Cope with your virginity by laughing at my autistic ass relationship


Deleted member 18244

Noveau Bitche
Mar 10, 2022
Tldr: Wasted my youth in a three-year toxic game of cheating-tag instead of looking for a serious waifu. I lost.

Gather round autists. I met this girl on Tinder. She was a becky (5/10 tops, skinny), but wasn’t my physical type per se. She did look like a nice, honest girl, though, and spoke like one too.

We went out a few times and slowly got serious, with what we claimed to be quite intense feelings on both our parts.

I was honest at the start that I’m kind of aloof, but over the years we dated, I really did develop something for who I thought she was. However, there was also a lot of BS, which I refused to look at directly (lest they break my little fantasy), but which I knew was there nonetheless and it prevented me from loving her.

It was things like talking about her ex, for example saying she liked him more than me when we had been dating for a year and living together at that point (I kicked her out of the house that night). Later on, she would repeatedly claim she ‘misspoke’, which I never believed — back when we were starting out, she still had pictures of her ex on social media, but she never uploaded anything with me, nor even let me meet her parents. Yes, her ex mogs me heavily with his blue eyes blonde hair pretty boy pheno.

Now, that pretty much cemented that I’m nothing to her, but instead of breaking up like a man, I cheated on her like four times behind her back to get some type of ‘revenge’, even telling her to her face I intend to go and fuck someone, since that’s how she made me feel. She sobs, tells me she can’t let me go even if I do.

Anyway, we kept dating, she ended up moving back in, only to move out instantly over a fight (me smoking a blunt, nothing crazy). I told her I would quit for her, but it’s obviously not really about the blunt. At this point my anger got the best of me and I said that I don’t have to do shit for her since she won’t do shit for me, and that I was done making any kind of effort for her ass - a promise that I kept.

Since then all the way to the end, if she wanted to see me, she would have to come to my place, hang out, and leave. No dinner dates, no movie nights, no exploring the city. I felt like she was nothing more than a fwb now.

When the pandemic started, most couples moved in together for logistics, but she said she needed to stay with her sister (same city) who apparently had asthma, so she had to be there to help in case her sis had an attack, but she also couldn’t afford to visit me and infect her sister (how convenient). I could smell the bullshit here as well, but I thought why would she try to LTR me instead of dumping me? It’s not like I was rich, or buying her stuff, or even chad.

She also never in three years spent a Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s day with me, nothing. So I was obviously the side piece, which meant that I would treat her like a side piece.

Remember that I communicated all of this to her, even if it was from a place of anger. I specifically said I was only interested in what she does, not what she says.

That was all I wanted from her — some direct communication I can work with. Tell me my hairline is high. Tell me my dick is average. But nah. Instead, she kept claiming that she loved me endlessly throughout all this, that I was the one, her person, all the while making 0 effort in any form. Like literally didn’t even get me a present for christmas or my birthday (we were LDR at that point (lol) but my simping ass picked out some basic amazon gifts and had them delivered to her, at least).

Her visits got less frequent, the talks less interesting. We were obviously growing apart. Then one day, she drops this new story about her needing to go back to her home country for a year to look after her brother (damn, her family are always dragging her away huh? /s). Now this sounds like a blow off to any sane person, but she insisted that I am the one that she will marry, her love, all that crap. I asked something like “What if you meet someone there?” to which she replies, no shit: “Well that wouldn’t be my intention,” with her tone of voice implying that she was very much open to it while trying to claim plausible deniability.

Shocked at how little she cared, I burst out crying (JFL) we kind of hug for a while and she says that she will tell her family she is only staying for 6 months then coming back. I’m like … uhh that was an option? Regardless, she gifts me a framed picture of both of us engraved with promises of love eternal and fucks off for 6 months.

During these months, she would always claim that she was sleeping, or that she had 12-hour workdays, which is bullshit for her home-office job. It was during this time that I withdrew even more, barely texting her two word replies and chatting up other girls once in a while, but I didn’t fuck any that period when she was away. After all, she had repeatedly refused to even call me and was definitely cheating on me. I couldn’t let go of the fake love though.

Predictably, I got more proof of that when she told me that she got glandular fever, aka the kissing disease. I ask if she kissed anyone only to be met with a convincing ‘hahaha nahh’.

At this point she is back to my city and talking about meeting up, but oh of course just the day that she is supposed to come, she had a kidney problem and was rushed to the hospital! Oh man! Which hospital is that? “Just the main one”, she says. Her lies are not even creative anymore. All I can feel within me is a kind of cold disgust at this point, so I don’t even call her out. I just continue with my work, studies, and I text her once a day if I am bored.

Now I was not strong enough to break up, but I was expecting her monkey branching ass to do it, seeing as she definitely cheated on my ass. A month later, she asks me to call. I say something like “No thanks, I waited several months for a call when you were away, I’m over it now.”

