I was expelled from regular education at 4 years old



Most oppressed user on org Threadmaking REINSTATED
Jun 20, 2020

My entire trajectory of schooling has been fighting to be allowed back into the normal schools

I have always said i wanted to go to a normal school

But they always told me i had to be a certain way to be allowed back, shit related to behaviour, like you have to be more obedient, you have to respect the rules more, you have to be more social, you have to this and that, etc.

I have been all of those things at some point, but the Dutch government are some slimy jewish fucks that will use what i did years ago as a weapon to prevent me from progressing today.

my fate was essentially sealed when i developed OCD and a general fear of touching anything dirty in public areas/getting too close to people that can cough on me around 10 years old.

minor intrusive thoughts which i had to obey and also having a fear of the dirtiness of any public place meant that i would open doors with my sleeves, use computer mice with my sleeves, use the keyboard with the top of my nails and wash my hands every ~10 minutes,

i had this for about the next 4-5 years and since i have had government surveillance from the age of 3, everything i did was recorded on paper, including this phase. when i finally started to overcome this paranoia i was reminded of it as if i still did it today, along with other things i stopped doing long ago. this was enough to keep letting me rot among the autists..

but then covid came, which validated my fear of contamination all those years. it was now the most normal thing ever, and i had already been using stashes of hand sanitizer long before it. i took the chance of covid meaning i don't have to physically attend school and stopped going. it took a while for online classes to come but when they did i told them that my computer didn't handle them. they told me i could borrow one of theirs, which i agreed with, however, they never got to the point of actually lending me one of them.

everyone always says, if you don't go to school you gotta work, and that is exactly what i did. i worked about half a year in food delivery service to make up for time lost not going to school.

however, this is a bullshit saying. do not fall for it, because the law still got on my ass for not going to school.

and it's even worse because i was going to school at the time, or something similar, this government woman told me i could get my high school diploma in this place, would take about 6 months and it would be a mixed class between my level and 1 higher, the 1 that's higher is actually the mid level high school diploma that is enough to not be seen by the law as someone who has not finished school, the lowest tier high school diploma in the Netherlands is seen as someone who still needs schooling and thus required a higher education diploma to be seen as someone that can leave school, the higher education for low tier being things such as construction school, garbage school etc

except it would actually take me 4 years, and they actually didn't offer the higher level and even though i came to do the higher level they told me i probably wouldn't be able to do MY OWN FUCKING LEVEL THAT I HAD ALREADY DONE FOR YEARS LMFAO

anyways, we were given probation my mother being fined and me given community service.

because it's a fucking LAAAAAAAW in the netherlands to go to school until you're 18 or have a diploma, no way out. unless you have some kind of government decree saying you are exempt from education because you have like 1 chromosome or something

and i assisted every single fucking day of this thing i was signed up for even though i got played, sent to a lower level, lied to about it taking a short time and not mutliple fucking years and these MFS still have the fucking NERVE to not allow me to do this shit BECAUSE I DIDN'T SIT IN MY CHAIR A RESPECTFUL WAY



i was so done with this bullshit that i told every government mf i had a meeting with that i was just gonna get welfare and live off that for the rest of my life not giving a fuck about any of this bullshit.

and about yesterday i think i had another meeting with my appointed surveillor, she is the one holding this entire fucking circus together. i told her upfront, in a very serious tone, nothing like the submissive dog i was before agreeing with their little lies of hope, that i wasn't interested in getting played anymore, i'm fucking more than 17 and a half years old, the time of schooling is over and you lot talk about my future so much, yet you've done everything in my power to make sure i didn't get one, so go fuck yourself, i don't need any more fucking school anymore, she's like , well then you will go to court and get community service, will you accept that? and i tell them NO I WON'T FUCKING ACCEPT THAT, i will NEVER accept community service for doing THE RIGHT FUCKING THING, I did my curriculum at their appointed education thing, they didn't let me pass, that's it. They are repeating that curriculum, and i simply decided not to return. That's not not going to school, that's simply leaving when the trajectory passes.

