Selinity's Fighting Guide



Jan 26, 2021

How many times have you wished you could whip some ass like the action heroes you see in movies today? Everyone has seen a movie where one person has the capability to smack the piss out of enough people to occupy a small country, and even though you may not be forced to fight in action packed death-matches like on the big-screen, learning to fight is still important for everyone.

1. It gives you respect.​

Committing to a martial art automatically grants you a newfound level of respect, both from yourself and from others. You will be perceived as someone who can call upon him/herself and nobody else when it's needed the most. It comes with an image of self-sufficiency.

Short: People will respect you for being able to count on yourself.

2. It helps you find yourself.​

In the first few weeks of training, you will slowly start to dive deeper into your own inner-self. The outlet creates an opportunity to release and deflate some resentments you may still hold on to. The more time that passes in training, the smaller those resentments become, uncovering parts of yourself you had previously been unable to deal with. It will open a way to self-discovery of your own subconscious.

Short: Training helps clear your mind of clutter, showing only what’s truly important to you.

3. It makes you disciplined.​

Motivation is a constantly fleeting virtue. There are always days when you want to throw in the towel and give it a go another day. Discipline is a vehicle, and motivation is a fuel source. You will run out of fuel, and discipline will turn on its reserves to complete the journey. That last gallon of motivation is what discipline keeps close when you need it most.

Short: Discipline becomes the part of you that will always get you there.

4. It makes you stand out.​

Martial arts will ALWAYS make you a more interesting person. You will have experiences to share with people, and successes and failures to be proud of. Failure is the soil in which the seeds of success are sown. You will be more inspiring for having battled through intimidating circumstances from when you first began.

Short: Your triumph over your failures will increase the way others value you.

Which brings me to my next point...

5. It humbles you.​

The failures you endure will always be a reminder that what is now greatness was not always so. To run, we must walk. To walk, we must crawl. And in between all of those, we must fall. Your scrapes, bruises, and scars will serve as your reminder of a time the things you achieved weren’t always so pleasant.

Short: How you arrived at the peak of the mountain will always be seen just over every ledge.

6. It keeps you safe.​

Armed with the skills and knowledge of knowing how to defend yourself in the face of danger will be your biggest weapon. You can react much quicker in high-pressure situations, and your training will play a huge role in combating the threats you may encounter. Though nobody can be completely safe, martial arts will increase your odds of survival tenfold.

Short: You know how to kick someone’s ass if you’re in danger.

7. It makes you smarter.​

The side effects of training will help stimulate the release of specific chemicals that will help your brain to kick start neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the way new brain cells are formed, creating new information connections in your brain to help improve your memory and learn new information much more easily.

Short: Training releases chemicals into your brain to help it grow and get smart.

8. It makes you healthier (obviously).​

Fairly challenging martial arts will encourage the body to start using all the fat in your body as a fuel source to keep up with the pace. In addition, it promotes a much healthier cardiovascular system. Most martial arts will flip the switch and start your body on the path of repairing itself by increasing the amount of blood in your body to gather the most oxygen, AND it forces your body to make the most of whatever oxygen is already in your bloodstream. It also increases muscle mass, which speeds up your metabolism.

Short: Training burns the fat, builds the muscle, fixes your cardiovascular system.

9. It is a personal therapist.​

Many times you will walk into the gym feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. Martial arts helps to share that weight. It creates a funnel that channels all of the pains and frustrations of your life into a productive and constructive outlet. Every strike lands with the weight of your grievances, and disappear into nothing. Just like that, your misfortunes and shortcomings get swung hard and fast, only to pound themselves further into non-existence. Your problems will have less of an effect on you the more you expel them through training. Many of us tend to take temporary, meaningless issues to a whole new level of priority. It happens to the best of us. Martial arts will force you to spit out your grievances, look them in the eye and ask, “Does this really deserve this much attention?” And then you will begin dismantling your concerns. Just like a therapist would have you do.

Short: Training angry or upset will force you to face those emotions.

You don't know when shit's going to go down, but when it does, you need to be prepared. Luckily for you, I've decided to make this thread to help you get to an acceptable fighting level and teach you how to hold your own in a brawl.

I am NOT condoning violence, this post is purely for educational and self-defence purposes, I am not to be held liable for any actions committed by people who have read this guide.

