How You Can Use The Five Senses To Your Advantage When Looksmaxxing

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  • Chadison, go back to r/theredpill. This is a new, unchartered territory of bullshittery

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Sep 8, 2020
I return to you after another successful college semester. If you haven't seen my previous threads, I have made quite a bit of progress in the last three years. Although I would like to be proud of my achievements, I recognize they were only possible with assistance from friends, family, and my inherited intelligence.

I have begun to notice that there are some fundamental aspects of looks theory that are lacking depth. Specifically, object augmentation to the body (necklaces, watches, elevator shoes, clothes, tattoos, etc). Let me clarify:

I understand that this is generic advice given by normies. But here we tend to focus too much on the big 3 (face, height, frame) and in the process do not maximize our understanding and application of the other available physical augmentations. Thus, I am creating a comprehensive list such that after maximizing your big three you can take your results even further by getting decent style-maxxing ideas right here.

Normies will often list the things I have below, but they do not have a comprehensive knowledge base regarding aesthetic ideals (i.e. mathematical ratios of bones and harmony) to properly utilize these things. A normie may have his mother tell him his new khakis and chain necklace look good, and he will proceed to wear those things as much as possible. When in reality, his mother just complimented him to boost his ego. Truthfully, these things do not stand out without a good base (face and height). That is the key: GOOD LOOKING/FEELING THINGS ONLY LOOK/FEEL GOOD ON GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE. That’s why attractive models are hired for expensive clothing brands, and normies are subsequently fooled into thinking “If I buy that T-Shirt, I’ll look good.” When in reality, the shirt will only look good if you look good. If you are good-looking, it will amplify your looks even more. If you are average or below, it will do nothing, and could even hurt you (see my thread on congruency and harmony for why this is the case).

What I have noticed in particular is that the stimulation of all the senses plays a role in improving the perception of looks. There was a video posted by this one semi-black pilled guy on youtube, LFA, explaining that not JUST the visual matters; auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, and olfactory stimulation is key in creating likeability within individuals. How can this be done?

  • Gum. People aren't going to be tasting you much. But if you're kissing a woman or talking in close proximity with men or women, your breath better be spot on. You can also offer people sweet mint gum if it seems like they need it: This builds rapport and trust (albeit on a small level). I always chew mint gum in social settings.
  • Touch. For men, this includes a brief hand on the shoulder and a firm handshake. For women, this depends on the type of situation: Non-sexual situations call for a hug and warm smile (if you’re good looking; else a light handshake will do). For sexual, as you receive IOIs from the girl, initiate touch by light, brief hand rests on the outside of the arms. If she is comfortable with this, move closer to her, and then eventually try in the waist/stomach area. If a woman lets you touch her hair for prolonged periods, she will almost certainly let you kiss her at some point. It is important to take opportunities to touch people to build trust/comfort and rapport.
  • Body Language (this is technically visual, but I'm putting it in here for contextual purposes). Yes, it isn’t cope IF you’re good-looking. Remember: it takes many halos to make a man attractive, but only ONE falio to make him unappealing. Ideally, you will want to make your frame appear as big as possible (stand with your legs straight, feet forward and close together, contract your scapula to raise and widen your shoulders, and keep your head level with the ground. Make sure your palms are somewhat visible (builds trust) and you “squintfraud” (but not too much, or you look like an idiot).
  • Scent. Preferably longer-lasting scents (Eau de Parfum or Perfume). Go to your local store and invest in two to three good scents: one or two for everyday professional wear (a calmer scent), and one for party/social wear (a heavier, more distinct scent-maybe even a bit sexy). I currently have Mont Blanc Blue Explorer (social/professional) and Versace Eros Flame (aggressive/sexual) on rotation.
  • Pheromones. These DO NOT work unless attraction is already present; if it is, they can sometimes amplify sexual tension when the woman is close to you/kissing you. I use "Turn Up The Heat" (androtics has stopped selling that brand, but others can be found on their website).
  • A deep, calm, and slow (but not too slow) voice is critical in conveying confidence and trust. Recognizing when to increase pitch, tempo, and volume can also help your storytelling become much more enjoyable to listeners. Good examples of this include Dave Chapelle and Louie CK (you can find clips on YouTube). Charisma On Command also has solid videos for general conversation/communication skills.

Besides the obvious (face, height, and frame), I will list all the things I have found to enhance a good base. What we want are things that actually STAND OUT. Just like that text, you WANT to stand out if you have a solid base of the big three. This will draw more attention to you, people will be rewarded dopaminergically (see this video) due to your good-looking, aesthetic appearance, and the social opportunities you achieve will compound. Lots of the things/advice I list below can be found and elaborated upon with a few google searches (and I recommend you search them). Most of these things will make you appear high-class and “in the now,” or “NT” as it is coined here.
  • Necklaces: Chains, something that stands out. Usually silver or gold. I wear an Egyptian ankh.
  • Bracelets: Same idea as necklaces-usually black or brown. I wear murtoo's stuff: it's decent.
  • Tight, trendy pants: Jeans with minor fabric damage, khaki jeans. Go to your local mall and walk into whatever store(s) fits your age (you should know this). The cashiers at places like Hollister know their shit and can help you.
  • Clear colored, well-fitting V-necks: Color depends on your skin tone and eye/hair coloring.
  • One expensive suit for formal occasions, with a tie that contrasts with the outfit.
  • Flannels and vibrant T-shirts for parties.
  • Sunglasses (I use cheaper ShadyRays for parties, and wear Ray-Bans in the summer to social events).
  • (Decent looking and mostly discrete) Elevator shoes if you are under 6’1, else trendy and respectable shoes with or without lifts.

