Western Money is Debt



Apr 19, 2023
Western money, the euro, the dollar and any other currency within that hemisphere, that isn't back by gold, silver, any precious metal, or any other rare and valuable thing deemed valuable by the members of society themselves is nothing but debt.

Ever since coming off the gold standard in 1933, but officially in 1971, the US dollar has been supported by nothing besides international terrorism conducted by the US government (no not by muh terrorists sandniggers). From proxy wars in the Middle East, to overthrowing governments in South America, the US has made sure that they are the world superpower, in opportunities, in wealth, and in the military. No other country has been able to rise and offer it's natives as well as the world the unique fruits it can bear that can change the reality for the human race as a whole.

This causes an influx of immigrants to run to the Western countries because their homes are ruined in some way or another. They build the infrastructure as well as be the walkway to the rest of the citizens of that respective nation. Those who have other plans whether they are immigrants or the children of them typically get into some sort of debt.

This is where it starts to come all together.

It doesn't have to be immigrants in this case. They could be the descendants of George Washington for all I care. They need to get into some sort of debt. This is why they push college so much. Get student loans. If not credit cards, maybe medical debt, overdraft fees, mortgages, car loans, personal loans. It goes on and on. The average American owes nearly ONE AND A HALF TIMES more money in debts than they make per year. US citizens are, in total, 17 trillion dollars in debt.

" And what if we don't pay"

The interest will accumulate. They will take your car, your house. Any possessions worth taking they will take. After that court hearings. Don't show up to those? Police will come after you. Failure to appear is a cherry on the shit ton of money you owe. Still refuse to pay? Jail time for you buddy boy:feelswhy:.

The US is nothing but a mafia pretending that what they print out incessantly is actually worth something. This will become extremally apparent once they roll out CBDCs on our asses and they can wipe money clean from the goddamn line of code because you bought red meat and eggs, or a gun one too many times.

The US screams capitalism at the top of their lungs and believe they are truly for free enterprise but that's bullshit. Free enterprise entails letting the people choose which product is better.

However through ganging up with NATO, causing regional instability via the CIA or through proxy wars and getting other nations riled up, Ukraine VS Russia, or Afghan vs the Soviet Union they have rigged the marketplace of countries so to speak that could rival the United States and bring across a fairer, more peaceful, more rich and superior nation, or at least a nation that can be called a first world nation that has amenities, good education, healthcare and infrastructure. The United States is the only choice, the only endpoint which gives them ridiculous leverage over the affairs of their country as well as the world and who they deem to be their allies.
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westerners earn the most money because they produce the most value.

because of genetically higher iq, better technology, higher education, better business systems, biggest businesses there, businesses which produce the most high value products/services.

only room temperature iq brown bois think currency is about nonsense like that
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  • JFL
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westerners earn the most money because they produce the most value.
Through what means. If I shot Albert Einstein because he was jewish, we would be missing alot of shit today. The essence is the same. It would be more probable than not that in these destroyed countries throughout Latin America and the Middle East we would have alot more innovators, thinkers and inventors that could have advanced human technology, philosophy and other areas of life
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also every country has mortgages debt and credit card debt. what a fucking autist
because of genetically higher iq, better technology, higher education, better business systems, biggest businesses there, businesses which produce the most high value products/services.
Better genetics:lul:

While the white race was painting their faces blue and doing fuck all, the Islamic Golden Age was happening.

Inventions which laid the groundwork for you charlatans to take credit for and further develop include:

Algorithm and Algebra- Al-Khwariszmi
Chemistry and Alchemy- Jabir Ibn Hayyan
Medicine and Philosophy- Ibn Sina
Philosophy- Al Farabi
Optics and Medicine- Al Kindi
Optics and physics - Al Haytham
Astronomy and Mathematics- Nasir al din al tusi
Ibn Zuhr- Surgery and Medicine
Al Jazari- mechanical engineering and robotics

Shall I keep going

Baghdad was the New York of the world back in the Islamic Golden Age and they were the superior society without any cowardly games that it took the US to win.
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also every country has mortgages debt and credit card debt. what a fucking autist
to the degree the US has? It's a sinking ship that has fuck you written all over but keep sucking their dick :ROFLMAO:.
higher education, better business systems, biggest businesses there, businesses which produce the most high value products/services.

Your fucking with me?!!

Nah tell me when the joke ends
Better genetics:lul:

While the white race was painting their faces blue and doing fuck all, the Islamic Golden Age was happening.

