My surgery with Defrancq: Custom PEEK Jaw/chin wrap + Special Genioplasty

As always, shout out to my Sicarios, mis compañeros de cultura estetica (LMS CARTEL). These gentleman live the life I live (or are on track to) and have faced the same, if not similar challenges in the LMS game.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

Sicario Status In Effect 📿 🤝 🗡🩸🩸🗡

@KDA Player

....LMS CARTEL... Shout out to my brothers!! 🤘🏼👺👹 🔥🔥🔥🔫🔫🔫 💨

You wanted an update, well... here it is:



I'm in a dark place right now brothers...

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In despair, not only because of the deafening disappointment with Defrancq but also due to the destruction of freedom which DIRECTLY impacts our looksmaxing endeavors.

I've been thinking lately... is this even worth it anymore? (looksmaxing)
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Of course, in the past (just two months ago), I would have answered yes, without hesitation.
However, given recent events/circumstances...
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I cannot get this voice out of my head that keeps telling me ... IT'S OVER ...
Not just for looksmaxing but for freedom and the old world (the way we lived our lives previously) which has ENORMOUS implications for our looksmaxing lifestyle (Ascend to Slay&Play and/or handcuff a virgin wife, and validation), as the two are intertwined (freedom and looksmaxing) Sounds dramatic right? But is it...

I don't think so, not at all and I'll explain why.

This is a time of mourning for humanity... a time of great sorrow, this is NOT "business as usual."
We've entered the dawn of a new era: The post human era
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This post human era was and officially is, being brought into effect via the Covid19 "crisis" and it affects EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES (including one of the most paramount to people like ourselves ... looksmaxing).

We looksmax to ascend and we ascend for many different reasons (some stated above):

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I'm sorry, I couldn't resist haha

Handcuff a virgin wife to start a family and pass along our genes in hopes of better breeding/stronger aesthetics etc...
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and/or pure validation etc...
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You can forget about ALL of that now as the world is on LOCKDOWN 🔒 🌏 🔒
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(well... the West and just about every other country in the world except those communist animals in China or the more intelligent Japanese/South Koreans).

Let's look at America....
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America is a prime example because what's happening to it right now is UNPRECEDENTED (It used to be a world premier super power and represent freedom but has slowly transformed into... well... I'll let you decide but I will say, that this pandemic (more specifically, Coronavirus) is going to be the justification to strip it's citizens of all their natural rights and rape them financially. I also think it sets the stage for a one world, one government initiative (perhaps not immediately so but more on that later).

To the point then, Looksmaxing

EVERYTHING that you hoped to achieve via ascending is crushed with three simple "crisis" mitigation protocols and variable programmed/condition responses:

2. Social Distancing
3. Negative reinforcement for not adhering to the above two rules (vilification and social shaming)

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Tinder/Dating/Meeting/Hooking-up = ALL AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Sure... you might have SOME people who OCCASIONALLY hook up (literally meet and fuck by circumventing lockdown) but for the vast majority, it's over.

Netflix and Chill ....OVER....

Obviously you're not going out for coffee first or out to eat at any restaurants, or to catch a show etc... EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is on lockdown.

The chances of finding a virgin wife i.e. the ONLY suitable type of female to be a life partner and mother to your future offspring have just dropped DRASTICALLY (world wide) AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Obviously America is NOT the country to look for a virgin (because they're basically non-existent due to cultural norms) so one would carefully chose from a different country, with different cultural norms i.e. travel to country of choice: date and validate/filter out a suitable partner until they find one who meets their standards.


View attachment 349787

Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission

Country Transmission Level

Widespread ongoing transmission with restrictions on entry to the United States
Widespread ongoing transmission without restrictions on entry to the United States
Ongoing community transmission
Limited community transmission

Full Map & details:

Actually, there are many viable countries with no entry restrictions FOR NOW... but how long do you think that is going to last?

Even IF restrictions are lifted (God only knows when) or notwithstanding restrictions, the psychological aspect of this viral outbreak (pandemic) will loom for quite some time i.e.

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Just like those criminals in the western governments who said people should have had savings 4 months in advance, prior to losing their jobs/businesses due to prolonged lockdown (purposely so and by design of this "crisis") YOU should have had a stable of virgins in rotation that you were talking to in order to secure your superior mate and future offspring; well in advance of this lockdown.

Do you really think that you're going to be able to find a viable life partner NOW.... during these times and the times to come? Most people are currently in a state of extreme fear and shock i.e. survival mode (low money or no money, no job or on the verge of losing job/going out of business, can't pay rent or losing home, not able to buy enough or maintain a high quality level of food and/or going into extreme debt etc... and the list goes on).

The point is, people are not prioritizing finding a life partner and certainly not to build a family, as many cannot even sustain themselves.

VALIDATION: AXED 🪓 by 2 and 3 + P&C R

Literally... people do not even want to look in your line of sight (survival mode: they're not thinking about you, they're thinking "do I have enough food? why am I out shopping now? I don't want to catch the virus! How come there's no toiletries? Oh yeah because fear and panic caused the low iq masses to hoard "essentials". Am I going to have enough money next month to pay bills/rent? Am I still going to have a job by the end of this month etc... )

People do not want to be near each other or anywhere close to you (social distancing, negative reinforcement, fear)

That powerful drug called dopamine which was encapsulated in the form of validation, has now been taken off the market and nobody's pushing it anymore. There's the occasional hit here and there but it's not the same (it's not as strong, powerful, pure or even meaningful anymore).


my brothers...

I ask you...


As to myself: Deep down inside, I will ALWAYS say yes without question and now more than ever due to this Defrancq situation (will get to that later) but this is a PERSONAL CHOICE.

I am WAY TOO DEEP IN THIS GAME (heavily invested in myself) I must have spent about 60k so far in total and that is only on the lower third! (I still need to finish my eyes and hair!) Only to give up now but that doesn't mean even if I can fix my situation, that it will transpire into anything worthwhile; with the way the world is headed.

My plans are rooted in the Fashion and Entertainment industries but it's obvious that these sectors have been rocked by the current "crises": concerts are being cancelled, tours are being canceled, events/venues and photoshoots are all being postponed until "further notice" etc... (every industry is being hit hard by this, nevermind the "non-essential" industries that I hope to forge a career in).

Covid-19 (I'm SO sick of hearing this fucking name) i.e. Coronavirus has FUCKED UP ALL OF MY LOOKSMAXING PLANS.

What do you think the general consensus on elective surgery is? Right... (and not that IGAF) but I can't even get a fucking CT Scan now (God these fucking idiots have been gripped by fear).

*Truth be told, I can still get all the surgery I want (that's what happens when you've a solid rapport and history with certain surgeons). However, these normal insignificant issues (such as getting a CT scan) have now become barriers to entry, so to speak.

Point being, that this entire "crisis" has made everything incredibly difficult, inconvenient or literally impossible.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter (PAY ATTENTION)

I'm saying this because it NEEDS to be said and also because I'm VEXED BEYOND BELIEF.

These GODDAMN uncivilized filthy Chinese vermin
🐀 (fucking communist animals *I'll get to them later): have invaded, subverted and sabotaged America (not to mention infected the rest of the world now) in collaboration with technocratic globalist (scientists, engineers, money changers and bureaucrats); such as renowned eugenicist Bill Gates.
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Now... some of you who are ill informed, might be thinking, how can this subhuman cuck Bill Gates have ANY control (power) in this situation.

Listen... Bill Gate's net worth is 102.1 billion USD. People at this level (let's be honest, Gates invented this level) obviously are not concerned with money (because they have it all and are generationally wealthy) but what they are after, is POWER and CONTROL.

Bill Gates and those like him (Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk etc...) have all the power and control that they could possibly need. Unfortunately, need and want are two seperate drives and these types of individuals are never satisfied.

The individuals named above and those like them, unfortunately have been and are; shaping culture, policy, rules, regulations and laws in America. Furthermore, their unsatiated drive for power extends FAR BEYOND America and concerns the rest of the world.

One World, One Order. These are the new technocratic "elite" who would like to rule over us.

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This event (covid-19 pandemic) has been planned for some time (Event 201) and Gates is one of its progenitors. They didn’t get the results they hoped for with SARS, Avian or Swine Flu, so now they are hoping with this latest virus that they will wreak enough economic havoc and cause significant fear that people will be begging for a vaccine and ‘digital certificate’ (pay attention!)

EVENT 201:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

The scenario (WORD FOR WORD):

"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."


Mmmm that's strange... this ENTIRE event (less the origin of outbreak) came to fruition... LITERALLY play by play. Didn't they try to tell us initially that this was zoonotic and it's genesis was the wet markets of Wuhan where it was transmitted from bats to people (because the Chinese are fucking filthy, unhygienic and enjoy slaughtering/eating "exotic"/wild animals)?

Yes... yes they did.

Aren't they telling us that there is no possibility of a vaccine being available until next year? (thus nothing available the first year).

Yes... yes they are.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increased exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences have become increasingly severe, have they not?

Yes... yes they have.

Haven't they told the people in America (increasingly so) that these lockdowns were only for 2 weeks, then 1 month and now it's looking like 3 months with talks into the summer of NEXT YEAR (cycling these lockdowns on and off) for a total of just about 18 months?

Yes... yes they have.

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Is ANYONE noticing a fucking pattern here!?
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But I couldn't forget, the last part of the scenario is the best:

"The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."

This is where your buddy Bill Gates steps up to the plate. Haven't you noticed Gates appearing more and more frequently on TV, and giving interviews as well as "sharing" his thoughts on the pandemic (like anyone GIVES A FUCK) but they should ... because he's slowly revealing his, and those like him, intentions...

An excerpt and direct quote from the NPR Gates interview:

Gates has gone on record to say, that he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine...

"What I'm saying, what Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is saying, what some other experts are saying, there's a great deal of consistency. We're not sure yet which activities should be resumed, because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had, the risk of a rebound will be there."


there is an effective vaccine
-because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had

Wow... sounds like Bill's really pushing for a global vaccine... you know... one that everybody has to have in order for certain things to resume (travel, work, dining out etc...) you know, normal things that every society has had and done for ages and of course only things that have benefits to society (at his discretion of course).

It almost sounds like it just might be compulsory to have these vaccines... you know... like forced inoculations.


“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,” Ingraham said.


This CRIMINAL (Bill Gates) IS SO BRAZEN that he did a Reddit AMA and recited the same answer:



This is it... I don't care if you believe in religion or "conspiracy theories" but THIS IS WHAT WAS FORETOLD AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

Revelation 13, which states, beginning in verse 16, concerning the Mark of the Beast:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

If you don't take these vaccinations, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This is the POWER and CONTROL that these types of criminals want.

We are living revelations in reality and Bill Gates is laying it all out for you – assuming you’re paying attention. Everything he’s presenting as the “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis was foretold long ago by the prophets, and now it’s coming to fruition under the guise of stopping a global pandemic and ensuring that everyone has a proper “digital identity.”

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Keep in mind that this all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

A report from Futurism explains the quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future!



Let me set the table for you and show how it's going to play out in the future:

First you will be microchipped whether you want to be or not. This microchip will initially just include information about you and whether or not you have received the vaccine or not. These microchips will be tracked using cell towers and other sensors when you walk into public places, stores etc.

Walmart already uses similar technology to track you when you walk into their stores. They have RFID scanners inside the metal detectors when you walk in the entrance and at checkout. They track your purchasing, what you paid for it, how frequently, and use statistical analysis on your buying habits to price and stock items. Many Walmart's also have implemented facial recognition systems. These same scanner also pick up the MAC address your phone broadcasts and tracks you using that as well. Microsoft was the company that helped Walmart create these systems. Israel is already tracking citizens phones and locations and ordering suspected infected people to quarantine.

Eventually, these microchips will also store your bank account information. Cash will be banned entirely and you will just tap/swipe your chip to pay for items. If the government doesn't like you, or you are dissenting against your leaders, no problem, they will just turn your chip off. You will no longer be able to pay for anything, and as far as society is concerned you will be an outcast. A new digital currency will be ushered in. It will be considered a safe and official alternative to cryptocurrency that you can "trust". But in reality it will be just 1's and 0s on a computer screen that can be easily manipulated.

Those who refuse the chip will be sent to isolated concentration camps you will not return from. These camps already exist. In the US, these camps are already stocked with millions of plastic coffins (OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT THOSE?).

It will become acceptable to receive a chip because you will be doing it for the "safety of society". Those who refuse will be ostracized similar to those who refuse vaccines. These chips will be used to continually monitor and track all civilians. They will use rich and famous people first to implant them to try to convince the average person that it's "cool" and normal to get these chips. If you don't get the chip you will not be able to buy anything, and you will not be able to work, and you will be denied healthcare. If you refuse to let your child get the chip, they will forcefully inject it anyway, and possibly put them under new custody.

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged, even after the virus is under control. People will be encouraged to work from home, use their chips to buy things online, watch tv, play video games, use their phones and other devices. Everything you say online will be tracked and monitored and linked to globally unique number which will be embedded in your chip. Your devices will all become "smart" devices which have microphones and GPS sensors. Your own home will be a wiretapping system that you will purchase on your own.

This plan has been in action since at least the 80's.

Let look at how it's already playing out now:

"Dr." Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the Health Emergencies Programme for W.H.O.
is now trying to say that in most parts of the world DUE TO LOCKDOWN, most of the transmission of the virus
is happening in the household, at the family level.

"So... now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and REMOVE THEM and ISOLATE THEM."

Forcibly come into YOUR home and take YOU away....

2. Anti-COVID19 volunteer drone task force watching you and reporting on you every second; commanding you to obey
social distancing rules. Barking at you like a dog.


Speakers setup outside shopping centres "reminding you" every other minute; like a child, to wash your hands and
maintain social distancing.

3. The LA City Mayor has now said that snitches get rewards... literally.... "we want to thank you for turning folks
in and making sure that we are all safe".


Does this sound familiar to anyone!? Does that not remind you of the 1930's Soviet (communist!) Tradition of Snitching:
when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions,
advance their career or curry favor (no pun intended) with the authorities.


This is SO brazen, it is INSANE that NOBODY is saying ANYTHING regarding the criminal takeover by communist in our corrupt government.

4. 5G: Yes, let's get to why people are burning down 5G towers across the world.

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies, they are not planning to deploy it in Israel (BIG FUCKING SURPRISE!).

The Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.


The study out of Washington State University, titled “The Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China,” by Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Washington State University raises questions about the “causal role” 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus in places where it was rolled out first — such as in Wuhan.

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease.

I want to applaud the people of the UK for standing up against their satanic government.




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Now... for what you've all been waiting for:

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View attachment 350570

Figure it out!




Haha dude love the fact you’re into stuff like that and you’re not alone . We have no idea what the world will be like in 10 years - just look how quickly a virus change life today. Say for example ww3 broke out no one would give a fuck about your face so sometimes I think what’s the point. But
After scrolling through insta I feel like looksmaxing again. I’m not surprised if Israel didn’t install them 5g towers (I’m not sure if it’s legit or a hoax that 5g is dangerous) but after all Israel’s goal is to take over the world and cannot be done if it’s vulnerable so stays under the radar i.e has nukes but keeps it a secret and focusses attention on Iran. Also I’m sick of China too, the constant abuse of human rights, the deranged eating, their police state. You never mentioned much about your jaw result I hope it’s the best , are u at the stage u can post pics or r u still considerately swollen. I was thinking about cheeks and infra orbital and since u said u had a great outcome I’d appreciate some intel 😁
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Adrenochrome
As always, shout out to my Sicarios, mis compañeros de cultura estetica (LMS CARTEL). These gentleman live the life I live (or are on track to) and have faced the same, if not similar challenges in the LMS game.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

Sicario Status In Effect 📿 🤝 🗡🩸🩸🗡

@KDA Player

....LMS CARTEL... Shout out to my brothers!! 🤘🏼👺👹 🔥🔥🔥🔫🔫🔫 💨

You wanted an update, well... here it is:



I'm in a dark place right now brothers...

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In despair, not only because of the deafening disappointment with Defrancq but also due to the destruction of freedom which DIRECTLY impacts our looksmaxing endeavors.

I've been thinking lately... is this even worth it anymore? (looksmaxing)
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Of course, in the past (just two months ago), I would have answered yes, without hesitation.
However, given recent events/circumstances...
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I cannot get this voice out of my head that keeps telling me ... IT'S OVER ...
Not just for looksmaxing but for freedom and the old world (the way we lived our lives previously) which has ENORMOUS implications for our looksmaxing lifestyle (Ascend to Slay&Play and/or handcuff a virgin wife, and validation), as the two are intertwined (freedom and looksmaxing) Sounds dramatic right? But is it...

I don't think so, not at all and I'll explain why.

This is a time of mourning for humanity... a time of great sorrow, this is NOT "business as usual."
We've entered the dawn of a new era: The post human era
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This post human era was and officially is, being brought into effect via the Covid19 "crisis" and it affects EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES (including one of the most paramount to people like ourselves ... looksmaxing).

We looksmax to ascend and we ascend for many different reasons (some stated above):

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I'm sorry, I couldn't resist haha

Handcuff a virgin wife to start a family and pass along our genes in hopes of better breeding/stronger aesthetics etc...
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and/or pure validation etc...
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You can forget about ALL of that now as the world is on LOCKDOWN 🔒 🌏 🔒
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(well... the West and just about every other country in the world except those communist animals in China or the more intelligent Japanese/South Koreans).

Let's look at America....
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America is a prime example because what's happening to it right now is UNPRECEDENTED (It used to be a world premier super power and represent freedom but has slowly transformed into... well... I'll let you decide but I will say, that this pandemic (more specifically, Coronavirus) is going to be the justification to strip it's citizens of all their natural rights and rape them financially. I also think it sets the stage for a one world, one government initiative (perhaps not immediately so but more on that later).

To the point then, Looksmaxing

EVERYTHING that you hoped to achieve via ascending is crushed with three simple "crisis" mitigation protocols and variable programmed/condition responses:

2. Social Distancing
3. Negative reinforcement for not adhering to the above two rules (vilification and social shaming)

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Tinder/Dating/Meeting/Hooking-up = ALL AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Sure... you might have SOME people who OCCASIONALLY hook up (literally meet and fuck by circumventing lockdown) but for the vast majority, it's over.

Netflix and Chill ....OVER....

Obviously you're not going out for coffee first or out to eat at any restaurants, or to catch a show etc... EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is on lockdown.

The chances of finding a virgin wife i.e. the ONLY suitable type of female to be a life partner and mother to your future offspring have just dropped DRASTICALLY (world wide) AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Obviously America is NOT the country to look for a virgin (because they're basically non-existent due to cultural norms) so one would carefully chose from a different country, with different cultural norms i.e. travel to country of choice: date and validate/filter out a suitable partner until they find one who meets their standards.


View attachment 349787

Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission

Country Transmission Level

Widespread ongoing transmission with restrictions on entry to the United States
Widespread ongoing transmission without restrictions on entry to the United States
Ongoing community transmission
Limited community transmission

Full Map & details:

Actually, there are many viable countries with no entry restrictions FOR NOW... but how long do you think that is going to last?

Even IF restrictions are lifted (God only knows when) or notwithstanding restrictions, the psychological aspect of this viral outbreak (pandemic) will loom for quite some time i.e.

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Just like those criminals in the western governments who said people should have had savings 4 months in advance, prior to losing their jobs/businesses due to prolonged lockdown (purposely so and by design of this "crisis") YOU should have had a stable of virgins in rotation that you were talking to in order to secure your superior mate and future offspring; well in advance of this lockdown.

Do you really think that you're going to be able to find a viable life partner NOW.... during these times and the times to come? Most people are currently in a state of extreme fear and shock i.e. survival mode (low money or no money, no job or on the verge of losing job/going out of business, can't pay rent or losing home, not able to buy enough or maintain a high quality level of food and/or going into extreme debt etc... and the list goes on).

The point is, people are not prioritizing finding a life partner and certainly not to build a family, as many cannot even sustain themselves.

VALIDATION: AXED 🪓 by 2 and 3 + P&C R

Literally... people do not even want to look in your line of sight (survival mode: they're not thinking about you, they're thinking "do I have enough food? why am I out shopping now? I don't want to catch the virus! How come there's no toiletries? Oh yeah because fear and panic caused the low iq masses to hoard "essentials". Am I going to have enough money next month to pay bills/rent? Am I still going to have a job by the end of this month etc... )

People do not want to be near each other or anywhere close to you (social distancing, negative reinforcement, fear)

That powerful drug called dopamine which was encapsulated in the form of validation, has now been taken off the market and nobody's pushing it anymore. There's the occasional hit here and there but it's not the same (it's not as strong, powerful, pure or even meaningful anymore).


my brothers...

I ask you...


As to myself: Deep down inside, I will ALWAYS say yes without question and now more than ever due to this Defrancq situation (will get to that later) but this is a PERSONAL CHOICE.

I am WAY TOO DEEP IN THIS GAME (heavily invested in myself) I must have spent about 60k so far in total and that is only on the lower third! (I still need to finish my eyes and hair!) Only to give up now but that doesn't mean even if I can fix my situation, that it will transpire into anything worthwhile; with the way the world is headed.

My plans are rooted in the Fashion and Entertainment industries but it's obvious that these sectors have been rocked by the current "crises": concerts are being cancelled, tours are being canceled, events/venues and photoshoots are all being postponed until "further notice" etc... (every industry is being hit hard by this, nevermind the "non-essential" industries that I hope to forge a career in).

Covid-19 (I'm SO sick of hearing this fucking name) i.e. Coronavirus has FUCKED UP ALL OF MY LOOKSMAXING PLANS.

What do you think the general consensus on elective surgery is? Right... (and not that IGAF) but I can't even get a fucking CT Scan now (God these fucking idiots have been gripped by fear).

*Truth be told, I can still get all the surgery I want (that's what happens when you've a solid rapport and history with certain surgeons). However, these normal insignificant issues (such as getting a CT scan) have now become barriers to entry, so to speak.

Point being, that this entire "crisis" has made everything incredibly difficult, inconvenient or literally impossible.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter (PAY ATTENTION)

I'm saying this because it NEEDS to be said and also because I'm VEXED BEYOND BELIEF.

These GODDAMN uncivilized filthy Chinese vermin
🐀 (fucking communist animals *I'll get to them later): have invaded, subverted and sabotaged America (not to mention infected the rest of the world now) in collaboration with technocratic globalist (scientists, engineers, money changers and bureaucrats); such as renowned eugenicist Bill Gates.
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Now... some of you who are ill informed, might be thinking, how can this subhuman cuck Bill Gates have ANY control (power) in this situation.

Listen... Bill Gate's net worth is 102.1 billion USD. People at this level (let's be honest, Gates invented this level) obviously are not concerned with money (because they have it all and are generationally wealthy) but what they are after, is POWER and CONTROL.

Bill Gates and those like him (Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk etc...) have all the power and control that they could possibly need. Unfortunately, need and want are two seperate drives and these types of individuals are never satisfied.

The individuals named above and those like them, unfortunately have been and are; shaping culture, policy, rules, regulations and laws in America. Furthermore, their unsatiated drive for power extends FAR BEYOND America and concerns the rest of the world.

One World, One Order. These are the new technocratic "elite" who would like to rule over us.

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This event (covid-19 pandemic) has been planned for some time (Event 201) and Gates is one of its progenitors. They didn’t get the results they hoped for with SARS, Avian or Swine Flu, so now they are hoping with this latest virus that they will wreak enough economic havoc and cause significant fear that people will be begging for a vaccine and ‘digital certificate’ (pay attention!)

EVENT 201:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

The scenario (WORD FOR WORD):

"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."


Mmmm that's strange... this ENTIRE event (less the origin of outbreak) came to fruition... LITERALLY play by play. Didn't they try to tell us initially that this was zoonotic and it's genesis was the wet markets of Wuhan where it was transmitted from bats to people (because the Chinese are fucking filthy, unhygienic and enjoy slaughtering/eating "exotic"/wild animals)?

Yes... yes they did.

Aren't they telling us that there is no possibility of a vaccine being available until next year? (thus nothing available the first year).

Yes... yes they are.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increased exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences have become increasingly severe, have they not?

Yes... yes they have.

Haven't they told the people in America (increasingly so) that these lockdowns were only for 2 weeks, then 1 month and now it's looking like 3 months with talks into the summer of NEXT YEAR (cycling these lockdowns on and off) for a total of just about 18 months?

Yes... yes they have.

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Is ANYONE noticing a fucking pattern here!?
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But I couldn't forget, the last part of the scenario is the best:

"The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."

This is where your buddy Bill Gates steps up to the plate. Haven't you noticed Gates appearing more and more frequently on TV, and giving interviews as well as "sharing" his thoughts on the pandemic (like anyone GIVES A FUCK) but they should ... because he's slowly revealing his, and those like him, intentions...

An excerpt and direct quote from the NPR Gates interview:

Gates has gone on record to say, that he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine...

"What I'm saying, what Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is saying, what some other experts are saying, there's a great deal of consistency. We're not sure yet which activities should be resumed, because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had, the risk of a rebound will be there."


there is an effective vaccine
-because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had

Wow... sounds like Bill's really pushing for a global vaccine... you know... one that everybody has to have in order for certain things to resume (travel, work, dining out etc...) you know, normal things that every society has had and done for ages and of course only things that have benefits to society (at his discretion of course).

