Will hgh stunt my natural production?


Deleted member 28774

Apr 18, 2023
2. Where do i get aromatase inhibitors
yes your body wont produce hgh anymore.
aromatase inhibitor catcafe.is
yes your body wont produce hgh anymore.
aromatase inhibitor catcafe.is
so i should avoid pure hgh. how bout hgh releasing peptides do they stunt natural production
so i should avoid pure hgh. how bout hgh releasing peptides do they stunt natural production
why should you avoid hgh?after about 1 week stopping hgh your body will produce it again.HGH is the best but igf 1 is better if youre retarded and cant eat protein
why should you avoid hgh?after about 1 week stopping hgh your body will produce it again.HGH is the best but igf 1 is better if youre retarded and cant eat protein
i thought you meant that taking hgh would permanently stop u from producing more mb
yes your body wont produce hgh anymore.
aromatase inhibitor catcafe.is
what section u find aromatase inhibitors?
how old ru btw?
no, exogenous HGH doesn’t stunt natural production, it doesn’t work the same way test does, ignore any retard saying otherwise
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Il test by buying the aromasin 1st since its cheap?
should i not get it shipped to my address for security reasons?
what do the packages look like?
min buy order is 300$ nothing can happen if the package gets siezed just say u never bought this and its the wrong name
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u taking hgh too?
just for recovery, I’m too old for any height benefit, there’s no need to pct for HGH, your natural levels return within a week of stopping
min buy order is 300$ nothing can happen if the package gets siezed just say u never bought this and its the wrong name
fucking hell i need a job
just for recovery, I’m too old for any height benefit, there’s no need to pct for HGH, your natural levels return within a week of stopping
yeah ik,im currently 15,5 and on 7iu hgh daily +12.5 mg aromasin but i think i stunted my growth bcs i have really big gyno on my right side so i prob had high estrogen
yeah ik,im currently 15,5 and on 7iu hgh daily +12.5 mg aromasin but i think i stunted my growth bcs i have really big gyno on my right side so i prob had high estrogen
You need androgens like Masteron nigga, androgens are literally what stimulate long bone growth, HGH just speeds it up. Gyno indicates you have some kind of pro-estrogen hormone imbalance. jfl if only I knew what I know now back when I was your age.
You need androgens like Masteron nigga, androgens are literally what stimulate long bone growth, HGH just speeds it up. Gyno indicates you have some kind of pro-estrogen hormone imbalance. jfl if only I knew what I know now back when I was your age.
then tell me everything pls my dream height is 2m and i need 20 more cm i beg you
yeah ik,im currently 15,5 and on 7iu hgh daily +12.5 mg aromasin but i think i stunted my growth bcs i have really big gyno on my right side so i prob had high estrogen
i took sum sleeping gummies around ur age and got gyno, i lost it in like 2 months after that
You need androgens like Masteron nigga, androgens are literally what stimulate long bone growth, HGH just speeds it up. Gyno indicates you have some kind of pro-estrogen hormone imbalance. jfl if only I knew what I know now back when I was your age.
how long do u need to take hgh and aromatase inhibs in order to start growing
i took sum sleeping gummies around ur age and got gyno, i lost it in like 2 months after that
i developed it at like 13 and a half or 14 and a half and now im 15 a half
how long do u need to take hgh and aromatase inhibs in order to start growing
depends idk.i take 7 iu hgh daily that would let you grow 3 to 6 cm a year depends on your genetics
depends idk.i take 7 iu hgh daily that would let you grow 3 to 6 cm a year depends on your genetics
dont the hgh u get for like 150€ only last for like a lil less than a month how can you drag jt out to a year
are you doing math or meth?320 iu:7 is 45 days
are you doing math or meth?320 iu:7 is 45 days
Im on the website seeing it 160iu
2AD73483 D068 457F BC04 9AD62EF586F1
then tell me everything pls my dream height is 2m and i need 20 more cm i beg you
let me help you out, i'm going to put it simply for you since I'm a generous nigga

For maximum height you need:
High levels of androgens
Low estrogen
High HGH->IGF-1
High protein intake

Anyone with open growth plates who wants to grow as much as possible needs to be taking a LOW trt dosage like 60-80mg/week and relatively HIGH dosages of androgenic compounds like Masteron at 200mg/week. Even better if you can find legit DHT enanthate. I could send you a billion studies proving longitudinal bone growth begins with androgens acting on the growth plates, making them bigger thereby increasing height potential. HGH is NOT the first step of the process, it comes after, same for amino acids from protein. You still want to maximize both HGH and protein consumption obviously for maximum growth.
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let me help you out, i'm going to put it simply for you since I'm a generous nigga

For maximum height you need:
High levels of androgens
Low estrogen
High HGH->IGF-1
High protein intake

Anyone with open growth plates who wants to grow as much as possible needs to be taking a LOW trt dosage like 60-80mg/week and relatively HIGH dosages of androgenic compounds like Masteron at 200mg/week. Even better if you can find legit DHT enanthate. I could send you a billion studies proving longitudinal bone growth begins with androgens acting on the growth plates, making them bigger thereby increasing height potential. HGH is NOT the first step of the process, it comes after, same for amino acids from protein. You still want to maximize both HGH and protein consumption obviously for maximum growth.
im really retarded so how do i get high levels of androgens?
doesnt 60 to 80 mg shut down my test and give me low test?what exactly will masteron do?
sorry for the many questions
let me help you out, i'm going to put it simply for you since I'm a generous nigga