then she starts threatening with jailtime because i don't want to accept community service. she asks me, are you not afraid of it, i just simply look her in the eyes and say no. then she asks my mom, well what do i do, etc. she has probably never thought that one of her subjects could ever have a spine. my mother can barely understand a word of dutch so she's not much help to her. she then starts suggesting leaving the country to live with far family in Portugal (my mom said she would do this when covid began in March last year), and about 20 times because my mother barely understands the language. eventually she realizes but it's too difficult and there's covid and what not and this is when i tell the government woman: ''imagine living in a country where the only option to avoid jailtime for doing literally nothing at all is fucking fleeing. what a shitty ass country'' although a literal translation from dutch would be ''what a cancer country'' since cancer is an insult in dutch. the government woman then told me ''don't use cancer'', and quoting something she said to me before when talking about my mom, she told me ''why are you thinking for your mother?'' i told her, why are you thinking for me? and are you my mother? and she said no. i then said cancer again, she said just don't use it in my presence, or something. and in this final moment, i crouched down, looked her in the eyes, and quietly whispered ''cancer''. she then stood up, stood by the door and said ''Bye Roderick'' in a very condescending tone.

however, what happened next made her mood take a complete 180.

my mother stood up as well, and instead of demanding an apology, which is what i would've expected the woman thought she'd do, just agreed with the meeting being over and was about to walk out as well.

the government woman was now desperate. reaching desperately for something to say, something to keep us in the room, i immediately left and waited by the door for my mother, while waiting i held the door open for some people and smiled (brutal cuck moment) but i noticed after a long time my mother wasn't coming. i decided to walk back in and discovered her still there talking to the mf government woman, no idea what about, but they're both standing there like i was brought to their preschool class by a teacher and i have to apologize to them. which is actually exactly what they wanted, i simply told them i wouldn't and that my mother should fucking go outside so we can leave. i wait by the door AGAIN and after a while i'm fucking done, i walk back and simply get them to come so we can leave, and we finally go home.

when home i realize what my mother and the government woman were arguing about. apparently she had decided to LET ME BACK INTO REGULAR SCHOOLING, AND I COULD LITERALLY PICK WHAT HIGH SCHOOL I WANTED MYSELF (LMFAO)

This was extremely fucking random to me. All those years being respectful and considerate, to be played each time, let down each time, ordered to be a certain way each time, and this time i tell them to go fuck themselves and they give me everything i wanted in one go?

I figured they must be playing us again, but my mother told me they weren't, and that she even asked them if they were serious, and they said yes.

They can have a reason to play me but they don't have a reason to play my mom. So maybe it is true.

So, end of story right? After all those years trying to get back into normal schools, i've finally got it, now life is all coming together?


Unfortunately i had to be a cuck again and i want my friend's sister, who goes to a special school at some place and lives in the street next to mine just like my friend. I am this close to letting this one in 10+ year chance go so i can get some autistic pussy.


TL;DR: got the chance to go to a normal school for the first time since 2007 but it came at the wrong moment because i want to make my friend's sister my autistic gf by going to her special school
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Great rating advice
  • JFL
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I don't think you are mentally ready for a normal high school based on the shit you type on this forum, but maybe it could help u
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  • JFL
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What's more autistic? Reading this or writing this :lul:
  • JFL
  • +1
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Read every word.
  • +1
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I don't think you are mentally ready for a normal high school based on the shit you type on this forum, but maybe it could help u
In long-term yes

It will give me a better resumé and just better prospects for my future overall

But i kinda wanna fuck my friend's sister
In long-term yes

It will give me a better resumé and just better prospects for my future overall

But i kinda wanna fuck my friend's sister
U won't fuck her because you are not socially ready yet. U will just fumble the bag and never recover from that
U won't fuck her because you are not socially ready yet. U will just fumble the bag and never recover from that
Lmfao nigga she has autism

I'd be an NT god compared to her

My entire trajectory of schooling has been fighting to be allowed back into the normal schools

I have always said i wanted to go to a normal school

But they always told me i had to be a certain way to be allowed back, shit related to behaviour, like you have to be more obedient, you have to respect the rules more, you have to be more social, you have to this and that, etc.

