Kabbalah explanation



Nov 18, 2020
So I made a whole thread thing on Neon Genesis Evangelion on an old anime forum and I thought any Eva fans here would like it

I describe the Sephirot if anyone care so here

Guf means body in Hebrew
The Guf existed before the Creation of the Universe
and when God created the Light thought the Universe
Adam Kadmon was one pure luminous being
but when man ate of the Fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil
he had disobeyed against God
Therefore Kadmon fragmented
Humans became Flesh and blood
the part called Nefesh (this is all Animals have)\
which is Flesh and Blood
this is the ID part of the soul
This is our Body
the Next is Ruach which is the part of the Soul that God blew into Adams lungs during the creation of Man
This is the part of the Man that has emotions and understands Love and Moral virtues
the next is the Neshama which is like the Super Soul
This is the part of us which gives us Understanding as When God spoke that he would make Humanity with Understanding just like Himself
This is the part of us that lets us feel Spirituality and the Divinity of God and the Awareness of God and ourselves
where as in Nefesh we give to our base desires
and in Ruach we give in to our emotions
In Neshama we Fulfill and complete ourselves where Love is revealed which is God
This is the stages of the Human Soul
however we can go beyond
Chaya is the fourth stage
while in the previous level we use our intellect to feel the Love of God
this level is truly understanding God and not by the limits that God has set on himself in this Universe
but on a level that destroys and nullifies the Ego of Man
in Eva this could be like when the Anti AT field turned the bodies of man into LCL and the souls started merging
Yechida is the level back to Adam Kadmon
the fifth and final
This level is the most transcendent and reflects the Light Of God, a Level that is reached through Self Sacrifice for God, which is Love, which is the Truth of all things, so Sin is eradicated, and the suffering of man is no more.
This is instrumentality
But it finally makes sense to me now
Without God then Instrumentality is nothing
Shinji rejected it because there was nothing
Adam Kadmon is the reflection of God


