Look at the nose, that's what dedicating yourself to MMA as a lifestyle does

Do not practice martial arts that damage your face if you do not want to suffer a brutal descent

Do Jiu-Jitsu
I did jew jitsu as a kis. It'd pretty fun:feelsautistic:
1.) That's a claim with nothing to back it up. You have no companies or governments forcing companies to hire lesser qualified whites over blacks instead it's the opposite. This is all in the name of DIEversity which means less white people.
2.) Stereotypes are going to happen no matter what you do and this is a multicultural country and the whites are going to be the minority soon. This means all races even the blacks could be stereotyping their own people. It's for a reason too. So even if you could pull something out of your ass even though companies and governments have policies in place to force hire blacks, there's not much you can do about stereotyping unless you just have a quota for all businesses to force them to hire 80% blacks like South Africa and if they don't you shut down their business permanently. LOL that's probably the least fair thing to do is forced equality. There's an equal opportunity for everyone and you're leaving out things like experience, education, achievements, etc. You automatically assume if someone doesn't get a job it's because they're black.

3.) LOL innocent skittles boy as the media portrayed. Unfortunately most if not all those cases pushed on the mainstream media (EDOMITES slave masters own 96% of the mainstream media so they tell you what to think and believe and they got you good). For example the Skittles dude was a fucking grown as nigga. Dude was taller than the dude who killed him in self defense and he was nearly 18 years old. This security guard was not white he was Hispanic and had a youth program for black kids so he could tutor them. He qas doing his job as Skittle bitch wasn't supposed to be there and he got pissed off so made threats to the Hispanic dude and then eventually punched him right in the damn face. There were multiple witnesses that seen this shit but the media lied to get the blacks pissed off and think white cops are just out to kill innocent blacks for no reason. It's all a lie. I researched all of these cases, watched the testimonies, the court cases, witness statements, etc etc. The only one that was legit was the 12 year old black kid that pointed an all black airsoft gun at a cop and the cop killed him thinking it was real. In the end if you do actual research you'll find nearly all these are lies by the Edomite mainstream media and the blacks qere the aggressors and armed. STOP BELIEVING THE EDOMITE OQNED MEDIA BRO. TF???

4.) It turns out more whites are murdered by cops and specifically black cops than blacks are murdered by cops. This qas proven by a black Harvard professor who expected the opposite as he believed the mainstream narrative and was shocked at his findings. There are thousands more whites being killed than blacks by cops yet it's never EVER on the mainstream media. One white kid qas killed by a black cop because of his bumper sticker and this cop was known for being racist to whites. The people gave the story to the media but they never covered it and NEVER COVER ANY OF THEM. Try looking up on YouTube any stories of black cops killing the white victims and see if the mainstream media covered it. You will not find it. Meanwhile there was one year where cops only killed 2 blacks and the media ran the story for months to promote more hatred of whites. After these incidents the dumb blacks start burning doqn and robbing the cities these things happened in. Many of the businesses are black businesses.

5.) The main thing oppressing blacks is black mentality, believing the mainstream media/government narratives, blacks killing and robbing other blacks and blacks destroying black businesses. Your own people and own brains are the reason for high poverty, high crime rates, low IQ's, etc.

6.) Home appraisals being lowered help lower your property taxes so they're doing you a favor. BLACK privilege. The main values for selling your home are based on algorithms that don't take into account the owners.

7.) HAHAHA, anecdotal claims again for jobs. Shit, I bet I could apply to 100 fortune 500 companies qith a virtually identical resume but change my name to a black name and I'll get a ton of interviews. Fortune 500 companies openly hire lesser qualified blacks over whites for DIEversity.

In conclusion whites are being discriminated against for jobs, scholarships and college acceptance (affirmative action and this is being replaced with companies hiring based on die varsity quotas. The cops murder them at vastly higher rates according to the Harvard study done by a black professor who thought the blacks were murdered at higher rates. NOPE, cops use kiddy gloves with blacks as they're afraid of losing their job due to the lamestream media lying. Blacks could stab the cops and if the cop kills a black the media will get that person fired or imprisoned with fake news.