I have been all of those things at some point, but the Dutch government are some slimy jewish fucks that will use what i did years ago as a weapon to prevent me from progressing today.

my fate was essentially sealed when i developed OCD and a general fear of touching anything dirty in public areas/getting too close to people that can cough on me around 10 years old.

minor intrusive thoughts which i had to obey and also having a fear of the dirtiness of any public place meant that i would open doors with my sleeves, use computer mice with my sleeves, use the keyboard with the top of my nails and wash my hands every ~10 minutes,

i had this for about the next 4-5 years and since i have had government surveillance from the age of 3, everything i did was recorded on paper, including this phase. when i finally started to overcome this paranoia i was reminded of it as if i still did it today, along with other things i stopped doing long ago. this was enough to keep letting me rot among the autists..

but then covid came, which validated my fear of contamination all those years. it was now the most normal thing ever, and i had already been using stashes of hand sanitizer long before it. i took the chance of covid meaning i don't have to physically attend school and stopped going. it took a while for online classes to come but when they did i told them that my computer didn't handle them. they told me i could borrow one of theirs, which i agreed with, however, they never got to the point of actually lending me one of them.

everyone always says, if you don't go to school you gotta work, and that is exactly what i did. i worked about half a year in food delivery service to make up for time lost not going to school.

however, this is a bullshit saying. do not fall for it, because the law still got on my ass for not going to school.

and it's even worse because i was going to school at the time, or something similar, this government woman told me i could get my high school diploma in this place, would take about 6 months and it would be a mixed class between my level and 1 higher, the 1 that's higher is actually the mid level high school diploma that is enough to not be seen by the law as someone who has not finished school, the lowest tier high school diploma in the Netherlands is seen as someone who still needs schooling and thus required a higher education diploma to be seen as someone that can leave school, the higher education for low tier being things such as construction school, garbage school etc

except it would actually take me 4 years, and they actually didn't offer the higher level and even though i came to do the higher level they told me i probably wouldn't be able to do MY OWN FUCKING LEVEL THAT I HAD ALREADY DONE FOR YEARS LMFAO

anyways, we were given probation my mother being fined and me given community service.

because it's a fucking LAAAAAAAW in the netherlands to go to school until you're 18 or have a diploma, no way out. unless you have some kind of government decree saying you are exempt from education because you have like 1 chromosome or something

and i assisted every single fucking day of this thing i was signed up for even though i got played, sent to a lower level, lied to about it taking a short time and not mutliple fucking years and these MFS still have the fucking NERVE to not allow me to do this shit BECAUSE I DIDN'T SIT IN MY CHAIR A RESPECTFUL WAY



i was so done with this bullshit that i told every government mf i had a meeting with that i was just gonna get welfare and live off that for the rest of my life not giving a fuck about any of this bullshit.

and about yesterday i think i had another meeting with my appointed surveillor, she is the one holding this entire fucking circus together. i told her upfront, in a very serious tone, nothing like the submissive dog i was before agreeing with their little lies of hope, that i wasn't interested in getting played anymore, i'm fucking more than 17 and a half years old, the time of schooling is over and you lot talk about my future so much, yet you've done everything in my power to make sure i didn't get one, so go fuck yourself, i don't need any more fucking school anymore, she's like , well then you will go to court and get community service, will you accept that? and i tell them NO I WON'T FUCKING ACCEPT THAT, i will NEVER accept community service for doing THE RIGHT FUCKING THING, I did my curriculum at their appointed education thing, they didn't let me pass, that's it. They are repeating that curriculum, and i simply decided not to return. That's not not going to school, that's simply leaving when the trajectory passes.

