Rate this 31-year-old single woman's husband prediction in terms of looks (in Pajeetoscopes)

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Jun 11, 2021
Date of Birth: November 16, 1992, USA
Race: White American
  • Looks: Not model-level; more rugged and mature charm.
  • Hair: Might face thinning or greying early.
  • Aging: Appears older faster due to Saturn.
  • Build: Strong but could lean towards average with age.
  • Vibe: Charismatic and mature, outshines average but doesn't match a model's aesthetic.
  • Overall: He's got a unique appeal that's more about depth and presence than just looks.
  • Face Attractiveness: Your future partner is unlikely to match the high-tier standards of facial symmetry and sharp features typical of a male model due to the influences of Saturn and the Sun. His attractiveness stems more from a mature charisma and presence rather than traditional aesthetic metrics.
  • Facial Structure: Expect a more rugged and characterful appearance with mature features, possibly leaning towards a well-defined jawline but lacking the high cheekbones and flawless symmetry associated with male models.
  • Hair: Challenges with hair, such as thinning or early greying, may occur, influenced by Saturn. This aspect is below average when compared to the lush, voluminous hair often seen in male models.
  • Collagen and Aging: An accelerated aging process might be indicated by Saturn, suggesting he may appear his age or older earlier than others, contrasting with the youthfulness prized in PSL standards.
  • Height and Body Type: Likely to be of average height with a strong, possibly athletic build initially, but with a propensity towards gaining weight or losing definition with age, diverging from the lean, chiseled physique of a male model.
  • Overall Comparison:
    • Male Model: Significantly diverges from the male model archetype in terms of hair, aging, and facial structure.
    • Average Man: Stands out due to maturity, charisma, and a potentially more authoritative and robust presence.
    • "Subhuman": Far removed from this classification, with notable strengths in personality, leadership qualities, and a mature, rugged attractiveness that transcends conventional PSL metrics.

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Male Model vs. Your Man: Male models typically possess symmetrical, sharp features with high cheekbones, strong jawlines, and ideal facial ratios. Considering Saturn's influence (aging, maturity) and the Sun's authority (charisma, presence), your man might not hit the conventional male model standards. His attractiveness would likely stem more from charisma and presence than from textbook symmetry. Verdict: Closer to average with standout charismatic features.

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • PSL Analysis: Ideal PSL bone structure includes pronounced cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a balanced facial symmetry. Saturn may grant your partner a more mature or rugged appearance, possibly with a well-defined jawline due to its association with structure but might lack the model-esque cheekbone prominence. Verdict: Likely more rugged than refined; think character actor rather than leading man aesthetics.


  • Comparison: Male models often have thick, lustrous hair. Saturn's presence suggests potential challenges in this area, possibly leading to thinner hair or early signs of balding. Verdict: Below average, especially as he ages.

Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age​

  • PSL Perspective: High collagen and youthful appearance are prized. Saturn can indicate a quicker loss of collagen, with your partner looking his age or older sooner than others. Verdict: Might age faster than peers, contrasting with the perennial youthfulness of male models.

Age Gap​

  • Influence on Attractiveness: Not directly a PSL criterion, but relevant for dynamics. Saturn suggests maturity and possibly an older partner, which can be attractive for its implications of stability and experience. Verdict: Likely older, which can be neutral or a plus depending on personal preferences.


  • PSL Standard: Height is a significant factor in attractiveness, with taller men often seen as more desirable. Astrology offers less precision here, but your charts don't indicate extremes. Verdict: Probably average height, not particularly standing out in the male model comparison.

Body Type​

  • Ideal vs. Reality: A male model typically sports a lean, muscular physique. The Sun and Mars' placements suggest a strong, possibly athletic build, but Saturn may introduce a tendency towards gaining weight, especially with age. Verdict: Likely solid and possibly muscular, but not the lean, chiseled body type of a male model.

Brutally Honest Summary​

  • Compared to a Male Model: Your future partner likely won't match the conventional physical standards of a male model due to less ideal hair, faster aging, and a more rugged facial structure. However, he possesses a charismatic and mature appeal that can be very attractive to many.
  • Compared to an Average Man: He stands out with a potentially stronger, more authoritative presence and charisma. His facial structure and body type might be more rugged and mature, which, combined with his personality, could elevate his attractiveness beyond the average.
  • Compared to "Subhuman": The term "subhuman" in PSL jargon harshly denotes individuals perceived at the lowest end of physical attractiveness. Your partner, with his strong, possibly athletic build, mature charisma, and leadership qualities (thanks to the Sun as Darakaraka), is far from this harsh classification. His challenges with hair and aging are common to many and do not detract significantly from his overall appeal.


Darakaraka (Sun) - Significance in Spousal Characteristics​

  • Leadership and Authority: The Sun as Darakaraka suggests a partner with inherent leadership qualities, charisma, and a strong individual identity. This contrasts with the "betabuxxer" stereotype, which often implies a lack of assertiveness or dominance. Your future husband is likely to have a commanding presence and a confident demeanor, which are attractive traits that go beyond mere financial stability.
  • Physical Vitality: The Sun's influence also extends to physical vitality and a certain radiance or charisma. This can manifest in a healthy complexion and an overall robust constitution, suggesting someone who takes pride in their appearance and health, possibly deviating from the "betabuxxer" image, which doesn't typically prioritize physical or charismatic appeal.