Unrelated Side Note: For those of you who have read my previous threads and are interested, there are the things I have done since, or forgot to mention when posting my last looksmaxxing thread:
  • Braces to fix a minor gap in front teeth, and teeth whitening strips. (Forgot to mention)
  • Minoxidil for eyebrow density and to fill in patchy areas in my facial hair/beard. (Started 6 months ago)
  • Minor eyelash curling (I originally tried it to see if it would hide my NCT: it did not, but then I began to receive compliments from women that my eyes were pretty (likely the eyelashes, eye color, and eyebrows all in conjunction caused this), so I have continued to lightly curl them. (Started 2 months ago)
  • Beta carotene for darker and healthier skin pigmentation. (Started 2 months ago)
  • Tongkat Ali for test boost/gym performance increase (it does seem to work). (Started one month ago)

If you have any questions about where I get my stuff or anything else, feel free to ask below.

This will be my last big thread on this site. I will check in occasionally to answer questions/DMs, but otherwise, I have no intention of continuing lookism research; it has become redundant, and I have contributed back what I took. Thank you to everyone who helped me and actually put effort into this place: It has and will likely continue to change lives.

@germanlooks @kjsbdfiusdf @Yuya Moggershima @LocalDanger @one job away @Jshd @Maesthetic @tyronelite @Toodlydood @StephIsCold @lilhorizontal32 @Butthurt Dweller @looksmeester @N1666 @wanttobeattractive @volcelfatcel @mulattomaxxer @tongue and cheek @Sal @LooksOverAll @TITUS @Danish_Retard @looksmaxxer234 @5'8manlet @Aquiillaxo @WadlowMaxxing @Posmo @cucumbersauce @WontStopNorwooding @Qwopil @St. Wristcel @alainchalamet @AsGoodAsItGets @BrownBoy @Chadethnic101 @Biggdink @Warlord @SubhumanCurrycel @Aqua
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Reactions: zeshama, Daniel Plainview, Warlord and 27 others
I return to you after another successful college semester. If you haven't seen my previous threads, I have made quite a bit of progress in the last three years. Although I would like to be proud of my achievements, I recognize they were only possible with assistance from friends, family, and my inherited intelligence.

I have begun to notice that there are some fundamental aspects of looks theory that are lacking depth. Specifically, object augmentation to the body (necklaces, watches, elevator shoes, clothes, tattoos, etc). Let me clarify:

I understand that this is generic advice given by normies. But here we tend to focus too much on the big 3 (face, height, frame) and in the process do not maximize our understanding and application of the other available physical augmentations. Thus, I am creating a comprehensive list such that after maximizing your big three you can take your results even further by getting decent style-maxxing ideas right here.

Normies will often list the things I have below, but they do not have a comprehensive knowledge base regarding aesthetic ideals (i.e. mathematical ratios of bones and harmony) to properly utilize these things. A normie may have his mother tell him his new khakis and chain necklace look good, and he will proceed to wear those things as much as possible. When in reality, his mother just complimented him to boost his ego. Truthfully, these things do not stand out without a good base (face and height). That is the key: GOOD LOOKING/FEELING THINGS ONLY LOOK/FEEL GOOD ON GOOD LOOKING PEOPLE. That’s why attractive models are hired for expensive clothing brands, and normies are subsequently fooled into thinking “If I buy that T-Shirt, I’ll look good.” When in reality, the shirt will only look good if you look good. If you are good-looking, it will amplify your looks even more. If you are average or below, it will do nothing, and could even hurt you (see my thread on congruency and harmony for why this is the case).

What I have noticed in particular is that the stimulation of all the senses plays a role in improving the perception of looks. There was a video posted by this one semi-black pilled guy on youtube, LFA, explaining that not JUST the visual matters; auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, and olfactory stimulation is key in creating likeability within individuals. How can this be done?