Racist communist party gets S and P 100 corporations to hire 300k people and 94% are black.

Whites hire more blacks at a higher percentage than any other minority group other than black employers.
Black employers hire blacks at a 50% rate yet are only 13% of the population. Are you going to complain about the whites and other minorities being racially profiled by black employers? https://www.irp.wisc.edu/publications/dps/pdfs/dp123601.pdf

This is supposed to be the whites country yet they're discriminated against more so than any other race in their own damn country.
The thing is, if whites stand up for their rights and speak out, the mainstream media calls them racist, neo nazis, supremacists and they lose their jobs, careers, cancelled, harassed, death threats, etc. There can be no Martin Luther King for us because speaking out for our rights is illegal or at best laughed at and mocked because everybody believes the Edomites in white privilege, white fragility, white guilt, and being anti-white overall. This is openly taught in schools and by the media and you've fallen for it hook line and sinker.
Youre crazy to think that small private sector owned firms are hiring blacks, especially in certain places in America. Its a bit better in the public sector due to government intervention.

Please google, how many black people are executives and managers in these so called firms.? We're not talking shitty entry positions.

All performative bullshit, giving entry level jobs to blacks and creating a concrete ceiling for them. Whilst you guys can climb as high as you need.

Its unfair that blacks need a degree as a bare minimum to have a chance, unless lucky in sports, music, entertainment etc..

I think integration was a fucking mistake, blacks were better off in segregation minus the Jim Crow and other vile policies.
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Youre crazy to think that small private sector owned firms are hiring blacks, especially in certain places in America. Its a bit better in the public sector due to government intervention.

Please google, how many black people are executives and managers in these so called firms.? We're not talking shitty entry positions.

All performative bullshit, giving entry level jobs to blacks and creating a concrete ceiling for them. Whilst you guys can climb as high as you need.

Its unfair that blacks need a degree as a bare minimum to have a chance, unless lucky in sports, music, entertainment etc..

I think integration was a fucking mistake, blacks were better off in segregation minus the Jim Crow and other vile policies.
Again, there's zero government or business policies forcing people to not hire blacks. IT's the exact opposite. You're like Don Quixote fighting windmills believing they're evil Windmills and seeing problems where they don't exist.

Where are the policies or anything that states blacks can't become managers? That's like dumbass women saying the wage gap BS when that's been proven to be pure fiction. Or it's like blacks being owners in the NFL. Should the NFL force teams to sell to blacks that have neither the money nor experience to own a team? Again, you're talking about forced equality for blacks and that's the most evil thing one can do is forced equality where no problem exist.

what laws are holding blacks back from becoming business owner's?

Sports, music and entertainment is their strong suits and thrive in those industries. Should the white man complain about being oppressed in the NBA as the NBA is 75% black and 16% white in a nation with nearly 60% white and 13% black. Should the whites start protesting in the streets for this pure racism? Or is this just a matter of merit over race, performance over skin color.

You falsely attribute everything to skin color and not performance/merit anywhere blacks either don't have an advantage or underperform. Poverty, IQ, crime rates, employment and job seniority. You blame all this on so called racism yet take 0 accountability and just accepting that blacks underperform in specific areas and do great in other areas. Yet the areas they excel in you don't blame racism against white people and just accept as blacks are superior. You can't take your cake and eat it too. There's no government or company policies or laws that hold back blacks but instead it's the exact opposite yet you'll never believe this no matter hoq much evidence is contrary to your belief system.

Noq you're getting somewhere yes qe should be in separate nations or continents as that would be even better. Schools do not tell you that Abe Lincoln actually tried to send the blacks back to Africa but they kept dying on the ships, so the mission failed. He had a letter stating the whites and blacks qoul be better off separate. I agree with this 100%.

