Best Vitamin C for Acne Scarring/Hyperpigmentation.



Dec 17, 2023
Best vitamin C product I could use for Acne Scarring?

I have managed to solve most of my acne problems through dieting (cutting out any junk/fast food and processed drinks like soda or non-organic juices. Although I barely drink juice other than apple cider which doesn't really count as a juice and that is a completely natural juice because you can't really process apple cider. WATERMAXX)

However, I have many remaining acne scars (old and new), that I want to try to get rid of and I have come to that Vitamin C may solve my problems to a great extent. But now I want to know what product I should use in order to achieve best results? Any recs?
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C won’t do shiy for scarring. You need azelaic acid
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Vit C Serum + Supplements(tablets/effervescent pills, since Vit C is water soluble, it's easily digestible and doesn't harm you as much).
Wouldn't be likely to provide any results relative to a fully cleaned up diet

Retinoids and increasing turnover to replace the scarred skin with fresh new cells is what you need

Ghk-cu, tazorac, tret would all be good

When it comes to scarring you have to essentially replace the skin as many times as it takes until it loses its texture and color and becomes even with your face.
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C won’t do shiy for scarring. You need azelaic acid
Really? Damn, well I am about to start diving into salicylic acid and hyloraunic acid. Is it safe to try all of these acids, I don't want to permanently damage my skin because as you see in my pfp, my skin isn't horrible, but I just have scars left where I just want to get rid of.
Wouldn't be likely to provide any results relative to a fully cleaned up diet

Retinoids and increasing turnover to replace the scarred skin with fresh new cells is what you need

Ghk-cu, tazorac, tret would all be good

When it comes to scarring you have to essentially replace the skin as many times as it takes until it loses its texture and color and becomes even with your face.
Oh cool, thank you so much, I currently use tretinoin, aong with my dieting which I believe does help a lot, I just thought that through my research of various skincare guides and my trial and error skincare routines as well that I might give Vitamin C a try as well. Just because I feel like tretinoin helps but I thought it helped the skinbarrier with preventing future breakouts through getting rid of unopened pores waiting to breakout.
Vit C Serum + Supplements(tablets/effervescent pills, since Vit C is water soluble, it's easily digestible and doesn't harm you as much).
Thank you maaan. Do you have any vitamin C serums that you would recommend?
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raw meat ded srs
Really? Damn, well I am about to start diving into salicylic acid and hyloraunic acid. Is it safe to try all of these acids, I don't want to permanently damage my skin because as you see in my pfp, my skin isn't horrible, but I just have scars left where I just want to get rid of.
I don't see any in that pic

Your skin looks very good, but completely even skin is a mogger trait

I've only ever seen truly even skin tone once in some receptionist at urgent care

Shit was uncanny I wasn't attracted to her but that would have been nice to compliment, normal compliment and she'd feel great about it

Idk what I'm talking about tbh

But honestly bro just visit a derm and get tret prescribed, besides acne this is what it's used for.

Turnover on prescription retinoids is unreal, finish a vial of ghk-cu while you do a tube of tret and I'd expect you'd be looking great
raw meat ded srs
Lowkey I was thinking of getting into that, like liver and other sorts. I have heard of the health benefits and especially for athletes so I am definitely probably going to consider it, but we will see with time.
Oh cool, thank you so much, I currently use tretinoin, aong with my dieting which I believe does help a lot, I just thought that through my research of various skincare guides and my trial and error skincare routines as well that I might give Vitamin C a try as well. Just because I feel like tretinoin helps but I thought it helped the skinbarrier with preventing future breakouts through getting rid of unopened pores waiting to breakout.
Yeah tazorac is better for anti-aging/ pure turnover

Ask your derm to do both tbh, they prob won't be opposed
When did you start accutane?
Few days ago lol

I was on a while ago and never went above 60mg and it got better but then got worse again

I totally ghosted my derm about bloods and shit so I ordered it online this time to not deal with them lmao
Buddy do you really believe that vitamin c removes scars? At that point i suggest urine therapy
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Buddy do you really believe that vitamin c removes scars? At that point i suggest urine therapy
Not necessarily remove, however, definitely helping the skin with dark spots and hyperpigmentation by enlightening the skin.