  • Gum. People aren't going to be tasting you much. But if you're kissing a woman or talking in close proximity with men or women, your breath better be spot on. You can also offer people sweet mint gum if it seems like they need it: This builds rapport and trust (albeit on a small level). I always chew mint gum in social settings.
  • Touch. For men, this includes a brief hand on the shoulder and a firm handshake. For women, this depends on the type of situation: Non-sexual situations call for a hug and warm smile (if you’re good looking; else a light handshake will do). For sexual, as you receive IOIs from the girl, initiate touch by light, brief hand rests on the outside of the arms. If she is comfortable with this, move closer to her, and then eventually try in the waist/stomach area. If a woman lets you touch her hair for prolonged periods, she will almost certainly let you kiss her at some point. It is important to take opportunities to touch people to build trust/comfort and rapport.
  • Body Language (this is technically visual, but I'm putting it in here for contextual purposes). Yes, it isn’t cope IF you’re good-looking. Remember: it takes many halos to make a man attractive, but only ONE falio to make him unappealing. Ideally, you will want to make your frame appear as big as possible (stand with your legs straight, feet forward and close together, contract your scapula to raise and widen your shoulders, and keep your head level with the ground. Make sure your palms are somewhat visible (builds trust) and you “squintfraud” (but not too much, or you look like an idiot).
  • Scent. Preferably longer-lasting scents (Eau de Parfum or Perfume). Go to your local store and invest in two to three good scents: one or two for everyday professional wear (a calmer scent), and one for party/social wear (a heavier, more distinct scent-maybe even a bit sexy). I currently have Mont Blanc Blue Explorer (social/professional) and Versace Eros Flame (aggressive/sexual) on rotation.
  • Pheromones. These DO NOT work unless attraction is already present; if it is, they can sometimes amplify sexual tension when the woman is close to you/kissing you. I use "Turn Up The Heat" (androtics has stopped selling that brand, but others can be found on their website).
  • A deep, calm, and slow (but not too slow) voice is critical in conveying confidence and trust. Recognizing when to increase pitch, tempo, and volume can also help your storytelling become much more enjoyable to listeners. Good examples of this include Dave Chapelle and Louie CK (you can find clips on YouTube). Charisma On Command also has solid videos for general conversation/communication skills.

Besides the obvious (face, height, and frame), I will list all the things I have found to enhance a good base. What we want are things that actually STAND OUT. Just like that text, you WANT to stand out if you have a solid base of the big three. This will draw more attention to you, people will be rewarded dopaminergically (see this video) due to your good-looking, aesthetic appearance, and the social opportunities you achieve will compound. Lots of the things/advice I list below can be found and elaborated upon with a few google searches (and I recommend you search them). Most of these things will make you appear high-class and “in the now,” or “NT” as it is coined here.
  • Necklaces: Chains, something that stands out. Usually silver or gold. I wear an Egyptian ankh.
  • Bracelets: Same idea as necklaces-usually black or brown. I wear murtoo's stuff: it's decent.
  • Tight, trendy pants: Jeans with minor fabric damage, khaki jeans. Go to your local mall and walk into whatever store(s) fits your age (you should know this). The cashiers at places like Hollister know their shit and can help you.
  • Clear colored, well-fitting V-necks: Color depends on your skin tone and eye/hair coloring.
  • One expensive suit for formal occasions, with a tie that contrasts with the outfit.
  • Flannels and vibrant T-shirts for parties.
  • Sunglasses (I use cheaper ShadyRays for parties, and wear Ray-Bans in the summer to social events).
  • (Decent looking and mostly discrete) Elevator shoes if you are under 6’1, else trendy and respectable shoes with or without lifts.

Unrelated Side Note: For those of you who have read my previous threads and are interested, there are the things I have done since, or forgot to mention when posting my last looksmaxxing thread:
  • Braces to fix a minor gap in front teeth, and teeth whitening strips. (Forgot to mention)
  • Minoxidil for eyebrow density and to fill in patchy areas in my facial hair/beard. (Started 6 months ago)
  • Minor eyelash curling (I originally tried it to see if it would hide my NCT: it did not, but then I began to receive compliments from women that my eyes were pretty (likely the eyelashes, eye color, and eyebrows all in conjunction caused this), so I have continued to lightly curl them. (Started 2 months ago)
  • Beta carotene for darker and healthier skin pigmentation. (Started 2 months ago)
  • Tongkat Ali for test boost/gym performance increase (it does seem to work). (Started one month ago)

If you have any questions about where I get my stuff or anything else, feel free to ask below.

This will be my last big thread on this site. I will check in occasionally to answer questions/DMs, but otherwise, I have no intention of continuing lookism research; it has become redundant, and I have contributed back what I took. Thank you to everyone who helped me and actually put effort into this place: It has and will likely continue to change lives.

@germanlooks @kjsbdfiusdf @Yuya Moggershima @LocalDanger @one job away @Jshd @Maesthetic @tyronelite @Toodlydood @StephIsCold @lilhorizontal32 @Butthurt Dweller @looksmeester @N1666 @wanttobeattractive @volcelfatcel @mulattomaxxer @tongue and cheek @Sal @LooksOverAll @TITUS @Danish_Retard @looksmaxxer234 @5'8manlet @Aquiillaxo @WadlowMaxxing @Posmo @cucumbersauce @WontStopNorwooding @Qwopil @St. Wristcel @alainchalamet @AsGoodAsItGets @BrownBoy @Chadethnic101 @Biggdink @Warlord @SubhumanCurrycel @Aqua
So you wanna fuck a tranny ?
  • Hmm...
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what no pussy will do to a man:feelscry:
  • JFL
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Any results from minoxidil yet?
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No tag no care.
  • So Sad
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Any results from minoxidil yet?
yes, it has increased my eyebrow density by about 30%. My beard is also a bit fuller (I put it on the parts that don't grow as much to even out the patchy areas). I apply it every night
  • +1
Reactions: Chadethnic101 and Deleted member 7725
Read every word :love: Welcome back brotha