The question is, if the US and or white nations so bad then why do all the shitskins come to our lands? Why do they not leave? Nobody is preventing them from leaving. Go to fucking Israel and take what is rightfully yours from those Edomites who put you guys in the slave ships and kept you as slaves in America and in other Nations they sold you off. It makes no logical sense that all the non qhites complain about evil whites yet they go to white nations more than any race and they refuse to leave.

As stated before the blacks have it easier in the US than any other race compared to any other nation they go to. It's literally like taking candy from a baby. If you say they can't leave because they're too poor then this is where the gov should step up and offer 100k to every non white to GTFO of the US and never come back. I see no better options because no matter how much free shit we gift to the blacks and hoq much advantages they'll always complain the white man is oppressing them and blame them for their own problems and never take any accountability for their problems. That's the way it's been and things are never going to change.

I've asked many times show me a law, regulation or policy from any company, organization, government, etc that oppresses blacks in the US. You can't because all these things are actually giving privileges to blacks. All you can reference is anecdotal claims, Edomite owned mainstream media lies about cop incidents, and just thinking what people say or believe is effecting your life. Me and nobody can help a problem if you can't point out the cause or else we're just throwing money and time at something that can't be fought.
BLM has probably raised or been funded for over billions of dollars since inception and what improvements have they made? Perhaps instead of destroying, robbing and burning down businesses, attacking cops, blaming whites, etc, they should better allocate resources to help develop black businesses, cast out black victim mentality, starting private schools and trades, mentor program for life training outside of schools (debt, credit, investing, real estate, business, self sufficiency, off grid) and helping build non Chapter 304 churches and build a community that has a connection to YAH the creator.

Those are the best solutions I can give, either GTFO forever or start taking accountability and stop blaming this guy or this entity and build up the community over time. Complaining, bitching, destroying, killing, raping, drugs, etc is only going to make your situation even worse.
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Its not about laws, but systemic, institutional oppression.
You dont understand how generational wealth works, plus many blacks were denied homes.

Things dont work in a vacuum, history, and policies and racist culture are all interconnected.
Again, there's zero government or business policies forcing people to not hire blacks. IT's the exact opposite. You're like Don Quixote fighting windmills believing they're evil Windmills and seeing problems where they don't exist.

Where are the policies or anything that states blacks can't become managers? That's like dumbass women saying the wage gap BS when that's been proven to be pure fiction. Or it's like blacks being owners in the NFL. Should the NFL force teams to sell to blacks that have neither the money nor experience to own a team? Again, you're talking about forced equality for blacks and that's the most evil thing one can do is forced equality where no problem exist.

what laws are holding blacks back from becoming business owner's?

Sports, music and entertainment is their strong suits and thrive in those industries. Should the white man complain about being oppressed in the NBA as the NBA is 75% black and 16% white in a nation with nearly 60% white and 13% black. Should the whites start protesting in the streets for this pure racism? Or is this just a matter of merit over race, performance over skin color.

You falsely attribute everything to skin color and not performance/merit anywhere blacks either don't have an advantage or underperform. Poverty, IQ, crime rates, employment and job seniority. You blame all this on so called racism yet take 0 accountability and just accepting that blacks underperform in specific areas and do great in other areas. Yet the areas they excel in you don't blame racism against white people and just accept as blacks are superior. You can't take your cake and eat it too. There's no government or company policies or laws that hold back blacks but instead it's the exact opposite yet you'll never believe this no matter hoq much evidence is contrary to your belief system.

Noq you're getting somewhere yes qe should be in separate nations or continents as that would be even better. Schools do not tell you that Abe Lincoln actually tried to send the blacks back to Africa but they kept dying on the ships, so the mission failed. He had a letter stating the whites and blacks qoul be better off separate. I agree with this 100%.

The question is, if the US and or white nations so bad then why do all the shitskins come to our lands? Why do they not leave? Nobody is preventing them from leaving. Go to fucking Israel and take what is rightfully yours from those Edomites who put you guys in the slave ships and kept you as slaves in America and in other Nations they sold you off. It makes no logical sense that all the non qhites complain about evil whites yet they go to white nations more than any race and they refuse to leave.

