Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough



6'3" mentalcel
Jul 9, 2019
Melanotan Compendium


If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments!

Melanotan 1 and 2 are alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-MSH) which induces skin pigmentation and thus can reduce UV damage to skin over time.


Generally peptides come in lyophilized (freeze-dried) form and will appear as a white powder, either as a pellet, small chunks, a ball or as a powder.


Melanotan, and most peptides in general are legal to import, export, own and to use.
However, the domestic sales of most peptides are restricted to universities and government approved clinical trials.
This is true for Europe, USA and Australia - other regions may vary.

Another thing to note here is that bacteriostatic water is a prescription only item in many countries. This includes the UK, some countries in Europe and the USA. Again, I'm unsure about the other countries at this time.
While not always enforced, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go very far, it's worth noting that it is illegal to own.
Sterile waters, like sodium chloride, are legal in most places.


Travelling with Melanotan is a frequent question for holiday goers and backpackers, and while slightly more difficult it isn't impossible.
The first thing to take note of is the fact that carrying Melanotan, as above isn't illegal in many countries, but it is worth checking google first. This also goes for needles and sterile water.
If you can transport all of your supplies its best to prepare it while in your hotel/apartment and store it in a minifridge or similar there, in accordance with the information below. Always pack this into you checked/hold luggage, rather than your carry on/cabin bag.

If however you can't transport it all or you are backpacking you have a few other options.
First, you'll have to use bacteriostatic water when mixing at home, sodium chloride is completely unsuitable for this application.
This should be suitable for travel to a lot more places, if asked just state it's normal sterile water (legal) rather than bacteriostatic water (illegal).

If the area you are travelling to does not allow Melanotan then you become slightly more limited again. However, the most used option is to transfer the contents of your Melanotan vial into a Vitamin B12 vial. B12 injections are legal in many more countries, again, check first. If B12 is illegal you can search for another similar option.
Lastly, you will have to go down the nasal route. Purchase a standard nasal mist spray from a supermarket, prepare it as stated below and put it into your hold luggage. If this gets picked up they can look at it, smell it, spray it and test it - it'll be okay.
Airports don't have the equipment to test for peptides, they are looking for things like amphetamines, barbitrates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methadone, methaqualone and opiods. If they go to this much trouble for a 5ml bottle of dry nose spray, I'll eat my hat!



For the sake of continuity;
Room temperature = (21 - 24C) OR (70 - 75F)
Refrigerated = (2 - 8C) OR (36 - 43F)
Freezer = (<-18C) OR (<0F)

When in freeze dried form they can be stored in many ways;
Room temperature – 12 months
Refrigerated – 48 months
Freezer – 48 months+

When reconstituted with sodium chloride it can be stored either;
Room temperature – Not recommended*
Refrigerated – 1 month
Freezer – 48 months

When reconstituted with bacteriostatic water it should be stored;
Room temperature – 2 months
Refrigerated – 48 months**
Freezer – Not recommended***

* Sodium chloride contains no bacteriostatic agent and thus bacteria can flourish in this environment and become toxic within hours.
** You MUST ensure your bacteriostatic water has a long enough shelf life. If your water expires in 12 months that is the longest your peptide can stay refrigerated for.
*** Some bacteriostatic agents can be denatured from low temperatures and as such should not undergo freeze-thaw cycles.

It is important to note that some supplier's peptides have been stored incorrectly or for several months before being dispatched to you, this means that you may not get the best results from every vial. Ensure you purchase your peptides from a reliable source.

Sterile Water
You should store any unopened sodium chloride and bacteriostatic water in the refrigerator. Opened sodium chloride should be disposed of after first use.

Check your vials for expiry dates and do not use after this date - remember to allow the time you need to use up a vial.
Do NOT use water that will expire in 1 month if it will take you 2 months to use up that vial.

Other supplies
Syringes and alcohol swabs can be stored in any location.

Dosage Information

Melanotan 1

Melanotan 1 has a half life of ~1 hour, this means to get the most out of it you should inject twice daily, once in the morning and then again midday or before UV exposure. It is also better to dose every single day - this adds up to a lot of injections.

Recommend dosages starting from 500mcg (250mcg twice daily) for Melanotan 1 due to the lower side effects associated with it.
After 4-6 days increase to 1mg (500mcg twice daily) if you feel like you need to, and stick at this point. If you wish to increase the dose further, do so slowly.

Melanotan 2

Melanotan 2 has a half life of ~33 hours, this allows you to be very flexible with dosing. However, it will always be better to inject in the morning or midday if getting natural UV exposure. If you are using sunbeds then inject about 20 minutes before exposure.
Recommended dosages start at 250mcg every day to help your body acclimatize to the peptide and minimize the side effects. You can continue with this dose indefinitely if you are intending to do a low dosage regimen.

If you want to dose higher, after 2-4 days, whenever you feel comfortable, up the dose to 500mcg and stick at this point.
You can increase the dose as far as about 1mg but it is generally not advised - any higher and you'll be overdosing.

UV Exposure

One issue many people have is that they believe MT1/2 in their system will protect them from the sun's harmful rays. However, this is wrong - MT1/2 will boost your natural tanning ability, or allow you to tan if you couldn't before. Once you slowly build up your tan then your skin is being protected by the additional pigmentation.

Sun exposure is recommended to start off slow to ensure that a tan develops before exposing yourself to long intensive sessions. The goal here is to be patient, know your skins limits and to never burn.
If you live in a sunny area then you can begin slowly exposing yourself outside from the day you begin dosing. Remember to use suncream if you need it and be cautious.
If you live in an area with low UV exposure or its winter you can visit the sun beds once or twice weekly, depending on your goals. Normally 5-10 minutes is adequate, again follow the advice above and don't push it too far.


Once you have reached your desired level of tan then you can enter what is known as the 'maintenance phase'.
Although the level is different for most people it levels out at around 500mcg every 3 or 4 days and a sunbed session with every or every other dose.
This will allow you to maintain your tan through winter without much work.

If you notice at any point you're becoming darker, reduce the dose.
If you notice you are getting lighter, add in an extra dose or take up the second sunbed session if you didn't already.