then she starts threatening with jailtime because i don't want to accept community service. she asks me, are you not afraid of it, i just simply look her in the eyes and say no. then she asks my mom, well what do i do, etc. she has probably never thought that one of her subjects could ever have a spine. my mother can barely understand a word of dutch so she's not much help to her. she then starts suggesting leaving the country to live with far family in Portugal (my mom said she would do this when covid began in March last year), and about 20 times because my mother barely understands the language. eventually she realizes but it's too difficult and there's covid and what not and this is when i tell the government woman: ''imagine living in a country where the only option to avoid jailtime for doing literally nothing at all is fucking fleeing. what a shitty ass country'' although a literal translation from dutch would be ''what a cancer country'' since cancer is an insult in dutch. the government woman then told me ''don't use cancer'', and quoting something she said to me before when talking about my mom, she told me ''why are you thinking for your mother?'' i told her, why are you thinking for me? and are you my mother? and she said no. i then said cancer again, she said just don't use it in my presence, or something. and in this final moment, i crouched down, looked her in the eyes, and quietly whispered ''cancer''. she then stood up, stood by the door and said ''Bye Roderick'' in a very condescending tone.

however, what happened next made her mood take a complete 180.

my mother stood up as well, and instead of demanding an apology, which is what i would've expected the woman thought she'd do, just agreed with the meeting being over and was about to walk out as well.

the government woman was now desperate. reaching desperately for something to say, something to keep us in the room, i immediately left and waited by the door for my mother, while waiting i held the door open for some people and smiled (brutal cuck moment) but i noticed after a long time my mother wasn't coming. i decided to walk back in and discovered her still there talking to the mf government woman, no idea what about, but they're both standing there like i was brought to their preschool class by a teacher and i have to apologize to them. which is actually exactly what they wanted, i simply told them i wouldn't and that my mother should fucking go outside so we can leave. i wait by the door AGAIN and after a while i'm fucking done, i walk back and simply get them to come so we can leave, and we finally go home.

when home i realize what my mother and the government woman were arguing about. apparently she had decided to LET ME BACK INTO REGULAR SCHOOLING, AND I COULD LITERALLY PICK WHAT HIGH SCHOOL I WANTED MYSELF (LMFAO)

This was extremely fucking random to me. All those years being respectful and considerate, to be played each time, let down each time, ordered to be a certain way each time, and this time i tell them to go fuck themselves and they give me everything i wanted in one go?

I figured they must be playing us again, but my mother told me they weren't, and that she even asked them if they were serious, and they said yes.

They can have a reason to play me but they don't have a reason to play my mom. So maybe it is true.

So, end of story right? After all those years trying to get back into normal schools, i've finally got it, now life is all coming together?


Unfortunately i had to be a cuck again and i want my friend's sister, who goes to a special school at some place and lives in the street next to mine just like my friend. I am this close to letting this one in 10+ year chance go so i can get some autistic pussy.


TL;DR: got the chance to go to a normal school for the first time since 2007 but it came at the wrong moment because i want to make my friend's sister my autistic gf by going to her special school
I feel pity for you westerners because your goverments constantly cuck you with mandatory this, mandatory that and insane amount of norms no one in their damn mind is practicing Here in balkans

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My entire trajectory of schooling has been fighting to be allowed back into the normal schools

I have always said i wanted to go to a normal school

But they always told me i had to be a certain way to be allowed back, shit related to behaviour, like you have to be more obedient, you have to respect the rules more, you have to be more social, you have to this and that, etc.

I have been all of those things at some point, but the Dutch government are some slimy jewish fucks that will use what i did years ago as a weapon to prevent me from progressing today.

my fate was essentially sealed when i developed OCD and a general fear of touching anything dirty in public areas/getting too close to people that can cough on me around 10 years old.

minor intrusive thoughts which i had to obey and also having a fear of the dirtiness of any public place meant that i would open doors with my sleeves, use computer mice with my sleeves, use the keyboard with the top of my nails and wash my hands every ~10 minutes,

i had this for about the next 4-5 years and since i have had government surveillance from the age of 3, everything i did was recorded on paper, including this phase. when i finally started to overcome this paranoia i was reminded of it as if i still did it today, along with other things i stopped doing long ago. this was enough to keep letting me rot among the autists..

