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May 16, 2019

Status maxing is tremendously important and underlooked in the PSL community. Most people would assume that it's the face and genetic determinism which is responsible for someone's success in life - While that is true, statusmaxing is SUBSTITUTE for your bad looks and bad genetics. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure you've always seen some hot girl dating status maxed truecel, you've seen it in highschool, and all the time. Moreover i will explain briefly in this thread how status maxing is important and how to become status maxxed:

1) Is status maxing legit
2) How to status max
3) Cookie cutter status maxing
5) Defining a status maxed person
6) Learned Helplessness
7) West is designed to make you successful (Credit to @YoungJohnnyDepp)

You don't realize how powerful you can become




- Yes it is. Imagine a highschool party, a good looking chad gets invited, and some status maxxed top notch normie gets invited, who do you think will slay more.. Who do you think will pull more girls? - The answer is status maxxed normie, but why; because women wants to be around him, the reason why women gets more excited around status maxed normie is becuase of validation, it was always about validation, she wants to be around that normie, the other girls will see her, and she is the queen bitch of the night, she is the women that is getting chosen.

- Let's say you work at McDonalds, and you have male coworker that is extremely handsome, and all the female coworkers want to get chosen by him. It's not that they are lusting after the way he looks, they are so excited about how handsome he is, it's because they want to be the queen bitch that gets chosen by him, that's what they want. Status does get them attention which gets them validated.

- Why do you think women wants to get married: Because of validation
- Why does women wants to hookup with status maxed men: Because of validation, so everyone will think that she's still sexy
- Why does older women such as Jennifer lopez dates younger hot guys... It's because she wants to affirm to other women that she is still sexy enough to do it, they don't do this because he's hot, they do it for validation.

... And when you understand that it's about validation, about status, then you'll also understand that looks are only one form of validation. Being a good looking guy, that's one form of status symbol, that women can validate her self-worth off.



Most followed person on instagram with averaging 10mil likes per post smv mogs everyone on this planet this guy could make ur mom his whore infront of you



Insecure chad who has been haunted by the blackpill and genetic determinism



When you understand that it's about status, then you'll know that looks are only one form of validation. Then you can pursue something little more meaningful, because your looks aren't really going to change that much, looks out of all SMV things is something you have the least control off in your life. But you can change the status of other areas in your life, work on your career, work on your accomplishments, because ultimately those things are gonna trump looks because status trumps everything. Status provides validation to women, women only feel fulfilled when they land a high value man, a high status man.

You are starting at the rock bottom right now, and you start to get shit done, you start to accomplish things, you will build self esteem as you go. There's a lot of ways you can climb a dominance hierarchy. You can become a manager at your work, get a good career, start your own business... You can become just about any guy that is competing with other high value men, depending on what your skillset is: Some people are artists, athletes, Youtubers... etc

Once you get to that certain level of status, and the world starts treating you differently.. Guaranteed, you're not gonna sit around and worry about your looks - Status is kinda the low hanging fruit of the manosphere, let women worry about looks, you should worry about status maxing. YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE if what you look in the mirror is the direct reflection of your self esteem, to climb the hierarchy, you should change your mindset.


Easiest way to statusmax is trough having good social media. There's no queston about it. Your status is what you show them on their feed after they have followed you. That's why so many people have been so successful in faking their entire lives. Since i am knowledgeable on instagram maxing, i will give you some tips:

- Take pictures with good camera, i personally use Canon 4000d and quality is amazing. If you don't have the money for camera, you can hire photographer for one photo session, and then upload these pictures on insta.
- Best photos are those taken at social events with your friends, it doesn't have to be with your friends but you should dress nice and take pictures at some nice place.
- Your insta should consist of over 500 followers (rookie numbers), and you should have more than 100 likes per pic. Obviously the more the better but be careful, ever since you surpass these rookie numbers, you may get caught for using fake followers and likes on your pics - Which is why i recommend you to larp to be some famous Youtuber or Tiktoker or just anything of that nature.


I created new IG account - I got over 500 followers effortlessly through 3 months period (On my first IG, i grinded followers actively, and it took me about one month to reach about 700 followers). I GOT 100 LIKES FOR GRINDING ABOUT ONE HOUR - EZ instagram maxing (y)

- I had instagram with about 5K followers back in 2019-2020, and everyone wondered why i have so much followers.. i then larped that those are my youtube fans, since everybody knew i am Youtube famous and shit.


1) It's so easy to become famous, everyone has access to internet and everyone can become famous Tiktoker or some famous Youtuber, no matter what you're recording, as long as you have audience that follows your work, and viewers... You can be considered statusmaxxed.

2) (Dan Bilzerian maxing) For instagram pictures, you can hire some sexy 7PSL models with great boobs and butts. They can wear whatever the heck you want them to wear. Hiring at least 10 models for photoshoots can cost you anywhere from 1000 - 1500$. Renting a supercar shouldn't be more than 300 - 500$ per day.

3) You can make it into modelling if you are 6 PSL, you just need to have atleast one extraordinary feature on your face (such as striking jaw or nice eye area...), modeling career is huge thing for status maxing.

4) Although it's saturated as fuck, you can become a famous rapper or musician, just about anything in music industry. Acting in famous movie is rare as fuck but it's truly the best status max.