If anyone needs a cheap starter to colognes go to

Way cheaper then buying a $80-100 bottle.. and they smell better then the original versions (IMO)
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Reactions: Deleted member 19036, Ken, Aqua and 3 others
Read every word :love: Welcome back brotha

If anyone needs a cheap starter to colognes go to

Way cheaper then buying a $80-100 bottle.. and they smell better then the original versions (IMO)
good to see ya
great point, I shoulda linked some places for that. A lot of shops will try to scam you $100 when you can get it on amazon/other websites for $50-60. The only time you gotta pay full price is when they were recently released.
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Reactions: Ken, Aqua and tyronelite
Very good thread but didn't read all of it.
  • +1
Reactions: chadison
No mention of tattoos in thread :feelswhy:
Yes, i considered that but I felt there was already sufficient discussion of that on the forum. Plus, tattoos are somewhat controversial due to their relative inconvenience if one wants them removed. There are many other threads on the forum to reference if you want them: In short, they do boost sex appeal, but they decrease "professionalism" which applies in the workplace and LTRs.
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Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Aqua, mulattomaxxer and 3 others
Where? Lol

I have them in areas so far where they are invisible at work. Girl run her hands all over them and kiss them JFL, so it seems to be a halo, but maybe a weird freckle girl would do the same thing if she finds u attractive . I want to go lower down on the arm but unsure of long-term style decisions as trends go in and out.
just put "looksmax tattoos" into google and shit will pop up.

I would be conservative and only get them where you can cover them if need be. If you have a muscular body with tattoos, I wouldn't be surprised. Young women tend to love that. Most like the "macho masculine sex monster" archetype when they're younger, even though they say they dont
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, mulattomaxxer, Danish_Retard and 1 other person
yes, it has increased my eyebrow density by about 30%. My beard is also a bit fuller (I put it on the parts that don't grow as much to even out the patchy areas). I apply it every night
Noticed anything about your collagen reducing in your face?

Love your threads, feel like we started our looksmaxxing journeys together, all the best brother I won't be here much anymore either
  • +1
Reactions: chadison
Just dedicate your whole free time to maintain your looks theory.

Meanwhile the Chadlite with solid Bonestructure wears no necklases, bracelets, doesnt trim his beard every 12 hours like an aspie, doesnt do any of the phaggotry and has women fight each other over him.

Also with too much stuff combined it comes off as super fucking tryhard, make no mistake for 1 second that women cant instantly tell if someones super tryharding to "stand out" and in reality is desperate for female attention...

The idea is to get to a point where you just keep minimal maintenance without paying attention to every single microdetail like a mentally sperged nerd and still look good.

If one doesnt look desireable by just doing minimal maintenance (like combing/styling your hair, applying some face cream, trimming your beard every 2-3 days, eating healthy and doing minimal exercise like pushups, situps, pullups), one might as well stop coping with muh fashionmaxxing.

Imagine following a protocol that sounds like a full time job just to have a small chance to pull mediocre women.

Im not dismissing the effort put into this thread, but its a flawed logic. Every man thinks the same "oh I need to stand out somehow" and at the end of the day you see millions of NPCs wearing the same shit- ear rings, necklaces, chains, bracelets, watches, tight pants, same shoe brands etc.

Its a fucking joke- let me tell you that.

The reality is very simple- a Stacy can wear a potato sack and some minimal makeup and men will stand in line to date her.

Same for Chad- he can wear some old T-Shirt and a Scottish Kilt and will look high class, interesting and sexy without trying to fit in into that phaggy newage fashion with slimpants and all that other phaggotry.


All these expensive fashion clothes are for desperate ppl who lack natural attractiveness. Theres a reason why these old post wall women all like to wear these super expensive fashion clothes from Gucci, Prada and whatnot. In their head it makes them more attractive. When in reality any 22 year old low tier becky can dress in big ikea shopping bag and their SMV and attractiveness will still be 500x higher than these oldhag post wall thots.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Aqua, Yerico7 and chadison
  • A deep, calm, and slow (but not too slow) voice is critical
Voicemaxxing is legit.

Vocal warm ups are necessary for maximizing what you have.
  • +1
Reactions: chadison
This will be my last big thread on this site. I will check in occasionally to answer questions/DMs, but otherwise, I have no intention of continuing lookism research; it has become redundant, and I have contributed back what I took. Thank you to everyone who helped me and actually put effort into this place: It has and will likely continue to change lives.