but then covid came, which validated my fear of contamination all those years. it was now the most normal thing ever, and i had already been using stashes of hand sanitizer long before it. i took the chance of covid meaning i don't have to physically attend school and stopped going. it took a while for online classes to come but when they did i told them that my computer didn't handle them. they told me i could borrow one of theirs, which i agreed with, however, they never got to the point of actually lending me one of them.

everyone always says, if you don't go to school you gotta work, and that is exactly what i did. i worked about half a year in food delivery service to make up for time lost not going to school.

however, this is a bullshit saying. do not fall for it, because the law still got on my ass for not going to school.

and it's even worse because i was going to school at the time, or something similar, this government woman told me i could get my high school diploma in this place, would take about 6 months and it would be a mixed class between my level and 1 higher, the 1 that's higher is actually the mid level high school diploma that is enough to not be seen by the law as someone who has not finished school, the lowest tier high school diploma in the Netherlands is seen as someone who still needs schooling and thus required a higher education diploma to be seen as someone that can leave school, the higher education for low tier being things such as construction school, garbage school etc

except it would actually take me 4 years, and they actually didn't offer the higher level and even though i came to do the higher level they told me i probably wouldn't be able to do MY OWN FUCKING LEVEL THAT I HAD ALREADY DONE FOR YEARS LMFAO

anyways, we were given probation my mother being fined and me given community service.

because it's a fucking LAAAAAAAW in the netherlands to go to school until you're 18 or have a diploma, no way out. unless you have some kind of government decree saying you are exempt from education because you have like 1 chromosome or something

and i assisted every single fucking day of this thing i was signed up for even though i got played, sent to a lower level, lied to about it taking a short time and not mutliple fucking years and these MFS still have the fucking NERVE to not allow me to do this shit BECAUSE I DIDN'T SIT IN MY CHAIR A RESPECTFUL WAY



i was so done with this bullshit that i told every government mf i had a meeting with that i was just gonna get welfare and live off that for the rest of my life not giving a fuck about any of this bullshit.

and about yesterday i think i had another meeting with my appointed surveillor, she is the one holding this entire fucking circus together. i told her upfront, in a very serious tone, nothing like the submissive dog i was before agreeing with their little lies of hope, that i wasn't interested in getting played anymore, i'm fucking more than 17 and a half years old, the time of schooling is over and you lot talk about my future so much, yet you've done everything in my power to make sure i didn't get one, so go fuck yourself, i don't need any more fucking school anymore, she's like , well then you will go to court and get community service, will you accept that? and i tell them NO I WON'T FUCKING ACCEPT THAT, i will NEVER accept community service for doing THE RIGHT FUCKING THING, I did my curriculum at their appointed education thing, they didn't let me pass, that's it. They are repeating that curriculum, and i simply decided not to return. That's not not going to school, that's simply leaving when the trajectory passes.

then she starts threatening with jailtime because i don't want to accept community service. she asks me, are you not afraid of it, i just simply look her in the eyes and say no. then she asks my mom, well what do i do, etc. she has probably never thought that one of her subjects could ever have a spine. my mother can barely understand a word of dutch so she's not much help to her. she then starts suggesting leaving the country to live with far family in Portugal (my mom said she would do this when covid began in March last year), and about 20 times because my mother barely understands the language. eventually she realizes but it's too difficult and there's covid and what not and this is when i tell the government woman: ''imagine living in a country where the only option to avoid jailtime for doing literally nothing at all is fucking fleeing. what a shitty ass country'' although a literal translation from dutch would be ''what a cancer country'' since cancer is an insult in dutch. the government woman then told me ''don't use cancer'', and quoting something she said to me before when talking about my mom, she told me ''why are you thinking for your mother?'' i told her, why are you thinking for me? and are you my mother? and she said no. i then said cancer again, she said just don't use it in my presence, or something. and in this final moment, i crouched down, looked her in the eyes, and quietly whispered ''cancer''. she then stood up, stood by the door and said ''Bye Roderick'' in a very condescending tone.