5) Being status maxed is substitute for looks, for NT, for height... There are dozens of truecels who made it trough status maxing, there are dozens of autists like elon musk who made it trough status maxing, status maxing is HUGE thing and i want everyone to take it seriously.


When you become status maxxed, you will adopt the combative, arrogant mindset in the process which is the good thing. Remember this is what will determine your success, your mental assembly, and ultimately your success with women, and your quality of life as the end result.

Screenshot 20210110 215414 Instagram 01
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There's only one thing which separates 1% from the 99% and that is your mental assembly. If you are 1% of people, you will get easily gossiped on, easily talked about, which means that you are WINNING in life!!! The reason why people hate your success is because they are convinced that being a moral ethical being will get them the same result that you are getting, they are moral cucks without balls which is why they hate you. This is why poor people hate the rich, why peasant hates the king, why incels hate jocks - Because these people are gaslighted by society to be kind and moral being, and by being so, it will get them the results that chad gets (JFL).

But the reality is - It's all about chasing power, financially, socially, sexually, in every aspect of your life. Don't mute your urges, act upon them and bodyslam everything that gets into your way.

At the end it's all about status as i said, whenever you mute your urges, your power, that's when you fail, and that's when the nature will punish you.

High status as in hurting yourself by drinking alcohol and smoking is for dumbfucks, you want the power as i said, so why not get it, you want to look perfect, you want to fuck as many hot women as possible, you want them to serve you... See where i'm going with this.. Everyone seeks good genes, and you should follow your heart and chase aesthetics, you need to carry on.

Learned Helplessness (The mental state of genetic determinism)

Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They come to believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try β€” even when opportunities for change become available.

Moreover, almost every true blackpiller feel like he's about to give up at some points, and they are used to the belief that they won't change anything.

You need to stop looking down on yourself and scavenge this system for your advantage. Haters will always try to screw you down, they despise people like us who win, you need to see them as something insignificant, not worthy of your time... Cause they are pathetic fools.
At the end of the day, one of the things I admire most about Elliot Rodger is that he loved himself, genuinely. Why would he lie to himself otherwise in his manifesto if he truly didn't believe that he was the superior gentleman? His love for himself was downright delusional. He loved himself to the point where he genuinely thought women should approach him. This is the attitude of true self-love.

As much as we all hate our height, face, etc, it's important to identify what makes us superior and lean in on that.

Elliot loved himself because he saw himself as being more sophisticated. He walked red carpets and travelled the world. He was proud of his BMW, and the designer clothes he wore. He was proud of his lineage from his father's side. He saw the world as irrational for not seeing the value that he clearly sees within himself. How you deal with the disconnect of one's own self-love and the way the world perceives it is an entirely other matter. I think Elliot simply failed to contain his self-love in an island paradise. Elliot took the idea of his self-love island like Imperial Japan so to speak.

Love yourself solely and completely, and do not give a drop of love to people who are UNWORTHY of it.

The west favors status maxing

As @YoungJohnnyDepp said in his thread: If you were supposed to be a handsome guy with a lawyer job, the west will secure you a ton of instagram followers, social validation, and selection to find hot girls

The reason why that is because there is ton of average dudes climbing the social hierarchy, and you as being one of them, being competitive, if you exceed at any form of status, you will be guaranteed a grandiose quality of life.

Tumblr ol3rsj5ViB1u4igpvo1 540

As Lachowski chills through the orgy of a western city he doesn't realize how lucky he actually is but because of the multiplication of the SMV provided by his looks, you have to compete 100 times harder from the same system.

At the end of the day, if you feel depressed, just remember this thread - Be rational and see this world for it's actual competitive purpose.

Celebrate In Love GIF by HBO Max

Thx for reading
@realklay11 @Pendejo @john2 @Kingkellz @Marsiere214 @Lihito @rightfulcel @Toth's thot @Chad1212 @Rupert Pupkin @Proex @Leonardo DiCaprio @Niko @RoundHouse @AscendingHero @xefo @Cope @Gestapo @prettyboislime @HeavenAdmΞΉn @Thompsonz @Vermilioncore @gigi @pizza @EternalLearner @fonzee98 @54UD4D3 @Acnno @goat2x @Bitch @Madhate @CokoMleko @6’1cel
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: HandsomeTwink420, Martian, Deleted member 23554 and 45 others
6 million/6million post
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 15827, ROTTING and Chintuck22
i miss you so much babe :owo:
  • Love it
Reactions: Chintuck22

Status maxing is tremendously important and underlooked in the PSL community. Most people would assume that it's the face and genetic determinism which is responsible for someone's success in life - While that is true, statusmaxing is SUBSTITUTE for your bad looks and bad genetics. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure you've always seen some hot girl dating status maxed truecel, you've seen it in highschool, and all the time. Moreover i will explain briefly in this thread how status maxing is important and how to become status maxxed:

1) Is status maxing legit
2) How to status max
3) Cookie cutter status maxing
5) Defining a status maxed person
6) Learned Helplessness
7) West is designed to make you successful (Credit to @YoungJohnnyDepp)

You don't realize how powerful you can become




- Yes it is. Imagine a highschool party, a good looking chad gets invited, and some status maxxed top notch normie gets invited, who do you think will slay more.. Who do you think will pull more girls? - The answer is status maxxed normie, but why; because women wants to be around him, the reason why women gets more excited around status maxed normie is becuase of validation, it was always about validation, she wants to be around that normie, the other girls will see her, and she is the queen bitch of the night, she is the women that is getting chosen.