A very strong thread for your final thread. I wouldn't expect any less from you :D. EVERYTHING MATTERS AFTERALL. Especially smell, nothing will repluse people quicker then smelling like your fresh out of the sewers of Mumbai.
paul walker GIF
Fast And Furious Brian Oconner GIF by The Fast Saga

Sad Cry GIF
season 7 episode 10 GIF
Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

I'm also suprised you wear flannels. Atleast in the UK they are out of fashion.

That’s why attractive models are hired for expensive clothing brands

I was thinking a simillar thing tbh. Honestly chasing the model aesthetic is unrealistic. You will probably end up looking like a gay alien in the process of surgerymaxxing (saying this I am still getting bimax and infraorbital-malar implants because I actually have facial flaws). Softmaxxing is alot easier then hardmaxxing. Also if you buy some shitty perfume or clothes its alot easier to recify this mistake, in opposition to a BDD tier facial implants etc.
15D5CE93 1208 4FA4 BA97 EA499DE8EEC6

The thing that ascends you from atttractive to super model tier is being both good looking and unique. There are alot of facially average models but the best models look unique. Being facially average is attractive, this is what most people should be looking to achieve through surgery. Also most of these models date rich HTN/chadlites. They aren't chasing the 0.1% terachad. The most realistic way to look unique is through fashion and smell. Posting women because I cannot be fucked mirin male models anymore.


They all have unique and aesthetic faces. Chasing the unique look through hardmaxxing is probably going to leave you looking uncanny. You either have a unique look or you don't. Saying this being facially average will make you attractive. Thats why normies do all these other things (clothing, jewlery, perfurme etc) in order to captivate others through standing out. This is why you shouldn't blindly follow fashion trends. Im looking at you roadman 999999999 with a northface jacket on.

As for your tips I will buy perfume for going out, but I also need to save money :lul:. I have spent a few £100s on looksmaxxing equipment. This shit isn't cheap lol. I got some custom teeth whitening trays from the dentist which has set me back £300 :feelswhy:. There also going to be useless when I get braces :lul::lul::lul:. I will also try speaking more slowing, I tend to speak fast when I am nervous or excited. I also have a very loud voice but idgaf about this. Better then being a softspoken ngl. The last few months have been expensive, I need to buy a new bed and I also need to finish my bimax consultations. In 2022 I will get my braces on. I also need to style my hair, it looks boring af, but idk what to do with it.
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Ken, tyronelite and 3 others
Noticed anything about your collagen reducing in your face?

Love your threads, feel like we started our looksmaxxing journeys together, all the best brother I won't be here much anymore either
Since minoxidil has a high alcohol content I have been conservative in application, and have only applied to areas where I feel really need it. I have not noticed any dramatic or subtle change, yet. I still have tiny blackhead pimples I haven’t been able to get rid of for years on my nose, that I am continuing to battle with heavy skincare. But that’s not due to minoxidil.
Just dedicate your whole free time to maintain your looks theory.

Meanwhile the Chadlite with solid Bonestructure wears no necklases, bracelets, doesnt trim his beard every 12 hours like an aspie, doesnt do any of the phaggotry and has women fight each other over him.
these are things that, once acquired, do not consume large amounts of time. Where are these “chads” that come in and steal your girl, job, house, and family that everyone here speaks of? I’ve only seen 3 in the last 1-2 years. I don’t think I’m sperging out that much tbh. I haven’t really put that much time into these things. They don’t require a lot of time if you’re efficient and know what to do and where to go from the start.

The idea is to get to a point where you just keep minimal maintenance without paying attention to every single microdetail like a mentally sperged nerd and still look good.

If one doesnt look desireable by just doing minimal maintenance (like combing/styling your hair, applying some face cream, trimming your beard every 2-3 days, eating healthy and doing minimal exercise like pushups, situps, pullups), one might as well stop coping with muh fashionmaxxing.
I agree completely with this, and that was kind of the point I was trying to make. If you don’t make the cut, don’t bother trying. If you do, put in some effort to look even better, because the ROI is still good. I wouldn’t consider these micro details: there are many people here who want to get surgery for every little misaligned/near perfect thing to make them completely perfect. I do not believe in that. As humans, we must accept our imperfect flaws. But when they are severe (such as my nose), surgery can be warranted.
  • +1
Reactions: Aqua, mulattomaxxer and Deleted member 5061
A very strong thread for your final thread. I wouldn't expect any less from you :D. EVERYTHING MATTERS AFTERALL. Especially smell, nothing will repluse people quicker then smelling like your fresh out of the sewers of Mumbai.
paul walker GIF
Fast And Furious Brian Oconner GIF by The Fast Saga

Sad Cry GIF
season 7 episode 10 GIF
Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards

I'm also suprised you wear flannels. Atleast in the UK they are out of fashion.

I was thinking a simillar thing tbh. Honestly chasing the model aesthetic is unrealistic. You will probably end up looking like a gay alien in the process of surgerymaxxing (saying this I am still getting bimax and infraorbital-malar implants because I actually have facial flaws). Softmaxxing is alot easier then hardmaxxing. Also if you buy some shitty perfume or clothes its alot easier to recify this mistake, in opposition to a BDD tier facial implants etc.
View attachment 1467432
The thing that ascends you from atttractive to super model tier is being both good looking and unique. There are alot of facially average models but the best models look unique. Being facially average is attractive, this is what most people should be looking to achieve through surgery. Also most of these models date rich HTN/chadlites. They aren't chasing the 0.1% terachad. The most realistic way to look unique is through fashion and smell. Posting women because I cannot be fucked mirin male models anymore.

