Why is George Forman such a popular commerical pitch man?



Get off my lawn!
Jul 12, 2019
He is 70 year old. He has not been a serious boxer for more than 30 years. He is not bright and is not a good actor, he is so obviously just reading from a script. For the most part people under 30 only know him as "that commercial guy". Sure 25 years ago he did a good job selling George Foreman grills, but he was still a public figure back then, and it seemed like grilling was something he would have knowledge of. Yet he continues to get pitch man spots for commercials now even though most people don't know he used be a famous boxer. In the past ten years he has done extensive commercial campaigns for Meinke Mufflers, Invent Help, and now some Home Warranty company (total scam btw).


Boxing was a way bigger deal when Foreman was a top guy. Being heavyweight champ brought legit top celebrity status, whereas now you're just known in sports circles. He then became the likable chubby old boxer guy, and lost weight, manipulative shit that common Joe Blow normalfags think they can relate to, and parlayed that into selling Jew trash to boomers still today.

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