- Let's say you work at McDonalds, and you have male coworker that is extremely handsome, and all the female coworkers want to get chosen by him. It's not that they are lusting after the way he looks, they are so excited about how handsome he is, it's because they want to be the queen bitch that gets chosen by him, that's what they want. Status does get them attention which gets them validated.

- Why do you think women wants to get married: Because of validation
- Why does women wants to hookup with status maxed men: Because of validation, so everyone will think that she's still sexy
- Why does older women such as Jennifer lopez dates younger hot guys... It's because she wants to affirm to other women that she is still sexy enough to do it, they don't do this because he's hot, they do it for validation.

... And when you understand that it's about validation, about status, then you'll also understand that looks are only one form of validation. Being a good looking guy, that's one form of status symbol, that women can validate her self-worth off.



Most followed person on instagram with averaging 10mil likes per post smv mogs everyone on this planet this guy could make ur mom his whore infront of you



Insecure chad who has been haunted by the blackpill and genetic determinism



When you understand that it's about status, then you'll know that looks are only one form of validation. Then you can pursue something little more meaningful, because your looks aren't really going to change that much, looks out of all SMV things is something you have the least control off in your life. But you can change the status of other areas in your life, work on your career, work on your accomplishments, because ultimately those things are gonna trump looks because status trumps everything. Status provides validation to women, women only feel fulfilled when they land a high value man, a high status man.

You are starting at the rock bottom right now, and you start to get shit done, you start to accomplish things, you will build self esteem as you go. There's a lot of ways you can climb a dominance hierarchy. You can become a manager at your work, get a good career, start your own business... You can become just about any guy that is competing with other high value men, depending on what your skillset is: Some people are artists, athletes, Youtubers... etc

Once you get to that certain level of status, and the world starts treating you differently.. Guaranteed, you're not gonna sit around and worry about your looks - Status is kinda the low hanging fruit of the manosphere, let women worry about looks, you should worry about status maxing. YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE if what you look in the mirror is the direct reflection of your self esteem, to climb the hierarchy, you should change your mindset.


Easiest way to statusmax is trough having good social media. There's no queston about it. Your status is what you show them on their feed after they have followed you. That's why so many people have been so successful in faking their entire lives. Since i am knowledgeable on instagram maxing, i will give you some tips:

- Take pictures with good camera, i personally use Canon 4000d and quality is amazing. If you don't have the money for camera, you can hire photographer for one photo session, and then upload these pictures on insta.
- Best photos are those taken at social events with your friends, it doesn't have to be with your friends but you should dress nice and take pictures at some nice place.
- Your insta should consist of over 500 followers (rookie numbers), and you should have more than 100 likes per pic. Obviously the more the better but be careful, ever since you surpass these rookie numbers, you may get caught for using fake followers and likes on your pics - Which is why i recommend you to larp to be some famous Youtuber or Tiktoker or just anything of that nature.


I created new IG account - I got over 500 followers effortlessly through 3 months period (On my first IG, i grinded followers actively, and it took me about one month to reach about 700 followers). I GOT 100 LIKES FOR GRINDING ABOUT ONE HOUR - EZ instagram maxing (y)

- I had instagram with about 5K followers back in 2019-2020, and everyone wondered why i have so much followers.. i then larped that those are my youtube fans, since everybody knew i am Youtube famous and shit.


1) It's so easy to become famous, everyone has access to internet and everyone can become famous Tiktoker or some famous Youtuber, no matter what you're recording, as long as you have audience that follows your work, and viewers... You can be considered statusmaxxed.

2) (Dan Bilzerian maxing) For instagram pictures, you can hire some sexy 7PSL models with great boobs and butts. They can wear whatever the heck you want them to wear. Hiring at least 10 models for photoshoots can cost you anywhere from 1000 - 1500$. Renting a supercar shouldn't be more than 300 - 500$ per day.

3) You can make it into modelling if you are 6 PSL, you just need to have atleast one extraordinary feature on your face (such as striking jaw or nice eye area...), modeling career is huge thing for status maxing.

4) Although it's saturated as fuck, you can become a famous rapper or musician, just about anything in music industry. Acting in famous movie is rare as fuck but it's truly the best status max.

5) Being status maxed is substitute for looks, for NT, for height... There are dozens of truecels who made it trough status maxing, there are dozens of autists like elon musk who made it trough status maxing, status maxing is HUGE thing and i want everyone to take it seriously.


When you become status maxxed, you will adopt the combative, arrogant mindset in the process which is the good thing. Remember this is what will determine your success, your mental assembly, and ultimately your success with women, and your quality of life as the end result.

Screenshot 20210110 215414 Instagram 01
PicsArt 01 11 042244
Screenshot 20210110 204732 Instagram 01
Screenshot 20210110 203335 Instagram 01

Screenshot 20210110 215649 Instagram 01
Screenshot 20210111 002416 Instagram 01
Screenshot 20210111 003147 Instagram 01

There's only one thing which separates 1% from the 99% and that is your mental assembly. If you are 1% of people, you will get easily gossiped on, easily talked about, which means that you are WINNING in life!!! The reason why people hate your success is because they are convinced that being a moral ethical being will get them the same result that you are getting, they are moral cucks without balls which is why they hate you. This is why poor people hate the rich, why peasant hates the king, why incels hate jocks - Because these people are gaslighted by society to be kind and moral being, and by being so, it will get them the results that chad gets (JFL).