As stated before the blacks have it easier in the US than any other race compared to any other nation they go to. It's literally like taking candy from a baby. If you say they can't leave because they're too poor then this is where the gov should step up and offer 100k to every non white to GTFO of the US and never come back. I see no better options because no matter how much free shit we gift to the blacks and hoq much advantages they'll always complain the white man is oppressing them and blame them for their own problems and never take any accountability for their problems. That's the way it's been and things are never going to change.

I've asked many times show me a law, regulation or policy from any company, organization, government, etc that oppresses blacks in the US. You can't because all these things are actually giving privileges to blacks. All you can reference is anecdotal claims, Edomite owned mainstream media lies about cop incidents, and just thinking what people say or believe is effecting your life. Me and nobody can help a problem if you can't point out the cause or else we're just throwing money and time at something that can't be fought.
BLM has probably raised or been funded for over billions of dollars since inception and what improvements have they made? Perhaps instead of destroying, robbing and burning down businesses, attacking cops, blaming whites, etc, they should better allocate resources to help develop black businesses, cast out black victim mentality, starting private schools and trades, mentor program for life training outside of schools (debt, credit, investing, real estate, business, self sufficiency, off grid) and helping build non Chapter 304 churches and build a community that has a connection to YAH the creator.

Those are the best solutions I can give, either GTFO forever or start taking accountability and stop blaming this guy or this entity and build up the community over time. Complaining, bitching, destroying, killing, raping, drugs, etc is only going to make your situation even worse.
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Its not about laws, but systemic, institutional oppression.
You dont understand how generational wealth works, plus many blacks were denied homes.

Things dont work in a vacuum, history, and policies and racist culture are all interconnected.
False, I know how generational wealth works and I know you can change your financial situations and build generational wealth in less than 10 years as I'm living proof. I started renting out my credit cards 10 years ago as I had 20 of them and discovered the tradelines and basically took 3 years of this accumulated passive income and put it all into Cardano in 2017 when it first came out (no ID required at this time). I was just looking for qays of building passive income since I didn't qant to depend on my military pension and I found tradelines then I researched the crypto markets in 2015 and tested bitcoin but had some balls and put in a large sum in Cardano after researching this coin and that was it. The markets didn't care if I was black or white. I didn't come from wealth nor did my father and I qas never given anything outside of a super Nintendo in 1991 and a $500 laptop as a graduation present lol as those are the most expensive things my father got me. Outside of family the most I ever received was $100.

Now I have 10 acres on my own self sufficient off grid land and 3 real estate properties (with land patents so no property taxes and no loan as I paid upfront). There's no excuses, anybody can build generational wealth and it just takes some time and energy. If you just believe you're oppressed and can't build wealth due to your skin color then it becomes your reality.

With that being said, even though I know the Edomites control many things and oppress the white man, I didn't develop a victim mentality and just give up. I worked to free myself, become self sufficient and help others do the same. The only one holding me back for my first 18 years in the military was me because I put all my focus and energy in the military and education. That helped me earn a pension but not freedom that I sleeked. Heck to this day you can still rent out your credit cards on tradelines today and there are still methods to acquire crypto with rewards cards so no Identification required. Neither option cares about your race.

I'm done here as I can't make you change your mentality as that's up to you but I wish you good luck.
I know how generational wealth works and I know you can change your financial situations and build generational wealth in less than 10 years as I'm living proof.
The majority of people born poor will never build generational wealth. You are nothing more than a statistical outlier lolol. Legit survivorship bias “cuz I can do it anybody can bro!”
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The majority of people born poor will never build generational wealth. You are nothing more than a statistical outlier lolol. Legit survivorship bias “cuz I can do it anybody can bro!”
My point was that it's possible no matter what your race, class, etc. I didn't need school, a mentor, millions of dollars to do qhat i did. I simply desired freedom and asked how do I get there. I eventually started helping people do the same. I found out quickly that people are lazy and not motivated so even if I give them the answers to the test they still fail.
My point was that it's possible no matter what your race, class, etc.
Bro we are on a Blackpill forum and you are really trying to say your race or class doesn’t have a significant influence over your life outcomes?