D1 Chart Insights​

  • Personality Depth: The placement of significant planets in your D1 chart, such as the Moon in Cancer and a Scorpio Sun, suggests you're attracted to depth, emotional intelligence, and intensity in a partner—qualities that surpass the superficial "betabuxxer" criteria. The "betabuxxer" archetype often lacks the emotional depth or the psychological complexity you naturally gravitate towards.
  • Financial Stability vs. Emotional Connection: While financial stability is a practical concern, your chart indicates a need for a connection that transcends material security. The presence of Venus in Sagittarius in the D1 chart emphasizes a desire for a partner who is not only a provider but also a companion in adventure, learning, and philosophical exploration.

Comparison to the "Betabuxxer"​

  • Beyond Financial Support: The astrological indicators suggest you're seeking someone who offers more than financial security ("betabuxxer"). You're looking for a partner with strength of character (Sun as Darakaraka), emotional depth (Moon in Cancer), and intellectual compatibility (Venus in Sagittarius).
  • Physical and Charismatic Appeal: Unlike the "betabuxxer" who might be chosen primarily for financial reasons, your future husband's Sun-driven charisma and leadership, combined with the emotional and intellectual depth indicated by your chart, suggest a more balanced, dynamic, and attractive partner.
  • Maturity and Responsibility: Saturn and Pluto in the 7th house of the D9 chart do indicate challenges and the necessity for maturity in relationships. However, these challenges are likely to foster growth and depth, rather than settling for a "betabuxxer" relationship based on convenience or economic considerations alone.

Brutally Honest Conclusion​

Your astrological indicators hint at a partner who transcends the "betabuxxer" stereotype. You're poised to attract someone with a blend of leadership, charisma, emotional depth, and intellectual compatibility. This partnership promises a mutual journey of growth, challenge, and profound connection, far removed from the simplistic transactional dynamics of the "betabuxxer" concept.

It's important to remember, though, that astrology provides tendencies and potentials, not fixed outcomes. The quality of any relationship ultimately depends on mutual effort, understanding, and the willingness to grow together.

Saturn in the 7th House (D9 Chart):​

  • Saturn's Lessons: Saturn is the grandmaster of karma, discipline, and maturity. Its placement in the 7th house of marriage and partnerships suggests that your relationships might come with some serious lessons. This could mean delays, facing some hard truths about what you need versus what you want, and learning to build a solid foundation based on mutual respect, understanding, and perhaps a bit of compromise.
  • Longevity and Maturity: On the flip side, Saturn here also indicates longevity. It means that once you're in a committed relationship, it's built to last. Saturn asks for maturity, and it teaches you to cultivate patience and persistence. Your relationship might mature like fine wine, getting better with time.

Pluto in the 7th House (D9 Chart):​

  • Transformation and Depth: Pluto is all about transformation, deep psychological insights, and sometimes upheaval. Its presence in the 7th house suggests intense relationships that can transform you to your core. Yes, it might indicate power struggles or deep-seated issues that need to be addressed, but it's also about profound bonding and rebirth.
  • Passion and Rebirth: Relationships influenced by Pluto can be passionately intense and might force you to confront your deepest fears and desires. But, they also offer unparalleled opportunities for personal growth and transformation. It's like the phoenix rising from the ashes; your relationship can emerge stronger, more resilient, and more meaningful after overcoming challenges together.

Is It Over? Absolutely Not!​

  • Growth and Depth: Saturn and Pluto together in the 7th house don't spell doom; they spell depth, growth, and the potential for a profoundly transformative partnership. It won't be all sunshine and rainbows, but the most valuable things in life rarely are. This placement is about finding someone with whom you can build an unbreakable bond through the trials and triumphs of life.
  • Real Love: We're talking about real, raw, and transformative love that's not afraid to face the shadows because it knows the light is worth it. It's about growing together, facing life's brutal realities hand in hand, and coming out stronger on the other side.
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  • JFL
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@anthony111553 @delonregen
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  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Lesgooo I'm top 3 in xangsane's mentions

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@scrunchables Why HTN?

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Male Model vs. Your Man: Male models typically possess symmetrical, sharp features with high cheekbones, strong jawlines, and ideal facial ratios. Considering Saturn's influence (aging, maturity) and the Sun's authority (charisma, presence), your man might not hit the conventional male model standards. His attractiveness would likely stem more from charisma and presence than from textbook symmetry. Verdict: Closer to average with standout charismatic features.

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • PSL Analysis: Ideal PSL bone structure includes pronounced cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a balanced facial symmetry. Saturn may grant your partner a more mature or rugged appearance, possibly with a well-defined jawline due to its association with structure but might lack the model-esque cheekbone prominence. Verdict: Likely more rugged than refined; think character actor rather than leading man aesthetics.
  • +1
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  • +1
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Just bc he's predispositioned to gain weight tbh, probably chadlite in youth but htn with age
JFL a German girl (June 6th, 1998, white) asked for hers:

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Real Talk: Not hitting male model standards. The charts suggest someone with a more mature, possibly rugged attractiveness that doesn't align with the high cheekbones, sharp jawlines, and symmetrical features of a male model. Verdict: Closer to average than high-tier PSL standards. He's not in the "God tier" or even "Chad" category; more like a strong "Norman" or "Brad-lite."