But the reality is - It's all about chasing power, financially, socially, sexually, in every aspect of your life. Don't mute your urges, act upon them and bodyslam everything that gets into your way.

At the end it's all about status as i said, whenever you mute your urges, your power, that's when you fail, and that's when the nature will punish you.

High status as in hurting yourself by drinking alcohol and smoking is for dumbfucks, you want the power as i said, so why not get it, you want to look perfect, you want to fuck as many hot women as possible, you want them to serve you... See where i'm going with this.. Everyone seeks good genes, and you should follow your heart and chase aesthetics, you need to carry on.

Learned Helplessness (The mental state of genetic determinism)

Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They come to believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try β€” even when opportunities for change become available.

Moreover, almost every true blackpiller feel like he's about to give up at some points, and they are used to the belief that they won't change anything.

You need to stop looking down on yourself and scavenge this system for your advantage. Haters will always try to screw you down, they despise people like us who win, you need to see them as something insignificant, not worthy of your time... Cause they are pathetic fools.
At the end of the day, one of the things I admire most about Elliot Rodger is that he loved himself, genuinely. Why would he lie to himself otherwise in his manifesto if he truly didn't believe that he was the superior gentleman? His love for himself was downright delusional. He loved himself to the point where he genuinely thought women should approach him. This is the attitude of true self-love.

As much as we all hate our height, face, etc, it's important to identify what makes us superior and lean in on that.

Elliot loved himself because he saw himself as being more sophisticated. He walked red carpets and travelled the world. He was proud of his BMW, and the designer clothes he wore. He was proud of his lineage from his father's side. He saw the world as irrational for not seeing the value that he clearly sees within himself. How you deal with the disconnect of one's own self-love and the way the world perceives it is an entirely other matter. I think Elliot simply failed to contain his self-love in an island paradise. Elliot took the idea of his self-love island like Imperial Japan so to speak.

Love yourself solely and completely, and do not give a drop of love to people who are UNWORTHY of it.

The west favors status maxing

As @YoungJohnnyDepp said in his thread: If you were supposed to be a handsome guy with a lawyer job, the west will secure you a ton of instagram followers, social validation, and selection to find hot girls

The reason why that is because there is ton of average dudes climbing the social hierarchy, and you as being one of them, being competitive, if you exceed at any form of status, you will be guaranteed a grandiose quality of life.

Tumblr ol3rsj5ViB1u4igpvo1 540

As Lachowski chills through the orgy of a western city he doesn't realize how lucky he actually is but because of the multiplication of the SMV provided by his looks, you have to compete 100 times harder from the same system.

At the end of the day, if you feel depressed, just remember this thread - Be rational and see this world for it's actual competitive purpose.

Celebrate In Love GIF by HBO Max

Thx for reading
@realklay11 @Pendejo @john2 @Kingkellz @Marsiere214 @Lihito @rightfulcel @Toth's thot @Chad1212 @Rupert Pupkin @Proex @Leonardo DiCaprio @Niko @RoundHouse @AscendingHero @xefo @Cope @Gestapo @prettyboislime @HeavenAdmΞΉn @Thompsonz @Vermilioncore @gigi @pizza @EternalLearner @fonzee98 @54UD4D3 @Acnno @goat2x @Bitch @Madhate @CokoMleko @6’1cel
High IQ thread. Too high IQ for "muh hunter eyez" crowd in here :ROFLMAO:(y)

Unfortunately, useless too, 'cause looksmaxxing is actually easier than statusmaxxing.

In modern west, "high status" is SO HIGH, that you cannot really "get it" with 100-200k, which is enough for any type of surgery though... (y)
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23554, Daniel Plainview, Deleted member 14781 and 6 others
Biblijabogtejebo @Lihito :ogre:
  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: Lihito and Chintuck22
Last edited:
2) (Dan Bilzerian maxing) For instagram pictures, you can hire some sexy 7PSL models with great boobs and butts. They can wear whatever the heck you want them to wear. Hiring at least 10 models for photoshoots can cost you anywhere from 1000 - 1500$. Renting a supercar shouldn't be more than 300 - 500$ per day.
yeah like that wont be obvious jfl
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
Honestly this was shit. this one i read earlier was way better

My thread was focused more about explaining why status > looks

His thread though goes more detailed into instagram maxing
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17829
Good thread but this more of a reminder of the importance of status than an actual guide
the how to statusmaxx part is and the 5 tips are just too vague
insta is legit though, however most people have around 500-1000 followers already
  • +1
Reactions: karbo, Deleted member 14781 and Chintuck22
So many flaws with this thread I don’t even know where to begin and I can’t be bothered.

The amount of contradictions and irony in text and pictures here made for a cringe read.

Tfw i have thousands of hours in all these topics :feelswah:

not saying whole thread post is dumb
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Dreadnoughtus, A23ghskung and Chintuck22
So many flaws with this thread I don’t even know where to begin and I can’t be bothered.

The amount of contradictions and irony in text and pictures here made for a cringe read.

