Nolvadex vs Aromasin



high iq
Jan 7, 2024
i dont really wanna take aromasin as its harder to get/find.

can nolvadex be a good subsitute for height?
does it cause balding? can it cause a rebound

taking mk677 with it, just gonna run it maybe with CJC with DAC.

also have hyperthyroidism if that changes anything
i dont really wanna take aromasin as its harder to get/find.

can nolvadex be a good subsitute for height?
does it cause balding? can it cause a rebound

taking mk677 with it, just gonna run it maybe with CJC with DAC.

also have hyperthyroidism if that changes anything
Noladex (Tamoxifen) is not an aromatase inhibitor. Tamoxifen is a SERM that will block the estrogen receptors in the chest, significantly reducing the chance of gynecomastia, but won't really do anything to the e2 levels in the body.

Also, don't use aromatase inhibitors if you don't experience any e2 symptoms.

The e2 reference range is 156 pmol/L, and my level is above 350 pmol/L. And because I don't have any e2 side effects, I don't use aromatase inhibitors.

I recommend you to use anastrozole because it's a reversible inhibitor and if you use too much of it, the e2 suppression will be solved quickly.

If you use anastrozole, use it at 0.5 mg every other day.

EDIT: Now I saw you want to reduce e2 because you don't want your growth plates to fuse. I initially thought you are asking that question in the context of steroid use and aromatization of testosterone. The answer is still no. Tamoxifen doesn't affect estrogen levels in the body.

Also, for better growth, using pharma-grade HGH is the better option compared to SARMs.
EDIT: Now I saw you want to reduce e2 because you don't want your growth plates to fuse. I initially thought you are asking that question in the context of steroid use and aromatization of testosterone. The answer is still no. Tamoxifen doesn't affect estrogen levels in the body.
thanks. sorry i saw a paper:
and thought it was a aromatase inhibitor, made a guess and i was wrong. my fault for that.

what are the risks of e2 rebound? ik theres been threads on it but I cant find reliable info on how to prevent rebound

using pharma-grade HGH is the better option compared to SARMs.
might do hgh if i find a good source but some of these 6'4 mfs gatekeeping:hnghn:
Research on tamoxifen wether it increases or decreases height has always been quite debatable.

The administration of tamoxifen, 20 mg/day for 10 days, to normal males produced a moderate increase in luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone, and estradiol levels,

Tamoxifen induces permanent growth arrest through selective induction of apoptosis in growth plate chondrocytes in cultured rat metatarsal bones​

Also I think that tamoxifen/nolvadex could have a rebound effect.

Aromasin is considered a permament aromatese inhibitor, however new aromatese enzymes are created so this only means you will have a longer recovery period to reach what would be your baseline estradiol levels, which might be beneficial.
If it was permament forever why dont women with breast cancer just take a couple of tablets and done.

I am taking aromasin and if anything you may notice some slight hair shed. specially since im guessing you are 15 which is too young to go bald
thanks. sorry i saw a paper:
and thought it was a aromatase inhibitor, made a guess and i was wrong. my fault for that.

what are the risks of e2 rebound? ik theres been threads on it but I cant find reliable info on how to prevent rebound

might do hgh if i find a good source but some of these 6'4 mfs gatekeeping:hnghn:
I don't think there is an AI dose that can reduce e2 without totally crashing it if e2 is not significantly elevated.

AIs are designed to be used when e2 is elevated and causes problems, not when e2 is within normal range.

You should consult with an endocrinologist and ask him/her what options you have. Hormones and results from treatments are very individual things and different people can get very different results from the same dose.
I am taking aromasin and if anything you may notice some slight hair shed. specially since im guessing you are 15 which is too young to go bald
Actual baldness due to hormonal changes and steroid use will happen only if the individual is genetically predisposed to baldness. If not, some hair thinning can occur, but there won't be baldness.
AIs are designed to be used when e2 is elevated and causes problems, not when e2 is within normal range.
makes sense.

im trying to lower e2 in the case of delaying plate closure.

aromasin seems good, however it might crash my e2 if I use it for too long (as it keeps on destroying the enzyme)
anastrozole might cause a rebound especially if I run out for a while.

would you reccomend
cjc dac 1x a week at 250mcg/maybe higher?

ipamorelin 1x day - 250mcg


and aromasin at every other other day at 12.5mg? or anastrozole 0.5mg eod?

i also have mk677
I don't think there is an AI dose that can reduce e2 without totally crashing it if e2 is not significantly elevated.

AIs are designed to be used when e2 is elevated and causes problems, not when e2 is within normal range.

You should consult with an endocrinologist and ask him/her what options you have. Hormones and results from treatments are very individual things and different people can get very different results from the same dose.
Maximal estradiol suppression of 62 +/- 14% was observed at 12 h
I don't think there is an AI dose that can reduce e2 without totally crashing it if e2 is not significantly elevated.

Serum E1, E2 and E1S levels were suppressed by all doses starting from day 7; the degree of inhibition versus baseline was 25 up to 72% for E1, 30 up to 62% for E2 and 16 up to 52% for E1S, with higher doses achieving greater suppression; these changes were maintained over time. A significant increase in FSH and LH levels was observed for all doses. Treatment tolerability was satisfactory. The endocrine effects of exemestane appear to be dose related and 0.5 and 1 mg are ineffective for adequately suppressing circulating oestrogens
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makes sense.

im trying to lower e2 in the case of delaying plate closure.

aromasin seems good, however it might crash my e2 if I use it for too long (as it keeps on destroying the enzyme)
anastrozole might cause a rebound especially if I run out for a while.

would you reccomend
cjc dac 1x a week at 250mcg/maybe higher?

ipamorelin 1x day - 250mcg


and aromasin at every other other day at 12.5mg? or anastrozole 0.5mg eod?

i also have mk677
Aromasin does not cause complete e2 suppresion like letro does and it is dose dependent like in the study I provided above.
Aromasin 12.5 every other day is okay
alright thanks.

as for the peptides what ur reccomendation
So is this ur stack or your options?

cjc dac 1x a week at 250mcg/maybe higher?

ipamorelin 1x day - 250mcg

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this is what ive been thinking of getting since they are all relatively cheap and easily sourcable, but you can remove/add whatever
So is this ur stack or your options?

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