however, what happened next made her mood take a complete 180.

my mother stood up as well, and instead of demanding an apology, which is what i would've expected the woman thought she'd do, just agreed with the meeting being over and was about to walk out as well.

the government woman was now desperate. reaching desperately for something to say, something to keep us in the room, i immediately left and waited by the door for my mother, while waiting i held the door open for some people and smiled (brutal cuck moment) but i noticed after a long time my mother wasn't coming. i decided to walk back in and discovered her still there talking to the mf government woman, no idea what about, but they're both standing there like i was brought to their preschool class by a teacher and i have to apologize to them. which is actually exactly what they wanted, i simply told them i wouldn't and that my mother should fucking go outside so we can leave. i wait by the door AGAIN and after a while i'm fucking done, i walk back and simply get them to come so we can leave, and we finally go home.

when home i realize what my mother and the government woman were arguing about. apparently she had decided to LET ME BACK INTO REGULAR SCHOOLING, AND I COULD LITERALLY PICK WHAT HIGH SCHOOL I WANTED MYSELF (LMFAO)

This was extremely fucking random to me. All those years being respectful and considerate, to be played each time, let down each time, ordered to be a certain way each time, and this time i tell them to go fuck themselves and they give me everything i wanted in one go?

I figured they must be playing us again, but my mother told me they weren't, and that she even asked them if they were serious, and they said yes.

They can have a reason to play me but they don't have a reason to play my mom. So maybe it is true.

So, end of story right? After all those years trying to get back into normal schools, i've finally got it, now life is all coming together?


Unfortunately i had to be a cuck again and i want my friend's sister, who goes to a special school at some place and lives in the street next to mine just like my friend. I am this close to letting this one in 10+ year chance go so i can get some autistic pussy.


TL;DR: got the chance to go to a normal school for the first time since 2007 but it came at the wrong moment because i want to make my friend's sister my autistic gf by going to her special school
Like for example in my country People Dont give Half of The amount of fucks western cucks do
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Tales from the basement
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Didn't read a word btw
Sounds good high school is evil, homeschooling mogs, unless your chad.
Ascend before you goto college tho, otherwise your life will be hell man. I think mixing wmn with men was a huge mistake, life would be easy if there were male only schools or universities like 19s. I was born way too let.
Ascend before you goto college tho, otherwise your life will be hell man. I think mixing wmn with men was a huge mistake, life would be easy if there were male only schools or universities like 19s. I was born way too let.
Brutally over
i was so done with this bullshit that i told every government mf i had a meeting with that i was just gonna get welfare and live off that for the rest of my life not giving a fuck about any of this bullshit.
I read the whole thing Roderick.

Your school system sounds similarly stupid as the one I have where I live (province of Quebec in Canada), here, we have to do 2 years of pre university after high school to go to university, and after that, the bachelor's degree can take either 3 or 4 years depending on the major (3 years for most people but 4 years for engineers). But the problem that I have always had is that I never knew what I wanted to do in my life, so I spent 6 years having poor grades and getting my mom to do my homework and even some of my exams during covid, thanks to her I passed some classes.

For so long I thought that I was stupid but what I found out recently is that it's just a matter of passion. Like Steve Jobs said in his famous speech, you have to love what you do. Otherwise, you'll never be happy, and work will always suck. For me, my passion is writing, so I am going to go get a bachelor's degree in communications.

The good thing about the system that we have where I live is that at the age of 21, it's possible to go directly to college, even without having done pre university, and most people finish high school at 17, so that gives them 4 years to figure things out by having a job and trying different things. Most of my jobs haven't been very successful but during that time, since graduating high school in 2015, it was by writing long posts and comments online that I found out that this is what I love to do, and even in a work context where I would have to copy something or translate, it would still feel as good for me. I think that this is what you need to find to be happy.

