Why racism is good



Yakhiiiiiiii 😹😹😹😹🤙🤙🤙🤙💦
Dec 7, 2021
Now, before you all grab your pitchforks and storm into the comments of the title of this thread alone, let me just say that of course racism is bad. I wouldn’t make a 1000 word thread defending something so obviously terrible. Generations have been ruined because of racism, and lives are still getting destroyed by it. However, I don’t think we should be painting racism as entirely evil, because, well, there’s a reason why people are racist. It’s not because people want to be bad, it’s because there are objective benefits to being racist. And I don’t think we should be discrediting these benefits with all this virtue-signaling bullshit because we are seriously reaching a low point in history without racism.

A lot of people don’t know this, but racism is actually the natural state for a lot of people, and has been for most of history. By forming exclusive groups, people are able to be amongst like-minded individuals, and the people in-fight significantly less. This is because people who think the same don’t often come into conflict. Grouping together also provides a sense of pride. I mean, think about it. If you’re surrounded by people like you, that think like you, and most importantly look like you, then you feel like you belong. That’s a good feeling.

Segregation is an objective good in its utility because it leads to the formation of ethnostates. Ethnostates are historically proven to last longer than states that embrace polyethnicity. I mean, look at China, they have over 5,000 years of history because they are discriminatory and wary of other races while also cooperating with their own. As such, the chinese have been able to survive for as long as they have. China is an ethnostate, and referring to what I said earlier, an ethnostate with a racist population provides a sense of national pride and identity, and thus prevents infighting and strengthens the country.

When you work, create, and fight, you’re doing so for the betterment of the people you care about, your own people, a distinct race. On a side note, this is why Kurdistan should not be a real country, it doesn’t deserve to be one. Kurds say they need independence but the difference between the Kurds and the Turks is entirely cultural and not racially related at all. If the Kurds were to just accept their racial disposition, then they would be a united state.

Living within an ethnostate creates an ‘us versus them’ mentality, and it’s been proven time and time again that having a defined, tangible enemy that is perceived to be pure evil unifies a people. By comparison, blurring the lines of morality with all this ‘not all black people’ talk just weakens everyone’s resolve. Take Osama Bin Laden in the war on terror for example. People rallied behind the tangible goal of killing Osama Bin Laden, and everything was great, but once he was gone, suddenly the enemy was terrorism itself, not any one group or person. It could have been anyone, what were we supposed to do then? It’s not like we can shoot terrorism dead. This is why we need people like Osama Bin Laden, and groups like Muslims, and why we need to hate them.

The politically correct may preach that globalization is the only way things should be, but a divided world gives states and people true independence, and thus responsibility for our own mistakes and development. I know I personally feel that certain races contribute significantly less than others to our culture, such as Mexicans and Indians. The best way to avoid this is to simply divide people by race. Suddenly, there would be no more races riding on the achievements of others, or even the mere perception that some group was leeching off of our own hard work. Our achievements can be accredited only to ourselves. Racism puts people in check. when you’re constantly critical of another race’s actions, you’re going to call them out on it at any chance you can get. This is far preferable to the alternative of being blindly accepting of all of a race’s mistakes, something we do so much in today’s political climate.

This can be seen with the whole Covid-19 epidemic. The virus was caused by China, there’s no way around that. It started in China because some Chinese idiot ate a bat and it spread because the chinese government was unwilling to be honest about the severity of the virus. In spite of this, people are defending China and shunning away anyone calling the virus the ‘chinese virus’, or the ‘Wuhan virus’. The virus came from China, and it’s somehow wrong to call the Chinese out for it?

Blind acceptance and aid of other countries is actively screwing us over. I mean, Africa is leeching resources from the first world all because some liberal politician sees that their skin color is dark and takes pity on them, so they funnel food and water to them instead of the hard-working men, women, and children in their own country. Shouldn’t Africa be left to their own devices to figure it out for themselves? Similarly, Syria is pouring rapists and murderers into Europe and people are just making the gates into Europe even wider to accommodate them. What a surprise, the rapists and murderers they willingly led into their country raped and murdered people. “Oh ,but they can’t do anything else because they don’t have the same rights as us,” “Oh, they’re like this because of nurture,” they say as they continue to let these primates fuck our countries. Maybe, if they were told to stay in their own shitholes, they’d find that they have the same rights as in their own country, and they’d figure out that the only way to find a better life is to start by bettering their own land and not by running away from it.

If you’ve stuck with me thus far, then I need you to bear with me again, as I realize what I’m about to say may sound bad. Nevertheless, I have to say this. Slavery is good. Every great civilization is built on the shoulders of disposable workforce, and it’s even better if this workforce is perceived as having less rights than a regular citizen, and this loops back to my main point, why we need to bring back racism. Racism desensitizes us to slavery. During the golden age of America, slavery was running rampant and no one batted an eye, and this was because blacks were considered less than human thanks to three-fifths compromise. That compromise let the American people take advantage of them without any adverse psychological effects, giving industry a massive boost in allowing America to develop into the superpower it is today.

You know why Trump says “Make America Great Again?” It’s because America used to be great, used to be great because people used to be racist and own it. People wore racism like a badge of honor. Today we stigmatize racism and thus America is no longer great again. We need slavery. We need a group of people who are expendable for manual labor. China has been doing this with their own people and they’ve become a global superpower from absolutely nothing. Imagine how powerful we could be if we took advantage of minorities and the racially inferior. We need a group of people we can oppress and use, and that shouldn’t be people of the same blood. Without a group to take advantage of, the populace becomes discontent due to the unnatural workload and development stagnates.

