Honestly incel/blackpill community is pathetic sometimes.

tbh i always wondered cuz i thought part of the idea was that even if you're psl 1 if you ascend to psl 2 or 3 you might stay an incel but at least people will treat you better / life will be better.
Ugly people have friends bud

short ugly framecels get bullied and are socially invisible. For guys to respect you your size has to be decent enough (no super manlet or framecel) or they have to believe you get a lot of pussy (decent face).
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short ugly framecels get bullied and are socially invisible. For guys to respect you your size has to be decent enough (no super manlet or framecel) or they have to believe you get a lot of pussy (decent face).
You can get bullied sometimes and also have friends. The two don’t go against each other. Some people here have legitimate mental issues and need help. Srs. I know so many short ugly guys in real life who struggle with dating obviously but still have friends, hobbies, and go out.
There’s more to life than women. As long as you can get a girl and aren’t forever alone that’s good enough to be happy.

Find a girl, get friends, find a job you like. You don’t need to be a model to be happy
Are you white?
short ugly framecels get bullied and are socially invisible. For guys to respect you your size has to be decent enough (no super manlet or framecel) or they have to believe you get a lot of pussy (decent face).
That was exactly my problem back in school, if you are boneless short and don't have the Lachowski-harmony to compensate you are just invisible to everyone. Would rather have been ugly but tall with good bone mass tbh
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Facts the best moments I had in life was when I was doing carefree shit with my friends, not when I was fucking some random girl. At the same time, looks are important, and we should strive to max it out, but shouldnt make it the focal priority of our lives
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Reminder that chad gets more dopamine from fucking prime jb one evening than you get from preparing for 2 years to climb the Mount Everest and ending up completing that challenge.
  • JFL
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Reminder that chad gets more dopamine from fucking prime jb one evening than you get from preparing for 2 years to climb the Mount Everest and ending up completing that challenge.

Chads 1 wont last cause the pair bonding effect breaks every time you have sex meaning slowly they will lps3 the ability to feel long term happiness assuming hes an evil chad good chads stick to 1 stacy for life and dont saturate the market.
''muh dont go to the gym bro no gym for ur face''
''muh dont do college bro thats cope''
''muh dont try to be a better human being bro that wont get u pussy''
Sometimes you just need to do something that makes you proud of yourself and life fueled, achieve something you've been striving for.
AREN'T everything; You can be happy while being an ugly piece of shit. Yes, you will lack a lot of things that being chad could afford it to you, BUT THE SAME APPLIES TO CHAD; a dumb piece of shit chad will never know what true happiness or companionship is.
And tbh the most pathetic part is basing all your life around ''if i can get coochie or not''; you are basically a MANGINA, SIMP, and thats a FACT.
To add. Most dudes here arenot ugly, just normies.
And for normies actually advice like: gym, college-fun-social-circle maxx, status, etc.. That advice helps them most. And looksmaxxing ofcourse.

It's just. alot of work as a normie. to get dates, women, and so on. And it's not fun, nor easy.
That's the easy cop out: do nothing
Jfl if you say looks arent everything
Looks include height, face, physique, and dick
Jfl if you think you’ll be viewed the same as a tall, attractive, bick dicked chad if you’re a ugly short dicklet with a narrow frame
Just shut the fuck up
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These people are lazy and depressed and need something to blame, hence „looks are everything“
They aren’t successful=looks
They have no friends=looks
They get no girls =looks

Yet 80% of males are below psl 4 and somehow most manage to do all that shit

Just miserable fucks who need an excuse for being miserable.
Ugly people all have jobs in tech and pay attention in school because they don’t fit in
All ugly people have no friends, or friends with weird weeaboos with blue hair
All ugly people that get girls have money
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Anime avi and sig said everything.
Textbook example of cope. Getting sex is the very essence of life.
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"Young adults who were attractive rather than average in looks were more extraverted and optimistic, less depressed, had more friends, and were more likely to be married, primarily due to continued effects of similar advantages in terms of interpersonal ties, social activities, psychosocial resources, and grades in high school. Stigma effects also continued into young adulthood across social outcomes, which largely reflected the social isolation (fewer friends, less sports participation, less partying) and poorer mental health of youth who had been rated unattractive rather than average in looks."


Always idiots coping with 'trying to be a better human' when legit nobody gives a fuck about that and it brings 0 life quality.
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Textbook example of cope. Getting sex is the very essence of life.

Reproduction is the most important thing in life, whoever says that is denying their own biology.

However, due to current conditions it is no longer possible for everyone, so it is not bad to focus on other things such as living experiences, going out with friends, hobbies, family, etc.

Besides, it's really stupid to have a "Chad or nothing mindset" just because a fucking internet forum says so. GO out into the real world one day and you will realize that most people are actually ugly and that in most countries there are practically no chads (or there are very few compared to what you see on the internet).

You fix your failos (mainly because they make you insecure) and being a high tier normie is enough for everyone and having a satisfying life.
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If you think you can be happy in life without getting girls you are on bluepilled coping mgtow
Ugly people all have jobs in tech and pay attention in school because they don’t fit in
All ugly people have no friends, or friends with weird weeaboos with blue hair
All ugly people that get girls have money
It‘s not their looks that fuck them it‘s what they do with their looks. They dress like shit and don‘t work out. I‘ve seen tons of weird nerds with good base in my day if they would‘ve worked out or cared 1% over their looks they would‘ve done a 180. Again looks are important but you can achieve what you want if you work for it even if you aren’t born psl 7
You unironically should. Im an ugly caveman with a potato head so people will never be interested in me, no matter what I do. And im not talking just about dating. While chad can walk outside and he will have people throwing at him. All for being a chad.
That’s your problem. If your point of view is really that myopic, the world doesn’t need you.
if anything you should looksmax for yourself and not for the validation of women
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These people are lazy and depressed and need something to blame, hence „looks are everything“
They aren’t successful=looks
They have no friends=looks
They get no girls =looks

Yet 80% of males are below psl 4 and somehow most manage to do all that shit

Just miserable fucks who need an excuse for being miserable.
yup. the reverse cope
I agree with every word.
Obviously Looks is important, but it is not everything, life is much more than sex.
see david goggins, he was a failed obese, if he cared about looks, he would not be one of the best seals in the world and muscle up recodist.
these demoralizing faggots have no life so they result to being depressing online
empty, meaningless sex wont fullfill your soul
@subhuman incel Start hapiness maxing as an utter subhuman
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