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • Brutally Honest: Saturn indicates a lean towards a more pronounced bone structure, which can be appealing in a mature, "distinguished" way but lacks the soft, youthful appeal often celebrated in PSL circles. Verdict: His bone structure may put him above the true average but still far from the male model ideal. Think more rugged character actor than leading man.


  • Straight Facts: With Saturn's influence, expect challenges like early thinning or receding. In the hair department, he's likely not scoring high on the PSL scale. Verdict: Below average, especially as he moves past his 20s. Not a "Norwood Reaper" scenario, but it's not looking lush.

Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age​

  • No Sugarcoating: He's the type to look mature for his age early on, thanks to Saturn. This might appeal to some but doesn't fit the youthful, high-collagen PSL ideal. Verdict: He'll age okay but expect him to look older than his peers, pretty much always.

Age Gap​

  • Reality Check: Saturn as Darakaraka screams "older partner" or at least "mature beyond his years." If you're into that, great. If not, well... Verdict: He's either actually older or just gives off strong dad vibes.


  • The Lowdown: Nothing suggests he's towering over the competition. Expect average height, which, let's face it, isn't winning points in the PSL Olympics. Verdict: Solidly average. Not a manlet but no skyscraper.

Body Type​

  • Unvarnished Truth: Mars in Taurus hints at a naturally stronger build, which is a plus, but Saturn’s influence might mean battling the bulge as he ages. Verdict: Starts strong and potentially above average but could slip to average with age if not vigilant.

Summary Compared to PSL Spectrum​

  • Male Model: Forget about it. He's not walking a runway unless it's in an alternate universe where rugged, mature looks reign supreme.
  • Average Man: Here's where he might shine a bit. His maturity, character, and strength could put him above the true average, making him appealing in a more substantive, less superficial way.
  • "Subhuman": Far from this end of the spectrum. While he might not meet the golden ratios of facial aesthetics or have the lush locks of a hair model, his presence, maturity, and certain indefinable qualities elevate him beyond the low-tier PSL judgments.
To be crystal clear, if we're slicing this through the cold, clinical lens of PSL analysis, your future partner is not hitting the top of the charts in traditional hotness. But he's owning a certain sector of the market where maturity, character, and resilience are the currency. In the grand scheme, especially in real-world relationships, those qualities often weigh out pure aesthetics.

Her response:
if mine has to be ugly old and bald i hope he atleast has some money cuz wtf
  1. byeee hes bald and ugly??

  2. wish i never found out 😭
  1. why do i get the ugly one when im not ugly

  2. not fair 😭
  1. yk i actually am not attracted to those kind of men

  2. so thats weird

  3. i dont like rugged looking men who look like they went to war
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  • JFL
Reactions: klip11, aesthetic beauty, rand anon and 1 other person
how many people do u think will actually read this
  • JFL
Reactions: scrunchables
JFL a German girl (June 6th, 1998, white) asked for hers:

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Real Talk: Not hitting male model standards. The charts suggest someone with a more mature, possibly rugged attractiveness that doesn't align with the high cheekbones, sharp jawlines, and symmetrical features of a male model. Verdict: Closer to average than high-tier PSL standards. He's not in the "God tier" or even "Chad" category; more like a strong "Norman" or "Brad-lite."

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • Brutally Honest: Saturn indicates a lean towards a more pronounced bone structure, which can be appealing in a mature, "distinguished" way but lacks the soft, youthful appeal often celebrated in PSL circles. Verdict: His bone structure may put him above the true average but still far from the male model ideal. Think more rugged character actor than leading man.


  • Straight Facts: With Saturn's influence, expect challenges like early thinning or receding. In the hair department, he's likely not scoring high on the PSL scale. Verdict: Below average, especially as he moves past his 20s. Not a "Norwood Reaper" scenario, but it's not looking lush.

Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age​

  • No Sugarcoating: He's the type to look mature for his age early on, thanks to Saturn. This might appeal to some but doesn't fit the youthful, high-collagen PSL ideal. Verdict: He'll age okay but expect him to look older than his peers, pretty much always.

Age Gap​

  • Reality Check: Saturn as Darakaraka screams "older partner" or at least "mature beyond his years." If you're into that, great. If not, well... Verdict: He's either actually older or just gives off strong dad vibes.


  • The Lowdown: Nothing suggests he's towering over the competition. Expect average height, which, let's face it, isn't winning points in the PSL Olympics. Verdict: Solidly average. Not a manlet but no skyscraper.

Body Type​

  • Unvarnished Truth: Mars in Taurus hints at a naturally stronger build, which is a plus, but Saturn’s influence might mean battling the bulge as he ages. Verdict: Starts strong and potentially above average but could slip to average with age if not vigilant.