Inventions which laid the groundwork for you charlatans to take credit for and further develop include:

Algorithm and Algebra- Al-Khwariszmi
Chemistry and Alchemy- Jabir Ibn Hayyan
Medicine and Philosophy- Ibn Sina
Philosophy- Al Farabi
Optics and Medicine- Al Kindi
Optics and physics - Al Haytham
Astronomy and Mathematics- Nasir al din al tusi
Ibn Zuhr- Surgery and Medicine
Al Jazari- mechanical engineering and robotics

Shall I keep going

Baghdad was the New York of the world back in the Islamic Golden Age and they were the superior society without any cowardly games that it took the US to win.
yes better genetics

white people have the highest IQ and all meaningful inventions were british or american.

keep coping though

muslims still live in mudhuts
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to the degree the US has? It's a sinking ship that has fuck you written all over but keep sucking their dick :ROFLMAO:.
lol ur so jealous and everyone here can see it and is laughing at you

yes all countries people go into debt for mortgages , stop acting like its just a usa thing just cos ur jealous
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because of genetically higher iq, better technology, higher education, better business systems, biggest businesses there, businesses which produce the most high value products/services.
The US can't even keep its own pants on without suspenders. They are drowning in debt and their only solution isn't to make " muh superior businesses that can sustain and get us out of this sinking ship" but to raise the imaginary debt ceiling to fuck all because of their dumbass choices.

Jews own your country and it's a damn Las Vegas casino for them. Crashes every 20 years, billions lost, citizens who loose everything and have to work when they are senile and needs to wear diapers for God's sake.

All that shines isn't gold, and if you know anything about US history you know about the Gilded Age.

Everything wrapped in Gold, but rusting underneath
  • So Sad
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The US can't even keep its own pants on without suspenders. They are drowning in debt and their only solution isn't to make " muh superior businesses that can sustain and get us out of this sinking ship" but to raise the imaginary debt ceiling to fuck all because of their dumbass choices.

Jews own your country and it's a damn Las Vegas casino for them. Crashes every 20 years, billions lost, citizens who loose everything and have to work when they are senile and needs to wear diapers for God's sake.

All that shines isn't gold, and if you know anything about US history you know about the Gilded Age.

Everything wrapped in Gold, but rusting underneath
lmao all of those things are just made up inside your head to cope

meanwhile WASP british white men who run USA spend tax payers money on bombing your muslim homelands for fun and you do nothing back

and theyre doing it right now in israel/palestine

Muslims in the west work every day on minimum wage for their white masters and then 30% of their income on taxes goes towards bombs and weapons to slaughter their own muslim people in israel 🤣

White people have ruled the world for the last 2000 years and will continue to do so forever if you know anything about economics and theres nothing a little brown boi like you can do to change it
  • +1
Reactions: nanefer
yes better genetics

white people have the highest IQ and all meaningful inventions were british or american.

keep coping though

muslims still live in mudhuts
Do you need glasses or something. Did you not just read what I fucking wrote. All these damn things laid the groundwork for the fucking Europeans to only further develop. It's like solving the problem after getting hints. You fuckers were in the damn dark ages without a goddamn clue for half a millennia due to " muh Jesus is KANG" then you realized the Middle East was where it was popping, then you come, get knowledge and created the renaissance age.
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Do you need glasses or something. Did you not just read what I fucking wrote. All these damn things laid the groundwork for the fucking Europeans to only further develop. It's like solving the problem after getting hints. You fuckers were in the damn dark ages without a goddamn clue for half a millennia due to " muh Jesus is KANG" then you realized the Middle East was where it was popping, then you come, get knowledge and created the renaissance age.
yeah sure buddy. whatever u say
lmao all of those things are just made up inside your head to cope
Research bank crashes throughout Europe and America. The reason why Hitler gained power in the 3rd reich was because the German breadwinners of their families were sick and tired of the Jews going on a gambling spree with the funds that these same breadwinners deposited into their savings and investment accounts in hopes that they could create a bit of wealth for themselves, but the Jews fucked that all up from 1847 notably until 1929. Hitler offered them what they so desperately thought would be their solution
  • +1
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Do you need glasses or something. Did you not just read what I fucking wrote. All these damn things laid the groundwork for the fucking Europeans to only further develop. It's like solving the problem after getting hints. You fuckers were in the damn dark ages without a goddamn clue for half a millennia due to " muh Jesus is KANG" then you realized the Middle East was where it was popping, then you come, get knowledge and created the renaissance age.
Ignore him its a white manlet coping. White people could literally bang two stones together and he would say "superior genes iq wasp peak genetic specimen"
  • JFL
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Research bank crashes throughout Europe and America. The reason why Hitler gained power in the 3rd reich was because the German breadwinners of their families were sick and tired of the Jews going on a gambling spree with the funds that these same breadwinners deposited into their savings and investment accounts in hopes that they could create a bit of wealth for themselves, but the Jews fucked that all up from 1847 notably until 1929. Hitler offered them what they so desperately thought would be their solution
bro just look in the mirror and accept, you are jealous of white people because their genetics and societiies are better than you in every aspect.

but stop seething out in public like this, its embarrassing. just work on yourself and maybe one day you can be like them if u try hard enough

meanwhile WASP british white men who run USA spend tax payers money on bombing your muslim homelands for fun and you do nothing back
Isreal is losing the media war somehow :lul: . Their armies are very weak in terms of ground solider. Sure they can rain death from the skies all they want, but their is plenty of footage and media about how traumatized their solider are. Plenty of their own civilians don't even support their actions, and they are being arrested and silenced by their police.

