The Islamic Permissibility of Child Marriage



Jeffrey Edward Epstein
Mar 11, 2023
Hello everyone. Seeing as there have been very few debates for child marriage, I shall now share a compendium of an incredible amount of resources which prove that child marriage is allowed within Islam.

Before I start, there are some things to take note of. The word "child" shall from now on, for the sake of this post, mean someone who has not hit the age of puberty alongside the word "minor".

I also would like everyone reading this to know and to keep in mind that this is not an encouragement to go marry children. I am merely informing you of the Islamic view on child marriage.

Let's begin. Bismillah.

Table of Contents


- Evidence 1 - The Prophetic Marriage to Aisha when she was a Child

- Evidence 2 - The Verse of a Child's Iddah

- Evidence 3 - General Scholarly Verdicts on the issue

- Evidence 4 - The Prophetic Exhortation to marry children


Evidence 1 - The Prophetic Marriage to Aisha when she was a Child
Incident: Narrated Aisha: that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years [ Sunnah ref: Bukhari 5133 ]


Ibn Hazm the tenth century literalist commented:

This is a well-known matter for which we are not required to provide chains of transmission. [ Muhalla bil Athar 9/40 ]
Al Baghawi the 11th century shafi'i hadith Scholar and Shafi'i jurist commented:

The authenticity of this hadith is agreed upon [ Sharh Sunnah 9/35 ]

Ibn Katheer the 14th century Shafi'i scholar most famous for his Tafsir Ibn kathir commented:

His statement: ‘He married Aisha when she was six, then consummated the marriage with her when she was nine’ is not disputed by anyone and is well established in the Sahih and elsewhere [ Sirah Nubula 2/146 ]

Legal Judgements:

Imam al Shafi'i from the 8th century, one of the acclaimed "Four Imams" of the Salaf commented:

If someone says, 'Why did you claim that the fathers can marry off their prepubescent ones?' Say: "Abu Bakr gave Aisha in marriage to the Messenger of Allah at the age of six or seven and the Prophet consummated the marriage at nine years of age." both the cases of marriage and consummation, took place when Aisha was prepubescent and had no command over herself. [ Kitab al Umm 7/163 ]

Al Nawawi the fourteenth century Shafi'i jurist whose judgements are a source of one of the shafi'i Mu'tamad judgements (relied upon opinions) commented:

In the Hadith of Aisha, she said: ‘The messenger of Allah married me when I was 6 years old and consummated the marriage at 9 years old.’ And in another narration it says he married her when she was 7 years old. This is explicit affirmation of the permissibility of the father marrying off his minor daughter without her consent. [ Sharh Muslim 9/206 ]

Ibn Hazm the tenth century literalist commented:

The evidence for the permissibility of a father contracting marriage for his minor virgin daughter is the marrying of Abu Bakr of his daughter Aisha to the Prophet when she was a girl of 6 years old...Whosoever claims that was a specific permission is not aware of Allah: ‘there has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah often. ’(33.21) Thus we follow the Messenger in his example unless a text comes along to render it specific only to him. [ Muhalla bil Athar 9/40 ]
Qadi Iyyad the 11th century Maaliki Jurist who was appointed the Qadi (Judge) of Grenada, Muslim Spain commented:

The Hadith of Aisha is the basis for the validity of fathers marrying off their virgin daughters and minor daughters. There is no difference of opinion among the scholars regarding the permissibility of a father marrying away his minor daughter who is not ready for intercourse. [ ikmail al mu'min bi fawaid muslim 4/572 ]


Evidence 2 - The Verse of a Child's Iddah
The Text:

And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women - if you doubt, then their period is three months, ` and [also for] those who have not menstruated ` And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth. And whoever fears Allah - He will make for him of his matter ease. (65.4)

The Context of Revelation:

The Judgements:

Abdurahman ibn Zayd, who is the son of a Sahabi ( Prophetic Companion ) commented on this verse:

Also on the one who did not menstruate, the Prepubescent girl: Three months [ Tafsir Tabari 65.4 ]

Imam al Bukhari, probably the most famous Hadith Scholar of all time commented on this verse:

Through His words: “and those who have not menstruated” so He made the waiting period of a girl before puberty three months. [ Sahih Bukhari 7/17 ]

Al Marghinani the 12th century Hanafi scholar whose works have received constant praise by the Ahnaf commented:

If she is one who does not menstruate due to young (sigher) or old age, then, her waiting period is three months, due to Allah’s saying … [65/4]. Likewise, those who have reached the age of puberty but haven’t menstruated yet. [ al-Hidaya 2/274 ]

Maturidi, the founder of his own school of Sunni Creed commented:

It is proven that what is meant is: If you doubt in the iddah of the menopausal and the prepubescent [ Tafsir Maturidi 65.4 ]

al Tabarani the 9th century Hanbali scholar of Hadith who travelled the Arab world to Collect his own Hadith Books Commented:

{and those who have not menstruated} means: and those who are minor [ Tafsir Tabarani 65.4 ]

Abu Bakr al Jassas the Tenth century Hanafite scholar who enjoys an authoritative position in the madhab commented:

He (Allah) ruled that the divorce of the minor girl who does not menstruate is valid. And divorce cannot occur except in a valid marriage. so the verse gives permissibility of marrying off a prepubescent girl [ Ahkam al Quran 2/346 ]

Abu Ishaq al Tha'labi the 11th century Shafi'i Scholar who specialised in Quranic commentary commented:

{and those who have not menstruated} meaning the minor girls [ Tafsir Kashf wal Bayan 65.4]
Al Mawardi the tenth century Shafi'i scholar who was an expert on Islamic Law and government and dealt with the manifestation of Islam in almost every sphere of life commented on this verse:

Meaning the prepubescent girls. And the prepubescent girl is obligated to observe the waiting period for being divorced by her husband. Therefore, this is evidence for the permissibility of marrying a girl at the minor age [ al Hawi al Kabir 9/52 ]

Al Sarakhsi the tenth century Hanafi Jurist who was given the nickname Shams al Aimmah (The Sun of the Imams) commented on this verse:

Allah clarifies the waiting period for the minor girl. The reason for the waiting period according to Shariah is marriage. And it is evidence for the marriage of the minor girl.. [ Al Mabsut 4/212 ]

Al Baghawi who is the Tafsir specialist I mentioned earlier, commented on this verse:

meaning the minor ones who did not menstruate, so their waiting period is also three months [ Tafsir Mu’alim al Tanzeel 65.4 ]

al Zamakhshari the 11th century Mu'tazili scholar who is deemed a heretic in creed, but his books are actually used by sunni scholars to study Qur'anic linguisics and metaphors. He commented:

{and those who have not menstruated yet} They are the minor ones [ Tafsir al Kashaaf 65.4 ]
Abu Bakr Ibn Al Arabi the Giant of the Latter scholars of the Maaliki Madhab [ not the hermit/sufi ] commented:

meaning, the minor [ Ahkam al Quran 4/285 ]

Abd al Qadir al Jilani who is literally worshipped in some parts of the muslim world (lol) commented on this verse:

>due to young age or sickness [ Tafsir al Jilani 65.4 ]

Ibn Qudamah al Muwaffaq. The Big Fish of the Hanabilah. Lots of Scholars described him as being "only a step below Imam Ahmad" in authority of this Madhab. He commented on 65.4:

>The fact that it is permissible to give a minor girl in marriage is indicated by the words of Allah (65.4) So the iddah for one who has not started to menstruate is 3 months, and the iddah of 3 months can only be required in the case of divorce or annulment of marriage. This suggests that she may be married and divorced, and her consent is not essential. [ al Mughni 7/40 ]

al Qurtubi one of the latter jurists of the Maaliki madhab. He is from the 13th century, and because of this he had the benefit of being able to sift through the opinions and judgements from the time of Imam Maalik until himself. He commented on this verse:

>Meaning the minors [ Tafsir al Qurtubi 65.4 ]

Al Nawawi the fourteenth century Shafi'i jurist who I mentioned earlier, and he has a similar position to Qurtubi but Nawawi is even more acclaimed in his own Madhab: He commented:

>This indicates that the marriage of a minor girl who has not started her menstruations is authentic [ Al Majmu 16/168 ]

Abul Barakat al Nasafi the 14th century Hanafi jurist who was described as (The Allamah of the World) by Ibn Hajar al Asqalani. Nasafi commented on this verse:

>{and those who have not menstruated yet} are the minor ones [ Tafsir mudarik al tanzeel wa haqaaiq al ta’weel 65.4 ]

Ibn Juzayy al Kalbi the 13th century specialist on Comparative Fiqh commented:

>Those who have not menstruated’ means the minor girls who have not reached the age of menstruation. [ al-Tashil li Ulum al-Tanzil 2/386 ]

Abu Hayyan al Andalusi the foremost Grammarian of his time commented on this verse:

>denotes those not menstruated because of being young [ Tafsir al Bahr al Muheet 65.4 ]

Ibn Kathir the mufassir I mentioned earlier Commented:

>The same for the young, who have not reached the years of menstruation. Their Iddah is three months like those in menopause. [ Tafsir ibn Kathir 65.4 ]

Ibn Hajar al Asqalani whose position in the latter Shafi'i Madhab cannot be overstated, commented:

>He made the waiting period three months [for those who] haven’t hit puberty yet, which indicates that giving her into nikah before puberty is permissible. [ Fath ul Bari 9/90 ]

Abdur-rahman Sa’di, a fairly modern scholar relative to the ones mentioned above. Born in the 20th century and trained in the Hanbali Madhab. His Tafsir is still taught on some fairly popular muslim youtube channels like Abu Mussab Wajdi Akkari. Sa'di commented:

>And those who have not menstruated yet} means the young (alsighar) who have not yet started to menstruate. Adult women who have never menstruated at all are like those who despair of menstruation; their iddah is three months. [ Tafsir Sa’di 65.4 ]

Ibn Uthaymin the wahhabi scholar who died in the 21st century, and forms a part of the wahhabi trinity commented:

>Even if she is not menstruating due to being young or reaching menopause [ Fatawa Nur ala al Darb 19/2 ]

Saleh al Fawzan the wahhabi palace scholar who forms another part of the wahhabi trinity and is still Alive commented:

>and the young girl who has not menstruated yet, she has a waiting period of three months. For Allah says ‘and those who do not menstruate’ [ Al-Mulakhas Al-Fiqhi 2/427 ]


Evidence 3 - General Scholarly Verdicts on this Issue
Scholarly Consensus

Ibn Mundhir the Mujtahid of the Shafi'i madhab who was known for refraining from personal judgement and following the opinions of al Shafi'i claimed:

>There is consensus among the scholars that a father’s contract of marriage for his prepubescent virgin daughter is binding if he marries her to a kufu. This is the opinion of Malik, Al Thawri, Al-Layth ibn sa'd, Al Awza’i, Ubaid Allah Bin Al-Hassan, Al-Shafi’i, Ahmad, Ishaq, Abu Ubaid, Abu Thawr, and the people of opinion. And their evidence is the hadith of Aisha. And we hold to the same opinion. [ Al Ishraf 5/19 ]

al Marwazi said:

The scholars have a consensus that the father can marry off his prepubescent (alsaghirain) son and daughter, and they have no right of rescission (khiyar) in the matter if later they reach maturity . This is because the Prophet married Aisha when she was a girl of 6 and consummated the marriage when she was a girl of 9. Several companions of the Prophet also permitted it. Among them are Umar, Ali, Ibn Umar, alZubayr, Qudamah ibn Maz’un, Ammar and Ibn Shubruma.” [ Ikhtilaf al Ulema pg227 ]

Al Jawhari said:

They unanimously agreed that it is permissible to marry off a prepubescent girl [ Nawadir al Fuqaha pg83 ]

Abu Walid al Baji, a Major Maalikite Scholar from the 11th century conveyed:

>As for the prepubescent girl , there is no dispute that the father can compel her into marriage… The basis for this is Allah’s saying (65.4) [ Al Muntaqa sharh al Muwatta 3/272 ]

Al Baghawi who has been mentioned said:

>The scholars have agreed that it is permissible for the father and grandfather to marry off his prepubescent virgin daughter, because of the hadith of Aisha [ sharh al Sunnah 9/37 ]

al Qadi Iyyad said:

>There is no difference of opinion among the scholars regarding the permissibility of a father marrying away his minor daughter who is not ready for intercourse. [ Ikmal al-Mu’lim bi Fawa'id Muslim 4/572 ]

Ibn Qudamah wrote:

>Every scholar from whom we learned is unanimously agreed that it is permissible for a man to marry off his virgin daughter who is still a minor [ Al Mughni 7/40 ]

Ibn Hajar al Asqalani said:

>The prepubescent virgin is married off by her father, by agreement… [ Fath ul Bari 9/191 ]

Ibn Battal the Maaliki scholar said:

>It is unanimously agreed that the marriage of prepubescent girls is allowed, even if she was still in the cradle, but intercourse cannot occur until the girl is ready for penetration [Sharh Sahih Bukhari 7/172]

Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab the infamous King of Wahhabis said:

>They have unanimously agreed that the waiting period of a non-pregnant woman, from the time of her husband’s death is fourteen months. Whether she had sexual relations or not, whether Prepubescent or an adult [ Mukhtasar al- Insaf wa'l-Sharh al-Kabir p 696 ]

Ibn Rushd the Judge of Muslim Spain, also known as Averroes said:

>They(the Scholars) arrived at the consensus that the father can force a Prepubescent Virgin [ Bidayat al Mujtahid 3/34 ]

al Nawawi said:

>The Muslims are unanimously agreed upon that he (the father) is permitted to marry off his Prepubescent virgin daughter [ Sharh Muslim 9/206 ]

al Qurtubi said:

>If she is Prepubescent , he can marry her off without her consent because she neither has permission nor consent, there is no disagreement. [ Tafsir Qurtubi 13/272 ]

The Four Imams

al Shafi'i from the salaf said:

>And the fathers marrying off their minor children is an ancient affair. And no one disputes the fact that it is permissible. [ Ikhtilaf al Hadith pg627 ]

Abu Hanifah, the earliest of the Four Imams who lived roughly ~67 years after Muhammad died said:

>If the father marries away his minor girl and minor boy or if the father is deceased and the grandfather marries them away, the marriage is valid, and they don’t have the choice upon reaching puberty. [ Hujjah ala ahl al madina 3/140 ]

Ibn al Qasim The Companion of the founding Imam Maalik (who was the Imam of Early Madinah) conveyed from Maalik:

>No one can be compelled to marry according to Maalik, and no one can compel anyone to marry according to Maalik, except the father with regard to his virgin daughter or his minor son or with regard to his female slave or his male slave or the guardian with regard to the male orphan in his charge. [ mudawwana al Kubra 2/100 ]

Couldn't find a quote by Imam Ahmad. I did find a tonne of quotes where he is permitting something a step ahead child marriage but that's a different topic. Instead:

Ibn Taymiyyah, described by many muslims even today as Shaykh al Islam stated:

>she is not forced to marry, except for the prepubescent girl her father can marry her off without her permission. [ Majmu Fatwa 32/39 ]


Evidence 4 - The Prophetic Exhortation to Marry Little Girls

Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah:

>My father died and left seven or nine girls and I married a matron. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said to me, "O Jabir! Have you married?" I said, "Yes." He said, "A virgin or a matron?" I replied, "A matron." he said, "Why not a young girl, so that you might play with her and she with you, and you might amuse her and she amuse you." I said, " `Abdullah (my father) died and left girls, and I dislike to marry a girl like them, so I married a lady (matron) so that she may look after them." On that he said, "May Allah bless you," or "That is good. [ Sunnah ref: Sahih Bukhari 5367 ]

Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah:

>I am newly married " He said, "Did you marry a virgin or a matron? I replied, "A matron." He said, "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you may play with her and she with you?" [ Sunnah ref: Sahih Bukhari 5079]

Narrated Jabir Ibn Abdullah:

O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! My father was martyred on the day of Uhud and left nine (orphan) daughters who are my nine sisters; so I disliked to have another young girl of their age, but (I sought) an (elderly) woman who could comb their hair and look after them." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "You have done the right thing. [ Sunnah ref: Sahih Bukhari 4052 ]


Child marriage was Permitted by Allah, Practised and Encouraged by His Messenger and Agreed upon by all of the Imams of the Salaf and the Classical Scholars from their Madhahib.


- AlMansurMaliki
- Some insignificant kafir

Jeffrey Epstein out. Expect more Islamic posts from now me on key matters.

Sources recommended to learn Islam or to ask doubts regarding certain issues like child marriage, polygamy, creed etc...:
Point of Contact YouTube Channel:
Abu Kitten Al Meowy Twitter account: @realalmeowy
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Child is a social construct anyways
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Child is a social construct anyways
Yes. This is true.

People are usually turned off because of feminism which romanticized the concept of consent.

From the point Marital rape started counting as actual rape, the world started shifting towards degeneracy in the form of sodomy, same-sex marriages, and more...