For maximum height you need:
High levels of androgens
Low estrogen
High HGH->IGF-1
High protein intake

Anyone with open growth plates who wants to grow as much as possible needs to be taking a LOW trt dosage like 60-80mg/week and relatively HIGH dosages of androgenic compounds like Masteron at 200mg/week. Even better if you can find legit DHT enanthate. I could send you a billion studies proving longitudinal bone growth begins with androgens acting on the growth plates, making them bigger thereby increasing height potential. HGH is NOT the first step of the process, it comes after, same for amino acids from protein. You still want to maximize both HGH and protein consumption obviously for maximum growth.
let me help you out, i'm going to put it simply for you since I'm a generous nigga

For maximum height you need:
High levels of androgens
Low estrogen
High HGH->IGF-1
High protein intake

Anyone with open growth plates who wants to grow as much as possible needs to be taking a LOW trt dosage like 60-80mg/week and relatively HIGH dosages of androgenic compounds like Masteron at 200mg/week. Even better if you can find legit DHT enanthate. I could send you a billion studies proving longitudinal bone growth begins with androgens acting on the growth plates, making them bigger thereby increasing height potential. HGH is NOT the first step of the process, it comes after, same for amino acids from protein. You still want to maximize both HGH and protein consumption obviously for maximum growth.
does this androgen thing have any side effects
and what would the monthly cost of everything be?how much can i expect?
dont want to take anything than will permanently disable an aspect of my body
nothing does unless u do trt for 20 years or smth
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im really retarded so how do i get high levels of androgens?
doesnt 60 to 80 mg shut down my test and give me low test?what exactly will masteron do?
sorry for the many questions
nigga by injecting them. The point of a low TRT is to minimize e2 levels by keeping your test on the lower end of the natural range. Trying to manage e2 levels with high test using AI it’s impossible to have totally stable estrogen levels, you WILL have temporary spikes in e2 as the level of aromasin, or whatever AI you’re using, varies and those few hours your e2 is really high can be enough to seal some of your growth plates and boom, it’s fucking over for you. Again, this can vary from person to person, since people have different levels of aromatase and body fat % also affects estrogen conversion, you may need higher dosages of test.

Masteron is a DHT derivative, acts more or less the same as DHT, just slightly less androgenic. I have seen pure DHT raws for sale but no DHT enanthate, which you would need unless you want to inject DHT every 30 minutes. Test and Masteron are pretty cheap.
nigga by injecting them. The point of a low TRT is to minimize e2 levels by keeping your test on the lower end of the natural range. Trying to manage e2 levels with high test using AI it’s impossible to have totally stable estrogen levels, you WILL have temporary spikes in e2 as the level of aromasin, or whatever AI you’re using, varies and those few hours your e2 is really high can be enough to seal some of your growth plates and boom, it’s fucking over for you. Again, this can vary from person to person, since people have different levels of aromatase and body fat % also affects estrogen conversion, you may need higher dosages of test.

Masteron is a DHT derivative, acts more or less the same as DHT, just slightly less androgenic. I have seen pure DHT raws for sale but no DHT enanthate, which you would need unless you want to inject DHT every 30 minutes. Test and Masteron are pretty cheap.
So i need to become a soy cuck to pull this off
So i need to become a soy cuck to pull this off
nigga are you illiterate, this is literally the opposite of soy cuck, 200mg of Masteron e after ester mass removal works out to 140mg per week, and the average male produces 5 mg of DHT per week. Enough masteron will literally fry your prostate. The goal is to flood your body with androgens that do not aromatize
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you WILL have temporary spikes in e2 as the level of aromasin, or whatever AI you’re using, varies and those few hours your e2 is really high can be enough to seal some of your growth plates
how high is the chance bro?i dont really want to go depper than aromasin and hgh.Is it rare that growth plates fuse randomly?
how high is the chance bro?i dont really want to go depper than aromasin and hgh.Is it rare that growth plates fuse randomly?
that comment pertained to roiding with high levels of T during puberty, ignore if you are not roiding.

i dont really want to go depper than aromasin and hgh

it's your body, do what you want, just know you never reached your maximum potential. i've already shared too much free knowledge on this thread
nigga are you illiterate, this is literally the opposite of soy cuck, 200mg of Masteron e after ester mass removal works out to 140mg per week, and the average male produces 5 mg of DHT per week. Enough masteron will literally fry your prostate. The goal is to flood your body with androgens that do not aromatize
ur too high iq its hard to understand you, would pairing this masteron stuff with creatine be too much since creatine gives a 40% increase of dht
that comment pertained to roiding with high levels of T during puberty, ignore if you are not roiding.

it's your body, do what you want, just know you never reached your maximum potential. i've already shared too much free knowledge on this thread
how much do you think you can grow a year with your method if you would take 7iu daily straight and exactly what you said?
I have seen pure DHT raws for sale but no DHT enanthate, which you would need unless you want to inject DHT every 30 minutes. Test and Masteron are pretty cheap.
They were available a couple years ago. Apparently PPL had DHT acetate, and there were some hard-to-find and exotic sources for DHT enanthate. But now that has all long since disappeared and all we have is DHT no ester.

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