50 thoughts on hairloss

so your father was already receeding at your age? then you should be in the clear
I thought if I could maybe recede to Nw2.5 where I take good genes from one side and bad from the other it wouldn’t be so bad. I just don’t want to inherit all my hair genes from dads side
I thought if I could maybe recede to Nw2.5 where I take good genes from one side and bad from the other it wouldn’t be so bad. I just don’t want to inherit all my hair genes from dads side
actually thats an interesting question but afar know in your constellation you will either go full bald or remain fullhead notwood 0

so if your dad is already receeding at your age and you are still maintaining norwood 0 you will probably stay norwood 0 until death

on the other hand if you start receeding at the age of your father you will most likely follow his path

however dont sue me on this lol
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here are two examples of what people can do whose treatment fail or who started too late

smp + low density hairtransplants to add 3d texture and give a more convincing hairline

guy who just got a hairline transplanted and wears a wig behind it

I've frequently seen posts where people are interested in using some kind of topical (RU58841, CB-03-01, pyrilutamide), but they aren't exactly sure how to turn the powder into a topical treatment. Often people will suggest the use of minoxidil solutions, and while this can work, some people don't want to use minoxidil. Even if you do use minoxidil, the 1-2 mL used in minoxidil applications are often too low volume to cover the scalp. I've also seen stemoxydine used, but this is also expensive.

In this guide I'll give a few different recipes for creating carrier solutions for topical hair loss products. Generally these can be used with anything you'd apply topically that you have in powdered form. At the end of the guide, I'll give additional instruction on creating topical finasteride.

Basic Ingredients
The two basic ingredients in a carrier solution are alcohol and a humectant. The alcohol dissolves the active ingredients into solution, and the humectant makes the solution thicker and prevents moisture loss on the scalp.


For alcohol, I recommend ethanol (ethyl alcohol). This is the type of alcohol that is in alcoholic beverages, and is generally the best tolerated. In most countries ethanol must be "denatured" prior to being sold without an alcoholic beverage tax. This sometimes involves adding methanol to the ethanol, which is highly toxic and should be absolutely avoided in anything you are going to put on your body.

You basically have two choices for ethanol, then. The first is to simply buy alcohol intended for drinking, such as 190 proof Everclear. Obviously this option will be devoid of methanol or any other denaturing agents. However, you will probably have to pay a liquor tax. Some places have also banned the sale of high proof spirits.

The other option is to buy ethanol that has been denatured using bittering agents. These bittering agents are present in extremely small concentrations and are considered safe for skin application. You can look for "medical grade ethanol" online. I would make sure the product clearly indicates that it contains no methanol.


The most common choice for a humectant is propylene glycol. This liquid is used in everything from soda to vape juice, and is generally considered well tolerated. It should be extremely easy and cheap to acquire. I recommend getting food grade propylene glycol.

Some people may have negative reactions to propylene glycol, and it has been suggested that it can cause inflammation. Another option for a humectant is glycerin, which could be better tolerated in some sensitive populations.

Recipe 1

70% ethanol

30% propylene glycol

This is the simplest recipe, and is the carrier in most minoxidil formulations. Simply combine 70% ethanol and 30% propylene glycol by volume and mix. Most people will tolerate this well. Lots of research uses this carrier.

Recipe 2

80% ethanol

20% glycerin

This recipe is worth trying if propylene glycol irritates your skin. Glycerin is thicker than propylene glycol, so you can use less.

Recipe 3

60% ethanol

20% glycerin

20% distilled water

This is good if you want to avoid the high alcohol concentration of the second recipe. This can save you a bit of money and be a bit easier on the skin.

Adding your active ingredients
Most of the active ingredients people use are very soluble in ethanol. You can simply add the active ingredient in powder form to the carrier solution and mix. If you have trouble getting it to dissolve, you can try adding the powder to the ethanol alone and then mixing in the humectant after the powder dissolves.

I should also note that you should wear gloves while handing anti-androgen compounds, as you don't want to absorb them through the skin any more than you have to. You also don't want to have residue on your hands and then accidentally orally ingest an anti-androgen.

This will be obvious to people who have done this before, but you will need a milligram-accurate scale to measure out your powder. Your kitchen scale probably isn't going to work. Also make sure to store these solutions away from sunlight and heat to avoid degrading the active ingredients.

