Thinking high IQ = high success in life is RETARDED -- correlation != causation


Deleted member 20704

Doesn't vibe with humans much anymore.
Jul 12, 2022
About the dumbest gospel to come from PSL's hivemind is how the concept of "intelligence" is fluid, dynamic & measurable + a metric for success. The problem is you're retarded & have no idea why these things overlap.

IOW, you associate a successful person with -- in your mind -- a factorial, "intelligence," leading you to believe intelligence creates success, not merely the possibility that one can have success and just have whatever faculties necessary to do good on a measurement which makes you THINK intelligence -> success, not "success" being a doctrinized measurement used as a way to ensure certain sets of "understanding" meet a RULESET.

It's like a muscle -- you see a strong and big muscle, so you believe the size of the muscle created strength. You see a rich person with a "high IQ" so you believe their high IQ made them choose actions that made them rich. But does a muscle start strong & small & then become bigger and stronger, or what? What's the "consistency" here?

A muscle can be SMALL AND WEAK, and end up BIG AND STRONG -- but given the logical error fallacy of correlation not being causation, many would assume a muscle is STRONG because it GOT BIG -- but in order to get STRONG and BIG the muscle once probably was WEAK and SMALL -- now let's apply this to money.

A guy had less money and less IQ -- now he has more money so he must have more IQ. Okay, technically true among some testing, yes ...
But did the IQ make him rich, or does he just happen to be rich with a high IQ? Did the strong muscle make you bigger, or did the strong will to change adapt both to a standard? "Grew" together?

People never stick to their shit, they will backpedal and find holes in any theory as long as it doesn't make sense to them. IQ and wealth mean nothing -- they are associated but distinct data points that don't prove correlation = causation definitively. Anyone who thinks "getting smarter" will make them "get richer" is absolutely moronic for certain, regardless of what an IQ test shows. Even the smartest of people with high IQs never adamantly swear that IQ is what made them rich -- if they're honest they'll tell you what did ... LUCK. CIRCUMSTANCE. RANDOM FACTORS. Not "muh IQ points." Not just whatever YOU WANT the balls falling in random places to mean, or understand with limited reasoning as to why a doctor/Physicist/etc. MUST have a certain IQ range (it is due to institutionalization/reinforced learning which is why every "area" of work/study has set ranges of so-called "intelligence," not because muh intelligence is "free forming" or "flowing" and matches said job requirements organically). So muh IQ is a tool to FIT YOU IN TO A DOCTRINE, not a measurement of intellect/brain capacity or means WHICH means many use it INCORRECTLY in assessments or JUDGEMENTS.

If you believe IQ sets a principle or law of reasoning which enables one to universally apply some privilege or benefit of this data point or factorial to the end result of "getting richer" then you believe there exists some dimensional rift where universal or worldly laws rather operate differently when comparing "high IQ" to "low IQ" people, like as if God CHOSE these predetermined paths where "high IQ" glitches the universe in THEIR FAVOR.

Like, almost as if you believe some temporal wormhole appears magically to "reward" those born with a different data set for it without this different data set theoretically being able to alter rules of nature or laws that are circumvented or exceeded from the result of said "high IQ" and whatever presumed "benefits" it grants. But many here are legit fools who don't get it.

But you're retarded if you think this. The world benefits NOBODY ... Some people just have some things that randomly get rewarded, and there's no way anyone can definitively prove an association between 'X' and 'Y' regardless of what science article correlation -> causation papers or research any of you morons here will reply with. IQ is always "tied" or "capped" to SPECIFIC areas, which is why doctors ALWAYS have a range, lawyers have a range, etc. -- but it's useless ultimately because it only shows AN ASSOCIATION factor/"shape."

IQ will ALWAYS be favorable to those who HAVE IT just like money is always treasured by rich -- it's an associative principle or standard, not proof that one factor created the other. Matter & energy overlap, but energy cannot be created or destroyed ... This doesn't mean energy creates matter, or vice-versa, definitively. Things OVERLAP for MANY reasons -- but not the way you think.