Wait what happened to certain races being intellectually inferior to whites? If it’s possible no matter your race then does that mean all races are equally intelligent, and it’s just a matter of environment for why certain ethnic groups are less successful than whites?
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False, I know how generational wealth works and I know you can change your financial situations and build generational wealth in less than 10 years as I'm living proof. I started renting out my credit cards 10 years ago as I had 20 of them and discovered the tradelines and basically took 3 years of this accumulated passive income and put it all into Cardano in 2017 when it first came out (no ID required at this time). I was just looking for qays of building passive income since I didn't qant to depend on my military pension and I found tradelines then I researched the crypto markets in 2015 and tested bitcoin but had some balls and put in a large sum in Cardano after researching this coin and that was it. The markets didn't care if I was black or white. I didn't come from wealth nor did my father and I qas never given anything outside of a super Nintendo in 1991 and a $500 laptop as a graduation present lol as those are the most expensive things my father got me. Outside of family the most I ever received was $100.

Now I have 10 acres on my own self sufficient off grid land and 3 real estate properties (with land patents so no property taxes and no loan as I paid upfront). There's no excuses, anybody can build generational wealth and it just takes some time and energy. If you just believe you're oppressed and can't build wealth due to your skin color then it becomes your reality.

With that being said, even though I know the Edomites control many things and oppress the white man, I didn't develop a victim mentality and just give up. I worked to free myself, become self sufficient and help others do the same. The only one holding me back for my first 18 years in the military was me because I put all my focus and energy in the military and education. That helped me earn a pension but not freedom that I sleeked. Heck to this day you can still rent out your credit cards on tradelines today and there are still methods to acquire crypto with rewards cards so no Identification required. Neither option cares about your race.

I'm done here as I can't make you change your mentality as that's up to you but I wish you good luck.
Haha, so 🤣 I hope you can build 2 million dollars in 10 years, the equivalent value of the homes blacks were denied 50 plus years ago.

Youre either an a rich white kid, and delusional. Or just delusional supremacist.

Goodluck.!! Lmfao
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Haha, so 🤣 I hope you can build 2 million dollars in 10 years, the equivalent value of the homes blacks were denied 50 plus years ago.

Youre either an a rich white kid, and delusional. Or just delusional supremacist.

Goodluck.!! Lmfao
I'm neither of those as stated before, I came from a poor military family. My dad did eventually become affluent increased his rank over the years, but most of his wealth was never shared with me and his GI bill went to my younger sister after I was out of the house.

If facts, stats, logic and reason are delusional then I am guilty as charged.

I have no desire for supremacy. I would be more of an Isolationist and Nationalist but Supremacy only damn's you in the long run (in the material and the spiritual realm).

Stop dwelling in the past as it can destroy your future. Blacks have every opportunity and in some cases, gifted societal advantages to be as successful or more successful than any other race. Lastly, if it is so bad here in the US and or all other white nations, why do the so called blacks not just move to Africa? What's holding you back? Isn't that what you qant? To be with your people?

No luck needed, only skill, hard work and when the opportunity opens up I strike. That's called making your own luck.
I'm neither of those as stated before, I came from a poor military family. My dad did eventually become affluent increased his rank over the years, but most of his wealth was never shared with me and his GI bill went to my younger sister after I was out of the house.

If facts, stats, logic and reason are delusional then I am guilty as charged.

I have no desire for supremacy. I would be more of an Isolationist and Nationalist but Supremacy only damn's you in the long run (in the material and the spiritual realm).

Stop dwelling in the past as it can destroy your future. Blacks have every opportunity and in some cases, gifted societal advantages to be as successful or more successful than any other race. Lastly, if it is so bad here in the US and or all other white nations, why do the so called blacks not just move to Africa? What's holding you back? Isn't that what you qant? To be with your people?

