1.5 years natural looksmaxing results thus far..chubby to chiselled.. And what worked and what didn’t.

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Nov 6, 2019
Before pics :

IMG 20180707 135711111

IMG 20181007 180837

After pics:

IMG 20191030 030724654

IMG 20191003 0951368484829

Hi everyone, just a short history on me.. I found looksmax.me randomly about 2 years ago (lookism as well). I was intrigued and read a bunch of guides/posts/theories I took all these in and started experimenting on myself all the various non-surgical techniques you can use to looksmax.

To be totally honest I’ve never really had a tough time attracting girls/women. I think my height and frame helps a lot tbh (6’3 broad shoulders). But I’m in my mid-twenties and that baby faced look worked for me in high school and during my teens with jailbaits; but it didn’t crossover nearly as well into adulthood and my attractiveness to women in my age or older milf types wasn’t that great. I also suffered from having a relatively lean body yet carrying all the fat in my face.

The reason I chose to join looksmax over other forums like lookism.net is because the people seem more grounded and sane. I’m sure there are mentally ill people here but it’s just not a prevalent.

Anyway for the past 1.5 years I’ve been doing daily face exercises, every day or at least every other day. So my routine consists of 4 exercises and targets the 3 areas of your face that hold fat – upper cheeks/cheekbones, lower cheeks/buccal fat, chin/jaw. It’s a high repetition/volume routine but only take max 15 mins to complete because there’s very little rest between sets.
First week of doing it the muscles in your face are going to feel pretty sore no different than the soreness you get when you go to the gym. But no strange bruising or weird side effects otherwise. I’m going to list how many reps/sets I do as well but I guess you could do more if you really wanted, and after every set you only take a 20 second rest, then 2 minutes before moving onto the next exercise. Old school bodybuilders in the 70’s actually used to use this kind of method for stubborn body parts such as calves. And it’s proven for me to be 100 times more effective than doing low reps with heavy weights hanging of your face. For this routine all you need is a mirror and both your hands. So here are the exercises explained best I can.

  • Zygo sharpener - Place your index and middle fingers on each hand on both side of your face right at the point where your cheekbones insert. Apply firm pressure and slowly push up towards your eyes; at the same time make a ‘o’ shape with your mouth for 1 second. This is 1 rep. Then return your fingers back to the starting point and relax your mouth. I do this for 3 sets of 50 reps.
  • Jaw sharpener (warm up) – Tip your head back and shift your jaw as far forward as you can, hold for a second that’s 1 rep. 1 set of 100 reps.
  • Jaw sharpener – Hold head in neutral position, put closed fist under chin, apply firm pressure upwards & slowly open your jaw all the way down, all the time applying pressure with fist. That’s 1 rep. 3 sets of 50 reps.
  • Hollower (my personal invention, gives those angular diagonal lines down cheeks) - Place your index and middle fingers of each hand on both sides of the corners of your mouth and apply outward resistance; now slowly make a ‘o’ shape with your mouth which will pull your open mouth inwards, once your lips have come as close together as they can hold it there for 1 second, that’s 1 rep. 3 sets of 100 reps. A good indicator of you doing this exercise correctly is the crazy burn/pump you will get doing it.


  • Masseter/chewing work – Started doing this like 6 months in because I figured it might help develop definition in side profile, which to be fair it did, but from the front I had to stop after a few weeks because it began to make my face look bloated, and lost some of my hollowness that I gained. Ideally you want your face to taper (like an upside down triangle), masseter training destroys angularity and aesthetics and gives a strange oblong shape. Luckily I’ve found that if you stop training them/only soft chew for a week or so they start to atrophy and slim down. So thank God not a permanent f*** up. Also developed some minor TMJ, no pain but clicked for a while whenever I opened my mouth that sorted itself out after time too.

