Rate diet - what vitamins/minerals am i missing?



trying to ascend before ww3
Feb 25, 2022
Meal 1 : 130g chicken breast + 80g (uncooked) pasta
Meal 2 : 50g Almonds + 50g Oats + 370g Natural Yoghurt + 0.5l 3.2% Milk + Banana
Meal 3 : 130g chicken breast + 1 tortilla wrap + avocado
Meal 4 : 130g chicken breast + 80g (uncooked) pasta
"Snacks" : Carrots/Carrot juice (for skin glow)
Drinks: Water only
Occasionally : Salmon/Red meat/Eggs

Average daily calories : 2600
Carbs : 260
Fats : 90
Protein : 170

Height 189cm (6'2) Weight 82kg (180lbs) Age 22

Supplements : D3 2000IU, Omega 3, Creatine, Magnesium 250mg, Zinc 15mg, B6mg, Vitamin C 1000

Goal : stay lean - put on muscle - look youthful - stay healthy - be less tired - improve hormones

Buddy boyos what am I missing in terms of vitamins/minerals? I suppose I need some more vegetables but what else would you add?
(The reason why I eat so much chicken breast is because it tastes the best and is the cheapest, I am also very busy so no time to cook other things + too much lactose fucks me up by giving me acne)
It all depends on the quality. If you buy shitty conventional chicken this won't be good, pretty bad actually. If it's farm raised chicken that had free range access, good. Same with the pasta, tortilla, oats. How quality is the grain source?
50g Almonds
There is no reason to eat almonds, they're not good. If you really want nuts then pick some with a decent mineral content and soak them.
You should soak those ideally.
0.5l 3.2% Milk
Conventional milk is not great. Get raw milk at least.
No reason you'd need these except if you're intentionally snacking
"Snacks" : Carrots/Carrot juice (for skin glow)
Beta-carotene is a meme. Not good to the point where it'd change how your skin actually looks.

Also you really should have more protein sources than just chicken. Like it's actually ridiculous how you have it pretty much every meal.
D3 2000IU
To little. Get one in mct oil and at least 10k iu.
Crappy supplement. It's going to be oxidized and rendered useless.
Vitamin C 1000
Just eat more fruit. Most vit c supplements are crappy.

You should add organs from a good source. Like liver and kidney from a chicken raised on pasture if you can. If you're concerned about about omega 3s you can get your hands on cod liver oil.
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It all depends on the quality. If you buy shitty conventional chicken this won't be good, pretty bad actually. If it's farm raised chicken that had free range access, good. Same with the pasta, tortilla, oats. How quality is the grain source?

There is no reason to eat almonds, they're not good. If you really want nuts then pick some with a decent mineral content and soak them.

You should soak those ideally.

Conventional milk is not great. Get raw milk at least.

No reason you'd need these except if you're intentionally snacking

Beta-carotene is a meme. Not good to the point where it'd change how your skin actually looks.

Also you really should have more protein sources than just chicken. Like it's actually ridiculous how you have it pretty much every meal.

To little. Get one in mct oil and at least 10k iu.

Crappy supplement. It's going to be oxidized and rendered useless.

Just eat more fruit. Most vit c supplements are crappy.

You should add organs from a good source. Like liver and kidney from a chicken raised on pasture if you can. If you're concerned about about omega 3s you can get your hands on cod liver oil.
What would u rate my diet for leanmaxxing?
It all depends on the quality. If you buy shitty conventional chicken this won't be good, pretty bad actually. If it's farm raised chicken that had free range access, good. Same with the pasta, tortilla, oats. How quality is the grain source?

There is no reason to eat almonds, they're not good. If you really want nuts then pick some with a decent mineral content and soak them.

You should soak those ideally.

Conventional milk is not great. Get raw milk at least.

No reason you'd need these except if you're intentionally snacking

Beta-carotene is a meme. Not good to the point where it'd change how your skin actually looks.