Summary Compared to PSL Spectrum​

  • Male Model: Forget about it. He's not walking a runway unless it's in an alternate universe where rugged, mature looks reign supreme.
  • Average Man: Here's where he might shine a bit. His maturity, character, and strength could put him above the true average, making him appealing in a more substantive, less superficial way.
  • "Subhuman": Far from this end of the spectrum. While he might not meet the golden ratios of facial aesthetics or have the lush locks of a hair model, his presence, maturity, and certain indefinable qualities elevate him beyond the low-tier PSL judgments.
To be crystal clear, if we're slicing this through the cold, clinical lens of PSL analysis, your future partner is not hitting the top of the charts in traditional hotness. But he's owning a certain sector of the market where maturity, character, and resilience are the currency. In the grand scheme, especially in real-world relationships, those qualities often weigh out pure aesthetics.

Her response:
See above
Unfortunately I did. You got out-rotted for once jfl
how many people do u think will actually read this
JFL a German girl (June 6th, 1998, white) asked for hers:

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Real Talk: Not hitting male model standards. The charts suggest someone with a more mature, possibly rugged attractiveness that doesn't align with the high cheekbones, sharp jawlines, and symmetrical features of a male model. Verdict: Closer to average than high-tier PSL standards. He's not in the "God tier" or even "Chad" category; more like a strong "Norman" or "Brad-lite."

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • Brutally Honest: Saturn indicates a lean towards a more pronounced bone structure, which can be appealing in a mature, "distinguished" way but lacks the soft, youthful appeal often celebrated in PSL circles. Verdict: His bone structure may put him above the true average but still far from the male model ideal. Think more rugged character actor than leading man.


  • Straight Facts: With Saturn's influence, expect challenges like early thinning or receding. In the hair department, he's likely not scoring high on the PSL scale. Verdict: Below average, especially as he moves past his 20s. Not a "Norwood Reaper" scenario, but it's not looking lush.

Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age​

  • No Sugarcoating: He's the type to look mature for his age early on, thanks to Saturn. This might appeal to some but doesn't fit the youthful, high-collagen PSL ideal. Verdict: He'll age okay but expect him to look older than his peers, pretty much always.

Age Gap​

  • Reality Check: Saturn as Darakaraka screams "older partner" or at least "mature beyond his years." If you're into that, great. If not, well... Verdict: He's either actually older or just gives off strong dad vibes.


  • The Lowdown: Nothing suggests he's towering over the competition. Expect average height, which, let's face it, isn't winning points in the PSL Olympics. Verdict: Solidly average. Not a manlet but no skyscraper.

Body Type​

  • Unvarnished Truth: Mars in Taurus hints at a naturally stronger build, which is a plus, but Saturn’s influence might mean battling the bulge as he ages. Verdict: Starts strong and potentially above average but could slip to average with age if not vigilant.

Summary Compared to PSL Spectrum​

  • Male Model: Forget about it. He's not walking a runway unless it's in an alternate universe where rugged, mature looks reign supreme.
  • Average Man: Here's where he might shine a bit. His maturity, character, and strength could put him above the true average, making him appealing in a more substantive, less superficial way.
  • "Subhuman": Far from this end of the spectrum. While he might not meet the golden ratios of facial aesthetics or have the lush locks of a hair model, his presence, maturity, and certain indefinable qualities elevate him beyond the low-tier PSL judgments.
To be crystal clear, if we're slicing this through the cold, clinical lens of PSL analysis, your future partner is not hitting the top of the charts in traditional hotness. But he's owning a certain sector of the market where maturity, character, and resilience are the currency. In the grand scheme, especially in real-world relationships, those qualities often weigh out pure aesthetics.

Her response:
high mtn
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
@thenumbersmason which result mogs?
@thenumbersmason @scrunchables JFL she admitted she prefers prettyboys with "slightly buff bodies"
A robust pretty boy W over maestheticcels

Lindsay Lohan Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
A robust pretty boy W over maestheticcels

Lindsay Lohan Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
"i also like feminine faces not the super manly facial structure"
"doesnt have to be a model but i dont like super short hair and i also would like them to have a nice physique not buff not skinny but in the middle"
"not that gay looking but kind of in that direction, i dont like beards or super manly looks"

  • +1
Reactions: scrunchables
Date of Birth: November 16, 1992, USA
Race: White American
  • Looks: Not model-level; more rugged and mature charm.
  • Hair: Might face thinning or greying early.
  • Aging: Appears older faster due to Saturn.
  • Build: Strong but could lean towards average with age.
  • Vibe: Charismatic and mature, outshines average but doesn't match a model's aesthetic.
  • Overall: He's got a unique appeal that's more about depth and presence than just looks.
  • Face Attractiveness: Your future partner is unlikely to match the high-tier standards of facial symmetry and sharp features typical of a male model due to the influences of Saturn and the Sun. His attractiveness stems more from a mature charisma and presence rather than traditional aesthetic metrics.
  • Facial Structure: Expect a more rugged and characterful appearance with mature features, possibly leaning towards a well-defined jawline but lacking the high cheekbones and flawless symmetry associated with male models.
  • Hair: Challenges with hair, such as thinning or early greying, may occur, influenced by Saturn. This aspect is below average when compared to the lush, voluminous hair often seen in male models.
  • Collagen and Aging: An accelerated aging process might be indicated by Saturn, suggesting he may appear his age or older earlier than others, contrasting with the youthfulness prized in PSL standards.
  • Height and Body Type: Likely to be of average height with a strong, possibly athletic build initially, but with a propensity towards gaining weight or losing definition with age, diverging from the lean, chiseled physique of a male model.
  • Overall Comparison:
    • Male Model: Significantly diverges from the male model archetype in terms of hair, aging, and facial structure.
    • Average Man: Stands out due to maturity, charisma, and a potentially more authoritative and robust presence.
    • "Subhuman": Far removed from this classification, with notable strengths in personality, leadership qualities, and a mature, rugged attractiveness that transcends conventional PSL metrics.