this one
Ok so In Eva when they said that the body is a reflection of the Soul
that's a legit thing in Kabbalism
it's the Spiritual mold of Man that is created through whatever the soul possesses
the soul's outer dimension reflects the configuration of the sefirot
the inner dimension of the soul reflects the Infinite Light, which illuminates the sefirot. This reflection is called the image of God). Thus man includes all of Creation within him, from the loftiest spirituality to the most mundane physicality.
So the outer Soul gives the Sephirot the Configuration while the Inner soul Gives it Light which is Creation which is in the Image of God
The Sephirot are the levels that different virtues, metaphysical realms, and the ways that God reveals himself
The Binah and the Hokmah represent the Female and Masuline aspects of the Soul respectively
while the Binah is the Vessel and the Hokmah is the masuline light
As God said he made Adam (HumanKind) Male and female
this can be understood biologically
but also how are soul is made up
Keter which is the Crown and the top of the Sephirot is highest level which is not capable for Man to reach which is Basically Ein Seiof ( The infinite one) which is the highest and pure manifestation of God which is pure love and compassion
the first level of the Sephirot is Malkuth which actually does not come from God but from his creation which while it is the lowest it is also the one for most potential and is represented by KingShip and humility just as Jesus said that people should first seek the Kingdom of God
The next level is Yesod which connects the Malkuth to the rest of the Sephirot and can be characterized as a connection of heaven and earth. on the Body is represented by the sexual organs while being the base for most earthly desires (Sex) it is also one of the most divine acts (creating Life)
The next is Hod which means splendor and Glory
This form is linked with prayer and giving glory and this part of the Sephirot is linked to the feet which are needed to reach a place to execute an action
prayer in of itself is Submission and requires a person to kill their pride. It is also attributed to language where we feel a desire in Malkuth, it unconsciously manifests in Yesod, and is revealed in Hod
you can think of it like a tree in a storm and God as a storm
if you fight against God you will break
but if you are like a palm tree you can submit and go with the force of the storm and thus succeeding through submission
The next Sephirot is Netzach which means eternity and is the lowest on the right most pillar which is mercy, while the middle pillar is the one of beauty, and the left most is the pillar of justice
This Sephirot represents endurance, or long-suffering. This part of the Sephirot that calls people to lead, to act, and to carry out the will of God just as Hod (prayer) is the left leg we need the right foot ( Endurance) to be able to walk
This is the part that when you set your passions towards a certain goal, that you have to show restraint in order for them to bear fruit just as getting a degree or starting a garden, one must have patience to have those things work
while the previous three are focused on how we should act according to God this Sephirot is God relying on us to know how to act
Now the sixth Sephirot which means Adornment or beauty is the first of the Primary emotions while the previous 3 were the secondary of the conscious emotions, and the last was the Vessel to reach the Sephirot which can be described as Earth connecting to Heaven
Tifert connects to all the Sephirot except Malkuth and is the force that integrates Chesed (Compassion) with Gevurah (strength) giving and receiving. While a person should be strong, one should not be much so to be abrasive to others and one should not be too compassionate that things fall to disorder and one cannot fight for himself. It is not a virtue to be weak nor is it a virtue to be ruthless. The Sixth Sephirot creates a Holy balance between the two and allows one to be dangerous as serpents and innocent as doves.
This Sephirot is in the middle and can be seen as the Sun while the Sun gives all the light and Energy on Earth the Sun did not create itself
The next Sephirot is Gevurah which means strength or Wisdom and is in the middle of the pillar of justice. This Sephirot is based on Justice and strength and with punishing the Wicked and Judging the doings of others. This the Left Hand of God which brings Judgement and Destruction Which is the opposite of God's right hand which is Chesed, Compassion and mercy. Gevurah is the compulsion to be able to punish and condemn others with putting aside Compassion. For if you do not punish someone for wrong doings then they will continue and bring more suffering so this is why this is needed to fight and protect.
The Ultimate Purpose of that judgment is to not restrict Chesed but to let that desire flow just as I said that someone needs to punish someone of they are going down a path of wrong doing so they don't encounter unnecessary suffering in the future which is ultimately an act of compassion and it is the balance of these two that is what Tiferet is
Chesed the next is Love but it is the love that is divine what Plato described as Agape, a love that comes out of the depths of the soul that wishes to see suffering eradicated. to do this one must be able to judge others just enough to be loving and to do that one must be able to be patient with people and to be humble with others
This type of Love can also only be reached if one can Love themselves which God eternally and unconditionally Loves us all but we need to go down this path to be at the level to receive it and in that process we care enough about ourselves that we can Do unto Other as We would done to Yourself

You must take care of yourself before you can help others

Ok now the Final Three Sephirot
Binah which is Understanding which is the highest on the Pillar of Justice

This is the first of the second Level of the Sephirot of which there are three

This is the Conscious Intellect while the previous Sephirot were the Conscious emotions
This Sephirot is described as feminine and Women are described as having more Understanding then Men while Men have more Hokmah Intellect then Women

While Hokmah are the things that people are inspired by or learn Binah is the Deductive reasoning which is actually where Rene Decarte based off what the concept of Reasoning is while Inductive reason by Francis Bacon which is Hokmah is the Intellect

Binah is a Womb that contains Hokmah like a palace of infinite mirrors that reflect the light of Hokmah

With Hokmah that exists as knowledge and Intellect Binah exists as the points that connect Ideas and create other layers of Knowledge, again you must have Knowledge to Understand just as One must have the Power to Judge to be Compassionate
Hokmah is the Second Sephirot which Is Knowledge and just like the Guf, it existed before Creation. This Wisdom Revealed God to the Universe and became one of God being inaccessible to Mankind before God gave it to Man. To fear God is the beginning of Wisdom and the intellect. Sense the last Sephirot is the Infinite purest manifestation of God which is Ein Seriof which in the end just like Instrumentality was described by Shinji that if everyone is all one then there is none God used Wisdom to create Adam Kadmon to make a mirror that reflected the Light of God. That is what Creation is in the same way that Binah reflects Hokmah. Adam Kadmon, who is Mankind, reflects God himself.