Side effects

Generally the side effects fall into the mild category, however there are a few side effects which can be severe but you should only encounter these if you are overdosing.
If at any point you believe the side effect to be severe, check you didn't overdose. If you didn't then lower your doses slightly and see if that rectifies the issue - your body will react differently based on many things such as an increase/decrease in weight or hormones.
If they still do not subside then discontinue use. If problems persist then seek medical advice.

Melanotan 1

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Melanotan 2

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, increased libido, facial hair darkening, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Facial Flushing*
The most common side (from about 50mcg onward) is facial flushing. This is an antibody response to a foreign body and will subside quickly. Generally the effects become unnoticeable after about a week of usage.

Appetite Suppression
Appetite Suppression is exactly what it says - not being interested in food, or hungry.
It is a rare side effect and shouldn't be relied upon for this effect.

Darkening Of Moles & Freckles
This is the most dangerous side effect - you should keep watch over any old or new moles to check if they change in shape or colour.
If they do, get them checked by a healthcare professional.

Lethargy, Nausea* & Dizziness*
Although people class nausea from MT2 as a common thing, it really shouldn't be. Generally this is because people dose too much too fast.
You may get a slight unease but if it is unbearable to experience through the day, lower your dosage. Injecting before bed is a last resort but can be an effective way of minimizing the nausea if you have no other options.

* These effects can be mitigated by antihistamines.

Hair Darkening

As hair darkening is a very important side effect of melanotan I've given it it's own section.
Many people will try melanotan for this effect on its own, however, it can be difficult to maintain good results.

After starting melanotan you'll start to notice results in about 2 weeks.
I'll reference the Fitzpatrick scale here.
Type 2+ will get consistent results when injecting upwards of 500mcg per day.
Type 1 will normally need upwards of 1mg per day.
This will obviously lead to you becoming very tanned which you may not desire.
Once you stop dosing your darkened hair colour will rapidly fade, but your skin will not.


This is the act of dissolving your freeze dried powder into a sterile liquid medium ready for injection or into a spray for nasal administation.
This can be accomplished with either sodium chloride or bacteriostatic water.

For Injection

There isn't much to consider here except dosage.
If you wish to use doses of less than 500mcg it would be best to use 2ml (200 units) of water.
If you wish to use doses of 500mcg or more then you can use 1ml (100 units).
This allows you to accurately measure doses while not having to inject more fluid than required.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw your water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder. This make take several attempts based on the size of your syringes.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.

For Nasal

This can be accomplished in many ways, the most used method is to mix the freeze dried peptide with sterile water and then transfer it into the nasal spray bottle.
However, you can mix it with an over the counter nasal mist which can allow for better use.
If using this and the mixture is thin then you can substitute the water and just remove some from this to reconstitute.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 empty nasal spray bottle OR 1 OTC nasal mist
1 syringe

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw 50 units of water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.
6. Insert the syringe again and turn upside down.
7. Withdraw all of the liquid and remove the syringe.
8. Unscrew the cap of your nasal spray and slowly inject the liquid into the bottle.
9. If using an empty bottle you can now transfer the remainder of the water. Wait 2 hours before use.

Here you need to consider your dosage again. I’ll be using the figures I stated earlier.

If you reconstituted with 1ml of water every unit is 100mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 1000mcg, you need 10 units.

If you reconstituted with 2ml of water every unit is 50mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 100mcg, you need 2 units.
If you want to dose 250mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 10 units.

Depending on the size of your needles the scale on the needle can change. The most common two are as follows.

You also need to consider your injection site, the most popular is the stomach, followed by the leg and buttocks.

If you have a low body fat percentage you may have to inject at a 45 degree angle or use short needles.
If you can pinch a small amount of fat then you can inject at a 90 degree angle.


Pre-loading can be advantageous when using sodium chloride or if you wish to save time later.
This is the best method for when using sodium chloride as it eliminates risk of contamination.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
All of your syringes
A few alcohol swabs

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Carefully replace the cap.
5. Repeat for all of your syringes. If your swab becomes dry then replace it, one swab should manage about 10 syringes
6. Place your syringes in a zip lock bag and place in the freezer.

1. When ready to administer your dose take a syringe out of the fridge and allow to thaw, this should only take a few minutes.
You can hold it in your hand to speed up the process.
2. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
3. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
4. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
5. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
6. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

Normal injections

This is the easiest method and is advised when using bacteriostatic water.
You can use this method with sodium chloride, however, you must ensure the vials are kept sterile at all times.
The smallest amount of bacteria can multiply to harmful levels in hours to days depending on storage.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
5. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
6. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
7. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
8. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

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You forgot to mention that melanotan 1 can produce a spontaneous sexual arousal response in men and women, and that a subsequent peptide called bremelanotide (PT-141) was developed to isolate this effect and is the only known true aphrodisiac, and is the reason melanotan 2 was developed to exclude this effect.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Mirin thread. Can I dm you, i have a few questions that might require you to see my pics
Can I dm great thread
amazing thread! melanotan 2 made my appeal skyrocket

for guys that tan fast already fast (skintype 2.5+) i would recommend 100mcg first i tanned insanly fast on that
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  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Xangsane, Deleted member 18890, TrestIsBest and 1 other person
good thred
amazing thread! melanotan 2 made my appeal skyrocket

for guys that tan fast already fast (skintype 2.5+) i would recommend 100mcg first i tanned insanly fast on that already
did you post your results yet bro
amazing thread! melanotan 2 made my appeal skyrocket

for guys that tan fast already fast (skintype 2.5+) i would recommend 100mcg first i tanned insanly fast on that
don’t tan fast and I am Fitzpatrick 2. What I need to get really fucking dark like almost light skin black dude by august?
your hair and brows didnt darken right? did you notice changes to your eye colour? what about mole growth/darkening?
hmm hair is already dark didnt notice anything, no change in eyecolour only better contrast from the tan so it looks better now and teeth also looks way whiter people ask me now daily if i whitned , and some moles got darker i have and maybe some new one but for a nice fucking tan 10000% worth it would recommend everyone to do a skincheckup yearly
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2729
hmm hair is already dark didnt notice anything, no change in eyecolour only better contrast from the tan so it looks better now and teeth also looks way whiter people ask me now daily if i whitned , and some moles got darker i have and maybe some new one but for a nice fucking tan 10000% worth it would recommend everyone to do a skincheckup yearly
can I dm you pics so you can evaluate if risk would be worth it for me?
  • +1
Reactions: Lars
Melanotan Compendium


If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments!