It almost sounds like it just might be compulsory to have these vaccines... you know... like forced inoculations.


“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,” Ingraham said.


This CRIMINAL (Bill Gates) IS SO BRAZEN that he did a Reddit AMA and recited the same answer:



This is it... I don't care if you believe in religion or "conspiracy theories" but THIS IS WHAT WAS FORETOLD AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

Revelation 13, which states, beginning in verse 16, concerning the Mark of the Beast:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

If you don't take these vaccinations, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This is the POWER and CONTROL that these types of criminals want.

We are living revelations in reality and Bill Gates is laying it all out for you – assuming you’re paying attention. Everything he’s presenting as the “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis was foretold long ago by the prophets, and now it’s coming to fruition under the guise of stopping a global pandemic and ensuring that everyone has a proper “digital identity.”

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Keep in mind that this all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

A report from Futurism explains the quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future!



Let me set the table for you and show how it's going to play out in the future:

First you will be microchipped whether you want to be or not. This microchip will initially just include information about you and whether or not you have received the vaccine or not. These microchips will be tracked using cell towers and other sensors when you walk into public places, stores etc.

Walmart already uses similar technology to track you when you walk into their stores. They have RFID scanners inside the metal detectors when you walk in the entrance and at checkout. They track your purchasing, what you paid for it, how frequently, and use statistical analysis on your buying habits to price and stock items. Many Walmart's also have implemented facial recognition systems. These same scanner also pick up the MAC address your phone broadcasts and tracks you using that as well. Microsoft was the company that helped Walmart create these systems. Israel is already tracking citizens phones and locations and ordering suspected infected people to quarantine.

Eventually, these microchips will also store your bank account information. Cash will be banned entirely and you will just tap/swipe your chip to pay for items. If the government doesn't like you, or you are dissenting against your leaders, no problem, they will just turn your chip off. You will no longer be able to pay for anything, and as far as society is concerned you will be an outcast. A new digital currency will be ushered in. It will be considered a safe and official alternative to cryptocurrency that you can "trust". But in reality it will be just 1's and 0s on a computer screen that can be easily manipulated.

Those who refuse the chip will be sent to isolated concentration camps you will not return from. These camps already exist. In the US, these camps are already stocked with millions of plastic coffins (OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT THOSE?).

It will become acceptable to receive a chip because you will be doing it for the "safety of society". Those who refuse will be ostracized similar to those who refuse vaccines. These chips will be used to continually monitor and track all civilians. They will use rich and famous people first to implant them to try to convince the average person that it's "cool" and normal to get these chips. If you don't get the chip you will not be able to buy anything, and you will not be able to work, and you will be denied healthcare. If you refuse to let your child get the chip, they will forcefully inject it anyway, and possibly put them under new custody.

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged, even after the virus is under control. People will be encouraged to work from home, use their chips to buy things online, watch tv, play video games, use their phones and other devices. Everything you say online will be tracked and monitored and linked to globally unique number which will be embedded in your chip. Your devices will all become "smart" devices which have microphones and GPS sensors. Your own home will be a wiretapping system that you will purchase on your own.

This plan has been in action since at least the 80's.

Let look at how it's already playing out now:

"Dr." Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the Health Emergencies Programme for W.H.O.
is now trying to say that in most parts of the world DUE TO LOCKDOWN, most of the transmission of the virus
is happening in the household, at the family level.

"So... now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and REMOVE THEM and ISOLATE THEM."

Forcibly come into YOUR home and take YOU away....

2. Anti-COVID19 volunteer drone task force watching you and reporting on you every second; commanding you to obey
social distancing rules. Barking at you like a dog.


Speakers setup outside shopping centres "reminding you" every other minute; like a child, to wash your hands and
maintain social distancing.

3. The LA City Mayor has now said that snitches get rewards... literally.... "we want to thank you for turning folks
in and making sure that we are all safe".


Does this sound familiar to anyone!? Does that not remind you of the 1930's Soviet (communist!) Tradition of Snitching:
when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions,
advance their career or curry favor (no pun intended) with the authorities.


This is SO brazen, it is INSANE that NOBODY is saying ANYTHING regarding the criminal takeover by communist in our corrupt government.

4. 5G: Yes, let's get to why people are burning down 5G towers across the world.

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies, they are not planning to deploy it in Israel (BIG FUCKING SURPRISE!).

The Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.


The study out of Washington State University, titled “The Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China,” by Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Washington State University raises questions about the “causal role” 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus in places where it was rolled out first — such as in Wuhan.

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease.

I want to applaud the people of the UK for standing up against their satanic government.




View attachment 350580


Now... for what you've all been waiting for:

01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01100110 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100011 01110001 00111111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101111 01100110 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100001 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110100 01101001 01100011 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100100 01110101 01100011 01100101 01110011 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View attachment 350570

Figure it out!




How did your surgery go
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Adrenochrome
Our dystopian future is depressing and part of the reason I'm very unlikely to have children. I miss being 20 back in the summer of 2015 and not having a clue about how bleak the future of the world would be
All I want is the become the finished article in terms of my looksmax potential and have a summer of carefree partying without thinking about how my deformed jaw and shitty skin looks every 2 minutes
I am however glad that while I am in hermit mode, just workcelling and saving, everyone else is stuck in the basement too so I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything for once

What more have you to say about deFranqc? he was number one for me in terms of surgeons I wanted to consult with
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Adrenochrome
As always, shout out to my Sicarios, mis compañeros de cultura estetica (LMS CARTEL). These gentleman live the life I live (or are on track to) and have faced the same, if not similar challenges in the LMS game.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

Sicario Status In Effect 📿 🤝 🗡🩸🩸🗡

@KDA Player

....LMS CARTEL... Shout out to my brothers!! 🤘🏼👺👹 🔥🔥🔥🔫🔫🔫 💨

You wanted an update, well... here it is:



I'm in a dark place right now brothers...

View attachment 350595
In despair, not only because of the deafening disappointment with Defrancq but also due to the destruction of freedom which DIRECTLY impacts our looksmaxing endeavors.

I've been thinking lately... is this even worth it anymore? (looksmaxing)
View attachment 350596

Of course, in the past (just two months ago), I would have answered yes, without hesitation.
However, given recent events/circumstances...
View attachment 350600View attachment 350608

I cannot get this voice out of my head that keeps telling me ... IT'S OVER ...
Not just for looksmaxing but for freedom and the old world (the way we lived our lives previously) which has ENORMOUS implications for our looksmaxing lifestyle (Ascend to Slay&Play and/or handcuff a virgin wife, and validation), as the two are intertwined (freedom and looksmaxing) Sounds dramatic right? But is it...

I don't think so, not at all and I'll explain why.

This is a time of mourning for humanity... a time of great sorrow, this is NOT "business as usual."
We've entered the dawn of a new era: The post human era
View attachment 350605 View attachment 350607
This post human era was and officially is, being brought into effect via the Covid19 "crisis" and it affects EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES (including one of the most paramount to people like ourselves ... looksmaxing).

We looksmax to ascend and we ascend for many different reasons (some stated above):

View attachment 350609 View attachment 350610
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist haha

Handcuff a virgin wife to start a family and pass along our genes in hopes of better breeding/stronger aesthetics etc...
View attachment 350613

and/or pure validation etc...
View attachment 350615


You can forget about ALL of that now as the world is on LOCKDOWN 🔒 🌏 🔒
View attachment 349754
(well... the West and just about every other country in the world except those communist animals in China or the more intelligent Japanese/South Koreans).

Let's look at America....
View attachment 349761View attachment 349762
America is a prime example because what's happening to it right now is UNPRECEDENTED (It used to be a world premier super power and represent freedom but has slowly transformed into... well... I'll let you decide but I will say, that this pandemic (more specifically, Coronavirus) is going to be the justification to strip it's citizens of all their natural rights and rape them financially. I also think it sets the stage for a one world, one government initiative (perhaps not immediately so but more on that later).

To the point then, Looksmaxing

EVERYTHING that you hoped to achieve via ascending is crushed with three simple "crisis" mitigation protocols and variable programmed/condition responses:

2. Social Distancing
3. Negative reinforcement for not adhering to the above two rules (vilification and social shaming)

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Tinder/Dating/Meeting/Hooking-up = ALL AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Sure... you might have SOME people who OCCASIONALLY hook up (literally meet and fuck by circumventing lockdown) but for the vast majority, it's over.

Netflix and Chill ....OVER....

Obviously you're not going out for coffee first or out to eat at any restaurants, or to catch a show etc... EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is on lockdown.

The chances of finding a virgin wife i.e. the ONLY suitable type of female to be a life partner and mother to your future offspring have just dropped DRASTICALLY (world wide) AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Obviously America is NOT the country to look for a virgin (because they're basically non-existent due to cultural norms) so one would carefully chose from a different country, with different cultural norms i.e. travel to country of choice: date and validate/filter out a suitable partner until they find one who meets their standards.


View attachment 349787

Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission

Country Transmission Level

Widespread ongoing transmission with restrictions on entry to the United States
Widespread ongoing transmission without restrictions on entry to the United States
Ongoing community transmission
Limited community transmission

Full Map & details:

Actually, there are many viable countries with no entry restrictions FOR NOW... but how long do you think that is going to last?

Even IF restrictions are lifted (God only knows when) or notwithstanding restrictions, the psychological aspect of this viral outbreak (pandemic) will loom for quite some time i.e.

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Just like those criminals in the western governments who said people should have had savings 4 months in advance, prior to losing their jobs/businesses due to prolonged lockdown (purposely so and by design of this "crisis") YOU should have had a stable of virgins in rotation that you were talking to in order to secure your superior mate and future offspring; well in advance of this lockdown.

Do you really think that you're going to be able to find a viable life partner NOW.... during these times and the times to come? Most people are currently in a state of extreme fear and shock i.e. survival mode (low money or no money, no job or on the verge of losing job/going out of business, can't pay rent or losing home, not able to buy enough or maintain a high quality level of food and/or going into extreme debt etc... and the list goes on).

The point is, people are not prioritizing finding a life partner and certainly not to build a family, as many cannot even sustain themselves.

VALIDATION: AXED 🪓 by 2 and 3 + P&C R

Literally... people do not even want to look in your line of sight (survival mode: they're not thinking about you, they're thinking "do I have enough food? why am I out shopping now? I don't want to catch the virus! How come there's no toiletries? Oh yeah because fear and panic caused the low iq masses to hoard "essentials". Am I going to have enough money next month to pay bills/rent? Am I still going to have a job by the end of this month etc... )

People do not want to be near each other or anywhere close to you (social distancing, negative reinforcement, fear)

That powerful drug called dopamine which was encapsulated in the form of validation, has now been taken off the market and nobody's pushing it anymore. There's the occasional hit here and there but it's not the same (it's not as strong, powerful, pure or even meaningful anymore).


my brothers...

I ask you...


As to myself: Deep down inside, I will ALWAYS say yes without question and now more than ever due to this Defrancq situation (will get to that later) but this is a PERSONAL CHOICE.

I am WAY TOO DEEP IN THIS GAME (heavily invested in myself) I must have spent about 60k so far in total and that is only on the lower third! (I still need to finish my eyes and hair!) Only to give up now but that doesn't mean even if I can fix my situation, that it will transpire into anything worthwhile; with the way the world is headed.

My plans are rooted in the Fashion and Entertainment industries but it's obvious that these sectors have been rocked by the current "crises": concerts are being cancelled, tours are being canceled, events/venues and photoshoots are all being postponed until "further notice" etc... (every industry is being hit hard by this, nevermind the "non-essential" industries that I hope to forge a career in).

Covid-19 (I'm SO sick of hearing this fucking name) i.e. Coronavirus has FUCKED UP ALL OF MY LOOKSMAXING PLANS.

What do you think the general consensus on elective surgery is? Right... (and not that IGAF) but I can't even get a fucking CT Scan now (God these fucking idiots have been gripped by fear).

*Truth be told, I can still get all the surgery I want (that's what happens when you've a solid rapport and history with certain surgeons). However, these normal insignificant issues (such as getting a CT scan) have now become barriers to entry, so to speak.

Point being, that this entire "crisis" has made everything incredibly difficult, inconvenient or literally impossible.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter (PAY ATTENTION)

I'm saying this because it NEEDS to be said and also because I'm VEXED BEYOND BELIEF.

These GODDAMN uncivilized filthy Chinese vermin
🐀 (fucking communist animals *I'll get to them later): have invaded, subverted and sabotaged America (not to mention infected the rest of the world now) in collaboration with technocratic globalist (scientists, engineers, money changers and bureaucrats); such as renowned eugenicist Bill Gates.
View attachment 349940View attachment 349942

Now... some of you who are ill informed, might be thinking, how can this subhuman cuck Bill Gates have ANY control (power) in this situation.

Listen... Bill Gate's net worth is 102.1 billion USD. People at this level (let's be honest, Gates invented this level) obviously are not concerned with money (because they have it all and are generationally wealthy) but what they are after, is POWER and CONTROL.

Bill Gates and those like him (Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk etc...) have all the power and control that they could possibly need. Unfortunately, need and want are two seperate drives and these types of individuals are never satisfied.

The individuals named above and those like them, unfortunately have been and are; shaping culture, policy, rules, regulations and laws in America. Furthermore, their unsatiated drive for power extends FAR BEYOND America and concerns the rest of the world.

One World, One Order. These are the new technocratic "elite" who would like to rule over us.

View attachment 350469

This event (covid-19 pandemic) has been planned for some time (Event 201) and Gates is one of its progenitors. They didn’t get the results they hoped for with SARS, Avian or Swine Flu, so now they are hoping with this latest virus that they will wreak enough economic havoc and cause significant fear that people will be begging for a vaccine and ‘digital certificate’ (pay attention!)

EVENT 201:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

The scenario (WORD FOR WORD):

"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."


Mmmm that's strange... this ENTIRE event (less the origin of outbreak) came to fruition... LITERALLY play by play. Didn't they try to tell us initially that this was zoonotic and it's genesis was the wet markets of Wuhan where it was transmitted from bats to people (because the Chinese are fucking filthy, unhygienic and enjoy slaughtering/eating "exotic"/wild animals)?

Yes... yes they did.

Aren't they telling us that there is no possibility of a vaccine being available until next year? (thus nothing available the first year).

Yes... yes they are.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increased exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences have become increasingly severe, have they not?

Yes... yes they have.

Haven't they told the people in America (increasingly so) that these lockdowns were only for 2 weeks, then 1 month and now it's looking like 3 months with talks into the summer of NEXT YEAR (cycling these lockdowns on and off) for a total of just about 18 months?

Yes... yes they have.

View attachment 350304

Is ANYONE noticing a fucking pattern here!?
View attachment 350305

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But I couldn't forget, the last part of the scenario is the best:

"The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."

This is where your buddy Bill Gates steps up to the plate. Haven't you noticed Gates appearing more and more frequently on TV, and giving interviews as well as "sharing" his thoughts on the pandemic (like anyone GIVES A FUCK) but they should ... because he's slowly revealing his, and those like him, intentions...

An excerpt and direct quote from the NPR Gates interview:

Gates has gone on record to say, that he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine...

"What I'm saying, what Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is saying, what some other experts are saying, there's a great deal of consistency. We're not sure yet which activities should be resumed, because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had, the risk of a rebound will be there."


there is an effective vaccine
-because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had

Wow... sounds like Bill's really pushing for a global vaccine... you know... one that everybody has to have in order for certain things to resume (travel, work, dining out etc...) you know, normal things that every society has had and done for ages and of course only things that have benefits to society (at his discretion of course).

It almost sounds like it just might be compulsory to have these vaccines... you know... like forced inoculations.


“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,” Ingraham said.


This CRIMINAL (Bill Gates) IS SO BRAZEN that he did a Reddit AMA and recited the same answer:



This is it... I don't care if you believe in religion or "conspiracy theories" but THIS IS WHAT WAS FORETOLD AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

Revelation 13, which states, beginning in verse 16, concerning the Mark of the Beast:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

If you don't take these vaccinations, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This is the POWER and CONTROL that these types of criminals want.

We are living revelations in reality and Bill Gates is laying it all out for you – assuming you’re paying attention. Everything he’s presenting as the “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis was foretold long ago by the prophets, and now it’s coming to fruition under the guise of stopping a global pandemic and ensuring that everyone has a proper “digital identity.”

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Keep in mind that this all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

A report from Futurism explains the quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future!



Let me set the table for you and show how it's going to play out in the future:

First you will be microchipped whether you want to be or not. This microchip will initially just include information about you and whether or not you have received the vaccine or not. These microchips will be tracked using cell towers and other sensors when you walk into public places, stores etc.

Walmart already uses similar technology to track you when you walk into their stores. They have RFID scanners inside the metal detectors when you walk in the entrance and at checkout. They track your purchasing, what you paid for it, how frequently, and use statistical analysis on your buying habits to price and stock items. Many Walmart's also have implemented facial recognition systems. These same scanner also pick up the MAC address your phone broadcasts and tracks you using that as well. Microsoft was the company that helped Walmart create these systems. Israel is already tracking citizens phones and locations and ordering suspected infected people to quarantine.

Eventually, these microchips will also store your bank account information. Cash will be banned entirely and you will just tap/swipe your chip to pay for items. If the government doesn't like you, or you are dissenting against your leaders, no problem, they will just turn your chip off. You will no longer be able to pay for anything, and as far as society is concerned you will be an outcast. A new digital currency will be ushered in. It will be considered a safe and official alternative to cryptocurrency that you can "trust". But in reality it will be just 1's and 0s on a computer screen that can be easily manipulated.

Those who refuse the chip will be sent to isolated concentration camps you will not return from. These camps already exist. In the US, these camps are already stocked with millions of plastic coffins (OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT THOSE?).

It will become acceptable to receive a chip because you will be doing it for the "safety of society". Those who refuse will be ostracized similar to those who refuse vaccines. These chips will be used to continually monitor and track all civilians. They will use rich and famous people first to implant them to try to convince the average person that it's "cool" and normal to get these chips. If you don't get the chip you will not be able to buy anything, and you will not be able to work, and you will be denied healthcare. If you refuse to let your child get the chip, they will forcefully inject it anyway, and possibly put them under new custody.

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged, even after the virus is under control. People will be encouraged to work from home, use their chips to buy things online, watch tv, play video games, use their phones and other devices. Everything you say online will be tracked and monitored and linked to globally unique number which will be embedded in your chip. Your devices will all become "smart" devices which have microphones and GPS sensors. Your own home will be a wiretapping system that you will purchase on your own.

This plan has been in action since at least the 80's.

Let look at how it's already playing out now:

"Dr." Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the Health Emergencies Programme for W.H.O.
is now trying to say that in most parts of the world DUE TO LOCKDOWN, most of the transmission of the virus
is happening in the household, at the family level.

"So... now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and REMOVE THEM and ISOLATE THEM."

Forcibly come into YOUR home and take YOU away....

2. Anti-COVID19 volunteer drone task force watching you and reporting on you every second; commanding you to obey
social distancing rules. Barking at you like a dog.


Speakers setup outside shopping centres "reminding you" every other minute; like a child, to wash your hands and
maintain social distancing.

3. The LA City Mayor has now said that snitches get rewards... literally.... "we want to thank you for turning folks
in and making sure that we are all safe".


Does this sound familiar to anyone!? Does that not remind you of the 1930's Soviet (communist!) Tradition of Snitching:
when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions,
advance their career or curry favor (no pun intended) with the authorities.


This is SO brazen, it is INSANE that NOBODY is saying ANYTHING regarding the criminal takeover by communist in our corrupt government.

4. 5G: Yes, let's get to why people are burning down 5G towers across the world.

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies, they are not planning to deploy it in Israel (BIG FUCKING SURPRISE!).

The Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.


The study out of Washington State University, titled “The Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China,” by Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Washington State University raises questions about the “causal role” 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus in places where it was rolled out first — such as in Wuhan.

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease.

I want to applaud the people of the UK for standing up against their satanic government.




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Now... for what you've all been waiting for:

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View attachment 350570

Figure it out!




Thanks for the Defrancq update brother. Really appreciate it. To be honest, you have confirmed all of my fears about him. I had an off feeling about him as soon as I met him. So he's off the list. Zarrinbal too. Onto Marianetti..
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, CopingCel, CristianT and 1 other person
OP is literally insane, holy shit JFL @ "looksmaxxers". This reads like a diary of a madman. KYS OP.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: randomvanish, Deleted member 110, CristianT and 6 others
OP is literally insane, holy shit JFL @ "looksmaxxers". This reads like a diary of a madman. KYS OP.
At least he's going under the knife, this is valuable information for the forum
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, CopingCel and CristianT
I love your style of writing OP. I'm curious. Where are you from? (You can PM me) because i might now your nationality based of some words that you have used. Also, what's your opinión on local surgeons? I want to
ascend fast and i don't have enough money so i was thinkin someone in my viccinity must be ideal. I would really appreciate your help, i really congratulate you for your high effort in this Journey.
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Adrenochrome
Read every single letter just to realize there are no pics
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT, Deleted member 6401 and MandibularCel
01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01100110 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100011 01110001 00111111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101111 01100110 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100001 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110100 01101001 01100011 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100100 01110101 01100011 01100101 01110011 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"Do you want to know what I think about Defrancq? I think he's a doofus when it comes to aesthetics and produces disastrous results, even when given the original blueprint to the design.

He is new to the aesthetic side of surgery and does not have the ability to transform you to your specifications (he can not make you chad or raise your PSL). "
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  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: reptiles, CursedOne, Deleted member 6401 and 4 others
Haha dude love the fact you’re into stuff like that and you’re not alone . We have no idea what the world will be like in 10 years - just look how quickly a virus change life today. Say for example ww3 broke out no one would give a fuck about your face so sometimes I think what’s the point. But
After scrolling through insta I feel like looksmaxing again. I’m not surprised if Israel didn’t install them 5g towers (I’m not sure if it’s legit or a hoax that 5g is dangerous) but after all Israel’s goal is to take over the world and cannot be done if it’s vulnerable so stays under the radar i.e has nukes but keeps it a secret and focusses attention on Iran. Also I’m sick of China too, the constant abuse of human rights, the deranged eating, their police state. You never mentioned much about your jaw result I hope it’s the best , are u at the stage u can post pics or r u still considerately swollen. I was thinking about cheeks and infra orbital and since u said u had a great outcome I’d appreciate some intel 😁

Brother, regarding 5G and any other topic I touched upon, just read and listen to those sources that I've laid out for you... honestly, take your time to "digest it" and things will become clear.

Infact, I URGE you and everyone else to fact check and find your own too (there are MULTIPLE SOURCES for every source I listed).

You and I have many of the same thoughts regarding these current issues (Iran, China etc... ) you NAILED China by the way -I was going to touch upon them too (still might) but it would be lengthy. Anyways, I'm talking about RIGHT NOW... forget about 10 years my man, WE... ARE... HERE... at the cusp of collapse.

Regarding my jaw and Defrancq, it's there for you in 0's and 1's....

How did your surgery go

Regarding my jaw and Defrancq, it's there for you in 0's and 1's....

Our dystopian future is depressing and part of the reason I'm very unlikely to have children. I miss being 20 back in the summer of 2015 and not having a clue about how bleak the future of the world would be
All I want is the become the finished article in terms of my looksmax potential and have a summer of carefree partying without thinking about how my deformed jaw and shitty skin looks every 2 minutes
I am however glad that while I am in hermit mode, just workcelling and saving, everyone else is stuck in the basement too so I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything for once

What more have you to say about deFranqc? he was number one for me in terms of surgeons I wanted to consult with

Regarding my jaw and Defrancq, it's there for you in 0's and 1's....

Thanks for the Defrancq update brother. Really appreciate it. To be honest, you have confirmed all of my fears about him. I had an off feeling about him as soon as I met him. So he's off the list. Zarrinbal too. Onto Marianetti..

So... you've deciphered the message.... thank God somebody can still think. I'm also glad that you've gained some clarity from my situation, as it would be such a shame if this was all in vain.

I don't know what your goals are but Marianetti is a maxillofacial surgeon and while despite being "aesthetically centered" you will never achieve the aesthetic outcome that can SIGNIFICANTLY raise your PSL via this type of surgeon and ostemonies (which is what he performs... very rarely medpor implants IIRC).

When I showed him my original look and what I hoped to achieve, he said that he couldn't achieve that look (did my a favor).

Anyways, good luck.

OP is literally insane, holy shit JFL @ "looksmaxxers". This reads like a diary of a madman. KYS OP.

Right over your head .... peace to you ( :

I love your style of writing OP. I'm curious. Where are you from? (You can PM me) because i might now your nationality based of some words that you have used. Also, what's your opinión on local surgeons? I want to
ascend fast and i don't have enough money so i was thinkin someone in my viccinity must be ideal. I would really appreciate your help, i really congratulate you for your high effort in this Journey.

I've never dealt with aesthetic procedures locally... but personally speaking, I would only deal with an extremely experienced surgeon with a PROVEN track record (a thick book full of different types of aesthetic cases, with multiple photos... my original surgeon was this type).