Also, where I live, it's possible to stop going to school at 16 if you go into tradeschool and get a trade diploma, which prevents you from going to pre university but can give you a good trade job that can make you earn six figures in a couple of years, by having a tax free income in construction. Also, there isn't just construction in the trades, there are other jobs which require way less physical strength or endurance, and not all jobs force you to be outside in harsh weather, so it really depends. In my case, I have always been more intellectual, but it took me a long time to realize that I wasn't meant for science or mathematics.

Also, you shouldn't make big decisions involving your future based on a girl you like, because if she doesn't even like you, then you'll regret it, and even if she does like you, you'll still regret it later on by missing out on career opportunities that you may have preferred. People always tell us that we have all the time in the world to think about our future but it's not really the case, and the longer you spend living with your parents, the less happy about it they are going to be, so you have to find your path, and you have to do it with a clear mind. To do this, I make sure to not think with my dick, and I do this by jerking off regularly, it gets the poison out and allows me to make logical decisions about my future. Your career should be the #1 priority, and getting laid should come second, if you care about having a comfortable life and a job that you don't hate.
expelled for being ugly

My entire trajectory of schooling has been fighting to be allowed back into the normal schools

I have always said i wanted to go to a normal school

But they always told me i had to be a certain way to be allowed back, shit related to behaviour, like you have to be more obedient, you have to respect the rules more, you have to be more social, you have to this and that, etc.

I have been all of those things at some point, but the Dutch government are some slimy jewish fucks that will use what i did years ago as a weapon to prevent me from progressing today.

my fate was essentially sealed when i developed OCD and a general fear of touching anything dirty in public areas/getting too close to people that can cough on me around 10 years old.

minor intrusive thoughts which i had to obey and also having a fear of the dirtiness of any public place meant that i would open doors with my sleeves, use computer mice with my sleeves, use the keyboard with the top of my nails and wash my hands every ~10 minutes,

i had this for about the next 4-5 years and since i have had government surveillance from the age of 3, everything i did was recorded on paper, including this phase. when i finally started to overcome this paranoia i was reminded of it as if i still did it today, along with other things i stopped doing long ago. this was enough to keep letting me rot among the autists..

but then covid came, which validated my fear of contamination all those years. it was now the most normal thing ever, and i had already been using stashes of hand sanitizer long before it. i took the chance of covid meaning i don't have to physically attend school and stopped going. it took a while for online classes to come but when they did i told them that my computer didn't handle them. they told me i could borrow one of theirs, which i agreed with, however, they never got to the point of actually lending me one of them.

everyone always says, if you don't go to school you gotta work, and that is exactly what i did. i worked about half a year in food delivery service to make up for time lost not going to school.

however, this is a bullshit saying. do not fall for it, because the law still got on my ass for not going to school.

and it's even worse because i was going to school at the time, or something similar, this government woman told me i could get my high school diploma in this place, would take about 6 months and it would be a mixed class between my level and 1 higher, the 1 that's higher is actually the mid level high school diploma that is enough to not be seen by the law as someone who has not finished school, the lowest tier high school diploma in the Netherlands is seen as someone who still needs schooling and thus required a higher education diploma to be seen as someone that can leave school, the higher education for low tier being things such as construction school, garbage school etc

except it would actually take me 4 years, and they actually didn't offer the higher level and even though i came to do the higher level they told me i probably wouldn't be able to do MY OWN FUCKING LEVEL THAT I HAD ALREADY DONE FOR YEARS LMFAO

anyways, we were given probation my mother being fined and me given community service.

because it's a fucking LAAAAAAAW in the netherlands to go to school until you're 18 or have a diploma, no way out. unless you have some kind of government decree saying you are exempt from education because you have like 1 chromosome or something

and i assisted every single fucking day of this thing i was signed up for even though i got played, sent to a lower level, lied to about it taking a short time and not mutliple fucking years and these MFS still have the fucking NERVE to not allow me to do this shit BECAUSE I DIDN'T SIT IN MY CHAIR A RESPECTFUL WAY



i was so done with this bullshit that i told every government mf i had a meeting with that i was just gonna get welfare and live off that for the rest of my life not giving a fuck about any of this bullshit.