Okay, I realize I’ve been going on about the bigger picture for a bit too long. So what about the other side of things? How’d being racist affect you, the viewer, positively? Well, to start with, we need to look at the basics of Jungian theory. Now, I don’t expect many of you to understand this as you kind of have to be in the know about this stuff, so I’ll make this as simple as I can. Jungian theory expands off of Sigmund Freud’s structure of the human psyche, with the id being our basest, most purest form of instinct. Both theories have one thing in common, the idea that our subconscious in the deep, dark, and repressed id has a concrete effect on our conscious actions. Jung takes this one step further saying that in order to complete ourselves we must accept this subconscious manifestation of ours, not to reject it.

The yin completes the yang just as racism completes the soul. Don’t lie to yourself neither, being racist feels good. You’re repressing your inner hatred by refusing to be racist, by refusing to generalize a race into one offensive caricature. But really, deep in your subconscious you know that that’s what they really are. You can’t live without strife nor negativity, you need those elements of human life to balance yourself. Accept it, racism is chaos, and our minds are just as chaotic as it if we condemn racism deep down. The world that the left strives for is a non-existent realm of perfect euphoria, something that literally cannot exist. There is only one way it can exist, and let me tell you, it can only exist if we are not in it.

I really hate that there’s such a social stigma against being racist because it’s served us so well before and yet we’ve cast it aside. It might sound like I’ve said some pretty hateful things, but I think by this point you should be seeing my point. So yeah, that’s just my two cents on racism. Here’s to hoping this video gains some traction and actually changes something. Anyway, make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more videos. I’ve got lots more to say! Leave a comment too if you think you have something interesting to say. Please leave trolling out, you’re not funny and we really don’t need it. I’ll see you guys in the next thread. Currylightskin signing off
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Osama did nothing wrong.
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Race is retarded thing to rally behind tbh. Religion accomplishes the exact same thing by rallying people together under god and the enemy being heretics.
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jews did nothing wrong.
so hitler didnt too :owo:

except being a total retard doing this plain as day instead of going by undercover.
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didn't read, still racist, keep crying for my bleaching dick game :cool:
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also couldnt remember that there was a far right ideolgy in germany other than nazism. it was not brutal like nazism but it advocated the economic nationalism, economic antisemitsm and shit. if you ever know that please notify me cause cant remember.
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Now, before you all grab your pitchforks and storm into the comments of the title of this thread alone, let me just say that of course racism is bad. I wouldn’t make a 1000 word thread defending something so obviously terrible. Generations have been ruined because of racism, and lives are still getting destroyed by it. However, I don’t think we should be painting racism as entirely evil, because, well, there’s a reason why people are racist. It’s not because people want to be bad, it’s because there are objective benefits to being racist. And I don’t think we should be discrediting these benefits with all this virtue-signaling bullshit because we are seriously reaching a low point in history without racism.

A lot of people don’t know this, but racism is actually the natural state for a lot of people, and has been for most of history. By forming exclusive groups, people are able to be amongst like-minded individuals, and the people in-fight significantly less. This is because people who think the same don’t often come into conflict. Grouping together also provides a sense of pride. I mean, think about it. If you’re surrounded by people like you, that think like you, and most importantly look like you, then you feel like you belong. That’s a good feeling.

Segregation is an objective good in its utility because it leads to the formation of ethnostates. Ethnostates are historically proven to last longer than states that embrace polyethnicity. I mean, look at China, they have over 5,000 years of history because they are discriminatory and wary of other races while also cooperating with their own. As such, the chinese have been able to survive for as long as they have. China is an ethnostate, and referring to what I said earlier, an ethnostate with a racist population provides a sense of national pride and identity, and thus prevents infighting and strengthens the country.

When you work, create, and fight, you’re doing so for the betterment of the people you care about, your own people, a distinct race. On a side note, this is why Kurdistan should not be a real country, it doesn’t deserve to be one. Kurds say they need independence but the difference between the Kurds and the Turks is entirely cultural and not racially related at all. If the Kurds were to just accept their racial disposition, then they would be a united state.

Living within an ethnostate creates an ‘us versus them’ mentality, and it’s been proven time and time again that having a defined, tangible enemy that is perceived to be pure evil unifies a people. By comparison, blurring the lines of morality with all this ‘not all black people’ talk just weakens everyone’s resolve. Take Osama Bin Laden in the war on terror for example. People rallied behind the tangible goal of killing Osama Bin Laden, and everything was great, but once he was gone, suddenly the enemy was terrorism itself, not any one group or person. It could have been anyone, what were we supposed to do then? It’s not like we can shoot terrorism dead. This is why we need people like Osama Bin Laden, and groups like Muslims, and why we need to hate them.

The politically correct may preach that globalization is the only way things should be, but a divided world gives states and people true independence, and thus responsibility for our own mistakes and development. I know I personally feel that certain races contribute significantly less than others to our culture, such as Mexicans and Indians. The best way to avoid this is to simply divide people by race. Suddenly, there would be no more races riding on the achievements of others, or even the mere perception that some group was leeching off of our own hard work. Our achievements can be accredited only to ourselves. Racism puts people in check. when you’re constantly critical of another race’s actions, you’re going to call them out on it at any chance you can get. This is far preferable to the alternative of being blindly accepting of all of a race’s mistakes, something we do so much in today’s political climate.