It's analogous to this:
I went international to a new surgeon (who is relatively unknown in this field: aesthetics but is solid on bone movements and stability i.e. no complications). I knew there was going to be some risk (aesthetically speaking) but thought that I covered my bases somewhat by taking the design of my original surgeon (who is THEE PREMIER in aesthetics) to be executed (the design plan) by this new surgeon.

Well... what do you think happened?

I've posted my review for you in 0's and 1's....

"Do you want to know what I think about Defrancq? I think he's a doofus when it comes to aesthetics and produces disastrous results, even when given the original blueprint to the design.

He is new to the aesthetic side of surgery and does not have the ability to transform you to your specifications (he can not make you chad or raise your PSL). "

Ha haaaa Slayerino got it and gave you guys a brief synopsis of it ( :
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  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans, Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 5634 and 1 other person
Also, if you want to know who's been behind this for 2k years...
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: CristianT, reptiles, CursedOne and 3 others
Brother, regarding 5G and any other topic I touched upon, just read and listen to those sources that I've laid out for you... honestly, take your time to "digest it" and things will become clear.

Infact, I URGE you and everyone else to fact check and find your own too (there are MULTIPLE SOURCES for every source I listed).

You and I have many of the same thoughts regarding these current issues (Iran, China etc... ) you NAILED China by the way -I was going to touch upon them too (still might) but it would be lengthy. Anyways, I'm talking about RIGHT NOW... forget about 10 years my man, WE... ARE... HERE... at the cusp of collapse.

Regarding my jaw and Defrancq, it's there for you in 0's and 1's....

Regarding my jaw and Defrancq, it's there for you in 0's and 1's....

Regarding my jaw and Defrancq, it's there for you in 0's and 1's....

So... you've deciphered the message.... thank God somebody can still think. I'm also glad that you've gained some clarity from my situation, as it would be such a shame if this was all in vain.

I don't know what your goals are but Marianetti is a maxillofacial surgeon and while despite being "aesthetically centered" you will never achieve the aesthetic outcome that can SIGNIFICANTLY raise your PSL via this type of surgeon and ostemonies (which is what he performs... very rarely medpor implants IIRC).

When I showed him my original look and what I hoped to achieve, he said that he couldn't achieve that look (did my a favor).

Anyways, good luck.

Right over your head .... peace to you ( :

I've never dealt with aesthetic procedures locally... but personally speaking, I would only deal with an extremely experienced surgeon with a PROVEN track record (a thick book full of different types of aesthetic cases, with multiple photos... my original surgeon was this type).

It's analogous to this:
I went international to a new surgeon (who is relatively unknown in this field: aesthetics but is solid on bone movements and stability i.e. no complications). I knew there was going to be some risk (aesthetically speaking) but thought that I covered my bases somewhat by taking the design of my original surgeon (who is THEE PREMIER in aesthetics) to be executed (the design plan) by this new surgeon.

Well... what do you think happened?

I've posted my review for you in 0's and 1's....

Ha haaaa Slayerino got it and gave you guys a brief synopsis of it ( :
Damn son, so who are the best surgeons who are MaxFacs AND plastic surgeons? I'm starting to run out of names tbh..
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, CristianT and Deleted member 5634
As always, shout out to my Sicarios, mis compañeros de cultura estetica (LMS CARTEL). These gentleman live the life I live (or are on track to) and have faced the same, if not similar challenges in the LMS game.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

Sicario Status In Effect 📿 🤝 🗡🩸🩸🗡

@KDA Player

....LMS CARTEL... Shout out to my brothers!! 🤘🏼👺👹 🔥🔥🔥🔫🔫🔫 💨

You wanted an update, well... here it is:



I'm in a dark place right now brothers...

View attachment 350595
In despair, not only because of the deafening disappointment with Defrancq but also due to the destruction of freedom which DIRECTLY impacts our looksmaxing endeavors.

I've been thinking lately... is this even worth it anymore? (looksmaxing)
View attachment 350596

Of course, in the past (just two months ago), I would have answered yes, without hesitation.
However, given recent events/circumstances...
View attachment 350600View attachment 350608

I cannot get this voice out of my head that keeps telling me ... IT'S OVER ...
Not just for looksmaxing but for freedom and the old world (the way we lived our lives previously) which has ENORMOUS implications for our looksmaxing lifestyle (Ascend to Slay&Play and/or handcuff a virgin wife, and validation), as the two are intertwined (freedom and looksmaxing) Sounds dramatic right? But is it...

I don't think so, not at all and I'll explain why.

This is a time of mourning for humanity... a time of great sorrow, this is NOT "business as usual."
We've entered the dawn of a new era: The post human era
View attachment 350605 View attachment 350607
This post human era was and officially is, being brought into effect via the Covid19 "crisis" and it affects EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES (including one of the most paramount to people like ourselves ... looksmaxing).

We looksmax to ascend and we ascend for many different reasons (some stated above):

View attachment 350609 View attachment 350610
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist haha

Handcuff a virgin wife to start a family and pass along our genes in hopes of better breeding/stronger aesthetics etc...
View attachment 350613

and/or pure validation etc...
View attachment 350615


You can forget about ALL of that now as the world is on LOCKDOWN 🔒 🌏 🔒
View attachment 349754
(well... the West and just about every other country in the world except those communist animals in China or the more intelligent Japanese/South Koreans).

Let's look at America....
View attachment 349761View attachment 349762
America is a prime example because what's happening to it right now is UNPRECEDENTED (It used to be a world premier super power and represent freedom but has slowly transformed into... well... I'll let you decide but I will say, that this pandemic (more specifically, Coronavirus) is going to be the justification to strip it's citizens of all their natural rights and rape them financially. I also think it sets the stage for a one world, one government initiative (perhaps not immediately so but more on that later).

To the point then, Looksmaxing

EVERYTHING that you hoped to achieve via ascending is crushed with three simple "crisis" mitigation protocols and variable programmed/condition responses:

2. Social Distancing
3. Negative reinforcement for not adhering to the above two rules (vilification and social shaming)

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Tinder/Dating/Meeting/Hooking-up = ALL AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Sure... you might have SOME people who OCCASIONALLY hook up (literally meet and fuck by circumventing lockdown) but for the vast majority, it's over.

Netflix and Chill ....OVER....

Obviously you're not going out for coffee first or out to eat at any restaurants, or to catch a show etc... EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is on lockdown.

The chances of finding a virgin wife i.e. the ONLY suitable type of female to be a life partner and mother to your future offspring have just dropped DRASTICALLY (world wide) AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Obviously America is NOT the country to look for a virgin (because they're basically non-existent due to cultural norms) so one would carefully chose from a different country, with different cultural norms i.e. travel to country of choice: date and validate/filter out a suitable partner until they find one who meets their standards.


View attachment 349787

Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission

Country Transmission Level

Widespread ongoing transmission with restrictions on entry to the United States
Widespread ongoing transmission without restrictions on entry to the United States
Ongoing community transmission
Limited community transmission

Full Map & details:

Actually, there are many viable countries with no entry restrictions FOR NOW... but how long do you think that is going to last?

Even IF restrictions are lifted (God only knows when) or notwithstanding restrictions, the psychological aspect of this viral outbreak (pandemic) will loom for quite some time i.e.

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Just like those criminals in the western governments who said people should have had savings 4 months in advance, prior to losing their jobs/businesses due to prolonged lockdown (purposely so and by design of this "crisis") YOU should have had a stable of virgins in rotation that you were talking to in order to secure your superior mate and future offspring; well in advance of this lockdown.

Do you really think that you're going to be able to find a viable life partner NOW.... during these times and the times to come? Most people are currently in a state of extreme fear and shock i.e. survival mode (low money or no money, no job or on the verge of losing job/going out of business, can't pay rent or losing home, not able to buy enough or maintain a high quality level of food and/or going into extreme debt etc... and the list goes on).

The point is, people are not prioritizing finding a life partner and certainly not to build a family, as many cannot even sustain themselves.

VALIDATION: AXED 🪓 by 2 and 3 + P&C R

Literally... people do not even want to look in your line of sight (survival mode: they're not thinking about you, they're thinking "do I have enough food? why am I out shopping now? I don't want to catch the virus! How come there's no toiletries? Oh yeah because fear and panic caused the low iq masses to hoard "essentials". Am I going to have enough money next month to pay bills/rent? Am I still going to have a job by the end of this month etc... )

People do not want to be near each other or anywhere close to you (social distancing, negative reinforcement, fear)

That powerful drug called dopamine which was encapsulated in the form of validation, has now been taken off the market and nobody's pushing it anymore. There's the occasional hit here and there but it's not the same (it's not as strong, powerful, pure or even meaningful anymore).


my brothers...

I ask you...


As to myself: Deep down inside, I will ALWAYS say yes without question and now more than ever due to this Defrancq situation (will get to that later) but this is a PERSONAL CHOICE.

I am WAY TOO DEEP IN THIS GAME (heavily invested in myself) I must have spent about 60k so far in total and that is only on the lower third! (I still need to finish my eyes and hair!) Only to give up now but that doesn't mean even if I can fix my situation, that it will transpire into anything worthwhile; with the way the world is headed.

My plans are rooted in the Fashion and Entertainment industries but it's obvious that these sectors have been rocked by the current "crises": concerts are being cancelled, tours are being canceled, events/venues and photoshoots are all being postponed until "further notice" etc... (every industry is being hit hard by this, nevermind the "non-essential" industries that I hope to forge a career in).

Covid-19 (I'm SO sick of hearing this fucking name) i.e. Coronavirus has FUCKED UP ALL OF MY LOOKSMAXING PLANS.

What do you think the general consensus on elective surgery is? Right... (and not that IGAF) but I can't even get a fucking CT Scan now (God these fucking idiots have been gripped by fear).

*Truth be told, I can still get all the surgery I want (that's what happens when you've a solid rapport and history with certain surgeons). However, these normal insignificant issues (such as getting a CT scan) have now become barriers to entry, so to speak.

Point being, that this entire "crisis" has made everything incredibly difficult, inconvenient or literally impossible.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter (PAY ATTENTION)

I'm saying this because it NEEDS to be said and also because I'm VEXED BEYOND BELIEF.

These GODDAMN uncivilized filthy Chinese vermin
🐀 (fucking communist animals *I'll get to them later): have invaded, subverted and sabotaged America (not to mention infected the rest of the world now) in collaboration with technocratic globalist (scientists, engineers, money changers and bureaucrats); such as renowned eugenicist Bill Gates.
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Now... some of you who are ill informed, might be thinking, how can this subhuman cuck Bill Gates have ANY control (power) in this situation.

Listen... Bill Gate's net worth is 102.1 billion USD. People at this level (let's be honest, Gates invented this level) obviously are not concerned with money (because they have it all and are generationally wealthy) but what they are after, is POWER and CONTROL.

Bill Gates and those like him (Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk etc...) have all the power and control that they could possibly need. Unfortunately, need and want are two seperate drives and these types of individuals are never satisfied.

The individuals named above and those like them, unfortunately have been and are; shaping culture, policy, rules, regulations and laws in America. Furthermore, their unsatiated drive for power extends FAR BEYOND America and concerns the rest of the world.

One World, One Order. These are the new technocratic "elite" who would like to rule over us.

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This event (covid-19 pandemic) has been planned for some time (Event 201) and Gates is one of its progenitors. They didn’t get the results they hoped for with SARS, Avian or Swine Flu, so now they are hoping with this latest virus that they will wreak enough economic havoc and cause significant fear that people will be begging for a vaccine and ‘digital certificate’ (pay attention!)

EVENT 201:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

The scenario (WORD FOR WORD):

"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."


Mmmm that's strange... this ENTIRE event (less the origin of outbreak) came to fruition... LITERALLY play by play. Didn't they try to tell us initially that this was zoonotic and it's genesis was the wet markets of Wuhan where it was transmitted from bats to people (because the Chinese are fucking filthy, unhygienic and enjoy slaughtering/eating "exotic"/wild animals)?

Yes... yes they did.

Aren't they telling us that there is no possibility of a vaccine being available until next year? (thus nothing available the first year).

Yes... yes they are.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increased exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences have become increasingly severe, have they not?

Yes... yes they have.

Haven't they told the people in America (increasingly so) that these lockdowns were only for 2 weeks, then 1 month and now it's looking like 3 months with talks into the summer of NEXT YEAR (cycling these lockdowns on and off) for a total of just about 18 months?

Yes... yes they have.

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Is ANYONE noticing a fucking pattern here!?
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But I couldn't forget, the last part of the scenario is the best:

"The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."

This is where your buddy Bill Gates steps up to the plate. Haven't you noticed Gates appearing more and more frequently on TV, and giving interviews as well as "sharing" his thoughts on the pandemic (like anyone GIVES A FUCK) but they should ... because he's slowly revealing his, and those like him, intentions...

An excerpt and direct quote from the NPR Gates interview:

Gates has gone on record to say, that he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine...

"What I'm saying, what Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is saying, what some other experts are saying, there's a great deal of consistency. We're not sure yet which activities should be resumed, because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had, the risk of a rebound will be there."


there is an effective vaccine
-because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had

Wow... sounds like Bill's really pushing for a global vaccine... you know... one that everybody has to have in order for certain things to resume (travel, work, dining out etc...) you know, normal things that every society has had and done for ages and of course only things that have benefits to society (at his discretion of course).

It almost sounds like it just might be compulsory to have these vaccines... you know... like forced inoculations.


“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,” Ingraham said.


This CRIMINAL (Bill Gates) IS SO BRAZEN that he did a Reddit AMA and recited the same answer:



This is it... I don't care if you believe in religion or "conspiracy theories" but THIS IS WHAT WAS FORETOLD AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

Revelation 13, which states, beginning in verse 16, concerning the Mark of the Beast:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

If you don't take these vaccinations, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This is the POWER and CONTROL that these types of criminals want.

We are living revelations in reality and Bill Gates is laying it all out for you – assuming you’re paying attention. Everything he’s presenting as the “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis was foretold long ago by the prophets, and now it’s coming to fruition under the guise of stopping a global pandemic and ensuring that everyone has a proper “digital identity.”

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Keep in mind that this all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

A report from Futurism explains the quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future!



Let me set the table for you and show how it's going to play out in the future:

First you will be microchipped whether you want to be or not. This microchip will initially just include information about you and whether or not you have received the vaccine or not. These microchips will be tracked using cell towers and other sensors when you walk into public places, stores etc.

Walmart already uses similar technology to track you when you walk into their stores. They have RFID scanners inside the metal detectors when you walk in the entrance and at checkout. They track your purchasing, what you paid for it, how frequently, and use statistical analysis on your buying habits to price and stock items. Many Walmart's also have implemented facial recognition systems. These same scanner also pick up the MAC address your phone broadcasts and tracks you using that as well. Microsoft was the company that helped Walmart create these systems. Israel is already tracking citizens phones and locations and ordering suspected infected people to quarantine.

Eventually, these microchips will also store your bank account information. Cash will be banned entirely and you will just tap/swipe your chip to pay for items. If the government doesn't like you, or you are dissenting against your leaders, no problem, they will just turn your chip off. You will no longer be able to pay for anything, and as far as society is concerned you will be an outcast. A new digital currency will be ushered in. It will be considered a safe and official alternative to cryptocurrency that you can "trust". But in reality it will be just 1's and 0s on a computer screen that can be easily manipulated.

Those who refuse the chip will be sent to isolated concentration camps you will not return from. These camps already exist. In the US, these camps are already stocked with millions of plastic coffins (OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT THOSE?).

It will become acceptable to receive a chip because you will be doing it for the "safety of society". Those who refuse will be ostracized similar to those who refuse vaccines. These chips will be used to continually monitor and track all civilians. They will use rich and famous people first to implant them to try to convince the average person that it's "cool" and normal to get these chips. If you don't get the chip you will not be able to buy anything, and you will not be able to work, and you will be denied healthcare. If you refuse to let your child get the chip, they will forcefully inject it anyway, and possibly put them under new custody.

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged, even after the virus is under control. People will be encouraged to work from home, use their chips to buy things online, watch tv, play video games, use their phones and other devices. Everything you say online will be tracked and monitored and linked to globally unique number which will be embedded in your chip. Your devices will all become "smart" devices which have microphones and GPS sensors. Your own home will be a wiretapping system that you will purchase on your own.

This plan has been in action since at least the 80's.

Let look at how it's already playing out now:

"Dr." Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the Health Emergencies Programme for W.H.O.
is now trying to say that in most parts of the world DUE TO LOCKDOWN, most of the transmission of the virus
is happening in the household, at the family level.

"So... now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and REMOVE THEM and ISOLATE THEM."

Forcibly come into YOUR home and take YOU away....

2. Anti-COVID19 volunteer drone task force watching you and reporting on you every second; commanding you to obey
social distancing rules. Barking at you like a dog.


Speakers setup outside shopping centres "reminding you" every other minute; like a child, to wash your hands and
maintain social distancing.

3. The LA City Mayor has now said that snitches get rewards... literally.... "we want to thank you for turning folks
in and making sure that we are all safe".


Does this sound familiar to anyone!? Does that not remind you of the 1930's Soviet (communist!) Tradition of Snitching:
when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions,
advance their career or curry favor (no pun intended) with the authorities.


This is SO brazen, it is INSANE that NOBODY is saying ANYTHING regarding the criminal takeover by communist in our corrupt government.

4. 5G: Yes, let's get to why people are burning down 5G towers across the world.

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies, they are not planning to deploy it in Israel (BIG FUCKING SURPRISE!).

The Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.


The study out of Washington State University, titled “The Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China,” by Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Washington State University raises questions about the “causal role” 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus in places where it was rolled out first — such as in Wuhan.

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease.

I want to applaud the people of the UK for standing up against their satanic government.




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Now... for what you've all been waiting for:

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Figure it out!




You write really good, haha. Should become a writer.

What you said about Defrancq... I fully trust you 100% if you said that he sucks. I will cancel all my plans then and I will go Raffaini, in Italy or maybe ... maybe will go with local surgeons... fuck my life.

That's too bad, I thought he is the right surgeon to go with..

I'm actually sad and disappointed in the same time. I even went to London to consult him irl and wasted overall over 200 EURO.

There are 2-3 more new cases: As far as I can see Adrenochrome opened my delusional eyes and indeed he is not an aestethical surgeon.

This all thing is a bit contradictory, I'm saying this because when I went to Defrancq office in London we talked so openly and he even showed me results from other patients and the results were really, really fucking good. I saw a case with a guy that had a BSSO + Le Fort + Cheek implants(same thing I would also need) and I was REALLY impressed, dude looked like a different person.

I'm sorry that you don't like the results man...that's pretty fucking depressing.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Adrenochrome and MandibularCel
As always, shout out to my Sicarios, mis compañeros de cultura estetica (LMS CARTEL). These gentleman live the life I live (or are on track to) and have faced the same, if not similar challenges in the LMS game.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

Sicario Status In Effect 📿 🤝 🗡🩸🩸🗡

@KDA Player

....LMS CARTEL... Shout out to my brothers!! 🤘🏼👺👹 🔥🔥🔥🔫🔫🔫 💨

You wanted an update, well... here it is:



I'm in a dark place right now brothers...

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In despair, not only because of the deafening disappointment with Defrancq but also due to the destruction of freedom which DIRECTLY impacts our looksmaxing endeavors.

I've been thinking lately... is this even worth it anymore? (looksmaxing)
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Of course, in the past (just two months ago), I would have answered yes, without hesitation.
However, given recent events/circumstances...
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I cannot get this voice out of my head that keeps telling me ... IT'S OVER ...
Not just for looksmaxing but for freedom and the old world (the way we lived our lives previously) which has ENORMOUS implications for our looksmaxing lifestyle (Ascend to Slay&Play and/or handcuff a virgin wife, and validation), as the two are intertwined (freedom and looksmaxing) Sounds dramatic right? But is it...

I don't think so, not at all and I'll explain why.

This is a time of mourning for humanity... a time of great sorrow, this is NOT "business as usual."
We've entered the dawn of a new era: The post human era
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This post human era was and officially is, being brought into effect via the Covid19 "crisis" and it affects EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES (including one of the most paramount to people like ourselves ... looksmaxing).

We looksmax to ascend and we ascend for many different reasons (some stated above):

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I'm sorry, I couldn't resist haha

Handcuff a virgin wife to start a family and pass along our genes in hopes of better breeding/stronger aesthetics etc...
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and/or pure validation etc...
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You can forget about ALL of that now as the world is on LOCKDOWN 🔒 🌏 🔒
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(well... the West and just about every other country in the world except those communist animals in China or the more intelligent Japanese/South Koreans).

Let's look at America....
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America is a prime example because what's happening to it right now is UNPRECEDENTED (It used to be a world premier super power and represent freedom but has slowly transformed into... well... I'll let you decide but I will say, that this pandemic (more specifically, Coronavirus) is going to be the justification to strip it's citizens of all their natural rights and rape them financially. I also think it sets the stage for a one world, one government initiative (perhaps not immediately so but more on that later).

To the point then, Looksmaxing

EVERYTHING that you hoped to achieve via ascending is crushed with three simple "crisis" mitigation protocols and variable programmed/condition responses:

2. Social Distancing
3. Negative reinforcement for not adhering to the above two rules (vilification and social shaming)

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Tinder/Dating/Meeting/Hooking-up = ALL AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Sure... you might have SOME people who OCCASIONALLY hook up (literally meet and fuck by circumventing lockdown) but for the vast majority, it's over.

Netflix and Chill ....OVER....

Obviously you're not going out for coffee first or out to eat at any restaurants, or to catch a show etc... EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is on lockdown.

The chances of finding a virgin wife i.e. the ONLY suitable type of female to be a life partner and mother to your future offspring have just dropped DRASTICALLY (world wide) AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Obviously America is NOT the country to look for a virgin (because they're basically non-existent due to cultural norms) so one would carefully chose from a different country, with different cultural norms i.e. travel to country of choice: date and validate/filter out a suitable partner until they find one who meets their standards.


View attachment 349787

Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission

Country Transmission Level

Widespread ongoing transmission with restrictions on entry to the United States
Widespread ongoing transmission without restrictions on entry to the United States
Ongoing community transmission
Limited community transmission

Full Map & details:

Actually, there are many viable countries with no entry restrictions FOR NOW... but how long do you think that is going to last?

Even IF restrictions are lifted (God only knows when) or notwithstanding restrictions, the psychological aspect of this viral outbreak (pandemic) will loom for quite some time i.e.

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Just like those criminals in the western governments who said people should have had savings 4 months in advance, prior to losing their jobs/businesses due to prolonged lockdown (purposely so and by design of this "crisis") YOU should have had a stable of virgins in rotation that you were talking to in order to secure your superior mate and future offspring; well in advance of this lockdown.

Do you really think that you're going to be able to find a viable life partner NOW.... during these times and the times to come? Most people are currently in a state of extreme fear and shock i.e. survival mode (low money or no money, no job or on the verge of losing job/going out of business, can't pay rent or losing home, not able to buy enough or maintain a high quality level of food and/or going into extreme debt etc... and the list goes on).

The point is, people are not prioritizing finding a life partner and certainly not to build a family, as many cannot even sustain themselves.

VALIDATION: AXED 🪓 by 2 and 3 + P&C R

Literally... people do not even want to look in your line of sight (survival mode: they're not thinking about you, they're thinking "do I have enough food? why am I out shopping now? I don't want to catch the virus! How come there's no toiletries? Oh yeah because fear and panic caused the low iq masses to hoard "essentials". Am I going to have enough money next month to pay bills/rent? Am I still going to have a job by the end of this month etc... )

People do not want to be near each other or anywhere close to you (social distancing, negative reinforcement, fear)

That powerful drug called dopamine which was encapsulated in the form of validation, has now been taken off the market and nobody's pushing it anymore. There's the occasional hit here and there but it's not the same (it's not as strong, powerful, pure or even meaningful anymore).


my brothers...

I ask you...


As to myself: Deep down inside, I will ALWAYS say yes without question and now more than ever due to this Defrancq situation (will get to that later) but this is a PERSONAL CHOICE.

I am WAY TOO DEEP IN THIS GAME (heavily invested in myself) I must have spent about 60k so far in total and that is only on the lower third! (I still need to finish my eyes and hair!) Only to give up now but that doesn't mean even if I can fix my situation, that it will transpire into anything worthwhile; with the way the world is headed.

My plans are rooted in the Fashion and Entertainment industries but it's obvious that these sectors have been rocked by the current "crises": concerts are being cancelled, tours are being canceled, events/venues and photoshoots are all being postponed until "further notice" etc... (every industry is being hit hard by this, nevermind the "non-essential" industries that I hope to forge a career in).

Covid-19 (I'm SO sick of hearing this fucking name) i.e. Coronavirus has FUCKED UP ALL OF MY LOOKSMAXING PLANS.

What do you think the general consensus on elective surgery is? Right... (and not that IGAF) but I can't even get a fucking CT Scan now (God these fucking idiots have been gripped by fear).

*Truth be told, I can still get all the surgery I want (that's what happens when you've a solid rapport and history with certain surgeons). However, these normal insignificant issues (such as getting a CT scan) have now become barriers to entry, so to speak.

Point being, that this entire "crisis" has made everything incredibly difficult, inconvenient or literally impossible.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter (PAY ATTENTION)

I'm saying this because it NEEDS to be said and also because I'm VEXED BEYOND BELIEF.