No luck needed, only skill, hard work and when the opportunity opens up I strike. That's called making your own luck.
Generational wealth is from the PAST. HAHA.
Why are blacks living in Ghettos? Im sure you can check out that history too.
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I'm neither of those as stated before, I came from a poor military family. My dad did eventually become affluent increased his rank over the years, but most of his wealth was never shared with me and his GI bill went to my younger sister after I was out of the house.

If facts, stats, logic and reason are delusional then I am guilty as charged.

I have no desire for supremacy. I would be more of an Isolationist and Nationalist but Supremacy only damn's you in the long run (in the material and the spiritual realm).

Stop dwelling in the past as it can destroy your future. Blacks have every opportunity and in some cases, gifted societal advantages to be as successful or more successful than any other race. Lastly, if it is so bad here in the US and or all other white nations, why do the so called blacks not just move to Africa? What's holding you back? Isn't that what you qant? To be with your people?

No luck needed, only skill, hard work and when the opportunity opens up I strike. That's called making your own luck.
Guide me, Im motivated. Id love to make a few hundred thousands plus.
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Guide me, Im motivated. Id love to make a few hundred thousands plus.
The tradelines may still work but to make 100's of thousands you'd need your own website due to the scalability issues. Back in the day it was easy to get a ton of credit cards. With that being said, it's a good place to start because it's easy, quick and passive. Normally a basic credit card with 5k gives you 2 AU's for $250 per month. I'd go over the top 10 websites for tradelines you find and revise their payouts per card and total AU's per card.

1.) Collect your cards and see what you have: Types, payment history, age, limits, etc
2.) Review the 10 top tradelines websites, the payouts, types of cards utilized, AU's per card, limitations, policy, etc
3.) Select 1 to start working with first.
4.) Your payment history doesn't need to be perfect but the closer to perfect the better
5.) Maximize money from each card you already have:
A.) Increase the limits and preferably no credit checks
B.) Remove any missed payments if at all possible if you have any.
6.) Go for the cards that have the highest limits and or use the highest amount of AU's without cancelling your card. The highest limits for me was Navy Federal Credit Union: 50k, and the best for total AU's was Barclays. I had 5 25K Navy fed cards and 7 Barclays along with others.
7.) Boost your credit score as much as possible. If you have rent history you can upload it to rentrack to increase your score. It doesn't need to be perfect but 680+ is preferrable and 740 locks you in for any card you desire.
8.) Scale the business: Start applying for a card every 4 months or so. Obviously use the one's that the websites use. Remember to max out the one's with the most AU's and highest limits first.
A.) Maximize prophets: Go direct to the customer from your own FB group or website or discord. A group is cheaper since you don't need to pay for anything. But since there's sensitive information you'll have to use email for the sensitive information.
B.) Add in members to the group interested in making money from renting out AU's. I'm sure there's hundreds of dudes that would do this on here (making money section). Offer a 50/50 split in general but for the first 25 members offer a lifetime 25/75 split.
C.) Add in members interested in increasing their credit scores: Various credit score reddit groups, credit score FB groups, etc.
D.) Family members and friends are an option but don't push it hard. Just shoq them qhat you make/score increases and if they're not interested let the be.
9.) Increasing members in the group: You can start a YT channel or blog or some kind of a social media channel for people interested in increasing their credit scores.
A.) Funnel them into your group
B.) Affiliate links to credit cards
C.) Sell your own products

To make real money it has to be a business eventually because just using your own cards even if selling directly to the customer that's just not going to make much at all.

I averaged $350 per card for 20 total cards after 6 years but I started with just 3 cards and acquired about 3 cards a year. The issue is once. Once I went direct I averaged $600 per card as I offered lower prices than competitors. After about a year I focused more on crypto. Eventually some of my cards banked in over 1k a month due to age, payment history, AU total and limits.

If I would've added people to the business that would've greatly increased my prophets but I kept it simple and stuck to what worked.

Think of it this way if you just get 250 people on average on a monthly bases on your website and they just have 2 cards making you just $175 per month per card or $350 per month, that's over one million a year.