Creating Topical Finasteride
Since most of us do not have pure finasteride powder, the process for creating high quality topical finasteride is a bit more complicated. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Powder the desired amount of finasteride tablets. I use a mortar and pestle. If possible, use 5mg tablets to reduce the amount of fillers you will have to filter out.
  2. Combine the powder with the amount of ethanol you want in the final product. Mix thoroughly, not everything will dissolve, but finasteride is freely soluble in ethanol so it will come into solution.
  3. When it seems like no more of the powder is dissolving, filter the solution. I use a coffee filter. After the filtration ceases, you will be left with some ethanol and a bunch of powder in the filter. You can add a few extra mL of ethanol to wash the filter and compensate for the volume lost in the wet powder left behind.
  4. At this point you can add your humectant to the solution and mix thoroughly. I store the product in amber glass bottles which block UV.
This procedure might seem a bit involved, but it creates a clean product without a bunch of sediment that would end up in your hair. It's also very easy to tune the concentration to your specific application. With this process you can create something like a 0.05 mg / mL finasteride topical so that you have 5 mL of liquid to get good scalp coverage with a 0.25 mg dose. You can easily create a year's worth of topical finasteride in an hour.

Making your own topical treatments can save a great deal of money in comparison to buying premixed products. It also allows greater flexibility in the concentration of your topical, which is useful for both changing your dosage and changing the amount of liquid you apply to the scalp per application. Frankly, I think a lot of people are getting subpar results because they are only using 1 mL of carrier per application and aren't getting good scalp coverage.
Some tips from my experience to add:

- You can consider using a magnetic stirrer, saves "shaking" time at the expense of some money, also ensures any topical is properly (fully) dissolved.

- If using a 1mg tablets (or 5mg tablets, but high concentration), pre-filter with a metal strainer, this filters out a decent amount of filler powder but way quicker. I've had the coffee filter process take a long ass time when I didn't do this because the filler powder essentially "closes-up" the pores of the coffee filter.

- Use a little more alcohol then your calculations require e.g. 5-10% more. Ethanol evaporates very quickly, so your strength will essentially be higher if you don't do this. Using plastic wrap on any actively "filtering" or stirring mixtures helps fight the evaporation, but I still found 3-4ml can evaporate.

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  • JFL
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when to hop on fin?
when to hop on fin?

- you see miniturisation in the hairline and/or crown

- you cant imagine living with a more „receeded“ hairline then you currently have. background is that finasteride mostly maintains and that you cant count on regrowth.


so if you are 17 and you have the norwood 0 hairline and you notice some smaller hairs and miniaturization i maybe wouldnt start yet bc aesthetical a more mature hairline wont damage you.

but if you have the mature hairline and you see signs that you will receed more its time to hop on fin bc after that it will really start to look like shit

- you have a family history of advanced (norwood 4 and more) baldness. if you have ZERO male relative with a norwood over 3 there is no real need to take fin bc you can get easily a dense norwood 1 with ht.
fut vs fue



After speaking with Dr. Konior and Dr. Nadimi this weekend, Dr. Konior mentioned a study conducted by Dr. Ron Shapiro, an elite surgeon who actually kick started this community by performing surgery on @Pat - Community Publisher the study concludes that patients who start off with FUT first and combine FUE get more lifetime grafts than either technique alone. I thought it was pretty interesting, especially for those interested in maximizing donor supply. https://www.hairrestorationnetwork....de-by-side-study-fut-and-fue-lifetime-grafts/


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is there any way to get away with not using finasteride if i get FUT?
should i ask m
is there any way to get away with not using finasteride if i get FUT?
should i ask m
depends what you mean with go away

if you dont receed further norwood 4 (5 if you have good hair and donor characteristics) and you do a very well strategical planning with a good doctor and you also have a bit of luck and most of your hair folicles survive then you can maintain a full head of hair

if you are genetical destinied to reach norwood 6/7 you will end up like joe rogan. you can see his scar. however the same will happen to you with fue and im not really sure if that looks necessary better. both will be visible if you shave it like joe rogan
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: NegativeNorwood
from another thread:

There were 8 million active prescriptions of finasteride in the US alone in 2020.