View attachment 1467437View attachment 1467439View attachment 1467440

They all have unique and aesthetic faces. Chasing the unique look through hardmaxxing is probably going to leave you looking uncanny. You either have a unique look or you don't. Saying this being facially average will make you attractive. Thats why normies do all these other things (clothing, jewlery, perfurme etc) in order to captivate others through standing out. This is why you shouldn't blindly follow fashion trends. Im looking at you roadman 999999999 with a northface jacket on.

As for your tips I will buy perfume for going out, but I also need to save money :lul:. I have spent a few £100s on looksmaxxing equipment. This shit isn't cheap lol. I got some custom teeth whitening trays from the dentist which has set me back £300 :feelswhy:. There also going to be useless when I get braces :lul::lul::lul:. I will also try speaking more slowing, I tend to speak fast when I am nervous or excited. I also have a very loud voice but idgaf about this. Better then being a softspoken ngl. The last few months have been expensive, I need to buy a new bed and I also need to finish my bimax consultations. In 2022 I will get my braces on. I also need to style my hair, it looks boring af, but idk what to do with it.
great to hear you’re actually doing something. Good luck
I’ve hit the diminishing returns for my looksmaxxing. Next semester will be primarily career and social life. Finally no more lookism.
It’s a feeling of freedom, being done with it.
  • +1
Reactions: Daniel Plainview, Aqua and mulattomaxxer
great to hear you’re actually doing something. Good luck
I’ve hit the diminishing returns for my looksmaxxing. Next semester will be primarily career and social life. Finally no more lookism.
It’s a feeling of freedom, being done with it.
Ty bro. I also agree with you moving onto other things in life. There is only so much looksmaxxing you can do. Have fun!
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these are things that, once acquired, do not consume large amounts of time. Where are these “chads” that come in and steal your girl, job, house, and family that everyone here speaks of? I’ve only seen 3 in the last 1-2 years. I don’t think I’m sperging out that much tbh. I haven’t really put that much time into these things. They don’t require a lot of time if you’re efficient and know what to do and where to go from the start.

Just dedicate your whole free time to maintain your looks theory.

Meanwhile the Chadlite with solid Bonestructure wears no necklases, bracelets, doesnt trim his beard every 12 hours like an aspie, doesnt do any of the phaggotry and has women fight each other over him.

Also with too much stuff combined it comes off as super fucking tryhard, make no mistake for 1 second that women cant instantly tell if someones super tryharding to "stand out" and in reality is desperate for female attention...

The idea is to get to a point where you just keep minimal maintenance without paying attention to every single microdetail like a mentally sperged nerd and still look good.

If one doesnt look desireable by just doing minimal maintenance (like combing/styling your hair, applying some face cream, trimming your beard every 2-3 days, eating healthy and doing minimal exercise like pushups, situps, pullups), one might as well stop coping with muh fashionmaxxing.

Imagine following a protocol that sounds like a full time job just to have a small chance to pull mediocre women.

Im not dismissing the effort put into this thread, but its a flawed logic. Every man thinks the same "oh I need to stand out somehow" and at the end of the day you see millions of NPCs wearing the same shit- ear rings, necklaces, chains, bracelets, watches, tight pants, same shoe brands etc.

Its a fucking joke- let me tell you that.

The reality is very simple- a Stacy can wear a potato sack and some minimal makeup and men will stand in line to date her.

Same for Chad- he can wear some old T-Shirt and a Scottish Kilt and will look high class, interesting and sexy without trying to fit in into that phaggy newage fashion with slimpants and all that other phaggotry.


All these expensive fashion clothes are for desperate ppl who lack natural attractiveness. Theres a reason why these old post wall women all like to wear these super expensive fashion clothes from Gucci, Prada and whatnot. In their head it makes them more attractive. When in reality any 22 year old low tier becky can dress in big ikea shopping bag and their SMV and attractiveness will still be 500x higher than these oldhag post wall thots.

@skooLX-aM Chad is an urban rumour lmao, depending on which one you are talking about.

IRL chads are uncommon.
You will see them daily, however this is only a small percentage of the population. Probably about 10-20% of men I would deem to be IRL chads. I would class @chadison as an IRL Chad. All of the biggest slayers I know IRL wouldn't get rated higher then chadlite here. Most are HTN. Some aren't even gymcelled :lul:.

The most legendary slayer I ever met was a guy who is 25 and in the Navy. The giga slayers stats:
>+120 Slays
>Somewhat recessed but had nice white teeth.
>5ft 9 - 5ft 10
>NWO Blonde NT haircut
>Had an exceptional sleeve tattoo.
>In the Navy so had a nice strong physique. He was far from being gymmaxxed but he had exceptional grip strength. He gripmogged me to suicide.