Melanotan 1 and 2 are alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-MSH) which induces skin pigmentation and thus can reduce UV damage to skin over time.


Generally peptides come in lyophilized (freeze-dried) form and will appear as a white powder, either as a pellet, small chunks, a ball or as a powder.


Melanotan, and most peptides in general are legal to import, export, own and to use.
However, the domestic sales of most peptides are restricted to universities and government approved clinical trials.
This is true for Europe, USA and Australia - other regions may vary.

Another thing to note here is that bacteriostatic water is a prescription only item in many countries. This includes the UK, some countries in Europe and the USA. Again, I'm unsure about the other countries at this time.
While not always enforced, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go very far, it's worth noting that it is illegal to own.
Sterile waters, like sodium chloride, are legal in most places.


Travelling with Melanotan is a frequent question for holiday goers and backpackers, and while slightly more difficult it isn't impossible.
The first thing to take note of is the fact that carrying Melanotan, as above isn't illegal in many countries, but it is worth checking google first. This also goes for needles and sterile water.
If you can transport all of your supplies its best to prepare it while in your hotel/apartment and store it in a minifridge or similar there, in accordance with the information below. Always pack this into you checked/hold luggage, rather than your carry on/cabin bag.

If however you can't transport it all or you are backpacking you have a few other options.
First, you'll have to use bacteriostatic water when mixing at home, sodium chloride is completely unsuitable for this application.
This should be suitable for travel to a lot more places, if asked just state it's normal sterile water (legal) rather than bacteriostatic water (illegal).

If the area you are travelling to does not allow Melanotan then you become slightly more limited again. However, the most used option is to transfer the contents of your Melanotan vial into a Vitamin B12 vial. B12 injections are legal in many more countries, again, check first. If B12 is illegal you can search for another similar option.
Lastly, you will have to go down the nasal route. Purchase a standard nasal mist spray from a supermarket, prepare it as stated below and put it into your hold luggage. If this gets picked up they can look at it, smell it, spray it and test it - it'll be okay.
Airports don't have the equipment to test for peptides, they are looking for things like amphetamines, barbitrates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methadone, methaqualone and opiods. If they go to this much trouble for a 5ml bottle of dry nose spray, I'll eat my hat!



For the sake of continuity;
Room temperature = (21 - 24C) OR (70 - 75F)
Refrigerated = (2 - 8C) OR (36 - 43F)
Freezer = (<-18C) OR (<0F)

When in freeze dried form they can be stored in many ways;
Room temperature – 12 months
Refrigerated – 48 months
Freezer – 48 months+

When reconstituted with sodium chloride it can be stored either;
Room temperature – Not recommended*
Refrigerated – 1 month
Freezer – 48 months

When reconstituted with bacteriostatic water it should be stored;
Room temperature – 2 months
Refrigerated – 48 months**
Freezer – Not recommended***

* Sodium chloride contains no bacteriostatic agent and thus bacteria can flourish in this environment and become toxic within hours.
** You MUST ensure your bacteriostatic water has a long enough shelf life. If your water expires in 12 months that is the longest your peptide can stay refrigerated for.
*** Some bacteriostatic agents can be denatured from low temperatures and as such should not undergo freeze-thaw cycles.

It is important to note that some supplier's peptides have been stored incorrectly or for several months before being dispatched to you, this means that you may not get the best results from every vial. Ensure you purchase your peptides from a reliable source.

Sterile Water
You should store any unopened sodium chloride and bacteriostatic water in the refrigerator. Opened sodium chloride should be disposed of after first use.

Check your vials for expiry dates and do not use after this date - remember to allow the time you need to use up a vial.
Do NOT use water that will expire in 1 month if it will take you 2 months to use up that vial.

Other supplies
Syringes and alcohol swabs can be stored in any location.

Dosage Information

Melanotan 1

Melanotan 1 has a half life of ~1 hour, this means to get the most out of it you should inject twice daily, once in the morning and then again midday or before UV exposure. It is also better to dose every single day - this adds up to a lot of injections.

Recommend dosages starting from 500mcg (250mcg twice daily) for Melanotan 1 due to the lower side effects associated with it.
After 4-6 days increase to 1mg (500mcg twice daily) if you feel like you need to, and stick at this point. If you wish to increase the dose further, do so slowly.

Melanotan 2

Melanotan 2 has a half life of ~33 hours, this allows you to be very flexible with dosing. However, it will always be better to inject in the morning or midday if getting natural UV exposure. If you are using sunbeds then inject about 20 minutes before exposure.
Recommended dosages start at 250mcg every day to help your body acclimatize to the peptide and minimize the side effects. You can continue with this dose indefinitely if you are intending to do a low dosage regimen.

If you want to dose higher, after 2-4 days, whenever you feel comfortable, up the dose to 500mcg and stick at this point.
You can increase the dose as far as about 1mg but it is generally not advised - any higher and you'll be overdosing.

UV Exposure

One issue many people have is that they believe MT1/2 in their system will protect them from the sun's harmful rays. However, this is wrong - MT1/2 will boost your natural tanning ability, or allow you to tan if you couldn't before. Once you slowly build up your tan then your skin is being protected by the additional pigmentation.

Sun exposure is recommended to start off slow to ensure that a tan develops before exposing yourself to long intensive sessions. The goal here is to be patient, know your skins limits and to never burn.
If you live in a sunny area then you can begin slowly exposing yourself outside from the day you begin dosing. Remember to use suncream if you need it and be cautious.
If you live in an area with low UV exposure or its winter you can visit the sun beds once or twice weekly, depending on your goals. Normally 5-10 minutes is adequate, again follow the advice above and don't push it too far.


Once you have reached your desired level of tan then you can enter what is known as the 'maintenance phase'.
Although the level is different for most people it levels out at around 500mcg every 3 or 4 days and a sunbed session with every or every other dose.
This will allow you to maintain your tan through winter without much work.