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Male Model vs. Your Man: Male models typically possess symmetrical, sharp features with high cheekbones, strong jawlines, and ideal facial ratios. Considering Saturn's influence (aging, maturity) and the Sun's authority (charisma, presence), your man might not hit the conventional male model standards. His attractiveness would likely stem more from charisma and presence than from textbook symmetry. Verdict: Closer to average with standout charismatic features.

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • PSL Analysis: Ideal PSL bone structure includes pronounced cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a balanced facial symmetry. Saturn may grant your partner a more mature or rugged appearance, possibly with a well-defined jawline due to its association with structure but might lack the model-esque cheekbone prominence. Verdict: Likely more rugged than refined; think character actor rather than leading man aesthetics.


  • Comparison: Male models often have thick, lustrous hair. Saturn's presence suggests potential challenges in this area, possibly leading to thinner hair or early signs of balding. Verdict: Below average, especially as he ages.

Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age​

  • PSL Perspective: High collagen and youthful appearance are prized. Saturn can indicate a quicker loss of collagen, with your partner looking his age or older sooner than others. Verdict: Might age faster than peers, contrasting with the perennial youthfulness of male models.

Age Gap​

  • Influence on Attractiveness: Not directly a PSL criterion, but relevant for dynamics. Saturn suggests maturity and possibly an older partner, which can be attractive for its implications of stability and experience. Verdict: Likely older, which can be neutral or a plus depending on personal preferences.


  • PSL Standard: Height is a significant factor in attractiveness, with taller men often seen as more desirable. Astrology offers less precision here, but your charts don't indicate extremes. Verdict: Probably average height, not particularly standing out in the male model comparison.

Body Type​

  • Ideal vs. Reality: A male model typically sports a lean, muscular physique. The Sun and Mars' placements suggest a strong, possibly athletic build, but Saturn may introduce a tendency towards gaining weight, especially with age. Verdict: Likely solid and possibly muscular, but not the lean, chiseled body type of a male model.

Brutally Honest Summary​

  • Compared to a Male Model: Your future partner likely won't match the conventional physical standards of a male model due to less ideal hair, faster aging, and a more rugged facial structure. However, he possesses a charismatic and mature appeal that can be very attractive to many.
  • Compared to an Average Man: He stands out with a potentially stronger, more authoritative presence and charisma. His facial structure and body type might be more rugged and mature, which, combined with his personality, could elevate his attractiveness beyond the average.
  • Compared to "Subhuman": The term "subhuman" in PSL jargon harshly denotes individuals perceived at the lowest end of physical attractiveness. Your partner, with his strong, possibly athletic build, mature charisma, and leadership qualities (thanks to the Sun as Darakaraka), is far from this harsh classification. His challenges with hair and aging are common to many and do not detract significantly from his overall appeal.


Darakaraka (Sun) - Significance in Spousal Characteristics​

  • Leadership and Authority: The Sun as Darakaraka suggests a partner with inherent leadership qualities, charisma, and a strong individual identity. This contrasts with the "betabuxxer" stereotype, which often implies a lack of assertiveness or dominance. Your future husband is likely to have a commanding presence and a confident demeanor, which are attractive traits that go beyond mere financial stability.
  • Physical Vitality: The Sun's influence also extends to physical vitality and a certain radiance or charisma. This can manifest in a healthy complexion and an overall robust constitution, suggesting someone who takes pride in their appearance and health, possibly deviating from the "betabuxxer" image, which doesn't typically prioritize physical or charismatic appeal.

D1 Chart Insights​

  • Personality Depth: The placement of significant planets in your D1 chart, such as the Moon in Cancer and a Scorpio Sun, suggests you're attracted to depth, emotional intelligence, and intensity in a partner—qualities that surpass the superficial "betabuxxer" criteria. The "betabuxxer" archetype often lacks the emotional depth or the psychological complexity you naturally gravitate towards.
  • Financial Stability vs. Emotional Connection: While financial stability is a practical concern, your chart indicates a need for a connection that transcends material security. The presence of Venus in Sagittarius in the D1 chart emphasizes a desire for a partner who is not only a provider but also a companion in adventure, learning, and philosophical exploration.