lets estimate the global number:
there are 331 million americans, so the percentage of people who take finasteride in the usa is 8/331=0.024=2.4%

the global population is 7.8 Billions. Lets take into account that people in the world probably take less finasterid compared to the usa. so instead of 2.4% we go with 1%

1% of 7.8 Billion is

7,800,000,000 x 1% = 78.000.000

78 Million people are taking finasterid. RIGHT NOW. it will be way more if we consider everyone who took it since finasterid is out for 20-30 years by now. but again: im a friendly person so i be very generous in your favor.

now lets compare it to people who think! they got post finasterid syndrome (something that isnt proven until today). and here i quote your „study“ from the op

While the incidence of persistent sexual side effects associated with finasteride is unknown, it is very likely that over 1,000 men worldwide are experiencing the effects. This estimate is based upon the number of registered users (N = 2,170) on the Internet forum Propeciahelp.com which focuses on “persistent sexual, mental and physical side effects which continue despite quitting” finasteride


2.170 people compared to 78.000.000 (lets ignore for a fact that you can register there easily as much as you want and that i made multiple accounts there in 2017 to troll about side effects and making up wild stories)

that is a percentage of 0,0027%. or in other words

if 100 people take finasterid, out of these 100 people 0 (ZERO) will develop permanent sexual issues

if 1.000 people take finasterid, out of these 1.000 people 0 (ZERO) will develop permanent sexual lssues

if 10.00 people take finasterid, out of these 10.00 people 0 (ZERO) will develop permanent sexual lssues

if 100.000 people take finasterid, out of these 100.000 people 2 people will develop permanent sexual lssues (which could just aswell happened without finasterid, nobody knows)

so considering these numbers its very likely those people would have gotten these symptoms anyways. with the same logic you could look for people who took finasterid and then got overrun by a car and then claim finasterid causes a broken neck. hence the existence of post finasterid syndrome was never proven.

people who develop sideeffects will be fine after discontuing the drug.


- finasterid is safe
- finasteride works
- in unlikely case you get sides those effect will go away after 2 to 8 weeks
  • +1
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Someone should make a similar thread about height pls
brutal article