If you notice at any point you're becoming darker, reduce the dose.
If you notice you are getting lighter, add in an extra dose or take up the second sunbed session if you didn't already.

Side effects

Generally the side effects fall into the mild category, however there are a few side effects which can be severe but you should only encounter these if you are overdosing.
If at any point you believe the side effect to be severe, check you didn't overdose. If you didn't then lower your doses slightly and see if that rectifies the issue - your body will react differently based on many things such as an increase/decrease in weight or hormones.
If they still do not subside then discontinue use. If problems persist then seek medical advice.

Melanotan 1

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Melanotan 2

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, increased libido, facial hair darkening, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Facial Flushing*
The most common side (from about 50mcg onward) is facial flushing. This is an antibody response to a foreign body and will subside quickly. Generally the effects become unnoticeable after about a week of usage.

Appetite Suppression
Appetite Suppression is exactly what it says - not being interested in food, or hungry.
It is a rare side effect and shouldn't be relied upon for this effect.

Darkening Of Moles & Freckles
This is the most dangerous side effect - you should keep watch over any old or new moles to check if they change in shape or colour.
If they do, get them checked by a healthcare professional.

Lethargy, Nausea* & Dizziness*
Although people class nausea from MT2 as a common thing, it really shouldn't be. Generally this is because people dose too much too fast.
You may get a slight unease but if it is unbearable to experience through the day, lower your dosage. Injecting before bed is a last resort but can be an effective way of minimizing the nausea if you have no other options.

* These effects can be mitigated by antihistamines.

Hair Darkening

As hair darkening is a very important side effect of melanotan I've given it it's own section.
Many people will try melanotan for this effect on its own, however, it can be difficult to maintain good results.

After starting melanotan you'll start to notice results in about 2 weeks.
I'll reference the Fitzpatrick scale here.
Type 2+ will get consistent results when injecting upwards of 500mcg per day.
Type 1 will normally need upwards of 1mg per day.
This will obviously lead to you becoming very tanned which you may not desire.
Once you stop dosing your darkened hair colour will rapidly fade, but your skin will not.


This is the act of dissolving your freeze dried powder into a sterile liquid medium ready for injection or into a spray for nasal administation.
This can be accomplished with either sodium chloride or bacteriostatic water.

For Injection

There isn't much to consider here except dosage.
If you wish to use doses of less than 500mcg it would be best to use 2ml (200 units) of water.
If you wish to use doses of 500mcg or more then you can use 1ml (100 units).
This allows you to accurately measure doses while not having to inject more fluid than required.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw your water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder. This make take several attempts based on the size of your syringes.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.

For Nasal

This can be accomplished in many ways, the most used method is to mix the freeze dried peptide with sterile water and then transfer it into the nasal spray bottle.
However, you can mix it with an over the counter nasal mist which can allow for better use.
If using this and the mixture is thin then you can substitute the water and just remove some from this to reconstitute.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 empty nasal spray bottle OR 1 OTC nasal mist
1 syringe

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw 50 units of water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.
6. Insert the syringe again and turn upside down.
7. Withdraw all of the liquid and remove the syringe.
8. Unscrew the cap of your nasal spray and slowly inject the liquid into the bottle.
9. If using an empty bottle you can now transfer the remainder of the water. Wait 2 hours before use.

Here you need to consider your dosage again. I’ll be using the figures I stated earlier.

If you reconstituted with 1ml of water every unit is 100mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 1000mcg, you need 10 units.

If you reconstituted with 2ml of water every unit is 50mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 100mcg, you need 2 units.
If you want to dose 250mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 10 units.

Depending on the size of your needles the scale on the needle can change. The most common two are as follows.

You also need to consider your injection site, the most popular is the stomach, followed by the leg and buttocks.

If you have a low body fat percentage you may have to inject at a 45 degree angle or use short needles.
If you can pinch a small amount of fat then you can inject at a 90 degree angle.


Pre-loading can be advantageous when using sodium chloride or if you wish to save time later.
This is the best method for when using sodium chloride as it eliminates risk of contamination.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
All of your syringes
A few alcohol swabs

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Carefully replace the cap.
5. Repeat for all of your syringes. If your swab becomes dry then replace it, one swab should manage about 10 syringes
6. Place your syringes in a zip lock bag and place in the freezer.

1. When ready to administer your dose take a syringe out of the fridge and allow to thaw, this should only take a few minutes.
You can hold it in your hand to speed up the process.
2. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
3. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
4. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
5. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
6. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

Normal injections

This is the easiest method and is advised when using bacteriostatic water.
You can use this method with sodium chloride, however, you must ensure the vials are kept sterile at all times.
The smallest amount of bacteria can multiply to harmful levels in hours to days depending on storage.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
5. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
6. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
7. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
8. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

View attachment 1669307View attachment 1669308View attachment 1669304View attachment 1669306View attachment 1669305
Good info.

But injecting 500mg of MT2 3-4 days in, is idiotic.

Check out MPMD article on it. Best guide on how to use it so far.
  • +1
Reactions: FacialStructure404
amazing thread! melanotan 2 made my appeal skyrocket

for guys that tan fast already fast (skintype 2.5+) i would recommend 100mcg first i tanned insanly fast on that
I thought skintype 2.5 burns easily? (I'm either a type 3 or 4)
give this man more upvotes
give this man more upvotes
how it incrased ur smv that much? i mean tan can boost smv but not by much i guess and how skin quallity/collagen remains after using it tbh (being on retin A )
  • +1
Reactions: Lars
how it incrased ur smv that much? i mean tan can boost smv but not by much i guess and how skin quallity/collagen remains after using it tbh (being on retin A )
dont use retin a on it tbh because you need sunlight exposure and retin a make you sensitive. @eduardkoopman are you still on retin a?
dont use retin a on it tbh because you need sunlight exposure and retin a make you sensitive. @eduardkoopman are you still on retin a?
if iam correct amnesia use retin A and melanotan at the same time ? @Amnesia
so how u maintain quite good skin quallity esp for ur age ?
gluten free diet

absolute abolition of

well done red meat
meat with nitrites
fried food

all that shit causes high amounts of free radical damage and aging

also I take pharma grade vitamins and minerals providing over 90 nutrients in highly bioavailable forms.

