Racism is disgusting and it's wrong

You ain't people so my hate for you isnt to another human you're beast folk
The irony of this comment coming from
A beast with Neanderthal DNA dare telling a pureblooded homo sapien that he’s a “beast” Lmfao 🤣. Even the sun thinks so that’s why it tries at every turn to cook your kind like the anathema you are.

The irony
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  • JFL
Reactions: murdah
The irony of this comment coming from
An beast with Neanderthal DNA dare telling an pureblooded homo sapien that he’s a “beast”
Lmfao 🤣

The irony
Funnily enough my mum has Rh negative blood which comes from Irish basque and Scottish but it's comes from originally the Basque who descend from cro magons
Keep coping nig
@King Solomon
There's no reason for me to respond to a random person. You have all the resources and evidence to adequately demonstrate the Caucasians are the true Israelites.

1.) Lamentations 4:7
Her Nazirites were brighter than snow And whiter than milk; They were more ruddy in body than rubies, Like sapphire in their appearance. This adequately describes a healthy white man from the tribe that Jesus was in (non-resurrected human form).
-I gave you the context for this one and the fake black Hebrew Israelites use the next verse out of context to prove they're black but since they lack reading comprehension of a 3rd grader they failed to understand that the skin color changed to black as they were dead in the streets and rotting away. This reference is sufficient enough to prove they have white skin.
2.) Truth Vids provides all the migrations of the Caucasians and the Israelites (apocrypha which was mysteriously removed in the 17th century by the Edomites) and demonstrates the migrations and dates align perfectly. Not only that he has 100 proofs the Israelites are white.
3.) All the prophecies and promises are fulfilled by only the Caucasians. The funny thing is colonizing and ruling the earth is proof yet the Edomites use this as a tool for minorities to spew hate on the white race.

The Edomite/Canaanites aka Jeqs of today at least can pull off the appearance of an Israelite to an extent but no more than 30 minutes of research can prove they're the Edomites/Canaanites. Their DNA has proven they have 50% Canaanite blood. Their own Almac and Encyclopedias expose them as Edomites. The bible clearly demonstrates they're Edomites and Jesus said they're not Judeans but the seed of the devil and synagogue of Satan and in the book of Obidiah YAH said he would wipe Esau's seed off the earth.

The fake black Hebrew Israelites care not for truth as they push any agenda that makes them feel better about themselves and their history. They pretend to be the Irish, Israelites, original Masons, original Moors, original man, Mermaids, Egyptians, original Americans, etc etc. Everything but who they truly are. Their history of achievements is vastly inferior to every other race and have given nothing back to mankind. They didn't even invent the wheel or their own language before the Whiteman civilized them. They knew not of Christianity before the white man went on missions to help them receive salvation and get rid of their witchcraft, voodoo, etc. Anytime the white man leaves their nation they immediately crumble back to a third world shithole living in huts shitting on the streets, spear chucking, eating raw flesh, and practicing their voodoo and turning their backs on YAH. So no matter how much evidence you show them, their delusions of grandeur are too strong to overcome. You could force them to watch 14 hours of the truthvids documentary on the 100 proofs the Israelites are indeed white and they'll still be in denial.

Eliam has posted an open invitation for any of the fake black Hebrew Israelites for a debate and not a single one has taken him on his offer. He's gone into the streets and dismantled their beliefs with scriptures so now they stay indoors because they were getting clowned on for their pure ignorance. Every single scripture they use to push their lies is either out of context or has nothing to do with them at all. I used to laugh at them for their ignorant claims but now at this point I pity them because they feel inferior and can't accept their true history. Let them pretend to be the Chosen and YAH will give them their due reward in the end just like he will for Esau.
  • JFL
Reactions: murdah
Funnily enough my mum has Rh negative blood which comes from Irish basque and Scottish but it's comes from originally the Basque who descend from cro magons
Keep coping nig
And ur still on this forum with 320 posts in 10 days

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