Any experience with incisor clenching?


Deleted member 21044

Jul 26, 2022
Has anyone done this apart from that clenching guy? Any results? What kind of remodeling does it achieve?

@Dr. Mog @krisal @5'7 zoomer @ike57 @ascension! @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @anticel @julianchicago @Mouthbreath @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @beatEMinGTA @Grel Hellscream @ohwellmaxxing @ripcordgod1 @copefuel @positivecoper @malicieusss @Ragnar @FrameMaxxed @BongMog @Whatashame
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Don't clench too much or you will have to rename to Dr. Bruxism

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Don't clench too much or you will have to rename to Dr. Bruxism

Already done tbh i got actual bruxism from mouthguard clenching and now i clench subconsciously at night. Gonna have to fix it otherwise i grind my teeth.
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I was thinking about clenching today. I have 4mm overjet caused by thumbsucking and always clenched the molar, never the incisors. I wonder how it affects the face but there are no studies in how the clenching force is dissipated Throughout the facial bones.
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A13CB3DA 0DC6 4797 AE0F 2A119CC36091
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I was thinking about clenching today. I have 4mm overjet caused by thumbsucking and always clenched the molar, never the incisors. I wonder how it affects the face but there are no studies in how the clenching force is dissipated Throughout the facial bones.
That famous clanching guy said it does several things but i've achieved all of them by normal clenching. However he did incisor clenching if i'm correct so i'm not sure what's the difference.
That famous clanching guy said it does several things but i've achieved all of them by normal clenching. However he did incisor clenching if i'm correct so i'm not sure what's the difference.
Incisor clenching should give you faster results tbh. You basically increase the distance between the fulcrum(maxilla) and the point you apply the force(incisors) and by doing so the effect should be greater than what was before.
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Incisor clenching should give you faster results tbh. You basically increase the distance between the fulcrum(maxilla) and the point you apply the force(incisors).
I'm wondering if it pushes the lower incisors down therefore increasimg gonial angle and bending jaw. Coz ik molar clenching lengthens ramus.
I'm wondering if it pushes the lower incisors down therefore increasimg gonial angle and bending jaw. Coz ik molar clenching lengthens ramus.
Everything that molar clenching does, incisor clenching should do with a lesser amount of time. It can degrade your teeth but other than that, unless you go behind the fulcrum point(back molars), it should just give you a semi-CCW.
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Everything that molar clenching does, incisor clenching should do with a lesser amount of time. It can degrade your teeth but other than that, unless you go behind the fulcrum point(back molars), it should just give you a semi-CCW.
It moves different teeth at different places in the mandible it can't do the same thing, i'm certain it won't lengthen ypur ramus for example.
Ik molar clenching adds to ramus length over time or atleast heard it does , incisor clenching idk tbh , my bite is normal so I can't really feel any sort of clenching there even if I want to maybe if I jut a bit , but usually chewing with front teeth is said to be bad and incisor is used only for cutting meat so I don't think we should clench on it
That famous clanching guy said it does several things but i've achieved all of them by normal clenching. However he did incisor clenching if i'm correct so i'm not sure what's the difference.
when i clench with the molars i feel more pressure in the back of the skull, with the lateral incisors in the front. But the natural would be with the molars i dont see why incisor clenching would make sense
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when i clench with the molars i feel more pressure in the back of the skull, with the lateral incisors in the front. But the natural would be with the molars i dont see why incisor clenching would make sense
Same. It isn't very natural, that's why i'm skeptical. But neither is thumbpulling and it works, so i'll give it a shot.
Same. It isn't very natural, that's why i'm skeptical. But neither is thumbpulling and it works, so i'll give it a shot.
do u have experience with thumpulling? Im for a long time thinking about buying course. Her site has so much technichal info that makes sense and i never saw anywhere else
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imagine how idiot u are doing this
do u have experience with thumpulling? Im for a long time thinking about buying course. Her site has so much technichal info that makes sense and i never saw anywhere else
Yes, i've been doing it for almost a year. Thumbpulling is one of the few techniques that actually work. You get consistent slow maxillary advancement once you crack the zygomaticomaxillary suture.
just thumbpull incisors if you want proclination
just thumbpull incisors if you want proclination
No no i don't need that but i clenched molars and premolars which moved them up and now my incisors look like rabbit teeth jfl.
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Already done tbh i got actual bruxism from mouthguard clenching and now i clench subconsciously at night. Gonna have to fix it otherwise i grind my teeth.
get ready for shortface syndrome
why was the surgery pointless he ascended
Retards increased his gonial angle for no reason when he just needed mandibular advancement.
Retards increased his gonial angle for no reason when he just needed mandibular advancement.
what did they even do to him? was it bimax