Some people say "The gays are coming for our kids", or "They'll make pedophilia legal now" which is obviously wrong as this was the norm before. It's unlike lgbtq's struggles because they never had a normalcy period whereas we did and ours is much longer and only in the past 100 or so years has there been a crackdown on child marriage.
Not taking a stance, but out of curiosity, is there the possibility that the absolute value(the number) of age doesn't translate in different historical eras because of different time maturity rates from higher stress enviroment and higher hormonal charge from better food?(is a 13 year old today the same as centuries ago,physiologically speaking?)
  • +1
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Not taking a stance, but out of curiosity, is there the possibility that the absolute value(the number) of age doesn't translate in different historical eras because of different time maturity rates from higher stress enviroment and higher hormonal charge from better food?(is a 13 year old today the same as centuries ago,physiologically speaking?)
Well, this can be true but it doesn't matter because there is no proof that maturity is a requirement for marriage.

Also, as there is no hadiths saying "this is limited to this time period, after which it will become haram", we cannot say that child marriage is haram in the modern age.

We also believe that Islam is a religion that was completed (read 5:3) and that Allah knows the future and as such he would know about modern times and the high age at which people usually achieve mental maturity. The point I am making here is that despite Allah knowing the modern age, he still gave out the same instructions that we all know and therefore we have to follow it.
there is no proof that maturity is a requirement for marriage..
Then my following question would be: what is the framework for sex in a muslim marriage? Is there anything specified about sex and its regulation? It could give us some context and implicit limits, that's why i think that the analysis of matters like religion should be holistic. More useful to analyze a verse by regression of concepts than to take it at face value. Still, who cares
Then my following question would be: what is the framework for sex in a muslim marriage? Is there anything specified about sex and its regulation? It could give us some context and implicit limits, that's why i think that the analysis of matters like religion should be holistic. More useful to analyze a verse by regression of concepts than to take it at face value. Still, who cares
I do not understand your point, please make it clearer. What framework, exactly? Do you want to know what type of sex is halal and what isn't?
I do not understand your point, please make it clearer. What framework, exactly? Do you want to know what type of sex is halal and what isn't?
No, i don't know how the quran is structured, i assumed that it explains concepts in a definite and linear fashion(i.e chapter 1-2-3 fundamentals of islam.. and then application of fundamentals in judgment and behavior), if for example we discuss prepubescent marriage then we need to regress in concepts: we divide structured concepts such as prepub marriage in unit concepts such as marriage-sex-children(from fundamentals part for example) to give some context and see overlaps that could give us some implict cues, so that we can judge the words of allah purely. Analizing structured concepts by themselves can easily manipulate the meaning, im not sure allah would want that, and since he is god he surely understands the limits of language
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No, i don't know how the quran is structured, i assumed that it explains concepts in a definite and linear fashion(i.e chapter 1-2-3 fundamentals of islam.. and then application of fundamentals in judgment and behavior), if for example we discuss prepubescent marriage then we need to regress in concepts: we divide structured concepts such as prepub marriage in unit concepts such as marriage-sex-children(from fundamentals part for example) to give some context and see overlaps that could give us some implict cues, so that we can judge the words of allah purely. Analizing structured concepts by themselves can easily manipulate the meaning, im not sure allah would want that, and since he is god he surely understands the limits of language
Well, the Quran is not structured in that manner at all.

But if you want a chapter on marriage then I can tell you the basics and then you tell me what you're looking for:

For marriage, it is obligatory according to all 4 schools of jurisprudence, the male guardian of the pre-pubescent child decides who to marry his son or daughter to. It is also obligatory that there is a mahr (dowry) given to the wife from the husband. Without this, the marriage is not complete.

The consummation (aka when they have sex) of said marriage can only occur when both parties are able to withstand sexual intercourse. If either party cannot withstand it, they cannot have sex. Puberty is not a contributing factor to this at all so even if both parties have hit puberty if they cannot withstand sex, the marriage cannot be consummated.

That's for the specific case that we were discussing (child marriage) if I go deeper into the topic of marriage then there starts to appear differences of opinion between the different schools of Jurisprudence so I won't go into that.