This can be seen with the whole Covid-19 epidemic. The virus was caused by China, there’s no way around that. It started in China because some Chinese idiot ate a bat and it spread because the chinese government was unwilling to be honest about the severity of the virus. In spite of this, people are defending China and shunning away anyone calling the virus the ‘chinese virus’, or the ‘Wuhan virus’. The virus came from China, and it’s somehow wrong to call the Chinese out for it?

Blind acceptance and aid of other countries is actively screwing us over. I mean, Africa is leeching resources from the first world all because some liberal politician sees that their skin color is dark and takes pity on them, so they funnel food and water to them instead of the hard-working men, women, and children in their own country. Shouldn’t Africa be left to their own devices to figure it out for themselves? Similarly, Syria is pouring rapists and murderers into Europe and people are just making the gates into Europe even wider to accommodate them. What a surprise, the rapists and murderers they willingly led into their country raped and murdered people. “Oh ,but they can’t do anything else because they don’t have the same rights as us,” “Oh, they’re like this because of nurture,” they say as they continue to let these primates fuck our countries. Maybe, if they were told to stay in their own shitholes, they’d find that they have the same rights as in their own country, and they’d figure out that the only way to find a better life is to start by bettering their own land and not by running away from it.

If you’ve stuck with me thus far, then I need you to bear with me again, as I realize what I’m about to say may sound bad. Nevertheless, I have to say this. Slavery is good. Every great civilization is built on the shoulders of disposable workforce, and it’s even better if this workforce is perceived as having less rights than a regular citizen, and this loops back to my main point, why we need to bring back racism. Racism desensitizes us to slavery. During the golden age of America, slavery was running rampant and no one batted an eye, and this was because blacks were considered less than human thanks to three-fifths compromise. That compromise let the American people take advantage of them without any adverse psychological effects, giving industry a massive boost in allowing America to develop into the superpower it is today.

You know why Trump says “Make America Great Again?” It’s because America used to be great, used to be great because people used to be racist and own it. People wore racism like a badge of honor. Today we stigmatize racism and thus America is no longer great again. We need slavery. We need a group of people who are expendable for manual labor. China has been doing this with their own people and they’ve become a global superpower from absolutely nothing. Imagine how powerful we could be if we took advantage of minorities and the racially inferior. We need a group of people we can oppress and use, and that shouldn’t be people of the same blood. Without a group to take advantage of, the populace becomes discontent due to the unnatural workload and development stagnates.

Okay, I realize I’ve been going on about the bigger picture for a bit too long. So what about the other side of things? How’d being racist affect you, the viewer, positively? Well, to start with, we need to look at the basics of Jungian theory. Now, I don’t expect many of you to understand this as you kind of have to be in the know about this stuff, so I’ll make this as simple as I can. Jungian theory expands off of Sigmund Freud’s structure of the human psyche, with the id being our basest, most purest form of instinct. Both theories have one thing in common, the idea that our subconscious in the deep, dark, and repressed id has a concrete effect on our conscious actions. Jung takes this one step further saying that in order to complete ourselves we must accept this subconscious manifestation of ours, not to reject it.

The yin completes the yang just as racism completes the soul. Don’t lie to yourself neither, being racist feels good. You’re repressing your inner hatred by refusing to be racist, by refusing to generalize a race into one offensive caricature. But really, deep in your subconscious you know that that’s what they really are. You can’t live without strife nor negativity, you need those elements of human life to balance yourself. Accept it, racism is chaos, and our minds are just as chaotic as it if we condemn racism deep down. The world that the left strives for is a non-existent realm of perfect euphoria, something that literally cannot exist. There is only one way it can exist, and let me tell you, it can only exist if we are not in it.

I really hate that there’s such a social stigma against being racist because it’s served us so well before and yet we’ve cast it aside. It might sound like I’ve said some pretty hateful things, but I think by this point you should be seeing my point. So yeah, that’s just my two cents on racism. Here’s to hoping this video gains some traction and actually changes something. Anyway, make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more videos. I’ve got lots more to say! Leave a comment too if you think you have something interesting to say. Please leave trolling out, you’re not funny and we really don’t need it. I’ll see you guys in the next thread. Currylightskin signing off
Great thread :owo:
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Didn’t read a single word
great thread :feelshmm: are you actually indian :feelshmm:
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Now, before you all grab your pitchforks and storm into the comments of the title of this thread alone, let me just say that of course racism is bad. I wouldn’t make a 1000 word thread defending something so obviously terrible. Generations have been ruined because of racism, and lives are still getting destroyed by it. However, I don’t think we should be painting racism as entirely evil, because, well, there’s a reason why people are racist. It’s not because people want to be bad, it’s because there are objective benefits to being racist. And I don’t think we should be discrediting these benefits with all this virtue-signaling bullshit because we are seriously reaching a low point in history without racism.

A lot of people don’t know this, but racism is actually the natural state for a lot of people, and has been for most of history. By forming exclusive groups, people are able to be amongst like-minded individuals, and the people in-fight significantly less. This is because people who think the same don’t often come into conflict. Grouping together also provides a sense of pride. I mean, think about it. If you’re surrounded by people like you, that think like you, and most importantly look like you, then you feel like you belong. That’s a good feeling.