Comparison to the "Betabuxxer"​

  • Beyond Financial Support: The astrological indicators suggest you're seeking someone who offers more than financial security ("betabuxxer"). You're looking for a partner with strength of character (Sun as Darakaraka), emotional depth (Moon in Cancer), and intellectual compatibility (Venus in Sagittarius).
  • Physical and Charismatic Appeal: Unlike the "betabuxxer" who might be chosen primarily for financial reasons, your future husband's Sun-driven charisma and leadership, combined with the emotional and intellectual depth indicated by your chart, suggest a more balanced, dynamic, and attractive partner.
  • Maturity and Responsibility: Saturn and Pluto in the 7th house of the D9 chart do indicate challenges and the necessity for maturity in relationships. However, these challenges are likely to foster growth and depth, rather than settling for a "betabuxxer" relationship based on convenience or economic considerations alone.

Brutally Honest Conclusion​

Your astrological indicators hint at a partner who transcends the "betabuxxer" stereotype. You're poised to attract someone with a blend of leadership, charisma, emotional depth, and intellectual compatibility. This partnership promises a mutual journey of growth, challenge, and profound connection, far removed from the simplistic transactional dynamics of the "betabuxxer" concept.

It's important to remember, though, that astrology provides tendencies and potentials, not fixed outcomes. The quality of any relationship ultimately depends on mutual effort, understanding, and the willingness to grow together.

Saturn in the 7th House (D9 Chart):​

  • Saturn's Lessons: Saturn is the grandmaster of karma, discipline, and maturity. Its placement in the 7th house of marriage and partnerships suggests that your relationships might come with some serious lessons. This could mean delays, facing some hard truths about what you need versus what you want, and learning to build a solid foundation based on mutual respect, understanding, and perhaps a bit of compromise.
  • Longevity and Maturity: On the flip side, Saturn here also indicates longevity. It means that once you're in a committed relationship, it's built to last. Saturn asks for maturity, and it teaches you to cultivate patience and persistence. Your relationship might mature like fine wine, getting better with time.

Pluto in the 7th House (D9 Chart):​

  • Transformation and Depth: Pluto is all about transformation, deep psychological insights, and sometimes upheaval. Its presence in the 7th house suggests intense relationships that can transform you to your core. Yes, it might indicate power struggles or deep-seated issues that need to be addressed, but it's also about profound bonding and rebirth.
  • Passion and Rebirth: Relationships influenced by Pluto can be passionately intense and might force you to confront your deepest fears and desires. But, they also offer unparalleled opportunities for personal growth and transformation. It's like the phoenix rising from the ashes; your relationship can emerge stronger, more resilient, and more meaningful after overcoming challenges together.

Is It Over? Absolutely Not!​

  • Growth and Depth: Saturn and Pluto together in the 7th house don't spell doom; they spell depth, growth, and the potential for a profoundly transformative partnership. It won't be all sunshine and rainbows, but the most valuable things in life rarely are. This placement is about finding someone with whom you can build an unbreakable bond through the trials and triumphs of life.
  • Real Love: We're talking about real, raw, and transformative love that's not afraid to face the shadows because it knows the light is worth it. It's about growing together, facing life's brutal realities hand in hand, and coming out stronger on the other side.
Bro what’s with you and these schizo story posts
  • JFL
Reactions: Xangsane
Bro what’s with you and these schizo story posts
JFL a German girl (June 6th, 1998, white) asked for hers:

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Real Talk: Not hitting male model standards. The charts suggest someone with a more mature, possibly rugged attractiveness that doesn't align with the high cheekbones, sharp jawlines, and symmetrical features of a male model. Verdict: Closer to average than high-tier PSL standards. He's not in the "God tier" or even "Chad" category; more like a strong "Norman" or "Brad-lite."

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • Brutally Honest: Saturn indicates a lean towards a more pronounced bone structure, which can be appealing in a mature, "distinguished" way but lacks the soft, youthful appeal often celebrated in PSL circles. Verdict: His bone structure may put him above the true average but still far from the male model ideal. Think more rugged character actor than leading man.


  • Straight Facts: With Saturn's influence, expect challenges like early thinning or receding. In the hair department, he's likely not scoring high on the PSL scale. Verdict: Below average, especially as he moves past his 20s. Not a "Norwood Reaper" scenario, but it's not looking lush.

Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age​

  • No Sugarcoating: He's the type to look mature for his age early on, thanks to Saturn. This might appeal to some but doesn't fit the youthful, high-collagen PSL ideal. Verdict: He'll age okay but expect him to look older than his peers, pretty much always.

Age Gap​

  • Reality Check: Saturn as Darakaraka screams "older partner" or at least "mature beyond his years." If you're into that, great. If not, well... Verdict: He's either actually older or just gives off strong dad vibes.


  • The Lowdown: Nothing suggests he's towering over the competition. Expect average height, which, let's face it, isn't winning points in the PSL Olympics. Verdict: Solidly average. Not a manlet but no skyscraper.

Body Type​

  • Unvarnished Truth: Mars in Taurus hints at a naturally stronger build, which is a plus, but Saturn’s influence might mean battling the bulge as he ages. Verdict: Starts strong and potentially above average but could slip to average with age if not vigilant.