Tfw i have thousands of hours in all these topics :feelswah:

not saying whole thread post is dumb
Oh oh. Angry jealous incel is here!
  • JFL
Reactions: Chintuck22
Too much work

Status maxing is tremendously important and underlooked in the PSL community. Most people would assume that it's the face and genetic determinism which is responsible for someone's success in life - While that is true, statusmaxing is SUBSTITUTE for your bad looks and bad genetics. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure you've always seen some hot girl dating status maxed truecel, you've seen it in highschool, and all the time. Moreover i will explain briefly in this thread how status maxing is important and how to become status maxxed:

1) Is status maxing legit
2) How to status max
3) Cookie cutter status maxing
5) Defining a status maxed person
6) Learned Helplessness
7) West is designed to make you successful (Credit to @YoungJohnnyDepp)

You don't realize how powerful you can become




- Yes it is. Imagine a highschool party, a good looking chad gets invited, and some status maxxed top notch normie gets invited, who do you think will slay more.. Who do you think will pull more girls? - The answer is status maxxed normie, but why; because women wants to be around him, the reason why women gets more excited around status maxed normie is becuase of validation, it was always about validation, she wants to be around that normie, the other girls will see her, and she is the queen bitch of the night, she is the women that is getting chosen.

- Let's say you work at McDonalds, and you have male coworker that is extremely handsome, and all the female coworkers want to get chosen by him. It's not that they are lusting after the way he looks, they are so excited about how handsome he is, it's because they want to be the queen bitch that gets chosen by him, that's what they want. Status does get them attention which gets them validated.

- Why do you think women wants to get married: Because of validation
- Why does women wants to hookup with status maxed men: Because of validation, so everyone will think that she's still sexy
- Why does older women such as Jennifer lopez dates younger hot guys... It's because she wants to affirm to other women that she is still sexy enough to do it, they don't do this because he's hot, they do it for validation.

... And when you understand that it's about validation, about status, then you'll also understand that looks are only one form of validation. Being a good looking guy, that's one form of status symbol, that women can validate her self-worth off.



Most followed person on instagram with averaging 10mil likes per post smv mogs everyone on this planet this guy could make ur mom his whore infront of you



Insecure chad who has been haunted by the blackpill and genetic determinism



When you understand that it's about status, then you'll know that looks are only one form of validation. Then you can pursue something little more meaningful, because your looks aren't really going to change that much, looks out of all SMV things is something you have the least control off in your life. But you can change the status of other areas in your life, work on your career, work on your accomplishments, because ultimately those things are gonna trump looks because status trumps everything. Status provides validation to women, women only feel fulfilled when they land a high value man, a high status man.

You are starting at the rock bottom right now, and you start to get shit done, you start to accomplish things, you will build self esteem as you go. There's a lot of ways you can climb a dominance hierarchy. You can become a manager at your work, get a good career, start your own business... You can become just about any guy that is competing with other high value men, depending on what your skillset is: Some people are artists, athletes, Youtubers... etc

Once you get to that certain level of status, and the world starts treating you differently.. Guaranteed, you're not gonna sit around and worry about your looks - Status is kinda the low hanging fruit of the manosphere, let women worry about looks, you should worry about status maxing. YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE if what you look in the mirror is the direct reflection of your self esteem, to climb the hierarchy, you should change your mindset.


Easiest way to statusmax is trough having good social media. There's no queston about it. Your status is what you show them on their feed after they have followed you. That's why so many people have been so successful in faking their entire lives. Since i am knowledgeable on instagram maxing, i will give you some tips:

- Take pictures with good camera, i personally use Canon 4000d and quality is amazing. If you don't have the money for camera, you can hire photographer for one photo session, and then upload these pictures on insta.
- Best photos are those taken at social events with your friends, it doesn't have to be with your friends but you should dress nice and take pictures at some nice place.
- Your insta should consist of over 500 followers (rookie numbers), and you should have more than 100 likes per pic. Obviously the more the better but be careful, ever since you surpass these rookie numbers, you may get caught for using fake followers and likes on your pics - Which is why i recommend you to larp to be some famous Youtuber or Tiktoker or just anything of that nature.


I created new IG account - I got over 500 followers effortlessly through 3 months period (On my first IG, i grinded followers actively, and it took me about one month to reach about 700 followers). I GOT 100 LIKES FOR GRINDING ABOUT ONE HOUR - EZ instagram maxing (y)

- I had instagram with about 5K followers back in 2019-2020, and everyone wondered why i have so much followers.. i then larped that those are my youtube fans, since everybody knew i am Youtube famous and shit.


1) It's so easy to become famous, everyone has access to internet and everyone can become famous Tiktoker or some famous Youtuber, no matter what you're recording, as long as you have audience that follows your work, and viewers... You can be considered statusmaxxed.

2) (Dan Bilzerian maxing) For instagram pictures, you can hire some sexy 7PSL models with great boobs and butts. They can wear whatever the heck you want them to wear. Hiring at least 10 models for photoshoots can cost you anywhere from 1000 - 1500$. Renting a supercar shouldn't be more than 300 - 500$ per day.

3) You can make it into modelling if you are 6 PSL, you just need to have atleast one extraordinary feature on your face (such as striking jaw or nice eye area...), modeling career is huge thing for status maxing.

4) Although it's saturated as fuck, you can become a famous rapper or musician, just about anything in music industry. Acting in famous movie is rare as fuck but it's truly the best status max.

5) Being status maxed is substitute for looks, for NT, for height... There are dozens of truecels who made it trough status maxing, there are dozens of autists like elon musk who made it trough status maxing, status maxing is HUGE thing and i want everyone to take it seriously.