It is important to note here that if a man has sex with his 5-year-old bride knowing that it might hurt her then he is sinful but he cannot be punished by the law, therefore, no law on pedophilia exists in Islam. Even if said punishment were to exist, the man can claim he didn't know he could hurt her and the case would be dismissed, there are many ways to get out of punishment if you are willing to lie but Allah watches and will hold you accountable (that is if you are Muslim if you are a kafir at the time of death then you go to hell without being judged.)
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@JeffreyEdEpstein thank you for the explaination, but how puberty does not determine the capacity of withstanding sex? Doesn't sexual arousal in women determine that(for example lubrification)? Doesn't sexual arousal come with puberty?
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@JeffreyEdEpstein thank you for the explaination, but how is puberty not determine the capacity of withstanding sex? Doesn't sexual arousal in women determine that(for example lubrification)? Doesn't sexual arousal come with puberty?
The capacity is different from the arousal.

A well-hung man can cause damage to a woman who is very small compared to him. His strength also plays a big role here alongside the girl's. At that point lubrication won't matter.

You could say the same about a woman who marries a young pre-pubescent child. She could be too big for him maybe weight wise and he might not be able to withstand her and so on...
  • +1
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It means he didn't read your post. 0 words read.
also you should've pinged resident scholar @TRUE_CEL for this post, and perhaps other users knowledgable about Islam.
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers and JeffreyEdEpstein
It means he didn't read your post. 0 words read.
also you should've pinged resident scholar @TRUE_CEL for this post
I see, thank you.

I am new here I don't know the Muslim accounts, could you please introduce them to me?
I see, thank you.

I am new here I don't know the Muslim accounts, could you please introduce them to me?

Just type "Islam" into the thread searcher you'll probably find them. Lurk more too.



I consulted my teacher on this matter and I have realized that this is not true:

It is important to note here that if a man has sex with his 5-year-old bride knowing that it might hurt her then he is sinful but he cannot be punished by the law, therefore, no law on pedophilia exists in Islam. Even if said punishment were to exist, the man can claim he didn't know he could hurt her and the case would be dismissed, there are many ways to get out of punishment if you are willing to lie but Allah watches and will hold you accountable (that is if you are Muslim if you are a kafir at the time of death then you go to hell without being judged.)

If he knows he can hurt her then he is sinful and if he does not know then he is not sinful but he is still liable for the damages so he will be punished but it will be at the judges' discretion (otherwise known as ta'zir in arabic).

The reason why he is punished is that it is not permissible to harm your wife without a right.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 28731
It means he didn't read your post. 0 words read.
also you should've pinged resident scholar @TRUE_CEL for this post, and perhaps other users knowledgable about Islam.
Thanks for the tag. Child marriages are not permissible. By child I mean prepubescent children. Islamically speaking you are no longer a child when you enter puberty. However this does not mean that everyone who’s entered puberty should immediately marry. And if this is the case it should be done to someone close to their age.
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bruh, everyone already knows this. you didn't need to prove it. it's like 1+1=2 but great effort anyway
  • WTF
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Thanks for the tag. Child marriages are not permissible. By child I mean prepubescent children. Islamically speaking you are no longer a child when you enter puberty. However this does not mean that everyone who’s entered puberty should immediately marry. And if this is the case it should be done to someone close to their age.
Aisha was a child when she was married off to The Prophet ﷺ. See

Also, did you read the proofs I posted? I even posted a Quranic verse.

Believing child marriage is not permissible is kufr. Please repent and recant.
  • +1
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bruh, everyone already knows this. you didn't need to prove it. it's like 1+1=2 but great effort anyway
Did you not read the post, or something? I have given proofs through various sources like hadiths, verses and scholarly views. That was the whole point.
I don't see the problem here.
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Yeah, and Muslims will either deny it or go through all sorts of olympic level gymnastics to either defend it or handwave it away.

Islam is full of stuff like this and the thing is most Muslims are unaware as they just read and recite their religious texts in Arabic which they usually don't understand.
Yeah, and Muslims will either deny it or go through all sorts of olympic level gymnastics to either defend it or handwave it away.

Islam is full of stuff like this and the thing is most Muslims are unaware as they just read and recite their religious texts in Arabic which they usually don't understand.
Yes, this is true but every other religion is practically the same on this issue.

Muslims don't need to know Arabic to read & recite our texts. We get good deeds for simply reading the Quran.
Aisha was a child when she was married off to The Prophet ﷺ. See

Also, did you read the proofs I posted? I even posted a Quranic verse.