My good friend (who I met him through) didn't believe him at first either, but he consistently pulls on a night out. This guy was far below the slayer looks standard projected here.

PSL chads are mythical creatures. I have seen one in recent memory. It was before doing my driving theory test. The guy was about 6ft 5, 5.5PSL and jacked. Probably an influencer. Gymmmaxed and shredded (roid user 100%). He was with his stacy girlfriend, holding her hand.
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@skooLX-aM Chad is an urban rumour lmao, depending on which one you are talking about.

IRL chads are uncommon. You will see them daily, however this is only a small percentage of the population. Probably about 10-20% of men I would deem to be IRL chads. I would class @chadison as an IRL Chad. All of the biggest slayers I know IRL wouldn't get rated higher then chadlite here. Most are HTN. Some aren't even gymcelled :lul:.

The most legendary slayer I ever met was a guy who is 25 and in the Navy. The giga slayers stats:
>+120 Slays
>Somewhat recessed but had nice white teeth.
>5ft 9 - 5ft 10
>NWO Blonde NT haircut
>Had an exceptional sleeve tattoo.
>In the Navy so had a nice strong physique. He was far from being gymmaxxed but he had exceptional grip strength. He gripmogged me to suicide.

I COULD NOT BELIEVE HIS STATS CONSIDERING HE IS A HTN. My good friend (who I met him through) didn't believe him at first either, but he consistently pulls on a night out. This guy was far below the slayer looks standard projected here.

PSL chads are mythical creatures. I have seen one in recent memory. It was before doing my driving theory test. The guy was about 6ft 5, 5.5PSL and jacked. Probably an influencer. Gymmmaxed and shredded (roid user 100%). He was with his stacy girlfriend, holding her hand.
I think the appropriate way to classify me would be “certainly above average.” True chads, while very rare, do exist. I met one this last spring: 6’3, white, looked like Michael yerger, had a physique roughly the same as mine. He had 2 8/10s following him around like drones.
The thing is, these men are <1% of the population, even on large notable college campuses (such as mine). There is not enough to go around to make a significant impact in the SMP. To succeed, you need to either be top 5% looks, or top 10-15% looks and possess status; you have to subtly stand out from the rest just enough that people see the difference between you and the average. I would put myself at 90th percentile (just barely touching the top 10%). I also am in a fraternity and have a good social network, and solid social skills. This allows the success I have experienced.
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I think the appropriate way to classify me would be “certainly above average.” True chads, while very rare, do exist. I met one this last spring: 6’3, white, looked like Michael yerger, had a physique roughly the same as mine. He had 2 8/10s following him around like drones.
The thing is, these men are <1% of the population, even on large notable college campuses (such as mine). There is not enough to go around to make a significant impact in the SMP. To succeed, you need to either be top 5% looks, or top 10-15% looks and possess status; you have to subtly stand out from the rest just enough that people see the difference between you and the average. I would put myself at 90th percentile (just barely touching the top 10%).

Fucking mogger, just imagine looking like this. I literally could not imagine having any women following me around, nevermind two 8/10s :lul::lul:.

I have finished uni and I had a simillar experience. I rotted on and off but I went out ~30 times (could have been more if I had more self esteem and better social skills :feelswah:) and went to the gym in my last year since may. I saw a few moggers. The most notable guy I saw was a 6ft5 white, blonde nordic gymaxxed chad. The funny thing was this guy was a massive nerd. He would play tabletop games such as warhammer and DnD. I was in disbelief at this guy. He looked like the archetypical PSL slayer and he would hang out with nerds all day. He probably posts here.

I agree with what you said. The idea that PSL chad is hoarding all the women is cope. They account for such a small portion of the population, and they probably aren't going to be slaying a 4PSL Plain Jane reguarly (aka most women). Unless they are a basement dweller like Amnesia.
I also am in a fraternity and have a good social network, and solid social skills. This allows the success I have experienced.
Frats don't exist in the UK. US college sounds mogger tier tbh (provided your a jock or someshit) with the exception of the debt. You don't get that issue in the UK. Although its still easy to network in the UK if you have good social skills.
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View attachment 1468116
Fucking mogger, just imagine looking like this. I literally could not imagine having any women following me around, nevermind two 8/10s :lul::lul:.

I have finished uni and I had a simillar experience. I rotted on and off but I went out ~30 times (could have been more if I had more self esteem and better social skills :feelswah:) and went to the gym in my last year since may. I saw a few moggers. The most notable guy I saw was a 6ft5 white, blonde nordic gymaxxed chad. The funny thing was this guy was a massive nerd. He would play tabletop games such as warhammer and DnD. I was in disbelief at this guy. He looked like the archetypical PSL slayer and he would hang out with nerds all day. He probably posts here.

I agree with what you said. The idea that PSL chad is hoarding all the women is cope. They account for such a small portion of the population, and they probably aren't going to be slaying a 4PSL Plain Jane reguarly (aka most women). Unless they are a basement dweller like Amnesia.

