending warfare. This is why they're much bigger, stronger, taller, and more intelligent than the Melanesians and Oceanic peoples around them, who are much shorter, near subhuman, have zero East Asian blood, have IQs averaging 60-70, and have never amounted to anything in either academics or athletics.


In this first study, they only took samples from 47 Pacific Islanders, 44 Chinese, and 24 Papua New Guinea people, so it's inaccurate due to very small sample size. Still, even this small study shows Polynesians are 79% East Asian and 21% Melanesian. Every single other study you can find shows Polynesians have even less Melanesian blood and even more East Asian blood. It says 66% of the Y-Chromosome comes from Melanesians but like I said, this study is inaccurate and will be disproved by studies I will link later on. If it were an accurate sample (it's not), it would be because Chinese men don't want to go for ugly Melanesian women, just like white men don't go for ugly black women. It's also because East Asian women are proven to be the most attractive women by almost all studies, and East Asian men would rather go for them than 60-70 IQ darkskin Melanesians. Melanesian men would also be much more enticed by East Asian women than they would be by Melanesian women. White men are proven as more desired than black men in literally all attraction and dating studies you can find for example, but there's still a lot more black man white woman than white man black woman because black women tend to be a lot more unattractive and less desired than white women. Another bigger reason though, if the study were accurate, is that Melanesian men were the ones who travelled to Polynesia and mated with the women. They didn't take female seafarers. Anyways, the study is also disproven here, which took samples from a much larger population of 551 individuals. It shows that the there is very low or negligible Melanesian Y-chromosomal haplotype contribution to Polynesian DNA, yet there is a high proportion of Melanesian alleles seen at nuclear and mtDNA loci.

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This third study which I will link below is the most accurate by far and completely disproves all other studies. The researchers analyzed more than 800 genetic markers (highly informative microsatellites) in nearly 1,000 individuals from 41 Pacific populations, as opposed to prior small-scale mitochondrial DNA or Y chromosome studies which had produced conflicting results. This study is MUCH more accurate and takes account of a MUCH wider variety of individuals. It shows that Polynesians and Micronesians had "almost no genetic relationship" to Melanesians, and they concluded that the genetic data showed that the Polynesians and Micronesians were most closely related to Taiwan Aborigines and East Asians who originated in Taiwan and coastal China (Southern China, which is why they tend to be tan skinned like Southern Chinese but not nearly as dark as Melanesians). Pacific Islanders are pretty much completely descended from East Asians and unrelated to Melanesians, which is why they're so much different than the Melanesians and other Oceanic peoples around them.

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The thing is, Austronesians and Taiwan Aborigines all descend from coastal Southern China as well. So Pacific Islanders are both descended straight from the Southern Chinese and descended from the descendants of the Southern Chinese.

"The broad consensus on Austronesian origins is the "two-layer model" where an original Paleolithic indigenous population in Island Southeast Asia were assimilated to varying degrees by incoming migrations of Neolithic Austronesian-speaking peoples from Taiwan and Fujian, in southern China from around 4,000 BP.[79][89]"

"The broad consensus on the Urheimat (homeland) of Austronesian languages as well as the Neolithic early Austronesian peoples is accepted to be Taiwan, as well as the Penghu Islands.[111][112][113] They are believed to have descended from ancestral populations in coastal mainland southern China, which are generally referred to as the "pre‑Austronesians".[note 4] Through these pre-Austronesians, Austronesians may also share a common ancestry with neighboring groups in Neolithic southern China.[114]"

"There are at least 30,000 people in Samoa who are of mixed Samoan and Chinese descent,[6] although they are classified as ethnic Samoans in official census.[7] Around the world, about 25% of all Samoans claim Chinese ancestry."

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This proves that besides being the most intelligent race, East Asians / Mongoloids are also the biggest and strongest race when given the right conditions. There's a reason native Mongoloid races are so much more intelligent than native Negroid or Caucasoid races, especially the former. Of course, clever and competent East Asian leaders promote an education based culture that produces education focused intellectuals because they actually benefit the country and the leaders the most as a whole. When Asians have an environment that allows them to develop intelligence, they develop it to the fullest extent. When Asians have an environment that requires them to develop size and strength, they develop it to the fullest extent. East Asians / Mongoloids are the most adaptable master race, which is why they stayed in first or second place as a world power all throughout North African dominance, Middle Eastern dominance, Mediterranean dominance, and Western European dominance while all those races got fucked into the ground as another race became dominant. That is why with modern globalization and modernization as well as exponentially strengthening technology, they will become the dominant race and stay on top for all time.