Part 1: Knockout punching​

“Research has shown that the highest percentage of a boxer’s power comes from pushing off his back leg when he throws a punch,” says Giles Wiley, C.S.C.S., a strength coach and former Tae Kwon Do champion in Atlantic Beach, Fl. That means a strong blow comes from coordinating an explosive extension of the leg, torso, and arm. “The K.O. wall press drills that motion.”

How to do the K.O. wall press

Wedge one end of a barbell into the corner of a room (the edge of a bench can also be used). You may want to wrap the end of the bar in a towel to prevent slipping or damage to the walls. Place a light weight-plate on the other end of the bar, and grab the bar with your right hand near the edge. Get into a fighting stance, left foot forward (or right foot, if you’re a southpaw) and knees bent. Now bend both your knees and transfer your weight onto your back leg, as if you were crouching down before a jump [1].


[2] Explosively straighten your hips and knees and rotate your torso, pressing the bar overhead-you should act as if you’re trying to punch a much larger opponent in the chin


That’s one rep. Immediately return to the starting position and repeat. Perform five sets of 5-6 reps, resting 60 seconds between sets.

Part 2: Takedowns​

If the only boxing you’ve done involved a crate of oranges, you may want to look for a takedown in a fight-wrestling an opponent off his feet and onto the floor so he can’t hit you. “Some guys can get to the legs, but they lack the power to pick an opponent up off his feet to finish the takedown,” says Zach Even-Esh, a strength coach to MMA athletes in Edison, NJ. “To improve speed and strength, try the barbell burpee power clean.”

How to do a burpee power clean

Grab a barbell with an overhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Get into pushup position on the floor [1].


Jump your feet forward and plant them about hip-width apart.


Arch your lower back, and explosively stand up and shrug the bar, coming up onto the balls of your feet. As the bar rises to chest level, flip your wrists over so that your palms face the ceiling and your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Allow your knees to bend as you absorb the force of the bar at your shoulders [3].


Reverse the motion to return the bar to the floor, and shoot your legs back to pushup position. That’s one rep. Perform four sets of 3-5 reps, resting 60 seconds between each set.


Part 3: Neck strengthening​

“If you have a glass jaw, no amount of training will save you from waking up on the floor,” says Jason Ferruggia, a performance-enhancement coach in Warren, NJ. “But you can improve your ability to take a punch by strengthening your neck.” Perform this neck flexion exercise.

How to practice neck flexion

Grab a light weight plate and wrap it in a towel. Lie back on a bench so that your head hangs off the end. Hold the plate against your forehead [1].


[2] Now flex your neck, raising it as high as you can.


Lower your head to return to the starting position. That’s one rep. Perform two sets of 20 reps, resting 90-120 seconds between sets.

“Never use fancy or complex techniques when involved in a street fight. Such ornamental techniques are just too risky and impractical for street combat.”​

Your fingers and nails can be used for jabbing, clawing and gouging the assailant’s eyes. They can also be used for pulling, tearing and crushing the enemy’s throat and testicles. Note: Your fingers can be an awesome street fighting technique. Just make certain your actions are legally justified in the eyes of the law!

Palm heels
The heel of your palm can be used for delivering palm heel strikes. A strike of the palm can be exceptionally powerful and it is best delivered on a 45-degree angle to the opponent’s nose or chin. Note: When striking with the heel of your palm, remember to torque your shoulders, hips and foot into the direction of the blow.

Edge of hand strike
The edge of your hand can be whipped horizontally into the opponent’s nose or throat, causing severe injury or death. It can also be delivered vertically or diagonally to the back of your opponent’s neck. Note: Beware! Striking with the edge of your hand can be a lethal street fighting technique.

Web of hand strike
The web of your hand can be used to deliver web hand strikes to the opponent’s throat. When striking, be certain to keep your hand stiff with your palm facing down. For more information please take a look at, The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

Open Hand or Fisted Strikes?​

Are open hand strikes (finger jabs, palm heels, web hand strikes, etc.) or fisted blows (lead straight, rear cross, hook punches, etc.) the preferred street fighting technique? While open hand blows are generally safer to deliver than fisted strikes, both are essential for self defence. Open hand strikes are generally used as first strike tools while fisted blows comprise the majority of your secondary strike arsenal.

