Why do most incels on this website have high ego?

Yes logically we should not care about foids attention but it is hardwired into us to seek reproduction even though logically it makes no sense, most parents dont benefit having kids but yet they still do it. Advertising and all the jewish scams of today appeal to the primitive brain because thats fundamentally what we still are
There’s no reason at all to reproduce other than to satisfy the instinctual desire. There is no rational reason one can make for the continuation of life. The instinct is just so strong that many people are better off indulging it than fighting it, like the urge to have sex or masturbate. It’s pointless but fighting that drive your whole life is so stressful that it’s more costly to your own life experience to not indulge it.

We are animals, the world is pointless and unconcerned with your existence as far as we’re concerned. We can try to justify it in a million ways but ultimately every justification is just a rationalization of an incomprehensible reality.

Intelligence, morals, beauty, etcetera, are all based in survival because that’s all we can guarantee we have. Whatever else is happening what we do know is that we exist and that we can feel pain and happiness so might as well try to reduce the former and maximize the latter. This leads to all sorts of strategies on how this is achieved but that’s all they are, strategies on how to reduce suffering.
question for both of you.

do you think logic/reason acts devoid of the urge to reproduce, ie as a separate entity or is every single so called 'rational' thought an act of your body attempting to pass on its genes akin to every other organism on this planet?
im talking about for quality of life
so am i
you can live a good life with bad genetics (ugly rich kids for example) meanwhile it’s impossible to live a good life with bad environment
genes, epigenetics, environment etc are all extremely coordinated variables, very rarely do you get 'good' genetics in a 'bad' environment. but separating and powerscaling them is simplifying an extremely complex process
That's what inceldom is. It's simultaneously thinking to highly of yourself while having no reason to do so. It's needing to have chad treatment as a subchad. Pretty much anyone here could date fatties or uggos, but they need top shelf pussy to validate their inflated sense of self.
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Tbh makes no sense none of you are legit succesful at anything and even if you are, you are clearly a mentalcel, so why do you have such an ego?
Because they lack experience to cultivate their image so instead it just comes from the depths of their rotted narcy abused brains
question for both of you.

do you think logic/reason acts devoid of the urge to reproduce, ie as a separate entity or is every single so called 'rational' thought an act of your body attempting to pass on its genes akin to every other organism on this planet?
I think logic/reason can transcend reproduction but will always be bound by it.

You can reason further than is practical for your own life and then reason stops being useful. What’s the point of understanding the rationale that reproduction is a random process of no true significance? The thought is not bound by reproduction but what you do with that thought and how you implement it into your life probably will be whether you like it or not.

The thought itself or rather the whole field of philosophy is just a way of calming a mind aware of chaos. It’s a tool for comforting the individual so that they can better live in reality (still bound to the material world) or like in Nietzsche’s case a tool for empowering the individual in their material pursuits.

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