Their country is really divided, and in the right moment it will crumble, possibly without any outside pressure
Isreal is losing the media war somehow :lul: . Their armies are very weak in terms of ground solider. Sure they can rain death from the skies all they want, but their is plenty of footage and media about how traumatized their solider are. Plenty of their own civilians don't even support their actions, and they are being arrested and silenced by their police.

Their country is really divided, and in the right moment it will crumble, possibly without any outside pressure
keep coping boyo. they are slaughtering muslims there with western tax dollars for fun and its only going to get worse now usa is involved

not the second time we've slaughtered muslims for fun

ur so harmless and easy to slaughter its hilarious

the entire of the west looks at you guys as a laughing stock who we bully for fun and you do nothing but suffer
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Ignore him its a white manlet coping. White people could literally bang two stones together and he would say "superior genes iq wasp peak genetic specimen"
I could tell. Insanely illogical and feminine guy. He adopts the personality and life he himself could never have. It's like calling myself a oil billionare.
I could tell. Insanely illogical and feminine guy. He adopts the personality and life he himself could never have. It's like calling myself a oil billionare.
R you arab
keep coping boyo. they are slaughtering muslims there with western tax dollars for fun and its only going to get worse now usa is involved

not the second time we've slaughtered muslims for fun

ur so harmless and easy to slaughter its hilarious

the entire of the west looks at you guys as a laughing stock who we bully for fun and you do nothing but suffer
The pendulum swings both ways my friend, it'll be your turn and all those who oppose what's right and good in the future.
bro just look in the mirror and accept, you are jealous of white people because their genetics and societiies are better than you in every aspect.

but stop seething out in public like this, its embarrassing. just work on yourself and maybe one day you can be like them if u try hard enough

the fuck am I jealous of white people for? One guy here is the manlet and it isn't me here. Insecure motherfucker trynna smear me with his inferiority complex :ROFLMAO:
White people have ruled the world for the last 2000 years and will continue to do so forever if you know anything about economics and theres nothing a little brown boi like you can do to change it
Are we living in the year 3500? " Muh wasp superior wite man" was in caves going all sorts of madness. Unless you want to adopt the Roman personality in which in that case the Bebers were scamming your ass for the entire duration of your empire getting filthy rich as a motherfucker.
bro just look in the mirror and accept, you are jealous of white people because their genetics and societiies are better than you in every aspect.

but stop seething out in public like this, its embarrassing. just work on yourself and maybe one day you can be like them if u try hard enough

You're 5'4.
Didn't wanna bring it up, but seeing as how you are mentally superior it shouldn't bother you.
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You're 5'4.
Didn't wanna bring it up, but seeing as how you are mentally superior it shouldn't bother you.
Is the shit that I'm saying in this thread really that mind gobbling. Seems like water to me
Is the shit that I'm saying in this thread really that mind gobbling. Seems like water to me
Tbh whatever you say doesn't make a difference in the bigger picture, It's just another .org thread.
(btw stop arguing with coping white incels, you're wasting your time)
Western money is faker than a post op tranny pussy
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Tbh whatever you say doesn't make a difference in the bigger picture, It's just another .org thread.
(btw stop arguing with coping white incels, you're wasting your time)
fair enough I barley post here. Just check in every so often to see if there is something new about looksmaxxing that I can learn
fair enough I barley post here. Just check in every so often to see if there is something new about looksmaxxing that I can learn
Good on you, at least you don't live here and actually have a life.
The interest will accumulate. They will take your car, your house.
Not if I don't own anything. Declare bankruptcy and pocket the money.
Not if I don't own anything. Declare bankruptcy and pocket the money.
if you have a w-2 and are a average citizen it's jailtime for you
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if you have a w-2 and are a average citizen it's jailtime for you
Depends on the country, but that's what the original post is about anyway.

westerners earn the most money because they produce the most value.

because of genetically higher iq, better technology, higher education, better business systems, biggest businesses there, businesses which produce the most high value products/services.

only room temperature iq brown bois think currency is about nonsense like that
nah he's right. for the west to be prosperous we need to export our problems and garbage and import cheap shit made in poverty nations. show some respect
  • JFL
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westerners earn the most money because they produce the most value.

because of genetically higher iq, better technology, higher education, better business systems, biggest businesses there, businesses which produce the most high value products/services.

only room temperature iq brown bois think currency is about nonsense like that
What about china and saudi
  • Hmm...
All Hail Europa
high IQ
read everything.
burgurland is the main character in this world.
provide all super opportunity than anywhere else.
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