Of course a nigger in Africa be dumb ... He walks around all day in the sun chucking spears, not reading words & enforcing certain patterns in his mind that "evolved" people would do. And ironically the dumb nigger in Africa probably has a much healthier body despite being dumb, so IQ is misleading. It's a sign that you "fit the mold" of whatever line of work/life/education you've been bogged in to, not that your place in life SUGGESTS intelligence brought you there. NO. You MOLDED yourself in to whatever life threw at you/made you, so you are the results of said molding, not that intelligence was "within" & you innately used that to magically get opportunities & advantages to ascend. So instead of "muh IQ" BS focus on COMMON SENSE.
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yes high iq doesn't necessarily = money
what was the point of posting this
About the dumbest gospel to come from PSL's hivemind is how the concept of "intelligence" is fluid, dynamic & measurable + a metric for success. The problem is you're retarded & have no idea why these things overlap.

IOW, you associate a successful person with -- in your mind -- a factorial, "intelligence," leading you to believe intelligence creates success, not merely the possibility that one can have success and just have whatever faculties necessary to do good on a measurement which makes you THINK intelligence -> success, not "success" being a doctrinized measurement used as a way to ensure certain sets of "understanding" meet a RULESET.

It's like a muscle -- you see a strong and big muscle, so you believe the size of the muscle created strength. You see a rich person with a "high IQ" so you believe their high IQ made them choose actions that made them rich. But does a muscle start strong & small & then become bigger and stronger, or what? What's the "consistency" here?

A muscle can be SMALL AND WEAK, and end up BIG AND STRONG -- but given the logical error fallacy of correlation not being causation, many would assume a muscle is STRONG because it GOT BIG -- but in order to get STRONG and BIG the muscle once probably was WEAK and SMALL -- now let's apply this to money.

A guy had less money and less IQ -- now he has more money so he must have more IQ. Okay, technically true among some testing, yes ...
But did the IQ make him rich, or does he just happen to be rich with a high IQ? Did the strong muscle make you bigger, or did the strong will to change adapt both to a standard? "Grew" together?

People never stick to their shit, they will backpedal and find holes in any theory as long as it doesn't make sense to them. IQ and wealth mean nothing -- they are associated but distinct data points that don't prove correlation = causation definitively. Anyone who thinks "getting smarter" will make them "get richer" is absolutely moronic for certain, regardless of what an IQ test shows. Even the smartest of people with high IQs never adamantly swear that IQ is what made them rich -- if they're honest they'll tell you what did ... LUCK. CIRCUMSTANCE. RANDOM FACTORS. Not "muh IQ points." Not just whatever YOU WANT the balls falling in random places to mean, or understand with limited reasoning as to why a doctor/Physicist/etc. MUST have a certain IQ range (it is due to institutionalization/reinforced learning which is why every "area" of work/study has set ranges of so-called "intelligence," not because muh intelligence is "free forming" or "flowing" and matches said job requirements organically). So muh IQ is a tool to FIT YOU IN TO A DOCTRINE, not a measurement of intellect/brain capacity or means WHICH means many use it INCORRECTLY in assessments or JUDGEMENTS.

If you believe IQ sets a principle or law of reasoning which enables one to universally apply some privilege or benefit of this data point or factorial to the end result of "getting richer" then you believe there exists some dimensional rift where universal or worldly laws rather operate differently when comparing "high IQ" to "low IQ" people, like as if God CHOSE these predetermined paths where "high IQ" glitches the universe in THEIR FAVOR.

Like, almost as if you believe some temporal wormhole appears magically to "reward" those born with a different data set for it without this different data set theoretically being able to alter rules of nature or laws that are circumvented or exceeded from the result of said "high IQ" and whatever presumed "benefits" it grants. But many here are legit fools who don't get it.

But you're retarded if you think this. The world benefits NOBODY ... Some people just have some things that randomly get rewarded, and there's no way anyone can definitively prove an association between 'X' and 'Y' regardless of what science article correlation -> causation papers or research any of you morons here will reply with. IQ is always "tied" or "capped" to SPECIFIC areas, which is why doctors ALWAYS have a range, lawyers have a range, etc. -- but it's useless ultimately because it only shows AN ASSOCIATION factor.

IQ will ALWAYS be favorable to those who HAVE IT just like money is always treasured by rich -- it's an associative principle or standard, not proof that one factor created the other. Matter & energy overlap, but energy cannot be created or destroyed ... This doesn't mean energy creates matter, or vice-versa, definitively. Things OVERLAP for MANY reasons -- but not the way you think.
i didnt read a single shit but the title is obvious. Theres not even a big correlation if u want me to be honest. The smartest people ive ever met were people who has salaries average/above average. Capitalism is not fair and everyone who think it is is completely mental and will be eaten by it.
iq is not real

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