Environmental toxins (damage to the microbiome) - the root cause of all developmental disorders



Oct 6, 2019
Good day, dear Looksmax community.

Especially in western society it seems perfectly normal nowadays to use the term "genetics" for various diseases. Be it depression, ADHD, psychoses, anxiety and panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, bipolar disorder, autism or Asperger's syndrome, dementia, but also autoimmune diseases (e.g. Crohn's disease), cancer, hair loss, short stature, shrinkage of the penis, low testosterone levels in men and much more.

As someone who has worked in a sheltered workshop with young adolescents and seen all of these mental/physical limitations, it is absolutely terrifying how many give up and wish to die. Even in 2022 the doctors have no solution except psychotropic drugs with many strong side effects and risks. I'm sorry, but that doesn't help anyone.

Many of you will disagree, which is absolutely fine, but I am a firm believer that Creation (or "God", "All That Is", Universal mind/consciousness) gave every human being "good" genetics, at least in a natural environment. Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle has increased and thus also abnormalities.

The sad reality is, all the resources necessary for life (water, air, food) are heavily polluted and contaminated.

Yes, we have become modern people, but there is a downside to that too.

Thousands of different toxins that would never occur in nature (I already created a thread on this topic).

You have been poisoned on purpose - eliminate the competition: https://looksmax.org/threads/you-have-been-poisoned-on-purpose-eliminate-the-competition.420278/

Sadly, all of this radiation and chemicals have a negative impact on development not only during childhood and adolescence, but already in the mother's womb.

A well-known example is thalidomide. Contergan was a drug that caused severe birth defects in newborns. One among many, all of which are said to be safe, even during pregnancy. Today you often still have cigarette smoking, antibiotics, heavy drinking, caffeine, toxic cosmetics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, high levels of sugar in the form of processed products and "energy drinks", synthetic sweeteners, little to no exercise, artificial light in the evening hours, problematic smartphone use, etc.

All of this and more will cause significant harm to newborns and, in the worst case, lead to suicide years later due to social isolation and bullying.

The truth is, someone born into a family with such circumstances (myself being one of them) will have a harder time than others in reaching their full potential as a human being.

Thank you very much for reading my message.
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human pollution does contribute to a lot of those conditions, but it's not on purpose, it's just an unintended by-product of industry. some of the industries responsible may conceal research related to or lobby against regulation of those pollutants but ultimately they don't really give a shit whether you are poisoned or not, it just hurts their bottom line if they have to stop producing a product that is making them loads of money
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human pollution does contribute to a lot of those conditions, but it's not on purpose, it's just an unintended by-product of industry. some of the industries responsible may conceal research related to or lobby against regulation of those pollutants but ultimately they don't really give a shit whether you are poisoned or not, it just hurts their bottom line if they have to stop producing a product that is making them loads of money
Admittedly, many of these industries are primarily concerned with making as much money as possible in order to become even more powerful in this economy. And yes, some companies are unaware of the impact and damage their products can have on people, animals and nature/environment. However, there are exceptions, such as DuPont, who knew from the start that Teflon (PTFE/PFAS) is toxic and continued despite the dangers.

The victims are innocent people with severe deformities who have to experience hell on earth until the end of their lives. There is even a great movie called "Dark Waters" based on a true story.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/f...t-regulation-is-needed-for-forever-chemicals/ - We know that the blood of nearly all Americans contains some PFAS, which we call “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down in the body. And we’ve shown with two decades of intensive research that PFAS are linked to serious health issues such as kidney and testicular cancer, weakened immune system, endocrine disruption, fertility problems, and decreased birth weight.

https://theintercept.com/2018/11/30...sperm-counts-and-smaller-penises-study-finds/ - The researchers compared male high school students who had been exposed to high levels of PFOA and PFOS in Veneto to young men who hadn’t been exposed and found that those in the exposed group had shorter penises, lower sperm counts, lower sperm mobility, and a reduction in “anogenital distance,” a measure that scientists see as a marker of reproductive health. The percentage of normally shaped sperm in the exposed group was just over half that in the control group.

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https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/h...ed-with-increased-risk-of-autism-in-children/ - Exposure to fine particulate air pollution (PM2.5) has been linked with significantly increased risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children, particularly if exposure occurs during the third trimester of pregnancy or during early childhood.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/press-releases/chemicals-linked-with-brain-disorders-in-children/ - The greatest concern is the large numbers of children who are affected by toxic damage to brain development in the absence of a formal diagnosis. They suffer reduced attention span, delayed development, and poor school performance. Industrial chemicals are now emerging as likely causes,” said Philippe Grandjean, adjunct professor of environmental health at HSPH.
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Good thread
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Yes that s all true but genes are also important, your genes can make you more predisposed to depression , cancer and other diseases , it s all written in your genes how you react to these environmental toxins .
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Agent Orange (herbicide and defoliant chemical) is another example that has destroyed the lives of millions of people to this day.