That is why in the New Testament despite being ManKind coming from Adam we are described as a bride waiting for the marriage of Christ for we are the body of Christ as God says a Man and Woman shall become One Flesh such should be that Man is connected with God.
This is the Virtue of Truth and connects to the Final Sephirot with is Keter which is the final level which is Super Consciousness
Keter is the crown and the final Sephirot. This does not describe a part of the body but the crown on the head. For a King rules a Kingdom but is given that power by the Crown.
This level is inaccessible to Humans and is the Purest form of Love that is most infinite and is the goal that Sephirot points to.
One must Love God first for the Love shown to us which is the Keter which gave us knowledge and understanding so we could Love others yet be strong enough to stop others to bring the Most love So we can endure Suffering by submitting to God and by this we can connect with God

through this one must fear God, be Humble, So we can reach the Truth, So we can Love, So we can Combat the Suffering of the World, Which is going to Keter which is the Kingdom of God which goes back to the last Sephirot which is the connection to us and God
That is Da'at which is not a Sephirot but the perfection of the unification of all the Sephirot. They all radite Infinite light which makes them all no longer distinguishable from each other which makes them all become one.

This combination is the Light which is the light of Adam Kadmon which precedes the four spiritual worlds of which is Atziluth, Beri'ah, Yetzirah, and Assiah in descending order respectively. which are split like this

with the one that preludes those worlds being the elusive 5th world which is a realm higher and is the encompassing light of the Sephirot

Atziluth is light that is Intellect and is the stage where Kadmon was connected yet self aware which only contains Divine good which is described as an enlightened man and is the source of Intellect, Briah being the formless existence of the universe which Contains good and very little possibility for bad is also the womb where, Yetzirah is formed and has equal potential for good and evil, just as a newborn baby has future potential for Good and Evil and is associated with the Garden of Eden, the last is Assiah which is mostly bad and has very little good, this is the reality that is most apparent to us which is called out to be suffering. The development of the Soul starts out at Assiah and is the Nefesh Physical and obtains a moral compass and the abilities to enact all the Conscious emotions, which then goes to Briah which is the Neshamah which is the Conscious intellect that lets us Understand ourselves like how God understands us, to the next which is Chaya
while in the previous level we use our intellect to feel the Love of God
this level is truly understanding God and not by the limits that God has set on himself in this Universe
but on a level that destroys and nullifies the Ego of Man
Then to the last when We reach Adam Kadom, this is realized through Self Sacrifice which opens the Guf and we become one with the Souls of Man
There is a reason that Shinji rejected Instrumentality
The reason For Adam Kadmon is to reflect the Light of God but what is the purpose of a mirror if there is no light. None and that is what God was before Creation and that is what Humanity would be without instrumentality. Thus Humans would have to find meaning as separate beings relying on each other and not on God.
This is also how Anno felt and it also describes what it means to be an Otaku Hikikomori in Japan. In Japan there is no God and you do things for the community that is where you find your value, but for people that have become recluse or have been oppressed to even the point of suicide. When one fails you feel as if no one loves you and you are hated by the world
This is Shinji
This is the definition of a loser
this is how Anno felt
You see all the different characters and his relationships and there flaws
Misato wanting to be needed by losing her father and wanting to feel like she can go against society
Asuka deluding herself with false pride to comfort herself so she can feel strong despite being weak and desiring her mother
Gendo not being able to take the risk to express his Love for Shinji fearing the Suffering that would await him if he lost him like Yui
Ritsuko giving herself over to Gendo because she felt unneeded by her mother and needed to feel needed like Misato
It was for this reason the Kaworu saw the Lillin from a perspective of a heavenly being which the Angels in Eva are similar to actual Biblical Angels and Beings
Angels which Forever living in service to God are servants to God for Humans to help us
Kaworu, the angel who saw this suffering and sacrificed himself in response to the suffering of Mankind with a hope that Mankind could understand the Love of others which comes from God paradoxically though there is no God.
Living in Japan the biggest thing they felt was lacking in Japan is the closeness people had in places like what they thought the USA may have more.
Rei when rejecting Gendo chose Shinji which was the best representative of Humanity at the time let him choose that Yes, I can exist, I can be forgiven, I can Love.
Rei was the Womb for Kaworu while she gave him the ability to show what Love was so in a way Kaworu was like Jesus and with that Shinji was able to be Loved so He could Love Himself So He could Love others.