  • Excessive Sodium (salt) in diet – 90% of the time I eat cleanly but like everyone else sometimes I need a break & want to consume something either really greasy or really sugary. Whenever I get a delivery from pizza hut (like once every 2 months) my face swells like a balloon by the next morning. Obviously this is not permanent, you can flush it out with diuretics but depending on your genetics it can take time (just for a side note I take ‘NOW Foods Potassium Citrate’ which is a supplement that really helps to speed up the process of de-bloat). But avoid ready meals you find in supermarkets if you can, they are loaded with grams of salt. It’s ok though to use sea salt on home cooking to season because a pinch is only like 0.4 grams of salt which is nothing compared to fast food. But salt seems to be the main culprit, some people that are carb sensitive can also bloat when consuming starch.
  • Face exercises where you open your mouth as much as possible – A lot easier to show than explain lol. But it’s the one that is always promoted on online blogs/articles. Supposedly it’s meant to be anti-aging because it promotes blood flow in face. But it will give you nasolabial folds over time. Thankfully after I stopped doing them and applied creams for a few months they disappeared.

  • Mewing- I’m not a very patient person, like I hinted earlier I started getting gains from face exercises after a few months. The thought of having to wait years to yield any visible results (and maybe nothing) is not something I find particularly appealing. Furthermore I’m pretty sceptical about it because I don’t believe enough pressure from your tongue can be applied to your palate to produce any shift in bone structure.
  • Face pulling & Bone mashing – Maybe it was lookism.net who developed these methods because they seem…..INSANE!

Screenshot 20191027 124117

Screenshot 20191027 124129

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Overall results so far and going into the future.
The biggest change you can clearly see is that I’ve lost a lot of baby fat. My face is pretty chiselled with prominent zygos, brow ridges and hollow cheeks; my lower third has also drastically improved giving me a sharp jawline. As well as a cleft down my chin (and steadily improving).
My camera quality isn’t great so some of the pics you maybe not be able to see definition as well I promise to post better ones when I buy a new phone.
These days I get a lot of looks/stares from older women when I’m just randomly out in public which of course feels great. And if I’m online like say discord I get girls in channel starting convos with me and sending me nudes after I give them a few extremely generic compliments kinda crazy but I’m loving it. Girl on pics (see above) approached me on discord, sexted with her for a few weeks then we met recently and hooked up, never really had that happen before transformation.
I’m currently in the process of saving up to get a beard transplant (patchy facial growth) also eyebrow transplant (would like them a bit thicker) and that will be my first and only surgery for rest of my life, peace!
Feel free to ask questions, I hope you can attain similar results to mine.
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Reactions: maxmendietta, Deleted member 2019, Cleftcel and 2 others
Nothing changed. Faces exercises do not work. You lost bodyfat due to cal deficit. You are a TEENAGER. Your face WILL change as a result of time and well into your mid 20s and if you are low IQ you will attribute it to various other factors other than passage of time and maturity.
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Reactions: CyprusGD, Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 3202 and 13 others
Get a tan and waves or some black hairstyle. Ur pheno is weird and failos u.

Also, ur lips kinda make u look gay.
  • +1
Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
dont forget to squint
  • JFL
Reactions: SayNoToRotting, InZayn and TylerDurden
Nothing changed. Faces exercises do not work. You lost bodyfat due to cal deficit. You are a TEENAGER. Your face WILL change as a result of time and well into your mid 20s and if you are low IQ you will attribute it to various other factors other than passage of time and maturity.
Nothing changed. Faces exercises do not work. You lost bodyfat due to cal deficit. You are a TEENAGER. Your face WILL change as a result of time and well into your mid 20s and if you are low IQ you will attribute it to various other factors other than passage of time and maturity.
apparently you can't read, I'm in my mid twenties, before pics were taken less than two years ago.
Get a tan and waves or some black hairstyle. Ur pheno is weird and failos u.

Also, ur lips kinda make u look gay.
lol jealous manlet
  • Hmm...
Reactions: TylerDurden and ZyzzReincarnate
Where the eyebrows at tho?
  • JFL
Reactions: Cleftcel
Cope level thread
  • JFL
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Reactions: Iamthewalrus01 and Darth Cialis
I want you to fuck my wife. Chaddy dom schlayer.
lol jealous manlet
6'3 guy here, all you did is take more frauded pics in better lighting while jutting and squinting. also u arent good looking at all tbh, always room to improve doe.
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Reactions: InZayn, tylerhunter97, TylerDurden and 1 other person
weird face and gay lips
  • +1
Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, SeiGun and ZyzzReincarnate
You look good bro way more masculine

nice ascension
  • +1
Reactions: Cleftcel, SeiGun, Deleted member 2621 and 2 others
JFL lurk more
you look like utter shit, ugly girl's opinion are not relevant. congrats on losing your fat tho
  • +1
Reactions: ZyzzReincarnate
you look like utter shit, ugly girl's opinion are not relevant. congrats on losing your fat tho
Niggas get one lay and think theyre chad JFL
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: InZayn and godsmistake
Pigskin Facts:

White men, often unable to satisfy their significant other, will occasionally hire a young, physically athletic black man to fuck his wife mercilessly while the white man observes, and sometimes will opt to take notes while masturbating his micropenis..