Urine therapy is crazy LOL
Not necessarily remove, however, definitely helping the skin with dark spots and hyperpigmentation by enlightening the skin.

Urine therapy is crazy LOL
Please don't do it that's joke
IK HAHAHA, I would never put LITERAL piss on my face. The comment was just hilarious
Urea is great for repairing the skin barrier
Few days ago lol

I was on a while ago and never went above 60mg and it got better but then got worse again

I totally ghosted my derm about bloods and shit so I ordered it online this time to not deal with them lmao
Then breaking out is normal bro!! Give it a couple months and your skin will be so clear I promise. You are just starting the purging stage, which means that product is completely working and is making you break out on purpose. It is all acne that you would have gotten before, it is just speeding up the process and getting rid of all that acne that you would have gotten later on in the future.

I myself never tried accutane and I probably won't because I don't feel the extreme need to, but I have heard of the great results, let it work its magic, you are going to breakout a lot more in the next few months but then it will go away after that, you are just purging. "Gets worse before it gets better." Trust my guy
Then breaking out is normal bro!! Give it a couple months and your skin will be so clear I promise. You are just starting the purging stage, which means that product is completely working and is making you break out on purpose. It is all acne that you would have gotten before, it is just speeding up the process and getting rid of all that acne that you would have gotten later on in the future.

I myself never tried accutane and I probably won't because I don't feel the extreme need to, but I have heard of the great results, let it work its magic, you are going to breakout a lot more in the next few months but then it will go away after that, you are just purging. "Gets worse before it gets better." Trust my guy
Yeah ik im hoping purge ain't more than a few weeks at this dose

It was pretty minimal when I first started

But if I just actually lock in my diet a good purge won't pull out new shit, only the old shit that needs to go

Might run 150mg for a few weeks tbh I'm having same sides as 30mg, just some muscle spams in my quads, super light
bro im stupid, i read that as urine, my brain is officially rotted. Thank you for the source, I will look into it and research it more.
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Thank you maaan. Do you have any vitamin C serums that you would recommend?
Depends on your location tbh, just go for the high rated ones from Amazon
I would recommend Vit C + E at the some serum, it enhances Vit C's receptivity
For the tabs, get any from your local drugstore
Wouldn't be likely to provide any results relative to a fully cleaned up diet

Retinoids and increasing turnover to replace the scarred skin with fresh new cells is what you need

Ghk-cu, tazorac, tret would all be good

When it comes to scarring you have to essentially replace the skin as many times as it takes until it loses its texture and color and becomes even with your face.
dont tretinoids give you gay glowing skin?
if retinoids can't fix it you will need CO2 lasers or fillers. I remember seeing some youtuber a long time ago I forget what he did but he still had a slight crater face since fixing his issues.
IK HAHAHA, I would never put LITERAL piss on my face. The comment was just hilarious
Buddy urine therapy is not on face....
Accutane for 4-6 months, wait 6 months because of skin sensitivity, after that acne scar removal treatment.

Everything else is utter cope.

Thread closed.
Subcision surgery improved my acne scars by a lot. Laser did nothing.
Don't listen to any of the clowns in this thread so far.

This is a two-pronged approach:

#1 Protect your skin: Although your shit skin is due to past acne, still make sure you use sunscreen daily to prevent further skin damage from the sun.

#2 Improve your skin: Your skin naturally exfoliates itself roughly every 30 days, but the renewal may not be strong enough to for the scarring and hyperpigmental you've described which is why people have recommended chemicals. However, chemicals have potential negative reactions based on your specific skin.
Therefore try a high concentration Vitamin C serum instead since it's been scientifically proven to work. Just make sure you get one that absorbs well. This will clear your skin over time. If after 4-6 months you're not happy with its results then you have no option but to move on to the harsher stuff.
Don't listen to any of the clowns in this thread so far.

This is a two-pronged approach:

#1 Protect your skin: Although your shit skin is due to past acne, still make sure you use sunscreen daily to prevent further skin damage from the sun.