and about yesterday i think i had another meeting with my appointed surveillor, she is the one holding this entire fucking circus together. i told her upfront, in a very serious tone, nothing like the submissive dog i was before agreeing with their little lies of hope, that i wasn't interested in getting played anymore, i'm fucking more than 17 and a half years old, the time of schooling is over and you lot talk about my future so much, yet you've done everything in my power to make sure i didn't get one, so go fuck yourself, i don't need any more fucking school anymore, she's like , well then you will go to court and get community service, will you accept that? and i tell them NO I WON'T FUCKING ACCEPT THAT, i will NEVER accept community service for doing THE RIGHT FUCKING THING, I did my curriculum at their appointed education thing, they didn't let me pass, that's it. They are repeating that curriculum, and i simply decided not to return. That's not not going to school, that's simply leaving when the trajectory passes.

then she starts threatening with jailtime because i don't want to accept community service. she asks me, are you not afraid of it, i just simply look her in the eyes and say no. then she asks my mom, well what do i do, etc. she has probably never thought that one of her subjects could ever have a spine. my mother can barely understand a word of dutch so she's not much help to her. she then starts suggesting leaving the country to live with far family in Portugal (my mom said she would do this when covid began in March last year), and about 20 times because my mother barely understands the language. eventually she realizes but it's too difficult and there's covid and what not and this is when i tell the government woman: ''imagine living in a country where the only option to avoid jailtime for doing literally nothing at all is fucking fleeing. what a shitty ass country'' although a literal translation from dutch would be ''what a cancer country'' since cancer is an insult in dutch. the government woman then told me ''don't use cancer'', and quoting something she said to me before when talking about my mom, she told me ''why are you thinking for your mother?'' i told her, why are you thinking for me? and are you my mother? and she said no. i then said cancer again, she said just don't use it in my presence, or something. and in this final moment, i crouched down, looked her in the eyes, and quietly whispered ''cancer''. she then stood up, stood by the door and said ''Bye Roderick'' in a very condescending tone.

however, what happened next made her mood take a complete 180.

my mother stood up as well, and instead of demanding an apology, which is what i would've expected the woman thought she'd do, just agreed with the meeting being over and was about to walk out as well.

the government woman was now desperate. reaching desperately for something to say, something to keep us in the room, i immediately left and waited by the door for my mother, while waiting i held the door open for some people and smiled (brutal cuck moment) but i noticed after a long time my mother wasn't coming. i decided to walk back in and discovered her still there talking to the mf government woman, no idea what about, but they're both standing there like i was brought to their preschool class by a teacher and i have to apologize to them. which is actually exactly what they wanted, i simply told them i wouldn't and that my mother should fucking go outside so we can leave. i wait by the door AGAIN and after a while i'm fucking done, i walk back and simply get them to come so we can leave, and we finally go home.

when home i realize what my mother and the government woman were arguing about. apparently she had decided to LET ME BACK INTO REGULAR SCHOOLING, AND I COULD LITERALLY PICK WHAT HIGH SCHOOL I WANTED MYSELF (LMFAO)

This was extremely fucking random to me. All those years being respectful and considerate, to be played each time, let down each time, ordered to be a certain way each time, and this time i tell them to go fuck themselves and they give me everything i wanted in one go?

I figured they must be playing us again, but my mother told me they weren't, and that she even asked them if they were serious, and they said yes.

They can have a reason to play me but they don't have a reason to play my mom. So maybe it is true.

So, end of story right? After all those years trying to get back into normal schools, i've finally got it, now life is all coming together?


Unfortunately i had to be a cuck again and i want my friend's sister, who goes to a special school at some place and lives in the street next to mine just like my friend. I am this close to letting this one in 10+ year chance go so i can get some autistic pussy.


TL;DR: got the chance to go to a normal school for the first time since 2007 but it came at the wrong moment because i want to make my friend's sister my autistic gf by going to her special school
simping ruins your life

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