The next level is to invest your earnings in the crypto markets. If you just qant it to be easy then you can join an exchange like etorro. But you pay high cuts when purchasing and selling they limit you to 10k deposits and have been notorious for shutting down during crashes which is similar to most sites. It's best to go on an exchange and put onto a ledger X which enables you to store like a thousand different coins and trade between them freely and never worrying about it shutting down and actually have the keys to your wallet. The best time to invest is 1.5 years before the 4 year cycle ends which is basically every 4th December hitch I believe is 2025 so basically this summer is the perfect timing. The new small cap coins have the higher potential earnings but higher risks and unknowns. Back in 2015 basically every coin worked and the scams weren't prevalent.

I invested 2 times (other than my initial small investments in bitcoin in 2015 to see how things work). Once in Nov 2017 at the creation of Cardano and again in 2020 right after the crash when Cardano went to 2 cents. I used the bitcoin top indicator that sends warning signals via email on the coming major blow-off top. It costs money but used to be free. I invested as much as I could in those 2 times. I'd recommend taking out percentages as it rises. If you get greedy and wait for a 100x (which did happen for Cardano) it may not end well. Make a plan : for instance say you invest 10k to start and you can set up a plan that removes 20% after a 3x then a 50% of that after it has 5x and then 70% after a 10X. The plan would be highly dependent on your goals and projections for the coin itself. If you invest in bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other top 10 coin, there's 0 chance any go 100x or even 10x for that matter. All the youtube channles over project qhere a coin is going to end up for the cycle. Some small coins out perform predictions but the top 40 coins are normally over projected by most youtubers. There are price projections based off graphs, social media engagement, adoption rates, and there's some sites that combine all the factors into one for an all in one prediction.

I'd say to spend at least a year or 2 on somebody else's site and maxing your score, limits and increasing your cards before starting your own group, selling direct then selling other people's AU's. I initially used an AU to get the best card I could and eventually I got my score over 740 after about 2 years. Try to go for cards that do soft pulls. If you're not military but have a friend in the military they can refer you for a Navy Fed card. Navy fed cards are crazy not only in limits but they allowed you to take out 7.5k-10k in cash per card.
The tradelines may still work but to make 100's of thousands you'd need your own website due to the scalability issues. Back in the day it was easy to get a ton of credit cards. With that being said, it's a good place to start because it's easy, quick and passive. Normally a basic credit card with 5k gives you 2 AU's for $250 per month. I'd go over the top 10 websites for tradelines you find and revise their payouts per card and total AU's per card.

1.) Collect your cards and see what you have: Types, payment history, age, limits, etc
2.) Review the 10 top tradelines websites, the payouts, types of cards utilized, AU's per card, limitations, policy, etc
3.) Select 1 to start working with first.
4.) Your payment history doesn't need to be perfect but the closer to perfect the better
5.) Maximize money from each card you already have:
A.) Increase the limits and preferably no credit checks
B.) Remove any missed payments if at all possible if you have any.
6.) Go for the cards that have the highest limits and or use the highest amount of AU's without cancelling your card. The highest limits for me was Navy Federal Credit Union: 50k, and the best for total AU's was Barclays. I had 5 25K Navy fed cards and 7 Barclays along with others.
7.) Boost your credit score as much as possible. If you have rent history you can upload it to rentrack to increase your score. It doesn't need to be perfect but 680+ is preferrable and 740 locks you in for any card you desire.
8.) Scale the business: Start applying for a card every 4 months or so. Obviously use the one's that the websites use. Remember to max out the one's with the most AU's and highest limits first.
A.) Maximize prophets: Go direct to the customer from your own FB group or website or discord. A group is cheaper since you don't need to pay for anything. But since there's sensitive information you'll have to use email for the sensitive information.
B.) Add in members to the group interested in making money from renting out AU's. I'm sure there's hundreds of dudes that would do this on here (making money section). Offer a 50/50 split in general but for the first 25 members offer a lifetime 25/75 split.
C.) Add in members interested in increasing their credit scores: Various credit score reddit groups, credit score FB groups, etc.
D.) Family members and friends are an option but don't push it hard. Just shoq them qhat you make/score increases and if they're not interested let the be.
9.) Increasing members in the group: You can start a YT channel or blog or some kind of a social media channel for people interested in increasing their credit scores.
A.) Funnel them into your group
B.) Affiliate links to credit cards
C.) Sell your own products

To make real money it has to be a business eventually because just using your own cards even if selling directly to the customer that's just not going to make much at all.