so ur saying something like BSSO or IMDO would have been better for him?
what did they even do to him? was it bimax

so ur saying something like BSSO or IMDO would have been better for him?
Some kinda maxillary downgraft. Ideal would be bsso and gonion implants.
Has anyone done this apart from that clenching guy? Any results? What kind of remodeling does it achieve?

@Dr. Mog @krisal @5'7 zoomer @ike57 @ascension! @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @anticel @julianchicago @Mouthbreath @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @beatEMinGTA @Grel Hellscream @ohwellmaxxing @ripcordgod1 @copefuel @positivecoper @malicieusss @Ragnar @FrameMaxxed @BongMog @Whatashame
Shit made my jaw so big.

Some close friends even touched it and then called me Thanos

And just maybe it slightly moved my maxilla upward because my uee decreased
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Has anyone done this apart from that clenching guy? Any results? What kind of remodeling does it achieve?

@Dr. Mog @krisal @5'7 zoomer @ike57 @ascension! @Shitfacegoodbod=mog @anticel @julianchicago @Mouthbreath @PURE ARYAN GENETICS @beatEMinGTA @Grel Hellscream @ohwellmaxxing @ripcordgod1 @copefuel @positivecoper @malicieusss @Ragnar @FrameMaxxed @BongMog @Whatashame
I once clenched really hard when I was pissed of I crushed away a piece of my canine
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Your teeth will eventualy get loose and fall.
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Reactions: Usum and 5'7 zoomer
Shit made my jaw so big.

Some close friends even touched it and then called me Thanos

And just maybe it slightly moved my maxilla upward because my uee decreased
How can maxilla affects supraorbitals? It 100% affects infras but some people have very good upper orbitals with weak maxilla. Do you think that the decrease of uee in puberty is caused by upper jaw growth? My uee decreased in the last period but the only thing that changed are my supras, they are bigger and protrude more. Maybe you got more mass there? Good job with your jaw btw.
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How can maxilla affects supraorbitals? It 100% affects infras but some people have very good upper orbitals with weak maxilla. Do you think that the decrease of uee in puberty is caused by upper jaw growth? My uee decreased in the last period but the only thing that changed are my supras, they are bigger and protrude more. Maybe you got more mass there? Good job with your jaw btw.
I also used to slightly bonesmash my orbitals but slightly since it's kinda dangerous there while kinda overdosing on vitamin k's and D

I ruined so many mouth guards clenching on them

I even cut a belt in half pulling on it 🤣
Might sound like I'm reaching but I'm not
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I also used to slightly bonesmash my orbitals but slightly since it's kinda dangerous there while kinda overdosing on vitamin k's and D

I ruined so many mouth guards clenching on them

I even cut a belt in half pulling on it 🤣
Might sound like I'm reaching but I'm not
how did u widen palate
About 3 years ago my front teeth used to be loose. I could shake them using my fingers it felt like they were about to fall. I instinctively KNEW I had to push them back up using my fingers. Then around that time I decided to chew on my front teeths with gum and when I was done it was no longer shaky, my bite improved and right now I just checked my front teeths upper and lower are still rock solid.
I think my upper lip grew because of that.

Thanks for reading this piece of anecdotal evidence.

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