These GODDAMN uncivilized filthy Chinese vermin
🐀 (fucking communist animals *I'll get to them later): have invaded, subverted and sabotaged America (not to mention infected the rest of the world now) in collaboration with technocratic globalist (scientists, engineers, money changers and bureaucrats); such as renowned eugenicist Bill Gates.
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Now... some of you who are ill informed, might be thinking, how can this subhuman cuck Bill Gates have ANY control (power) in this situation.

Listen... Bill Gate's net worth is 102.1 billion USD. People at this level (let's be honest, Gates invented this level) obviously are not concerned with money (because they have it all and are generationally wealthy) but what they are after, is POWER and CONTROL.

Bill Gates and those like him (Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk etc...) have all the power and control that they could possibly need. Unfortunately, need and want are two seperate drives and these types of individuals are never satisfied.

The individuals named above and those like them, unfortunately have been and are; shaping culture, policy, rules, regulations and laws in America. Furthermore, their unsatiated drive for power extends FAR BEYOND America and concerns the rest of the world.

One World, One Order. These are the new technocratic "elite" who would like to rule over us.

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This event (covid-19 pandemic) has been planned for some time (Event 201) and Gates is one of its progenitors. They didn’t get the results they hoped for with SARS, Avian or Swine Flu, so now they are hoping with this latest virus that they will wreak enough economic havoc and cause significant fear that people will be begging for a vaccine and ‘digital certificate’ (pay attention!)

EVENT 201:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

The scenario (WORD FOR WORD):

"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."


Mmmm that's strange... this ENTIRE event (less the origin of outbreak) came to fruition... LITERALLY play by play. Didn't they try to tell us initially that this was zoonotic and it's genesis was the wet markets of Wuhan where it was transmitted from bats to people (because the Chinese are fucking filthy, unhygienic and enjoy slaughtering/eating "exotic"/wild animals)?

Yes... yes they did.

Aren't they telling us that there is no possibility of a vaccine being available until next year? (thus nothing available the first year).

Yes... yes they are.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increased exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences have become increasingly severe, have they not?

Yes... yes they have.

Haven't they told the people in America (increasingly so) that these lockdowns were only for 2 weeks, then 1 month and now it's looking like 3 months with talks into the summer of NEXT YEAR (cycling these lockdowns on and off) for a total of just about 18 months?

Yes... yes they have.

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Is ANYONE noticing a fucking pattern here!?
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But I couldn't forget, the last part of the scenario is the best:

"The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."

This is where your buddy Bill Gates steps up to the plate. Haven't you noticed Gates appearing more and more frequently on TV, and giving interviews as well as "sharing" his thoughts on the pandemic (like anyone GIVES A FUCK) but they should ... because he's slowly revealing his, and those like him, intentions...

An excerpt and direct quote from the NPR Gates interview:

Gates has gone on record to say, that he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine...

"What I'm saying, what Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is saying, what some other experts are saying, there's a great deal of consistency. We're not sure yet which activities should be resumed, because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had, the risk of a rebound will be there."


there is an effective vaccine
-because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had

Wow... sounds like Bill's really pushing for a global vaccine... you know... one that everybody has to have in order for certain things to resume (travel, work, dining out etc...) you know, normal things that every society has had and done for ages and of course only things that have benefits to society (at his discretion of course).

It almost sounds like it just might be compulsory to have these vaccines... you know... like forced inoculations.


“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,” Ingraham said.


This CRIMINAL (Bill Gates) IS SO BRAZEN that he did a Reddit AMA and recited the same answer:



This is it... I don't care if you believe in religion or "conspiracy theories" but THIS IS WHAT WAS FORETOLD AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

Revelation 13, which states, beginning in verse 16, concerning the Mark of the Beast:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

If you don't take these vaccinations, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This is the POWER and CONTROL that these types of criminals want.

We are living revelations in reality and Bill Gates is laying it all out for you – assuming you’re paying attention. Everything he’s presenting as the “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis was foretold long ago by the prophets, and now it’s coming to fruition under the guise of stopping a global pandemic and ensuring that everyone has a proper “digital identity.”

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Keep in mind that this all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

A report from Futurism explains the quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future!



Let me set the table for you and show how it's going to play out in the future:

First you will be microchipped whether you want to be or not. This microchip will initially just include information about you and whether or not you have received the vaccine or not. These microchips will be tracked using cell towers and other sensors when you walk into public places, stores etc.

Walmart already uses similar technology to track you when you walk into their stores. They have RFID scanners inside the metal detectors when you walk in the entrance and at checkout. They track your purchasing, what you paid for it, how frequently, and use statistical analysis on your buying habits to price and stock items. Many Walmart's also have implemented facial recognition systems. These same scanner also pick up the MAC address your phone broadcasts and tracks you using that as well. Microsoft was the company that helped Walmart create these systems. Israel is already tracking citizens phones and locations and ordering suspected infected people to quarantine.

Eventually, these microchips will also store your bank account information. Cash will be banned entirely and you will just tap/swipe your chip to pay for items. If the government doesn't like you, or you are dissenting against your leaders, no problem, they will just turn your chip off. You will no longer be able to pay for anything, and as far as society is concerned you will be an outcast. A new digital currency will be ushered in. It will be considered a safe and official alternative to cryptocurrency that you can "trust". But in reality it will be just 1's and 0s on a computer screen that can be easily manipulated.

Those who refuse the chip will be sent to isolated concentration camps you will not return from. These camps already exist. In the US, these camps are already stocked with millions of plastic coffins (OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT THOSE?).

It will become acceptable to receive a chip because you will be doing it for the "safety of society". Those who refuse will be ostracized similar to those who refuse vaccines. These chips will be used to continually monitor and track all civilians. They will use rich and famous people first to implant them to try to convince the average person that it's "cool" and normal to get these chips. If you don't get the chip you will not be able to buy anything, and you will not be able to work, and you will be denied healthcare. If you refuse to let your child get the chip, they will forcefully inject it anyway, and possibly put them under new custody.

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged, even after the virus is under control. People will be encouraged to work from home, use their chips to buy things online, watch tv, play video games, use their phones and other devices. Everything you say online will be tracked and monitored and linked to globally unique number which will be embedded in your chip. Your devices will all become "smart" devices which have microphones and GPS sensors. Your own home will be a wiretapping system that you will purchase on your own.

This plan has been in action since at least the 80's.

Let look at how it's already playing out now:

"Dr." Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the Health Emergencies Programme for W.H.O.
is now trying to say that in most parts of the world DUE TO LOCKDOWN, most of the transmission of the virus
is happening in the household, at the family level.

"So... now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and REMOVE THEM and ISOLATE THEM."

Forcibly come into YOUR home and take YOU away....

2. Anti-COVID19 volunteer drone task force watching you and reporting on you every second; commanding you to obey
social distancing rules. Barking at you like a dog.


Speakers setup outside shopping centres "reminding you" every other minute; like a child, to wash your hands and
maintain social distancing.

3. The LA City Mayor has now said that snitches get rewards... literally.... "we want to thank you for turning folks
in and making sure that we are all safe".


Does this sound familiar to anyone!? Does that not remind you of the 1930's Soviet (communist!) Tradition of Snitching:
when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions,
advance their career or curry favor (no pun intended) with the authorities.


This is SO brazen, it is INSANE that NOBODY is saying ANYTHING regarding the criminal takeover by communist in our corrupt government.

4. 5G: Yes, let's get to why people are burning down 5G towers across the world.

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies, they are not planning to deploy it in Israel (BIG FUCKING SURPRISE!).

The Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.


The study out of Washington State University, titled “The Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China,” by Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Washington State University raises questions about the “causal role” 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus in places where it was rolled out first — such as in Wuhan.

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease.

I want to applaud the people of the UK for standing up against their satanic government.




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Now... for what you've all been waiting for:

01000100 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01000100 01100101 01100110 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100011 01110001 00111111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01101000 01100101 00100111 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101111 01100110 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100001 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110100 01101001 01100011 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100100 01110101 01100011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100100 01101001 01110011 01100001 01110011 01110100 01110010 01101111 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110101 01101100 01110100 01110011 00101100 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101001 01101110 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100010 01101100 01110101 01100101 01110000 01110010 01101001 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100101 01110011 01101001 01100111 01101110 00101110 00100000 00100000 00001010 00001010 01001000 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100001 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110100 01101001 01100011 00100000 01110011 01101001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01101111 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View attachment 350570

Figure it out!




You have gone off the rockers my dude. You have no sanity whatsoever.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: bysontallou, Slayerino, Deleted member 6401 and 1 other person
As always, shout out to my Sicarios, mis compañeros de cultura estetica (LMS CARTEL). These gentleman live the life I live (or are on track to) and have faced the same, if not similar challenges in the LMS game.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

Sicario Status In Effect 📿 🤝 🗡🩸🩸🗡

@KDA Player

....LMS CARTEL... Shout out to my brothers!! 🤘🏼👺👹 🔥🔥🔥🔫🔫🔫 💨

You wanted an update, well... here it is:



I'm in a dark place right now brothers...

View attachment 350595
In despair, not only because of the deafening disappointment with Defrancq but also due to the destruction of freedom which DIRECTLY impacts our looksmaxing endeavors.

I've been thinking lately... is this even worth it anymore? (looksmaxing)
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Of course, in the past (just two months ago), I would have answered yes, without hesitation.
However, given recent events/circumstances...
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I cannot get this voice out of my head that keeps telling me ... IT'S OVER ...
Not just for looksmaxing but for freedom and the old world (the way we lived our lives previously) which has ENORMOUS implications for our looksmaxing lifestyle (Ascend to Slay&Play and/or handcuff a virgin wife, and validation), as the two are intertwined (freedom and looksmaxing) Sounds dramatic right? But is it...

I don't think so, not at all and I'll explain why.

This is a time of mourning for humanity... a time of great sorrow, this is NOT "business as usual."
We've entered the dawn of a new era: The post human era
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This post human era was and officially is, being brought into effect via the Covid19 "crisis" and it affects EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES (including one of the most paramount to people like ourselves ... looksmaxing).

We looksmax to ascend and we ascend for many different reasons (some stated above):

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I'm sorry, I couldn't resist haha

Handcuff a virgin wife to start a family and pass along our genes in hopes of better breeding/stronger aesthetics etc...
View attachment 350613

and/or pure validation etc...
View attachment 350615


You can forget about ALL of that now as the world is on LOCKDOWN 🔒 🌏 🔒
View attachment 349754
(well... the West and just about every other country in the world except those communist animals in China or the more intelligent Japanese/South Koreans).

Let's look at America....
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America is a prime example because what's happening to it right now is UNPRECEDENTED (It used to be a world premier super power and represent freedom but has slowly transformed into... well... I'll let you decide but I will say, that this pandemic (more specifically, Coronavirus) is going to be the justification to strip it's citizens of all their natural rights and rape them financially. I also think it sets the stage for a one world, one government initiative (perhaps not immediately so but more on that later).

To the point then, Looksmaxing

EVERYTHING that you hoped to achieve via ascending is crushed with three simple "crisis" mitigation protocols and variable programmed/condition responses:

2. Social Distancing
3. Negative reinforcement for not adhering to the above two rules (vilification and social shaming)

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Tinder/Dating/Meeting/Hooking-up = ALL AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Sure... you might have SOME people who OCCASIONALLY hook up (literally meet and fuck by circumventing lockdown) but for the vast majority, it's over.

Netflix and Chill ....OVER....

Obviously you're not going out for coffee first or out to eat at any restaurants, or to catch a show etc... EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is on lockdown.

The chances of finding a virgin wife i.e. the ONLY suitable type of female to be a life partner and mother to your future offspring have just dropped DRASTICALLY (world wide) AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Obviously America is NOT the country to look for a virgin (because they're basically non-existent due to cultural norms) so one would carefully chose from a different country, with different cultural norms i.e. travel to country of choice: date and validate/filter out a suitable partner until they find one who meets their standards.


View attachment 349787

Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission

Country Transmission Level

Widespread ongoing transmission with restrictions on entry to the United States
Widespread ongoing transmission without restrictions on entry to the United States
Ongoing community transmission
Limited community transmission

Full Map & details:

Actually, there are many viable countries with no entry restrictions FOR NOW... but how long do you think that is going to last?

Even IF restrictions are lifted (God only knows when) or notwithstanding restrictions, the psychological aspect of this viral outbreak (pandemic) will loom for quite some time i.e.

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Just like those criminals in the western governments who said people should have had savings 4 months in advance, prior to losing their jobs/businesses due to prolonged lockdown (purposely so and by design of this "crisis") YOU should have had a stable of virgins in rotation that you were talking to in order to secure your superior mate and future offspring; well in advance of this lockdown.

Do you really think that you're going to be able to find a viable life partner NOW.... during these times and the times to come? Most people are currently in a state of extreme fear and shock i.e. survival mode (low money or no money, no job or on the verge of losing job/going out of business, can't pay rent or losing home, not able to buy enough or maintain a high quality level of food and/or going into extreme debt etc... and the list goes on).

The point is, people are not prioritizing finding a life partner and certainly not to build a family, as many cannot even sustain themselves.

VALIDATION: AXED 🪓 by 2 and 3 + P&C R

Literally... people do not even want to look in your line of sight (survival mode: they're not thinking about you, they're thinking "do I have enough food? why am I out shopping now? I don't want to catch the virus! How come there's no toiletries? Oh yeah because fear and panic caused the low iq masses to hoard "essentials". Am I going to have enough money next month to pay bills/rent? Am I still going to have a job by the end of this month etc... )

People do not want to be near each other or anywhere close to you (social distancing, negative reinforcement, fear)

That powerful drug called dopamine which was encapsulated in the form of validation, has now been taken off the market and nobody's pushing it anymore. There's the occasional hit here and there but it's not the same (it's not as strong, powerful, pure or even meaningful anymore).


my brothers...

I ask you...


As to myself: Deep down inside, I will ALWAYS say yes without question and now more than ever due to this Defrancq situation (will get to that later) but this is a PERSONAL CHOICE.

I am WAY TOO DEEP IN THIS GAME (heavily invested in myself) I must have spent about 60k so far in total and that is only on the lower third! (I still need to finish my eyes and hair!) Only to give up now but that doesn't mean even if I can fix my situation, that it will transpire into anything worthwhile; with the way the world is headed.

My plans are rooted in the Fashion and Entertainment industries but it's obvious that these sectors have been rocked by the current "crises": concerts are being cancelled, tours are being canceled, events/venues and photoshoots are all being postponed until "further notice" etc... (every industry is being hit hard by this, nevermind the "non-essential" industries that I hope to forge a career in).

Covid-19 (I'm SO sick of hearing this fucking name) i.e. Coronavirus has FUCKED UP ALL OF MY LOOKSMAXING PLANS.

What do you think the general consensus on elective surgery is? Right... (and not that IGAF) but I can't even get a fucking CT Scan now (God these fucking idiots have been gripped by fear).

*Truth be told, I can still get all the surgery I want (that's what happens when you've a solid rapport and history with certain surgeons). However, these normal insignificant issues (such as getting a CT scan) have now become barriers to entry, so to speak.

Point being, that this entire "crisis" has made everything incredibly difficult, inconvenient or literally impossible.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter (PAY ATTENTION)

I'm saying this because it NEEDS to be said and also because I'm VEXED BEYOND BELIEF.

These GODDAMN uncivilized filthy Chinese vermin
🐀 (fucking communist animals *I'll get to them later): have invaded, subverted and sabotaged America (not to mention infected the rest of the world now) in collaboration with technocratic globalist (scientists, engineers, money changers and bureaucrats); such as renowned eugenicist Bill Gates.
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Now... some of you who are ill informed, might be thinking, how can this subhuman cuck Bill Gates have ANY control (power) in this situation.

Listen... Bill Gate's net worth is 102.1 billion USD. People at this level (let's be honest, Gates invented this level) obviously are not concerned with money (because they have it all and are generationally wealthy) but what they are after, is POWER and CONTROL.

Bill Gates and those like him (Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk etc...) have all the power and control that they could possibly need. Unfortunately, need and want are two seperate drives and these types of individuals are never satisfied.

The individuals named above and those like them, unfortunately have been and are; shaping culture, policy, rules, regulations and laws in America. Furthermore, their unsatiated drive for power extends FAR BEYOND America and concerns the rest of the world.

One World, One Order. These are the new technocratic "elite" who would like to rule over us.

View attachment 350469

This event (covid-19 pandemic) has been planned for some time (Event 201) and Gates is one of its progenitors. They didn’t get the results they hoped for with SARS, Avian or Swine Flu, so now they are hoping with this latest virus that they will wreak enough economic havoc and cause significant fear that people will be begging for a vaccine and ‘digital certificate’ (pay attention!)

EVENT 201:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

The scenario (WORD FOR WORD):

"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."


Mmmm that's strange... this ENTIRE event (less the origin of outbreak) came to fruition... LITERALLY play by play. Didn't they try to tell us initially that this was zoonotic and it's genesis was the wet markets of Wuhan where it was transmitted from bats to people (because the Chinese are fucking filthy, unhygienic and enjoy slaughtering/eating "exotic"/wild animals)?

Yes... yes they did.

Aren't they telling us that there is no possibility of a vaccine being available until next year? (thus nothing available the first year).

Yes... yes they are.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increased exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences have become increasingly severe, have they not?

Yes... yes they have.

Haven't they told the people in America (increasingly so) that these lockdowns were only for 2 weeks, then 1 month and now it's looking like 3 months with talks into the summer of NEXT YEAR (cycling these lockdowns on and off) for a total of just about 18 months?

Yes... yes they have.

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Is ANYONE noticing a fucking pattern here!?
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But I couldn't forget, the last part of the scenario is the best:

"The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."

This is where your buddy Bill Gates steps up to the plate. Haven't you noticed Gates appearing more and more frequently on TV, and giving interviews as well as "sharing" his thoughts on the pandemic (like anyone GIVES A FUCK) but they should ... because he's slowly revealing his, and those like him, intentions...

An excerpt and direct quote from the NPR Gates interview:

Gates has gone on record to say, that he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine...

"What I'm saying, what Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is saying, what some other experts are saying, there's a great deal of consistency. We're not sure yet which activities should be resumed, because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had, the risk of a rebound will be there."


there is an effective vaccine
-because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had

Wow... sounds like Bill's really pushing for a global vaccine... you know... one that everybody has to have in order for certain things to resume (travel, work, dining out etc...) you know, normal things that every society has had and done for ages and of course only things that have benefits to society (at his discretion of course).

It almost sounds like it just might be compulsory to have these vaccines... you know... like forced inoculations.


“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,” Ingraham said.


This CRIMINAL (Bill Gates) IS SO BRAZEN that he did a Reddit AMA and recited the same answer:



This is it... I don't care if you believe in religion or "conspiracy theories" but THIS IS WHAT WAS FORETOLD AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

Revelation 13, which states, beginning in verse 16, concerning the Mark of the Beast:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

If you don't take these vaccinations, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This is the POWER and CONTROL that these types of criminals want.

We are living revelations in reality and Bill Gates is laying it all out for you – assuming you’re paying attention. Everything he’s presenting as the “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis was foretold long ago by the prophets, and now it’s coming to fruition under the guise of stopping a global pandemic and ensuring that everyone has a proper “digital identity.”

View attachment 350465 View attachment 350467

Keep in mind that this all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

A report from Futurism explains the quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future!



Let me set the table for you and show how it's going to play out in the future:

First you will be microchipped whether you want to be or not. This microchip will initially just include information about you and whether or not you have received the vaccine or not. These microchips will be tracked using cell towers and other sensors when you walk into public places, stores etc.

Walmart already uses similar technology to track you when you walk into their stores. They have RFID scanners inside the metal detectors when you walk in the entrance and at checkout. They track your purchasing, what you paid for it, how frequently, and use statistical analysis on your buying habits to price and stock items. Many Walmart's also have implemented facial recognition systems. These same scanner also pick up the MAC address your phone broadcasts and tracks you using that as well. Microsoft was the company that helped Walmart create these systems. Israel is already tracking citizens phones and locations and ordering suspected infected people to quarantine.

Eventually, these microchips will also store your bank account information. Cash will be banned entirely and you will just tap/swipe your chip to pay for items. If the government doesn't like you, or you are dissenting against your leaders, no problem, they will just turn your chip off. You will no longer be able to pay for anything, and as far as society is concerned you will be an outcast. A new digital currency will be ushered in. It will be considered a safe and official alternative to cryptocurrency that you can "trust". But in reality it will be just 1's and 0s on a computer screen that can be easily manipulated.

Those who refuse the chip will be sent to isolated concentration camps you will not return from. These camps already exist. In the US, these camps are already stocked with millions of plastic coffins (OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT THOSE?).

It will become acceptable to receive a chip because you will be doing it for the "safety of society". Those who refuse will be ostracized similar to those who refuse vaccines. These chips will be used to continually monitor and track all civilians. They will use rich and famous people first to implant them to try to convince the average person that it's "cool" and normal to get these chips. If you don't get the chip you will not be able to buy anything, and you will not be able to work, and you will be denied healthcare. If you refuse to let your child get the chip, they will forcefully inject it anyway, and possibly put them under new custody.

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged, even after the virus is under control. People will be encouraged to work from home, use their chips to buy things online, watch tv, play video games, use their phones and other devices. Everything you say online will be tracked and monitored and linked to globally unique number which will be embedded in your chip. Your devices will all become "smart" devices which have microphones and GPS sensors. Your own home will be a wiretapping system that you will purchase on your own.

This plan has been in action since at least the 80's.

Let look at how it's already playing out now:

"Dr." Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the Health Emergencies Programme for W.H.O.
is now trying to say that in most parts of the world DUE TO LOCKDOWN, most of the transmission of the virus
is happening in the household, at the family level.

"So... now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and REMOVE THEM and ISOLATE THEM."

Forcibly come into YOUR home and take YOU away....

2. Anti-COVID19 volunteer drone task force watching you and reporting on you every second; commanding you to obey
social distancing rules. Barking at you like a dog.


Speakers setup outside shopping centres "reminding you" every other minute; like a child, to wash your hands and
maintain social distancing.

3. The LA City Mayor has now said that snitches get rewards... literally.... "we want to thank you for turning folks
in and making sure that we are all safe".


Does this sound familiar to anyone!? Does that not remind you of the 1930's Soviet (communist!) Tradition of Snitching:
when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions,
advance their career or curry favor (no pun intended) with the authorities.


This is SO brazen, it is INSANE that NOBODY is saying ANYTHING regarding the criminal takeover by communist in our corrupt government.

4. 5G: Yes, let's get to why people are burning down 5G towers across the world.

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies, they are not planning to deploy it in Israel (BIG FUCKING SURPRISE!).

The Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.


The study out of Washington State University, titled “The Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China,” by Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Washington State University raises questions about the “causal role” 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus in places where it was rolled out first — such as in Wuhan.

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease.

I want to applaud the people of the UK for standing up against their satanic government.




View attachment 350580


Now... for what you've all been waiting for:

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View attachment 350570

Figure it out!




Bro you know whats funny?
That these jews think they are doing something good in the world and they are actually well intentioned but playing God too much is gonna bite them in the ass and sooner or later shit will be out of their control.
(Yea I said it JEWS)

As for as looksmaxxing I was thinking about taking my money out of the bank and forget about surgery and just buy gold cus it will always hold its value

but where the fuck am I suppose to buy gold nowadays
it's truly over my brother

For anyone who is reading this here is my advice.
It's always better to die free than to live like a slave (just don't rope and be a useless statistic)
  • +1
Reactions: stuckneworleans, Deleted member 6401 and CristianT
You made 1 huge mistake: Going to get a jaw implant from a surgeon that is not specialized on this topic and has no big list of references to show. Why not just straight to eppley?? You would deserved a good result the most.

Could you provide some photos censored pics of your result (only a bit of your jaw)?
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 3043 and CristianT
Bro you know whats funny?
That these jews think they are doing something good in the world and they are actually well intentioned but playing God too much is gonna bite them in the ass and sooner or later shit will be out of their control.
(Yea I said it JEWS)

As for as looksmaxxing I was thinking about taking my money out of the bank and forget about surgery and just buy gold cus it will always hold its value
View attachment 351279
but where the fuck am I suppose to buy gold nowadays
it's truly over my brother

For anyone who is reading this here is my advice.
It's always better to die free than to live like a slave (just don't rope and be a useless statistic)

So are you going to forget and cancel everything? I think you also wanted to make surgery, right?

I think you are giving up too easy bro. It's literally ascend or live a miserable life.

As I already mention to your Adreno, It might be that you still have some swelling going on, thats why you have the asymmetry, I might be wrong..
  • +1
Reactions: Gaia262 and Deleted member 6401
So are you going to forget and cancel everything? I think you also wanted to make surgery, right?

I think you are giving up too easy bro. It's literally ascend or live a miserable life.

As I already mention to your Adreno, It might be that you still have some swelling going on, thats why you have the asymmetry, I might be wrong..
I don't really know brother but if shit doesn't go back like it used to be then I don't really mind at all
I'm already in braces for bimax but I can't even see my orthodontist cus of the quarantine and I'm honestly loving my life right now

Wake up => Coffee => Gymcel at home => And I have to work from home and not interact with anyone are you kidding me?!
this is the best thing that could happen for someone like me I have been in quarantine since I was born!
so If I had to buy gold with my money that I saved for surgery and just sit back and watch the world burn :love: this is as good as ascension lmao
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, CristianT and Deleted member 5634
You write really good, haha. Should become a writer.