#2 Improve your skin: Your skin naturally exfoliates itself roughly every 30 days, but the renewal may not be strong enough to for the scarring and hyperpigmental you've described which is why people have recommended chemicals. However, chemicals have potential negative reactions based on your specific skin.
Therefore try a high concentration Vitamin C serum instead since it's been scientifically proven to work. Just make sure you get one that absorbs well. This will clear your skin over time. If after 4-6 months you're not happy with its results then you have no option but to move on to the harsher stuff.
thank you bro so much, do you have any Vitamin C serums you would recommend?
Accutane for 4-6 months, wait 6 months because of skin sensitivity, after that acne scar removal treatment.

Everything else is utter cope.

Thread closed.
I don’t have acne like that, I’m going through recovery for my acl surgery so I wouldnt want to mess with testosterone lowering substances or anything at this time, that’s why I asked for something like Vitamin C serum recommendations. It is me in pfp, obviously black and white but my skin isn’t horrible I’m just trying to get rid of minor scarring, nothing too insane to hop on something like isotretinoin (accutane)
thank you bro so much, do you have any Vitamin C serums you would recommend?

Can't recommend one since I've never used one yet. Still researching.

I plan on buying mine this weekend to reverse decades of sun damage from not using sunscreen. (Everyone that doesn't use sunscreen will have discolouration and sub-optimal skin)

But generally, any Vit-C serum is fine as long has it meets the below two criteria:

1. Concentration Level
Most will be between 10% - 20%, with the higher concentration being more effective than the lower concentration but also more likely to cause irritation.

You could either start with low concentration and work your way up, or you could start with the highest concentration and do a patch test first to make sure your skin is fine with it.

2. Stability
Vitamin C can be unstable, so you need to get one that is stable, otherwise its effectiveness will be reduced and it may also irritate your skin. Below are the two things that affect stability.
  • Product Packaging: Air and light reduces stability. So the ideal container should be dark or opaque and ideally in a air-tight pump, or at least not an open tub container.

  • Ingredients: The ingredients and synergies in the product will determine whether or not it's likely to be stable. Once you find a product online, copy and paste its ingredients to ChatGPT and it will tell you whether it's shit or likely to be stable.
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MY MAN, this is the best explanation I have gotten on this website yet. Thank you so much and I am going to try this right now, as well as including a good sunscreen into my skincare routine once again because the last sunscreen I used wasn't the best and caused more irritation, so I dropped it. But thank you, finally something I can use chatgpt for other than cheating on my school work.

Again thanks for the in-depth explanation, need more people like you, means a lot.
  • +1
I started 100mg accutane and still getting acne, it may be time for the meats
my acne of ten years finally stopped after blasting dutasteride
which is actually protective of your hair unlike cuckutane
Can't recommend one since I've never used one yet. Still researching.

I plan on buying mine this weekend to reverse decades of sun damage from not using sunscreen. (Everyone that doesn't use sunscreen will have discolouration and sub-optimal skin)

But generally, any Vit-C serum is fine as long has it meets the below two criteria:

1. Concentration Level
Most will be between 10% - 20%, with the higher concentration being more effective than the lower concentration but also more likely to cause irritation.

You could either start with low concentration and work your way up, or you could start with the highest concentration and do a patch test first to make sure your skin is fine with it.

2. Stability
Vitamin C can be unstable, so you need to get one that is stable, otherwise its effectiveness will be reduced and it may also irritate your skin. Below are the two things that affect stability.
  • Product Packaging: Air and light reduces stability. So the ideal container should be dark or opaque and ideally in a air-tight pump, or at least not an open tub container.

  • Ingredients: The ingredients and synergies in the product will determine whether or not it's likely to be stable. Once you find a product online, copy and paste its ingredients to ChatGPT and it will tell you whether it's shit or likely to be stable.
I was concerned about stability too in vit C serums
SInce the solid form is stable, wouldn't it be best to buy some ascorbic acid powder,
lather our face up with the relevant solvents and then pour the powder on to our faces, rubbing the mixture into our skin.
That way all of the Vit C is active, with certainty.
I plan on buying mine this weekend

@sebchi 6 Weeks Update

1. Vit C's effect on my skin

My face is now smoother than a baby's bottom!