When you become status maxxed, you will adopt the combative, arrogant mindset in the process which is the good thing. Remember this is what will determine your success, your mental assembly, and ultimately your success with women, and your quality of life as the end result.

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There's only one thing which separates 1% from the 99% and that is your mental assembly. If you are 1% of people, you will get easily gossiped on, easily talked about, which means that you are WINNING in life!!! The reason why people hate your success is because they are convinced that being a moral ethical being will get them the same result that you are getting, they are moral cucks without balls which is why they hate you. This is why poor people hate the rich, why peasant hates the king, why incels hate jocks - Because these people are gaslighted by society to be kind and moral being, and by being so, it will get them the results that chad gets (JFL).

But the reality is - It's all about chasing power, financially, socially, sexually, in every aspect of your life. Don't mute your urges, act upon them and bodyslam everything that gets into your way.

At the end it's all about status as i said, whenever you mute your urges, your power, that's when you fail, and that's when the nature will punish you.

High status as in hurting yourself by drinking alcohol and smoking is for dumbfucks, you want the power as i said, so why not get it, you want to look perfect, you want to fuck as many hot women as possible, you want them to serve you... See where i'm going with this.. Everyone seeks good genes, and you should follow your heart and chase aesthetics, you need to carry on.

Learned Helplessness (The mental state of genetic determinism)

Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They come to believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try β€” even when opportunities for change become available.

Moreover, almost every true blackpiller feel like he's about to give up at some points, and they are used to the belief that they won't change anything.

You need to stop looking down on yourself and scavenge this system for your advantage. Haters will always try to screw you down, they despise people like us who win, you need to see them as something insignificant, not worthy of your time... Cause they are pathetic fools.
At the end of the day, one of the things I admire most about Elliot Rodger is that he loved himself, genuinely. Why would he lie to himself otherwise in his manifesto if he truly didn't believe that he was the superior gentleman? His love for himself was downright delusional. He loved himself to the point where he genuinely thought women should approach him. This is the attitude of true self-love.

As much as we all hate our height, face, etc, it's important to identify what makes us superior and lean in on that.

Elliot loved himself because he saw himself as being more sophisticated. He walked red carpets and travelled the world. He was proud of his BMW, and the designer clothes he wore. He was proud of his lineage from his father's side. He saw the world as irrational for not seeing the value that he clearly sees within himself. How you deal with the disconnect of one's own self-love and the way the world perceives it is an entirely other matter. I think Elliot simply failed to contain his self-love in an island paradise. Elliot took the idea of his self-love island like Imperial Japan so to speak.

Love yourself solely and completely, and do not give a drop of love to people who are UNWORTHY of it.

The west favors status maxing

As @YoungJohnnyDepp said in his thread: If you were supposed to be a handsome guy with a lawyer job, the west will secure you a ton of instagram followers, social validation, and selection to find hot girls

The reason why that is because there is ton of average dudes climbing the social hierarchy, and you as being one of them, being competitive, if you exceed at any form of status, you will be guaranteed a grandiose quality of life.

Tumblr ol3rsj5ViB1u4igpvo1 540

As Lachowski chills through the orgy of a western city he doesn't realize how lucky he actually is but because of the multiplication of the SMV provided by his looks, you have to compete 100 times harder from the same system.

At the end of the day, if you feel depressed, just remember this thread - Be rational and see this world for it's actual competitive purpose.

Celebrate In Love GIF by HBO Max

Thx for reading
@realklay11 @Pendejo @john2 @Kingkellz @Marsiere214 @Lihito @rightfulcel @Toth's thot @Chad1212 @Rupert Pupkin @Proex @Leonardo DiCaprio @Niko @RoundHouse @AscendingHero @xefo @Cope @Gestapo @prettyboislime @HeavenAdmΞΉn @Thompsonz @Vermilioncore @gigi @pizza @EternalLearner @fonzee98 @54UD4D3 @Acnno @goat2x @Bitch @Madhate @CokoMleko @6’1cel
cool thread
,might help in the future. keep up the lifefuel
  • Love it
Reactions: Chintuck22
Some flaws with the pics used, otherwise good thread:

They are looksmatched if she took off her makeup. She's not that attractive. He's a HTN:

2028589 Screenshot 20201002 172830 Instagram 01

This guy is goodlooking, easily a chadlite lol. Although she's a stacy, he's still pretty goodlooking himself:

2058261 1603055569963

This is SSSniperWolf and she was with this dude for many years, long before she was even famous. i remember seeing a story about how they actually have a criminal history together and would commit crimes before she got famous. so this is basically her day one, partner in crime, type of guy.

2028705 intro 1587572122

tf? this guy isn't even ugly. Easily a high-tier chadlite.

2074251 20151050 E8EE 43F5 86B0 6FC5C4FE73A4
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14561, AscendingHero and Daqirius
high effort thread
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
High effort banger thread.
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Bro change your mic i can't understand your videos.
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
good thread, status is the most underrated and ignored part of LMS
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Status is cope for people who are ugly.

Of course, ugly famous guys like Jonah Hill must still be getting laid way more than average guys, but guys like Channing Tatum are still viewed as much more attractive (even though Jonah is now much more famous than Channing).

And what I said only applies to people who are really famous.