DISCLAIMER: East Asians are improving at the fastest rate in physicality, which can be important in many aspects such as height. However, a country/race having mostly education focused intellectuals is a good thing because they benefit society and the top echelon a lot more. Intelligence dominates physicality pretty much every single time for a human, and this fact is only becoming increasingly true as technology becomes stronger and more advanced and everything becomes automated. Eastern European Slavs and sub-Saharan Africans are the two most prominent races in the UFC, but they got cucked and fucked and raped and enslaved for thousands of years by more intelligent races and are the two most prominent slave races in all of history. Humans are some of the weakest animals pound for pound and the best of us would get eviscerated by a malnourished wolf, but we dominate every other bigger and stronger animal so hard we have to protect them from extinction. All Presidents since 1953 are very high IQ and have gotten a Bachelor's degree. Even though they would get merked in a fist fight by some random hooligan on the street (Especially since they're so old by the time they acquire their presidency), they're the most powerful individuals in the country bar none, and have influence and power over 300 million people. Even though a Roman emperor would get eviscerated by a competent gladiator, he can order the deaths of thousands of that gladiator because he has true power. Xi Jinping is well known as the most powerful man in the world for a reason. Chinese students most often want to become engineers, scientists, and astronauts while western students most often want to become entertainers, influencers, and athletes (And it's getting even worse), and the former brings trillions times more economic and military power to the country and advances the country much more as a whole. Physicality is becoming less and less important as intelligence becomes more and more important as technology becomes more advanced and strengthens exponentially, especially with the advent of artificial technology. The deadliest sniper of all time with 429 confirmed kills was a tiny 5’3 manlet named Simo Hayha. Physicality can’t do jack shit against guns, let alone drone strikes and atomic bombs that don’t even require manpower or soldiers.

I was born in the city of Zhongshan in the Guangdong province of Southern China, the most coastal city of the most coastal province in China. My family moved to Hawaii later on. Who has this exact same similarity? Sun Yat-sen, who is called "The Father of the Nation" in the Republic of China and the "Forerunner of the Revolution" in the People's Republic of China for his instrumental role in the overthrow of the Qing dynasty during the Xinhai revolution. Born in the exact same place, moved to and raised in the exact same place. He was the first provisional president of the Republic of China and pretty much created it. He was the first non emperor leader of China even though he was only leader for a year. This state truly produces Asian ubermensch in terms of both physicality and intelligence. The Southern Chinese are natural rebels who start from nothing yet achieve everything. The Southern Chinese were always more rebellious against the Mongols than the Northern Chinese. The grandfather of the peasant man Zhu Yuanzhang who overthrew the Mongol Empire served in the Southern Song army and navy against the Mongols, and his stories inspired his grandson to overthrow the empire. The grandson did just that, even though he lived in extreme poverty all his childhood and started from absolutely nothing with his whole family dying from starvation. The Southern Chinese are an extremely adaptable master race. Their wealth and economic prosperity compared to the Northern Chinese is increasing and increasing, and they have higher IQs despite being more intermixed with lower IQ races like Southeast Asians. A drawback is that they're shorter, but that's due to diet and nutrition and their height is increasing at the fastest rate of any race. All Chinese are, because they simply have the superior genetic potential to be taller.

Europeans are the only race set to become a minority in their own countries. They're getting their countries swarmed, bred out, and intermixed by ethnics. Their countries are falling, their population is falling, the west is falling. The Jews are propagating this, spreading degeneracy throughout the west, bringing down white people, promoting mass immigration, hard pushing certain groups like niggers into the media and culture and giving them halos, forcing acceptance of degeneracy like transgenderism and furry, promoting degenerate culture like extreme feminism, and gradually collapsing western society as a whole. Their plan is to globally lower human sentience and testosterone to make men weak and passive, encourage extreme race mixing and immigration to lower IQ and destroy any sense of familial and cultural identity, all to be able to easily rule over the eventual mixed mutt abominations of the west. There's a reason western children are increasingly wanting to be influencers, entertainers, and athletes rather than engineers, scientists, and astronauts like Chinese children strive to become. Ashkenazi Jews have a higher average IQ than other whites, have a higher average income, have a higher acceptance rates for Ivy League schools, have contributed more to science, technology and literature per capita, and have won more Nobel Peace Prizes per capita. They always favor each other in all institutions they're placed in, including universities, schools, banks, media careers, and political positions. They're the only race that can and will compete with East Asians in the future. They already control every single western white country to a certain extent, and the world is about to become Jews vs Chinese (Who aren't affected or controlled by the Jews whatsoever, the CCP is completely Jew-immune).

North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Mediterraneans were all dominant powers throughout history, but all of them have fallen greatly. The Western and Northern Europeans might have dominated these past few centuries, but make no mistake, they will soon follow in the other races' paths. Only East Asians (Specifically China) have stayed consistently powerful and dominant throughout all these times, equaling or surpassing these other dominant races. Now with mass globalization and advancing technology, once they’re on top again they will remain on top til the end of time. East Asians make much more money than other races in their own countries, and the pay gap is only increasing and increasing as they’re making more and more money in comparison to the other races. East Asians have the highest salaries, highest IQs, longest and healthiest lives, largest improvement rates in every aspect. East Asians and East Asian countries are improving at the fastest rate of any race and country by far, in terms of wealth, influence, SMV, economy, military, technology, height, nutrition, living standards, and athletics. East Asians were always a dominant power, the only race that stayed consistent throughout all of history. Now that technology and globalization has reached all these new heights, when China rises up to the top, it will be the dominant country forever, and East Asians will be the dominant race for all time. Their only contender is the Jews, and the world will be East Asians vs the Jews and their mixed mutt subjects.
Smallest cock size on average too

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