Believing child marriage is not permissible is kufr. Please repent and recant.
She wasn’t a prepubescent child. Your “proofs” don’t mean shit. She was between 14-18. 14-18 year olds aren’t prepubescent children. Up to 17 you’re legally underaged in today’s world but that doesn’t mean they are children biologically. It’s not me who should repent and recant but rather the idiot Sunni soyboys who justify actual pedophilia.
She wasn’t a prepubescent child. Your “proofs” don’t mean shit. She was between 14-18. 14-18 year olds aren’t prepubescent children. Up to 17 you’re legally underaged in today’s world but that doesn’t mean they are children biologically. It’s not me who should repent and recant but rather the idiot Sunni soyboys who justify actual pedophilia.
Sahih hadiths do not matter to you? Am I talking to a Shia?
Sahih hadiths do not matter to you? Am I talking to a Shia?
I’m not a Shia. But shia chaddams are better than Sunni soyboys when it comes to this matter. Hadith can be flawed even if classified as Sahih. It is the word of man, not the word of god.
I’m not a Shia. But shia chaddams are better than Sunni soyboys when it comes to this matter. Hadith can be flawed even if classified as Sahih. It is the word of man, not the word of god.
We were told that the religion would be preserved and the religion includes following the Prophet ﷺ, this means the hadith would have to be preserved.

Further, the way the hadiths are determined as sahih is the same way the Quran remained unchanged as the entire Quran is mutawatir.

You should not speak when you do not have the knowledge to do so.

Further you should say your shahdah again.

Also, if you are not shia then what are you exactly? I don't imagine you being Ibadi but could be one.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Michael Myers
We were told that the religion would be preserved and the religion includes following the Prophet ﷺ, this means the hadith would have to be preserved.

Further, the way the hadiths are determined as sahih is the same way the Quran remained unchanged as the entire Quran is mutawatir.

You should not speak when you do not have the knowledge to do so.

Further you should say your shahdah again.

Also, if you are not shia then what are you exactly? I don't imagine you being Ibadi but could be one.
You are a retarded Sunni pedophilia justifier. Aisha was not a child. My prophet is not a pedo. Don’t quote me if you continue being retarded. Thanks. :)
You are a retarded Sunni pedophilia justifier. Aisha was not a child. My prophet is not a pedo. Don’t quote me if you continue being retarded. Thanks. :)
You keep saying that but bring no proof.

Let's be honest, you cannot handle a prophet being a pedophile, can you? (I do not think of "pedophile" as a slur btw)

Abraham was told to sacrifice his child and he did as he was told. Of course G-d rewarded him by replacing his son with a sheep just as the sword was about to behead him but the point stands that it is G-d who decrees morality and not men. G-d has deemed pedophilia as halal and therefore, it is moral.
Narrated `Aisha:

"that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death)." - Sahih al-Bukhari 5134

Sahih al-bukhari is apparently the most authentic Islamic scripture after the quran
Narrated `Aisha:

"that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death)." - Sahih al-Bukhari 5134

Sahih al-bukhari is apparently the most authentic Islamic scripture after the quran
Doesn't work like that but the incident is true and it's mentioned in the post.

OP contains basically all proofs from scholars of the Quranic verse and its tafsir from a LOT of classical scholars.
You keep saying that but bring no proof.

Let's be honest, you cannot handle a prophet being a pedophile, can you? (I do not think of "pedophile" as a slur btw)

Abraham was told to sacrifice his child and he did as he was told. Of course G-d rewarded him by replacing his son with a sheep just as the sword was about to behead him but the point stands that it is G-d who decrees morality and not men. G-d has deemed pedophilia as halal and therefore, it is moral.
Why are you still talking? I have no interest in talking to pedo justifiers. Either you keep speaking in falsehood or you repent and take back the lies you are spreading.
Why are you still talking? I have no interest in talking to pedo justifiers. Either you keep speaking in falsehood or you repent and take back the lies you are spreading.
I speak in truth and shall keep doing so by the grace of Allah.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Michael Myers
@smvmaxxertilllate th father forgive them for they know nlt what they speak of
Lol. This thread is such a waste of time and energy. Who cares what some random dude did 1400 years ago?
  • JFL
Reactions: whiteissuperior
Lol. This thread is such a waste of time and energy. Who cares what some random dude did 1400 years ago?
Most of the things you call morality are influenced by people who lived thousands of years ago.

Take the ban on rape. Society largely accepts it wrong because people who do it are punished and always, it's been religion at the root cause of this ban. Every religion bans rape in some form or the other.

Ofcourse you are a retarded kafir so you will not understand. Most kafir do not.

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