Social circle maxxing/trying to be NT doesn't even work & here's WHY

Crayola CØck

Crayola CØck

You Will Never Be What A Man Should Be
Oct 10, 2023
Imagine thinking you -- some boring, uninteresting, bland, straight shooter type dude who just happens to be around people is gonna suddenly start getting girls. NEWSFLASH -- YOU WON'T. YOU DON'T HAVE THE PERSONALITY OR "ENERGY" TO BE THE TYPE OF GUY THAT'D GET A LTR FROM SOCIALMAXXING. You are too far "gone" from that sort of "potential" -- it's too late. You are past the point of discovery & too blackpilled.

You will be just as alone as a friendless autist as you would an autist trying to force socializing when that's not who you are and won't truly be. Why? Because friends aren't gonna get you what you want, or think you want, or etc. Only the right looks, environment and circumstances will get you what you want, not being a "normie Joe 4/10" faggot who tags along and is bluepilled AF.

If you are a loser with no friends you will be a loser with them too, assuming you can even have "friends" that would be of any benefit much anyways. The only people who benefit from "friends" are those who ALWAYS HAD THEM. Those who naturally MADE THEM. If you come to realize one day if you need friends to ascend, the answer will always be NO. You never were the person who naturally made friends, so "friends" won't fix you now in life.

The reality check is, if you're the kind of guy who complains about not getting girls and having no friends, then you won't get girls with "friends" either. Your fate was "sealed" the moment you had no friends and no success, and thought, hey, maybe friends will help! They won't. Not for you. And you know it.

Your awareness of how the game works prevents you from playing it.

And since it's well past the natural point people "start" you're both late & unsatisfied, that of which NO "CATCHING UP" will remedy given the reality & facts. You know you never were "in it" and also know that being "in it" isn't what YOU ONCE THOUGHT it meant, so you never really can simply "join" the social world the way most normies do. IOW -- IT JUST WON'T WORK.
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the magic ability normies have is they can subordinate and know exactly their social hierachy place. They treat a high status person accordingly and better. Meanwhile incel will just wtf at chad and dont dickride
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Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, AngryShortMale, ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry and 6 others
the magic ability normies have is they can subordinate and know exactly their social hierachy place. They treat a high status person accordianly and better. Meanwhile incel will just wtf at chad and dont dickride
You know how the game works. Good. You won't follow the hand dealt because you question the reality rather than blindly follow it.

Be glad you ain't a sheep, because even if you're incel you still have the means to maybe one day capitalize and live the best way possible.
Thanks for the suifuel nigga
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High IQ post. Non NT is death, your fate is to watch even literal uggos or actual "autists"(but of the normie acceptable spectrum) get gfs, have friends, go to events and concerts etc
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Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, AngryShortMale, TheMaxxer333 and 2 others
Social circle doesn't work if you want younger girls too. I never bothered with it.
Paranoid Schizophrenia ramblings
Never even Try to social max. Your social group is Automatically selected by your looks and CANNOT be forced other wise the others wont accept you. Just looks max and hope that your social group gets Reselected automatically into a higher tier when your looks increases. The hierarchy of social groups = directly correlated to looks / boy: girl ratio btw (More girls : boy = higher status group)

You can also fashion max, U can see theres always some subhumans in the most popular groups But theyre all fashion maxed to blend in. But im 99% sure that theyre only in cus Theyre parents met the other Popular moggers parents when they where 3 yrs old and theyre environment let them become a member. So it wont work for new people
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Socialmaxxing is only for people with looks
Honestly bro even if your extroverted people will find you annoying of you're not atleast HTN
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