Summary Compared to PSL Spectrum​

  • Male Model: Forget about it. He's not walking a runway unless it's in an alternate universe where rugged, mature looks reign supreme.
  • Average Man: Here's where he might shine a bit. His maturity, character, and strength could put him above the true average, making him appealing in a more substantive, less superficial way.
  • "Subhuman": Far from this end of the spectrum. While he might not meet the golden ratios of facial aesthetics or have the lush locks of a hair model, his presence, maturity, and certain indefinable qualities elevate him beyond the low-tier PSL judgments.
To be crystal clear, if we're slicing this through the cold, clinical lens of PSL analysis, your future partner is not hitting the top of the charts in traditional hotness. But he's owning a certain sector of the market where maturity, character, and resilience are the currency. In the grand scheme, especially in real-world relationships, those qualities often weigh out pure aesthetics.

Her response:
"i also like feminine faces not the super manly facial structure"
"doesnt have to be a model but i dont like super short hair and i also would like them to have a nice physique not buff not skinny but in the middle"
"not that gay looking but kind of in that direction, i dont like beards or super manly looks"

Date of Birth: November 16, 1992, USA
Race: White American
  • Looks: Not model-level; more rugged and mature charm.
  • Hair: Might face thinning or greying early.
  • Aging: Appears older faster due to Saturn.
  • Build: Strong but could lean towards average with age.
  • Vibe: Charismatic and mature, outshines average but doesn't match a model's aesthetic.
  • Overall: He's got a unique appeal that's more about depth and presence than just looks.
  • Face Attractiveness: Your future partner is unlikely to match the high-tier standards of facial symmetry and sharp features typical of a male model due to the influences of Saturn and the Sun. His attractiveness stems more from a mature charisma and presence rather than traditional aesthetic metrics.
  • Facial Structure: Expect a more rugged and characterful appearance with mature features, possibly leaning towards a well-defined jawline but lacking the high cheekbones and flawless symmetry associated with male models.
  • Hair: Challenges with hair, such as thinning or early greying, may occur, influenced by Saturn. This aspect is below average when compared to the lush, voluminous hair often seen in male models.
  • Collagen and Aging: An accelerated aging process might be indicated by Saturn, suggesting he may appear his age or older earlier than others, contrasting with the youthfulness prized in PSL standards.
  • Height and Body Type: Likely to be of average height with a strong, possibly athletic build initially, but with a propensity towards gaining weight or losing definition with age, diverging from the lean, chiseled physique of a male model.
  • Overall Comparison:
    • Male Model: Significantly diverges from the male model archetype in terms of hair, aging, and facial structure.
    • Average Man: Stands out due to maturity, charisma, and a potentially more authoritative and robust presence.
    • "Subhuman": Far removed from this classification, with notable strengths in personality, leadership qualities, and a mature, rugged attractiveness that transcends conventional PSL metrics.

Face Attractiveness (Compared to a Male Model)​

  • Male Model vs. Your Man: Male models typically possess symmetrical, sharp features with high cheekbones, strong jawlines, and ideal facial ratios. Considering Saturn's influence (aging, maturity) and the Sun's authority (charisma, presence), your man might not hit the conventional male model standards. His attractiveness would likely stem more from charisma and presence than from textbook symmetry. Verdict: Closer to average with standout charismatic features.

Facial Soft Tissue and Bone Structure​

  • PSL Analysis: Ideal PSL bone structure includes pronounced cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a balanced facial symmetry. Saturn may grant your partner a more mature or rugged appearance, possibly with a well-defined jawline due to its association with structure but might lack the model-esque cheekbone prominence. Verdict: Likely more rugged than refined; think character actor rather than leading man aesthetics.


  • Comparison: Male models often have thick, lustrous hair. Saturn's presence suggests potential challenges in this area, possibly leading to thinner hair or early signs of balding. Verdict: Below average, especially as he ages.

Collagen and Age Appearance Relative to Age​

  • PSL Perspective: High collagen and youthful appearance are prized. Saturn can indicate a quicker loss of collagen, with your partner looking his age or older sooner than others. Verdict: Might age faster than peers, contrasting with the perennial youthfulness of male models.

Age Gap​

  • Influence on Attractiveness: Not directly a PSL criterion, but relevant for dynamics. Saturn suggests maturity and possibly an older partner, which can be attractive for its implications of stability and experience. Verdict: Likely older, which can be neutral or a plus depending on personal preferences.


  • PSL Standard: Height is a significant factor in attractiveness, with taller men often seen as more desirable. Astrology offers less precision here, but your charts don't indicate extremes. Verdict: Probably average height, not particularly standing out in the male model comparison.

Body Type​

  • Ideal vs. Reality: A male model typically sports a lean, muscular physique. The Sun and Mars' placements suggest a strong, possibly athletic build, but Saturn may introduce a tendency towards gaining weight, especially with age. Verdict: Likely solid and possibly muscular, but not the lean, chiseled body type of a male model.