You skin is an organ like anything else and it should be maintained by providing optimal health for your entire body
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: infini and Lmao
dont use retin a on it tbh because you need sunlight exposure and retin a make you sensitive
good point and I agree
. @eduardkoopman are you still on retin a?
yes I am still on it.
But I did, stop for like 1 or 2 weeks, when I wanted to go outside more to do tanning. to get benifits more from the Melanotan2
  • +1
Reactions: Lars
good point and I agree

yes I am still on it.
But I did, stop for like 1 or 2 weeks, when I wanted to go outside more to do tanning. to get benifits more from the Melanotan2
okay so tret in the winter melanotan 2 in the summer is the way rn for me, i am bloatmaxxed from bulking so dont care in the winters
I can't get rid of air bubbles no matter how much I knock on the syringe.
I have a question: The peptide store of my choice offers sterile water for injection. Is this a sufficient alternative to Bac water? Or do I just mix with benzyl alcohol to 0.9%?
Melanotan Compendium


If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments!

Melanotan 1 and 2 are alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-MSH) which induces skin pigmentation and thus can reduce UV damage to skin over time.


Generally peptides come in lyophilized (freeze-dried) form and will appear as a white powder, either as a pellet, small chunks, a ball or as a powder.


Melanotan, and most peptides in general are legal to import, export, own and to use.
However, the domestic sales of most peptides are restricted to universities and government approved clinical trials.
This is true for Europe, USA and Australia - other regions may vary.

Another thing to note here is that bacteriostatic water is a prescription only item in many countries. This includes the UK, some countries in Europe and the USA. Again, I'm unsure about the other countries at this time.
While not always enforced, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go very far, it's worth noting that it is illegal to own.
Sterile waters, like sodium chloride, are legal in most places.


Travelling with Melanotan is a frequent question for holiday goers and backpackers, and while slightly more difficult it isn't impossible.
The first thing to take note of is the fact that carrying Melanotan, as above isn't illegal in many countries, but it is worth checking google first. This also goes for needles and sterile water.
If you can transport all of your supplies its best to prepare it while in your hotel/apartment and store it in a minifridge or similar there, in accordance with the information below. Always pack this into you checked/hold luggage, rather than your carry on/cabin bag.

If however you can't transport it all or you are backpacking you have a few other options.
First, you'll have to use bacteriostatic water when mixing at home, sodium chloride is completely unsuitable for this application.
This should be suitable for travel to a lot more places, if asked just state it's normal sterile water (legal) rather than bacteriostatic water (illegal).

If the area you are travelling to does not allow Melanotan then you become slightly more limited again. However, the most used option is to transfer the contents of your Melanotan vial into a Vitamin B12 vial. B12 injections are legal in many more countries, again, check first. If B12 is illegal you can search for another similar option.
Lastly, you will have to go down the nasal route. Purchase a standard nasal mist spray from a supermarket, prepare it as stated below and put it into your hold luggage. If this gets picked up they can look at it, smell it, spray it and test it - it'll be okay.
Airports don't have the equipment to test for peptides, they are looking for things like amphetamines, barbitrates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methadone, methaqualone and opiods. If they go to this much trouble for a 5ml bottle of dry nose spray, I'll eat my hat!



For the sake of continuity;
Room temperature = (21 - 24C) OR (70 - 75F)
Refrigerated = (2 - 8C) OR (36 - 43F)
Freezer = (<-18C) OR (<0F)

When in freeze dried form they can be stored in many ways;
Room temperature – 12 months
Refrigerated – 48 months
Freezer – 48 months+

When reconstituted with sodium chloride it can be stored either;
Room temperature – Not recommended*
Refrigerated – 1 month
Freezer – 48 months

When reconstituted with bacteriostatic water it should be stored;
Room temperature – 2 months
Refrigerated – 48 months**
Freezer – Not recommended***

* Sodium chloride contains no bacteriostatic agent and thus bacteria can flourish in this environment and become toxic within hours.
** You MUST ensure your bacteriostatic water has a long enough shelf life. If your water expires in 12 months that is the longest your peptide can stay refrigerated for.
*** Some bacteriostatic agents can be denatured from low temperatures and as such should not undergo freeze-thaw cycles.

It is important to note that some supplier's peptides have been stored incorrectly or for several months before being dispatched to you, this means that you may not get the best results from every vial. Ensure you purchase your peptides from a reliable source.

Sterile Water
You should store any unopened sodium chloride and bacteriostatic water in the refrigerator. Opened sodium chloride should be disposed of after first use.

Check your vials for expiry dates and do not use after this date - remember to allow the time you need to use up a vial.
Do NOT use water that will expire in 1 month if it will take you 2 months to use up that vial.

Other supplies
Syringes and alcohol swabs can be stored in any location.

Dosage Information

Melanotan 1

Melanotan 1 has a half life of ~1 hour, this means to get the most out of it you should inject twice daily, once in the morning and then again midday or before UV exposure. It is also better to dose every single day - this adds up to a lot of injections.

Recommend dosages starting from 500mcg (250mcg twice daily) for Melanotan 1 due to the lower side effects associated with it.
After 4-6 days increase to 1mg (500mcg twice daily) if you feel like you need to, and stick at this point. If you wish to increase the dose further, do so slowly.

Melanotan 2

Melanotan 2 has a half life of ~33 hours, this allows you to be very flexible with dosing. However, it will always be better to inject in the morning or midday if getting natural UV exposure. If you are using sunbeds then inject about 20 minutes before exposure.
Recommended dosages start at 250mcg every day to help your body acclimatize to the peptide and minimize the side effects. You can continue with this dose indefinitely if you are intending to do a low dosage regimen.

If you want to dose higher, after 2-4 days, whenever you feel comfortable, up the dose to 500mcg and stick at this point.
You can increase the dose as far as about 1mg but it is generally not advised - any higher and you'll be overdosing.

UV Exposure

One issue many people have is that they believe MT1/2 in their system will protect them from the sun's harmful rays. However, this is wrong - MT1/2 will boost your natural tanning ability, or allow you to tan if you couldn't before. Once you slowly build up your tan then your skin is being protected by the additional pigmentation.