Some people are reluctant to employ fisted strikes for fear that they will injure their hands. Be Forewarned! When a fisted blows makes contact with the opponent’s skull, it often results in a fractured hand. Therefore, its essential that your fisted blow be delivered accurately and at the proper moment.

Knee Strikes
The knees are excellent street fighting technique that can bring down the most powerful of adversaries. Knee strikes can be delivered vertically and diagonally to the opponent’s thigh, groin, ribs, solar plexus and face.

Kicking with your Shins
The shinbone is another powerful technique that can quickly cripple your assailant. When striking with your shin, aim for the opponents thigh, the side of his knee, or groin. Note: When kicking with your shinbone, always aim through your target.

Kicking with the Dorsum of your Foot
The dorsum of your foot is used for delivering vertical kicks to the opponent’s groin and in some cases his head (i.e., your assailant is on the ground and you are standing above him). Note: Kicking with your dorsum increases the power of your blow, prevents broken toes, and also lengthens the surface area of your strike.

Kicking with the Heel of your Foot
The heel of your foot is used for delivering side kicks to the opponent’s thigh, knee or shin. It can also be used to stomp down on the assailant’s toes. Note: Never underestimate the effectiveness of a simple foot stomp. They work!

Kicking with the Ball of your Foot
The ball of your foot is used for delivering push kicks into your opponent’s thigh. It can also be used to deliver a quick snap kick into the assailant’s shin bone. Note: When striking with the ball of your foot, remember to pull your toes back to avoid jamming or breaking them.

If you've followed this thread properly you should now have everything you need to get in and out of fights easily,
go kick some ass!

How to improve reflexes:

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  • JFL
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets, Deleted member 11370, xefo and 17 others
u rlly think u can teach someone to fight through a .me thread nigga?
  • JFL
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Reactions: AscendingHero, ProAcktiv, patricknodixon and 14 others
dn rd a single word, im just an ugly manlet coping gook, I dont deserve to live
  • JFL
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  • So Sad
Reactions: KLESUM, xefo, Chintuck22 and 4 others
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7651
you're laughing at my subhumanity, how mean. I hope you reincarnate into an abused dog, so you have my same experience
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero and Chintuck22
Just dont be a afraid puzzy and have high t levels ... Works for me
Screenshot 20210309 211540
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22, Lmao and Selinity
you're laughing at my subhumanity, how mean. I hope you reincarnate into an abused dog, so you have my same experience
maybe you wouldn't have gotten abused if you could fight back... jus' saying.
maybe you wouldn't have gotten abused if you could fight back... jus' saying.
no point in fighting as a subhuman, you would lose anyways. If not physically, mentally or legally
  • +1
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Just join a boxing/MMA gym or find a trainer. Imagine thinking you can learn how to properly fight if you never had sparring lessons with another person or been in multiple fights before.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, AlwaysHaveQuestions, goat2x and 2 others
Just join a boxing/MMA gym or find a trainer. Imagine thinking you can learn how to properly fight if you never had sparring lessons with another person or been in multiple fights before.
You can get your body ready, learn the techniques, practice them at home and then when an actual fight happens apply them.

It sounds hard but it isn't, if you really practice something when the time comes it's almost second nature. You may be nervous, maybe even freeze up a bit, but if you keep calm and go through the motions fighting is not very hard, it's just inflicting damage.
Just join a boxing/MMA gym or find a trainer. Imagine thinking you can learn how to properly fight if you never had sparring lessons with another person or been in multiple fights before.
Had a fight yesterday
  • JFL
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions, Chintuck22, Selinity and 2 others
Just join a boxing/MMA gym or find a trainer. Imagine thinking you can learn how to properly fight if you never had sparring lessons with another person or been in multiple fights before.
Had a fight yesterday
You can get your body ready, learn the techniques, practice them at home and then when an actual fight happens apply them.

It sounds hard but it isn't, if you really practice something when the time comes it's almost second nature. You may be nervous, maybe even freeze up a bit, but if you keep calm and go through the motions fighting is not very hard, it's just inflicting damage.
Sure practice and training techniques is far better than doing nothing, though you wouldn't have nearly the skill as a person who regularly spars.

A key part of fighting is timing and precision which can only be learned through fighting another opponent.