You could easily buy 100k followers on instagram and buy likes but it wouldn't make as much of a difference in your dating success as being actually good looking.
  • +1
Reactions: Dreadnoughtus, XAE17, Chintuck22 and 1 other person
Agree with the thread's premise but there's literally nothing new in there. It's not even an original take
  • +1
Reactions: Dreadnoughtus and Chintuck22
Based thread, many people forget how important status is in 2022 and you don’t exist if you aren’t on IG
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
is curbstomping people a statusmax
Thank you for this post man appreciate it
  • +1
Reactions: Chintuck22
Nigga u took a whole essay to say take better pics
  • JFL
Reactions: XAE17 and Chintuck22

Status maxing is tremendously important and underlooked in the PSL community. Most people would assume that it's the face and genetic determinism which is responsible for someone's success in life - While that is true, statusmaxing is SUBSTITUTE for your bad looks and bad genetics. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure you've always seen some hot girl dating status maxed truecel, you've seen it in highschool, and all the time. Moreover i will explain briefly in this thread how status maxing is important and how to become status maxxed:

1) Is status maxing legit
2) How to status max
3) Cookie cutter status maxing
5) Defining a status maxed person
6) Learned Helplessness
7) West is designed to make you successful (Credit to @YoungJohnnyDepp)

You don't realize how powerful you can become




- Yes it is. Imagine a highschool party, a good looking chad gets invited, and some status maxxed top notch normie gets invited, who do you think will slay more.. Who do you think will pull more girls? - The answer is status maxxed normie, but why; because women wants to be around him, the reason why women gets more excited around status maxed normie is becuase of validation, it was always about validation, she wants to be around that normie, the other girls will see her, and she is the queen bitch of the night, she is the women that is getting chosen.

- Let's say you work at McDonalds, and you have male coworker that is extremely handsome, and all the female coworkers want to get chosen by him. It's not that they are lusting after the way he looks, they are so excited about how handsome he is, it's because they want to be the queen bitch that gets chosen by him, that's what they want. Status does get them attention which gets them validated.

- Why do you think women wants to get married: Because of validation
- Why does women wants to hookup with status maxed men: Because of validation, so everyone will think that she's still sexy
- Why does older women such as Jennifer lopez dates younger hot guys... It's because she wants to affirm to other women that she is still sexy enough to do it, they don't do this because he's hot, they do it for validation.

... And when you understand that it's about validation, about status, then you'll also understand that looks are only one form of validation. Being a good looking guy, that's one form of status symbol, that women can validate her self-worth off.



Most followed person on instagram with averaging 10mil likes per post smv mogs everyone on this planet this guy could make ur mom his whore infront of you



Insecure chad who has been haunted by the blackpill and genetic determinism



When you understand that it's about status, then you'll know that looks are only one form of validation. Then you can pursue something little more meaningful, because your looks aren't really going to change that much, looks out of all SMV things is something you have the least control off in your life. But you can change the status of other areas in your life, work on your career, work on your accomplishments, because ultimately those things are gonna trump looks because status trumps everything. Status provides validation to women, women only feel fulfilled when they land a high value man, a high status man.

You are starting at the rock bottom right now, and you start to get shit done, you start to accomplish things, you will build self esteem as you go. There's a lot of ways you can climb a dominance hierarchy. You can become a manager at your work, get a good career, start your own business... You can become just about any guy that is competing with other high value men, depending on what your skillset is: Some people are artists, athletes, Youtubers... etc

Once you get to that certain level of status, and the world starts treating you differently.. Guaranteed, you're not gonna sit around and worry about your looks - Status is kinda the low hanging fruit of the manosphere, let women worry about looks, you should worry about status maxing. YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO IMPROVE if what you look in the mirror is the direct reflection of your self esteem, to climb the hierarchy, you should change your mindset.


Easiest way to statusmax is trough having good social media. There's no queston about it. Your status is what you show them on their feed after they have followed you. That's why so many people have been so successful in faking their entire lives. Since i am knowledgeable on instagram maxing, i will give you some tips:

- Take pictures with good camera, i personally use Canon 4000d and quality is amazing. If you don't have the money for camera, you can hire photographer for one photo session, and then upload these pictures on insta.
- Best photos are those taken at social events with your friends, it doesn't have to be with your friends but you should dress nice and take pictures at some nice place.
- Your insta should consist of over 500 followers (rookie numbers), and you should have more than 100 likes per pic. Obviously the more the better but be careful, ever since you surpass these rookie numbers, you may get caught for using fake followers and likes on your pics - Which is why i recommend you to larp to be some famous Youtuber or Tiktoker or just anything of that nature.


I created new IG account - I got over 500 followers effortlessly through 3 months period (On my first IG, i grinded followers actively, and it took me about one month to reach about 700 followers). I GOT 100 LIKES FOR GRINDING ABOUT ONE HOUR - EZ instagram maxing (y)

- I had instagram with about 5K followers back in 2019-2020, and everyone wondered why i have so much followers.. i then larped that those are my youtube fans, since everybody knew i am Youtube famous and shit.


1) It's so easy to become famous, everyone has access to internet and everyone can become famous Tiktoker or some famous Youtuber, no matter what you're recording, as long as you have audience that follows your work, and viewers... You can be considered statusmaxxed.

2) (Dan Bilzerian maxing) For instagram pictures, you can hire some sexy 7PSL models with great boobs and butts. They can wear whatever the heck you want them to wear. Hiring at least 10 models for photoshoots can cost you anywhere from 1000 - 1500$. Renting a supercar shouldn't be more than 300 - 500$ per day.