Sun exposure is recommended to start off slow to ensure that a tan develops before exposing yourself to long intensive sessions. The goal here is to be patient, know your skins limits and to never burn.
If you live in a sunny area then you can begin slowly exposing yourself outside from the day you begin dosing. Remember to use suncream if you need it and be cautious.
If you live in an area with low UV exposure or its winter you can visit the sun beds once or twice weekly, depending on your goals. Normally 5-10 minutes is adequate, again follow the advice above and don't push it too far.


Once you have reached your desired level of tan then you can enter what is known as the 'maintenance phase'.
Although the level is different for most people it levels out at around 500mcg every 3 or 4 days and a sunbed session with every or every other dose.
This will allow you to maintain your tan through winter without much work.

If you notice at any point you're becoming darker, reduce the dose.
If you notice you are getting lighter, add in an extra dose or take up the second sunbed session if you didn't already.

Side effects

Generally the side effects fall into the mild category, however there are a few side effects which can be severe but you should only encounter these if you are overdosing.
If at any point you believe the side effect to be severe, check you didn't overdose. If you didn't then lower your doses slightly and see if that rectifies the issue - your body will react differently based on many things such as an increase/decrease in weight or hormones.
If they still do not subside then discontinue use. If problems persist then seek medical advice.

Melanotan 1

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Melanotan 2

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, increased libido, facial hair darkening, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Facial Flushing*
The most common side (from about 50mcg onward) is facial flushing. This is an antibody response to a foreign body and will subside quickly. Generally the effects become unnoticeable after about a week of usage.

Appetite Suppression
Appetite Suppression is exactly what it says - not being interested in food, or hungry.
It is a rare side effect and shouldn't be relied upon for this effect.

Darkening Of Moles & Freckles
This is the most dangerous side effect - you should keep watch over any old or new moles to check if they change in shape or colour.
If they do, get them checked by a healthcare professional.

Lethargy, Nausea* & Dizziness*
Although people class nausea from MT2 as a common thing, it really shouldn't be. Generally this is because people dose too much too fast.
You may get a slight unease but if it is unbearable to experience through the day, lower your dosage. Injecting before bed is a last resort but can be an effective way of minimizing the nausea if you have no other options.

* These effects can be mitigated by antihistamines.

Hair Darkening

As hair darkening is a very important side effect of melanotan I've given it it's own section.
Many people will try melanotan for this effect on its own, however, it can be difficult to maintain good results.

After starting melanotan you'll start to notice results in about 2 weeks.
I'll reference the Fitzpatrick scale here.
Type 2+ will get consistent results when injecting upwards of 500mcg per day.
Type 1 will normally need upwards of 1mg per day.
This will obviously lead to you becoming very tanned which you may not desire.
Once you stop dosing your darkened hair colour will rapidly fade, but your skin will not.


This is the act of dissolving your freeze dried powder into a sterile liquid medium ready for injection or into a spray for nasal administation.
This can be accomplished with either sodium chloride or bacteriostatic water.

For Injection

There isn't much to consider here except dosage.
If you wish to use doses of less than 500mcg it would be best to use 2ml (200 units) of water.
If you wish to use doses of 500mcg or more then you can use 1ml (100 units).
This allows you to accurately measure doses while not having to inject more fluid than required.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw your water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder. This make take several attempts based on the size of your syringes.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.

For Nasal

This can be accomplished in many ways, the most used method is to mix the freeze dried peptide with sterile water and then transfer it into the nasal spray bottle.
However, you can mix it with an over the counter nasal mist which can allow for better use.
If using this and the mixture is thin then you can substitute the water and just remove some from this to reconstitute.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 empty nasal spray bottle OR 1 OTC nasal mist
1 syringe

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw 50 units of water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.
6. Insert the syringe again and turn upside down.
7. Withdraw all of the liquid and remove the syringe.
8. Unscrew the cap of your nasal spray and slowly inject the liquid into the bottle.
9. If using an empty bottle you can now transfer the remainder of the water. Wait 2 hours before use.

Here you need to consider your dosage again. I’ll be using the figures I stated earlier.

If you reconstituted with 1ml of water every unit is 100mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 1000mcg, you need 10 units.

If you reconstituted with 2ml of water every unit is 50mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 100mcg, you need 2 units.
If you want to dose 250mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 10 units.

Depending on the size of your needles the scale on the needle can change. The most common two are as follows.

You also need to consider your injection site, the most popular is the stomach, followed by the leg and buttocks.

If you have a low body fat percentage you may have to inject at a 45 degree angle or use short needles.
If you can pinch a small amount of fat then you can inject at a 90 degree angle.


Pre-loading can be advantageous when using sodium chloride or if you wish to save time later.
This is the best method for when using sodium chloride as it eliminates risk of contamination.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
All of your syringes
A few alcohol swabs

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Carefully replace the cap.
5. Repeat for all of your syringes. If your swab becomes dry then replace it, one swab should manage about 10 syringes
6. Place your syringes in a zip lock bag and place in the freezer.

1. When ready to administer your dose take a syringe out of the fridge and allow to thaw, this should only take a few minutes.
You can hold it in your hand to speed up the process.
2. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
3. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
4. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
5. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
6. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

Normal injections

This is the easiest method and is advised when using bacteriostatic water.
You can use this method with sodium chloride, however, you must ensure the vials are kept sterile at all times.
The smallest amount of bacteria can multiply to harmful levels in hours to days depending on storage.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
5. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
6. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
7. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
8. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

View attachment 1669307View attachment 1669308View attachment 1669304View attachment 1669306View attachment 1669305
it makes me horny
gluten free diet

absolute abolition of

well done red meat
meat with nitrites
fried food

all that shit causes high amounts of free radical damage and aging

also I take pharma grade vitamins and minerals providing over 90 nutrients in highly bioavailable forms.

You skin is an organ like anything else and it should be maintained by providing optimal health for your entire body
Which Vitamine supplier do you use?
  • +1
Reactions: gtuktm
Is it safe for a 17 year old to take?
Melanotan Compendium


If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments!

Melanotan 1 and 2 are alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormones (α-MSH) which induces skin pigmentation and thus can reduce UV damage to skin over time.


