Average Girls Height increased



Jun 12, 2019
The Average Girls Height increased from 5.6 to 5.9 175 cms its over for average height boys being same height of females is a huge turn off.
Try to walk around in town and you will notice girls are getting taller and taller,only super tall chads will breed in the future.
Girl height is increasing year by year i seen groups of 14yo girls as tall as me 5.9 and i am 23.
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Reactions: horizontallytall, National Rodgerism, fobos and 2 others
The Average Girls Height increased from 5.6 to 5.9 175 cms its over for average height boys being same height of females is a huge turn off.
Try to walk around in town and you will notice girls are getting taller and taller,only super tall chads will breed in the future.
I see 160-165cm german foids everywhere tbh
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I swear they're getting taller too ngl. I get heightmogged whenever I leave the basement :feelswah::feelswah::feelswah:
Real life,take a walk outside
im currently in SW Florida (states) and i haven’t seen any women above 5’8 besides the occasional lard or athlete
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I want to inject this fucking HGH into my fucking body
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Lmao what? I'm 5'9 (maybe even less) and mog 95% of women in London.
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I'm 5'5 and get mogged by at least 30% of women in France, so...

My fucking father is 5'10
that’s your problem bro. you’re 5’5, how tall is your mom? genetics might have you screwed
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I'm 5'5 and get mogged by at least 30% of women in France, so...
So you're 4 inches shorter than me and say you get mogged? No shit bro
The Average Girls Height increased from 5.6 to 5.9 175 cms its over for average height boys being same height of females is a huge turn off.
Try to walk around in town and you will notice girls are getting taller and taller,only super tall chads will breed in the future.
Girl height is increasing year by year i seen groups of 14yo girls as tall as me 5.9 and i am 23.
Lol average girl height is 5’9? LMFAOO man where do you live? The netherlands? Its not like that even there though. 5’6 is taller than average for a girl also, the average girl is 5’5 inthe west. Meaning that half girls are shorter than that and you’re delusional
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that’s your problem bro. you’re 5’5, how tall is your mom? genetics might have you screwed

Mother is 5’3

I think my father was about my size at my age though, and he too is probably full of estrogen.
Here in italy most teen girls are 5.9
italian girls have short legs and they have to wear heels all the time to look normal
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Reactions: ElliotRodgerJr
im currently in SW Florida (states) and i haven’t seen any women above 5’8 besides the occasional lard or athlete
average woman wear hells all the time so its very common to see 5.9 girls or even 6 feet here in italy
The Average Girls Height increased from 5.6 to 5.9 175 cms its over for average height boys being same height of females is a huge turn off.
Try to walk around in town and you will notice girls are getting taller and taller,only super tall chads will breed in the future.
Girl height is increasing year by year i seen groups of 14yo girls as tall as me 5.9 and i am 23.
Yeah and I see 7 foot gigachads outside, fuck sources
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Reactions: ElliotRodgerJr
average woman wear hells all the time so its very common to see 5.9 girls or even 6 feet here in italy

The average female height in Italy is 5’4.2” so kindly fuck off with “muh 5.9 is average height for girls in now” jfl
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Bro I’m on vacation in Italy right now, most girls are noticeably shorter than me and seeing one that is actually 5’9” outside is like less than 1/10
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It's over for many girls
He's acc right believe it or not people just fake their height by at least an inch these days so society has become out of control
Bro I’m on vacation in Italy right now, most girls are noticeably shorter than me and seeing one that is actually 5’9” outside is like less than 1/10
In north italy 14 yos are 5.9 idk where are you
In north italy 14 yos are 5.9 idk where are you

In northern Italy, won’t be more accurate than that. According to google the difference between the north and the south of the country is only about an inch so even then the average height of a girl would be 5’8” which is simply not true. Just because some 14 year olds are that height doesn’t mean that that’s the average. When I was in Germany I saw a group of guys at the airport my age that were all 6’2-6’5”, but that doesn’t mean that’s the average height.
havent noticed ngl, only tall girls i see tend to be part dutch or something, usually blonde, even then im taller than them so its not a big deal for me
this is not true, avg for women is shorter than this,

carry on
you went too far boyo, it's true there are a lot of tall woman nowadays, but there is a ton of womanlets as well tbh
Legit son. They still look small if you are above 6 feet
I legit see 5 11 girls walking about now a days. fucking bullshit gay fucking faggot school didn't even teach me or anyone about nutrients meaning that my fucking zinc was low for 4-8 months and I have high E low T for about 2-4 months and now I might actually be shorter than girls in school
High IQ post, I see plenty of legit 6ft1 girls walk around here in Canada, I know cuz I am a legit 6ft1 barefoot in the morning and I see so many girls the same height as me, and some even taller than me .Btw, I wear nike air force 1. We ALL have to get on HGH, bc girls will replace us men !!
Real life,take a walk outside

You're a fucking idiot.

What next all 12 year old girls are secretly climbing out the house through chimneys to have anal sex?

Don't be retarded man your anecdotal experience means nothing because you are a pathetic fucking nobody.
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I'm 5'7" and more than half the girls that come to my gym are taller than me. It's so fucking over.
I'm 5'11 and have never been height mogged by a female, I usually tower over like 75% of them.
I see a girl that is about 6' every day but they're like 5 in 100 girls. 5'9 is definitely not average. 5'7 is average in Germany I'd say.
You probably think the average height is that high because it already feels like a girl is mogging you when you don't tower over her.
Tbh I feel mogged by any girl above 5'6 because she'd be taller than me if she was born a male.
there are an increasing number of girls in the 5'9 to 6 range and the rest are this height when they wear heels, so if you're not in 6'3 to 6'6 range as a man you are fucked
New generation is much taller than the previous one. A lot of people I know irl are noticing this as well. But it goes for both males and females

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