Segregation is an objective good in its utility because it leads to the formation of ethnostates. Ethnostates are historically proven to last longer than states that embrace polyethnicity. I mean, look at China, they have over 5,000 years of history because they are discriminatory and wary of other races while also cooperating with their own. As such, the chinese have been able to survive for as long as they have. China is an ethnostate, and referring to what I said earlier, an ethnostate with a racist population provides a sense of national pride and identity, and thus prevents infighting and strengthens the country.

When you work, create, and fight, you’re doing so for the betterment of the people you care about, your own people, a distinct race. On a side note, this is why Kurdistan should not be a real country, it doesn’t deserve to be one. Kurds say they need independence but the difference between the Kurds and the Turks is entirely cultural and not racially related at all. If the Kurds were to just accept their racial disposition, then they would be a united state.

Living within an ethnostate creates an ‘us versus them’ mentality, and it’s been proven time and time again that having a defined, tangible enemy that is perceived to be pure evil unifies a people. By comparison, blurring the lines of morality with all this ‘not all black people’ talk just weakens everyone’s resolve. Take Osama Bin Laden in the war on terror for example. People rallied behind the tangible goal of killing Osama Bin Laden, and everything was great, but once he was gone, suddenly the enemy was terrorism itself, not any one group or person. It could have been anyone, what were we supposed to do then? It’s not like we can shoot terrorism dead. This is why we need people like Osama Bin Laden, and groups like Muslims, and why we need to hate them.

The politically correct may preach that globalization is the only way things should be, but a divided world gives states and people true independence, and thus responsibility for our own mistakes and development. I know I personally feel that certain races contribute significantly less than others to our culture, such as Mexicans and Indians. The best way to avoid this is to simply divide people by race. Suddenly, there would be no more races riding on the achievements of others, or even the mere perception that some group was leeching off of our own hard work. Our achievements can be accredited only to ourselves. Racism puts people in check. when you’re constantly critical of another race’s actions, you’re going to call them out on it at any chance you can get. This is far preferable to the alternative of being blindly accepting of all of a race’s mistakes, something we do so much in today’s political climate.

This can be seen with the whole Covid-19 epidemic. The virus was caused by China, there’s no way around that. It started in China because some Chinese idiot ate a bat and it spread because the chinese government was unwilling to be honest about the severity of the virus. In spite of this, people are defending China and shunning away anyone calling the virus the ‘chinese virus’, or the ‘Wuhan virus’. The virus came from China, and it’s somehow wrong to call the Chinese out for it?

Blind acceptance and aid of other countries is actively screwing us over. I mean, Africa is leeching resources from the first world all because some liberal politician sees that their skin color is dark and takes pity on them, so they funnel food and water to them instead of the hard-working men, women, and children in their own country. Shouldn’t Africa be left to their own devices to figure it out for themselves? Similarly, Syria is pouring rapists and murderers into Europe and people are just making the gates into Europe even wider to accommodate them. What a surprise, the rapists and murderers they willingly led into their country raped and murdered people. “Oh ,but they can’t do anything else because they don’t have the same rights as us,” “Oh, they’re like this because of nurture,” they say as they continue to let these primates fuck our countries. Maybe, if they were told to stay in their own shitholes, they’d find that they have the same rights as in their own country, and they’d figure out that the only way to find a better life is to start by bettering their own land and not by running away from it.

If you’ve stuck with me thus far, then I need you to bear with me again, as I realize what I’m about to say may sound bad. Nevertheless, I have to say this. Slavery is good. Every great civilization is built on the shoulders of disposable workforce, and it’s even better if this workforce is perceived as having less rights than a regular citizen, and this loops back to my main point, why we need to bring back racism. Racism desensitizes us to slavery. During the golden age of America, slavery was running rampant and no one batted an eye, and this was because blacks were considered less than human thanks to three-fifths compromise. That compromise let the American people take advantage of them without any adverse psychological effects, giving industry a massive boost in allowing America to develop into the superpower it is today.

You know why Trump says “Make America Great Again?” It’s because America used to be great, used to be great because people used to be racist and own it. People wore racism like a badge of honor. Today we stigmatize racism and thus America is no longer great again. We need slavery. We need a group of people who are expendable for manual labor. China has been doing this with their own people and they’ve become a global superpower from absolutely nothing. Imagine how powerful we could be if we took advantage of minorities and the racially inferior. We need a group of people we can oppress and use, and that shouldn’t be people of the same blood. Without a group to take advantage of, the populace becomes discontent due to the unnatural workload and development stagnates.

Okay, I realize I’ve been going on about the bigger picture for a bit too long. So what about the other side of things? How’d being racist affect you, the viewer, positively? Well, to start with, we need to look at the basics of Jungian theory. Now, I don’t expect many of you to understand this as you kind of have to be in the know about this stuff, so I’ll make this as simple as I can. Jungian theory expands off of Sigmund Freud’s structure of the human psyche, with the id being our basest, most purest form of instinct. Both theories have one thing in common, the idea that our subconscious in the deep, dark, and repressed id has a concrete effect on our conscious actions. Jung takes this one step further saying that in order to complete ourselves we must accept this subconscious manifestation of ours, not to reject it.

The yin completes the yang just as racism completes the soul. Don’t lie to yourself neither, being racist feels good. You’re repressing your inner hatred by refusing to be racist, by refusing to generalize a race into one offensive caricature. But really, deep in your subconscious you know that that’s what they really are. You can’t live without strife nor negativity, you need those elements of human life to balance yourself. Accept it, racism is chaos, and our minds are just as chaotic as it if we condemn racism deep down. The world that the left strives for is a non-existent realm of perfect euphoria, something that literally cannot exist. There is only one way it can exist, and let me tell you, it can only exist if we are not in it.