I averaged $350 per card for 20 total cards after 6 years but I started with just 3 cards and acquired about 3 cards a year. The issue is once. Once I went direct I averaged $600 per card as I offered lower prices than competitors. After about a year I focused more on crypto. Eventually some of my cards banked in over 1k a month due to age, payment history, AU total and limits.

If I would've added people to the business that would've greatly increased my prophets but I kept it simple and stuck to what worked.

Think of it this way if you just get 250 people on average on a monthly bases on your website and they just have 2 cards making you just $175 per month per card or $350 per month, that's over one million a year.

The next level is to invest your earnings in the crypto markets. If you just qant it to be easy then you can join an exchange like etorro. But you pay high cuts when purchasing and selling they limit you to 10k deposits and have been notorious for shutting down during crashes which is similar to most sites. It's best to go on an exchange and put onto a ledger X which enables you to store like a thousand different coins and trade between them freely and never worrying about it shutting down and actually have the keys to your wallet. The best time to invest is 1.5 years before the 4 year cycle ends which is basically every 4th December hitch I believe is 2025 so basically this summer is the perfect timing. The new small cap coins have the higher potential earnings but higher risks and unknowns. Back in 2015 basically every coin worked and the scams weren't prevalent.

I invested 2 times (other than my initial small investments in bitcoin in 2015 to see how things work). Once in Nov 2017 at the creation of Cardano and again in 2020 right after the crash when Cardano went to 2 cents. I used the bitcoin top indicator that sends warning signals via email on the coming major blow-off top. It costs money but used to be free. I invested as much as I could in those 2 times. I'd recommend taking out percentages as it rises. If you get greedy and wait for a 100x (which did happen for Cardano) it may not end well. Make a plan : for instance say you invest 10k to start and you can set up a plan that removes 20% after a 3x then a 50% of that after it has 5x and then 70% after a 10X. The plan would be highly dependent on your goals and projections for the coin itself. If you invest in bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other top 10 coin, there's 0 chance any go 100x or even 10x for that matter. All the youtube channles over project qhere a coin is going to end up for the cycle. Some small coins out perform predictions but the top 40 coins are normally over projected by most youtubers. There are price projections based off graphs, social media engagement, adoption rates, and there's some sites that combine all the factors into one for an all in one prediction.

I'd say to spend at least a year or 2 on somebody else's site and maxing your score, limits and increasing your cards before starting your own group, selling direct then selling other people's AU's. I initially used an AU to get the best card I could and eventually I got my score over 740 after about 2 years. Try to go for cards that do soft pulls. If you're not military but have a friend in the military they can refer you for a Navy Fed card. Navy fed cards are crazy not only in limits but they allowed you to take out 7.5k-10k in cash per card.
I forgot to tell you that Im from the UK, as in born here, not ethnically though, living in Scotland atm. 😆.
Thanks for sharing, appreciate, I dont know how this can be replicated in this country.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: barettrealrx and King Solomon
I forgot to tell you that Im from the UK, as in born here, not ethnically though, living in Scotland atm. 😆.
Thanks for sharing, appreciate, I dont know how this can be replicated in this country.
Hmm, I suppose you qould have to see if there are any tradeline services/sites for Europe and see qhat are the best sites and best cards for makng the most money (highest amount of AU's per card, highest limits, etc). I did this in the US and there qas no regulations to start but eventually the banks got smart and started shutting down people abusing this (having 10+ AU's on a card per month).

I no longer do these things as I operate outside of US inc and the society. I mostly barter my goods and services in my community if I need something.

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