Brutally Honest Summary​

  • Compared to a Male Model: Your future partner likely won't match the conventional physical standards of a male model due to less ideal hair, faster aging, and a more rugged facial structure. However, he possesses a charismatic and mature appeal that can be very attractive to many.
  • Compared to an Average Man: He stands out with a potentially stronger, more authoritative presence and charisma. His facial structure and body type might be more rugged and mature, which, combined with his personality, could elevate his attractiveness beyond the average.
  • Compared to "Subhuman": The term "subhuman" in PSL jargon harshly denotes individuals perceived at the lowest end of physical attractiveness. Your partner, with his strong, possibly athletic build, mature charisma, and leadership qualities (thanks to the Sun as Darakaraka), is far from this harsh classification. His challenges with hair and aging are common to many and do not detract significantly from his overall appeal.


Darakaraka (Sun) - Significance in Spousal Characteristics​

  • Leadership and Authority: The Sun as Darakaraka suggests a partner with inherent leadership qualities, charisma, and a strong individual identity. This contrasts with the "betabuxxer" stereotype, which often implies a lack of assertiveness or dominance. Your future husband is likely to have a commanding presence and a confident demeanor, which are attractive traits that go beyond mere financial stability.
  • Physical Vitality: The Sun's influence also extends to physical vitality and a certain radiance or charisma. This can manifest in a healthy complexion and an overall robust constitution, suggesting someone who takes pride in their appearance and health, possibly deviating from the "betabuxxer" image, which doesn't typically prioritize physical or charismatic appeal.

D1 Chart Insights​

  • Personality Depth: The placement of significant planets in your D1 chart, such as the Moon in Cancer and a Scorpio Sun, suggests you're attracted to depth, emotional intelligence, and intensity in a partner—qualities that surpass the superficial "betabuxxer" criteria. The "betabuxxer" archetype often lacks the emotional depth or the psychological complexity you naturally gravitate towards.
  • Financial Stability vs. Emotional Connection: While financial stability is a practical concern, your chart indicates a need for a connection that transcends material security. The presence of Venus in Sagittarius in the D1 chart emphasizes a desire for a partner who is not only a provider but also a companion in adventure, learning, and philosophical exploration.

Comparison to the "Betabuxxer"​

  • Beyond Financial Support: The astrological indicators suggest you're seeking someone who offers more than financial security ("betabuxxer"). You're looking for a partner with strength of character (Sun as Darakaraka), emotional depth (Moon in Cancer), and intellectual compatibility (Venus in Sagittarius).
  • Physical and Charismatic Appeal: Unlike the "betabuxxer" who might be chosen primarily for financial reasons, your future husband's Sun-driven charisma and leadership, combined with the emotional and intellectual depth indicated by your chart, suggest a more balanced, dynamic, and attractive partner.
  • Maturity and Responsibility: Saturn and Pluto in the 7th house of the D9 chart do indicate challenges and the necessity for maturity in relationships. However, these challenges are likely to foster growth and depth, rather than settling for a "betabuxxer" relationship based on convenience or economic considerations alone.

Brutally Honest Conclusion​

Your astrological indicators hint at a partner who transcends the "betabuxxer" stereotype. You're poised to attract someone with a blend of leadership, charisma, emotional depth, and intellectual compatibility. This partnership promises a mutual journey of growth, challenge, and profound connection, far removed from the simplistic transactional dynamics of the "betabuxxer" concept.

It's important to remember, though, that astrology provides tendencies and potentials, not fixed outcomes. The quality of any relationship ultimately depends on mutual effort, understanding, and the willingness to grow together.

Saturn in the 7th House (D9 Chart):​

  • Saturn's Lessons: Saturn is the grandmaster of karma, discipline, and maturity. Its placement in the 7th house of marriage and partnerships suggests that your relationships might come with some serious lessons. This could mean delays, facing some hard truths about what you need versus what you want, and learning to build a solid foundation based on mutual respect, understanding, and perhaps a bit of compromise.
  • Longevity and Maturity: On the flip side, Saturn here also indicates longevity. It means that once you're in a committed relationship, it's built to last. Saturn asks for maturity, and it teaches you to cultivate patience and persistence. Your relationship might mature like fine wine, getting better with time.

Pluto in the 7th House (D9 Chart):​

  • Transformation and Depth: Pluto is all about transformation, deep psychological insights, and sometimes upheaval. Its presence in the 7th house suggests intense relationships that can transform you to your core. Yes, it might indicate power struggles or deep-seated issues that need to be addressed, but it's also about profound bonding and rebirth.
  • Passion and Rebirth: Relationships influenced by Pluto can be passionately intense and might force you to confront your deepest fears and desires. But, they also offer unparalleled opportunities for personal growth and transformation. It's like the phoenix rising from the ashes; your relationship can emerge stronger, more resilient, and more meaningful after overcoming challenges together.

Is It Over? Absolutely Not!​

  • Growth and Depth: Saturn and Pluto together in the 7th house don't spell doom; they spell depth, growth, and the potential for a profoundly transformative partnership. It won't be all sunshine and rainbows, but the most valuable things in life rarely are. This placement is about finding someone with whom you can build an unbreakable bond through the trials and triumphs of life.
  • Real Love: We're talking about real, raw, and transformative love that's not afraid to face the shadows because it knows the light is worth it. It's about growing together, facing life's brutal realities hand in hand, and coming out stronger on the other side.
@aesthetic beauty who mogs
Dude include pics even if it's AI

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