I really hate that there’s such a social stigma against being racist because it’s served us so well before and yet we’ve cast it aside. It might sound like I’ve said some pretty hateful things, but I think by this point you should be seeing my point. So yeah, that’s just my two cents on racism. Here’s to hoping this video gains some traction and actually changes something. Anyway, make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more videos. I’ve got lots more to say! Leave a comment too if you think you have something interesting to say. Please leave trolling out, you’re not funny and we really don’t need it. I’ll see you guys in the next thread. Currylightskin signing off
didnt read
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dnrd but its good cuz its funny
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racism is biological
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im not reading that many words:feelsuhh::feelsuhh: give tdlr
Now, before you all grab your pitchforks and storm into the comments of the title of this thread alone, let me just say that of course racism is bad. I wouldn’t make a 1000 word thread defending something so obviously terrible. Generations have been ruined because of racism, and lives are still getting destroyed by it. However, I don’t think we should be painting racism as entirely evil, because, well, there’s a reason why people are racist. It’s not because people want to be bad, it’s because there are objective benefits to being racist. And I don’t think we should be discrediting these benefits with all this virtue-signaling bullshit because we are seriously reaching a low point in history without racism.

A lot of people don’t know this, but racism is actually the natural state for a lot of people, and has been for most of history. By forming exclusive groups, people are able to be amongst like-minded individuals, and the people in-fight significantly less. This is because people who think the same don’t often come into conflict. Grouping together also provides a sense of pride. I mean, think about it. If you’re surrounded by people like you, that think like you, and most importantly look like you, then you feel like you belong. That’s a good feeling.

Segregation is an objective good in its utility because it leads to the formation of ethnostates. Ethnostates are historically proven to last longer than states that embrace polyethnicity. I mean, look at China, they have over 5,000 years of history because they are discriminatory and wary of other races while also cooperating with their own. As such, the chinese have been able to survive for as long as they have. China is an ethnostate, and referring to what I said earlier, an ethnostate with a racist population provides a sense of national pride and identity, and thus prevents infighting and strengthens the country.

When you work, create, and fight, you’re doing so for the betterment of the people you care about, your own people, a distinct race. On a side note, this is why Kurdistan should not be a real country, it doesn’t deserve to be one. Kurds say they need independence but the difference between the Kurds and the Turks is entirely cultural and not racially related at all. If the Kurds were to just accept their racial disposition, then they would be a united state.

Living within an ethnostate creates an ‘us versus them’ mentality, and it’s been proven time and time again that having a defined, tangible enemy that is perceived to be pure evil unifies a people. By comparison, blurring the lines of morality with all this ‘not all black people’ talk just weakens everyone’s resolve. Take Osama Bin Laden in the war on terror for example. People rallied behind the tangible goal of killing Osama Bin Laden, and everything was great, but once he was gone, suddenly the enemy was terrorism itself, not any one group or person. It could have been anyone, what were we supposed to do then? It’s not like we can shoot terrorism dead. This is why we need people like Osama Bin Laden, and groups like Muslims, and why we need to hate them.

The politically correct may preach that globalization is the only way things should be, but a divided world gives states and people true independence, and thus responsibility for our own mistakes and development. I know I personally feel that certain races contribute significantly less than others to our culture, such as Mexicans and Indians. The best way to avoid this is to simply divide people by race. Suddenly, there would be no more races riding on the achievements of others, or even the mere perception that some group was leeching off of our own hard work. Our achievements can be accredited only to ourselves. Racism puts people in check. when you’re constantly critical of another race’s actions, you’re going to call them out on it at any chance you can get. This is far preferable to the alternative of being blindly accepting of all of a race’s mistakes, something we do so much in today’s political climate.

This can be seen with the whole Covid-19 epidemic. The virus was caused by China, there’s no way around that. It started in China because some Chinese idiot ate a bat and it spread because the chinese government was unwilling to be honest about the severity of the virus. In spite of this, people are defending China and shunning away anyone calling the virus the ‘chinese virus’, or the ‘Wuhan virus’. The virus came from China, and it’s somehow wrong to call the Chinese out for it?

Blind acceptance and aid of other countries is actively screwing us over. I mean, Africa is leeching resources from the first world all because some liberal politician sees that their skin color is dark and takes pity on them, so they funnel food and water to them instead of the hard-working men, women, and children in their own country. Shouldn’t Africa be left to their own devices to figure it out for themselves? Similarly, Syria is pouring rapists and murderers into Europe and people are just making the gates into Europe even wider to accommodate them. What a surprise, the rapists and murderers they willingly led into their country raped and murdered people. “Oh ,but they can’t do anything else because they don’t have the same rights as us,” “Oh, they’re like this because of nurture,” they say as they continue to let these primates fuck our countries. Maybe, if they were told to stay in their own shitholes, they’d find that they have the same rights as in their own country, and they’d figure out that the only way to find a better life is to start by bettering their own land and not by running away from it.

If you’ve stuck with me thus far, then I need you to bear with me again, as I realize what I’m about to say may sound bad. Nevertheless, I have to say this. Slavery is good. Every great civilization is built on the shoulders of disposable workforce, and it’s even better if this workforce is perceived as having less rights than a regular citizen, and this loops back to my main point, why we need to bring back racism. Racism desensitizes us to slavery. During the golden age of America, slavery was running rampant and no one batted an eye, and this was because blacks were considered less than human thanks to three-fifths compromise. That compromise let the American people take advantage of them without any adverse psychological effects, giving industry a massive boost in allowing America to develop into the superpower it is today.