The fun doesn’t stop there.. 🛑 The white man will in addition also instruct the bull to ejaculate in his wife and then will proceed to bow down and consume the black man’s semen as it leaks out of her birth canal.. 🍴
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 3202, InZayn, SeiGun and 2 others
You look like a monkey tbh, lol at putting that ugly femoid as you’ve gained something
  • JFL
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Ritalincel, FatJattMofo, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and 1 other person
Pigskin Facts:

White men, often unable to satisfy their significant other, will occasionally hire a young, physically athletic black man to fuck his wife mercilessly while the white man observes, and sometimes will opt to take notes while masturbating his micropenis..

The fun doesn’t stop there.. 🛑 The white man will in addition also instruct the bull to ejaculate in his wife and then will proceed to bow down and consume the black man’s semen as it leaks out of her birth canal.. 🍴
Jesus Christ man really laying it on thick JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2621
Is the zygo sharpener exercise trying to move bone or muscle?
Do you eat alot of vegetables and/or fruits?
On first sight, it appears you don't eat mcuh of them due to skin tone lacking the pigmentation (carotoine or somethings) one gets from eating plenty vegetables/fruits. You're skin kinda looks "pale". Maybe, that could be a nice next improvementthing/project

I would also sugest finastride adding to the mix, for the hair line
Is the zygo sharpener exercise trying to move bone or muscle?
Muscle, but moreso it helped me tone that area because zygos were hidden under thick layer of fat; probably impossible to move the bone.
Lose some bloat and change lighting theory back at it again
Do you eat alot of vegetables and/or fruits?
On first sight, it appears you don't eat mcuh of them due to skin tone lacking the pigmentation (carotoine or somethings) one gets from eating plenty vegetables/fruits. You're skin kinda looks "pale". Maybe, that could be a nice next improvementthing/project

I would also sugest finastride adding to the mix, for the hair line
I can and have been tan but I live in Europe and when there's no sun and its cold I lose colour rapidly, so yes I'm kind of pale right now. Also I'm not losing my hair I had a hair pulling anxiety problem a few years ago which left my hair pretty damaged but it's slowly growing back.
I can and have been tan but I live in Europe and when there's no sun and its cold I lose colour rapidly, so yes I'm kind of pale right now. Also I'm not losing my hair I had a hair pulling anxiety problem a few years ago which left my hair pretty damaged but it's slowly growing back.
Oho, great that you overcame hair pulling because of anxiety.
I like to add, a thing about skin color.
You talk about, tan. But the pigmentation coming from vegatables and fruits. is different from the pigmentation coming from sun (tan).
Some info about the difference:
how far do you feel you are from your looks natural looks 'ceiling' ?
will try some of those face exercises tbh
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how far do you feel you are from your looks natural looks 'ceiling' ?
will try some of those face exercises tbh
Well actually I'm not super obsessed with my looks like some people here I just wanted to lean out my face and make it more masculine, because I'm getting older and it will benefit me in the workplace as well as dating to look more mature. I don't really care if people here don't believe me, I'm all about positivity. But to anwser your question, I've been getting good results considering where I was at so I'll continue. And I will have a few surgeries in the future but just hair transplants to beard and eyebrows. It's not all about the face anyway for women; height and frame are equally important.
Oho, great that you overcame hair pulling because of anxiety.
I like to add, a thing about skin color.
You talk about, tan. But the pigmentation coming from vegatables and fruits. is different from the pigmentation coming from sun (tan).
Some info about the difference:

hmm yes maybe you're right. Only thing with that is carotenoid can give you an orange hue to the skin which I don't think really looks good.
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