Seeing that, she suddenly loves me oh so very much! She wants to fight for me and make things right! Says she is magically healed now from her hospital visit and ready to come and stay with me for the weekend. Sure thing, I reply. I thought, there’s no way in hell she comes. I changed my bed sheets just in case, since I’m polite like that.

Lo and behold, the day comes, and as I am playing Elden ring, a text comes up. It’s another piece of groundbreaking fiction. Same basis for the lie - has to be hospitalised all of a sudden, just an hour before meeting! Man, what are the chances? She also says that she wants to break up and ‘heal’ (keeping up with the hospital theme) but that she loves me and all that but she’ll be blocking me everywhere, since I might ‘get angry’ (=ask her not to lie, ig).

And there you have it boys and ghouls. That was a month ago and she never unblocked me. Full honesty, my bipolar ass did send her some embarrassing emails begging her to reconcile, knowing full well she’s trash. As I was writing it, I already knew she doesn’t give a fuck (broke up with a text after 3 years) but the whole thing was so absurd, I was sure there had to be be a misunderstanding somewhere. There wasn’t. She had dropped the mask now and fully didn’t give a shit.

Funny how I always start out not caring but they somehow roped me in. Now I’m the one with the bruised ego, and she’s the player that lead me on for years until she found a chad.

Quick FAQ:

Q: Why the hell would I act so bitchly?
A: My best guess is insecurity and abandonment issues rooted in childhood.

Q: Why did you stay with her then?
A: A relationship has bad moments as well as good. I have only presented the bad ones here. Also, she could somehow convince me of shit I knew was not even real. Or maybe I did that because I wanted it to be real. Either way, Speech 100.

I stopped seeing this sexy goth bitch for her cause I thought the goth would end up cheating on me lmaooo.
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Seems like you dodged a bullet , albeit, a little too late.
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  • Hmm...
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you better pay me to read all that
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  • JFL
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Didn't read, nice story.
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chad problems
I read every word. Atleast you moved on. Some people would wait even longer then you.
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Thanks for sharing OP, important reminder to not get yourself cucked
  • JFL
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Read all of that, brutal ngl
  • So Sad
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Tldr: Wasted my youth in a three-year toxic game of cheating-tag instead of looking for a serious waifu. I lost.

Gather round autists. I met this girl on Tinder. She was a becky (5/10 tops, skinny), but wasn’t my physical type per se. She did look like a nice, honest girl, though, and spoke like one too.

We went out a few times and slowly got serious, with what we claimed to be quite intense feelings on both our parts.

I was honest at the start that I’m kind of aloof, but over the years we dated, I really did develop something for who I thought she was. However, there was also a lot of BS, which I refused to look at directly (lest they break my little fantasy), but which I knew was there nonetheless and it prevented me from loving her.

It was things like talking about her ex, for example saying she liked him more than me when we had been dating for a year and living together at that point (I kicked her out of the house that night). Later on, she would repeatedly claim she ‘misspoke’, which I never believed — back when we were starting out, she still had pictures of her ex on social media, but she never uploaded anything with me, nor even let me meet her parents. Yes, her ex mogs me heavily with his blue eyes blonde hair pretty boy pheno.

Now, that pretty much cemented that I’m nothing to her, but instead of breaking up like a man, I cheated on her like four times behind her back to get some type of ‘revenge’, even telling her to her face I intend to go and fuck someone, since that’s how she made me feel. She sobs, tells me she can’t let me go even if I do.

Anyway, we kept dating, she ended up moving back in, only to move out instantly over a fight (me smoking a blunt, nothing crazy). I told her I would quit for her, but it’s obviously not really about the blunt. At this point my anger got the best of me and I said that I don’t have to do shit for her since she won’t do shit for me, and that I was done making any kind of effort for her ass - a promise that I kept.

Since then all the way to the end, if she wanted to see me, she would have to come to my place, hang out, and leave. No dinner dates, no movie nights, no exploring the city. I felt like she was nothing more than a fwb now.

When the pandemic started, most couples moved in together for logistics, but she said she needed to stay with her sister (same city) who apparently had asthma, so she had to be there to help in case her sis had an attack, but she also couldn’t afford to visit me and infect her sister (how convenient). I could smell the bullshit here as well, but I thought why would she try to LTR me instead of dumping me? It’s not like I was rich, or buying her stuff, or even chad.

She also never in three years spent a Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s day with me, nothing. So I was obviously the side piece, which meant that I would treat her like a side piece.

Remember that I communicated all of this to her, even if it was from a place of anger. I specifically said I was only interested in what she does, not what she says.

That was all I wanted from her — some direct communication I can work with. Tell me my hairline is high. Tell me my dick is average. But nah. Instead, she kept claiming that she loved me endlessly throughout all this, that I was the one, her person, all the while making 0 effort in any form. Like literally didn’t even get me a present for christmas or my birthday (we were LDR at that point (lol) but my simping ass picked out some basic amazon gifts and had them delivered to her, at least).