What you said about Defrancq... I fully trust you 100% if you said that he sucks. I will cancel all my plans then and I will go Raffaini, in Italy or maybe ... maybe will go with local surgeons... fuck my life.

That's too bad, I thought he is the right surgeon to go with..

I'm actually sad and disappointed in the same time. I even went to London to consult him irl and wasted overall over 200 EURO.

There are 2-3 more new cases: As far as I can see Adrenochrome opened my delusional eyes and indeed he is not an aestethical surgeon.

This all thing is a bit contradictory, I'm saying this because when I went to Defrancq office in London we talked so openly and he even showed me results from other patients and the results were really, really fucking good. I saw a case with a guy that had a BSSO + Le Fort + Cheek implants(same thing I would also need) and I was REALLY impressed, dude looked like a different person.

I'm sorry that you don't like the results man...that's pretty fucking depressing.

Thanks brother! It's natural when passionate about speaking to personal experience and just trying to open people's eyes to the deception that has veiled them.

It's interesting how intertwined looksmaxing is with current events but really, it can and does apply to any topic because this "crisis" affects literally everyone around the world in many more ways than simply from a medical standpoint (people's civil liberties are at stake and they're "asleep behind the wheel"). How are you going to looksmax if you're "locked up" and everyone/everything else is immobile?

People are in fear and fear leads to irrational choices. Individuals shouldn't give up their freedoms/civil liberties, in the face of fear (it's really that simple but that's unfortunately what's happening).

It's sad (although not surprising) that some people here are completely "asleep" (I'm being very generous with my words) concerning what's happening now. They don't have the SLIGHTEST idea what's going on in the world, let alone their own locale. How are you going to looksmax when everyone is on lockdown and elective surgery is classified as non-essential i.e. surgeons AREN'T performing elective procedures on you now (unless you've a strong rapport/surgical history with them as is my case: meaning they're generally not taking new cases/clients. Maybe you can schedule for an undetermined date or NEXT YEAR but I don't have time to wait!) . Furthermore, many surgical clinics (if not all, currently) are closed "until further notice" -Initially, when I told Defrancq I wanted him to fix his mess (not in those words obviously) he told me the clinic is closed until at-least FALL due to Covid-19 concerns.

Things will never be the same from this point on.

Regarding Defrancq, the decision is entirely up to you. I'm just relaying my personal experience and from my experience; he does NOT have the design nor surgical prowess to achieve POSITIVE PSL changes (forget about high-level PSL transformations) this guy is looksmining people (setting you back 1 to 2 + points).

"I even went to London to consult him irl and wasted overall over 200 EURO."

Bro... I wasted about 18k USD ... consider yourself lucky it was just 200 euros.

JFL at that cases, most look like he just switched tha background color.

@Adrenochrome Thanks for your words and thoughts

Always brother and thank you for your appreciation! 💯

how could i didn't see such a thread bro ? :heart:
i hope you are well and happy no matther what. What's matters as always is to reach contentement.


slaying and playing no matter what and how, will looks flawed sooner or later for each one of us, and hypergamy has no winner, only losers.
This said, looksmaxing to getting a very gl virgin girls to not put your descendance into a desaster is more and more a mandatory given the current situation of the world.


Concerning gook-19 :
I knew it since december of the last year, it's all planned and we'r leading to the end of times, let's them be happy thinking their money will make them immortals.

STREEGE = SUPER WOKE December was a dead giveaway
Giphy 23

i'm also more or less wanting to give up on this, become more virtuous, and living closer to the nature in autarky ideally since modern civlization is utterly alienated as of now.
I mean giving up on looksmaxing.


But, then i've read your first message, and i still can't believe it : Only your lower third implant made day and night difference ?
I don't think ever i'll have this success, no matter the amount of well done surgeries, since i don't think i'll ever be gl. Is it low self esteem or pure pragmatism who knows.

YOU CAN but understand that I haven't yet either. I've spent about 60k (all things considered) on trying to achieve my ideal lower third but haven't been able to (at-least in way of long-term viability).

1st surgery = amazing (this was perfection for me) but unstable and lost due to infection
2nd surgery = stable (which is good of course) but poor aesthetic outcome i.e. nothing like the first surgery (my opinion)
3rd surgery = Going back to original surgeon - planning in progress - CT sent - waiting for prognosis... (I hope he can fix this)

Also and equally important, you've a better foundation to start with than me, so if I can model from my transformation (1st surgery), you can ABSOLUTELY reach a very high PSL (you're already GL man).

again concerning the so-called vaccin :
One has to be low iq to take it : You either survive of the disease or you don't given your destiny when it's comes to death is written- the rest is motly a matter of relative free will.
Who wants to have the disease in himself to have his body fighting it because this is exactly what a "vaccin" is :
Putting in you a weakened gook-19 virus to hope that you'r body will beat it, but even there, the virus will stay forever in you....
so if you weren't infected this is the worst low iq thing to do. And if you were infected, this is again only a matter of your immune system, and your destiny... So why bother? it's not like it's a magical solution to it. "vaccin, vaccin", fuck it, it's utter cope.

What's more concerning is the chiping.. i don't know how we could not get it, but we must no get it...


Everything you said is SPOT ON STREEGE!

BRO... I spoon fed these brain dead zombies 🧟 FACTS with excerpts, direct fucking quotes and source links that have the MAINSTREAM MEDIA discussing this; with the fucking ATTORNEY GENERAL OF AMERICA (AG William Barr) quoted as saying he was “very concerned about billionaire Bill Gates’ apparent desire to have “digital certificates” to show if people have been vaccinated against viruses.

And yet they have the audacity to call me "insane" lol.... OK fucking clowns 🤡🤡🤡 keep juggling for me and your masters 🤹

“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,”
Ingraham said.

SOURCE AGAIN (and this is not the only source, there are MULTIPLE. Look it up you morons!):

To then facilitate travel and work and so forth": so let's recap shall we? Mmmm .... if you don't get the digital certificate vaccination, you won't be able to travel freely or work... Mmmm.... if you can't travel, then your movements are restricted righhhhtt? If you can't work, then you can't make money to survive righhhhtt?

Right.... okay do you understand now or do you need me to continue holding you hand?

"And so forth..." what does and so forth mean? Mmmmm and so forth is a generality as it covers similar things; et cetera.... you know .... ANYTHING THEY WANT IT TO COVER YOU INCOMPETENT FOOLS

I bet these fucking barneys think digital certificates mean that they email you your vaccine results haha
Barney transparent 2

NO YOU LOW IQ BOZOS: Digital certificates are going to be Quantum dot tattoos - “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,”

This all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.


MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
FROM THE FUCKING AGENCY ITSELF! (The official website):

So Streege .... you know... I can't help these idiots anymore if they don't want to face the facts (facts over feelings every time). Certain people don't want to be "unplugged" and/or never will be ready to see the reality.

Ideally, I like to try (attempt) to help people but I don't have patience anymore. Let'em burn, I'm done with zombies 🔥 🔥🔥 🧟 To all those zombies reading this, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY THREAD, YOU CAN'T BE SAVED, YOU'RE BETTER OFF DEAD ( :

Bro you know whats funny?
That these jews think they are doing something good in the world and they are actually well intentioned but playing God too much is gonna bite them in the ass and sooner or later shit will be out of their control.
(Yea I said it JEWS)

As for as looksmaxxing I was thinking about taking my money out of the bank and forget about surgery and just buy gold cus it will always hold its value
View attachment 351279
but where the fuck am I suppose to buy gold nowadays
it's truly over my brother

For anyone who is reading this here is my advice.
It's always better to die free than to live like a slave (just don't rope and be a useless statistic)

I'll play, although I usually don't address this topic because it's murky, complex and verboten...
However, one word change easily shifts the paradigm:

Jews to khazarians/Khazars

"It's always better to die free than to live like a slave (just don't rope and be a useless statistic)"

^^ Good quote

You made 1 huge mistake: Going to get a jaw implant from a surgeon that is not specialized on this topic and has no big list of references to show. Why not just straight to eppley?? You would deserved a good result the most.

Could you provide some photos censored pics of your result (only a bit of your jaw)?

Yes, which I've already addressed in post #311 don't be redundant friend.

I don't really know brother but if shit doesn't go back like it used to be then I don't really mind at all
I'm already in braces for bimax but I can't even see my orthodontist cus of the quarantine and I'm honestly loving my life right now


Wake up => Coffee => Gymcel at home => And I have to work from home and not interact with anyone are you kidding me?!
this is the best thing that could happen for someone like me I have been in quarantine since I was born!
so If I had to buy gold with my money that I saved for surgery and just sit back and watch the world burn :love: this is as good as ascension lmao

Interesting take on the situation, though I'm glad you're happy brother 💯
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1st surgery = amazing (this was perfection for me) but unstable and lost due to infection
2nd surgery = stable (which is good of course) but poor aesthetic outcome i.e. nothing like the first surgery (my opinion)
3rd surgery = Going back to original surgeon - planning in progress - CT sent - waiting for prognosis... (I hope he can fix this)

So you actually want to go back on Yaremchuck and fix everything?
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OP has lost the plot. This forum is for looksmaxxing, we want surgery feedback and results not conspiracy theories.

This lockdown situation is temporary and in 3 months we'll mostly be back to normal. Make the most of the isolation, there is plenty to do to continue looksmaxxing. I've replaced my entire spring / summer wardrobe with online shopping, experimenting with grooming by dyeing hair, eyebrows etc., new skin products, even tried fake tan that went disastrously wrong but who gives a damn cuz no one will see. Make the most of it.
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Holy shit this thread is full of long replies I did not read
  • JFL
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OP has lost the plot. This forum is for looksmaxxing, we want surgery feedback and results not conspiracy theories.

This lockdown situation is temporary and in 3 months we'll mostly be back to normal. Make the most of the isolation, there is plenty to do to continue looksmaxxing. I've replaced my entire spring / summer wardrobe with online shopping, experimenting with grooming by dyeing hair, eyebrows etc., new skin products, even tried fake tan that went disastrously wrong but who gives a damn cuz no one will see. Make the most of it.

I'm sorry you can't synthesize facts that are laid out for you and that you don't understand the implications of such on our lifestyle.

The two are intertwined and I've already given you, as well as this forum, PLENTY OF FEEDBACK/INFORMATION (more than necessary in terms of surgical procedures and outcomes) pertaining to MY personal experiences.

It's a fucking gold mine but you don't seem to appreciate it.

I'll take that into consideration moving forward.

As far as this lockdown being temporary... OK ... as you say (even though there have already been discussions of 3 + months cycling the lockdown on/off until next year) and then what about the next "viral outbreak" (because there will be more).

and @CristianT! really bro... ok ( :
  • +1
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I'm sorry you can't synthesize facts that are laid out for you and that you don't understand the implications of such on our lifestyle.

The two are intertwined and I've already given you, as well as this forum, PLENTY OF FEEDBACK/INFORMATION (more than necessary in terms of surgical procedures and outcomes) pertaining to MY personal experiences.

It's a fucking gold mine but you don't seem to appreciate it.

I'll take that into consideration moving forward.

As far as this lockdown being temporary... OK ... as you say (even though there have already been discussions of 3 + months cycling the lockdown on/off until next year) and then what about the next "viral outbreak" (because there will be more).

and @CristianT! really bro... ok ( :
Yea.. Very hard to judge without actually pictures.. sorry bro :/. I even dm you and you completley ignored... I am a 26 y.o serious dude who just wants to ascened like you bro..Im not gonna dox.. anyway.. sorry to dissapoint you.
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Yea.. sorry. Very hard to judge without actually pictures.. sorry bro :/

It's cool, you knew from the get go there were no photos.
Furthermore, you should have been able to draw your own conclusions based on the information that I've provided you (which is plenty).

EDIT: In response to your edit/reply -Brother, I didn't even see your DM until AFTER our small exchange here (and tbh I felt super bad) but my experience IN WORDS should be enough.

I've given you guys the play by play, down to the last detail.

If YOU @CristianT feel comfortable with Defrancq and what he said/showed you, resonated with you; then by all means carry on m8 but I KNOW that for ME he wasn't the correct choice.

What I also know, is that I now (as a direct result of Defrancq) have incorrect masseter insertion on one side of my face which is causing extreme asymmetry from the bulge. Aesthetically incompetent. He turned me into an asymmetric normie, with extreme soft tissue displacement. I look like a fucking Picasso painting.

This inept castrated the vertical length and projection of my chin. He misplaced muscle insertions on one side of my face and miscalculated the necessary horizontal length required on one side of my face to keep the skin taut.

^ ^ If you want me to translate the exact write up that was in 0s and 1s i.e. binary language, then I'll post it up so that my thoughts are crystal clear for people on Defrancq.

Also, yes, perhaps our standards are drastically different (I'm trying to get back to where I was just starting in modeling) which is on the extreme end (who knows, maybe I'll never reach that level again but I'll be damned if I settle for anything less than what my aesthetic vision is) and maybe your version of ascending is not mine (that's reasonable right?).

Anyways, I wish you all the best man.

------------------end edit------------------------

Doesn't matter though, people here don't appreciate: Thread's getting nuked ☢💥

Peace to you ☮
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It's cool, you knew from the get go there were no photos.
Furthermore, you should have been able to draw your own conclusions based on the information that I've provided you (which is plenty).

Doesn't matter though, people here don't appreciate: Threads getting nuked ☢💥

Peace to you ☮
I will still go with him after this coronashit and will share my results to help others. Not only information, actual results though.
People talk-talk🗣🗣 but without actual pictures you cant judge. Im saying this bcs last time i had nose job and i was searching for a surgeon ive read many bad reviews about him and guess what they had all in comun? Bingo, not even single one of them had pictures. And guess one more thing? I love the result of the surgery.. so now you can see my motive behind this change of attitude.

Anyhow, peace to you as well. Ciau.
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Interesting take on the situation, though I'm glad you're happy brother 💯
I know it made me sound like an evil nihilist bro but through out my life all I wanted is to be left alone and treated like a human but no I have to pay a mofo to saw off the bones in my face 3000 miles away from home JFL it's pathetic.

Anyways man everyone likes you here so you should make a discord server called "LMS Cartel" if you have time, where only true surgery maxxers can join (with proof) and we can share private shit in there like pics/advice/surgeons :) I'll be the first to call you boss :cool: lol
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I'm sorry you can't synthesize facts that are laid out for you and that you don't understand the implications of such on our lifestyle.

The two are intertwined and I've already given you, as well as this forum, PLENTY OF FEEDBACK/INFORMATION (more than necessary in terms of surgical procedures and outcomes) pertaining to MY personal experiences.

It's a fucking gold mine but you don't seem to appreciate it.

I'll take that into consideration moving forward.

As far as this lockdown being temporary... OK ... as you say (even though there have already been discussions of 3 + months cycling the lockdown on/off until next year) and then what about the next "viral outbreak" (because there will be more).

and @CristianT! really bro... ok ( :

Hopefully the next viral outbreak won't happen anytime soon. This is the first time western countries have had to take such drastic action so the chances of such a virus developing and spreading as this one has must be pretty slim. Either way, governments will be more prepared to deal with them in future after this.

I don't want to come across as unappreciative, this thread is a goldmine and I've been following it since the start. I've got a consultation booked with Defrancq but am seriously considering cancelling it based on your feedback and others on the forum. It's just many of us have been waiting for more details of your recovery and after reading through two tinfoil hat essays there was only one relevant part, a small paragraph for some reason translated into binary. You don't owe us anything of course, you've already invested a lot of time writing posts here. Anyway, pls don't nuke the thread. There is a lot of good information, us hardmaxxers are a minority and every experience helps guide another towards ascension.
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Damn Adrenochrome, sorry to hear the results are not what you expected, hope Dr. Y is able to fix it back up to what you actually wanted.

What do you think Dr. Y did wrong (the first time)? What made his surgery cause an infection and Defrancq's surgery didn't?

I went to see Defrancq, i liked him, nice guy (first impression of course), but the only thing I'm interested in are results, and his website just doesn't show anything that I'm aesthetically impressed with, he seems capable tho, but just as you said, he doesn't have the aesthetic eye of a plastic surgeon.

Based on your experience, who would you recommend for (the most aesthetic) genioplasty? I've had a consultation with Ramieri (great first impression) and soon with Dr. Z. Should I go for Dr. Y? Does he even do genioplasty or only chin implants? Who is the top surgeon for genioplasty? And perhaps chin-wing. Altho they all told me I don't need it. But I think it would benefit me. All input is appreciated!

Stay strong bro! You seem extremely persistent, i'm sure you'll get where you want to be.
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@Adrenochrome. I am gutted to read that Defrancq fucked up your jawline. I really thought that with a design blueprint from Dr. Y even this muppet could not possibly fail. Although your results are not going to change much from hereon, there is probably still some residual swelling left, which means that there is still some room for a slight improvement. I know it is not a comfort, but imagine how disastrous it would have been if you had let him use his own design. The fact that he displaced/ripped your masseter muscle is not a surprise, you are the third person I know that had jaw implant surgery with Defrancq, and he did this to all of you.

Personally, I think Defrancq is a psychopath and should be avoided at all costs. As I wrote in this post at the end of February :

"Defrancq is just a traditional maxfac who ventured into the lucrative area of custom facial implants. He is only in it for the shekels and completely lacks an aesthetic eye. He totally botched the design of my friend's jaw implant with only 3 days remaining to the scheduled surgery and then proceeded to manufacture it without explicit consent. He then lied through his teeth to convince my friend to go through with the surgery. Of course, by then the money had already been deposited and to get out of the surgery, my friend would have to pay for the design and manufacture of the implant (around 4500 euros) plus 30% of all fees related to the surgery and after care. My friend ended up with an oblong face, and an undefined jawline and chin. To top it off, Defrancq ripped both of his masseter muscles. He looks worse now than before surgery and now hides his lower third under a beard. When he brought up the fact that the result looked nothing like what Defrancq had promised, Defrancq told him to go see a shrink. Brutal."
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Hopefully the next viral outbreak won't happen anytime soon. This is the first time western countries have had to take such drastic action so the chances of such a virus developing and spreading as this one has must be pretty slim. Either way, governments will be more prepared to deal with them in future after this.

I don't want to come across as unappreciative, this thread is a goldmine and I've been following it since the start. I've got a consultation booked with Defrancq but am seriously considering cancelling it based on your feedback and others on the forum. It's just many of us have been waiting for more details of your recovery and after reading through two tinfoil hat essays there was only one relevant part, a small paragraph for some reason translated into binary. You don't owe us anything of course, you've already invested a lot of time writing posts here. Anyway, pls don't nuke the thread. There is a lot of good information, us hardmaxxers are a minority and every experience helps guide another towards ascension.

Fair enough... honestly you've some just points that I agree with to an extent.

I was (and am) feeling a certain way about everything (given the times and circumstances we've all been thrust into, by no choice of our own) which is why I wrote what I did, in the way that I did.

My point was (which seems to have been missed by many) is that this pandemic affects all aspects of our lives, including the most important: looksmaxing to ascend (maybe I went too deep into details i.e. gave you guys too much at once but it's all intertwined).

I'm trying to fix my situation (AGAIN) because of this doofus Defrancq and I'm trying to do it quickly but I can't, because of this coronavirus pandemic. I don't even know if I'll be able to have surgery this year because everyone is in a state of fear and panic.

I agree with you that we should make the most of this lock-down in terms of looksmaxing (enhance your routine, experiment with different techniques and/or plan/design your surgeries etc...) IF this lockdown is temporary. However, I honestly don't think it will be ... they are saying (on the news mind you) 18 months of cycling this on/off (that doesn't even include the next wave of lock-downs for the following viral outbreaks that they've predicated).

First of all, with lock down and social distancing, what is the point of trying to flex your aesthetics in this environment? Nothing is open... literally every social option has been taken off the table (in some areas you can't even walk around unless it's to go and buy food). Even if you are out and about, nearly every person is wearing a mask now... (you're not seeing their face and most likely, they're not seeing/thinking about your's) for a multitude of reasons which I discussed: social distancing, negative reinforcement, "survival mode" and/or simply don't care.

Second, if this lock-down does continue, obviously it's going to wreck the economy (it already has to a great extent) i.e. America will never be at (financially/economically speaking) the level it was before and it's only been just shy of a month. Any longer than this, it's going to be disastrous, then do you really think that looksmaxing is going to be a priority when the country is crumbling? (seriously.... ). Look at the hoarding behavior that ensued (and continues to) when there was just a small hint of something bad to come. Now, imagine that behavior applied to a situation 100x worse where the country is literally falling apart... nobody will be thinking about the trivial nature of looking their best or looksmaxing or surgeries etc... by that time.... it's over (worst case scenario).

Third, that behavior I just talked about is all being stoked by fear... and as I said before, fear leads to irrational choices such as giving up your civil liberties in the name of safety (which is what's happening right now). Listen, I gave you guys verifiable and authoritative sources, concerning what's happening and what's on the horizon. Fauci is talking about Coronavirus immunity cards/passports that Americans will be required to have in order to end the lock-down and Bill Gates is talking about global vaccinations via "digital certificates" i.e. Quantum dot tattoos (delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles, that the vaccine is woven into) that Americans and eventually every other country will be required to have in order to work, travel and bank with (if you don't have it, you can't do any of the aforementioned). Point being, things that used to be simple and easy to do, will get much more difficult (which includes looksmaxing and I gave you examples of how this is already happening now with my CT scans). At the same time, people will lose their rights and privacy in the name of "safety" while the surveillance state increases but they (we) don't have to! (if only people resist these authoritarian/totalitarian tactics). I'm not saying get violent, I'm saying get vocal and speak up against these issues (tell people what's going etc...).

Now, with all of that said, I HOPE you're right and I will GLADLY eat my words (but I'm very pessimistic at this point).

Damn Adrenochrome, sorry to hear the results are not what you expected, hope Dr. Y is able to fix it back up to what you actually wanted.

What do you think Dr. Y did wrong (the first time)? What made his surgery cause an infection and Defrancq's surgery didn't?

Thanks very much brother! (me too)

Ahh... it's very difficult to say... but I strongly believe that it was actually because of the EXTERNAL approach he used under the chin (which is ironic because statistically, external incisions are supposed to be safer than internal incisions with respect to this procedure). That's where the infection started (under the chin) and eventually, that's where it ended (aspirated a HUGE fluid filled lump under chin).

Defrancq used all internal incisions which again is supposed to be more susceptible to infection, comparatively to external incisions; plus considering that the incision lines were much larger and deeper due to the type of material being used, the outcome was very surprising to me... (obviously in a good way, regarding stability).

Also and very important to note, I was just looking at some old antibiotics I had from Y (extra) and comparing them to the extra A/B's I had from Defrancq: it turns out that Y. uses very low dose A/B's (around 250mg) whereas Defrancq uses much higher doses (500-800+mg) AND more than one type in combination with each other; for longer duration periods. I really think that highly contributed to why I didn't incur infection this time. In-fact, I'm going to use the extra A/B's from Defrancq when I have surgery with Y again (there's A LOT left over).

I went to see Defrancq, i liked him, nice guy (first impression of course), but the only thing I'm interested in are results, and his website just doesn't show anything that I'm aesthetically impressed with, he seems capable tho, but just as you said, he doesn't have the aesthetic eye of a plastic surgeon.


Based on your experience, who would you recommend for (the most aesthetic) genioplasty? I've had a consultation with Ramieri (great first impression) and soon with Dr. Z. Should I go for Dr. Y? Does he even do genioplasty or only chin implants? Who is the top surgeon for genioplasty? And perhaps chin-wing. Altho they all told me I don't need it. But I think it would benefit me. All input is appreciated!

Honestly (from my personal experience), I would NOT recommend getting a genioplasty. I looked much better with implants in the mentum region than with the genio (too many variables to take into consideration and if it gets messed up, I think it's going to be much more difficult to fix).

Regarding Y.... he does do them BUT VERY rarely. I even tried to push for one with my first surgery and he was vehemently against it (and you know what? He was right!). If surgeons (two or more) are telling you that you don't need it... I would heed their word.

Stay strong bro! You seem extremely persistent, i'm sure you'll get where you want to be.

Cheers m8, you're a boss brother! Keep me updated on your journey.

@Adrenochrome. I am gutted to read that Defrancq fucked up your jawline. I really thought that with a design blueprint from Dr. Y even this muppet could not possibly fail. Although your results are not going to change much from hereon, there is probably still some residual swelling left, which means that there is still some room for a slight improvement. I know it is not a comfort, but imagine how disastrous it would have been if you had let him use his own design. The fact that he displaced/ripped your masseter muscle is not a surprise, you are the third person I know that had jaw implant surgery with Defrancq, and he did this to all of you.

Thank you for your kind sentiment, I appreciate it.

Right... on paper the idea was flawless but real life execution proved otherwise: it's his extreme beta bias that wreaks havoc on EVERYTHING.