Generally peptides come in lyophilized (freeze-dried) form and will appear as a white powder, either as a pellet, small chunks, a ball or as a powder.


Melanotan, and most peptides in general are legal to import, export, own and to use.
However, the domestic sales of most peptides are restricted to universities and government approved clinical trials.
This is true for Europe, USA and Australia - other regions may vary.

Another thing to note here is that bacteriostatic water is a prescription only item in many countries. This includes the UK, some countries in Europe and the USA. Again, I'm unsure about the other countries at this time.
While not always enforced, and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go very far, it's worth noting that it is illegal to own.
Sterile waters, like sodium chloride, are legal in most places.


Travelling with Melanotan is a frequent question for holiday goers and backpackers, and while slightly more difficult it isn't impossible.
The first thing to take note of is the fact that carrying Melanotan, as above isn't illegal in many countries, but it is worth checking google first. This also goes for needles and sterile water.
If you can transport all of your supplies its best to prepare it while in your hotel/apartment and store it in a minifridge or similar there, in accordance with the information below. Always pack this into you checked/hold luggage, rather than your carry on/cabin bag.

If however you can't transport it all or you are backpacking you have a few other options.
First, you'll have to use bacteriostatic water when mixing at home, sodium chloride is completely unsuitable for this application.
This should be suitable for travel to a lot more places, if asked just state it's normal sterile water (legal) rather than bacteriostatic water (illegal).

If the area you are travelling to does not allow Melanotan then you become slightly more limited again. However, the most used option is to transfer the contents of your Melanotan vial into a Vitamin B12 vial. B12 injections are legal in many more countries, again, check first. If B12 is illegal you can search for another similar option.
Lastly, you will have to go down the nasal route. Purchase a standard nasal mist spray from a supermarket, prepare it as stated below and put it into your hold luggage. If this gets picked up they can look at it, smell it, spray it and test it - it'll be okay.
Airports don't have the equipment to test for peptides, they are looking for things like amphetamines, barbitrates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methadone, methaqualone and opiods. If they go to this much trouble for a 5ml bottle of dry nose spray, I'll eat my hat!



For the sake of continuity;
Room temperature = (21 - 24C) OR (70 - 75F)
Refrigerated = (2 - 8C) OR (36 - 43F)
Freezer = (<-18C) OR (<0F)

When in freeze dried form they can be stored in many ways;
Room temperature – 12 months
Refrigerated – 48 months
Freezer – 48 months+

When reconstituted with sodium chloride it can be stored either;
Room temperature – Not recommended*
Refrigerated – 1 month
Freezer – 48 months

When reconstituted with bacteriostatic water it should be stored;
Room temperature – 2 months
Refrigerated – 48 months**
Freezer – Not recommended***

* Sodium chloride contains no bacteriostatic agent and thus bacteria can flourish in this environment and become toxic within hours.
** You MUST ensure your bacteriostatic water has a long enough shelf life. If your water expires in 12 months that is the longest your peptide can stay refrigerated for.
*** Some bacteriostatic agents can be denatured from low temperatures and as such should not undergo freeze-thaw cycles.

It is important to note that some supplier's peptides have been stored incorrectly or for several months before being dispatched to you, this means that you may not get the best results from every vial. Ensure you purchase your peptides from a reliable source.

Sterile Water
You should store any unopened sodium chloride and bacteriostatic water in the refrigerator. Opened sodium chloride should be disposed of after first use.

Check your vials for expiry dates and do not use after this date - remember to allow the time you need to use up a vial.
Do NOT use water that will expire in 1 month if it will take you 2 months to use up that vial.

Other supplies
Syringes and alcohol swabs can be stored in any location.

Dosage Information

Melanotan 1

Melanotan 1 has a half life of ~1 hour, this means to get the most out of it you should inject twice daily, once in the morning and then again midday or before UV exposure. It is also better to dose every single day - this adds up to a lot of injections.

Recommend dosages starting from 500mcg (250mcg twice daily) for Melanotan 1 due to the lower side effects associated with it.
After 4-6 days increase to 1mg (500mcg twice daily) if you feel like you need to, and stick at this point. If you wish to increase the dose further, do so slowly.

Melanotan 2

Melanotan 2 has a half life of ~33 hours, this allows you to be very flexible with dosing. However, it will always be better to inject in the morning or midday if getting natural UV exposure. If you are using sunbeds then inject about 20 minutes before exposure.
Recommended dosages start at 250mcg every day to help your body acclimatize to the peptide and minimize the side effects. You can continue with this dose indefinitely if you are intending to do a low dosage regimen.

If you want to dose higher, after 2-4 days, whenever you feel comfortable, up the dose to 500mcg and stick at this point.
You can increase the dose as far as about 1mg but it is generally not advised - any higher and you'll be overdosing.

UV Exposure

One issue many people have is that they believe MT1/2 in their system will protect them from the sun's harmful rays. However, this is wrong - MT1/2 will boost your natural tanning ability, or allow you to tan if you couldn't before. Once you slowly build up your tan then your skin is being protected by the additional pigmentation.

Sun exposure is recommended to start off slow to ensure that a tan develops before exposing yourself to long intensive sessions. The goal here is to be patient, know your skins limits and to never burn.
If you live in a sunny area then you can begin slowly exposing yourself outside from the day you begin dosing. Remember to use suncream if you need it and be cautious.
If you live in an area with low UV exposure or its winter you can visit the sun beds once or twice weekly, depending on your goals. Normally 5-10 minutes is adequate, again follow the advice above and don't push it too far.


Once you have reached your desired level of tan then you can enter what is known as the 'maintenance phase'.
Although the level is different for most people it levels out at around 500mcg every 3 or 4 days and a sunbed session with every or every other dose.
This will allow you to maintain your tan through winter without much work.

If you notice at any point you're becoming darker, reduce the dose.
If you notice you are getting lighter, add in an extra dose or take up the second sunbed session if you didn't already.

Side effects

Generally the side effects fall into the mild category, however there are a few side effects which can be severe but you should only encounter these if you are overdosing.
If at any point you believe the side effect to be severe, check you didn't overdose. If you didn't then lower your doses slightly and see if that rectifies the issue - your body will react differently based on many things such as an increase/decrease in weight or hormones.
If they still do not subside then discontinue use. If problems persist then seek medical advice.

