what looksmaxxing has done to my life



get ripped or die mirin
Feb 28, 2019
when i was new to this forum, i posted pics of myself for advice + rating. i got rated psl 5.5/high tier normie with potential up, if i follow the steps (ill list them below what i did). i was pretty happy about the results cuz i saw myself as less attractive and people on here usually rate pretty harshly. so after people telling me a few things like growing out my hair etc i did the following:

-growing out hair,
-mewing/correct tongue posture in general
-gym (already doing this since 3 years)
-neck training
-eyebrow maxxing
-expressionmaxxing (pretty much squinting and not looking beta in pictures)
-skin maxxing (moisturizing 2x a day, sunscreen, face wash)
-low inhibmaxxing (generally not giving a fuck but im like this for a while already anyways)

what has changed for me since i looksmaxx?


-i had 9 girl approaches since february 2019 and know at least 2-3 girls that got a crush on me.

girls ranging from psl 2.5 (crush) to psl 6.5 (approach). some were very direct, asking for my number, others were just waving at me asking if i want candy from them.
-i get treated very nicely by literally everyone. even if i drive like shit in my bmw, people look mad but when they see me they don't say anything etc. also cashiers are so much nicer to me than my friends if we buy something together or guys who stand behind me
-friends of me get jealous when i talk with their girlfriends. i realized this when some friend of me kept comming eventho he was pretty busy when i talked to his gf. she also offered me to drive me home but he went like "noo, no need for that" etc.

approaches before 2019: 1


-im pretty sure i got bdd. remember when i said i was happy about being rated psl 5.5? i would probably not be satisfied with this result anymore and would expect to get rated higher. if i go outside and don't get an iOi or approached, it will leave me sad and i will keep making photos of myself looking depressed and tired making it even worse. i take more pictures a week than i did 1-2 years ago in the whole year. since i get approached i also feel that i'm not that attracted to my gf anymore eventho she is pretty and mogged all of the girls that have a crush on me or approached me apart from 1 maybe.

so keep in mind, looksmaxxing brings a lot of positive things but there is also a lot of negative shit comming. the human brain is just built like that, you will never be fully satisfied with yourself, even if you are a psl 7 model, you will probably still look at chico or barret and feel like shit.
show pics faggot
thats why you need both looksmaxxing and mentalmaxxing at the same time
preaching this for years now
lol, these are very very soft looksmaxxes man. it won't do a shit in your psl scale. you are just being delusional
  • +1
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good for you dudester
lol, these are very very soft looksmaxxes man. it won't do a shit in your psl scale. you are just being delusional
how do you explain that 9 girls approached me since i looksmax and only 1 did like 4 years ago?
how do you explain that 9 girls approached me since i looksmax and only 1 did like 4 years ago?

"approaching". bet you are one of these cunts that extragging it lol. unless you are psl 7 or higher, no one will cold approach you buddy
also posture and hair alone can raise i like 1 psl
"approaching". bet you are one of these cunts that extragging it lol. unless you are psl 7 or higher, no one will cold approach you buddy
2 seperate girls literally asked for my number retard. 1 gl blonde girl asked me if she can drink with me at a bar while ignoring my friends, 2 waving at me yesterday while i was with a mate, asking if i want to sit down with them and eat popcorn, 2 randomly sitting next to me on a bench midnight asking how my day was etc., if i wanz to party with them and so on
stoo being jealous retard
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