3) You can make it into modelling if you are 6 PSL, you just need to have atleast one extraordinary feature on your face (such as striking jaw or nice eye area...), modeling career is huge thing for status maxing.

4) Although it's saturated as fuck, you can become a famous rapper or musician, just about anything in music industry. Acting in famous movie is rare as fuck but it's truly the best status max.

5) Being status maxed is substitute for looks, for NT, for height... There are dozens of truecels who made it trough status maxing, there are dozens of autists like elon musk who made it trough status maxing, status maxing is HUGE thing and i want everyone to take it seriously.


When you become status maxxed, you will adopt the combative, arrogant mindset in the process which is the good thing. Remember this is what will determine your success, your mental assembly, and ultimately your success with women, and your quality of life as the end result.

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There's only one thing which separates 1% from the 99% and that is your mental assembly. If you are 1% of people, you will get easily gossiped on, easily talked about, which means that you are WINNING in life!!! The reason why people hate your success is because they are convinced that being a moral ethical being will get them the same result that you are getting, they are moral cucks without balls which is why they hate you. This is why poor people hate the rich, why peasant hates the king, why incels hate jocks - Because these people are gaslighted by society to be kind and moral being, and by being so, it will get them the results that chad gets (JFL).

But the reality is - It's all about chasing power, financially, socially, sexually, in every aspect of your life. Don't mute your urges, act upon them and bodyslam everything that gets into your way.

At the end it's all about status as i said, whenever you mute your urges, your power, that's when you fail, and that's when the nature will punish you.

High status as in hurting yourself by drinking alcohol and smoking is for dumbfucks, you want the power as i said, so why not get it, you want to look perfect, you want to fuck as many hot women as possible, you want them to serve you... See where i'm going with this.. Everyone seeks good genes, and you should follow your heart and chase aesthetics, you need to carry on.

Learned Helplessness (The mental state of genetic determinism)

Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly. They come to believe that they are unable to control or change the situation, so they do not try β€” even when opportunities for change become available.

Moreover, almost every true blackpiller feel like he's about to give up at some points, and they are used to the belief that they won't change anything.

You need to stop looking down on yourself and scavenge this system for your advantage. Haters will always try to screw you down, they despise people like us who win, you need to see them as something insignificant, not worthy of your time... Cause they are pathetic fools.
At the end of the day, one of the things I admire most about Elliot Rodger is that he loved himself, genuinely. Why would he lie to himself otherwise in his manifesto if he truly didn't believe that he was the superior gentleman? His love for himself was downright delusional. He loved himself to the point where he genuinely thought women should approach him. This is the attitude of true self-love.

As much as we all hate our height, face, etc, it's important to identify what makes us superior and lean in on that.

Elliot loved himself because he saw himself as being more sophisticated. He walked red carpets and travelled the world. He was proud of his BMW, and the designer clothes he wore. He was proud of his lineage from his father's side. He saw the world as irrational for not seeing the value that he clearly sees within himself. How you deal with the disconnect of one's own self-love and the way the world perceives it is an entirely other matter. I think Elliot simply failed to contain his self-love in an island paradise. Elliot took the idea of his self-love island like Imperial Japan so to speak.

Love yourself solely and completely, and do not give a drop of love to people who are UNWORTHY of it.

The west favors status maxing

As @YoungJohnnyDepp said in his thread: If you were supposed to be a handsome guy with a lawyer job, the west will secure you a ton of instagram followers, social validation, and selection to find hot girls

The reason why that is because there is ton of average dudes climbing the social hierarchy, and you as being one of them, being competitive, if you exceed at any form of status, you will be guaranteed a grandiose quality of life.

Tumblr ol3rsj5ViB1u4igpvo1 540

As Lachowski chills through the orgy of a western city he doesn't realize how lucky he actually is but because of the multiplication of the SMV provided by his looks, you have to compete 100 times harder from the same system.

At the end of the day, if you feel depressed, just remember this thread - Be rational and see this world for it's actual competitive purpose.

Celebrate In Love GIF by HBO Max

Thx for reading
@realklay11 @Pendejo @john2 @Kingkellz @Marsiere214 @Lihito @rightfulcel @Toth's thot @Chad1212 @Rupert Pupkin @Proex @Leonardo DiCaprio @Niko @RoundHouse @AscendingHero @xefo @Cope @Gestapo @prettyboislime @HeavenAdmΞΉn @Thompsonz @Vermilioncore @gigi @pizza @EternalLearner @fonzee98 @54UD4D3 @Acnno @goat2x @Bitch @Madhate @CokoMleko @6’1cel
authentic love is produced for Chad/Stacy, status doesn't make anyone more attractive or more desirable

The example of that is Trump in relationship with Melania who didn't even want to hold his hand, he is not only statusmaxed but moneymaxed
first half of the thread is good but the tips about faking being youtube famous or hiring whores for pictures and renting expensive cars are ridiculous
  • +1
Reactions: Dreadnoughtus
will report back once I've made some statusmaxxing progress
  • Woah
Reactions: Dreadnoughtus
Bro really said β€œjust keep on the sigma grindset” πŸ˜‚
authentic love is produced for Chad/Stacy, status doesn't make anyone more attractive or more desirable

The example of that is Trump in relationship with Melania who didn't even want to hold his hand, he is not only statusmaxed but moneymaxed

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