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https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/04/190430103509.htm - Possible link between autism and antidepressants use during pregnancy. An international team led by Duke-NUS Medical School has found a potential link between autistic-like behaviour in adult mice and exposure to a common antidepressant in the womb.
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https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/pesticide-exposure-in-childhood-linked-to-cancer/ - Young children who are exposed to insecticides inside their homes may be slightly more at risk for developing leukemia or lymphoma during childhood, according to a meta-analysis by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health researchers.

https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/weed-killer-breakfast-foods/ - More than two dozen common oat-based breakfast products that are marketed to children contain small amounts of a weed killer called glyphosate that may pose a cancer risk. EWG tested 28 products made by Quaker, Kellogg’s, and General Mills, such as Cheerios and Quaker Oatmeal Squares, and found that 26 had levels of glyphosate above 160 parts per billion—higher than what EWG scientists consider protective of children’s health, according to an October 24, 2018 CNN article.
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Fluoride: Worse than We Thought:

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Good day, dear Looksmax community.

Especially in western society it seems perfectly normal nowadays to use the term "genetics" for various diseases. Be it depression, ADHD, psychoses, anxiety and panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, schizophrenia, learning disabilities, bipolar disorder, autism or Asperger's syndrome, dementia, but also autoimmune diseases (e.g. Crohn's disease), cancer, hair loss, short stature, shrinkage of the penis, low testosterone levels in men and much more.

As someone who has worked in a sheltered workshop with young adolescents and seen all of these mental/physical limitations, it is absolutely terrifying how many give up and wish to die. Even in 2022 the doctors have no solution except psychotropic drugs with many strong side effects and risks. I'm sorry, but that doesn't help anyone.

Many of you will disagree, which is absolutely fine, but I am a firm believer that Creation (or "God", "All That Is", Universal mind/consciousness) gave every human being "good" genetics, at least in a natural environment. Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle has increased and thus also abnormalities.

The sad reality is, all the resources necessary for life (water, air, food) are heavily polluted and contaminated.

Yes, we have become modern people, but there is a downside to that too.

Thousands of different toxins that would never occur in nature (I already created a thread on this topic).

You have been poisoned on purpose - eliminate the competition: https://looksmax.org/threads/you-have-been-poisoned-on-purpose-eliminate-the-competition.420278/

Sadly, all of this radiation and chemicals have a negative impact on development not only during childhood and adolescence, but already in the mother's womb.

A well-known example is thalidomide. Contergan was a drug that caused severe birth defects in newborns. One among many, all of which are said to be safe, even during pregnancy. Today you often still have cigarette smoking, antibiotics, heavy drinking, caffeine, toxic cosmetics, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, high levels of sugar in the form of processed products and "energy drinks", synthetic sweeteners, little to no exercise, artificial light in the evening hours, problematic smartphone use, etc.

All of this and more will cause significant harm to newborns and, in the worst case, lead to suicide years later due to social isolation and bullying.

The truth is, someone born into a family with such circumstances (myself being one of them) will have a harder time than others in reaching their full potential as a human being.

Thank you very much for reading my message.
based thread

fuck neolib establishment big pharma goyims
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Tldr : what and how to avoid
Glyphosate and the Gut:

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https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21187307/ - Conclusions: Our findings suggest that exposures to dioxins and PCBs are associated with reduced growth during the peripubertal period and may compromise adult body mass, stature, and health.

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Reactions: ChristianChad
This is true.

I realized yesterday that you can masculinize female marijuana plants by spraying colloidal silver on it. Made me realize how important toxins and metals are in the human body. Most stuff like manletism and such is probably a male hormone issue tbh. Its deeper than that though. I wonder how many subhumans these modern aged vaccines and such caused. Its not even like the corps would admit to a toxic epidemic either, considering they have been more focused on trying to cover their ass.
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It's crazy how much shit can fuck you up today
Chemicals,heavy metals,etc
Seems impossible to avoid it all
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6. ...that she did admire :feelsohh:...@rightfulcel
7. ...but alas! she jumped into the flames with pozzass! :trepidation: and then...@rightfulcel

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Whats the best diet to eat?
Brutal thread
niggas will read all of this but call you anti semitic if you say you hate jews.

said it before and will say it again. the jewish man and the white man are the biggest threats to the world.

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was typing like you were castrated supposed to add credibility to this incoherent pile of word salads?

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Why isn't this thread pinned?
had this thread bookmarked for months. enjoy seeing the updates

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Hey, have you found any way to reduce exposure to yourself?

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