You can read a million books and learn the techniques on swimming or how to ride a bicycle, but it will never be as efficient as practicing those skills in the right environment.
  • +1
Reactions: goat2x and Ocelot
unpredictability is the best tactic to win any fight, youre retarded if you let the fight happen in the first place because no matter how good you plan hand to hand combat is often lead to unexpected outcome. learn to sniff out the potential aggressor and fuck him up before he even clench his fist or hold his weapon.
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  • Hmm...
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Not a bad thread. Something basic to get motivated, I'm picking boxing up next year once I lose weight. I really like MMA and boxing so a good hobby to have and being confident I can knock out most people is a good quality to have. Same with fighting halo
curries cant fight for shit
Curries may be low in looks but in fight they will fck ur white asss hard... Forget about it
just weaponmax tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
You watch to much anime. How about you don't go around initiating fights and looking like an angry hotheaded manlet? Even apes and monkeys use intimidation techniques and flaunt their body size to scare off other parties. The last resort is to go into a fight, and 99% of the time a real fight doesn't look anything like in the gay little animes you watch :lul: and all these gay little techniques won't matter if your fighting someone who is bigger then you. Easier said then done, try fighting a 6'4 / 20 inch shoulder guy and see if you can beat his ass when he's choking you out.

Oh and for the dis-arming a knife guy, try that and real life and your gonna get stabbed :lul: literally such a stupid post. You wanna learn to fight? Go to a muay thai club or ufc club. Don't make shitposts and expect people to care, esepcially not on an INCEL forum :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
You watch to much anime. How about you don't go around initiating fights and looking like an angry hotheaded manlet? Even apes and monkeys use intimidation techniques and flaunt their body size to scare off other parties. The last resort is to go into a fight, and 99% of the time a real fight doesn't look anything like in the gay little animes you watch :lul: and all these gay little techniques won't matter if your fighting someone who is bigger then you. Easier said then done, try fighting a 6'4 / 20 inch shoulder guy and see if you can beat his ass when he's choking you out.

Oh and for the dis-arming a knife guy, try that and real life and your gonna get stabbed :lul: literally such a stupid post. You wanna learn to fight? Go to a muay thai club or ufc club. Don't make shitposts and expect people to care, esepcially not on an INCEL forum :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
ew, what's with the overuse of emojis? Are you DTF me or something?
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
This is a good thread, ill check out those videos later
Sike nigga this is shit, jfl at you trying to give advice to weak incel cucks on how to fight. If you want to learn they you need to sign up for classes.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 7651 and Deleted member 12923
You watch to much anime. How about you don't go around initiating fights and looking like an angry hotheaded manlet?
I never once said go fight in my post, in fact I said DON'T GO OUT AND FIGHT.
Even apes and monkeys use intimidation techniques and flaunt their body size to scare off other parties. The last resort is to go into a fight, and 99% of the time a real fight doesn't look anything like in the gay little animes you watch :lul:
dumbass, we know, are you saying don't be prepared or something? I get that fights don't happen when you're chilling in your mom's house at 34, but shit goes down when you're in the real-world.

Geez, so this is what happens when you waste your life inside smh.

and all these gay little techniques won't matter if your fighting someone who is bigger then you.
Cope. Technique matters, you can make use for a difference in height--of course you're going to use an ultra-extreme height difference as an example.
Easier said then done, try fighting a 6'4 / 20 inch shoulder guy and see if you can beat his ass when he's choking you out.
just as I thought.

Oh and for the dis-arming a knife guy, try that and real life and your gonna get stabbed :lul:
It was included under 'interesting videos' Jesus fucking christ, I get that you're a greycel but even I wasn't retarded enough to talk shit without reading the thread when I had a low post count, goddamn.

Don't make shitposts and expect people to care, esepcially not on an INCEL forum :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
Not a shitpost. You're the only one shitposting here mate.

Your so dumb, you have such a small iq that litterally all of your points devolved into shit I've already said and that I am unattractive??? As if that makes what I am saying any less legit, mate, you're litterally a fucking women with how much you spam emojis and place importance on appearance????