You know why Trump says “Make America Great Again?” It’s because America used to be great, used to be great because people used to be racist and own it. People wore racism like a badge of honor. Today we stigmatize racism and thus America is no longer great again. We need slavery. We need a group of people who are expendable for manual labor. China has been doing this with their own people and they’ve become a global superpower from absolutely nothing. Imagine how powerful we could be if we took advantage of minorities and the racially inferior. We need a group of people we can oppress and use, and that shouldn’t be people of the same blood. Without a group to take advantage of, the populace becomes discontent due to the unnatural workload and development stagnates.

Okay, I realize I’ve been going on about the bigger picture for a bit too long. So what about the other side of things? How’d being racist affect you, the viewer, positively? Well, to start with, we need to look at the basics of Jungian theory. Now, I don’t expect many of you to understand this as you kind of have to be in the know about this stuff, so I’ll make this as simple as I can. Jungian theory expands off of Sigmund Freud’s structure of the human psyche, with the id being our basest, most purest form of instinct. Both theories have one thing in common, the idea that our subconscious in the deep, dark, and repressed id has a concrete effect on our conscious actions. Jung takes this one step further saying that in order to complete ourselves we must accept this subconscious manifestation of ours, not to reject it.

The yin completes the yang just as racism completes the soul. Don’t lie to yourself neither, being racist feels good. You’re repressing your inner hatred by refusing to be racist, by refusing to generalize a race into one offensive caricature. But really, deep in your subconscious you know that that’s what they really are. You can’t live without strife nor negativity, you need those elements of human life to balance yourself. Accept it, racism is chaos, and our minds are just as chaotic as it if we condemn racism deep down. The world that the left strives for is a non-existent realm of perfect euphoria, something that literally cannot exist. There is only one way it can exist, and let me tell you, it can only exist if we are not in it.

I really hate that there’s such a social stigma against being racist because it’s served us so well before and yet we’ve cast it aside. It might sound like I’ve said some pretty hateful things, but I think by this point you should be seeing my point. So yeah, that’s just my two cents on racism. Here’s to hoping this video gains some traction and actually changes something. Anyway, make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more videos. I’ve got lots more to say! Leave a comment too if you think you have something interesting to say. Please leave trolling out, you’re not funny and we really don’t need it. I’ll see you guys in the next thread. Currylightskin signing off
You expect me to read this entire thing? Nigga u trippin
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I feel sorry for op,now he is the next target of the BBCs of this forum
  • JFL
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let me just say that of course racism is bad. I wouldn’t make a 1000 word thread defending something so obviously terrible. Generations have been ruined because of racism, and lives are still getting destroyed by it.
I live to be racist. Yes we murdered gypsies so what. Yes my grandpa killed niggers, and?
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Better to bluepill peopel so you become chad by other people's ignorance.
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I stopped reading at "slavery is essential....", so what about all the societies which had slavery that are poor now? It wasn't only the West that had slavery. North Africa enslaved Europeans, Middle Easterns enslaved blacks, Russians enslaved Asians, Africans enslaved their own people.

If slavery leads to prosperity then why did the West only become developed after they put down these racist institutions and shifted towards equality for all races?
  • +1
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I live to be racist. Yes we murdered gypsies so what. Yes my grandpa killed niggers, and?
You didn't do shit you cuck nerd, you just sat on your computer talking crap.
  • +1
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I stopped reading at "slavery is essential....", so what about all the societies which had slavery that are poor now? It wasn't only the West that had slavery. North Africa enslaved Europeans, Middle Easterns enslaved blacks, Russians enslaved Asians, Africans enslaved their own people.

If slavery leads to prosperity then why did the West only become developed after they put down these racist institutions and shifted towards equality for all races?
I truly believe slavery is needed for a nation/kingdom to prosper. The west were already developed even before the emancipation of blacks
I truly believe slavery is needed for a nation/kingdom to prosper. The west were already developed even before the emancipation of blacks
No it wasn't, the West got rich through the industrial revolution which started at the end of the slave trade.

Also, there are many societies which had slavery and never became rich, you didn't address this point. How you gonna write a literal 1000 word essay based on opinions with no proof to back this up?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19997, PrinceLuenLeoncur and currylightskin
Will see to this later . Good points though .
No it wasn't, the West got rich through the industrial revolution which started at the end of the slave trade.

Also, there are many societies which had slavery and never became rich, you didn't address this point. How you gonna write a literal 1000 word essay based on opinions with no proof to back this up?
What a load of BS ? Did you forget about history, not even a 150 years ago french and German theologist and scientist were debating wether other European nation (italians ,Spanish etc) were racially inferior to them , Europeans themselves used to think they were better and a superior race than their neighboring European country, it wasn’t a black or white thing, it was French race, German/Slavic race, Spaniard race, sub Saharan/ Negroid race , etc

so no racism is bad. Don’t try to make it make sense.
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  • +1
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No way in hell am I reading all that but when you spend enough time being friends with all different races you’ll start to realize that EVERYONE is one type of only like 7 different types of people (including you and me don’t cope) and “like minded individuals” based on race do not exist, at all.

Broader country culture has a lot more to do with it than race does, too. For example, a white american and a black american are likely to have a lot more in common with each other than a nigerian and a black american, or a russian and a white american.