on an ending note, the Daat place on the Sephirot was actually there when the Reverse Sephirot was created and Eva 01 was called the Tree of Life containing both the fruit of Life and Knowledge which gives the power to open up the Guf for Souls to exit and return back into
Ok that is The Real Meaning of Evangelion and is the Goal of Christianity and Judaism and ultimately Religion as a whole
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dn read but is Evangelion worth watching? hard yes kinda or hard no
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dn read but is Evangelion worth watching? hard yes kinda or hard no
yes very worth watching

I feel like for a lot of people it can help with being an incel A LOT

the whole story is based on this dude Shinji with being a loner and feelings of society rejecting him

no friends

watching a movie by himself while he sees a couple kissing

Definitely give it a watch it is my favorite anime
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yes very worth watching

I feel like for a lot of people it can help with being an incel A LOT

the whole story is based on this dude Shinji with being a loner and feelings of society rejecting him

no friends

watching a movie by himself while he sees a couple kissing

Definitely give it a watch it is my favorite anime
Sounds like good copefuel for a lonercel like me, Ima start it soon, I jus need to find time cuz I gotwork n watnot
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Feels more like a Jewish theology lecture than an Evangelion one. Personally never thought of Shinji rejecting instrumentality as having anything at all to do with God but guess that's the point you're making at the end anyway about the absence of God. I get how it ties in but honestly doesn't seem super relevant to the overarching message of the film. Are you part Jewish btw?
Feels more like a Jewish theology lecture than an Evangelion one. Personally never thought of Shinji rejecting instrumentality as having anything at all to do with God but guess that's the point you're making at the end anyway about the absence of God. I get how it ties in but honestly doesn't seem super relevant to the overarching message of the film. Are you part Jewish btw?
yes my dad is

yeah the absence of God brings Nihilism

Japan gets there values from the community thats why the culture is so respectful and orderly

While Western Society is built on Judeo Christian Values which are embeeded within God

So the creator of Evangelion Hideaki Anno created Shinji like himself because that's how he felt

If you are a failure in Japanese society then you are a failure as a person

the same in Traditional Western Society if you didnt uphold the rules of God

but due to the Enlightment we found that God doesn't exist and are Values are based on something that isn't there

So we tried to make a utopia coming up with marxist and utopian ideologies

which brought death of millions and wide spread and even modern day nihilism

the deconstruction of good appropriate culture

We need to reintegrate God and realize that our values come from systems that have evolved for millions of years and understand that we need to have faith on God as a psychic unconscious ancient idea then perhaps a scientific way

Until if we do reach a state of Evolution that Nitzche called the UberMench (Over or Superman) a species that could individually create their own values then we are stuck like this
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I spammed that pic since like last week lol.

Do it on high effort posts to steal the reacts
i refresh offtopic just be first theory is more legit
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I spammed that pic since like last week lol.

Do it on high effort posts to steal the reacts
that girl looks cute
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“Judeo-Christian” yeah I’m sorry but just lol if you think Judaism is good for you if your not a jew. They call you goyim meaning you are lower than cattle. It’s also legal for Jews to rob and cheat gentiles hence the stereotype of usury. If your a Jew I can see why you follow Judaism but it’s cucked for a non Jew tbh.
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Why the hell did you pick Kaworu as your avatar, you hopeless weeb?
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“Judeo-Christian” yeah I’m sorry but just lol if you think Judaism is good for you if your not a jew. They call you goyim meaning you are lower than cattle. It’s also legal for Jews to rob and cheat gentiles hence the stereotype of usury. If your a Jew I can see why you follow Judaism but it’s cucked for a non Jew tbh.
Yeah that is if you take a bunch of rabbinic commentary at face value, I will never fail to laugh at those who legitimately believe in jewspiracy, you guys are such low iq autists xD

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