Her visits got less frequent, the talks less interesting. We were obviously growing apart. Then one day, she drops this new story about her needing to go back to her home country for a year to look after her brother (damn, her family are always dragging her away huh? /s). Now this sounds like a blow off to any sane person, but she insisted that I am the one that she will marry, her love, all that crap. I asked something like “What if you meet someone there?” to which she replies, no shit: “Well that wouldn’t be my intention,” with her tone of voice implying that she was very much open to it while trying to claim plausible deniability.

Shocked at how little she cared, I burst out crying (JFL) we kind of hug for a while and she says that she will tell her family she is only staying for 6 months then coming back. I’m like … uhh that was an option? Regardless, she gifts me a framed picture of both of us engraved with promises of love eternal and fucks off for 6 months.

During these months, she would always claim that she was sleeping, or that she had 12-hour workdays, which is bullshit for her home-office job. It was during this time that I withdrew even more, barely texting her two word replies and chatting up other girls once in a while, but I didn’t fuck any that period when she was away. After all, she had repeatedly refused to even call me and was definitely cheating on me. I couldn’t let go of the fake love though.

Predictably, I got more proof of that when she told me that she got glandular fever, aka the kissing disease. I ask if she kissed anyone only to be met with a convincing ‘hahaha nahh’.

At this point she is back to my city and talking about meeting up, but oh of course just the day that she is supposed to come, she had a kidney problem and was rushed to the hospital! Oh man! Which hospital is that? “Just the main one”, she says. Her lies are not even creative anymore. All I can feel within me is a kind of cold disgust at this point, so I don’t even call her out. I just continue with my work, studies, and I text her once a day if I am bored.

Now I was not strong enough to break up, but I was expecting her monkey branching ass to do it, seeing as she definitely cheated on my ass. A month later, she asks me to call. I say something like “No thanks, I waited several months for a call when you were away, I’m over it now.”

Seeing that, she suddenly loves me oh so very much! She wants to fight for me and make things right! Says she is magically healed now from her hospital visit and ready to come and stay with me for the weekend. Sure thing, I reply. I thought, there’s no way in hell she comes. I changed my bed sheets just in case, since I’m polite like that.

Lo and behold, the day comes, and as I am playing Elden ring, a text comes up. It’s another piece of groundbreaking fiction. Same basis for the lie - has to be hospitalised all of a sudden, just an hour before meeting! Man, what are the chances? She also says that she wants to break up and ‘heal’ (keeping up with the hospital theme) but that she loves me and all that but she’ll be blocking me everywhere, since I might ‘get angry’ (=ask her not to lie, ig).

And there you have it boys and ghouls. That was a month ago and she never unblocked me. Full honesty, my bipolar ass did send her some embarrassing emails begging her to reconcile, knowing full well she’s trash. As I was writing it, I already knew she doesn’t give a fuck (broke up with a text after 3 years) but the whole thing was so absurd, I was sure there had to be be a misunderstanding somewhere. There wasn’t. She had dropped the mask now and fully didn’t give a shit.

Funny how I always start out not caring but they somehow roped me in. Now I’m the one with the bruised ego, and she’s the player that lead me on for years until she found a chad.

Quick FAQ:

Q: Why the hell would I act so bitchly?
A: My best guess is insecurity and abandonment issues rooted in childhood.

Q: Why did you stay with her then?
A: A relationship has bad moments as well as good. I have only presented the bad ones here. Also, she could somehow convince me of shit I knew was not even real. Or maybe I did that because I wanted it to be real. Either way, Speech 100.

I stopped seeing this sexy goth bitch for her cause I thought the goth would end up cheating on me lmaooo.
Dnrd + you should've left her when she misspoke she likes her ex more than you. Also you're cuck to ltr a non virgin foid, well deserved time waste. No sympathy :feelshaha:
  • JFL
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I really don't know what motivates people to write such essays
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Dnrd + you should've left her when she misspoke she likes her ex more than you. Also you're cuck to ltr a non virgin foid, well deserved time waste. No sympathy :feelshaha:
Im not crazy, she was just really convincing + I had started believing the bluepilled dream a little
I did read:).

seriously though. be happy that bitch is out of your life and don’t let her back in. don’t mourn the loss of that nasty hoe, but do mourn the wasted time you spent. use that as fuel to grind harder and get better success before you turn 30. you have loads of time to turn stuff around.

and at least you managed to cheat on her 4 times :lul: you clearly are somewhat of a chad. go get after it.
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Wish I cared enough to read it, but I lost interest at 5/10. Wish you good luck tho:Comfy:
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Shit man at least you're able to date and have sex.
  • JFL
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Sex doesnt mean shit :feelskek::feelskek: i’ll never be loved
I can't have sex OR be loved. Better to have one of the two than nothing at all. This is why I get pissed the fuck off whenever Chadlites bitch about being used by women like glorified dildos.
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  • JFL
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If ur 27 your peak should start by now until 32
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Your first post I remember when u were a graycel
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