Race is pure cope, it’s irrelevant, stop worrying about it.
  • +1
  • JFL
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  • +1
Reactions: currylightskin
No way in hell am I reading all that but when you spend enough time being friends with all different races you’ll start to realize that EVERYONE is one type of only like 7 different types of people (including you and me don’t cope) and “like minded individuals” based on race do not exist, at all.

Broader country culture has a lot more to do with it than race does, too. For example, a white american and a black american are likely to have a lot more in common with each other than a nigerian and a black american, or a russian and a white american.

Race is pure cope, it’s irrelevant, stop worrying about it.
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, n0rthface and currylightskin
What a load of BS ? Did you forget about history, not even a 150 years ago french and German theologist and scientist were debating wether other European nation (italians ,Spanish etc) were racially inferior to them , Europeans themselves used to think they were better and a superior race than their neighboring European country, it wasn’t a black or white thing, it was French race, German/Slavic race, Spaniard race, sub Saharan/ Negroid race , etc

so no racism is bad. Don’t try to make it make sense.
  • +1
Reactions: currylightskin
No it wasn't, the West got rich through the industrial revolution which started at the end of the slave trade.

Also, there are many societies which had slavery and never became rich, you didn't address this point. How you gonna write a literal 1000 word essay based on opinions with no proof to back this up?
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview and currylightskin
Will see to this later . Good points though .
I stopped reading at "slavery is essential....", so what about all the societies which had slavery that are poor now? It wasn't only the West that had slavery. North Africa enslaved Europeans, Middle Easterns enslaved blacks, Russians enslaved Asians, Africans enslaved their own people.

If slavery leads to prosperity then why did the West only become developed after they put down these racist institutions and shifted towards equality for all races?

U can argue everything is biological.
Mogged by the Soviets anyway

I dont like hitler.
also couldnt remember that there was a far right ideolgy in germany other than nazism. it was not brutal like nazism but it advocated the economic nationalism, economic antisemitsm and shit. if you ever know that please notify me cause cant remember.
All cope, entire thread is gay
What a load of BS ? Did you forget about history, not even a 150 years ago french and German theologist and scientist were debating wether other European nation (italians ,Spanish etc) were racially inferior to them , Europeans themselves used to think they were better and a superior race than their neighboring European country, it wasn’t a black or white thing, it was French race, German/Slavic race, Spaniard race, sub Saharan/ Negroid race , etc

so no racism is bad. Don’t try to make it make sense.
Most racism in history was based on nationality and ethnicity racism only began after continental travel was a thing.
I truly believe slavery is needed for a nation/kingdom to prosper. The west were already developed even before the emancipation of blacks
Slavery is not needed trust me.
yeah brother indian but parsi ancestors if that matters
Indians are slaves to their masters which are other curries which enslaved them. Curries = ultimate slave race
  • +1
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Yeh legit

Look at love island how public coupled up the niggers with the sheboons:lul::lul: most people are racist
  • +1
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Could you tell me how generation's have been runed by racism
  • +1
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be ethnic and play on the fear theory
  • JFL
Reactions: currylightskin
Are you high? People used to assume facts about someone based on their tribe and religion. And country they lived in. People back in the day never used to say “these people are primitive or these people are weird because their skin color looks like this. Everyone assumed the other people were advanced at first glance. They don’t assume things based on race but only on tribe/religion and MAYBE ethnicity. Maybe. Race is way too broad for anyone to try and say it’s natural to assume billions of people have to act a certain way. If you believe that you might as well believe walking under a ladder will give you bad luck
  • +1
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Now, before you all grab your pitchforks and storm into the comments of the title of this thread alone, let me just say that of course racism is bad. I wouldn’t make a 1000 word thread defending something so obviously terrible. Generations have been ruined because of racism, and lives are still getting destroyed by it. However, I don’t think we should be painting racism as entirely evil, because, well, there’s a reason why people are racist. It’s not because people want to be bad, it’s because there are objective benefits to being racist. And I don’t think we should be discrediting these benefits with all this virtue-signaling bullshit because we are seriously reaching a low point in history without racism.

A lot of people don’t know this, but racism is actually the natural state for a lot of people, and has been for most of history. By forming exclusive groups, people are able to be amongst like-minded individuals, and the people in-fight significantly less. This is because people who think the same don’t often come into conflict. Grouping together also provides a sense of pride. I mean, think about it. If you’re surrounded by people like you, that think like you, and most importantly look like you, then you feel like you belong. That’s a good feeling.

Segregation is an objective good in its utility because it leads to the formation of ethnostates. Ethnostates are historically proven to last longer than states that embrace polyethnicity. I mean, look at China, they have over 5,000 years of history because they are discriminatory and wary of other races while also cooperating with their own. As such, the chinese have been able to survive for as long as they have. China is an ethnostate, and referring to what I said earlier, an ethnostate with a racist population provides a sense of national pride and identity, and thus prevents infighting and strengthens the country.

When you work, create, and fight, you’re doing so for the betterment of the people you care about, your own people, a distinct race. On a side note, this is why Kurdistan should not be a real country, it doesn’t deserve to be one. Kurds say they need independence but the difference between the Kurds and the Turks is entirely cultural and not racially related at all. If the Kurds were to just accept their racial disposition, then they would be a united state.