Frats don't exist in the UK. US college sounds mogger tier tbh (provided your a jock or someshit) with the exception of the debt. You don't get that issue in the UK. Although its still easy to network in the UK if you have good social skills.
Pretty close to what the guy I was talking about looked like. He had darker hair (near black) and blue eyes though. Otherwise similar ratios and facial hair.

yeah it is what it is, I don’t really care that I’m not “6psl” anymore. You either can accept what you were dealt or whine your entire life (in which case, wouldn’t just killing yourself be better?). I have a lot to be thankful for and I’ve done everything I can to looksmax, now I’m just trying to enjoy life and build a career.

Looks can only do so much even if you’re 6psl
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Pretty close to what the guy I was talking about looked like. He had darker hair (near black) and blue eyes though. Otherwise similar ratios and facial hair.

yeah it is what it is, I don’t really care that I’m not “6psl” anymore. You either can accept what you were dealt or whine your entire life (in which case, wouldn’t just killing yourself be better?). I have a lot to be thankful for and I’ve done everything I can to looksmax, now I’m just trying to enjoy life and build a career.

Looks can only do so much even if you’re 6psl
I agree, once you have fixed your failios your at your final rating. All that really matters is that people consider you attractive. At a realistic rating like 5PSL you are attractive. Most people can get to 5PSL imo.

I think the fantasy of being over 6PSL is why people want to achieve this looks level. While its just a fantasy and not reality the idea of just getting surgery XYZ then you get a modelling contract, fame and stacy sounds great. However this isn't reality.

I will be honest, I occasionally have crude fantasties of ascending past 6PSL and achieveing the aforementioned things with minimum effort but ultimately I am coping. Its not going to happen and its a crutch to not socialise more.

Realistically I won't be fully ascended until I am 25-26 because braces + bimax will take atleast 2-3 years. My plan is to "finish" gymcelling (reach my natty limit size wise) youthmaxx and get bimax + infraorbital malar implants. Then I am done if the surgery results are good.
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I agree, once you have fixed your failios your at your final rating. All that really matters is that people consider you attractive. At a realistic rating like 5PSL you are attractive. Most people can get to 5PSL imo.

I think the fantasy of being over 6PSL is why people want to achieve this looks level. While its just a fantasy and not reality the idea of just getting surgery XYZ then you get a modelling contract, fame and stacy sounds great. However this isn't reality.

I will be honest, I occasionally have crude fantasties of ascending past 6PSL and achieveing the aforementioned things with minimum effort but ultimately I am coping. Its not going to happen and its a crutch to not socialise more.

Realistically I won't be fully ascended until I am 25-26 because braces + bimax will take atleast 2-3 years. My plan is to "finish" gymcelling (reach my natty limit size wise) youthmaxx and get bimax + infraorbital malar implants. Then I am done if the surgery results are good.
Yeah. I need a couple of my surgeries too to become average. I am just afraid of getting botched. There are so many cases of dudes wrecking their face on this website even from less invasive things like nose jobs.
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View attachment 1468116
Fucking mogger, just imagine looking like this. I literally could not imagine having any women following me around, nevermind two 8/10s :lul::lul:.

Thanks for posting this picture. (for several reasons) Do you know this guys name?

Actually this is the perfect text book example of real world chad. His face is a mix of masc and feminine features. Hes a robust prettyboy and still masc. This is the universal, to all ages appealing, text book example of a fucking Chad!

Top 3% eye area and most importantly low set, dark eyebrows. But the eyebrows are not extremeley thick, thats why they have some slight feminine characteristics. Also jaw very defined, strong chin, yet a bit narrow jaw horizontally, which makes him look not as masc as a caveman.

Overall great ratios and insane aesthetically appealing face.

Another thing is- this guy is a perfect example of why gymceling is cope. He has minimal muscle insertions and does minimal exercises/workout, just enough so that he keeps bodyfat within good range. He has no six pack, not huge biceps, nothing like that. And he doesnt need to, because he has gl face.

2668756 1640904997813
I'd wish for a million wishes
Yeah. I need a couple of my surgeries too to become average. I am just afraid of getting botched. There are so many cases of dudes wrecking their face on this website even from less invasive things like nose jobs.
Bro even my rhino didn't go well tbh, only the side looks great the front he let my Columella crooked and still wide, plus with thick skin I'd didnt recover properly for best part of 9 months.
Can't imagine how bad a more invasive surgery will be like...
Bro even my rhino didn't go well tbh, only the side looks great the front he let my Columella crooked and still wide, plus with thick skin I'd didnt recover properly for best part of 9 months.
Can't imagine how bad a more invasive surgery will be like...
Can I PM you?
Bro even my rhino didn't go well tbh, only the side looks great the front he let my Columella crooked and still wide, plus with thick skin I'd didnt recover properly for best part of 9 months.
Can't imagine how bad a more invasive surgery will be like...
I actually don't much change from the front. Nose is asymmetrical and slightly bulbous. Side sucks however due to nasal hump.

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