Go back to instagram you infiltrator. Women wouldn't understand.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 12923
jfl at you trying to give advice to weak incel cucks on how to fight.
You're right, this information is wasted on you basement dwelling sub-humans jfl.
If you want to learn they you need to sign up for classes.
You don't though, there's a concept called 'self-teaching,' I get that you need to be kept on a lease and be walked through life, so maybe you don't understand the concept, but it's okay, we're all learning here.
Nice shitpost. You wasted your time making this useless guide, stay mad. I can see you and your fat little greasy fingers typing furiously away, eager to respond. What you gonna do fatboy? Beat me up irl? Aha and as for "self-teaching", I may as well go on reddit and learn how to become a doctor and become self-taught :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Nice shitpost. You wasted your time making this useless guide, stay mad. I can see you and your fat little greasy fingers typing furiously away, eager to respond. What you gonna do fatboy? Beat me up irl? Aha and as for "self-teaching", I may as well go on reddit and learn how to become a doctor and become self-taught :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
would genuinely be more productive then half-the shit you do--if you even do thinks beyond jerking off and playing games--Stop with the gay-ass emojis, you're a fucking women, I swear.

I'm not furious, but I am eager to respond, I'll give you the same energy you throw at me, Greycel.

You should take a break from posting btw, you're retardness is showing :)
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
You're right, this information is wasted on you basement dwelling sub-humans jfl.

You don't though, there's a concept called 'self-teaching,' I get that you need to be kept on a lease and be walked through life, so maybe you don't understand the concept, but it's okay, we're all learning here.
Nigga I can guarantee if someone had a knife or any other weapon you would shit your pants and run. Some things can be self taught, but teaching how to fight with youtube videos is not one of them jfl.
  • +1
Reactions: Selinity
Nigga I can guarantee if someone had a knife or any other weapon you would shit your pants and run. Some things can be self taught, but teaching how to fight with youtube videos is not one of them jfl.
I put the knife disarming guide under INTERESTING videos, it seems most people seems to have a problem with some videos I found interesting since they thing it's a part of the guide, so to clarify,

it isn't. Don't attempt to fight people with weapons, GTFO the second someone pulls a weapon.
  • Woah
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doesn't that get you excited?
adrenaline/emotion is the main reason why most people are obsolete in that situation jfl. most of the time only predatory sociopaths came out from fights unscathed because they have the capability to plan coldly and execute action without hesitation.
  • +1
Reactions: Selinity
adrenaline/emotion is the main reason why most people are obsolete in that situation jfl. most of the time only predatory sociopaths came out from fights unscathed because they have the capability to plan coldly and execute action without hesitation.
just enjoy the moment
Knowing how to fight is a must if you go clubbing or have a hot gf
  • +1
Reactions: Lihito and Selinity
You watch to much anime. How about you don't go around initiating fights and looking like an angry hotheaded manlet? Even apes and monkeys use intimidation techniques and flaunt their body size to scare off other parties. The last resort is to go into a fight, and 99% of the time a real fight doesn't look anything like in the gay little animes you watch :lul: and all these gay little techniques won't matter if your fighting someone who is bigger then you. Easier said then done, try fighting a 6'4 / 20 inch shoulder guy and see if you can beat his ass when he's choking you out.

Oh and for the dis-arming a knife guy, try that and real life and your gonna get stabbed :lul: literally such a stupid post. You wanna learn to fight? Go to a muay thai club or ufc club. Don't make shitposts and expect people to care, esepcially not on an INCEL forum :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
if you learn wrestling you can defeat basically anyone in the street 1v1 unless size difference is not ridiculously huge
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 12923
if you learn wrestling you can defeat basically anyone in the street 1v1 unless size difference is not ridiculously huge
Yeh I'd actually say wrestling is effective to. Outside of North America though it's not very popular. But for sustained stamina and overall raw upper body-strength stick to muay thai and ufc.
  • +1
Reactions: Lihito and to_stop_da_cope
Yeh I'd actually say wrestling is effective to. Outside of North America though it's not very popular. But for sustained stamina and overall raw upper body-strength stick to muay thai and ufc.
I seen this random wrestlecel destroying 8 inch taller football team captain chad in the toilet at some party blowing up on twitter and jbs having fun of this chad

1 fight can change your whole school life thats crazy
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Lihito and Deleted member 12923
Yeh I'd actually say wrestling is effective to. Outside of North America though it's not very popular. But for sustained stamina and overall raw upper body-strength stick to muay thai and ufc.
Greco roman + Muay thai moggs
get low, rugby tackle them, they are thrown on the floor with you on top, start beating
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