Personally, I think Defrancq is a psychopath and should be avoided at all costs. As I wrote in this post at the end of February :

I keep trying to tell people here that he's GREASY (being very generous with my description) and tries to worm his way out of fucking things up via constant chit chat (backtracking/twisting words/tries to make the other person feel guilty etc...) but they really seem blinded by the facade of this "innocent/pleasant" demeanor that he attempts to ruse people with (which is exactly what a psychopath does, as you've so aptly pointed out)

I had to check him more than a few times i.e. verbally assault and metaphorically grip; to make sure he did exactly as I said, as well as follow through with what HE said he would do.

God it was fucking tiring playing to his fragile ego whilst at the same time, CRUSHING it to keep him in check (build him up, break him down)

"Defrancq is just a traditional maxfac who ventured into the lucrative area of custom facial implants. He is only in it for the shekels and completely lacks an aesthetic eye. He totally botched the design of my friend's jaw implant with only 3 days remaining to the scheduled surgery and then proceeded to manufacture it without explicit consent. He then lied through his teeth to convince my friend to go through with the surgery. Of course, by then the money had already been deposited and to get out of the surgery, my friend would have to pay for the design and manufacture of the implant (around 4500 euros) plus 30% of all fees related to the surgery and after care. My friend ended up with an oblong face, and an undefined jawline and chin. To top it off, Defrancq ripped both of his masseter muscles. He looks worse now than before surgery and now hides his lower third under a beard. When he brought up the fact that the result looked nothing like what Defrancq had promised, Defrancq told him to go see a shrink. Brutal."


He totally botched the design of my friend's jaw implant with only 3 days remaining to the scheduled surgery

Tried to do the same God damn thing to me -degenerate dirtbag

@suddenurge how's your friend holding up now and what (if anything) has he decided to do, to fix his situation?
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Too much text and no pics
Sure I'm reading
  • WTF
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Bro every message of you is almost the whole page long jfl.

Mirin anyway I've learned a few things
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Second, if this lock-down does continue, obviously it's going to wreck the economy (it already has to a great extent) i.e. America will never be at (financially/economically speaking) the level it was before and it's only been just shy of a month. Any longer than this, it's going to be disastrous, then do you really think that looksmaxing is going to be a priority when the country is crumbling? (seriously.... ). Look at the hoarding behavior that ensued (and continues to) when there was just a small hint of something bad to come. Now, imagine that behavior applied to a situation 100x worse where the country is literally falling apart... nobody will be thinking about the trivial nature of looking their best or looksmaxing or surgeries etc... by that time.... it's over (worst case scenario).
the worst case scenario doesnt mean its over, it means the beginning of something new. Idk how aware you are of everything, but the reason you have to put up with "looksmaxxing" to "ascend" is because of the biggest failo western society has ever committed and that is feminism.
feminism = liberation of femoids = hypergamy.

The best case szenario for us would literally be the worst case szenario. Let everything crash, the deadlier the virus becomes the more important a traditional way of living will be. Because society will be forced to go back to focus on the necessities.

if only we could have a virus that is so deadly and spreads so agressively that even the jewish rats are unprepared for a happening like that, that would be IDEAL. Probably not gonna happen though, it is more likely that in a year or two things are back to normal and you can continue your journey of looksmaxxing. which will probably lead nowhere lets be honest here, no one can beat hypergamy: its a game meant to be lost.
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@Adrenochrome. We have not talked about it for a while now, but when it went down he was absolutely gutted by the beta result Defrancq gave him. Defrancq built up his expectations for something that he had wanted for so long and then brutally betrayed him. Defrancq totally played on his weaknesses and desires knowing that he would never deliver on those dreams. Already a few weeks after surgery, he completely realized that Defrancq had pulled a fast one on him. So he had to go through months of waiting for the swelling to subside, not knowing how bad it would come out, only that it would almost certainly be a looksmin. It turned him into a mental case, the only thing he could think about 24/7 was what the final result would look like. Luckily he is one of those guys who can grow a nice beard, so that saved him in the end. I know that he wants to have another surgery, but I am not sure he can learn to trust another doctor. Even if, the cost of a new surgery, flights, hotels, and loss of income whilst being away from work for at least 1-2 months, is not negligible. He is not wealthy, he just has a regular job in retail.
  • So Sad
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Adrenochrome
As always, shout out to my Sicarios, mis compañeros de cultura estetica (LMS CARTEL). These gentleman live the life I live (or are on track to) and have faced the same, if not similar challenges in the LMS game.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

Sicario Status In Effect 📿 🤝 🗡🩸🩸🗡

@KDA Player

....LMS CARTEL... Shout out to my brothers!! 🤘🏼👺👹 🔥🔥🔥🔫🔫🔫 💨

You wanted an update, well... here it is:



I'm in a dark place right now brothers...

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In despair, not only because of the deafening disappointment with Defrancq but also due to the destruction of freedom which DIRECTLY impacts our looksmaxing endeavors.

I've been thinking lately... is this even worth it anymore? (looksmaxing)
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Of course, in the past (just two months ago), I would have answered yes, without hesitation.
However, given recent events/circumstances...
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I cannot get this voice out of my head that keeps telling me ... IT'S OVER ...
Not just for looksmaxing but for freedom and the old world (the way we lived our lives previously) which has ENORMOUS implications for our looksmaxing lifestyle (Ascend to Slay&Play and/or handcuff a virgin wife, and validation), as the two are intertwined (freedom and looksmaxing) Sounds dramatic right? But is it...

I don't think so, not at all and I'll explain why.

This is a time of mourning for humanity... a time of great sorrow, this is NOT "business as usual."
We've entered the dawn of a new era: The post human era
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This post human era was and officially is, being brought into effect via the Covid19 "crisis" and it affects EVERY ASPECT OF OUR LIVES (including one of the most paramount to people like ourselves ... looksmaxing).

We looksmax to ascend and we ascend for many different reasons (some stated above):

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I'm sorry, I couldn't resist haha

Handcuff a virgin wife to start a family and pass along our genes in hopes of better breeding/stronger aesthetics etc...
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and/or pure validation etc...
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You can forget about ALL of that now as the world is on LOCKDOWN 🔒 🌏 🔒
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(well... the West and just about every other country in the world except those communist animals in China or the more intelligent Japanese/South Koreans).

Let's look at America....
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America is a prime example because what's happening to it right now is UNPRECEDENTED (It used to be a world premier super power and represent freedom but has slowly transformed into... well... I'll let you decide but I will say, that this pandemic (more specifically, Coronavirus) is going to be the justification to strip it's citizens of all their natural rights and rape them financially. I also think it sets the stage for a one world, one government initiative (perhaps not immediately so but more on that later).

To the point then, Looksmaxing

EVERYTHING that you hoped to achieve via ascending is crushed with three simple "crisis" mitigation protocols and variable programmed/condition responses:

2. Social Distancing
3. Negative reinforcement for not adhering to the above two rules (vilification and social shaming)

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Tinder/Dating/Meeting/Hooking-up = ALL AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Sure... you might have SOME people who OCCASIONALLY hook up (literally meet and fuck by circumventing lockdown) but for the vast majority, it's over.

Netflix and Chill ....OVER....

Obviously you're not going out for coffee first or out to eat at any restaurants, or to catch a show etc... EVERYONE and EVERYTHING is on lockdown.

The chances of finding a virgin wife i.e. the ONLY suitable type of female to be a life partner and mother to your future offspring have just dropped DRASTICALLY (world wide) AXED 🪓 by 1, 2 and 3 + P&C R

Obviously America is NOT the country to look for a virgin (because they're basically non-existent due to cultural norms) so one would carefully chose from a different country, with different cultural norms i.e. travel to country of choice: date and validate/filter out a suitable partner until they find one who meets their standards.


View attachment 349787

Geographic Risk Assessment for COVID-19 Transmission

Country Transmission Level

Widespread ongoing transmission with restrictions on entry to the United States
Widespread ongoing transmission without restrictions on entry to the United States
Ongoing community transmission
Limited community transmission

Full Map & details:

Actually, there are many viable countries with no entry restrictions FOR NOW... but how long do you think that is going to last?

Even IF restrictions are lifted (God only knows when) or notwithstanding restrictions, the psychological aspect of this viral outbreak (pandemic) will loom for quite some time i.e.

Programmed & Conditioned Responses:
-Fear of contracting the virus and/or fear of spreading virus to others (which may inadvertently end up killing someone)
-Survival mode (only thinking about the necessities to survive during these times)

Just like those criminals in the western governments who said people should have had savings 4 months in advance, prior to losing their jobs/businesses due to prolonged lockdown (purposely so and by design of this "crisis") YOU should have had a stable of virgins in rotation that you were talking to in order to secure your superior mate and future offspring; well in advance of this lockdown.

Do you really think that you're going to be able to find a viable life partner NOW.... during these times and the times to come? Most people are currently in a state of extreme fear and shock i.e. survival mode (low money or no money, no job or on the verge of losing job/going out of business, can't pay rent or losing home, not able to buy enough or maintain a high quality level of food and/or going into extreme debt etc... and the list goes on).

The point is, people are not prioritizing finding a life partner and certainly not to build a family, as many cannot even sustain themselves.

VALIDATION: AXED 🪓 by 2 and 3 + P&C R

Literally... people do not even want to look in your line of sight (survival mode: they're not thinking about you, they're thinking "do I have enough food? why am I out shopping now? I don't want to catch the virus! How come there's no toiletries? Oh yeah because fear and panic caused the low iq masses to hoard "essentials". Am I going to have enough money next month to pay bills/rent? Am I still going to have a job by the end of this month etc... )

People do not want to be near each other or anywhere close to you (social distancing, negative reinforcement, fear)

That powerful drug called dopamine which was encapsulated in the form of validation, has now been taken off the market and nobody's pushing it anymore. There's the occasional hit here and there but it's not the same (it's not as strong, powerful, pure or even meaningful anymore).


my brothers...

I ask you...


As to myself: Deep down inside, I will ALWAYS say yes without question and now more than ever due to this Defrancq situation (will get to that later) but this is a PERSONAL CHOICE.

I am WAY TOO DEEP IN THIS GAME (heavily invested in myself) I must have spent about 60k so far in total and that is only on the lower third! (I still need to finish my eyes and hair!) Only to give up now but that doesn't mean even if I can fix my situation, that it will transpire into anything worthwhile; with the way the world is headed.

My plans are rooted in the Fashion and Entertainment industries but it's obvious that these sectors have been rocked by the current "crises": concerts are being cancelled, tours are being canceled, events/venues and photoshoots are all being postponed until "further notice" etc... (every industry is being hit hard by this, nevermind the "non-essential" industries that I hope to forge a career in).

Covid-19 (I'm SO sick of hearing this fucking name) i.e. Coronavirus has FUCKED UP ALL OF MY LOOKSMAXING PLANS.

What do you think the general consensus on elective surgery is? Right... (and not that IGAF) but I can't even get a fucking CT Scan now (God these fucking idiots have been gripped by fear).

*Truth be told, I can still get all the surgery I want (that's what happens when you've a solid rapport and history with certain surgeons). However, these normal insignificant issues (such as getting a CT scan) have now become barriers to entry, so to speak.

Point being, that this entire "crisis" has made everything incredibly difficult, inconvenient or literally impossible.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter (PAY ATTENTION)

I'm saying this because it NEEDS to be said and also because I'm VEXED BEYOND BELIEF.

These GODDAMN uncivilized filthy Chinese vermin
🐀 (fucking communist animals *I'll get to them later): have invaded, subverted and sabotaged America (not to mention infected the rest of the world now) in collaboration with technocratic globalist (scientists, engineers, money changers and bureaucrats); such as renowned eugenicist Bill Gates.
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Now... some of you who are ill informed, might be thinking, how can this subhuman cuck Bill Gates have ANY control (power) in this situation.

Listen... Bill Gate's net worth is 102.1 billion USD. People at this level (let's be honest, Gates invented this level) obviously are not concerned with money (because they have it all and are generationally wealthy) but what they are after, is POWER and CONTROL.

Bill Gates and those like him (Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, Sergey Brin, Elon Musk etc...) have all the power and control that they could possibly need. Unfortunately, need and want are two seperate drives and these types of individuals are never satisfied.

The individuals named above and those like them, unfortunately have been and are; shaping culture, policy, rules, regulations and laws in America. Furthermore, their unsatiated drive for power extends FAR BEYOND America and concerns the rest of the world.

One World, One Order. These are the new technocratic "elite" who would like to rule over us.

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This event (covid-19 pandemic) has been planned for some time (Event 201) and Gates is one of its progenitors. They didn’t get the results they hoped for with SARS, Avian or Swine Flu, so now they are hoping with this latest virus that they will wreak enough economic havoc and cause significant fear that people will be begging for a vaccine and ‘digital certificate’ (pay attention!)

EVENT 201:

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.

The scenario (WORD FOR WORD):

"Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

There is no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year. There is a fictional antiviral drug that can help the sick but not significantly limit spread of the disease.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences become increasingly severe.

The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed. From that point on, it is likely to be an endemic childhood disease."


Mmmm that's strange... this ENTIRE event (less the origin of outbreak) came to fruition... LITERALLY play by play. Didn't they try to tell us initially that this was zoonotic and it's genesis was the wet markets of Wuhan where it was transmitted from bats to people (because the Chinese are fucking filthy, unhygienic and enjoy slaughtering/eating "exotic"/wild animals)?

Yes... yes they did.

Aren't they telling us that there is no possibility of a vaccine being available until next year? (thus nothing available the first year).

Yes... yes they are.

Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increased exponentially, doubling every week. And as the cases and deaths accumulate, the economic and societal consequences have become increasingly severe, have they not?

Yes... yes they have.

Haven't they told the people in America (increasingly so) that these lockdowns were only for 2 weeks, then 1 month and now it's looking like 3 months with talks into the summer of NEXT YEAR (cycling these lockdowns on and off) for a total of just about 18 months?

Yes... yes they have.

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Is ANYONE noticing a fucking pattern here!?
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But I couldn't forget, the last part of the scenario is the best:

"The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."

This is where your buddy Bill Gates steps up to the plate. Haven't you noticed Gates appearing more and more frequently on TV, and giving interviews as well as "sharing" his thoughts on the pandemic (like anyone GIVES A FUCK) but they should ... because he's slowly revealing his, and those like him, intentions...

An excerpt and direct quote from the NPR Gates interview:

Gates has gone on record to say, that he thinks large public gatherings may have to wait until there's a vaccine...

"What I'm saying, what Dr. [Anthony] Fauci is saying, what some other experts are saying, there's a great deal of consistency. We're not sure yet which activities should be resumed, because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had, the risk of a rebound will be there."


there is an effective vaccine
-because until we get a vaccine that almost everybody's had

Wow... sounds like Bill's really pushing for a global vaccine... you know... one that everybody has to have in order for certain things to resume (travel, work, dining out etc...) you know, normal things that every society has had and done for ages and of course only things that have benefits to society (at his discretion of course).

It almost sounds like it just might be compulsory to have these vaccines... you know... like forced inoculations.


“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,” Ingraham said.


This CRIMINAL (Bill Gates) IS SO BRAZEN that he did a Reddit AMA and recited the same answer:



This is it... I don't care if you believe in religion or "conspiracy theories" but THIS IS WHAT WAS FORETOLD AS THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

Revelation 13, which states, beginning in verse 16, concerning the Mark of the Beast:

“He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”

If you don't take these vaccinations, then you’ll presumably be ostracized from the rest of the world and forced into permanent isolation, left to fend for yourself with no means to buy, sell, or conduct any type of business in order to make a living and survive.

This is the POWER and CONTROL that these types of criminals want.

We are living revelations in reality and Bill Gates is laying it all out for you – assuming you’re paying attention. Everything he’s presenting as the “solution” to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis was foretold long ago by the prophets, and now it’s coming to fruition under the guise of stopping a global pandemic and ensuring that everyone has a proper “digital identity.”

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Keep in mind that this all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.

A report from Futurism explains the quantum dot tattoo as “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,” and is coming to a vaccine clinic near you in the very near future!



Let me set the table for you and show how it's going to play out in the future:

First you will be microchipped whether you want to be or not. This microchip will initially just include information about you and whether or not you have received the vaccine or not. These microchips will be tracked using cell towers and other sensors when you walk into public places, stores etc.

Walmart already uses similar technology to track you when you walk into their stores. They have RFID scanners inside the metal detectors when you walk in the entrance and at checkout. They track your purchasing, what you paid for it, how frequently, and use statistical analysis on your buying habits to price and stock items. Many Walmart's also have implemented facial recognition systems. These same scanner also pick up the MAC address your phone broadcasts and tracks you using that as well. Microsoft was the company that helped Walmart create these systems. Israel is already tracking citizens phones and locations and ordering suspected infected people to quarantine.

Eventually, these microchips will also store your bank account information. Cash will be banned entirely and you will just tap/swipe your chip to pay for items. If the government doesn't like you, or you are dissenting against your leaders, no problem, they will just turn your chip off. You will no longer be able to pay for anything, and as far as society is concerned you will be an outcast. A new digital currency will be ushered in. It will be considered a safe and official alternative to cryptocurrency that you can "trust". But in reality it will be just 1's and 0s on a computer screen that can be easily manipulated.

Those who refuse the chip will be sent to isolated concentration camps you will not return from. These camps already exist. In the US, these camps are already stocked with millions of plastic coffins (OH YOU FORGOT ABOUT THOSE?).

It will become acceptable to receive a chip because you will be doing it for the "safety of society". Those who refuse will be ostracized similar to those who refuse vaccines. These chips will be used to continually monitor and track all civilians. They will use rich and famous people first to implant them to try to convince the average person that it's "cool" and normal to get these chips. If you don't get the chip you will not be able to buy anything, and you will not be able to work, and you will be denied healthcare. If you refuse to let your child get the chip, they will forcefully inject it anyway, and possibly put them under new custody.

Social distancing will continue to be encouraged, even after the virus is under control. People will be encouraged to work from home, use their chips to buy things online, watch tv, play video games, use their phones and other devices. Everything you say online will be tracked and monitored and linked to globally unique number which will be embedded in your chip. Your devices will all become "smart" devices which have microphones and GPS sensors. Your own home will be a wiretapping system that you will purchase on your own.

This plan has been in action since at least the 80's.

Let look at how it's already playing out now:

"Dr." Michael J. Ryan, executive director of the Health Emergencies Programme for W.H.O.
is now trying to say that in most parts of the world DUE TO LOCKDOWN, most of the transmission of the virus
is happening in the household, at the family level.

"So... now, we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and REMOVE THEM and ISOLATE THEM."

Forcibly come into YOUR home and take YOU away....

2. Anti-COVID19 volunteer drone task force watching you and reporting on you every second; commanding you to obey
social distancing rules. Barking at you like a dog.


Speakers setup outside shopping centres "reminding you" every other minute; like a child, to wash your hands and
maintain social distancing.

3. The LA City Mayor has now said that snitches get rewards... literally.... "we want to thank you for turning folks
in and making sure that we are all safe".


Does this sound familiar to anyone!? Does that not remind you of the 1930's Soviet (communist!) Tradition of Snitching:
when people would denounce their neighbors, colleagues and love rivals to improve their living conditions,
advance their career or curry favor (no pun intended) with the authorities.


This is SO brazen, it is INSANE that NOBODY is saying ANYTHING regarding the criminal takeover by communist in our corrupt government.

4. 5G: Yes, let's get to why people are burning down 5G towers across the world.

Despite Israel being intimately involved with the creation of 5G technologies, they are not planning to deploy it in Israel (BIG FUCKING SURPRISE!).

The Israeli government will not roll it out in Israel. Rather, Israel will develop a fiber optic version.


The study out of Washington State University, titled “The Role of 5G in the Coronavirus Epidemic in Wuhan China,” by Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Washington State University raises questions about the “causal role” 5G may have had on people infected with coronavirus in places where it was rolled out first — such as in Wuhan.

The question that is being raised here is not whether 5G is responsible for the virus, but rather whether 5G radiation, acting via VGCC activation may be exacerbating the viral replication or the spread or lethality of the disease.

I want to applaud the people of the UK for standing up against their satanic government.




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Now... for what you've all been waiting for:

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View attachment 350570

Figure it out!




What a legendary post, holy shit. If you didn't read all of it, too bad, you're a NWO gullible sheep.

As far as the binary section goes, I'm really sorry for your experience, looks like E & Y have the upper hand on this. Good luck booking surgery with them in the near future though.

You're king anyway man huge respect for going through all this.
Last edited:
  • Love it
Reactions: Adrenochrome
To everyone on this thread and to the OP:

This is not a joke. Please read this.

I created this account because I came across this thread through Google researching PEEK jaw implants external approach. I had never heard of this website before.

I started reading the OP's story and was paralyzed. I was like, "Did I accidentally start this thread in a parallel universe and just forgot?"

I also had surgery with Dr. Y and my story mirrors the OP's to a T, except I had NOT ONE, BUT TWO infections with Dr. Yaremchuk - back to back.

At first I saw the OP mention "Dr. Y." And I was thinking, "Wait, but he can't be talking about Dr. Yaremchuk right?"

Then he talks about having had an infection and traveling to and from Boston from across the world.

I too went through this same experience with Dr. Y.

Multiple flights. Multiple hotel bookings. Tens of thousands of dollars gone. Months of emotional turmoil. Suicidal ideation. Lack of communication or empathy from Dr. Y.

I forwarded this thread to a friend who knows about my story and what I've been going through. My friend was equally in disbelief / paralyzed by it. Essentially to the effect of: 1) Cannot believe you didn't write this thread yourself, and 2) Cannot believe you are not the only one.

I don't really know where to start in terms of my story. I could sit here for hours and write everything out + post photos here. Some of you may request that. The whole process would take me a long time. This short post does not begin to do justice for what I went through and am still going through.

I want to preserve my anonymity.

However when I see this long thread of guys who are considering surgery on this website - and that is their/your prerogative - I needed to let my story be known here. At least the existence of it.

My marginal mandibular nerve on one side has also been damaged due to the surgeries. Everything I have read online says the nerve should recover in maximum of 6 months. It has been longer than that for me and I still cannot smile normally. I also have permanent structural damage to the inside of my mouth requiring two periodontal surgeries totaling many thousands of dollars.

I went through many dark months - a black period of my life - like a deep, deep hole of despair and darkness. Suicidal ideation. I have risen above it and am doing better. I still have nights trouble falling asleep.

Most disappointing thing is: not once did Dr. Yaremchuk ever reach out and ask how I was doing. Not once did he say he was sorry for what I was going through. Not once did he show any empathy. He also will not respond well through email. He will have his surgical fellow do the correspondence.

I don't know if Dr. Yaremchuk will ever come across this post of mine. If he does, he will know it's me. And I would say to you: I forgive you for what's happened. I don't think you're a bad person at heart. I know you wouldn't have wished this for me. Just would have meant the world to me if you had reached out even once to ask how I was doing.


Don't know who the following people are, but tagging you here from above to bring more awareness to my story. This isn't about me. It's about bringing awareness to you.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents
Last edited:
  • +1
  • So Sad
  • Woah
Reactions: Wallenberg, Deleted member 7125, Linoob and 9 others
Terrible to hear mate, what implants did you get?
Thanks brother! It's natural when passionate about speaking to personal experience and just trying to open people's eyes to the deception that has veiled them.

It's interesting how intertwined looksmaxing is with current events but really, it can and does apply to any topic because this "crisis" affects literally everyone around the world in many more ways than simply from a medical standpoint (people's civil liberties are at stake and they're "asleep behind the wheel"). How are you going to looksmax if you're "locked up" and everyone/everything else is immobile?

People are in fear and fear leads to irrational choices. Individuals shouldn't give up their freedoms/civil liberties, in the face of fear (it's really that simple but that's unfortunately what's happening).

It's sad (although not surprising) that some people here are completely "asleep" (I'm being very generous with my words) concerning what's happening now. They don't have the SLIGHTEST idea what's going on in the world, let alone their own locale. How are you going to looksmax when everyone is on lockdown and elective surgery is classified as non-essential i.e. surgeons AREN'T performing elective procedures on you now (unless you've a strong rapport/surgical history with them as is my case: meaning they're generally not taking new cases/clients. Maybe you can schedule for an undetermined date or NEXT YEAR but I don't have time to wait!) . Furthermore, many surgical clinics (if not all, currently) are closed "until further notice" -Initially, when I told Defrancq I wanted him to fix his mess (not in those words obviously) he told me the clinic is closed until at-least FALL due to Covid-19 concerns.

Things will never be the same from this point on.

Regarding Defrancq, the decision is entirely up to you. I'm just relaying my personal experience and from my experience; he does NOT have the design nor surgical prowess to achieve POSITIVE PSL changes (forget about high-level PSL transformations) this guy is looksmining people (setting you back 1 to 2 + points).

"I even went to London to consult him irl and wasted overall over 200 EURO."

Bro... I wasted about 18k USD ... consider yourself lucky it was just 200 euros.

Always brother and thank you for your appreciation! 💯



STREEGE = SUPER WOKE December was a dead giveaway
View attachment 351541

YOU CAN but understand that I haven't yet either. I've spent about 60k (all things considered) on trying to achieve my ideal lower third but haven't been able to (at-least in way of long-term viability).