  • +1
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1. hair is life
2. without hair you have no life
3. everyone looks worse without hair
4. a small minority can pull it off in a way that even though they look worse without hair they are not sexually invisible. usually guys with hypermasc jaws and a small forehead.
5. if you ever posted on a internet forum chances are high you dont belong to these types of men mentioned in number 4. you are also not a millionair actor named jason statham
6. 80% of men will bald eventually
7. hairloss only becomes visible to the human eye once you lost more then 50% of density, especially with longer hair due to the lay over effect
8.. androgenetic alopecia is responsible for 95% of hairloss cases in males. dont fool yourself. especially if you start to bald in a certain pattern and not all over your head. its not stress. or the hat you wearing. its androgenetic alopecia. its genetics.
9. one single bald male relative is enough for making it possible that you carry the balding gene.
11. that you can tell by looking at your maternal grandfather if you will bald is a myth
12. hairloss gets classified in the norwood scale but there are hairloss patterns that dont get mention such as retrograde alopecia or these arabs who maintain a norwood 1 hairline but are pretty much bald behind it
13. there is no such thing as a mature hairline, hairloss is hairloss and balding is balding. dont be in denial
14. people vary in the degree of end norwood they reach, some lucky ones just reach norwood 2 or norwood 3
15. generally speaking though: if you have hairloss and you dont act, it will only get worse
16. vitamins, supplements, scalp massages wont stop your hairloss. general thumbrule: if it has no possible sideeffects it wont help you
17. first option should always be fda approved hairloss meds. minox and finasteride.
18. topical minox will do shit alone
19. oral minox works better. possibly fuck up your heart.
20. finasteride can cause sideeffects such as gyno, limb dick, depression
21. finasteride side effects are rare
22. you will get the impression side effects of finasteride are more common though if you browse the internet. reason for that are evaluation mistakes most human make when it comes to risk. mistakes such as
22a. bias of imaginability. if you can imagine something, even though its extremely unlikely, almost impossible, you automatically overestimate the likelyhood in your mind. read more: https://looksmax.org/threads/two-huge-mistakes-looksmaxxers-make-regarding-risk.293112/
22b. selection bias: people who get sideeffects are more likely to share their story on the internet then people without side effects
22c. availability heuristic: the availability Heuristic refers to a common mistake that our brains make by assuming that the examples which come to mind easily are also the most important or prevalent things. example: people overestimate their chance of dying in a terror attack simply because its talked about it so often.
23. finasteride can only maintain, if you get regrowth you are extremely lucky.
24. hairtransplants are legit, but while you most likely overestimate the risks of finasteride you most likely underestimates the risks of a hairtransplants
25. the risk of getting a fucked up hairtransplant will always be higher then the risk of severe finasteride side effects
26. you can minimize the risk by choosing a good hairtransplant surgeon and by avoiding hairmills
27. however even the best surgeon will have fuck ups
28. reasons are there are „known unknowns" and "unknown unknowns". (rumsfeld matrix)
29. a hair graft can be simply defined as a single follicular unit. each hair graft may contain several hair follicles, in average 2.1
30. in average a person has 6.000 grafts
31. grafts can be extracted by either fue or fut
32. fut will lead to a bigger scar hence fue became more popular
33. at a certain length even with fue the scars will be visible
33. some people argue that fut leads to a higher graft survival hence higher norwoods should start with a fut, especially when they have a flexible scalp
34. next to the number of grafts parameters such as coarseness of the hair (the finer the hair the worse), scalp hair contrast (high contrast such as white skin dark hair is bad), skullsize and whether the hair is curly or not will determine the outcome of the hairtransplant
35. hairtransplant will always be an illusion of hair. even with dense packing you wont reach natural density.
36. if you are destinied to reach a norwood stage beyond norwood 3 (in some rare cases norwood 4, 5) there is no way you escape finasteride if you want a good aesthetic result. in average the norwood 1 to norwood 5 area consists in a non balding male of 50.000 hairs, that means 25.000 folicles. for illusion of hair you need at least 50%, so 12.500 folicles. average donor is 6.000. game over.
37. the cure is just 5 years away
38. verteporfin will save us all and gives us unlimited donor supply
39. just kidding. right now the best we have is minox and finasteride. we need to pretend it will be that way for the next 50 years. if you want to save your hair: never fall into wishful thinking.
40. topical solutions such topical finasteride, duta or ru58841 will save my hair without any sideeffects.
41. false, see point 39. and the only reason why you think ru58841 produced by chinese farmers is safer then finasteride is point 22. only use ru8841 if finasterid failed.
42. scalp micro pigmentation (smp) can look good especially if you combine it with a transplant to add a 3d effect. however you are still bald in the eyes of woman so it should be last ressort.
43. wait wigs should be your last ressort but even john travolta got sick of it eventually, need i say more. however still better then a horseshoe. cheat your way through life.
44. everyone in hollywood except john travolta, the rock and jason statham are on finasteride
45. hairloss will be extremely traumatic to you (loss aversion). just like a 6ft3 men who would shrink to 5ft3
46. 80% of bald men will exchange their life savings for a fullhead of hair
47. there are no people will full hair who voluntarily wet shave their head
48. there are people who think they got post finasteride syndrome from taking 1 pill of saw palmetto
49. you are as old as your hairline / you are as pedo as your hairline
50. didnt read

33. Im beginning to think my survival rate in the right part of my hairline sucks after 1.5x HT.
33. Im beginning to think my survival rate in the right part of my hairline sucks after 1.5x HT.
fue or fut?

hair haircharacteristics?
fue or fut?

hair haircharacteristics?
FUE. I got shock loss that never seemed to recover, felt more like a tradeoff than a net positive change in my problem area
FUE. I got shock loss that never seemed to recover, felt more like a tradeoff than a net positive change in my problem area
and is your hair fine, coarse?
straight or curly?
Someone should make a similar thread about height pls
petition to move this thread into the best of the best section
  • +1
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What can you say about DUPA/retrograde, what are your thoughts on this pattern? Just a very aggressive MPB?
if you want to keep your hair and have a love life, then yes. its also ok to just shave and give up on dating completely imho. there are other things in life.
Ok cool, guess I have to break up with my gf since I shave my head for about a year now lol. Balding is not the end of the world lmao
Can fin slow down masculinisation of face and facial hair growth?
Useless demotivation. Why don't you just write something beneficial rather than demoralize everyone? Stop dragging people down.

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