Living within an ethnostate creates an ‘us versus them’ mentality, and it’s been proven time and time again that having a defined, tangible enemy that is perceived to be pure evil unifies a people. By comparison, blurring the lines of morality with all this ‘not all black people’ talk just weakens everyone’s resolve. Take Osama Bin Laden in the war on terror for example. People rallied behind the tangible goal of killing Osama Bin Laden, and everything was great, but once he was gone, suddenly the enemy was terrorism itself, not any one group or person. It could have been anyone, what were we supposed to do then? It’s not like we can shoot terrorism dead. This is why we need people like Osama Bin Laden, and groups like Muslims, and why we need to hate them.

The politically correct may preach that globalization is the only way things should be, but a divided world gives states and people true independence, and thus responsibility for our own mistakes and development. I know I personally feel that certain races contribute significantly less than others to our culture, such as Mexicans and Indians. The best way to avoid this is to simply divide people by race. Suddenly, there would be no more races riding on the achievements of others, or even the mere perception that some group was leeching off of our own hard work. Our achievements can be accredited only to ourselves. Racism puts people in check. when you’re constantly critical of another race’s actions, you’re going to call them out on it at any chance you can get. This is far preferable to the alternative of being blindly accepting of all of a race’s mistakes, something we do so much in today’s political climate.

This can be seen with the whole Covid-19 epidemic. The virus was caused by China, there’s no way around that. It started in China because some Chinese idiot ate a bat and it spread because the chinese government was unwilling to be honest about the severity of the virus. In spite of this, people are defending China and shunning away anyone calling the virus the ‘chinese virus’, or the ‘Wuhan virus’. The virus came from China, and it’s somehow wrong to call the Chinese out for it?

Blind acceptance and aid of other countries is actively screwing us over. I mean, Africa is leeching resources from the first world all because some liberal politician sees that their skin color is dark and takes pity on them, so they funnel food and water to them instead of the hard-working men, women, and children in their own country. Shouldn’t Africa be left to their own devices to figure it out for themselves? Similarly, Syria is pouring rapists and murderers into Europe and people are just making the gates into Europe even wider to accommodate them. What a surprise, the rapists and murderers they willingly led into their country raped and murdered people. “Oh ,but they can’t do anything else because they don’t have the same rights as us,” “Oh, they’re like this because of nurture,” they say as they continue to let these primates fuck our countries. Maybe, if they were told to stay in their own shitholes, they’d find that they have the same rights as in their own country, and they’d figure out that the only way to find a better life is to start by bettering their own land and not by running away from it.

If you’ve stuck with me thus far, then I need you to bear with me again, as I realize what I’m about to say may sound bad. Nevertheless, I have to say this. Slavery is good. Every great civilization is built on the shoulders of disposable workforce, and it’s even better if this workforce is perceived as having less rights than a regular citizen, and this loops back to my main point, why we need to bring back racism. Racism desensitizes us to slavery. During the golden age of America, slavery was running rampant and no one batted an eye, and this was because blacks were considered less than human thanks to three-fifths compromise. That compromise let the American people take advantage of them without any adverse psychological effects, giving industry a massive boost in allowing America to develop into the superpower it is today.

You know why Trump says “Make America Great Again?” It’s because America used to be great, used to be great because people used to be racist and own it. People wore racism like a badge of honor. Today we stigmatize racism and thus America is no longer great again. We need slavery. We need a group of people who are expendable for manual labor. China has been doing this with their own people and they’ve become a global superpower from absolutely nothing. Imagine how powerful we could be if we took advantage of minorities and the racially inferior. We need a group of people we can oppress and use, and that shouldn’t be people of the same blood. Without a group to take advantage of, the populace becomes discontent due to the unnatural workload and development stagnates.

Okay, I realize I’ve been going on about the bigger picture for a bit too long. So what about the other side of things? How’d being racist affect you, the viewer, positively? Well, to start with, we need to look at the basics of Jungian theory. Now, I don’t expect many of you to understand this as you kind of have to be in the know about this stuff, so I’ll make this as simple as I can. Jungian theory expands off of Sigmund Freud’s structure of the human psyche, with the id being our basest, most purest form of instinct. Both theories have one thing in common, the idea that our subconscious in the deep, dark, and repressed id has a concrete effect on our conscious actions. Jung takes this one step further saying that in order to complete ourselves we must accept this subconscious manifestation of ours, not to reject it.

The yin completes the yang just as racism completes the soul. Don’t lie to yourself neither, being racist feels good. You’re repressing your inner hatred by refusing to be racist, by refusing to generalize a race into one offensive caricature. But really, deep in your subconscious you know that that’s what they really are. You can’t live without strife nor negativity, you need those elements of human life to balance yourself. Accept it, racism is chaos, and our minds are just as chaotic as it if we condemn racism deep down. The world that the left strives for is a non-existent realm of perfect euphoria, something that literally cannot exist. There is only one way it can exist, and let me tell you, it can only exist if we are not in it.

I really hate that there’s such a social stigma against being racist because it’s served us so well before and yet we’ve cast it aside. It might sound like I’ve said some pretty hateful things, but I think by this point you should be seeing my point. So yeah, that’s just my two cents on racism. Here’s to hoping this video gains some traction and actually changes something. Anyway, make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you want to see more videos. I’ve got lots more to say! Leave a comment too if you think you have something interesting to say. Please leave trolling out, you’re not funny and we really don’t need it. I’ll see you guys in the next thread. Currylightskin signing off
Racism is good because it prevents racism
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Rscism doesn't exist. It's a made up term by commies
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