Also you really should have more protein sources than just chicken. Like it's actually ridiculous how you have it pretty much every meal.

To little. Get one in mct oil and at least 10k iu.

Crappy supplement. It's going to be oxidized and rendered useless.

Just eat more fruit. Most vit c supplements are crappy.

You should add organs from a good source. Like liver and kidney from a chicken raised on pasture if you can. If you're concerned about about omega 3s you can get your hands on cod liver oil.
Thanks a lot for the high effort high IQ reply
Here are some questions:

1.Why do you think almonds are bad? - I read they're high in calcium/magnesium and "healthy fats" (I have a problem with eating much - they're high in calories so I can easily up my calorie intake)

2.Alright - I am gonna stop with the carrots and vitamin C

3.I read that avocados and bananas are high in potassium - apparently good for you

4.Yes - I get the conventional supermarket chicken, the one that is easy to access, I eat so much of it to meet the protein requirements - it is cheap, doesn't cause any allergies and is high in protein(do you think I need more or less protein at that bodyweight?) What are some other decent protein sources that you'd recommend? Too much diary gives me acne and red dots on my skin (allergy), same thing with eggs. Protein powder (different types from different companies) usually make me have a crazy diarrhea.

5.How do you feel about canned fish? Is it pure dogshit or fine if I am a poorcel?

6.I've been eating this way for quite a bit (1,5year everyday), I noticed my breasts got slightly bigger (mild-gyno?) I was wondering if it could be because of the poor quality of chicken - I read somewhere that chicken nowadays is full of hormones and other garbage that can mess u up inside - what is your take on that?
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1.Why do you think almonds are bad? - I read they're high in calcium/magnesium and "healthy fats" (I have a problem with eating much - they're high in calories so I can easily up my calorie intake)
The calcium and magnesium are not very bioavailable as they're bound to phytates and other antinutrients, you can soak them to reduce them if want to. You most likely don't even need any more calcium since that's one of the nutrients that aren't really lacking on conventional diets. It's said the fats healthy because because they're unsaturated, but that's not true. If you want to improve hormones you need more saturated fats. Nuts have a bad omega 3/6 ratio and they're high in linoleic acid which is bad. Nuts are also contaminated with a bunch of pesticides, fungicides and other things that they spray on the crops.
You should supplement magnesium (ideally in a bioavailable form like glycinate) because the soil most crops are grown in is depleted in it.
3.I read that avocados and bananas are high in potassium - apparently good for you
There isn't much wrong with bananas and avocados apart from the things they're sprayed with but they aren't really that beneficial. You shouldn't be worried about potassium as you're getting a decent amount from meat. Also, the less carbs you eat the less potassium you need.
4.Yes - I get the conventional supermarket chicken, the one that is easy to access, I eat so much of it to meet the protein requirements - it is cheap, doesn't cause any allergies and is high in protein(do you think I need more or less protein at that bodyweight?) What are some other decent protein sources that you'd recommend? Too much diary gives me acne and red dots on my skin (allergy), same thing with eggs. Protein powder (different types from different companies) usually make me have a crazy diarrhea.
My favorite protein sources apart from eggs, lamb and beef (which I guess is too expensive for you) are cheese, raw milk, white beans and red lentils (maybe not the best) after soaking them overnight in salt water and raw whey (not powder). Also tilapia, ham and sausages but that wouldn't really be my recommendation.
5.How do you feel about canned fish? Is it pure dogshit or fine if I am a poorcel?
Farmed fish is trash and the ocean is decently polluted. There are concerns with the can lining. Ideally wouldn't do it more than once every two weeks and I'd also avoid fatty canned fish.

6.I've been eating this way for quite a bit (1,5year everyday), I noticed my breasts got slightly bigger (mild-gyno?) I was wondering if it could be because of the poor quality of chicken - I read somewhere that chicken nowadays is full of hormones and other garbage that can mess u up inside - what is your take on that?
Yes. Conventional chicken and eggs are very estrogenic.
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