1st surgery = amazing (this was perfection for me) but unstable and lost due to infection
2nd surgery = stable (which is good of course) but poor aesthetic outcome i.e. nothing like the first surgery (my opinion)
3rd surgery = Going back to original surgeon - planning in progress - CT sent - waiting for prognosis... (I hope he can fix this)

Also and equally important, you've a better foundation to start with than me, so if I can model from my transformation (1st surgery), you can ABSOLUTELY reach a very high PSL (you're already GL man).


Everything you said is SPOT ON STREEGE!

BRO... I spoon fed these brain dead zombies 🧟FACTS with excerpts, direct fucking quotes and source links that have the MAINSTREAM MEDIA discussing this; with the fucking ATTORNEY GENERAL OF AMERICA (AG William Barr) quoted as saying he was “very concerned about billionaire Bill Gates’ apparent desire to have “digital certificates” to show if people have been vaccinated against viruses.

And yet they have the audacity to call me "insane" lol.... OK fucking clowns🤡🤡🤡keep juggling for me and your masters🤹

“Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation are in favor of developing digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens, have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work and so forth,”
Ingraham said.

SOURCE AGAIN (and this is not the only source, there are MULTIPLE. Look it up you morons!):

To then facilitate travel and work and so forth": so let's recap shall we? Mmmm .... if you don't get the digital certificate vaccination, you won't be able to travel freely or work... Mmmm.... if you can't travel, then your movements are restricted righhhhtt? If you can't work, then you can't make money to survive righhhhtt?

Right.... okay do you understand now or do you need me to continue holding you hand?

"And so forth..." what does and so forth mean? Mmmmm and so forth is a generality as it covers similar things; et cetera.... you know .... ANYTHING THEY WANT IT TO COVER YOU INCOMPETENT FOOLS

I bet these fucking barneys think digital certificates mean that they email you your vaccine results haha View attachment 351601

NO YOU LOW IQ BOZOS: Digital certificates are going to be Quantum dot tattoos - “tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light” and that “glows under infrared light.” This pattern, along with the vaccine it’s hidden in, gets “delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar,”

This all coincides with the ID2020 agenda, which aims to create a global digital identification system for every person on Earth. ID2020 and vaccines are being used together to harvest the biometric identities of all mankind, and all for the purpose of creating the global system of tracking and control that was foretold in the book of Revelation.

They’ve already begun to test ID2020 in Bangladesh, inserting digital IDs in the bodies of newborn babies along with their vaccinations. And Bill Gates is now talking about how so-called “quantum dot tattoos” are the next wave of biometrics identification, also to be inserted in people’s bodies through vaccination.


MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
FROM THE FUCKING AGENCY ITSELF! (The official website):

So Streege .... you know... I can't help these idiots anymore if they don't want to face the facts (facts over feelings every time). Certain people don't want to be "unplugged" and/or never will be ready to see the reality.

Ideally, I like to try (attempt) to help people but I don't have patience anymore. Let'em burn, I'm done with zombies 🔥 🔥🔥 🧟 To all those zombies reading this, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY THREAD, YOU CAN'T BE SAVED, YOU'RE BETTER OFF DEAD ( :

I'll play, although I usually don't address this topic because it's murky, complex and verboten...
However, one word change easily shifts the paradigm:

Jews to khazarians/Khazars

"It's always better to die free than to live like a slave (just don't rope and be a useless statistic)"

^^ Good quote

Yes, which I've already addressed in post #311 don't be redundant friend.


Interesting take on the situation, though I'm glad you're happy brother 💯

I have a feeling this whole social isolation thing is gonna be a new way of life but good sources ngl the kikes hide it so well that unless you know what to search for you will never find them
So eppley will release your personal information not caring about rules and guidelines for surgeons plus some of his results aren't nice anyway ( specially for the thing I want ).

Defranq won't give good results worse is an psychopath ( well I never saw a good result from him anyway )

And with Dr Y you have a high chance of infection? Damn who do you go to then? Imo yaremchuk gives the best result but what's the use if you get infected? Maybe you could try to smuggle antibiotics through the airport when you have surgery with yaremchuk but I wonder if that's any good.

Which surgeon are you supposed to go then?
To everyone on this thread and to the OP:

This is not a joke. Please read this.

I created this account because I came across this thread through Google researching PEEK jaw implants external approach. I had never heard of this website before.

I started reading the OP's story and was paralyzed. I was like, "Did I accidentally start this thread in a parallel universe and just forgot?"

I also had surgery with Dr. Y and my story mirrors the OP's to a T, except I had NOT ONE, BUT TWO infections with Dr. Yaremchuk - back to back.

At first I saw the OP mention "Dr. Y." And I was thinking, "Wait, but he can't be talking about Dr. Yaremchuk right?"

Then he talks about having had an infection and traveling to and from Boston from across the world.

I too went through this same experience with Dr. Y.

Multiple flights. Multiple hotel bookings. Tens of thousands of dollars gone. Months of emotional turmoil. Suicidal ideation. Lack of communication or empathy from Dr. Y.

I forwarded this thread to a friend who knows about my story and what I've been going through. My friend was equally in disbelief / paralyzed by it. Essentially to the effect of: 1) Cannot believe you didn't write this thread yourself, and 2) Cannot believe you are not the only one.

I don't really know where to start in terms of my story. I could sit here for hours and write everything out + post photos here. Some of you may request that. The whole process would take me a long time. This short post does not begin to do justice for what I went through and am still going through.

I want to preserve my anonymity.

However when I see this long thread of guys who are considering surgery on this website - and that is their/your prerogative - I needed to let my story be known here. At least the existence of it.

My marginal mandibular nerve on one side has also been damaged due to the surgeries. Everything I have read online says the nerve should recover in maximum of 6 months. It has been longer than that for me and I still cannot smile normally. I also have permanent structural damage to the inside of my mouth requiring two periodontal surgeries totaling many thousands of dollars.

I went through many dark months - a black period of my life - like a deep, deep hole of despair and darkness. Suicidal ideation. I have risen above it and am doing better. I still have nights trouble falling asleep.

Most disappointing thing is: not once did Dr. Yaremchuk ever reach out and ask how I was doing. Not once did he say he was sorry for what I was going through. Not once did he show any empathy. He also will not respond well through email. He will have his surgical fellow do the correspondence.

I don't know if Dr. Yaremchuk will ever come across this post of mine. If he does, he will know it's me. And I would say to you: I forgive you for what's happened. I don't think you're a bad person at heart. I know you wouldn't have wished this for me. Just would have meant the world to me if you had reached out even once to ask how I was doing.


Don't know who the following people are, but tagging you here from above to bring more awareness to my story. This isn't about me. It's about bringing awareness to you.

@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents

HOL - LEE FUCK (excuse my vulgarity).... but I KNEW IT! I KNEW I COULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE ONLY ONE (@ Dr. Y), THIS IS INSANE and from what you've just written, maybe I should consider myself lucky?

Firstly, @Anonymous999 I'm SO sorry that you've been anathematized with this aesthetic (and functional) affliction. Jesus man, it is a psychological roller-coaster of torment, that molests the mind in an infinite number of ways.

I'm glad that you're doing a little better now because I KNOW it's BRUTAL.

Second, honestly I'm thankful that you decided to speak out and share your story (this must have been an extremely difficult decision, even in lieu of anonymity); so thank you for this.

Third, please do (if you can and feel up to it) expand on your prior experience with Y., how you dealt with everything and what (if anything) you're doing or considering now; to remedy what happened.

***Important: With your prior implants, were they placed 100% intraorally (all incisions inside your mouth) or a combination of the aforementioned? (jaw via inside the mouth and chin portion via externally under the chin),

Also, what was the material?

Most disappointing thing is: not once did Dr. Yaremchuk ever reach out and ask how I was doing. Not once did he say he was sorry for what I was going through. Not once did he show any empathy.

I mentioned once before that I had stockholm syndrome for Dr. Y. after what happened (the experience was so traumatic and paralyzing) that I was still in disbelief and defended every action, choice and decision that he made (no matter how poor it was for myself). I was looking through a glass darkly, however; I soon came to realize the imperfect picture (warped vision of reality).

To be fair, Dr. Y. stood by me in a sense (more than minimal) but perhaps just plumb of righteous. However, I FOR SURE can see and understand where you're coming from and how you felt (ABSOLUTELY).
I don't know if Dr. Yaremchuk will ever come across this post of mine. If he does, he will know it's me. And I would say to you: I forgive you for what's happened. I don't think you're a bad person at heart. I know you wouldn't have wished this for me. Just would have meant the world to me if you had reached out even once to ask how I was doing.

Ahhh man... 🤦🏻‍♂️ this hurts for real ... I hope you can heal 💯 Let's talk (I'll PM you).


Bro every message of you is almost the whole page long jfl.

Mirin anyway I've learned a few things

😂 sorry for the novels ha 📚 📖 and thanks for the appreciation brother! 💯 I'm glad if you (or anyone else) can take something away (learn) from my experience.


the worst case scenario doesnt mean its over, it means the beginning of something new.

True and well said: a good perspective in lieu of troubled times.

the biggest failo western society has ever committed and that is feminism.
feminism = liberation of femoids = hypergamy.

Yes... feminism (particularly second and third wave i.e. radical feminism) was one mechanism deployed to cripple and crush American (as well as European) culture (unfortunately it worked). Feminism in it's original form, was supposed to be about equal rights, akin to the civil rights movement (under the guise thereof) but the powers that be, sowed the seeds of descent (as they always do with these types of "cultural movements") and corrupted it entirely.

Let everything crash, the deadlier the virus becomes the more important a traditional way of living will be. Because society will be forced to go back to focus on the necessities.

I don't want to see the world burn but if it does come to that (and it very well may) then that's an excellent point: a complete RESET.


I know that he wants to have another surgery, but I am not sure he can learn to trust another doctor. Even if, the cost of a new surgery, flights, hotels, and loss of income whilst being away from work for at least 1-2 months, is not negligible. He is not wealthy, he just has a regular job in retail.

It's a very delicate dance ... (I'm still trying to figure it out myself) but I hope that he heals, pushes forward and can ascend 💯


What a legendary post, holy shit. If you didn't read all of it, too bad, you're a NWO gullible sheep.

As far as the binary section goes, I'm really sorry for your experience, looks like E & Y have the upper hand on this. Good luck booking surgery with them in the near future though.

You're king anyway man huge respect for going through all this.

You're always ACES my guy 🂡 🂡 🂡 TOP shelf 🤵🏻 💯

You're right about E&Y but they are SUCH a gamble man 🎲 🎲 You've got Y. who can give you the absolute BEST aesthetic outcome but has a HIGH instance of infection and then you have E. who might be more viable in terms of stability but is not as aesthetically proficient.

YO! @Barbarossa_ and myself are starting something new and I want you in on it 📿🤝🏻🩸


I have a feeling this whole social isolation thing is gonna be a new way of life

Agreed (it's already been stated) they are LITERALLY saying this across multiple news outlets but people don't want to listen man.

Brother, I've read some of your posts on these topics (New world order, destruction of the West etc...) and agree with many of your thoughts (not so much on the J theme: too murky but understand why people head in that direction)


So eppley will release your personal information not caring about rules and guidelines for surgeons plus some of his results aren't nice anyway ( specially for the thing I want ).

Eh!? First I'm hearing of this... obviously unethical if true and super twisted.

Defranq won't give good results worse is an psychopath ( well I never saw a good result from him anyway )

And with Dr Y you have a high chance of infection? Damn who do you go to then? Imo yaremchuk gives the best result but what's the use if you get infected? Maybe you could try to smuggle antibiotics through the airport when you have surgery with yaremchuk but I wonder if that's any good.

Which surgeon are you supposed to go then?

I knowwwww it's a crazy game (dangerous too) and as I mentioned above, always a delicate dance:

I agree with you about Y. and also, (I mentioned this too) IF I decide to move forward with him again, I will for sure be using the higher caliber antibiotics that Defrancq gave me.

Moreover, after reading what the user @Anonymous999 wrote, I'm getting bad vibes about trying with Dr. Y. again... it ACTUALLY made me consider reaching out to E. (can't believe I'm saying that) and I just might.
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  • +1
Reactions: paulus1 and Barbarossa_
You're always ACES my guy 🂡 🂡 🂡 TOP shelf 🤵🏻 💯

You're right about E&Y but they are SUCH a gamble man 🎲 🎲 You've got Y. who can give you the absolute BEST aesthetic outcome but has a HIGH instance of infection and then you have E. who might be more viable in terms of stability but is not as aesthetically proficient.

YO! @Barbarossa_ and myself are starting something new and I want you in on it 📿🤝🏻🩸
Lol I PMed you about your discord bro I couldn't find you by your username there
and I read that you wanna go back to Dr. Y...

Bro could you please just take this year off and grow a beard?
You need to recover mentally, financially and physically imo
  • Love it
Reactions: Adrenochrome
No way, I’m new to this website , I joined because I had to comment here after reading this from a link in google . I HAD THE EXACT THING. I got first surgery done with Eppley using silicon, but after reading that silicon could displace in the future I wanted it changing to peek , so I went to dr Noorman van der Dussen who is a very close friend of dr defrancq. Actually dr defrancq was also operating on me too with Noorman which was weird. I found this all out when I was in the operating bed . Defrancq secretary is Noorman daughter . But back to the result, first couple of weeks it came out just like the previous just more swelling but after a year I lost the angularity. It’s mainly due to the masseter muscle - I feel so depressed even suicidal. We should help each other fix this . I see u as hope . I can’t go back to Eppley because he warned me of getting the silicon removed. I’m always crying inside and super self conscious now
  • Woah
  • WTF
Reactions: paulus1, suddenurge and Adrenochrome
Lol @ everyone who believes in these cringy conspiracy theories such as Qanon
No way, I’m new to this website , I joined because I had to comment here after reading this from a link in google . I HAD THE EXACT THING. I got first surgery done with Eppley using silicon, but after reading that silicon could displace in the future I wanted it changing to peek , so I went to dr Noorman van der Dussen who is a very close friend of dr defrancq. Actually dr defrancq was also operating on me too with Noorman which was weird. I found this all out when I was in the operating bed . Defrancq secretary is Noorman daughter . But back to the result, first couple of weeks it came out just like the previous just more swelling but after a year I lost the angularity. It’s mainly due to the masseter muscle - I feel so depressed even suicidal. We should help each other fix this . I see u as hope . I can’t go back to Eppley because he warned me of getting the silicon removed. I’m always crying inside and super self conscious now

u should've just kept the silicone bro
  • +1
Reactions: suddenurge
u should've just kept the silicone bro
I know , but the future problems were stressing me out it made me felt depressed. I’d be over the moon if I can fix the angularity
More on my story:

I had chin/jaw + paranasal + malar/infraorbital rim implants placed nearly 12 years ago with Dr. Y that were not CT designed. They were MedPor. They were inserted successfully. Chin and jaw could have been made larger but my structure was made better than before.

So now you're probably wondering how this relates to my above post with the infections.

Continue reading.

Because my prior implants were not CT designed, he placed them the "bespoke" way, where he custom carved them during surgery. This sounds fancy, but you do not want to go this route.

Regarding the cheeks/infraorbital rim from 12 years ago:

The left side was designed slightly larger than the right. My suspicion is he made the left cheek 3-4 mm, and the right ~2mm.

Regarding the chin/jaw from 12 years ago:

Immediately after my chin/jaw surgery, literally the first time I got up to go to the bathroom still sedated in the recovery area, I noticed the left side of my chin was much larger than the right. I mentioned that to the nurse. She said "Dr. Y is a perfectionist. Impossible to know till swelling goes down. This is normal." But I wasn't wrong.

My final result was I had noticeable asymmetry in my chin for nearly 12 years that never stopped bothering me. This wasn't just self hyper-analysis where one is conscious of every millimeter. Essentially the left side was made significantly wider and larger than the right, where the most anterior part of the implant on the left extended laterally to the corner of my lips, but on the right, the implant receded back pretty close to the midline. Possibly a difference of at least 6-7mm. Think of it like someone you may know who has an asymmetry but you just don't say anything. I imagine that's how people were with me, just never saying anything. And I just learned to deal with it. But it became something I always started touching/palpating - a habit, like biting one's nails.

Because the cheek and chin on the left side were larger than on the right, this resulted in me always wanting to angle myself a certain way in photos because my left side looked slightly better.

Fast-forward 12 years:

I was videotaped doing something (up till this stage I never saw myself on video as an adult), and noticed the asymmetry. In photos I could angle my face to make myself look better and hide it, but on video I couldn't mask the asymmetry. It was so bad I didn't even want that video made public (and I didn't make it public).

This was the impetus for me reaching out to Dr Y again nearly 11-12 years later (a year and a half ago). He agreed to make the chin more symmetric, and even larger this time. He said we could accomplish this using a silicone Terino L-size square implant + add MedPor to it. Everything sounded great.

When I went in, I basically reiterated, "1) Symmetry symmetry symmetry. 2) Now that we're here, yes, larger. 3) Can you put a cleft in it?"

After the surgery, I noticed the chin was literally the same exact shape but just larger, so now the asymmetry was even worse. No cleft either. I also had a tail from the underlying silicone implant very palpable under the jawline on the left.

I asked the nurse about this and she agreed that it was again very asymmetrical. She was in the surgery and said that they had spent a lot of time intraoperatively trying to burr down the left side of the original implant.

I raised this point to him immediately in the recovery area the next morning about the asymmetry. He did his analysis and got me back into surgery that same afternoon (so two surgeries in less than 24 hours) - i.e., clearly he agreed with my assessment about the asymmetry. He then added MedPor to the right side to make it look more like the left. Basically layered stacks of MedPor.

My final result once again had no cleft, but it finally looked more symmetric. I called this the "paper mache chin," as it was literally various pieces of MedPor and silicone stuck and sewn together asymmetrically. On the outside, you wouldn't be able to tell, but for me, it really disturbed me. Months later after the swelling subsided, it would "crunch" and "crackle" when I'd push gently on the right side. Dr. Y reassured me the MedPor would not move but that I was just feeling the layers. As I said, I could also palpate and see the silicone implant tail under the mandible on the left. Once again, a "paper mache chin."

I then decided, "Well hey, he was able to make my chin more symmetric and slightly larger compared to 12 years ago, so he should be able to do the same for the cheeks right? I can finally have model cheeks maybe?"

So I contacted him again about the cheeks and we did custom CT designed malar implants. I said I wanted XXL size and had done my research on this stuff.

The first design came back ~5-5.5 mm on both sides. I knew this wasn't as big as I wanted, so I sent the design back.

The second design I received was 3.5 mm on the left and 5.5 mm on the right. What? How does that make sense? 1) I said I wanted larger, and 2) why all of a sudden is there now a 2 mm discrepancy between the sides, whereas in the first design they were within 0.2 mm of each other. I raised this point to Dr. Y + said I wanted XXL, once again. He said he would "talk to the engineers."

Third design came back as 7.4 mm on the right and 8.2 mm on the left. Good enough I thought. I basically went through an uncertainty period where I was like, "Will they be way too big? Will they not be big enough?" I just didn't know. But I figured it just wasn't a good bet pushing for larger. Everything I read online cautioned against going too large for cheeks.

I went in for the cheek surgery, and while I was in there preoperatively, I said to him, "Now that we're here, is it possible to take care of this palpable tail on the left side of my chin? And can you put a cleft in the chin?" Probably the third time I had asked him to put a cleft in the chin. He agreed to do the chin changes, but the focus was just eliminating the annoying palpable tail from the silicone implant. He didn't charge me extra for this.

After the surgery in the recovery area, they said things went well.

The nurse told me I didn't need to bother filling my antibiotic prescription because she could just give me the antibiotics I needed in a bag. So she did.

I took these as indicated for four days until they ran out. I thought this was unusual though because I recalled that 12 years earlier I had definitely been on antibiotics for at least a week. But I just didn't think anything of it. I had never had problems with surgery before and was too flustered with all of the swelling and sedation from pain meds to question the staff.

What I can comment on is something unusual about the bandages over the chin: something about how they made a cleft in it; this was not just a simple submental incision; there was a double-wire/filament of some kind on the outside of my chin pad that tracked into the underlying tissue itself - essentially a way for bugs to enter from the outside. I thought this was strange but, once again, I never had problems from surgery before so just didn't question it.

I spent a week in Boston doing standard post-operative recovery.

At one-week, they took the tapes off the chin and, bang, I had a really noticeable cleft. It looked stellar.

My midface was massively swollen so it was impossible to tell what the trajectory for the cheeks would be so far, but the chin looked great.

They then gave me the OK to fly back across the world.

This day that I was flying home I was the most confident about my looks that I've ever been in life. At least I got to taste it for a short window.

Within 24 hours of being home, I got a fever of 38.5 and a painful lymph node under my jaw. Crazy enough, I didn't even think anything of it and assumed maybe I was just unlucky and getting a cold but needed a day of rest.

Over the next two days I got really swollen around the chin. I thought it was just fluid from the midface moving downward.

I gently touched under the chin along the incision line and it felt very tenuous/thin. I knew something didn't feel right about it. I took a photo and could see pus through the skin. I touched it again, and my chin blew open and hot pus and blood fell out all over the floor. Lots of it. I freaked out and immediately took photos and sent to Dr. Y. He told me to come to Boston for treatment.

Bearing in mind, however, I live across the world, so I couldn't get there instantaneously.

I took an ambulance to the hospital and they opened the incision under the chin and irrigated all of the pus out. They also gave me antibiotics. I flew to Boston the next day and they put me on IV levofloxacin. We did two weeks of near-daily irrigation. I went on high-dose oral cephalexin + oral ciprofloxacin simultaneously. I had tubes/drains under my chin.

After two weeks, I had a small hole under my chin that was closing + granulating in. Dr. Y and the fellow said it looked a lot better and that it should close shortly. They gave me the OK to fly back across the world. I stayed on antibiotics for another ten days (so probably 3.5 weeks to a month).

After I went off the antibiotics, things got worse, not better. I took more photos and sent to Dr. Y.

I will never forget what happened next:

I was out with friends and I checked my email. It said, "There's clearly an infection present. Implants need to be removed. This can be done as soon as Monday. Please arrange with [Secretary]."

I was paralyzed. I didn't know what to do.

I had had implants in for 12 years without any problem whatsoever. Now I was going to lose it all.

I flew back to Boston and had the implants removed. I spent another two weeks there undergoing more drainage + had tubes under my chin.

But let's not lose hope. The plan was: recover quickly from this setback and get new CT-designed implants that will be even better than what I had before. Silver-lining right? Go through horrible infection + flying across the world + wasting all of this money, but, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The irony is: I'll actually have better implants in the end that are perfectly symmetrical, larger, and even with a cleft.

Before I could move forward however, they charged me $5,000 for the implant removal. I found this odd, as they are the ones who caused the infection. But they were not willing to move forward on the CT design until I paid this. I was in such emotional turmoil over losing the implants that my sole focus was to streamline things and just pay, so I did.

Over the course of the following months, my cheeks healed well and, I have enough humility to not say they're modelesque, but they're a solid and striking feature for me now. I am glad I got the size I did. If you want "model" cheekbones, you need to push at least 7-8 mm. That might sound large, and it is, but I got the cheek result I was looking for. You could say I'm now someone you'd meet and notice my cheekbones as a feature.

We then designed a seemingly perfect chin/jaw wrap-around implant. I wanted this XXL, same as the cheeks. We also designed a cleft in it.

This is where things get weird again in terms of the design. He designed the right jaw angle 5mm larger than the left. I raised this concern to him. Looking at the CT, I could actually see for myself that my underlying bone structure was asymmetric, so I assumed, "OK, well a CT can't lie. I can see the difference for myself, so we'll run with it."

I did my research on sizes online and found quite a bit on Eppley. I had seen one or two cases where he did 15mm on each side of the jaw + 15mm on the chin with good result, so I had those as general guides for what to expect. I had also read Eppley say in one of his posts that chin implants could be as long as 17-19mm.

With Dr. Y, we did 20mm on the right side of my jaw; 15mm on the left. (Keep in mind my cheeks are now XXL as well). The chin was made 23mm anterior projection. The cleft we designed ~6-7mm deep.

Following the surgery, they said things went well but that they had to shave down the chin component to make it fit. This obliterated the cleft completely. The final result therefore must have been no greater than 15-17mm on the chin. They also could not fit in the anterior aspect of the jaw properly + had to shave it down. The posterior angles remained at 15 and 20 mm.

This discrepancy in size between the posterior angles was obvious following the surgery. Not sure how a CT scan can lie. But basically my right angle looked massive; the left one looked perfect. I was really disturbed by this asymmetry.

They also told me that the muscle and gingiva avulsed during the surgery and that they had to make intraoral incisions to suture things properly, but that, don't worry, because the incisions that were made were the exact same as would be made with an intraoral chin implant. In other words, "Had we gone intraoral to insert your chin implant, the incisions would be the same anyway, so don't worry. Things went well."

During the week of post-op follow-up in Boston, Dr. Y and the fellow stressed that the sutures he put under my teeth were “very sensitive” and that I needed to do everything I could not to disturb them by staying on a liquid/soft food diet + using the mouthwash as indicated + not touching, brushing, flossing, or even looking at the area for at least 3 weeks. I had expressed my concern a few times about not being able to brush/floss or even look at that area for at least three weeks, and he told me it was important and that, correct, I shouldn’t even look at the area so as to not disturb the “very sensitive sutures.” I then flew back home one week post-op.