I bought Vit C only for discolouration but didn't expect my skin texture to look this good. Upon further research, it turns out that its collagen-increasing property and antioxidant effects are what improved my skin texture

Although my overall face has gotten noticeably brighter, discolouration hasn't really improved drastically

I'll give it another 6 weeks and re-assess

I ended up buying The INKEY List™ 15% Vitamin C and EGF Serum 30ml which I've been happy with. It met the two stability conditions I stated in my earlier post and I also got zero negative reactions

Another thing that improved my skin texture has been vaseline. After I cleanse my face, I apply Vit C then a SPF moisturiser. Once this settles in, I then apply a light layer of vaseline on my face to fully lock in the moisture. This instantly removed all micro fine lines and wrinkles since my face is now as moisturised and elastic as it could possible be. I then pat off the shininess with a cloth and add something matte on top.

2. Targeting Discolouration
Based on further research, it's likely that my discolouration won't have improved much from Vit C in another 6 or even 12 weeks. Only my facial texture and brightness will continue to improve

The reason for this is because Vit C doesn't directly reduce melanin. Instead, other compounds like hydroquinone and kojic acid will better reduce hyperpigmentation because they directly reduce melanin

This improves hyperpigmentation because the areas that are discoloured have a higher level of melanin compared to the rest of your face, meaning that the discolouration improvement effect will be more pronounced the in hyperpigmentated areas

What has your experience with Vit C been?
Hey man, it is great to hear from you. After our first conversation, I started using this Vitamin C serum named by the brand, "Eclat". It seemed to have work to an extent because I definitely found improvement in my overall health look of my face if that makes sense. As for hyperpigmentation, like you said, it hasn't been a miracle type of thing by fulling erasing them in this 6 week time frame, but that have gotten a whole lot better. It is all about the consistency as well. With this Vit C serum, I had also bought a full on skincare routine, with one of the other things being Paula's Choice BHA (Salicylic Acid) 2% Exfoliant. I think with the help of these two, I have definitely helped my acne scars and overall acne breakouts as well. I definitely have controlled my acne very well with those two products, my overall skincare routine, and a cleaner healthier diet.

Recently, those two products have ran out, so last week I bought "Eva Naturals Vitamin C+ Serum," containing Vitamin C, SA, Hyaluronic Acid, and Niacinimade which also targets these acne scars. As well as "The Ordinary SA 2%." Which I absolutely love, it leaves my face feeling extremely smooth. I switch out these products day by day, but honestly, I think I am going to start using the SA by itself in the mornings and then the super serum at night, just because I wouldn't want to fry my face from all the products the super serum has during the day, regardless of if I have SPF on or not (which I do apply every day after my moisturizer).

I started using Tretinoin 1% cream which is really great for my skin goals as well. I apply it every other night, when I do this, I know that mixing retinoids and other active ingredients is pretty risky, but I have been using these products enough to be pretty sure that my face has been adjusted to the harsher ingredients. I started using this retinoid about 2-3 weeks ago and my face has made significant progress. On nights I use Tret, my skincare goes like this...
1. First Cleanse(LA Roche Posay Gentle Cleanser) which I am thinking of switching out for an actual oil cleanser.
2. Second Cleanse (La Roche Posay Foaming Cleanser)
3. Super Serum (Eva Naturals Vit C, SA, HA, Niacinimade.)
4. Mousturize (Sandwhich Method)
5. Tretinoin 1% Cream Retinoid (Apply it on the back of my hand and then polkadot my face)
6. Mousturize again
7. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly (on sensitive parts of my face that are more prone to peel, ex: around my eyes, eyebrows, around the lips, under the chin area, etc.)

But to conclude this for now, my skin clearing journey has definitely been up and down, but these are definitely the highlights of it and the stuff I would love to share with you. It was again, great hearing from you, but I would love to keep in touch and keep updating you throughout this journey, along with hearing about yours. Until next time.
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