Melanotan 1

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Melanotan 2

Common: Flushing, appetite suppression, increased libido, facial hair darkening, darkening of moles.
Uncommon: Lethargy, nausea, dizziness.

Facial Flushing*
The most common side (from about 50mcg onward) is facial flushing. This is an antibody response to a foreign body and will subside quickly. Generally the effects become unnoticeable after about a week of usage.

Appetite Suppression
Appetite Suppression is exactly what it says - not being interested in food, or hungry.
It is a rare side effect and shouldn't be relied upon for this effect.

Darkening Of Moles & Freckles
This is the most dangerous side effect - you should keep watch over any old or new moles to check if they change in shape or colour.
If they do, get them checked by a healthcare professional.

Lethargy, Nausea* & Dizziness*
Although people class nausea from MT2 as a common thing, it really shouldn't be. Generally this is because people dose too much too fast.
You may get a slight unease but if it is unbearable to experience through the day, lower your dosage. Injecting before bed is a last resort but can be an effective way of minimizing the nausea if you have no other options.

* These effects can be mitigated by antihistamines.

Hair Darkening

As hair darkening is a very important side effect of melanotan I've given it it's own section.
Many people will try melanotan for this effect on its own, however, it can be difficult to maintain good results.

After starting melanotan you'll start to notice results in about 2 weeks.
I'll reference the Fitzpatrick scale here.
Type 2+ will get consistent results when injecting upwards of 500mcg per day.
Type 1 will normally need upwards of 1mg per day.
This will obviously lead to you becoming very tanned which you may not desire.
Once you stop dosing your darkened hair colour will rapidly fade, but your skin will not.


This is the act of dissolving your freeze dried powder into a sterile liquid medium ready for injection or into a spray for nasal administation.
This can be accomplished with either sodium chloride or bacteriostatic water.

For Injection

There isn't much to consider here except dosage.
If you wish to use doses of less than 500mcg it would be best to use 2ml (200 units) of water.
If you wish to use doses of 500mcg or more then you can use 1ml (100 units).
This allows you to accurately measure doses while not having to inject more fluid than required.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper. Wipe with the swab.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw your water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder. This make take several attempts based on the size of your syringes.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.

For Nasal

This can be accomplished in many ways, the most used method is to mix the freeze dried peptide with sterile water and then transfer it into the nasal spray bottle.
However, you can mix it with an over the counter nasal mist which can allow for better use.
If using this and the mixture is thin then you can substitute the water and just remove some from this to reconstitute.

First, gather your supplies;
1 vial of Melanotan
1 vial/ampule of water
1 empty nasal spray bottle OR 1 OTC nasal mist
1 syringe

1. Take your Melanotan vial and pop off the top of the vial to reveal the rubber stopper.
2.a. If using bacteriostatic water, pop off the top of the vial (if applicable) to reveal the rubber stopper.
b. If using sodium chloride, twist off the top of the ampule
3. Next insert a syringe into the vial/ampule and hold it upside down.
4. Withdraw 50 units of water and inject it slowly into the Melanotan vial aiming at the side, not the powder.
5. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight while the powder dissolves, you can swirl or tilt the vial to help. Some residue may remain.
6. Insert the syringe again and turn upside down.
7. Withdraw all of the liquid and remove the syringe.
8. Unscrew the cap of your nasal spray and slowly inject the liquid into the bottle.
9. If using an empty bottle you can now transfer the remainder of the water. Wait 2 hours before use.

Here you need to consider your dosage again. I’ll be using the figures I stated earlier.

If you reconstituted with 1ml of water every unit is 100mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 1000mcg, you need 10 units.

If you reconstituted with 2ml of water every unit is 50mcg of Melanotan.
If you want to dose 100mcg, you need 2 units.
If you want to dose 250mcg, you need 5 units.
If you want to dose 500mcg, you need 10 units.

Depending on the size of your needles the scale on the needle can change. The most common two are as follows.

You also need to consider your injection site, the most popular is the stomach, followed by the leg and buttocks.

If you have a low body fat percentage you may have to inject at a 45 degree angle or use short needles.
If you can pinch a small amount of fat then you can inject at a 90 degree angle.


Pre-loading can be advantageous when using sodium chloride or if you wish to save time later.
This is the best method for when using sodium chloride as it eliminates risk of contamination.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
All of your syringes
A few alcohol swabs

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Carefully replace the cap.
5. Repeat for all of your syringes. If your swab becomes dry then replace it, one swab should manage about 10 syringes
6. Place your syringes in a zip lock bag and place in the freezer.

1. When ready to administer your dose take a syringe out of the fridge and allow to thaw, this should only take a few minutes.
You can hold it in your hand to speed up the process.
2. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
3. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
4. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
5. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
6. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

Normal injections

This is the easiest method and is advised when using bacteriostatic water.
You can use this method with sodium chloride, however, you must ensure the vials are kept sterile at all times.
The smallest amount of bacteria can multiply to harmful levels in hours to days depending on storage.

Gather your supplies;
1 vial of reconstituted Melanotan
1 syringe
1 alcohol swab

1. Start by wiping your Melanotan stopper and then insert the syringe.
2. Turn the vial upside down and withdraw your required dose.
3. Return the right way up and remove the syringe.
4. Find a suitable injection site and wipe with the alcohol swab.
5. Insert the needle into your skin in a firm and swift movement.
6. Slowly push the plunger until all the liquid is gone.
7. Remove the needle in a similar fashion as above and dispose.
8. A small amount of blood can be expected, just use the swab to give it another wipe.

View attachment 1669307View attachment 1669308View attachment 1669304View attachment 1669306View attachment 1669305
how much mcg is in 0,1 ml of the solution?
is it not melatonin?
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: CovhimColby and redfacccee
This can be accomplished in many ways, the most used method is to mix the freeze dried peptide with sterile water and then transfer it into the nasal spray bottle.
However, you can mix it with an over the counter nasal mist which can allow for better use.
If using this and the mixture is thin then you can substitute the water and just remove some from this to reconstitute.
can you use sodium chloride for nose spray?

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