After about one week home (so ~2 weeks post-op), I began developing increasing severe pain of my lower teeth and gums. This was something I simply couldn’t ignore. I took a very gentle peek and could see that the gums around my lower teeth were completely missing.

Until this point in my life, I had always had great teeth, so to see this was not only completely shocking, but terrifying. I emailed Dr. Y + clinic with photos, but he never responded directly to me. He always had the fellow (Dennis Nguyen) respond on his behalf.

The fellow said everything looked fine and to just not play with the area. But I knew something was incredibly wrong. I asked if I should go to a periodontist because of the root exposure. He said no I did not and that I should just let things heal as is. He also said the roots were not exposed.

I contacted a practicing dentist I know of 40 years. I sent the same photos to him and he said, “Not only are the roots exposed, the bone is exposed. You absolutely should see a periodontist to have him take a look.”

So the next day I went to a periodontist. I told him the details of my surgeries and how the sutures were “very sensitive” and to be very careful not to disturb anything. He took a look and immediately his face sank. He said to me that not only were my gums completely receded, but that I had a gaping hole about 13-14mm deep in which he could visibly see underlying muscle.

Because my implants were Medpor (porous, which allows bacteria to easily seed/hide), any opening to the oral cavity whatsoever is an immediate guarantee of infection + the need for implant removal. The perio then took three videos using my phone of my gums + the hole.

Bearing in mind, Dr. Yaremchuk + Dr. Nguyen had never mentioned the hole to me. They said everything went great.

I sent the videos by email to Dr. Y + clinic. I didn’t get a response, so I called them. After finally getting through, he looked at the videos and said that, yes, that hole was indeed present when I left Boston and that it had actually improved slightly. He said not to worry and that he would send an email to my perio, which he did.

The perio showed me the email in which Dr. Y admitted that there was a problem during the surgery and that the hole was present when I left Boston and had contracted slightly since. He said it should close in 10-14 days by secondary intention (on its own) and that irrigation should be fine.

In other words, Dr. Yaremchuk + Dr. Nguyen had never mentioned this gaping hole to me. Not only had they said the surgery went well, but they stressed not to look at the area whatsoever and to not go to a periodontist. However had I not gone to the periodontist, I never would have known that hole was there.

Isn't it reasonable to conclude that sending a patient home with an open intra-oral wound with Medpor implants guarantees infection? Perhaps Dr. Y and Dr. Nguyen knew that. And that's why they didn't want me to go to the perio, because they knew the hole would be discovered. Then, when I would finally present again with infection, they could play it off as things being unlucky as opposed to owning up to the fact that, yes, of course I had an infection again because the hole was clearly there.

I stayed on antibiotics for about three weeks after this surgery. I then began getting swelling again. I pushed on the bottom of my chin and pus came up through the hole in my mouth. I flew back to Boston and they removed the implants a second time. I spent another two weeks there undergoing drainage + tubes under my chin.

I then flew back across the world and, a week later, I coughed and one of the intraoral incisions from the jaw implants blew open and blood came rushing into my mouth. I couldn't stop the bleeding and lost about 700 mL of blood. Was all over the ground as if someone had been executed. I thought I was going to die and messaged my family telling them I was dying. Ambulance took me to the hospital. We stopped the bleeding by shoving gauze into my mouth. They cauterized the intraoral suture site at 3am and put in more sutures. I had those taken out a week later.

I emailed Dr. Y about losing blood and he said something along the lines of "Unusual trajectory" but that was it. He didn't even ask how I was doing. It became obvious he just wanted to bury the communication and slide me under the rug.

My gums were also destroyed, requiring two gingival grafts (a lot of pain and money). The final result is better than post-Dr. Y, but I can't get my original gum appearance back and have permanent recession around my lower teeth. Fortunately we usually don't show the lower gums when we smile, so you would never notice, but it's something I am aware of and will continue to live with.

I also have marginal mandibular nerve damage on the left, so I can't lower the left side of my mouth as well as I used to, so I try not to smile showing my teeth. My chin muscles are also weaker on the left side. I have slight oral incompetence right now with liquids, so I cannot swish fluids around my mouth without holding the left side of my mouth shut. It's improved slightly, but I still have muscular weakness.

I had a further chat with the periodontist about things + discussed what I knew about the surgery in detail. He's obviously not a craniofacial plastic surgeon, but being a periodontist, he has strong understanding of the oral cavity and craniofacial anatomy. He said to me that gingival mucosa heals incredibly well and fast, meaning that the 13-14mm hole we discovered two weeks post-op must have actually been a massive cavity following the surgery. Dr. Y had said in the email that the hole contracted slightly, but the perio said it had to have been much larger. He suspects there was an instrumentation error, that perhaps they "slipped" using an elevating device for the tissues. He's aware my implants were XXL and things take on greater risk, but based on the extent of my trauma, he suspects it was instrumentation error.

I now have no implants in around my chin/jaw, after having had stable ones in for 12 years. I avoid looking at old photos of myself and never realized how good I had it. My concern about the palpable tail of the chin implant is laughable now. I'd do anything to get back to where I was.

I should also mention that the scar under my chin, because it was left to heal by secondary intention (on its own because of the infections, as opposed to being sutured shut), has left me with disfigurement that is visible on left profile. The chin pad sags below the scar line several millimeters, so I basically have an old man, saggy chin now. From the right I look fine. As I said, I just avoid looking at myself. Just makes me depressed if I take a photo.

Because I lost my chin/jaw + gained the large cheek implants, my face now is completely different compared to before. I was very boxy and square before. Now I'm sort of triangular / more Asian almost. My midface is hands-down an improvement, but would I go back in time to before the big cheek implants if it meant I could get my chin/jaw implants back + original gums + full nerve function? Absolutely. I would never wish my experience upon anyone.

I should also mention that when I went in for the various infection complications, the nurses told me about a guy from the Middle East who had cheek implant infections prior to a sibling's wedding. They disclosed his name to me (wild; confidentiality??). I will of course not say it here. Not sure if that's the OP. And if it isn't, then there's yet another infection case out there that happened last year with Dr. Y.

Because of Corona, things have obviously slowed down for all of us. However there is a different surgeon with whom I'm looking to have PEEK implants inserted via external approach. I absolutely cannot tolerate a third infection so will not go intraoral.

I'm not rushing into things as I've needed to let my gums heal and my nerve function come back as much as possible, but I'm pretty firm that I will go PEEK and external approach.

I'm OK with taking on external scars around the posterior angles because, after what I've been through, I'd do anything just to get back close to where I was + without another infection. I also now know that 15mm is the perfect posterior angle size for me. I will also probably go for no more than 12mm anterior projection on the chin. I want 15 or so, but the larger we go, the greater the complication risk, and I just don't want to have more problems. Plan is also to design a deep cleft into the chin. So even though the eventual anterior projection won't be as much as I want, maybe the cleft can overall make for a very good effect.

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

Is there?


I left this long post here because 1) you guys should know about what I went through + what is possible with this type of surgery; and 2) This outlet truthfully just helps with my own psychological healing.


@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents
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  • So Sad
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: amsterdammer, Mongrelcel, randomvanish and 23 others every word man. I don’t know how you managed to put up with all of that. That just sounds so incredibly brutal and it’s crazy to me that surgeons can be so irresponsible and yet the results of their errors are for you to deal with on your own. Hope you’re doing alright now.
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Reactions: paulus1, kota, Gaia262 and 3 others
More on my story:

I had chin/jaw + paranasal + malar/infraorbital rim implants placed nearly 12 years ago with Dr. Y that were not CT designed. They were MedPor. They were inserted successfully. Chin and jaw could have been made larger but my structure was made better than before.

So now you're probably wondering how this relates to my above post with the infections.

Continue reading.

Because my prior implants were not CT designed, he placed them the "bespoke" way, where he custom carved them during surgery. This sounds fancy, but you do not want to go this route.

Regarding the cheeks/infraorbital rim from 12 years ago:

The left side was designed slightly larger than the right. My suspicion is he made the left cheek 3-4 mm, and the right ~2mm.

Regarding the chin/jaw from 12 years ago:

Immediately after my chin/jaw surgery, literally the first time I got up to go to the bathroom still sedated in the recovery area, I noticed the left side of my chin was much larger than the right. I mentioned that to the nurse. She said "Dr. Y is a perfectionist. Impossible to know till swelling goes down. This is normal." But I wasn't wrong.

My final result was I had noticeable asymmetry in my chin for nearly 12 years that never stopped bothering me. This wasn't just self hyper-analysis where one is conscious of every millimeter. Essentially the left side was made significantly wider and larger than the right, where the most anterior part of the implant on the left extended laterally to the corner of my lips, but on the right, the implant receded back pretty close to the midline. Possibly a difference of at least 6-7mm. Think of it like someone you may know who has an asymmetry but you just don't say anything. I imagine that's how people were with me, just never saying anything. And I just learned to deal with it. But it became something I always started touching/palpating - a habit, like biting one's nails.

Because the cheek and chin on the left side were larger than on the right, this resulted in me always wanting to angle myself a certain way in photos because my left side looked slightly better.

Fast-forward 12 years:

I was videotaped doing something (up till this stage I never saw myself on video as an adult), and noticed the asymmetry. In photos I could angle my face to make myself look better and hide it, but on video I couldn't mask the asymmetry. It was so bad I didn't even want that video made public (and I didn't make it public).

This was the impetus for me reaching out to Dr Y again nearly 11-12 years later (a year and a half ago). He agreed to make the chin more symmetric, and even larger this time. He said we could accomplish this using a silicone Terino L-size square implant + add MedPor to it. Everything sounded great.

When I went in, I basically reiterated, "1) Symmetry symmetry symmetry. 2) Now that we're here, yes, larger. 3) Can you put a cleft in it?"

After the surgery, I noticed the chin was literally the same exact shape but just larger, so now the asymmetry was even worse. No cleft either. I also had a tail from the underlying silicone implant very palpable under the jawline on the left.

I asked the nurse about this and she agreed that it was again very asymmetrical. She was in the surgery and said that they had spent a lot of time intraoperatively trying to burr down the left side of the original implant.

I raised this point to him immediately in the recovery area the next morning about the asymmetry. He did his analysis and got me back into surgery that same afternoon (so two surgeries in less than 24 hours) - i.e., clearly he agreed with my assessment about the asymmetry. He then added MedPor to the right side to make it look more like the left. Basically layered stacks of MedPor.

My final result once again had no cleft, but it finally looked more symmetric. I called this the "paper mache chin," as it was literally various pieces of MedPor and silicone stuck and sewn together asymmetrically. On the outside, you wouldn't be able to tell, but for me, it really disturbed me. Months later after the swelling subsided, it would "crunch" and "crackle" when I'd push gently on the right side. Dr. Y reassured me the MedPor would not move but that I was just feeling the layers. As I said, I could also palpate and see the silicone implant tail under the mandible on the left. Once again, a "paper mache chin."

I then decided, "Well hey, he was able to make my chin more symmetric and slightly larger compared to 12 years ago, so he should be able to do the same for the cheeks right? I can finally have model cheeks maybe?"

So I contacted him again about the cheeks and we did custom CT designed malar implants. I said I wanted XXL size and had done my research on this stuff.

The first design came back ~5-5.5 mm on both sides. I knew this wasn't as big as I wanted, so I sent the design back.

The second design I received was 3.5 mm on the left and 5.5 mm on the right. What? How does that make sense? 1) I said I wanted larger, and 2) why all of a sudden is there now a 2 mm discrepancy between the sides, whereas in the first design they were within 0.2 mm of each other. I raised this point to Dr. Y + said I wanted XXL, once again. He said he would "talk to the engineers."

Third design came back as 7.4 mm on the right and 8.2 mm on the left. Good enough I thought. I basically went through an uncertainty period where I was like, "Will they be way too big? Will they not be big enough?" I just didn't know. But I figured it just wasn't a good bet pushing for larger. Everything I read online cautioned against going too large for cheeks.

I went in for the cheek surgery, and while I was in there preoperatively, I said to him, "Now that we're here, is it possible to take care of this palpable tail on the left side of my chin? And can you put a cleft in the chin?" Probably the third time I had asked him to put a cleft in the chin. He agreed to do the chin changes, but the focus was just eliminating the annoying palpable tail from the silicone implant. He didn't charge me extra for this.

After the surgery in the recovery area, they said things went well.

The nurse told me I didn't need to bother filling my antibiotic prescription because she could just give me the antibiotics I needed in a bag. So she did.

I took these as indicated for four days until they ran out. I thought this was unusual though because I recalled that 12 years earlier I had definitely been on antibiotics for at least a week. But I just didn't think anything of it. I had never had problems with surgery before and was too flustered with all of the swelling and sedation from pain meds to question the staff.

What I can comment on is something unusual about the bandages over the chin: something about how they made a cleft in it; this was not just a simple submental incision; there was a double-wire/filament of some kind on the outside of my chin pad that tracked into the underlying tissue itself - essentially a way for bugs to enter from the outside. I thought this was strange but, once again, I never had problems from surgery before so just didn't question it.

I spent a week in Boston doing standard post-operative recovery.

At one-week, they took the tapes off the chin and, bang, I had a really noticeable cleft. It looked stellar.

My midface was massively swollen so it was impossible to tell what the trajectory for the cheeks would be so far, but the chin looked great.

They then gave me the OK to fly back across the world.

This day that I was flying home I was the most confident about my looks that I've ever been in life. At least I got to taste it for a short window.

Within 24 hours of being home, I got a fever of 38.5 and a painful lymph node under my jaw. Crazy enough, I didn't even think anything of it and assumed maybe I was just unlucky and getting a cold but needed a day of rest.

Over the next two days I got really swollen around the chin. I thought it was just fluid from the midface moving downward.

I gently touched under the chin along the incision line and it felt very tenuous/thin. I knew something didn't feel right about it. I took a photo and could see pus through the skin. I touched it again, and my chin blew open and hot pus and blood fell out all over the floor. Lots of it. I freaked out and immediately took photos and sent to Dr. Y. He told me to come to Boston for treatment.

Bearing in mind, however, I live across the world, so I couldn't get there instantaneously.

I took an ambulance to the hospital and they opened the incision under the chin and irrigated all of the pus out. They also gave me antibiotics. I flew to Boston the next day and they put me on IV levofloxacin. We did two weeks of near-daily irrigation. I went on high-dose oral cephalexin + oral ciprofloxacin simultaneously. I had tubes/drains under my chin.

After two weeks, I had a small hole under my chin that was closing + granulating in. Dr. Y and the fellow said it looked a lot better and that it should close shortly. They gave me the OK to fly back across the world. I stayed on antibiotics for another ten days (so probably 3.5 weeks to a month).

After I went off the antibiotics, things got worse, not better. I took more photos and sent to Dr. Y.

I will never forget what happened next:

I was out with friends and I checked my email. It said, "There's clearly an infection present. Implants need to be removed. This can be done as soon as Monday. Please arrange with [Secretary]."

I was paralyzed. I didn't know what to do.

I had had implants in for 12 years without any problem whatsoever. Now I was going to lose it all.

I flew back to Boston and had the implants removed. I spent another two weeks there undergoing more drainage + had tubes under my chin.

But let's not lose hope. The plan was: recover quickly from this setback and get new CT-designed implants that will be even better than what I had before. Silver-lining right? Go through horrible infection + flying across the world + wasting all of this money, but, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. The irony is: I'll actually have better implants in the end that are perfectly symmetrical, larger, and even with a cleft.

Before I could move forward however, they charged me $5,000 for the implant removal. I found this odd, as they are the ones who caused the infection. But they were not willing to move forward on the CT design until I paid this. I was in such emotional turmoil over losing the implants that my sole focus was to streamline things and just pay, so I did.

Over the course of the following months, my cheeks healed well and, I have enough humility to not say they're modelesque, but they're a solid and striking feature for me now. I am glad I got the size I did. If you want "model" cheekbones, you need to push at least 7-8 mm. That might sound large, and it is, but I got the cheek result I was looking for. You could say I'm now someone you'd meet and notice my cheekbones as a feature.

We then designed a seemingly perfect chin/jaw wrap-around implant. I wanted this XXL, same as the cheeks. We also designed a cleft in it.

This is where things get weird again in terms of the design. He designed the right jaw angle 5mm larger than the left. I raised this concern to him. Looking at the CT, I could actually see for myself that my underlying bone structure was asymmetric, so I assumed, "OK, well a CT can't lie. I can see the difference for myself, so we'll run with it."

I did my research on sizes online and found quite a bit on Eppley. I had seen one or two cases where he did 15mm on each side of the jaw + 15mm on the chin with good result, so I had those as general guides for what to expect. I had also read Eppley say in one of his posts that chin implants could be as long as 17-19mm.

With Dr. Y, we did 20mm on the right side of my jaw; 15mm on the left. (Keep in mind my cheeks are now XXL as well). The chin was made 23mm anterior projection. The cleft we designed ~6-7mm deep.

Following the surgery, they said things went well but that they had to shave down the chin component to make it fit. This obliterated the cleft completely. The final result therefore must have been no greater than 15-17mm on the chin. They also could not fit in the anterior aspect of the jaw properly + had to shave it down. The posterior angles remained at 15 and 20 mm.

This discrepancy in size between the posterior angles was obvious following the surgery. Not sure how a CT scan can lie. But basically my right angle looked massive; the left one looked perfect. I was really disturbed by this asymmetry.

They also told me that the muscle and gingiva avulsed during the surgery and that they had to make intraoral incisions to suture things properly, but that, don't worry, because the incisions that were made were the exact same as would be made with an intraoral chin implant. In other words, "Had we gone intraoral to insert your chin implant, the incisions would be the same anyway, so don't worry. Things went well."

During the week of post-op follow-up in Boston, Dr. Y and the fellow stressed that the sutures he put under my teeth were “very sensitive” and that I needed to do everything I could not to disturb them by staying on a liquid/soft food diet + using the mouthwash as indicated + not touching, brushing, flossing, or even looking at the area for at least 3 weeks. I had expressed my concern a few times about not being able to brush/floss or even look at that area for at least three weeks, and he told me it was important and that, correct, I shouldn’t even look at the area so as to not disturb the “very sensitive sutures.” I then flew back home one week post-op.

After about one week home (so ~2 weeks post-op), I began developing increasing severe pain of my lower teeth and gums. This was something I simply couldn’t ignore. I took a very gentle peek and could see that the gums around my lower teeth were completely missing.

Until this point in my life, I had always had great teeth, so to see this was not only completely shocking, but terrifying. I emailed Dr. Y + clinic with photos, but he never responded directly to me. He always had the fellow (Dennis Nguyen) respond on his behalf.

The fellow said everything looked fine and to just not play with the area. But I knew something was incredibly wrong. I asked if I should go to a periodontist because of the root exposure. He said no I did not and that I should just let things heal as is. He also said the roots were not exposed.

I contacted a practicing dentist I know of 40 years. I sent the same photos to him and he said, “Not only are the roots exposed, the bone is exposed. You absolutely should see a periodontist to have him take a look.”

So the next day I went to a periodontist. I told him the details of my surgeries and how the sutures were “very sensitive” and to be very careful not to disturb anything. He took a look and immediately his face sank. He said to me that not only were my gums completely receded, but that I had a gaping hole about 13-14mm deep in which he could visibly see underlying muscle.

Because my implants were Medpor (porous, which allows bacteria to easily seed/hide), any opening to the oral cavity whatsoever is an immediate guarantee of infection + the need for implant removal. The perio then took three videos using my phone of my gums + the hole.

Bearing in mind, Dr. Yaremchuk + Dr. Nguyen had never mentioned the hole to me. They said everything went great.

I sent the videos by email to Dr. Y + clinic. I didn’t get a response, so I called them. After finally getting through, he looked at the videos and said that, yes, that hole was indeed present when I left Boston and that it had actually improved slightly. He said not to worry and that he would send an email to my perio, which he did.

The perio showed me the email in which Dr. Y admitted that there was a problem during the surgery and that the hole was present when I left Boston and had contracted slightly since. He said it should close in 10-14 days by secondary intention (on its own) and that irrigation should be fine.

In other words, Dr. Yaremchuk + Dr. Nguyen had never mentioned this gaping hole to me. Not only had they said the surgery went well, but they stressed not to look at the area whatsoever and to not go to a periodontist. However had I not gone to the periodontist, I never would have known that hole was there.

Isn't it reasonable to conclude that sending a patient home with an open intra-oral wound with Medpor implants guarantees infection? Perhaps Dr. Y and Dr. Nguyen knew that. And that's why they didn't want me to go to the perio, because they knew the hole would be discovered. Then, when I would finally present again with infection, they could play it off as things being unlucky as opposed to owning up to the fact that, yes, of course I had an infection again because the hole was clearly there.

I stayed on antibiotics for about three weeks after this surgery. I then began getting swelling again. I pushed on the bottom of my chin and pus came up through the hole in my mouth. I flew back to Boston and they removed the implants a second time. I spent another two weeks there undergoing drainage + tubes under my chin.

I then flew back across the world and, a week later, I coughed and one of the intraoral incisions from the jaw implants blew open and blood came rushing into my mouth. I couldn't stop the bleeding and lost about 700 mL of blood. Was all over the ground as if someone had been executed. I thought I was going to die and messaged my family telling them I was dying. Ambulance took me to the hospital. We stopped the bleeding by shoving gauze into my mouth. They cauterized the intraoral suture site at 3am and put in more sutures. I had those taken out a week later.

I emailed Dr. Y about losing blood and he said something along the lines of "Unusual trajectory" but that was it. He didn't even ask how I was doing. It became obvious he just wanted to bury the communication and slide me under the rug.

My gums were also destroyed, requiring two gingival grafts (a lot of pain and money). The final result is better than post-Dr. Y, but I can't get my original gum appearance back and have permanent recession around my lower teeth. Fortunately we usually don't show the lower gums when we smile, so you would never notice, but it's something I am aware of and will continue to live with.

I also have marginal mandibular nerve damage on the left, so I can't lower the left side of my mouth as well as I used to, so I try not to smile showing my teeth. My chin muscles are also weaker on the left side. I have slight oral incompetence right now with liquids, so I cannot swish fluids around my mouth without holding the left side of my mouth shut. It's improved slightly, but I still have muscular weakness.

I had a further chat with the periodontist about things + discussed what I knew about the surgery in detail. He's obviously not a craniofacial plastic surgeon, but being a periodontist, he has strong understanding of the oral cavity and craniofacial anatomy. He said to me that gingival mucosa heals incredibly well and fast, meaning that the 13-14mm hole we discovered two weeks post-op must have actually been a massive cavity following the surgery. Dr. Y had said in the email that the hole contracted slightly, but the perio said it had to have been much larger. He suspects there was an instrumentation error, that perhaps they "slipped" using an elevating device for the tissues. He's aware my implants were XXL and things take on greater risk, but based on the extent of my trauma, he suspects it was instrumentation error.

I now have no implants in around my chin/jaw, after having had stable ones in for 12 years. I avoid looking at old photos of myself and never realized how good I had it. My concern about the palpable tail of the chin implant is laughable now. I'd do anything to get back to where I was.

I should also mention that the scar under my chin, because it was left to heal by secondary intention (on its own because of the infections, as opposed to being sutured shut), has left me with disfigurement that is visible on left profile. The chin pad sags below the scar line several millimeters, so I basically have an old man, saggy chin now. From the right I look fine. As I said, I just avoid looking at myself. Just makes me depressed if I take a photo.

Because I lost my chin/jaw + gained the large cheek implants, my face now is completely different compared to before. I was very boxy and square before. Now I'm sort of triangular / more Asian almost. My midface is hands-down an improvement, but would I go back in time to before the big cheek implants if it meant I could get my chin/jaw implants back + original gums + full nerve function? Absolutely. I would never wish my experience upon anyone.

I should also mention that when I went in for the various infection complications, the nurses told me about a guy from the Middle East who had cheek implant infections prior to a sibling's wedding. They disclosed his name to me (wild; confidentiality??). I will of course not say it here. Not sure if that's the OP. And if it isn't, then there's yet another infection case out there that happened last year with Dr. Y.

Because of Corona, things have obviously slowed down for all of us. However there is a different surgeon with whom I'm looking to have PEEK implants inserted via external approach. I absolutely cannot tolerate a third infection so will not go intraoral.

I'm not rushing into things as I've needed to let my gums heal and my nerve function come back as much as possible, but I'm pretty firm that I will go PEEK and external approach.

I'm OK with taking on external scars around the posterior angles because, after what I've been through, I'd do anything just to get back close to where I was + without another infection. I also now know that 15mm is the perfect posterior angle size for me. I will also probably go for no more than 12mm anterior projection on the chin. I want 15 or so, but the larger we go, the greater the complication risk, and I just don't want to have more problems. Plan is also to design a deep cleft into the chin. So even though the eventual anterior projection won't be as much as I want, maybe the cleft can overall make for a very good effect.

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

Is there?


I left this long post here because 1) you guys should know about what I went through + what is possible with this type of surgery; and 2) This outlet truthfully just helps with my own psychological healing.


@Golden Glass
@Dr Shekelberg
@anti caking agents
wow dude, crazy story. i really hope things go well for you in the future, thank you for sharing.
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